#I actually took some time to add to and refine this this morning so I'm sharing all of this snippet lol
thatcrazycrowgirl · 10 months
You also get a bouquet of 🌹:) love you!
*happily takes bouquet*
@havatnah, my friend, thank you so much for sending me this a while back, and I'm sorry I didn't have anything presentable to share sooner. But looking through my documents, I did manage to find something decent from my 1888!Syndicate AU idea. It does feature my OC, Magnolia, buuuut despite that, I thought you'd appreciate some soft older!Jacob spending the morning in bed - so here you go! ;) Hope you enjoy this little WIP snippet! <3
A/N: For some context, this takes place post-JTR DLC, dealing with the repercussions of the events of the Autumn of Terror. (I think I wrote this up after watching a few episodes of "Ripper Street".) Features brief (not major) mentions of scars from wounds and a tiny bit of angst mixed with fluff - a word of warning, just in case?
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Magnolia sucked on her bottom lip as she continued to look over the countless letters, photographs, and newspaper clippings with exhausted frustration. She hadn't bothered to rise from bed or even get dressed, as the contents of the papers distracted her not long after she woke up. But fortunately, despite the chill of the morning kissing her bare shoulders, the bed was still warm. Lying on her stomach, she crossed her arms and rested her chin on them with a huff.
"It doesn't make any sense!" she exclaimed in a louder whisper than intended.
"What doesn't…?" Jacob's voice, groggy and rendered even deeper than usual, due to just being roused from sleep, asked softly.
"All of this!" she responded immediately without thinking. It then occurred to her that she was no longer the only one awake, and that her outburst may have pulled her lover from his peaceful sleep. She glanced over at him sheepishly. "Oh. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."
"Mmm…don't worry about it, love," he mumbled in return, still blinking the sleep from his hooded eyes. "It's probably time I got up, anyway." He attempted to stretch his muscles, and winced a little at the dull ache that still remained in some parts of his recovering body. Then, with as much effort as he could manage, he rolled over onto his belly and half rested himself upon the young woman's bare back. "Did you sleep well?"
She lifted a hand up and cupped his cheek in acknowledgement, her thumb brushing over one of his sideburns. "Yeah, just fine," she replied, throwing a small smile over her shoulder. "You?"
"Mmm-hmm…" he hummed, the tip of his nose dancing over her warm skin. He then grinned just a little. "You just about wore me out last night," he teased.
Sir Jacob Frye, the man who had barely a reason to smile over the last year, was now teasing - no - flirting again. Who'd have thought he still had it in him?
However, his smile faded when he didn't get much of a response back from his lover, and he looked up to see she was once again engrossed in the myriad of papers and pictures sprawled out in front of her.
He sighed.
He knew realistically that despite the Ripper now being deceased, his memory and the effects of his reign of terror over London wasn't going to immediately fade from the public's recollection. But that didn't stop the tiny, idealistic part of him that remained, even after all that had happened, to hope that he could settle back down to some level of normalcy in his life - including enjoying the company of his sweetheart in bed, without anything relating to the outside world bleeding in.
He pressed a gentle kiss upon her shoulder blade.
"Why don't you put those things aside for the moment?" he tried again, his lips still pressing kisses against her skin. "It's too early."
It was then that Magnolia seemed to finally catch onto Jacob's subtly needy tone, and she glanced over her shoulder once more. Seeing his eyes, when he lifted them to meet hers, she couldn't help feeling a little guilty for letting her borderline-obsessive need to piece things together to interrupt what should be a peaceful morning.
Her own eyes flickered with a hint of sympathy. ""Oh, Jacob…I'm sorry." She then gathered everything in front of her and tossed the pile onto the nightstand, not caring when some papers fell to the floor, before turning over onto her back and wrapping her arms around her lover's neck. "Come here…come here."
She gently pulled Jacob down towards her and met his lips sweetly. She heard him sigh contently into the kiss and she smiled a bit against his mouth. Deepening it, a soft moan escaped her. She wanted to him to know that he was still more important to her than her work. He had to know.
Nevertheless, he still pulled back momentarily. He looked a tad uncertain.
"You know, you don't have to do th–"
His words were silenced with another kiss.
"Trust me; obligation is the furthest thing from my mind," she then told him with a hint of a smile, before touching her forehead to his. "Thanks for bringing me back to the here and now."
A soft and relieved look surfaced in Jacob's eyes, and he brushed the tip of his nose against Magnolia's. "Thanks for being with me here and now," he cooed.
He kissed her once more before shifting his body somewhat to lay his head upon her shoulder. His nose now nuzzled against her neck, as she began to run one of her hands through his messy hair. Her other arm wrapped around his shoulders. Under her hand, she could feel the newly-healing scars on his skin and tried to ignore it. Now wasn't the time to be remembering their origins, just as now wasn't the time to be sorting through the pages that bore the name of the monster who inflicted those wounds. Now needed to be a time of quiet, of respite, of love.
She kissed him again.
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pub-lius · 2 years
The Laurenses for @thereallvrb0y :)
Alright buckle up bc it's going to be a long one. I'm gonna put a read more in a second, but this post includes Martha Manning Laurens, all the children of Henry and Eleanor Laurens, and Henry Laurens. My sources for all of these includes Gregory D. Massey's John Laurens and the American Revolution, and I will add more if I use more at the end!
Martha Manning Laurens
Martha Manning was born in St. Kitts, and was baptized on January 8, 1757. Her family moved to England by 1769. Her family was very high class, and she would have been very well educated in etiquette and would have had high expectations for her. Her father worked with Henry Laurens, and she possibly met his son, John, in October 1771.
They definitely met by the end of 1774 when he returned to London. John made frequent visits to the Manning home. Mr. Manning served as an unofficial guardian to John while his father was away.
"I am annoyed that you have for so long neglected to write to Mademoiselle Manning, you should have done so right away. She's a very nice young lady; I have the opportunity to see her often at her Father's, and the entire Family is very kind to me." -John Laurens to his sister.
John talked about Martha very politely, and with very little romantic feeling. They got along well as friends, then had a one-night stand where Martha got pregnant, forcing them into a marriage to preserve both families' honor. Around the time John and Martha had to have slept together correlates with when Laurens and Francis Kinloch ended their relationship, which was likely to have been ~homosexual in nature~ as the kids say
"Pity has obliged me to marry. But a Consideration of the Duty which I owe to my Country made me choose a Clandestine Celebration lest the Father should insist upon my Stay in this Country as a Condition of the Marriage. The Matter has proceeded too far to be longer concealed and I have this morning disclosed the Affair to Mr Manning in plain terms, reserv[ing] to myself a Right of fulfilling the more important Engagements to my Country." -John Laurens
They were married on October 26, 1776. She had a difficult birth in late January 1777, after John had already left to join the war in America.
Their daughter was ill for the beginning of her life. She suffered "much pain & misery by a swelling in her Hip, & Thigh." A surgeon "cut out a great piece of flesh" from her hip to assist in mobility. Martha and the baby moved to the country "for the change of air", which was considered the best remedy in the 18th century.
She seems to have written to John regularly, but rarely received a response, but that wasn't personal; Laurens was notorious for never responding to letters. She often sent the letters through his father, who tried to get John to respond more often.
When Henry Laurens was imprisoned in the Tower of London, she took her daughter to visit him.
She learned that John was in France in 1781, and attempted to visit him, but he had already left. She died in Lisle, France in October/November, 1781.
TW for the rest of this, there is a lot of death when it comes to the Laurens siblings, so it might be a bit upsetting, especially when it comes to Jemmy.
Henry Laurens Jr. the first
Henry Laurens Jr. was born in 1753. He was close with John at a young age. He died in August 1758. Yeah, off to a great start.
Eleanor "Nelly"
Nelly was born in 1755. She was also close with John at a young age. She died in April 1764. It's only uphill from here folks.
Martha "Patsy"
Martha was born in 1759, and almost died of smallpox as an infant. She was almost buried actually, but the doctors determined she was alive.
"Patsy is forward in her learning... she reads well & begins to write prettily, is not dull in the french Grammar, & plays a little on the Harpsichord, but better than all, she handles her needles in all the useful branches & some of the most refined parts of Womens work & promises me to learn to make minced Pies & to dress a Beef Steak."
After their mother's death, she was tutored by her older brother, John.
"I feel an irrestible pleasure result from seeing him act the part of a kind & able friend & Brother to a Sister of 11 Years Old who is now advancing fast in French & is as much a Mistress of English Grammar as any Girl of her age through his assistance. Besides this he brings on a little Harry & Jamie in their learning too."
While her brothers and father were in Europe, she stayed with her Uncle James and Aunt Mary, "despite her obvious talents and potential." John told Henry that he "promised to give Patsy an Opportunity of Learning to Draw", which was eventually arranged.
She traveled to join her family in 1775 in London. She met John on July 12. John decided to test her courage to see if "her mind" was "superior to the common accidents of life, and the groundless fears of some of her sex." He arranged for her carriage to be driven at a high speed on a bumpy road and examined her reaction for any "womanish fears." And yay!! She passed his sexist test!!! ("...he had found her the same Spartan girl he had left her.") Then she moved to Bristol.
John really loved her, after the sexist test ofc (you can't like your sister if she doesn't pass the sexist test). She consistently "demonstrated intellectual curiosity". Henry encouraged her, but reminded her that she was a woman: "When you are measuring the surface of this world, remember you are to act a part on it, and think of a plumb pudding and other domestic duties." Shut the hell up, Henry.
She was also very religious, as Henry was, and John wasn't. John even made fun of her when he requested a letter "in the first vacancy from the important Duties, of commanding, putting on, and Displaying the Sublime Inventions of the Millenenil Tribe; I think I may promise myself You will not remain Silent, now. My rashness in hinting at the Distribution of your Time will draw a spirited Harangue, I'll engage you for it."
Now I want to say something really quick about John. I have been reading 18th century language every day for a while, and I can understand it about 75% of the time, but I can barely every understand whatever tf John is saying. I am stupid, I'll admit that, but compared to Hamilton and he is so difficult to understand. It's the rich boy vibes.
John was also worried about her speech, specifically that she wouldn't acquire "that Grace of Deportment which gives Splendour to every Action." She apparently had an "undecided Tone" when talking, and John advised her to develop a polite speaking voice. He would know because he has ideal tone. He also convinced her to take long walks. Someone make him stop talking.
She stopped mentioning John in her prayers by 1782 before he died. ("...resolved to retire for that purpose of praying for her brother... some sudden call or other unexpected event interposed to prevent her from doing so.")
After John's death later that year (spoiler alert), she was torn between going to her grieving father or her sick uncle, to which Henry said: "Take care of my Dear Brother, let me rather suffer than him."
She ignored him and joined Henry in Bath anyway. She was shocked at his appearance.
"I can perceive his heart is bowed down, & he does indeed stand in need of some kind friend to soothe his Sorrows, I wish I were more adequate to the task, but notwithstanding my sincere desire to be his Comforter, my own heart is so heavy, that it is sometimes as much as I can do to appear tolerably cheerful. You know how greatly I was affected by the late melancholy Event in our family. Time, instead of alleviating this Grief, makes me every day more and more feel my loss."
She stayed in Bath in 1784, and assumed the responsibility of her younger sister and niece's education. She returned to Charleston on May 11, 1785, and married David Ramsay in 1787. She continued to act as Fanny Laurens' guardian. She also read Benjamin Rush's Thoughts upon Female Education.
She left Mepkin before her father was cremated. After Fanny eloped and her husband's finances took a dip, Patsy was sent into an emotional crisis. Yet, she still strived to instill virtue in her eight children. She died in 1811.
James "Jemmy/Jamie"
James Laurens, who I will call Jemmy, was born in November 1765, right after the Laurens estate was attacked by a patriot mob. Woo!
"...a very fine Boy, who seems as if he had not been half so much frighted by smutty faces, turned Coats, Cutlasses, & Bludgeons as his Mother was."
"...a wild, lively, sensible, good natur'd fellow..."
"...healthy and clever & seems to be a duplicate of his Elder Brother [John]."
Henry decided to take Jemmy to London along with John and Harry, and placed him at Winson Green, a school administered by Reverend William Howell. Jemmy showed significant improvement in his education. ("...there does not appear to be a want of Talents in any of you.")
The headmaster at the school then had a stroke, and after, John concluded that Jemmy was not getting proper attention and removed him to look for private schools in London. He narrowed it down to schools at Greenwich and Brompton, and decided to place Jemmy at Greenwich on September 4th because William Manning had leverage with the headmaster.
(TW for a death, skip to Harry)
As John was going to inform his father that he had found a school for Jemmy, he stopped at the Manning residence, where William Manning informed him that Jemmy had been seriously injured. He had attempted to jump "across from a Footing within the Iron rails" to John's window and fell and fractured his skull. John rushed home, but nothing could be done for Jemmy.
"At some Intervals he had his Senses, so far as to be able to answer single Questions, to beckon to me, and to form his Lips to kiss me, but for the most part he was delirious, and frequently unable to articulate. Puking, Convulsions never very violent, and latterly so gentle as scarcely to be perceived, or deserve the Name, ensued, and Nature yielded." -John Laurens, 1775
Henry "Harry" Jr. the second
Harry was born on August 25, 1763 at Mepkin Plantation, South Carolina. According to his father, he was "a little thick Headed, loves Marbles, Tops and Tumbling much more than his Books."
Henry sent Harry in early 1771 to London to be taught by Richard Clarke. He was looked after by George Appleby. Henry stayed behind because "his Constitution is not strong enough to bear the extreme Heats and Changes of this Climate." John stayed behind with his father. ("I detain him at his own particular desire for a month or two longer, in hopes of going with him. He says, if Harry goes first, he is sure that I will go after him.")
His father and brothers joined him in London on October 21. He was "in very good health, grown tall & improved in his Book."
Here's something... interesting, that happened. So Richard Clarke allowed his "Vagabond Brother" to live in his house. This brother "wantonly and maliciously thrust" a candle at Harry's face, which burned Harry's cheek, but if "an Eye had been struck, it must have perished."
Henry talked to John about Clarke, and he said, "Mr. Clarke does not keep a proper Discipline," and the boys of "duller Genius must remain Slack or go backward." Henry checked Harry's books and he had not written in five weeks. Clarke planned to move his school to Chinkford in Essex County in April and apparently this solved the problem I guess.
Harry and John left for Geneva with Henry on May 30, 1772 to see if they could go to school there (Henry really hated London). They traveled to France first.
"The Young Folks have been highly entertained... John has feasted on several Pieces of fine Painting, some of Carving, and a few in Sculpture. Harry has learn'd to string a few Sentences cleverly together in French and serves me sometimes for an Interpreter."
Henry approved of Geneva, and left Harry and John there to get edumacated, and they stayed at the home of Jean-Antoine Chais.
"They will have as many kind Friends in Geneve as they had in Charles Town, and more friendly Attention paid to them in all Respects than we could hope for in a Kingdom overwhelm'd by Luxury and Vice [England lol]... The Anxiety therefore which Distance of Place might have occasioned, must be greatly alleviated, if not wholly remov'd."
Henry showed a surprising amount of promise. John wrote that Harry "discovers more Talents than some folks were aware of." Massey writes in his biography of John that, "In many respects, Harry assumed the role of the typical middle child, overshadowed by both of his brothers... Harry never seemed to win his father's full affection."
As he was was watched over by John when they returned to London, John instructed him to avoid arguments about the war and to send duplicates of his letters to their father. ("Your Brother probably meant to mark you down for a Merchant by encouraging you to Send duplicates of you late Letters... a precaution which I could never persuade the Lawyer [John] to take." -Henry)
Harry returned to America in June 1784 with Henry, and married Eliza Rutledge in 1792. At one point, David Ramsay owed him $97,204.
He died on May, 27, 1821, and left behind 459 slaves and a $142, 510 estate. He gave his son, John Ball, the box John Laurens had gotten from King Louis XVI.
Mary "Polly" Eleanor
Polly was born on April 26, 1770, and her mother died because of the effects of her birth. Along with her older sister, her aunt and uncle took care of her while The Lads were in London. She traveled to join The Lads in 1775, and showed "considerable intellectual promise". However, according to Henry, her aunt was too lax with her. She also moved to Bristol.
She was always described as vivacious, "skipping and galloping about the Room in spite of all their Efforts to restrain her."
"Polly thinks the Restraint incident to her Sex, very mortifying, and asked one day with as much Gravity as Innocence, if they would not let her wear Breeches & become a Boy. She envied Harry his freedom very much and would wish to be upo the same footing with him. When she was told that this Change would not be effectual, she proposed what she thought infallibly answer the purpose, to be re-christen'd, and have a male Name... a narrative of the history of Joan of Arc may cure the little Maid's ambition for Breeches."
While some interpret the above as gender dysphoria, it is more likely that she thought the preference for her brothers was unfair, since she never seemed to think much else of being a girl besides this.
She stayed in Bath in 1784, and returned to Charleston on May 11, 1785. She married Charles Pinckney in April 1788 (though her father did not approve), then died from complications in childbirth in 1794.
Henry Laurens
Henry was born in Charleston in 1724, with an extensive genealogy of rich people. He was educated in Charleston, and worked at a counting-house. He went to England to for his education, and trained under a British merchant. (TW for discussions of slavery) He returned to South Carolina in 1747, and opened a mercantile business, and traded rice, indigo, deerskins, tar, pitch, silver, gold, and, of course, people.
In 1755, he wrote to another business describing what slaveholders looked for in their enslaved people.
"...very likely healthy People, Two thirds at least Men from 18-25 Years old, the other young Women from 14-18 the cost not to exceed Twenty five Pounds Sterling per head... There must not be a Callabar [sic] amongst them. Gold Coast and Gambias are best, next to them the Winward Coast are prefer'd to Angolas. We would not choose them sent in the Hurricane Season but rather to come in the months of October or November. Pray observe that our people like tall Slaves best for our business and strong withall. Such as small, meager or other ways ordinary won't sell better here than with you. The difference in price between Men and Women is never less than £ 3 Sterling per head, sometimes £ 6."
Despite trading black people and enslaving them for his entire life, he told John "I abhor slavery. I was born in a country where slavery had been established by British kings and parliaments...I am not the man who enslaved them..." So yeah, he's a hypocrite, and put the responsibility on other men, who were no less responsible, instead of not being an asshole! Oh and he never spoke publicly against slavery, so it really didn't matter that much to him.
He married Eleanor Ball on June 25, 1750, which is weird because marriages in the 18th century were most often in the winter, but whatever.
Henry began his political career in 1757 as a member of the Commons of House of Assembly, and remained there until the Revolution started.
He held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the South Carolina Militia during the French and Indian War. His business contributed 7,000 pounds to the war against the Cherokee tribe. He also kept a diary during this time, here. In 1758, he was appointed to oversee Charleston's defenses, and then in 1761, he went to negotiate a peace treaty with the Cherokee.
In 1762, Henry purchased his plantation, Mepkin. He continued to buy land and people, and eventually had 20,000 acres, and by 1766, had 227 enslaved people working for him.
He was appointed to the Kings Council in Carolina in 1764 and in 1768. This was a bad look for him, since the American Revolution was brewing. In October 1765, a mob of the Sons of Liberty stormed the Laurens' home, thinking that some other dude was there. Thankfully, no harm was done to the Laurenses, but it was pretty traumatic.
Despite this, Henry wasn't a Tory, and got into a lot of disputes with British authority. He was involved in a controversy from 1767 to 1769 over some of his ships that had been confiscated. Massey explained this whole thing in his book, but it was stupid. All you need to know really is that Henry won and decided he didn't like British people, which later led him to sign the Boston Port Bill Petition in opposition to the Tea Act.
Eleanor died in the spring of 1770, which really affected Henry for the rest of his life. He promised not to remarry and to prioritize his children's wellbeing and education no matter what.
Henry returned to Charleston in November, 1774, and was appointed the next year to the Safety Council as President. Then he held like five other positions but whatever.
He represented South Carolina in the Continental congress from July 1777 to 1779, and became the President after Hancock resigned in 77. He wasn't able to attend congress for two weeks in December of that year because of his gout, and conducted his business from his bed. He tried to quit but they were like nah. He had to be carried into Congress at one point too so... Conclusion: Congress doesn't give a fuck about you <3
He tried to quit again in March 1778, but no one cared. Then his other delegate fucking died and he was the only South Carolina delegate left so he stayed. Then he was elected to another thing and then he was elected as a minister to the Netherlands on November 1, 1779. Conclusion: Congress needs to get reported to HR.
He was redirected to England on his way to the Netherlands by the cops, and he was charged with high treason. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London, and was the only American to be held prisoner there, so that's hot, I guess.
On June 14th, Benjamin Franklin was allowed to exchange General Burgoyne for Laurens, and he was released on April 27, 1782!!-- but not really. He wasn't a prisoner of war, so he couldn't be traded until they captured General Cornwallis, so that sucked, but he got released, so yas. He was absolutely crushed by the death of his son, John, later that year, so 1782 was not great for him.
He voted for the Constitution on May 23, 1788, and cast South Carolina's presidential vote for George Washington in 1789, then officially retired from all politics.
He died of illness, (I think a heartattack was the actual cause of death), and because of his daughter being nearly buried alive, he had a big fear of that happening to him, so he was cremated after he died on December 8, 1792, and was buried next to John.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
BLOOM | Sukuna X You | Part 1/3
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CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Maki | Fushiguro Toji | Baby Megumi | Megumi's Mom (OC) CHAPTER COUNT: 1/3 WORD COUNT: 8900+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | (eventual) smut | ooc sukuna | female reader CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity/strong language | alcohol use | cigarette smoking | age gap | unhealthy simping XD SPOILERS: N/A
collection masterlist
one two three | Bloom Masterlist
His hair was the color of cherry blossoms, that's the first thing you noticed. It was the softest shade of pink, easy on the eyes, reminding you of the tendrils of filtered rays of the sun lightly touching the edges of clouds very early in the morning. Or your favorite angora wool sweater.
The man stole your attention from the book you were reading when you chanced a look from your periphery just to check who sat on the stool beside your usual spot on the bar – the seat at the very end by the wall. Your planned glance turned into a furtive stare at the sight of him from his candy-floss-hued hair, the rippling muscles hidden under his white oxford shirt and the array of tattoos that peeked through his neatly folded sleeves. And boy, since when did men smell like vanilla and spring while also exuding such a virile scent?
A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth at the thought, internally shaking your head at your behavior. You should not be staring at people, and though you weren't exactly ogling him, you were still observing him enough to associate him with your favorite article of winter clothing.
"Hey. The usual for you?" you heard Maki, the bar owner, ask, giving you the idea that the man was a regular. How you haven't spotted him before was a mystery.
If it was already hard concentrating on the novel you were reading, you've completely forgotten about it when you heard him say, "Make that single-malt." It's either the gates of hell opened at the sudden heat you felt on your skin at the sound of his voice or the gates of heaven did with how delicious it sounded in your ear, thick like honey and deep with a distinct ring to it. It got you wondering what his mother craved for when she was pregnant with him, and your brain said, "Greek gods," when you lifted your eyes from the current page you were reading and briefly exchanged looks with him as he shifted his line of vision from Maki to you.
You turned your eyes back to your book, making it seem like you were just absently looking about, but in reality, it took herculean effort to wrench your gaze from him. In that brief meeting of your eyes, the features of his face registered in your head like a bar code scanner, etching itself in your mind like a white-hot brand. He wasn't shockingly handsome, but he was beautiful in his own right with those intense eyes that reminded you of drowning pools and the rugged yet refined planes of his face. It was as if an artist painted him in passionate anger, slowly fell in love with the piece and began redefining his features with gentler strokes.
You turned the page of your book despite not getting any reading done. Well, it has been the case for a considerable amount of minutes now, but you tried anyway, furiously staring down at the new page but not comprehending anything. Your eyes kept scanning the same sentence over and over again but it was not sinking in at all.
"Excuse me, miss," that deep voice you've already developed a strange affection for assaulted your senses again, making your head snap up to the direction it was coming from. Hell, you think you'll do its owner's bidding just hearing it at the rate you were going, reacting automatically as if you were programmed with a voice prompt or something.
You were about to look at him but Maki caught your attention as she pushed the smoothie you ordered towards you, placing it precisely in front of you on the hardwood surface with her fingers. She arched a brow at you, causing you to stiffen on your seat.
You've been coming to the quiet little bar since you grew old enough to drink. In fact, you considered it your regular watering hole, going there whenever you can even in the day as it doubled as a gastro-pub. You've already come to know the staff who reserved the spot for you every single time you told them you were coming, particularly the tough but very lovable Maki. She's basically a friend now, and you knew you were acting off if she was giving you odd looks.
"Thanks, Maki," you said just in time, even managing to smile. She just shook her head at you before walking away to tend to another client.
"I have to know what book you are reading," the person beside you said just as you began sipping on your drink, which, you've noted, was a cherry blossom tea smoothie that reminded you of him.
You let go of the straw between your lips, swallowing hard. Turning your attention to him, you found him sitting sideways, chin propped on the heel of his palm as he regarded you. "Huh?" was all you could manage to say to him.
A slow, crooked smile etched itself across his mouth, the action appearing sensuous with the gradual way his expressions changed. "That book," he said for your benefit. "May I know what it is about?"
You just blinked, still questioning yourself if he was addressing you.
"If you're that engrossed about it, it must be great," he said. "Mind telling me the title?"
"Book?" you asked dumbly. He was really frying your brain.
He pointed at the book you were holding with his lips, protruding them slightly before smiling again. Jesus, you loved the way he smiled. The gesture didn't belong there when you've already thought he was the smirking, grinning-devil type. It was too soft a gesture, but then again his hair was shell-pink – a contradiction to his stridently brawny features.
"Oh." Despite yourself, you found yourself chuckling. "I'm sorry, I was distracted."
"Not by the book, I hope."
You looked away, smiling to yourself as you closed the object in question and slid it over to him. When you looked at him, you were surprised to see him actually reading the synopsis at the back, interest flickering in his dark eyes. You were already expecting him to just read the title, probably the author, too, thinking he was just flirting with you judging by his last words. But he was actually reading it.
"It's about an architect," he stated. "He must be mind-blowingly awesome if you're too transfixed on his story."
"No, Howard Roark is mostly a recalcitrant bastard who breaks rules here and there, doesn't cooperate or collaborate and is stone-faced about most anything."
"But it's what you like about him," he supplied.
You nodded. "He’s a breath of fresh air in a world governed by stuffy archaic principles. The spring to a long, stagnant winter of conformity. I'm in love with him." Noticing the look of amusement on his face, you were quick to add, "What?"
"Nothing." His smile didn't waver though. "Are you an architect, too?"
"Too?" you repeated with inflection then tilted your head. "Ah, you're an architect, huh?"
"Any projects of note?" you asked, tilting your head in wonder when he seemed flustered. "What is it?"
He shook his head slowly. "You're very straightforward."
At that, you grinned. "Should I take you out to dinner before I get that information?" You sipped leisurely at your smoothie, glad that you throw him off as much as he flusters you.
"You don't have to," he found himself answering anyway. "But I work for a firm, so they get most of the credit. We built that new hotel at Shinjuku."
"Eh? Didn't pin you for a baroque kind of guy."
"You know..." He was all ears now judging by how he leaned closer to you. He leveled his expression to yours then. "So, what kind of guy did you think I am?"
There it is, you thought, the smirk you've been waiting for. Without giving it much thought, you said, "The Howard Roark type, of course."
"You seriously don't remember, do you?"
It wasn't that you didn't. You simply had no idea how you got home, considering how you ended up all smashed after enjoying too many margaritas after your smoothie. You seriously just didn't know certain things. You didn't know what happened after you reached your limit. And out of all the things you know you should not have missed, you didn't know his name.
You were sitting on the kitchen counter, nursing a headache, trying to fill in every bit of information your friends were trying to leech out of you in your addled state. You've been expecting it - the great inquisition - especially after you returned in a state lesser than they've been expecting, unconscious, according to the collective stories of your roommates, when you told them you were just stepping out to get some reading done. And on a school night, no less. Very atypical of you indeed.
"What should I be remembering?" you responded to Ieiri. You weren't exactly fond of her worrisome nature although you knew she was just watching your back especially since she has been rather disapproving of your escapades with these guys you somewhat dated back then. You appreciated it, but it didn't mean you liked it.
"Oh, I don't know, Y/N. Strawberry blond? Tats? Drives a Jeep? Ring any bells?" she said, jogging your memory. "He came knocking at two in the morning, carrying you in his arms. I mean he was hot according to Satoru, but do you even know the guy?"
“Cherry blossom,” you absently corrected the color Ieiri mentioned.
“Him, I remember.” You smiled at the thought, not hiding your delight from them. You were sure they were just annoyed that they weren't in on the action since Satoru, your other friend and roommate, who seem nonexistent recently, was the one who interacted with the man you met and supposedly brought you back to the house you rented with all of them. And Satoru doesn't know basic decorum to actually ask what the man’s name was. "Howard."
"Howard?" Suguru, another one of your friends who was in the literature department as you were, asked. "Howard Roark?" He knew the reference, obviously. You forced him to read the book before it even became one of your study materials.
You nodded enthusiastically. "He's an architect."
"He didn't look like a 'Howard,' apparently," Ieiri said.
"That name is from her favorite book," Suguru supplied, his dark eyes shifting to you as he tucked some stray strands of his long, raven locks which were currently tied in a half-up. "So your guy's an architect, too."
"That, but he isn't 'my guy' and I don't know what his name is."
He grinned then. "If you're openly calling him by the name of the character you claim to be in love with, I'm assuming..."
"No!" Ieiri gasped.
You laughed despite the action making your head hurt. You were still hungover after all, but you didn't mind, not when you knew you had a good night. Probably a great night to allow yourself to be hammered like you have been. You only ever drank to your fill when the company is great and when you were in a jovial mood.
"It's nothing like that. He just feels like spring time. Looks like it, too." You waved your hands in front of you for emphasis. Still, your expressions said otherwise.
You weren't in love with the man because you didn't believe in mushy things like love at first sight, but you knew you liked him, just that you weren't getting your hopes up cause there's a chance you might not see him ever again, assuming your meeting was something transient like the blossoms his hair made you think of. Even if he was a regular at Maki's, if your schedules didn't coincide with one another, it would not be easy to meet. You've been coming to the same bar for years and yet, you've only ever seen him that time. You never really know.
But then, you got your answer pretty quickly.
From: Satoru
See you at 7 tomorrow night. Same place.
That’s how Satoru's message read, sent late the previous night. You almost forgot about the agreement you’ve had with him to get unlimited barbecue after sleeping the rest of the day but you made it out just in time. It was something you did with all three of your friends as a way to bond with them individually.
You glanced at the clock on your phone, feeling the stares of the restaurant staff on you. Well, you’ve been there for more than an hour waiting for him. One hour and thirteen minutes to be precise. All you’ve ordered so far was a glass of lemonade and you were able to finish that in the first half hour, sitting on a table for two when evidently, you were alone. All your texts were ignored and your calls were always being redirected to voicemail.
“Where the fuck are you, Gojo Satoru?” you asked him in one of your messages, hissing low into your phone just so the other diners would not be offended by your words. You got a message another twenty minutes later, the sound of your phone almost making you jump from your seat. However, when you looked at it, it was from an unknown number.
You were about to check the message when one of the waitresses came to your table, pad and pen on the ready. She’s always the one who served you whenever you and your friends would go there for a dose of beef and pork fat, and she has always been nice to you.
“Not to be nosy but I think your friend isn’t coming.”
You nodded, grimacing. “Tell me about it.”
“The boss has been giving you the stink eye, too.”
Looking over the counter, you saw the elderly man really looking at you. He looked away when you met his eyes, muttering to himself. You knew how the owner could get, but you simply loved going there since their food is good and the service is just the same. You smiled ruefully at the woman before you. “I’ll have a sukiyaki set and warm sake, please. Thank you.”
“Would that be all?”
“Coming right up.” She flashed you a bright smile before disappearing into the back rooms.
You almost forgot the message you saw earlier, but then, your phone lit up again with that familiar tone. The new message was from the same number.
From: Unknown
How are you?
From: Unknown
I hope you’re okay.
You frowned, not having the slightest clue as to who could be texting you.
From: You
Who is this?
Your order came but there was no response from the mystery texter or Satoru. You felt pathetic looking at your phone every once in a while as you ate and drank. Normally, you wouldn’t even have given anybody, including your best friends, the time of the day, making you wait for longer than an hour without as much as a message. You don’t ever wait for people over the agreed meeting time. You hated it with passion. And you were already thinking of ways to make Satoru pay.
You were about to eat a mouthful of beef when you heard the chair across you being dragged back. Your eyes flicked to the direction, and to your utter shock, you almost dropped your chopsticks if it weren’t for the hand that reached out and held onto your hand, securing the utensils.
Once again, you were sitting on your usual spot at the bar, eyes clashing with those intense ones owned by the pink-haired guy who apparently drove a charcoal grey Jeep and reminded you of spring, the same one who drove you home the other night.
“Careful,” he said, his scent assaulting your senses.
A lump formed in your throat, making you unable to form proper words, so you settled for putting down the chopsticks. You folded your hands together on your lap, recovering from your consternation before you finally looked at him, unable to help it but grin. He looked different that day, more laid back in a white baseball cap mussing his candy-floss hair down, a loose-fitting shirt in the same hue and jeans. He looked so fresh, you felt the air around you cool down considerably.
“How did you…” you hesitated and shook you head. “Hello.”
He broke into that crooked smile. “Crazy how the moment you sent the message, I saw you through the glass walls while I drove past.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again, not quite knowing how to react to it when suddenly, the first part of his statement registered in your mind. “Wait, message?” You picked up your phone, showing him the messages. “This is you?”
He nodded slowly. “Looks like you’re doing great.” He regarded the bottle of sake on the table. “I had to get your number to check up on you. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Y-yeah, I mean, no, not at all. Thank you by the way.” You chuckled, saving his number and naming him Spring God in your contacts. “I wasn’t really expecting you to bring me home.”
“I got your address from your driving license.” He grinned then. “I thought of taking you back to my place, but I didn’t know how that would sit with you.”
Who says chivalry was dead? “I’m sorry for acting crazy, if I did anyway." You chuckled. "I don't remember…and for having to bring me all the way to the house.”
“It’s fine. It was lovely meeting Satoru.”
At that, your face flushed red. You winced. “I’m sorry for whatever he did while I was out of it.” He could be crazy at times, and you wouldn't be surprised if he did something untoward.
He shook his head, letting out a slight chuckle. “He was very nice to me, don’t worry.” He furrowed his brows then. “I also got your name. Y/N. I don’t know if you forgot to tell me or you just didn’t trust me enough, but I’d like to think it’s the former since you didn’t seem to think twice about getting wasted with me like you did.”
You deliberately didn’t tell him your name, but he was making it sound a little nicer. It wasn’t really something you planned on doing again, meeting him, but somehow, he found you. You shook you head, coming clean. “If you put it that way, okay, but really, I thought it was better if you didn’t know.”
“Hmm. Why is that?”
You found it endearing that he tilted his head a bit to the side when he asked the question. Your lips curled upwards at the corner. “I just never thought I’d meet you again.”
“That would be unfortunate.”
You laughed awkwardly at his remark. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”
“I’m not offended.”
You requested for another order of barbecue for him. He declined but you insisted. “Come on. My treat for your act of kindness.” You snickered. “Besides, my supposed date bailed.”
Sighing, you said, “Well, not really. Satoru. We agreed to meet here over an hour ago but he hasn’t been answering my messages or calls. Something probably came up.”
He eyed you thoughtfully. “If you don't mind me asking, is he your...?"
"My what?"
"Your boyfriend…maybe."
You chuckled at the thought, but then you realized you didn't even know his name. "I don't really tell strangers about things like that," you teased.
“Okay, but I thought we’re past being strangers.” He smirked then and you swore you felt your stomach flip.
“We’re in the getting-to-know-each-other phase,” you told him with a laugh, acceding. "Since I didn't tell you my name, I didn't expect you to tell me yours. Plus I didn't ask, so may I have yours?"
"Sukuna," he said. "Ryomen Sukuna."
"Su-ku-na," you repeated, liking the feel of the syllables as they rolled out of your tongue. Finally, the person you've gotten so fond of in just a short time had a name. You didn't know what his name meant but it seemed to match him well regardless of how arbitrary it was to his person. You couldn't think of any better name though. "I like your name. It's pretty." You smiled brightly at him then. "And no, Satoru is not my boyfriend."
Ryomen Sukuna was an absolute puzzle to you. How he could look so badass and pretty much intimidating with his strapping physique and inked skin – throw in the multiple piercings on his left ear which you were noticing or the first time – while also pulling off all these adorable little actuations was a quandary to you. Tall, solidly built men like him should not be reminding you of soft, cute things, but the moment he blinked in confusion, you knew you couldn't get enough of it.
"Nobody ever said that about my name, but thanks," he returned in that deep voice after a moment's pause. And was that a dusting of roses over his cheeks? The surprises you were getting from this man was endless. He really was such a breath of fresh air, so far from the usual stereotypes.
Your face seemed to be perpetually pulled into a smile whenever you were around him, and you didn't think you were doing a good job suppressing the urge to be beaming like an idiot around him. "So, anyway, what made you think that blue-eyed idiot is my boyfriend?" you asked, changing the topic.
"Well, he was a bit hostile at first when he took you from me, making me explain things but then started apologizing after. He told me you could be a handful when inebriated..." He let his voice trail off as if letting you chew on his words.
"You agree with him." It wasn't a question.
"Yes." Sukuna pretended to frown. "He also calls you 'his princess'."
You threw your head back, covering your eyes momentarily in embarrassment. "Now I wish you met Ieiri and Suguru instead," proceeding to explain that the nickname was something akin to what a father would call his precious daughter.
"He was rather intimidating, but I guess he's just looking out for you."
"He's still not off the hook for standing me up," you quipped, "But you finding him intimidating is funny."
You scoffed, gesturing over to him. "I think you can snap him in two if you wished, too."
"He was scary," Sukuna insisted.
"He's harmless...most of the time, but yeah, he’s rather protective. That’s one of my dads for you."
He laughed then. "There's nothing scarier than a fiercely protective friend…or a doting father. I can't muscle my way out of that for sure."
"Ah, then you'll find Ieiri scarier."
The night pretty much went well and ended on a good note. Sukuna did most of the talking for the rest of the night. You learned he was six years older than you at twenty nine, one of the head architects at the firm he worked for, has a love-hate relationship with his job cause he wants to draw portraits instead, was a delinquent when he was younger but got away with things cause he was a straight-A student, loved dogs so much that he cries when they die in movies, was closer to his mom, got his tattoos on a sudden whim, and was pretty much a sweet, charming genuine person which contrasted his appearance. What you see isn't what you get. That just isn't how it worked with him.
You loved it when he talked. It was rather entertaining as he had a way of telling stories which made you feel like you were actually there when it happened. Eventually, you forgot the reason why you were at the restaurant in the first place. It was as if you went there for the purpose of meeting Sukuna himself. Satoru was all but forgotten as you dissolved into carefree laughter and playful banters, and you felt at ease and more like yourself around him, pretty much like when you were with your three favorite people in the world.
“It’s not really that funny,” Sukuna told you, watching you laugh heartily at that one episode in his freshmen year when he made a mistake of going on a date with the wrong girl who happened to have the same name as his supposed date. You continued to laugh as if he didn’t say anything.
“It’s just crazy that both of them were there at the same time. I mean, what were the odds?”
He parked by the sidewalk in front of your house, killing the engine. “That’s the reason why I have never agreed to a single blind date ever again.” He pulled the key out of the ignition, glancing at the direction of your house. “We’re here.”
Your laughter died down when you followed the direction of his gaze. The lights were off except for the one lighting up the porch of the house you shared with your friends. You returned your gaze to him then. “Thanks for driving me home. Again.”
“I enjoyed your company. It’s the least I can do.”
You smiled warmly at him, reaching over to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek when he suddenly turned his head a fraction towards you. That minute change made your lips end up against his instead. He was surprised at first and remained immobile against you, but when you pulled away, he chased you back, connecting your mouths, his lips feeling soft and warm yet emitting that air of dominance as it coaxed yours to move in sync with his. You were kissing him back in no time, but you immediately caught yourself and withdrew, utterly flustered.
Your heart thudded heavily as he held you in his intense gaze, his tongue slowly running over his lower lip, making you even more mentally incapacitated. It made you want to just pull him back to you and covet those lips with yours again. You snapped out of it though. You already knew he was capable of hot-wiring and hijacking your brain.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you told him when you were able to form words again.
Sukuna looked at you from under his lashes, smiling slightly. “I’m not.”
Taken aback, you chuckled nervously. “No?”
He shook his head, reached over and ruffled your hair a bit. “Go inside. It’s late.” You nodded and disembarked from the car while he leaned on the steering wheel, watching you. You were already on the pavement, about to close the door, when he spoke again. “Can I come see you again?”
“Sure,” you said without thinking. “Good night, Sukuna.” Man, you just loved saying his name.
“Bye, Y/N. Good night.”
He drove away while you made your way towards your doorstep. Your fingers flew to your lips once you were standing on your porch, smiling to yourself at the realization of having kissed him. Shaking your head, you fished for the keys from your pocket and entered the house, not quite remembering how you got to your room, but you slept that night with pleasant dreams of running your fingers through pink locks of hair.
"I'm really sorry. Something came up and my phone died."
You acceded. It wasn’t as if Satoru did something so big. You went to the outdoor kiosks near the parking lot by the football grounds to catch up on some reading while Satoru ate and told you bits of his past few days, since he got held up at their family estate. Having such a traditional, high-ranking family in the country sure had its downsides, and you weren't about to make him even more agitated than he already was. He had it difficult, you knew that, and you weren’t about to be petty over him not coming to your supposed bonding time. He may be happy-go-lucky but you felt tension simmering just under the surface when you squeezed his hand in assurance.
Suguru and Ieiri followed shortly after Satoru fetched you from class, also surprised to see him there. "So, you finally decided to show up," the former said.
"Don't ask," Satoru said.
"Wasn't planning to," Suguru scoffed, his attention shifting to you. “What are you working on anyway?” he asked, flipping the file you were reading haphazardly to peer through the contents.
“I’m making an analysis report on ‘The Romantic Manifesto’.” you answered, looking up from the notes you were writing when your eyes suddenly strayed over his shoulder. You almost did a double-take, glancing at Suguru before returning your line of vision at the spot beyond where he sat.
“It’s due…” your voice trailed off when you realized just what, or rather who, you were looking at. You weren’t so sure whether what you were seeing was real or a mirage, a very familiar, specific and detailed one, but then, you figured it was the former when the person smirked and cocked his head to the side, beckoning you over to where he leaned against his grey Jeep as he raised a cup of what looked like cherry blossom tea.
Suguru arched a brow at you, looking behind him but not really noticing the object of your distraction. “Hey, you okay?”
Ieiri followed the direction of your gaze and nudged you when she saw who you were looking at. "Is that your Howard? Damn, girl. He’s sizzling."
You nodded, but at that same moment, you rose from the table without any explanation, your feet immediately leading you towards the outdoor carpark. When you were within earshot, you said, “What are you doing here?”
You stopped a few feet from him, glancing behind you to where the others had already turned their heads to follow the path you took, flashing you shit-eating grins. It wouldn’t surprise you anymore if they had pieced together who the person was before you. They claimed to be your ‘parents’ but acted like children at times.
“I brought you tea.” Sukuna walked towards you, standing so close that you forgot how to breathe for a few seconds as you inhaled his scent and took in his appearance, looking immaculate in a plain white shirt and faded jeans, but your brain only seemed to register those lips and the memory of how they felt against yours.
You shook your head, snapping out of your trance, mentally cursing at yourself. “Hi.” You exhaled loudly, trying hard not to smile like an idiot while you absently twirled your hair on your finger, suddenly seeing the world through a pinkish filter. "How do you keep finding me?"
Sukuna's smile dropped. “Did I come at an inconvenient time?” he asked gently, trying hard not to sound miffed, but he obviously was taken aback by your words.
“No.” You shook your head, placing a hand over your forehead. You finally smiled at him, letting out a choked snicker. “No, Sukuna. It’s good to see you. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting to see you here. And you didn't really tell me you were coming.”
He grinned at you then but he still appeared unsure, placing a hand behind his neck. “Right.”
You flashed him a helpless look. “Please don’t look at me like that. I’m just really surprised.”
“Hmm." He moved closer to you, wrapping your hand around the transparent disposable cup. His proximity was affecting you in ways you couldn't admit out loud. "Are you happy to see me, too?"
"Too? So, you're happy to see me?"
That's it. You're done for. Trying to avoid his intense gaze and escaping his scrutiny, you glanced over your shoulder to find everyone on your table observing you blatantly. Satoru raised a thumb at you while Ieiri was giggling with Suguru.
"Are those your friends?" Sukuna commented, his minty breath fanning against the side of your face which made you turn a little too quickly to face him again only to be confronted by his face leaning towards yours, mere centimeters away.
“Y-yeah.” You leaned a bit backwards but he moved forward. “That they are.” You stepped backwards again, nearly faltering on your feet, but you immediately gained your balance when he grabbed you by the arm, steadying you.
"Are you alright?" Sukuna asked, looking at you with concern written all over his face which morphed into wonder when you said, "Yeah, you're just overwhelming."
"I can't think properly when I'm around you," you stated casually, your expressions not giving anything away as per usual. You arched a brow at him when he did the same. "You hot-wire my brain."
"I know what you mean." He smirked despite his confusion. "Is that good or bad?"
You eyed him thoughtfully, biting on your lower lip. "Good for you, bad for me. You can probably tell me to eat dirt and I'd do it in a heartbeat."
He chuckled, looking at you tenderly. "You're too honest."
"To a fault," you agreed, "Suguru tells me all the time. Wanna meet them?"
He ruffled your hair. "Sure."
While you weren't exactly expecting to see Sukuna again after the night you met, he became of constant presence around you. You have gone out with him several times over the course of two months. He was a busy person and you also had your priorities, but he always makes you feel special whenever you two would be out and about, behaving like such a gentleman opening and closing doors for you, naturally shifting closer to traffic while you walked, bringing an extra jacket in case you felt cold or a larger umbrella so you don't get wet, bringing you your favorite tea whenever he could.
He picked you up from school for lunch twice, making the most of the hour, and one time, you brought him lunch at work when he suddenly canceled on you, saying he was swamped with work. He sounded really upset so you decided to go to him instead. You brought Suguru with you as a buffer, but Sukuna's colleagues still teased him. He was different in the office – gruff and strict which fitted him more – but he still beamed at you happily when you brought him food, not caring who saw.
Apart from the brief phone calls, you two never really texted. It wasn't really your thing and he didn't like it either, so it could go days on end without you saying anything to each other, but when you do get a chance to speak, it would always be like picking up on where you've left off. He has only ever sent you two messages. One to remind you to take good care of yourself because he was going to be away for a while and another one a week later asking if you wanted to go out with him that coming Friday night.
"Your timing's off," you told him over the phone. You really wanted to say yes, but, "Ieiri, the boys and I are going out that night. Gang tradition."
"Some other time then?"
You hung up after a few more exchanges of words, getting started on reading some notes when Ieiri entered the kitchen. "Was that Howard?"
"Yeah. He's inviting me to go out on Friday, but I already said yes to clubbing with you guys."
She grinned cheekily, wrapping an arm around you as she poked you on the cheek. At times, it feels like Satoru was rubbing off on her. "Are you sure you don't want to ditch us for the hot architect?"
"Hot architect –" You snickered. "Did you just say that?"
"I was supposed to say 'sugar daddy,' literally and figuratively. Sugar and his cotton candy hair. Get it?"
You narrowed your eyes at her, shaking your head. It was supposed to be amusing, but when Ieiri says it, it just sounds weird. "Can I read in peace now?"
She left you alone, but laughed at your expense.
Friday couldn't have rolled around fast enough and you headed out with your friends at the club owned by a friend of yours, prepared to party in a pair of tight-fitting jeans, a crop top and your hair hanging about in wavy layers. You were already expecting the place to be cramped as hell given the day of the week so much so that Suguru had to hold onto you tightly so as not to lose you when you entered until you found the area you had reserved for the night. It was for good measure too since the place was drenched in purple, blue and green laser lights which were disorienting at first. And so, your night began as such.
You were in the middle of dancing, only pausing when you had to down your nth shot for the night when your eyes suddenly strayed to the bar area at the elevated part of the club adjacent to the the leather seats. You looked away but returned your gaze towards said direction when you realized this very familiar guy was looking at you. He was watching you as you danced and let loose, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
You craned your neck, looking back and thinking the guy looked a lot like Sukuna, but then he couldn’t be. He was engaged elsewhere, still you continued to ogle him until you were pretty sure it wasn’t the same person. But the longer you looked, the more it was being proven to you that it was him.
That lopsided smile drew itself across his lips, seeing as how you were doubting yourself about his identity. There was no mistaking that look on his face, the way his dark eyes seemed to sparkle whenever he smiled even if the action didn't belong there.
“Sukuna?” you mouthed his name and he nodded, motioning for you to come over with his head. It had been a solid ten days since you last saw him, and for some reason, your heart raced at the thought of seeing him there.
Without saying a word to the people you were with, you squeezed yourself through the crowd, your feet carrying to the upstairs bar, to Sukuna. It took you a while to traverse the space between you, and when you finally stood before him, all you could do was smile up at him, taking in the soft look about him as he regarded you which were at odds to those fiery eyes that had the capability to turn into bright orbs of light when he beamed down at you.
“Hello, Y/N. Once again, fate has brought you to me,” he said rather dramatically, a smirk drawing itself across his pretty mouth.
Laughter escaped your throat, unable to say anything when you realized that you actually missed him, missed looking at him. Unable to help it, you stood on your toes and reached out to touch his hair, the action surprising the both of you. He eyed you, his expressions that of a half-smile and a look of confusion while you retracted your hands as quickly as you felt his soft locks with your fingertips, wincing at the realization of what you were doing.
At that, he laughed heartily, stealing your hand and pressing it over the side of his head. “Go ahead. I don’t mind you touching me,” he told you, staring into your eyes that you felt like all the air in the room was gone.
You blinked at him, processing what he said and joined in his mirth. “You're here!” You shook your head when it dawned to you that you were stating the obvious. “I’m sorry. How are you, Sukuna?”
“Pink?” he offered and chuckled at his own joke which made your face heat up. “Kidding. I’m great. I missed you these past days. How are you?”
“You did?” You felt your insides melting at his statement, made worse when he nodded to confirm it. “I’m fine. Great. Where have you disappeared to anyway?”
He snickered a your question. “Madrid.”
Your jaw dropped. “As in Spain?”
He nodded. “Had to do something there.”
“Uh-huh.” His words were rather obscure, but you didn’t want to encroach on his private life.
“What are the odds that we’re at the same club?”
“The owner is a friend,” you answered, smiling awkwardly as you glanced at the direction of your friends on the dance floor. You saw all of them looking at you. Suguru winked at you, giving you the thumbs up, making you laugh at his silliness.
“The gang’s all here, I see.”
“What?” You faced Sukuna, finding him leaning close beside you against the metal balustrade. Just then, a waiter passed by holding a whole tray of shots, and before you could duck, he grabbed you by the waist so that you were leaning against him with no quantifiable space between your bodies. Your eyes widened in shock and you froze, your thoughts clouded by the familiar smell of rain in a bamboo forest during Maytime. “T-thanks…”
He hummed in response to your gratitude, but he didn’t let you go. “I didn’t know you enjoyed places like this, too.”
“Why is that?” you asked, feigning ignorance to how close you two were.
"I never pinned you for the party animal type. I kinda developed a fondness for that quiet, nerdy girl sitting at the corner of the pub."
"Not exactly. I prefer Maki's place to be honest but coming here once in a while doesn't hurt. Especially with those three." You frowned slightly at him then as you thought of something. “So, why didn’t you approach me?” You motioned towards the dancefloor. “I'm sure the three-headed monster won't mind if you joined us. You alone?”
“Yes, sweetheart, but aren't you supposed to be hanging out with them?" You grabbed his arm before he could refuse you and started leading him towards where the others were.
However, he had other plans in mind. Again, he hooked an arm around your waist until your back was leaning against him. You eyed him sideways, startled by his actions, but unable to counteract it anyway as you’re just stunned speechless all the while. “You can go back to them, Y/N, but I don’t think I should go with you.”
You turned around, gently easing away from his hold. “Why not? They already know you, and they like you.”
"Are you sure? I don't want to be a party pooper.” He leaned towards you, tilting his head to the side while his lower lip slightly jutted out.
"What are you talking about?” You rolled your eyes at him then snickered.
He eyed you seriously then. “Just in case this is a friends-only affair?”
“Satoru already ruined that by bringing his girls into the mix.” You laughed at him when you saw him hesitate. “Come on, Sukuna. Join us. For me?” You showed him your best impression of puppy-dog eyes. “Pretty please?”
When you saw that he wasn’t budging, you changed your argument. “Fine. Dance with me then.” You didn’t give him any time to contradict you as you took him by the hand and dragged him to the dancefloor.
He was just standing still, looking uncomfortable as you started to groove to the beat, so you took his arms and started moving them until he was moving on his own, finally breaking into that smile. He looked too awkward that you wanted to laugh but decided against it, simply raising your hands and feeling the music.
“Aren’t you having fun?” you asked him as you were bobbing your head to the bass.
“I am!” he answered above the music.
“You don’t look like you’re having fun. Are you shy?” You chuckled openly at that.
“You don’t dance?”
“I can dance.”
You giggled. “Then show me what you’ve got!”
Without a warning, he started moving in sync with you, taking your hands in his and finally letting loose in such a graceful manner as you both got into the beat and started waving and swaying against one another, his hands slowly running at your sides in sensual rhythms that got you reeling in excitement. You almost forgot that you were with other people as you danced with him. It was fun and it felt good to be that carefree, not minding your friends, drinks flowing in nonstop.
Soon, the group you’ve left joined you and Sukuna. They all greeted him excitedly while the boys exchanged high-fives with him as they were dancing. Satoru and the two girls who were with him also joined in and somewhere along that, Suguru offered everyone cigarettes, and you gladly took one when you saw Sukuna taking one as well. You didn’t really smoke on a regular basis but you didn’t exactly shy away from the so-called cancer sticks.
After taking another shot, you pulled Sukuna out of the dancefloor, hollering at the others as you raised your cigarette, signaling where you were going in case they wanted to come with. You made your way to the smoking area at the veranda situated at the back of the building with the older male in tow. You were pretty much buzzed, calming down from the high you had while dancing, grinning wide as the cool night air met you, making your lungs expand as you breathed in.
Sukuna watched you as he took his place against the banister, following him shortly as you produced a lighter from your pocket, something that you always carried just in case.
“You smoke?” he asked, toying with his own battered stick, twirling it around his long fingers.
“Sometimes,” you admitted, watching his reaction. “And you?”
“Not really.”
“You took one anyway.” You wedged the item in question between your lips and raised the lighter, but before you could light it, it was pulled out from your mouth and the next thing you knew, Sukuna was kissing you, his lips pressed against yours as he pulled you closer by the hips which he seemed to have a fixation for since you came up to him. It was a soft yet urgent kiss that cajoled you to respond, and not long after, your lips were submissive clouds moving to the will of the wind that was his luscious mouth.
Like the first time you felt his lips against yours, electricity ran through your body as if he was touching you elsewhere apart from your mouth. It was driving you off the edge of sanity, and you knew you’d probably jump off a cliff for the male. He grinned at your dazed state when your eyes met after he finally pulled away, showing you the cigarette that was supposed to be between your lips before he unceremoniously laid claim to them.
“You’re going to ruin your lips by smoking. I’m keeping this,” he told you.
You were too mesmerized with the tingling feeling in your mouth while your eyes stayed glued to his as you blinked slowly, your mind and heart racing at a thousand miles per second. “W-why would you do that?” you stammered, feeling your throat go so dry that you had to drag the words out.
“Apart from the fact that it’s terribly unhealthy, it ruins your sense of smell and taste.” He waved the cigarette in front of you before shoving it into the pocket of his jeans. “Scientific fact.”
You couldn’t quite process what he was saying. You were asking why he kissed you, but he misunderstood. “Are you going to taser me with your lips every single time I’m about to smoke?”
“Taser…” He chuckled and narrowed his eyes at you. “I might just if it means these dangerous things don’t touch your pretty mouth.”
“What the –” You didn’t know if you would be scandalized by what he said or if you were going to laugh. The latter won and you tittered. “That’s a good one.”
“I mean it, Y/N.”
Boldness engulfed your whole thought process as you stepped closer to him, looking straight into his eyes. “And if I insist on it? Placing dangerous things in my pretty mouth? What are you going to do then?”
He, too, leaned forward, eyes flicking to your lips. “Then I guess I just have to keep your mouth too busy to even think about smoking again,” he whispered to you, his breath hitting your lips.
You smirked at him then. “I guess I just have to make sure you aren’t around if I do feel like smoking.”
He pouted. You burst out laughing.
You reached over and pinched both of his cheeks. “You’re so adorable.”
Sukuna swatted your hands away, but smiled nonetheless. "You're the only one who says I'm adorable."
"You are. You just don't know it."
“Okay then. If you say so.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear then, your skin tingling where he touched you. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Not really.”
“Good. I wanna do something for you.”
You eyed him questioningly. “Hmm. What?”
“That’s a surprise.”
It was already around two in the morning when everyone had the unanimous decision to leave the club which was still packed. You, too, were getting tired especially after Ieiri ended up hammered and Satoru was emptying his guts through his mouth. Suguru was a bit drunk, too, but he was trying his best to help you take care of them. Sukuna had been very nice all night, even helping you load Satoru and Ieiri into the backseat of Suguru’s car.
“Would you like me to drive you home?” he asked you after shutting the door to the backseat.
“No, I’m gonna be fine. Besides, I can’t just leave Suguru to deal with them both.” You motioned to his Jeep. “You should go ahead, too.”
Sukuna grimaced as he nodded. “I guess that would be for the best. Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay. You take good care now.”
“You, too, sweetheart.” He stepped forward and pulled you against him, hugging you, enveloping you in his warmth and that scent you loved profusely. “It’s really great seeing you tonight.”
You returned the gesture, smiling up at him as you tried to compose yourself. “It’s great seeing you, too.” You stood on your toes and pecked him on the cheek before giving him a gentle shove towards the car. “See you, Sukuna.”
He waved at you then boarded the car. You watched as it disappeared down the street before turning away to enter the club to get Suguru who was left to settle the bills. You found him seated on one of the couches, finding your way easily since the crowd thinned a bit.
“You okay, dude?” you asked when you reached him. He was pale and he looked like he was going to throw up anytime. “Do you need to go to the restroom?”
He shook his head. “Just get me out of here.”
You chuckled, leading him faster out of the club. You sat him down on passenger side and soothed his back, asking after him again as you started the engine. He said he was fine, laughing when he caught a glimpse of the two who were already passed out on the backseat with Satoru lying on Ieiri’s lap while her head was lolling limply to the side.
The drive was rather short without much cars on the road, but Suguru was still able to squeeze in a conversation, and of all the topics he could broach, it had to be about Sukuna.
“I thought Sukuna will be driving you home,” he began, glancing at you.
“He offered, but I can’t just leave you.”
“That would have been okay.” He glanced at the rearview mirror then, checking on the two, you could only guess. He could be such a mother hen at times. “I think he’s cool.”
“And he’s really good-looking,” Suguru threw in with a chuckle. “Just date already.”
You chuckled. “Why don’t you date him instead?”
“Don’t you want to try it out with him?”
“He hasn’t even asked me to date him.”
“Yeah, but he already kissed you –”
“How did you know about that?” you demanded, mortified. Your cheeks were heating up again at the memory of it.
“Well, you’re in a public place.” He laughed. “So, it’s bound to end in dating anyway.”
“Not necessarily.” You turned sideways to look at him. “He’s older after all, not that I see the age gap as a problem. But you know, he might just be passing time.”
“He obviously likes you. If you date him, it’s a win-win situation. You like him, too, you just don’t know it.”
You scoffed. “How can you say that?”
He blew a raspberry. Typical Suguru behavior. “You can be yourself around him. You’re all smiley face around him, too. I saw you. You can’t lie to me.”
“Really now?”
“Yeah. You look your best that way. And don’t ever think you are just a pastime. I’ll kill him if he treats you as such.” He smiled knowingly at you. “Besides, you should date properly. Enough with your flings with stupid boys in campus.”
“Okay, dad.” You sighed, trying to contain your excitement. “I do like him though. He’s so nice to me.”
Suguru reached over patting you on the shoulder. “Ah! My daughter is a grown-woman.”
You swatted at his hand, laughing at his antics.
-end of part 1-
If you're curious who Howard Roark is, he's one of my fave literary characters from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead." He's excellently made. That's it.
Can architect!sukuna please call me "sweetheart," too?
If you want to be included in the tag list, please DM me :) I'll be posting every week (or I'll try to anyway). Someone remind me to post the next chapters please?
Additional notes are available in the masterlist, particularly on the reasons why I wrote some things the way I did. I don't know what I'm trying to prove there, but haha!
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
First Line Meme Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
tagged by @lizardkingeliot. Thanks!!! <3
This is going to be fun!
1. The Production of Penny. SPOILERS for A Comet Pulled From Orbit.
For the first several weeks, it’s just impossible to meet her. Penny will feel bad about it later, but he can’t take in any new stimuli when his entire body, mind, soul is shivering in the exposed light, trying to adjust to a reality he’d given up on returning to. He holes himself up with his family in one of his favorite places, a small house in Alaska, of all places, that he’d only just acquired and made comfortable when he’d—when he’d gotten himself trapped somewhere else.
2. The Way a Fool Would Do
You never really know what you’re getting into, when you choose to take a soulmate. Before Quentin had bound himself to Eliot, he’d been forced to endure the normal barrage of questions from the Fillorian Soul Council, and then a separate barrage of questions from his cousin Julia, who had nitpicked his choice down to the marrow, pouring concern after concern into Quentin’s already terrified brain.
He’d been so frustrated with her at the time, but in retrospect he can’t blame her for her caution. The fact is, no matter how much you prepare, no matter how much you think you’ve thought it all through, binding another soul to your own is unlike anything else in the world. It is impossible to know how it will feel until it’s already too late to turn back.
3. The Genesis of Julia
She decides, while watching the 1984 Summer Olympics one lazy day, a magically cool glass of lemonade on the table beside her as she lounges back into their comfiest armchair, to master gymnastics. The decision is made more or less on a whim; this is how Julia decides how to spend a great deal of her infinite life minutes, truthfully. She’s organized and meticulous once she knows her goal, but when it comes to finding said goal, it’s all about what strikes her fancy.
4. The Construction of Kady
The dust took a couple of weeks to settle, after Kady’s abrupt departure from her old life and chaotic intrusion into her new one. She’d been in the middle of war with her own people when she’d died for the first time, and the others had found her desperately attempting to steal magic from a rival hedge group in order to survive, too anxious about her own life to properly mourn for her mother’s death, and certainly too caught up in her own frantic mind to trust any of these new people, much less believe them about their immortality, or her own.
5. The Origins of Alice
There was no way to prepare for something like this. There was simply nothing she could do, nothing she could write down, no refinements she could make, that would help her to be more ready for what the morning would bring.
Alice hated that very much, of course.
6. The Creation of Quentin
The object in question was beautifully rendered, detailed and precise. A burnished color, the cool weight of it reassuringly solid in Q’s hands as he examined it, turning it over and over in his hands. This one wasn’t even particularly old; it looked to be a sixteenth century model, and Q had seen older and more beautiful in his time.
7. The Making of Margo
When Margo first met Alice, she understood her immediately. That wasn’t to say that Alice was boring, or predictable, or that there was nothing Margo had to learn about her. It wasn’t that at all. It was more that in meeting Alice, Margo was able to take one look at her and think to herself: ah, now this I know what to do with.
8. The Explanation of Eliot
El was afraid of heights, but only a little.
He could fly, after all, and that should have made fear illogical. But if anything, his ability to subvert gravity was the very reason for his nerves: he’d never been able to trust himself with anything, much less his own life or the life of others. The few times his telekinetic powers had been called in as a means of escape or rescue, when he’d held an innocent stranger or beloved family member in his arms and floated with them down from the side of a mountain or building or cliff face… well, those were the things he had nightmares about, on the rare occasions when he could remember his dreams. It was that sensation of freefall, of knowing it was magic, something inexplicable, deep in his consciousness, in his soul, even, that was the only thing preventing sharp, painful, deadly impact. He knew himself well enough to know he should never be trusted with something so precious as the life of another.
9. A Comet Pulled From Orbit
Alice Quinn woke up.
This was an unexpected development, considering the events of mere moments ago. Specifically the agonizing thirty seconds she’d spent bleeding out on the carpet, wondering in an abstract sort of way how long it would be before someone thought to look for her and found her mangled corpse tucked into the corner of a Brakebills Library study room, surrounded by the shredded remains of several large magical tomes, and her carefully collated notes.
Pausing here for a moment after the first 9 - eight of them are all part of one series. The main story, A Comet Pulled From Orbit, is an Alice POV AU of The Old Guard. Prominent Queliot subplot, some burgeoning Kalice and other ships as well. Lots of found family, etc. The other stories, all the ones with the seven main characters' names in them, are meant to be a series of small snippets to fill out that universe, backwards and forwards. I'm noticing that I do a lot of setup, I don't often start in medias res with any of these, trying to set a tone and get the information started right away. Each of the chapters of the snippet stories could be their own thing, so it's a little weird to consider it the start of a bigger story!!
Okay, moving on to earlier stories.
10. is it too late (or could this love protect me)
This is a story about nothing and everything. It is a story between then and now. It is a story of people living their lives, living them, and living them, and continuing to live them, with only some pedestrian heartbreak and alcoholism and good old millennial economic angst to add some variety to the humdrum of continued existence.
This is a story about stupidity, and love. Stupid love.
(A/N - hmm I kinda hate this beginning now even though I'm SUPER proud of the story as a whole)
11. Maybe This Time
"Quentin Coldwater?" Eliot says, twisting the name up in his mouth like an insult.
Give him a break - it's a weird fucking name, for one thing. And besides, the off-putting demeanor is an intentional scare tactic.
12. Beyond the Veil
"Do you think the Lorians would want a seat at the table?" Fen asked doubtfully, looking over the charter in front of her.
"Well, they're going to want to review the language, at any rate," one of the advisers put in. "Especially the order of the names."
"But it's in alphabetical order!" Margo said. "Fillory comes before Loria - sorry, not sorry."
13. Running All This Time
Quentin was sweet. There were a lot of words that Eliot could think of to describe him, several of them a lot more besotted than he was comfortable with, but sweet was an apt descriptor, generally speaking.
He had the softest little smile, and wide brown eyes that crinkled up in the corners when he was happy. He had strong yet gentle hands, hands that were somehow mesmerizing as he flapped them around wildly during conversation, trying to paint pictures in the air to accompany his latest rant about whatever-the-fuck. His voice was calming, his circular logic compelling, enough so that Eliot found himself listening - really listening - whenever Quentin was talking to him, even if it was about the Plover books and what they suggested about this time period in Fillorian history, or the politics of trade when it came to buying labor from talking animals, or how he may have come up with a better tracking system to mark down the mosaic patterns they'd already tried. Dry, uninteresting stuff, really. Which is what Eliot told Quentin, with an eye-roll, to stop him from getting a big head.
14. To Feel the Same
Quentin finds Eliot sitting alone in the armory, surrounded by books.
Something tense and frantic inside of him unclenches, like it always does around this man. It’s actually a remarkable thing, because by all rights Eliot should make him more nervous, not less. Quentin is a nervous person, after all, and Eliot is so… Eliot . A High King in his blood. Quentin had meant that, when he said it, and had drank in the gratitude in Eliot’s eyes like a glass of pure, crisp water, essential and quenching.
15. Identity Theft
The first thing the man noticed as he came to consciousness was that his head was pounding. It felt like the worst hangover he'd ever had, times about a million, and for several seconds all he could do was lay there and gasp and wait for his eyes to adjust. He appeared to be in a semi-dark room of some sort. It was large, with a cavernous ceiling above him, and the air was drafty. Like a garage maybe, bigger even - a warehouse?
The second thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone in the room. There were shapes all around him, rustling and making confused, pained sounds. After a few moments of this, there was a whoosh of energy and an orb of light floated above his head, illuminating the space in a soft glow. Someone in the room had cast a simple light spell. He looked around and sat up slowly, trying not to jostle his still pounding head. His next observation was that pretty much everyone in the room with him was kind of stupidly attractive.
16. Promises
Quentin gets about thirty seconds alone in his bedroom in the cottage, before Eliot is bursting through the door without knocking. It's not that he wasn't expecting him to take it hard, but seriously - can he not give Quentin just a couple of minutes of peace?
"This isn't happening," Eliot says without preamble, slamming the door shut behind him. "I'm sorry, Q, but it's not."
"I honestly don't think it's your decision to make," Quentin says, running a tired hand over his face.
17. The Curse of the Broken Vase (aka The One Where They Get Married and Nothing Goes Wrong)
Quentin was pacing.
He was pacing, and he was tugging his hands through his hair, which he really shouldn't be doing because it had actually taken a hairdresser an annoying amount of time to brush it out and tie it back, and apparently it was perfect now, even though Quentin couldn't really see how it was different from his normal lazy bun, but whatever.
There would be people, Eliot included, who would be annoyed with him for messing up his hair.
18. Liquid Courage
Eliot was fidgeting. Which was unusual, and generally not a good sign. But it still wasn't much of a warning, Quentin had thought to himself later, given what was about to happen. Then again, Eliot had been acting strangely all week, a little distant and distracted, and Quentin had known his partner was working up to discuss something with him.
Quentin had been worried, of course, but in an abstract sort of way. He figured whatever it was, the two of them were more than equal to the challenge. Given everything they'd been through over the entire course of their relationship, he really couldn't imagine any piece of news that would be capable of obliterating their lives.
19. Reciprocal
The thing about Quentin Coldwater was that it was pretty much impossible not to love him. Honestly, it wasn't even Eliot's fault - how was he expected to spend every second of every day around such a beautiful, adorable, kind person without letting it get to him? And the sex. Well. That was fucking incendiary, which really wasn't helping his resolve in the love department.
20. Fragments
It was a perfectly normal morning in Fillory. Which, honestly, should have been Quentin's first warning that things were about to go very, very wrong. Fillory was many things, but normal was not one of them: Q had gotten used to being woken up by harried castle employees, alerting him to one catastrophe or another. The Serpent War had ended months ago, but the paperwork was still pouring in like it had never stopped. His official role in the government wasn't supposed to have anything to do with the war efforts, but it had been an all-hands-on-deck situation for the last year or so.
Oh my goodness, this took me back to almost my first story in this fandom! I have 22 Magicians fics posted, so that's almost all of them...
I think my favorite of all of these is Maybe This Time, just because I like starting off with such an iconic moment from canon. It's the kind of fic that I hope resonates with people differently upon a re-read, and I like the strong, instantly recognizable hook. You read that first line and you know where you are, but you have no real idea where the story is about to take you.
I've also had a lot of fun writing Julia in the Comet 'verse and I like her opening line to the first snippet I did for her!
I'll tag @hmgfanfic, @ameliajessica, @hoko-onchi-writes, @freneticfloetry, @honeybabydichotomy, @allegria23, @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier, @rubickk7, @portraitofemmy, @propinquitous, and all others who want to!!
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heavensenthearty · 4 years
Hi! Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself publicly, then send to ten of your favorite followers! ❤️
Oh, my! Well, I'm not used to say good things about myself, but I'll do what I can 😅 And also, thank you for sending me this, because despite everything today I woke up a little proud of myself ☺️
I like... my determination!
This morning I noticed I've lost enough weight for my clavicle to be discernable, that's something I always wanted to achieve! 😃 And my story for the changes in my appearance isn't only about exercise routines and remaining faithful to diets.
It is a long story, but resuming it, my family always made it very clear they thought I was unlovable and undesirable during my overweight years — (to be fair, they were projecting their own insecurities on me) — and they always pushed me to lose weight and put me down when I didn't go through with the routines they wanted me to do. The thing is that I didn't want to lose weight just to fit those standards of beauty they had and that I knew I subconsciously had, too. I knew my way of thinking was wrong and anything that I did would be unhealthy if I only did it for being "skinny and pretty and for people to like me". So I remained many years without trying to lose weight, I wanted to learn to like myself as I was. Needless to say my family didn't like it, and the way they showed it... it hurt. But I survived.
When I decided to start exercising again, it was something I wanted to do, to see how far I could reach... and look where I am now! 😁
I like... my resilience!
I mentioned recently that I went through some difficult days, tho I didn't say how far those difficulties went 'cause... you know, I always think nobody wants to hear about that. Anyway, my insomnia and my migraines were killing me — not so figuratively.
Lately whenever I tried to sleep, I could only do so for... one hour, and the more time I spent without sleeping, the more my head started to hurt.
Add the stress that comes from a friend ditching me, work, a broken tooth, and being the resident caretaker of my family as a whole; I felt like a goodfornothing that was slowly dying.
But — but — I managed to advance on a project that has been taking me ages, and in the middle of my obsession of doing everything unrealistically perfect even when I'm falling apart I came up with many ways to achieve that. Now that I did, I feel more relaxed; today was actually the first time I slept in... a long time! 😃 I would have answered this ask sooner if I hadn't fallen asleep 😅 And my head doesn't hurt anymore, isn't it great?! ☺️
My point is that I'm really proud that I could go through all of that and still managed to find good things amidst the chaos. Things like those aren't easy to overcome, not even if you have to deal with them often, but I'm happy that I have the push myself through that. For now.
I like... my autonomy!
I've been struggling with a lot of things last week, I tried to distract myself focusing on things I like to do — (probably not the best idea considering my head was about to explode at the minimum provocation) — but it got me thinking about certain philosophies with which I was raised. You know the "why do something if you aren't going to be the best at it"? Yeah, that one.
It's also not easy to go through life with those kind of thoughts. But — there is also a but — I shook them off, for the most part, and I took decisions regarding my art and writing WIPs based on what I wanted, not if they were the most refined pieces of art the world has ever seen or not. Certainly not based in what other, more experienced writers and artists than me have done. I am my own person 😎
I like... my versatility!
As I said, it was quite an eventful week, and I probably wouldn't have overcome it if I couldn't work on different things at once and think of different solutions and outcomes for each of them.
I like... my emotional intelligence!
This one is very difficult to admit because, as I said, I'm not really one to talk nicely about myself. Yet, since I already broke those rules in the rest of the ask 😅...
I'm happy that I can grasp positive messages even in difficult or sad situations, I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I managed to make this week productive despite everything and not crumbling down in the process.
Thanks again for sending me this!! 🥰🤗🥰🤗 It gave me time to reflect and process everything that went on the past few days. I just hope you didn't get bored, you don't have to read all of it, I know it's... not important. I'm just happy that I could talk about it, thanks again!! 🥰🤗🥰🤗
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chalkolate-fr · 6 years
Project Constantine
I realize I’d never shared my robo boy’s lore here like I promised, so here it is!
I’m on mobile so I can’t put a read more :/ I’ll add the long post tag though! Hope you like the story!
And since tumblr hates l*nks I’ll just drop his ID and if anyone wants to check out his bio that’d be great! It’s way more organize than this tumblr post anyways ^^:
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His body was crafted by dragon hands, shaped into the image of the Lightweaver’s creation. Like the tales of the gods, his creator had molded dragons after their own reptilian image, each breed distinguishable to each other yet still similar.
His mind, however, would be credited to another force. His creator, Argaesia, could not have fathomed or grasped the ability to grant consciousness. She only knew that when she powered up her machine's completed, cold, mechanical body, electrical magic flowed within; although, only one type of magic wasn't enough.
And once again, taking an homage back to the tale of the gods, especially the Arcanist, life was birthed from the machine. Maybe the Arcanist had seen the potential of new life like the machine that created him gave. A wisp of magic, violet and flowing, slipped between the cracks of the door, between the crevices of metal in the machine's body, tangling together with the blue tendrils.
Constantine opened his eyes, electricity filling his veins, and arcane magic shone through the hollow of the automaton. The machine whirred, newborn life flowing through the copper veins.
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"Ah, good, you're awake!"
A voice floats down from a distance, light, lilting and silky.
"You can open your eyes, now, no need to keep them shut,"
His lids slide open, allowing the light of the world to filter through. He scanned his surroundings, turning his head stiffly.
Amber candlelight dotted the room, illuminating the dragon grinning in front of him. The curtains beside him were loosely shut together, letting a few strips of blue morning light inside. Scraps, wires, tools, and metal littered the space, cluttered to no end. The dragon in front of him watched him intently. Numerous pairs of electric cyan eyes focus on him, and the corners of the Spiral's mouth turns upwards when she has observed him for a few seconds, seemingly satisfied. She jots something down on her clipboard. The Spiral knocked on his side, metallic echoes coming from his skin.
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"Good, good..." She mutters, looking back up at his face. "much better."
"Now, let's try something... hmm..." The Spiral taps her claws rapidly against the clipboard she's holding, scribbling with her other hand. "Turn your head to the door."
He does as he's told, joints whirring, facing towards the dented and beat-up iron door. She seemed to be satisfied, writing down even more. He assumed she wrote about him on the paper.
"Try to say something to me,"
He opens his mouth, and noticed that the metal of his jaws did not creak loudly like last time before he slept.
"Needs some work, but you're doing better! Move your right leg, wiggle them around,"
He does so as well, noticing too that his joints don't make noise anymore like the last tests he did.
"Good, now, try and follow me out the door. I'll let Tal see you," she leads him out, ordering him to open the door as one more test, before dashing to the front, waiting for him to catch up. "Act natural; it'd be funny if he thinks you're an actual dragon!"
Funny: causing laughter or amusement; humorous.
He manages a stiff nod, but she didn't see, already sliding out into the hallway, locking the door after him.
This was the first time he's been outside of the room. A wave of heat rises from his core as he follows the Spiral, processing the possibilities; the thought that this is his first time outside jolts him. Soft, off-white lights line the ceiling, the walls golden and immaculately clean unlike the room he's made a stay in since... well, the beginning. The air smelt sweet and fresh, like the flowers that his creator brought in one day, for a test. Another test.
Before long, the two of them enter the through an arch, into a field of flowers. A garden?
The little plants littered the ground, hiding between blades of light green grass; flowers thrived here, planted in an orderly fashion that he deduced to be the work of another dragon. A few trees overhang the garden, bearing still green fruits and olive leaves. Warmth filled the air, the glass dome above keeping the heat and moisture in for the plants. A dragon, curled around a wooden chair, held a leather-bound book in his hands, leaning against the table before him. He was covered in scales of faded jade, different from the dark, bold Spiral he was used to. The dragon before him, another Spiral dragon, noticed the two approach, closing his book after dropping in a bookmark. He raises a brow.
"Who's... this? Not another one of your 'guests,' Argaesia? I know they signed up for your experiments, but you should still tell them what you do first," The male glanced at him flittingly, before shifting his eyes back towards her. "And again, please don't bring me into your shenanigans either. I don't think it's funny."
Argaesia. His maker's name. He took note of that.
"What's... your, name?" He manages to croak out; his voice hasn't been refined yet, still having a gravelly quality, the chords in his throat made of a material too stiff, according to Argaesia. It often caused abrupt stops in speech and for his voice to be too deep.
"Uh, I'm Talos, if you didn't know, I'm Argaesia's brother," Talos reaches out his hand after leaving his seat. "aaand I'd really advise you to just take the money and go home. It's not really worth it. Look what she's done to your voice already!"
"My-y...voice-ce?" His voice stuttered again. Argaesia side-eyed him, muttering to herself while making another note on the paper. "It'-s okay. I-I'm fine. I've... al-ways been... like th-is."
"You sure? You can go home if you really want to," Talos retracts his hand after no one taking it, still offering a slight smile. He seemed kind.
Kind: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
"Sheesh, I'm not torturing him. Again, the dragons I brought signed up voluntarily! I've only had an accident three times, I'm not hurting them on purpose! Stop scaring him," Argaesia defended herself, patting his shoulders. "Right?"
"Y-yeah. She is... a gre-at cre-ator. We do... a lot of... te-sts."
"Creator?" Talos asked. He notices that the Spiral has a pattern of raising his right brows. "What?"
"Uhhhh, well, thank you! So sweet of you! I am a great at...making science! Ha!" Argaesia side-eyed him again. He's not sure he understands. "Well, better get going now, I-"
A voice booms from down the hall, making both Spirals jump.
"Coming, Aunt Adela, coming," Argaesia massaged her temples, sighing. She threw her clipboard to him. "Uh, go back to the lab and wait for me to come back."
Swiftly, the Spiral flew off, accompanied by a cacophony of yelling and complaining. Without another word, he followed his order and began heading back down the hallway.
"Alright, see you later, I guess," Talos calls behind him. "Don't get lost, the palace gets confusing."
And after heading into the winding halls, before long, Talos' advice came true. He had not recorded a map of the hallways as he followed Argaesia. He wasn't told to. He clunked around, clutching the clipboard tightly; he couldn't understand what she wrote on it, but he was sure he if couldn't find his way back, Argaesia would write something negative. Disappointment would describe the feeling best, according to his dictionary.
Disappoint: fail to fulfill the hopes or expectations of (someone).
A click of a talon against the marble floor alerted him. He snapped his head around. It was Talos, watching him with a slight turn of the head. He stared back.
"Didn't think I'd run into you again so soon, uh," Talos tapped his chin. "What's your name again? Sorry..."
"I, um..." He answers, gears clicking the best they could, trying to sound normal. He didn't want Talos to think he's... weird. Then again, it was almost a miracle Talos thought nothing of the electric power packs slung over his back, had not heard the mechanical clicking coming from his innards. "Um..."
Heat rose from inside his core from him thinking so hard, before he remembered the clipboard he was digging his nails into. Maybe Argaesia could've recorded something on there, like his name. He flitted his eyes to the first page of paper on the clipboard. Graphs etched from machines, messy handwriting, and strings of numbers covered the paper. He didn't understand any of it deeper than the meaning of the separate words, except for the two words printed across the top of the page:
Project Constantine.
"Uh, are you okay? You don't have to answer if you don't want to..." Talos said.
"Constantine," He manages to say, without breaking any of his words this time. "Th-that's-my na-me."
"Ah, okay! Nice to meet, you, Constantine," Talos smiled, reaching out his hand. "Glad to have a chance to get to know you without having my sister around and messing it up."
"M-me too," Constantine gripped the other's hand. So that was his name now. He has a name like Argaesia, like Talos... "Ye-yeah..."
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