#I NEED to peg Pannacotta Fugo
utenthy · 3 years
uuuuuuuuu more. more we need more... 35 38 and 41.....
35. a character you relate to
PANNACOTTA FUGO. hard stop. holy shit this kid. i relate to him so much it isn’t even funny everything about his character is so REAL. i am not going to get into it in depth but know that i have fugo complexes and problems
i also really really relate to kakyoin. yes i kin so what
38. characters you wish would interact
OH HMM. for positive reasons i think i would really really love to see jotaro and giorno interact. i think it could be really interesting. because even though he avoided going there to meet him, i think he would have a lot of softness in his heart for giorno if he were to meet him. 4taro is gentle with the kids in diu and he’s mellowed so much with age i think he could be a really good figure to look up to for giorno. giorno’s rolemodels are prettyyyyy dodgy and i think it would be good for giorno to meet someone who also underwent a lot at a young age and was able to grow into somebody not still stuck entirely in violence and whos been able to build some life for himself (even though his ptsd does still have a decaying effect on it... such as his divorce...) i think jotaro is a better example of what he could become (someone following his passions outside of stands and is calm and gentle) rather than bruno (someone who died for the same violence that took his childhood and never got to really grow out of it). at the least i think he could give some sage advice about being part of the wacky joestar bloodline. also i think jotaro’s hesitation to use the world shows that even he fears his own similarities to dio, and thus might be able to comfort giorno on that topic. please jotaro giorno bonding moment
for negative reasons i want kakyoin to interact with rohan because i want to see him get knocked down a peg. i want him to rob his house
41. a relationship between two characters you like
i really enjoy the dynamic between bruno and fugo. it’s probably my favorite to meditate upon in the series. i really wish araki had expanded on it more!! but im perfectly willing to do so MYSELF. bruno’s relationship with each of the kids is so compelling because i think at some point (at least with fugo and mista) they will have to reconcile the understanding that bruno recruiting them so young was possibly wrong and pretty harmful with their honest to god worship and deep love for bruno. but fugo in particular was only 13 when he joined and immediately became bruno’s right hand man. i think they see each other as family and at first bruno sees fugo as a younger version of himself and therefore his own self sacrificial nature (I COULD HANDLE THIS VIOLENCE AT HIS AGE so im sure he can too) clouds his perception of fugo. bruno for all his saintliness let kids sacrifice themselves for his sake because he was so deluded and certain that he as a traumatized child could never have a normal life again. and therefore neither could any of the others. but all this said i think they deeply care for one another. they spent so long together working and living and it was just their own little dysfunctional duo for a year. i like to think about 17 year old awkward gang member bruno trying hard to be intimidating and his little 13 year old glorified secretary is behind him GROWLING like a dog infinitely more scary than he could ever be. i think about fugo getting back from polpo’s test upset out of his mind and bruno listlessly trying to comfort him. buccellati it’s just like i told you im a monster im bad inside we can’t work together i don’t want to hurt you. no fugo no it’s ok no you’re not. (crazy 13 year old who hates themself voice) I AMMMMMM!!!!! poor bruno the worlds most down on their luck 17 year old single parent to a child with problems disorder
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