#I actually have to do good this year tho cus people are now paying attention to my grades
Guess who's doing all nighter again!
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lizzibennet · 4 years
wait bro u know skin? can u be my friend who knows skin and can help me cus I don’t have any irl... my skin has gotten soo bad recently. I mostly break out along my hairline and jawline but also a lot on my cheeks and have been getting really bad stuff on my chest and shoulders all of a sudden too. I haven’t switched any shampoo/facewash or anything, same routine I’ve had for years and just use dr. bronners :( I use oil free acne wash like once a day or every few days and a light moisturizer. idk what else to do. I guess maybe antidepressants??? idk tho I’ve been on them for a while like 6 months and it just got bad like a month ago so idk if that’s it. I definitely pick my skin a LOT ik it’s bad but all of the pimples usually r just like whiteheads/eventually pop not usually cystic!!! help?!??!!? should I stick to a more regimented routine maybe ? I sometimes use the Aztec clay mask too!
my entire existence basically consists on being the friend who knows skin lmao
okay so let me rip the bandaid right away because this is going to bother you - castile soap is not safe for use on skin, and the aztec clay mask, while not unsafe, doesn’t do much for people with acne. so you ask if you should stick to a more regimented routine - that depends but definitely one without these components! yes i know people swear by these but trust me I wouldn’t tell my worst enemy to even go near castile soap lmao
ok so it seems to me that you have a combination of irritation because of the wrong products and closed comedones that are causing acne because of inadequate cleansing. first, the fact you haven’t changed your products in a while doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not the ones causing your irritation, you can “build up” an allergy over time. I had used normal nail polish for 17 years of my life every week without fail and without problem until one day it seemed like my face was gonna fall off, boom, contact dermatitis because of the formol in nail polish that had literally never been a problem before. I would rec you try to identify which product it is by taking them out one at a time so you can be sure which one it actually is - so like, switch your body wash one week. does your skin get better, especially the body acne? if it does, it’s the wash, if it doesn’t, then the next week you switch out your shampoo, etc, until you figure out which one is the culprit, then switch that out for the most neutral product you can find - preferably go to those marketed at sensitive skinned people, even if you’re not sensitive yourself, because they’re gonna be really gentle, and just try to let your skin breathe and soothe it until some of the inflammation goes down. I’m glad you already use a moisturizer, because dehydrated breakouts just won’t heal properly, and in that phase of figuring out where your skin actually wants to go it’s important to keep your moisture barier healthy. the placement of your breakouts in your hair/jawline + shoulders/chest seems to point in the direction that it’s one product that is inadequate, but also that you’re probably not cleansing your skin properly. to be clear i am NOT calling you dirty pls!! it’s just that products tends to build overtime in certain parts of our body, it’s natural that we sometimes will overlook some parts and in fact I used to deal with the same thing as you because I used to wash my body before my hair in the shower so conditioner would build up in my shoulders and I didn’t even realize. I think paying more attention to cleansing in those areas (GENTLY PLS I mean cleansing not sanding skin off) could be of great help to you, esp with your body acne. if you don’t use something like a loofah already it’s probably a good idea to start, and when you wash your face/body, make sure you do it after you’ve used any hair products. also, when you’re washing your face, you should be doing it for 60 secs at the very least (not more than 3 tho, just not necessary) so maybe it isn’t even that you’re missing spots, it’s a matter of paying a lil bit more love to those places. I think the solution to what you have is likely very simple and related to just finding a more adequate routine and by the description you gave I don’t think it’s linked to any hormonal imbalance which is lucky bc those are much harder to deal with! now u know you shouldn’t be popping your pimples even if they eventually pop naturally, I know you know this and I won’t sit here and lecture you bc I know it’s not as simple as just “welp, I’ll stop” but please try to make an effort to at least do it less often and to touch your face less in general. in short there is def one thing irritating your skin the most, figure out what that is and then help your skin recover from that with lots of LOOOVE and patience. in the future I also think a body wash/moisturizer with some sort of chemical exfoliant would be interesting to you as it is with most of us acne prone body peeps, but rn just think of being as gentle as you possibly can and keeping any stress to a minimun!! I tried to give an overall view but if you want to ask anything more specific feel free to ask and I will try my best to help <3
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angel-nero · 7 years
20? 33? 34?
20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf all the time cus If im blind I wouldn’t b able to draw. Idk is better to see than hear lol
33. The death penalty?
Opinions on this… this is a usa thing haha. I don’t even know under what decisions they do this but… ?? Uuhh, okay, here people who have done nothing could spend more than 20 years without a real sentence. Or do something of one year worth it and still have 20 years in jail without being judged. It fucking sucks. I know a person who was close to my family that is in jail for years now and doesn’t has a sentence yet and I have seen how his family suffer. I have read tho, cases that really fucking makes you sick to your stomach. Let’s say this, if they follow the law so rightly and apply death sentence to people who have done incredible wrong and to people who did nothing, they should apply the other law too. My country is full of impunity and makes me so mad. The world is full of impunity. The fucking answer lol is I don’t think i accept death sentence :-/ i just want people who deserve to be in jail b in jail and if they did something incredible wrong would stay fucking there. Not paying a fucking judge piece of shit and getting out. Like rn, here, in my city, a single (1) case of rape, of a lot, got really fucking famous and national. A lil bit of international too. So the fucking law moved its fucking ass. Just because the attention it got. But it was both rich people so rich people get to cheat. And they’re cheating its way out of jail aaah blah blah. Fuckin makes me real mad. Like, for real, my own president deserves to be in jail. For killing. And the governor of my city who was missing 6 months rn is in its way to jail but im suspecting im also seeing in my damn tv how that bitch is gonna cheat its way out of jail. 
34. Marijuana ? I’ve heard people say that drugs makes u crazy and shit. And I also can see uh, folks that were friends with my parents or the friends of them and are completely nuts rn. Anyway, drugs don’t make u crazy but accelerate the illness u were gonna have anyway. As if i’d have… Alzheimer at 80 years old i’d be accelerating that and having it younger. Or schizophrenia. Bleh, I’m not as informed in this area. However, I fucking hate the videos my fb friends share about it being so fucking good. Almost better than a fucking sandwich and water. I fucking hate those videos about any drug is like, shut up???? Haven’t you see!!!??? The real shit? My cousin also have been in jail and is a mess cus of it. And! Here it’s not as easy to have it as in the states, really. It’s also way more illegal. Uh but ofc everyone wants it to be legal. Even the actual president who is a fucking monster lol have considered it. And some people argue about “yo, if it’s legal! Then contrabando will not exist!!!!???” Fucking bullshit? It’s like guns in usa. Bleh bleh bleh. I also hate the false image people build of themselves by it. Just smoke it and be normal but shut up??? Who cares about your stupid plant??? I dont want to see ur ideotic face w weed smoke on my ig stories you just seem very stupid actually and w these emojis 😎😎😎 cool cus smoking???? Nah. Stupid. I just hate the fake information of it. Wouldn’t smoke it cus i dont wanna be picked up by the marines who would take me for a “ride” to another town and would idk, beat me so i give em info of where i got it and would scream to me and shit to b left in jail after hours and being dehydrated and to have my parents crying and paying a lot of focken money for my lame ass, for me to b real addict and spending a year in some free rehab center w 0 comfort reading the Bible, cleaning till skin bleeds and making cookies to then go and sell them. Too much trouble.
This got incredible long and I apologize!!!!!! Touchy themes makes me touchy!!! Have seen lot of bullshit lol but thanks, I got critical for once lol. 2016 also was a year of also me being critical af, 24/7. So its like going back and not be in how chill af i’ve been in 2017 i almost feel guilty haahahahaha shit this sucks
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vescoisland · 4 years
Daybe's Thoughts on The New Jason Isbell Record, Without Research
H/T to Mr. Thoughts on The Dead
I wanted to like this album. Well, at first I was wary, but by the time they FINALLY released it, after holding it for 8 weeks during national quarantine, the whole time which the record had been finished, mastered and pressed, I had talked myself into wanting to like it. 
  I don’t hate it so much as….
  I have a friend who hates slow music. This isn’t the thing where I’m “asking for a friend.” She really says “even fast songs that are actually slow music are terrible.”
  About 86% of the time I 100% agree with her. This is where we get to the heart of my problem with Jason Isbell solo records. 
  This is boring music. 
  I get it, it’s Poignant. Keep mining the purity of the south with a gothic twist. Tell me again how sobriety is hard. 
  Either that or have the courage to be a drunken buffoon – which makes you poetic. 
  Overall this is a boring samey-sounding album, and I would argue his second misstep in terms of music that I’ll return to, after The Nashville Sound, which is a fucking snoozer.
  After his dig in the press about Ryan Adams, I learned that there is a song on The Nashville Sound called “Chaos and Clothes” which is about Ryan Adams. I had to look up the song and listen to it upon hearing the title, because I didn’t have any recollection of having heard it. 
  It’s not a good song.
  Or a remarkable song.
  Despite being about a guy he’s obviously obsessed with, amirite?
  I do like the line about “Death Metal T Shirts” though. 
  Be better if it was The Eagles of Death Metal. 
  Or All Night Drug Prowling Wolves. 
  You were doing a good job of keeping this on track
  Oh yeah, Reunions. New album by Mr. and Mrs. Jason Isbell and The 400 Units
  That’s not fair. You barely mention Yoko Tammy in your song by song review bit you stole from Thoughts on The Dead after Chrid and Chaz made fun of you. 
  Released to much fanfare and press ogling. 
  So much press ogling that I got caught up and started to ogle. 
  In politics there’s The Full Russert. 
  So what do we call Koppleman Pod, Hyden Fawning, New York Times Article and a full length story on The CBS Sunday Morning Liberal Good Time Power Hour?
  “Pay attention to this one Southern guy who let’s you in on the jokes we tell about our neighbors?”
  You’re such a dick 
  I didn’t love any of the songs I heard that were released as a teaser. I thought they were all pretty meh, for pretty much the same reasons.
  They weren’t terrible but they also led me to not pre-order the album. 
  I pre-ordered it but you heard it before me!
  I ordered direct from the label and it finally just got here yesterday
  Shoulda ordered it from an Indie™ Record Store, from the approved list of Stores Tammy Likes
  Shouldn’t the label be treated the same way? It’s direct from them. No Middleman. More change to jingle in the coin purse between her tits!
  Now you’re starting to sound like me.
  Quiet you. I still haven’t listened. Sorry they changed the rules on my halfway through not releasing their album. They sure weren’t in a hurry.
  It’s a slower pace of life down here, Gar. 
  I hate you – I’m just saying they could have included people like me who ordered direct from the label and gave them more money for her Tammy Tops and his terrible sneaker habit
It’s not about MONEY, MAAAAANNN! They’re supporting indie shops. The Plandemic is wreaking havoc on the economy, and we gotta save the dudes who made enough in banking during the last crisis to open over priced record stores to sell hipster douchebags like us vinyl copies of stuff we used to own on CD. 
  I’m losing patience. You told me you had “some thoughts” on the new record. I accused you of having a weird obsession, to show me you don’t you stole an idea we gave you about a dumb blog…
  I only listened to three of the four songs released before the full record was put out.
  I didn’t listen to Only Children. Keep reading – I guess I still haven’t.
  Oh yeah. 
  The other day, in the run up to the release, I flashed to a long forgotten review of Wilco’s “Summerteeth” from the time it was released that said something to the effect of “Jeff Tweedy still thinks repeating the name of the same over and over is a good stand in for a real chorus” 
  The same might be said for Jason Isbell on Reunions
  What Have I Done to Help? 
            Jesus Christ Trump has broken everyone’s brains. 
This song was written after reading the Mr. Rogers anecdote “Look to the helpers too many times”
            This is better than I thought
            The lyrics are better than I thought 
            It’s too repetitive
            It’s too long 
            Did they make the vinyl orange because of this song?
            Or is it called dreamsicle because they wanted Orange vinyl?
            This is very dangerously close to being a Cracker Barrel country song. 
            Did granddaddy take you fishin? 
            Lightning Bugs?? 
            Where’s Dave Daniels?
  Only Children
            I’m listening to this as I write my thoughts in real time
            I forgot to write anything down here
            The sound is interesting at first 
This is where I can hear what he was talking about in interviews about chasing an 80s sound 
            Whooo boy 
            Lyrics bad
            Chorus worse
  Eyes Closed
            80s Soundz!
            Are we sure this isn’t produced by Ryan Adams?
            Sounds like Isbell cum Kcor and Llor Era DRA 
            Still just repeating the name of the song as the chorus 
            He’s a slave owner?
            OK he’s some kind of rich guy who did bad things to get money?
            But tries to take care of his people?  
            Guilty Conscience Melodrama
            Not the worst song on here 
            Is there a Spanish guitar undertone?
“Wake up staring at my wife”à Fiddle Lick is either self-awareness or a complete lack of awareness about Yoko Tammy. 
I’m gonna go with B, because say what you will about them, he is very dedicated to her and that’s nice to see. Especially after she offered to by McAllan for his not quite relapse so he didn’t have to drink Listerine. 
  Be Afraid
            What Have I Done to Help Redux?
            Two sides of the same extremely repetitive recitation of the song title as chorus coin
            It actually sounds a little like a Truckers song at the beginning
            Morphs into that 80s/Springsteen/DRA sound 
  St. Peter’s Autograph 
            Is this in a higher key than it should be? Is that what they call it? I’m not a musician
WAY TOO SLOW. I heard him talk about this on Koppelman, so I was prepared for it  to be slow. But it’s like not slow enough to be a dirge. Maybe they shoulda made it a dirge?
Nails that folk singer thing where it’s like mumbly and then clear tho.
  It Gets Easier
            I haven’t had a drink in almost a year. 10 ½ months. I’ve had 2 drinking dreams.
            I’ve never really been tempted to drink 
            So this doesn’t ring true to my experience
            DON’T MAKE IT ABOUT YOU 
            Who dreams about anything twice a week? 
            What adult remembers their dreams?
            It’s for effect, you dummy! 
OH, well, the effect it had on me is “I guess I was never an actual alcoholic. Maybe I’m just a real partier?”
This gets to the heart of my question about mining sobriety for too much? 
It’s been remarkably easier to not drink than to make it through this record
That’s a cheap shot! 
I know. 
  Sometimes in reviews and in our terrible internet meme-based culture you have to stake out one side and die on that hill. 
  That’s a mixed metaphor 
  Tammy wouldn’t allow it
  She was gonna be an English teacher before the rack job.
  That’s made up, isn’t it?
  Where were we?
  Oh yeah, I don’t hate this song, or any song on this album 
  I just expect more 
  That’s your problem 
  What is?
  It’s True
  I tried very hard to set the bar low, figuring it might surprise me
  Then I read reviews and interviews.
  The one where he talks about over producing his first album really got to you didn’t it? Celebrities – they’re try hards just like us! 
  I like Jason 
He’s witty and funny
And a Great Musician
He’s a good ambassador 
For the region 
For getting cleaned up
For the Bitter Southerner Meets Stoner Dad Who Watches Southern Charm and Likes Expensive Sneakers set
  You mean you?
  I want to like this more
It’s very slow
And doesn’t do much for me
  It’s…….. a Jason Isbell Record. 
  I cued it up again, trying to focus on the sound on my second run through.
  Ya know The Vibe? The thing that you can’t put your finger on that makes a thing a thing. 
  Anyway, my mind drifted to seeing him in concert again.
  The setting was definitely more Lyric Theater than MPAC. 
  The crowd was a lot of selvage denim, beards and elaborate barbershop hair cuts. Work boots, but like, $250 work boots. Belt buckles. 
  Like you’d dress if you were 4 inches shorter and had muscle tone?
  You’re not my real dad!
  A lot of dudes with their eyes closed, singing along to these songs like they’re hymns. Drinking in the “depth” of Saint Isbell. 
  House lights are down. Stage lighting is just a spot on him 
  Don’t forget the soft lighting on Tammy!
  Did you notice I barely mentioned her in the review? She really takes a step back here, IMO. 
  Strangely that might not be a good thing?
  Jesus now you’re a Tammy apologist?
  She don’t gotta apologize for them titties!
  Right after he sings “It gets easier”
  He says “But it never gets easy!” and the house lights come up, and his voice goes up 3 notches in volume, and the stoned dads (some of whom are sipping 1-3 canned IPAs) cheer. 
  Rinse Repeat
  Kind of 
  There’s another song on here
  Yeah – Letting You Go
  Oh yeah, the bro country sounding joint about his daughter?
  I actually like this and give it a pass for being a cheesy dad song.
If I still drank, I’d cue this up and get weepy!
You just said you don’t think about drinking!
I said I don’t DREAM about drinking!
  You are so fucking awful
  The. Worst. 
  Also, this sounds like something I know. 
  The cadence. The flow of the song. 
  Jesus you do this all the time
  Remember the time you got blotto at Springsteen and insisted that American Land was the same as The Georgia Tech fight song?
  It is!
  It is not! 
Well, it sounded like it that night
  We know, you sang it the whole way home
  I was dreaming about drinking! 
  God you’re a dick, but I’m going to let that one pass before this ends up being 5000 words
  Why does a Dawg know the words to Rambling Wreck?
              We are both going to have to let some things pass if you ever want me to end this
    (this sounds weirdly like Seven Years in Michigan in parts)
(the fiddle really ads something)
(Super 8 is still his best song)
      KILL. YOUR. SELF. 
             Check out this episode!
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yoonasgf · 7 years
171013- saturday a rant dnt bother reading
i feel like i wanna talk to someone but then i think about it and what am i even expecting ? whenever i say smth i regret it immediately so just thinking abt expressing whats bothering me to others i just know ill regret adn feel guilty and embarrassed about it later so i never talk to anyone abt anything that goes on in my mind and it gets to the point where its so over bearing i feel like its drowning my head somehow , im so.. lonely wld be the word but lonely in my thoughts but like that doesnt even make sense idk im just writing here bc i need to let my feelings out somehow and i’d usually do it on twitter but like the 140 characters thing anyway i just feel like i want to let things out but whenevr i do i never like the answer i get, like if they give me advice i feel annoyed cus i wasnt asking for help i was simply stating how i felt (and most of the time its stuff that cant really be fixed?), if they tell me stuff like “i love you !” its like ok? ik its mean but someone elses love does not affect my situation at all since its an inner issue that doest rly have to do with self-esteem, and if they just are like ‘yeah’ or ‘thats so bad:(’ ijust feel like theyre not paying attention (even if they are) which makes me regret opening up, so i dont really know what im expecting when i vent to someone i guess i just want to feel like someone is listening to me idk im like so full of thoughts and feelings. writing this feels like its calming me down a little bit so i think im just gonna keep writing, in english (its funny how id rather open up in english since its my second language i feel more alienated from it so it feels less real? what im talking about seems less seriousdk) so whats circling in my mind is that i dont have anyone im urging to meet i dont have anyone i truly like anymore and that my ladies is so fucking sad and frustrating that ive mentally grown apart from my friends im just not myself when im with them and sure my fake-extroverted persona ive built throughout highschool is good at doing her job and she still gets along with them so well but now it feels like that side of me, the fake one, is another person like we used to share some “mental common ground” but not anymore i just dont have anything in common with that persona anymore so whenever im with my old friends i just become her it’s like i completely leave reality it makesme so lonely inside. and i cant help it its unvoluntary how i switch places with the other me i cant stop it and i hate it because i feel like its drowning me alive, along with my personal issues. lately ive been isolating myself a lot, i stay in the classroom during recess and i havent gone out in like a month.actually last time i went out i decided i just wont go out anymore i just think its not for me i truly dont have fun. is that okay like is that normal? like is just dont enjoy the loudness and the kind of jokes that go on, i think if grown too fast. i justdont wannatalk about drinking andsex and how evil the math teacher is, like its fine once ia while but iwanna discuss science and philosohy and share thoughs too,  anything else is so irrelevant it’s so sos irrrelevant to me. not that i dont enjoy good laughs anddrinking, but for that i feel like i wanna be with someone who is special to me? like someone whoi respect intellectually first, and then we can laugh at dog memes. someone i can show my realpersona to,and the thing is i have my best friends she’s literally so perfect bc she’s smart but also silly so we can talk abt hitler but then we can talk abt that one episode of sponge bob ? but the thing is shes graduating this year, and she has like an almost boyfriend, so i decided i should start getting used to her not beingwith me, but thats way more lonely than i thought. the guy thing, it wasnt planned, and shes with her crush most of the time which i totally understand i watn them to be together and stuff but i dont have anyone else but her- that is the real me not the fake persona, the fake persona hasmany people- but i though “she deserves this” so decided to step back so they can concentrate on each other. she ofc wouldve never asked this of me, but it seems like it was the best, sometimes i feel like a huge burden to her. but now imrealizing how lonely it has made me, being with her is like letting go of a breath that ive been holding and im realizing how much i need her. so i thought of like ‘slipping’ back in but im faced with the fact that we will infact part ways when she graduates because we’re attending universities in different parts of the country so maybe i should be getting used to the solitude, until someone else comes. and someone else seems to be here, this one friend i have in my new class, but im so scared of opning up to her, im scared of her kindness to me. i always think “why is she so nice? why does she stand up for me” at first she wasa bit too rough for me but as we spent time together i think she realized what kind of person i am and changed her ways so now were getting closer and closer and it makes me so 불안해 and 두려워 (idk how to express the sentiment in english) i dont even know what im scared of, it;s not like ive been hurt before in that way i think? maybe i have i cant remember. the point is, i know i should let this person in because she’d help me but i just cant seem to opne the freaking door its like my hand is shakinly holding teh doorknob without actually twisting it. i do think i will eventually tho. anyway. i was saying i spend alot of time alone these days, reading,studying, twitter, watching stuff, and its really nice i really do enjoy being by myself but i honestly dont have manyb things to do? so eventually the Thoughts come, and lately what ive been meditating is how the reason why i dont get close or attached to people (again the fake me might get closed but not me) is because simply no one is as good company to me as myself? which is fine wyou know many people feel like that, but i hate that if im alone poeple thinkg i dont have friends or that im sad and they think its bad that i am alone which is really not the case. i could be with ppl if i wanted to i just chose not to. theres this particular guy in my class actually, who thinks he has to be my friends bcim often alone and it irriates me so much bc 1. hes interrumpting my enjoyable me-time 2. he does it out of pity and boi do i hate pity like sometimes i just stay in the classroom doing homework or reading and he comes in likw “why are u always alone:(” because i want to you fucking dumbass andtoday or maybe it was yesterday particularly he said “why are you always alone is it becayse you dont have freinds bc you went on exchange and dont know anyone” llike um no im alone because i literally want to be alone you absolute dipshit and ido have 10 times more friends than you i just dont feel like being wit hthem you fucking asshole it pissed me off so much as if he’s ?? helping in anyway ?? i just wish anyone whosaw me alone wld tjust think ‘i guess she likes being alone’ isntead of thinking that im alone bc no one is willing to keep me company. isuddenly got really mad writting this. i think this really calmed me downishould do it more often its not like anyone who follows me here wld open it, like ideally this is whatdiaries are for but i dnt like to waste paper. im gonna write the date as well 
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