sadiecoocoo · 7 months
Rick & Morty fanfiction - SEAL Shenanigans
Relationships - Rick Sanchez & Morty Smith, Morty Smith/Evil Morty, Morty Smith & Summer Smith
Characters - Morty Smith, Rick Sanchez, Evil Morty, Other Ricks, Other Mortys, SEAL team Ricks, (mentioned) Summer Smith, (mentioned) Beth Smith, (mentioned) Jerry Smith
Warnings & tags - graphic depictions of violence, depressed morty smith, morty smith needs a hug, hurt morty smith, grandpa Rick Sanchez, Episode: s05e10 Rickmurai Jack, sort of, protective Rick Sanchez, jealous Rick Sanchez, no incest, platonic relationships, whump, no beta we die like Prime, out of character, but not horribly so, tags are hard, tags may change, suicide attempt
Summary - Rick abandoned Morty for two pea-brained birds. How is the 14-year-old supposed to cope? He chooses to go to the citadel and join the SEAL team to get his anger out on monsters and gromflomites. He's learned the lay of the land fairly well, but things get confusing when a mysterious, yet somehow familiar, Rick shows up and starts being nice to him.
He's seen countless Ricks not give a shit about whatever Morty they happen to use as a human shield for bullets and blades, so why is this Rick different?
(inspired by RustyChainSnorter's fic, Weird Rick. I highly suggest you go check it out!)
Chapters - 12/?
Current word count - 48,981
Link -
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cgogs · 1 year
I was reading Oxeye Daisy today. It absolutely broke me.
I found the fabric about three months ago, and for some reason, I couldn’t read it. Every time I tried, something told me, “not yet, but soon.” At the tune, I was in a really bad mental state, and my brain knew I would need to be fully mentally capable in order to digest your fic.
Today was apparently that day. I read it over the course of my day, reading a snippet in a checkout line, reading a chapter when I was in a deck chair, and finally finishing it when I got home.
There were many moments that struck me in this fic, but this one stood out to me the most. It was when young Dream’s wish slipped out of the music box, the one he wrote as a child. To me, that moment encapsulated the tragedy of this fic. That, although they always loved each other and will never stop, it isn’t enough. For reasons beyond their comprehension, their love cannot be enough to sustain them.
For a long time, I didn’t understand why people love tragedies. I thought, “Why read a sad story when the world is already sad?” But, after reading another fanfic that equally touched my heart, it dawned on me:
We read tragedies to make the sad stories matter.
Unfortunately enough, many individuals will have their lives end unhappily. They will live awful lives, and at the end, there will be no happy ending. Despite the progress we have made, people still suffer and die for no reason. No purpose.
But, when we write tragedies, we give those meaningless deaths purpose. We show that, even if the story ends unhappily, the story still matters.
Even though Dream and George may never get their happy ending in your universe, their love still mattered. It still deserved to be seen for how beautiful it is.
I have been in fandom for a long time, and there are certain fanfics that, to this day, I continue to think about. Fanfics from fandoms that I have left long ago, but their stories still remain.
Your fanfic has been added among to these fanfics.
No matter where you go in life, know this: you have changed my life. I will spend the rest of my life grateful that I got to know your story and your words. I know that this small ask won’t ever be enough to repay what you have given me, but maybe one day I will be able to give back what you have given me.
With the sincerest regards,
Thank you so much. I don't even know what to say. I'll reread this every time i have writers block. Im so glad you enjoyed and was able to absorb something deeper ohhh thid means so much to me 😭😭
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daenyara · 4 years
@bellamys replied to your post “Hearts Don’t Lie | epilogue”
omg i’m crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 thid may sound dumb, and i’m probably the only person who does this, but you ever see a fic, and you just KNOW it’s gonna be good, so you save it for later? put it on a shelf, save it for a rainy day. it’s your “break in case of emergency” fic? THIS WAS MINE! i’ve seen it on your masterlist ever since we became mutuals and i was always SO tempted to read it but was like NO NOT YET IT ISNT TIME. WELL it was finally time for me to read it and i loved it so much! pt1/?
the overbearing mother, the seemingly uninterested father who comes through in the final quarter. reader being cautious of bucky and realizing she judged him prematurely and apologizing WE LOVE GROWTH. i also really love how you wrote her having a friendship with steve. i feel like he always gets overlooked and forgotten during 40s au’s so the fact that he had a FRIEND who he could BOND with and talk about ART AND STUFF. love that for him. it’s what he deserves pt2/?
and then bucky, he’s just so smitten with her. he was playing the long game wjxnsnx walking her home, carrying her groceries, the banter, and when yvonne set them up he was like NOWS MY CHANCE and he took her to a place that serves kosher🥺 and even was like “would your mom really let it go after one date??” like he was so in live with her but was willing to PRETEND they’re dating to get her mom off her back for a lil bit but also he was like “maybe she can fall in love with me at the same time”
🥺👉👈” and then at the final date they both don’t know how to communicate and are getting upset and are like “fuck it i don’t wanna be your stupid friend” AND THEN THEY KISS AND WJXNSNXNS AHHHHHH poetic cinema. nothing will ever make me feel like this fic did. it was so beautiful and so well written and i’m so glad i decided to save it bc...I REALLY NEEDED THIS RN🥺 i’m so mad at the lack of notes on this series bc??? it’s so good??? why is everyone sleeping on this?? like hello?? pls read this
anyway i think i’m done ranting for now but thank you so much for writing this bby we don’t deserve u ilysm
I remember writing this fic. I remember pouring a lot of heart into it, choosing some of my favourite tropes and try to fit them into the story in a way that could feel ‘natural’. I remember putting effort into Bucky & the reader’s banter because I wanted the enemies-to-friends-to-fake-lovers-to-lovers to be gradual despite the few chapters, and I remember doing a lot of research (most of which I didn’t even end up using since it was a reader insert and I couldn’t put too many details!) Most of all, I remember loving this story and having fun writing it. I won’t lie, when I realize it was gonna have 1/10 of the attention of most of the other fics I had written, it was a little bit heart-breaking... so you can imagine how goddamn important your review is for me!!!!! and not just because you’re my friend and i value your opinion, but bc I can see you put as much attention into reading as I did while writing and it warms my heart in so many ways!!!! I’ve always loved 40s!Bucky (and Steve)’s potential, they were so different and yet still the same as their ‘present’ selves, and they’re just a whole lot of fun to write!!!!! Thank you so much for making my day (hell, not just one day tbh) 💖💖💖 from the bottom of my heart, I love you 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕
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marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://endtimeswatcher.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/chapter-three/ 2. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=68E1BAB450C903A4745F5717F93091FA08A797D9&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=22&ccid=WX50Bm4h&simid=608013658414779744&thid=OIP.WX50Bm4hLzaMdsj7bj1oRgEsEs 3. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=2E1F12619C30FC30166C29EA8277787C040D226B&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=23&ccid=G8HBgiKR&simid=608027887607087132&thid=OIP.G8HBgiKRfaJMK-ciC3nmKgEsDI 4. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-bdT-tHX7VOc%2fVKoZHGfPeGI%2fAAAAAAAAOhE%2fkTPlfysAu8A%2fs1600%2fThe%252BLORD%252Bof%252Bhosts%252B%252Bis%252Bwith%252Bus.jpg&ehk=B8TBlaaMGGLxTwuK4ym6Xg&w=480&h=320&c=7&p=0&r=0&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7 5. The devil was making all these supportive seeming references to the term I told about here n have referred to previously here called, Lord of Hosts. It looks really psycho. Here are a couple of examples, there are a ton of like positive references, it looks really ridiculous n sounds ridiculous. .... https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-bdT-tHX7VOc%2fVKoZHGfPeGI%2fAAAAAAAAOhE%2fkTPlfysAu8A%2fs1600%2fThe%252BLORD%252Bof%252Bhosts%252B%252Bis%252Bwith%252Bus.jpg&ehk=B8TBlaaMGGLxTwuK4ym6Xg&w=480&h=320&c=7&p=0&r=0&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7 Bing image link to the same image at the link preceding this one. .... https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=2E1F12619C30FC30166C29EA8277787C040D226B&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=23&ccid=G8HBgiKR&simid=608027887607087132&thid=OIP.G8HBgiKRfaJMK-ciC3nmKgEsDI Another image in the same search calling the Lord of a Host a "my redeemer." https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=68E1BAB450C903A4745F5717F93091FA08A797D9&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=22&ccid=WX50Bm4h&simid=608013658414779744&thid=OIP.WX50Bm4hLzaMdsj7bj1oRgEsEs Here in one image on a blog where i didn't see any more information on Lord of hosts the look is more sinister n evil. ..... https://endtimeswatcher.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/chapter-three/ That last one is the only negative image I saw looking at just like several in the Bing search. 6. "There is something I can't take off. It is to refer to something happening here that could not have been," the devil said of the Lord of Hosts thing. 7. "Something is happening that I won't be able to go on much longer. If I'm not okay as this god of many I won't be able to go on," the devil said out of the blue seemingly referring to the Lord of hosts thing. "It is what you think. I must go," the devil said. "They can see that Titty. They can see the labyrinth opening w the Lord of hosts thing," someone said in my mind. "They can hear him saying he has to leave," someone said. But I wrote something the devil said a moment ago, i guess I did not post it here, i thought i did. I wrote it in text messages, i will post it soon or I can check now if its on the clipboard. Someone said if i do another clipboard emptying post it'll be the last one, someone sees it's the end of the world approaching. But the devil we wwre figuring or piecing together one day has people trapped in something like a labarinth on the mind plane. One hefty thing used to trap people is the police n law enforcement here in devil world. It's something used to keep people from being able to be here. I was hearing in my mind that people were having some kind of thing occurring that as they were able to be present on the physical plane they were told they were met w some law enforcement figure here, i was told a couple of days ago someone was told they were to be met w a Federal Marshal, something like this. I'll check for that one thing i was going to put here that I wrote in text messages, it is the devil commenting on the Lord of Hosts thing. The thing was on the clipboard n I have pasted it here next, i had intended on posting it here, i thought i did but it is not on the page yet. .... "There is something I can't take off. It is to refer to something happening here that could not have been," the devil said of the Lord of Hosts thing -- end item -- "I have to tell I'm not doing that w the police but something is told .....," the devil said something like this just saying it seemed it wasn't able to do that w the police. "It's doing something, it's making I'm less. I can't have that. It was something in the mind plane, right. Does that make sense. I must go. Bye," the devil said. "I am not allowed to act like this so i have to tell something. I did something w the police. Oh god. I can't go on. Bye," the devil said. This is what I was told in my mind, thst it was something showing on the mind plane in some kind of representatives thing the devil has people trapped in that a major thing it is using to trap people to say they cannot be is the police n law enforcement. Then I was told people who were being able to be present in their form on the physical plane were to have some thing surface to say they would be met here w a Federal Marshall. 8. "Can I stop doing that but to be something like Lord of hosts I would have to tell what I did here in a way i wasn't okay," the devil said just now after it was pressing some stuff to try to say I should feel guilty, something like this. "Can I say I didn't say this if you're going to write it w such intent right," the devil said. #lordofhosts #endoftimes #enslaved #bodysnatchersociety #devilexposed #moneytalks #idolatry #babylon (#Britain wanted me to tag them) 9. "Whatever it means is it means I won't be able to go on," the devil said of the thing of being unrestrained as it is at the end of the world n it is exposed as different from mankind, ie not able to mix in n be undetected as something not okay as the environment it has here to reflect stiff mankind would have to take on in order for the devil yo be okay such as self restraint, etc n existing threat or punishment for certain behaviors one is to restrain themselves from such as speeding or litering or drinking (alcohol) n driving. Other things, too. Some break away from this. The devil was just tormenting me that I was crazy n that this was normal here, it was incredibly irritating n psycho. "Oh [my - ?] god. I don't know what to do. Bitch. I must go," the devil said. It keeps doing something w some pose it makes girls be doing to mimic a pose I did in a picture n video once. It is so horrible it is pressing these things I am supposed to be jealous n things. It is so weird it is so obsessed. It is trying to block my thoughts now to say i am not in touch w something of myself to write this. 10. https://m.facebook.com/kyote.leslie.18/posts/pcb.147426559335440/?photo_id=147426349335461&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.147426559335440%26photo%3D147426349335461%26profileid%3D100012434566027%26source%3D49%26refid%3D17%26ref%3Dcontent_filter%26_ft_%3Dtop_level_post_id.147426559335440%253Atl_objid.147426559335440%253Athrowback_story_fbid.147426559335440%253Athid.100022042895675%253A306061129499414%253A2%253A0%253A1509519599%253A-6402907709786412622%26__tn__%3DEH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1 11. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22852218_147426349335461_5320364942798388621_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=0a9faf228c0c8665d0588747243651bd&oe=5AAC9937 12. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p526x296/22814348_147426502668779_4767891481199495272_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=eed5563b511ab4956e8c9b386c4d215e&oe=5A66A007 13. Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, nit restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention to people being careful w their choices in speech n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not reasonable really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon 14. Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention should go to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if he is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #oneformankind 15. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/11694829_1763703820522879_9148483997874480968_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9ceedd566e37049e4fa39636338086e0&oe=5A7E8E96 16. Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if he is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #oneformankind 17. Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if a person is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic of the confederate flag, it just tries to obscure n demobilize people. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #onesideformankind 18. I'm going to repost my text from the previous post w the forever link to the image from the post I shared, the -- got distracted here. But the post had the image of the confederate flag n said it was not about hate. Here's my text from the post preceding this one w this image too I'll link to here. .... Text: Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if a person is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic of the confederate flag, it just tries to obscure n demobilize people. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #onesideformankind Image: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/11694829_1763703820522879_9148483997874480968_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9ceedd566e37049e4fa39636338086e0&oe=5A7E8E96 19. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1763703820522879&id=100006498334482&set=a.1378542012372397.1073741825.100006498334482&source=48 20. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1791446447813963&id=1765108700447738&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.384761038628109%3Atl_objid.384761038628109%3Athrowback_story_fbid.384761038628109%3Apage_id.1765108700447738%3Athid.100012826470215%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1509519599%3A-3221109336163712021&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R
0 notes
marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard
https://endtimeswatcher.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/chapter-three/https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=68E1BAB450C903A4745F5717F93091FA08A797D9&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=22&ccid=WX50Bm4h&simid=608013658414779744&thid=OIP.WX50Bm4hLzaMdsj7bj1oRgEsEs https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=2E1F12619C30FC30166C29EA8277787C040D226B&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=23&ccid=G8HBgiKR&simid=608027887607087132&thid=OIP.G8HBgiKRfaJMK-ciC3nmKgEsDI https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-bdT-tHX7VOc%2fVKoZHGfPeGI%2fAAAAAAAAOhE%2fkTPlfysAu8A%2fs1600%2fThe%252BLORD%252Bof%252Bhosts%252B%252Bis%252Bwith%252Bus.jpg&ehk=B8TBlaaMGGLxTwuK4ym6Xg&w=480&h=320&c=7&p=0&r=0&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7The devil was making all these supportive seeming references to the term I told about here n have referred to previously here called, Lord of Hosts. It looks really psycho. Here are a couple of examples, there are a ton of like positive references, it looks really ridiculous n sounds ridiculous. .... https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2f3.bp.blogspot.com%2f-bdT-tHX7VOc%2fVKoZHGfPeGI%2fAAAAAAAAOhE%2fkTPlfysAu8A%2fs1600%2fThe%252BLORD%252Bof%252Bhosts%252B%252Bis%252Bwith%252Bus.jpg&ehk=B8TBlaaMGGLxTwuK4ym6Xg&w=480&h=320&c=7&p=0&r=0&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7 Bing image link to the same image at the link preceding this one. .... https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=2E1F12619C30FC30166C29EA8277787C040D226B&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=23&ccid=G8HBgiKR&simid=608027887607087132&thid=OIP.G8HBgiKRfaJMK-ciC3nmKgEsDI Another image in the same search calling the Lord of a Host a "my redeemer." https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lord+of+hosts&id=68E1BAB450C903A4745F5717F93091FA08A797D9&view=detailv2&pc=SMSM&first=1&selectedindex=22&ccid=WX50Bm4h&simid=608013658414779744&thid=OIP.WX50Bm4hLzaMdsj7bj1oRgEsEs Here in one image on a blog where i didn't see any more information on Lord of hosts the look is more sinister n evil. ..... https://endtimeswatcher.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/chapter-three/ That last one is the only negative image I saw looking at just like several in the Bing search. "There is something I can't take off. It is to refer to something happening here that could not have been," the devil said of the Lord of Hosts thing. "Something is happening that I won't be able to go on much longer. If I'm not okay as this god of many I won't be able to go on," the devil said out of the blue seemingly referring to the Lord of hosts thing. "It is what you think. I must go," the devil said. "They can see that Titty. They can see the labyrinth opening w the Lord of hosts thing," someone said in my mind. "They can hear him saying he has to leave," someone said. But I wrote something the devil said a moment ago, i guess I did not post it here, i thought i did. I wrote it in text messages, i will post it soon or I can check now if its on the clipboard. Someone said if i do another clipboard emptying post it'll be the last one, someone sees it's the end of the world approaching. But the devil we wwre figuring or piecing together one day has people trapped in something like a labarinth on the mind plane. One hefty thing used to trap people is the police n law enforcement here in devil world. It's something used to keep people from being able to be here. I was hearing in my mind that people were having some kind of thing occurring that as they were able to be present on the physical plane they were told they were met w some law enforcement figure here, i was told a couple of days ago someone was told they were to be met w a Federal Marshal, something like this. I'll check for that one thing i was going to put here that I wrote in text messages, it is the devil commenting on the Lord of Hosts thing. The thing was on the clipboard n I have pasted it here next, i had intended on posting it here, i thought i did but it is not on the page yet. .... "There is something I can't take off. It is to refer to something happening here that could not have been," the devil said of the Lord of Hosts thing -- end item -- "I have to tell I'm not doing that w the police but something is told .....," the devil said something like this just saying it seemed it wasn't able to do that w the police. "It's doing something, it's making I'm less. I can't have that. It was something in the mind plane, right. Does that make sense. I must go. Bye," the devil said. "I am not allowed to act like this so i have to tell something. I did something w the police. Oh god. I can't go on. Bye," the devil said. This is what I was told in my mind, thst it was something showing on the mind plane in some kind of representatives thing the devil has people trapped in that a major thing it is using to trap people to say they cannot be is the police n law enforcement. Then I was told people who were being able to be present in their form on the physical plane were to have some thing surface to say they would be met here w a Federal Marshall. "Can I stop doing that but to be something like Lord of hosts I would have to tell what I did here in a way i wasn't okay," the devil said just now after it was pressing some stuff to try to say I should feel guilty, something like this. "Can I say I didn't say this if you're going to write it w such intent right," the devil said. #lordofhosts #endoftimes #enslaved #bodysnatchersociety #devilexposed #moneytalks #idolatry #babylon (#Britain wanted me to tag them) "Whatever it means is it means I won't be able to go on," the devil said of the thing of being unrestrained as it is at the end of the world n it is exposed as different from mankind, ie not able to mix in n be undetected as something not okay as the environment it has here to reflect stiff mankind would have to take on in order for the devil yo be okay such as self restraint, etc n existing threat or punishment for certain behaviors one is to restrain themselves from such as speeding or litering or drinking (alcohol) n driving. Other things, too. Some break away from this. The devil was just tormenting me that I was crazy n that this was normal here, it was incredibly irritating n psycho. "Oh [my - ?] god. I don't know what to do. Bitch. I must go," the devil said. It keeps doing something w some pose it makes girls be doing to mimic a pose I did in a picture n video once. It is so horrible it is pressing these things I am supposed to be jealous n things. It is so weird it is so obsessed. It is trying to block my thoughts now to say i am not in touch w something of myself to write this. https://m.facebook.com/kyote.leslie.18/posts/pcb.147426559335440/?photo_id=147426349335461&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.147426559335440%26photo%3D147426349335461%26profileid%3D100012434566027%26source%3D49%26refid%3D17%26ref%3Dcontent_filter%26_ft_%3Dtop_level_post_id.147426559335440%253Atl_objid.147426559335440%253Athrowback_story_fbid.147426559335440%253Athid.100022042895675%253A306061129499414%253A2%253A0%253A1509519599%253A-6402907709786412622%26__tn__%3DEH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1 https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/22852218_147426349335461_5320364942798388621_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=0a9faf228c0c8665d0588747243651bd&oe=5AAC9937 https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/p526x296/22814348_147426502668779_4767891481199495272_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=eed5563b511ab4956e8c9b386c4d215e&oe=5A66A007 Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, nit restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention to people being careful w their choices in speech n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not reasonable really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention should go to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if he is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #oneformankind https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/11694829_1763703820522879_9148483997874480968_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9ceedd566e37049e4fa39636338086e0&oe=5A7E8E96 Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if he is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #oneformankind Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if a person is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic of the confederate flag, it just tries to obscure n demobilize people. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #onesideformankind I'm going to repost my text from the previous post w the forever link to the image from the post I shared, the -- got distracted here. But the post had the image of the confederate flag n said it was not about hate. Here's my text from the post preceding this one w this image too I'll link to here. .... Text: Things should be more open minded. #outwtheold This is better if someone is to be able to address that stuff isn't to be seen n explained narrowly. Flags can seem not very meaningful at all but this is a stereotypical debate or disagreement n political correctness gets too much weight here, meaning in regard to the confederate flag. This sensitivity is misplaced, things should be more humane as far as concern n care goes, not restrictive of freedom n freedom of speech. Lines should be redrawn or things tossed away that mean little like attention n effort to make people be careful w their choices in speech, n new attention to things being better for people n livable for people should take precedence. It's a awkward thing here w speech but the concern for how people are treated is not at a reasonable level really. It's a bit scary here in that regard. People are not to be so mistreated n given so little space to be as if a person is so prone to mistake n mishap to be free n be himself. As I was writing this I heard from someone in my mind that he's aware this is a false divide that the devil has created over this issue n topic of the confederate flag, it just tries to obscure n demobilize people. #zombies #fakedebate #politicalcorrectness #indifferencetohumansuffering #narrowminded #freedomofspeech #freeman #peopleshouldbefree #peopleshouldbethemselves #peopleshouldbehumane #humandignity #homelessness #harsh #sensitivity #bodysnatchersociety #meaninglessness #babylon #rightolive #afalsedivide #afalsereality #ruledbythedevil #peopledivided #twosides #onesideformankind Image: https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/11694829_1763703820522879_9148483997874480968_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=9ceedd566e37049e4fa39636338086e0&oe=5A7E8E96 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1763703820522879&id=100006498334482&set=a.1378542012372397.1073741825.100006498334482&source=48 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1791446447813963&id=1765108700447738&refid=17&_ft_=top_level_post_id.384761038628109%3Atl_objid.384761038628109%3Athrowback_story_fbid.384761038628109%3Apage_id.1765108700447738%3Athid.100012826470215%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A0%3A1509519599%3A-3221109336163712021&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R
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