#I added a Gon to my previous Killua drawing
beatle-07 · 2 years
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Happy Hunter x Hunter's come back everyone !
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
The Moon and Sun (Big Sib Reader x Gon/Killua)
Ch 5: Big Bad Bomber Man
Synopsis: After some much needed rest and preparation, it's time to defeat Genthru once and for all. The only problem though, one of your kids is a little too reckless.
It'd been around three days since Razor was defeated. And during that small window of time, so much had happened.
For starters, The Strip of Beach card was finally acquired and several copies were made for the other teams. Then Genthru decided to contact your small group with a few demands. He wanted The Strip of Beach card in exchange for your lives.
Like that was gonna happen.
To further prove his point, he confirmed he killed the previous members of your group. His ultimatum: meet up in Masadora within an hour or die.
Tsezguerra and Goreinu, trusting in your group of four, offered to buy 3 weeks of time to get stronger. All Tsezguerra wanted in return was card #75.
Which brings us to where we are now.
You were completely knocked out, finally getting the sleep your body desperately needed. Especially now with your injury.
It'd take months to heal, unfortunately it was time you didn't have. The best three weeks would do is leave it bruised beyond belief. You'd probably be limping at best.
Killua was seated next to your unconscious body, bandaged up hands leaving him in the same boat as you. He watched as Gon trained with Bisky and was mad at himself for his current condition. If he'd just been a little more careful, he'd be getting stronger too.
He supposed it wasn't all bad. He had time to figure out a plan that would defeat Genthru. That and he got to observe your unusual sleeping habits.
You didn't snore when you slept. And your breathing was incredibly slow, like you were purposely trying to be as silent as you could. They were habits eerily similar to his.
The weirdest one, however, was you reaching over every now and then to grab at something that wasn't there. You'd lazily toss your arm to the side and pat the ground to search. Then when you found nothing, you'd pull your arm back and grimace.
On the second day of your deep sleep, you managed to grab Killua's ankle. He was caught off guard by the sudden touch and immediately went to pry your hand off. He froze noticing something new.
Unlike the other times you came up empty handed, this time you smiled. And with your content grin came a drowsy huff.
"Got you, Kari."
It was so strange.
And even stranger was how your silent breathing had increased in volume. Your stiff posture was now relaxed.
Killua decided he'd ask you about it when this was all over.
You'd awoken in the afternoon of the third day, catching the last of Bisky and Killua's conversation.
"-does clear the training, being able to send your enemies flying isn't lethal."
"That's exactly right. The only purpose of training at this level is to give him more options to draw on."
You gave a small yawn as you sat up. You kept hearing a small puff of air followed by a light thud. Cracking open your eyes, you saw Gon. Seems he got a good deal stronger. It was also him causing the repetitive commotion.
"Look who finally decided to join us," Bisky teased.
You slowly turned your head in her direction, eyelids still droopy. You gave another yawn and stretched out your injured leg.
"How long was I out?"
"About three days," she answered.
"Yeah, three whole days of listening to your loud snoring, " Killua added in.
You gave a tired glare.
"I do not snore."
"Yeah you do. You're like a foghorn. And you drool too, all gross and everything."
"Fine, be all mean. After I was gonna train you out of the kindness of my heart. But alas, your slander with not go unpunished."
A beat of silence
Then laughter from the two of you.
When you regained your composure, you directed your attention to Bisky who had been watching the exchange with a softness in her eyes.
"So just what do you have that poor boy doing?" You asked pointing at Gon.
"Emitter training. Just another defensive measure to fall back on." Bisky answered.
You watched as Gon went up by a few inches and then straight back down. His aura was determined, but it was slowly shifting into frustration.
"He won't get anywhere if he keeps forcing it. I'd help him if my ability wasn't heavily visual based," you said.
"Speaking of abilities, I need to know both yours and Bisky's. If I'm gonna come up with a halfway decent plan, I need to know just what exactly you two can do," Killua explained.
You pointed at yourself.
"Speed." It didn't seem the appropriate time to divulge in your full ability yet.
"Your leg's broken, idiot," Killua chastised.
"I'll be good enough in three weeks so long as I rest." You gave a lazily smile.
"Fine, but you better be prepared. Bisky, what can you do?"
She lifted up a finger, her powerful aura surrounding her small form. Then her nen conjured up a woman.
"Allow me to introduce my ability: Cookie the magical masseuse!"
The WHAT???????
"Her various massage techniques are caresses of pure bliss," Bisky continued happily.
"They melt away fat deposits and leave you feeling heavenly. Aura is transmuted into special lotion, smoothing and rejuvenating your skin. Her shiatsu makes you beautiful from the inside out. Relieving constipation, stiff muscles, chills, anything that ails you."
You stifled a laugh. For someone so strict and straight to the point, she sure did have an odd ability. You looked over at Killua whose eye was twitching in slight irritation.
"And is that it?" He questioned lightly, still not believing what was transpiring.
Bisky lit up once again.
"No, of course not! She does chiropractic, swedish, and deep tissue massage too! And that's only the beginning!"
That was the straw that broke the camel's back for Killua.
"What are you an idiot!!!?!?! That crap is completely useless!!!!"
You thumped him with the end of your crutch.
"Watch your language!" You warned.
He turned to glare at you.
"Watch my language!?!? You said way worse when you were arguing with Asta!!!!"
"You were supposed to have your ears covered!!!!! You fibber!!!! And what's with this insulting Bisky's ability!!!"
You stuck your tongue out at the small assassin.
You let a few more days pass by before you helped out with the boys' training. Your first step: helping out the frustrated boy in green.
You were sitting up against a boulder, not having got up yet. Just a little while longer.
"Hey Gon!" You called out as he fell over.
"Yeah?" His mood lightened up a little.
"Come here for a sec!"
He got up and walked over to you. He looked tired.
"Show me what you were just doing." Maybe if you saw up close with your eyes, you might be of some use afterall.
He got into position, a one armed handstand. A small surge of nen surrounded his palm, then before it had time to charge up, a small puff was released. He didn't go up any further than a few inches. You could feel his aura once again shift into frustration.
"I just can't seem to get it right now matter how hard I try!" Gon lamented. He once again flopped over in defeat. You softly thumped his forehead.
"Course not, bozo. You're trying a little too hard. So much so that you're not actually focusing on what you're doing."
He looked up at you with confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it's not really training if it's a one and done, right? Let's try something a little different, okay?" You offered a tired smile.
You raised your palm up and surrounded it with aura, then you gestured to your head and transferred it there.
"Remember this?"
Gon nodded and repeated the action.
"Good, now let's keep that aura around your palm. Keep it there and start adding onto it. Kinda like if you were to charge up your jan-ken thing."
Gon once again did as you instructed. The aura duplicated twice its size in seconds. He looked back to you.
"Keep going, and when you feel like it's big enough, push and release."
He kept charging up for a few more seconds, then finally let go. The result was a decent gust of wind and debris.
"Now try it from the position Bisky showed you."
Gon went over all the steps in his head again before trying. Move the aura to his palm. Charge it up. Then push and release.
To his surprise he went up higher than usual. At least by a foot or two. He got back into his feet and beamed down at your relaxed state.
"Atta boy! Now keep on practicing and don't get discouraged if you're still having trouble." His grin seemed to double in size at your praise. And all traces of frustration in his aura were gone.
"Promise. Thanks Y/n!"
You never pegged yourself as a teacher. You never liked the responsibility of the title. Never liked the expectations that came with it. Even as a child you disliked the term. But you were a helper. You liked to show your peers an easier, more efficient way. (Or at least you had)
A way that built up people's strength gently, rather than the harsher methods used on you to get results.
You despised the idea, but time was of the essence. You couldn't afford to be as laxed as you would've wanted.
Gon was already exhausted with the training Bisky was putting him through. She was better equipped for handling his enhancer abilities.
Killua, on the other hand, was more of a cautious than offensive boy. He'd be better suited for what you had instore. Plus, you could tell he was a little envious that he wasn't training like Gon was. So, even though you knew you wouldn't be as gentle as before, you decided you'd train him.
You wouldn't work him too hard.
"Get up, lazy bones," You woke him up on the 9th day. He got up, but grumbled about it being too early.
"You wanna get stronger, no?"
"What, you mean you're actually gonna train me? I thought you were just joking." He looked a little shocked that you had followed through.
The sound of Gon still trying to get down his emitter training reverberated throughout the area.
"Yup, don't want the other one leaving you behind, do you?"
Killua sat up fast, giving you his full attention.
You summoned a bucket from one of the item cards and tossed it his direction.
"Fill it up with small rocks no bigger than your pinky nail."
"Really, that's lame," he groaned out.
"It'll make sense in a little bit, plus I can't get up and do it myself. Broken leg."
He came back a few minutes later with the bucket full of small rocks.
"Now what?"
You gestured for him to move back until he was at least fifteen feet away from where you sat upon your boulder. When he was in place, you rummaged for a pebble and flicked it fast at him. He was hit directly in the middle of his forehead.
"OW!!" He clutched the area in pain. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!"
You kept launching the small rocks at a startling pace, watching as Killua failed to dodge them.
"Focus your eyes to see where they're coming from. Then focus on making your body move fast enough to dodge them. Each rock you dodge is a minute you get for break. When the bucket's empty, you are to fill it back up. We'll do this for three days straight." You explained the terms while continuing to flick the rocks at him.
Even though he was getting absolutely wailed on, Killua's aura was happy and a smidge excited.
"That all? I'll have this down by the end of the day."
It was actually the third day he got most of it down, just like you predicted. He's able to dodge a little more than half the bucket. Decent for a beginner.
Too bad you only had 9 days left.
You'd leave the poor boy alone so he could continue coming up with a plan. Perhaps you would check up on Gon. He did make quite the fuss while you were focused on Killua. You heard him asking Bisky if he could take a break to join in on your training because it 'looked fun' and 'you explained things better.'
Maybe you'd show him a new trick or two after Genthru was defeated.
You waited until Bisky took Killua a little ways away to discuss what he came up with. You glanced over at your crutches. Not yet.
You called Gon over to you again. His frustration was very much evident. He hadn't been able to get any higher since the last time you helped.
"Sit with me, will you?"
Your question caught the boy in green off guard.
"What? I don't think now's the time to take a break. I have to keep go-"
"Sit." Your tone was smidge harsher.
He begrudgingly sat in front of you, jittering slightly to get back to training. This was really bothering him, wasn't it?
"You haven't made anymore progress?" You voice was unusually soft.
Gon shook his head.
"Why is this so hard? I get everything else, but this...this seems impossible."
You reached out and placed your hand on top of his head, giving a gentle ruffle.
"There are just some things you can do and some you can't. Doesn't mean you failed anyone or that you're not good enough. You just gotta make up for the things you can't do with the things you can. Make sense?"
You could feel him start to relax. He glanced up and stared at you with newfound determination.
"Yeah!" Then his gaze softened. "Y'know, you'd make a really good parent one day!" He said with a wide smile.
For the first time ever in your life, you were embarrassed. It was new, so very new and had you covering your suddenly too warm face.
"You can't just-!!! Why would you-!!!! Let's set the record straight, I'm nobody's-!!!!"
Your rambling was cut off by Gon.
"Well I guess big sibling, more like it. You're not all that old after all." He gave a light laugh after he finished correcting himself.
Still very much embarrassed, you slapped your palm against his mouth.
"Shush! Not another word and don't even think about telling Killua!!!" You would be far too embarrassed to deal with the other boy's teasing.
You weren't used to this.
You hadn't been for quite sometime.
But Razor's words started to ring true.
"Those boys, they look up to you so much already."
Damnit all
Just when had you gone so soft.
You were a loner. And you deserved to be, rightfully so.
And yet....
Yet here was this kid giggling at your flustered state like he just found out about an embarrassing secret. Maybe you didn't deserve it, but you sure as hell longed for it.
A life worth living with people worth protecting.
She'd want that for you, wouldn't she?
With only five more days left, and not enough progress made, it was decided Gon would stop his emitter training. It was time to start setting things in motion.
"Gon, your time's up. Training's over." Killua was the one who stopped the boy in green.
Said boy, wasn't too happy by these turn of events.
"But we still have 5 days!!!!"
"Had a change in plans. We formed a new strategy to defeat them."
"Yeah but! Hold on-!" Gon was trying his best to come up with an excuse. Then his eyes met yours and he doubled his efforts.
"C'mon, you know I'm close, right???? I just need a little more time!!! I've almost got it!!!"
Way to put you on the spot.
"Kid, you can barely go two feet up. Five days isn't gonna make that big a difference. Plus you'll be completely exhausted and unable to fight. It's best to cut your losses and keep moving forward."
Gon pouted, having no other rebuttal.
"Now then, the plan is-" Killua started.
Team Tsezguerra had been radio silent for over 10 days, with their status saying they've left the game. It seemed likely Genthru got to them until Goreinu used contact to explain the situation.
They left for good and gave the cards of value to Goreinu.
Which meant nothing was stopping Genthru from coming after your group now. And your suspicions were confirmed as you felt three malicious auras approaching.
"They're coming." You were grateful for the extra days Tsezguerra's disappearance provided. You could stand and if you tried to walk, you'd limp. As long as you didn't run, you'd be okay.
Killua broke the silence as Genthru's group landed, sticking to script he came up with.
"What do you want!?"
"No need to be hostile. Let's just make a deal."
The bomber's aura was full of deceit. Not that you needed to use your ability to see that.
"With you?!? We're not interested!" Killua continued.
"It's not a bad deal, you know? In fact, it's so good that even Tsezguerra agreed to it."
You bit your tongue to stop your smart ass remark. God these men were repulsive.
"What is it!?!"
"Curious now?" Genthru said as he started to approach.
"Don't move! You can talk from over there!" Gon's words stopped him in his tracks.
"It's actually surprisingly simple," the bomber picked up from where he left off. "We'll beat the game on everyone's behalf. Then everyone returns to the real world and splits Battera's reward."
So all this was for money?
All those people dead, no murdered...
For money
You clenched your hands, trying your best to keep your bubbling anger at bay. You had to stick to the plan. Lashing out would do no good, and you had a part to play at the moment.
"Why should we trust you? You're not exactly good people, so forgive us for not taking such a generous offer at face value." You couldn't help the sarcasm that dripped into your tone.
"We've just had a little change in heart," Genthru responded.
"And Tsezguerra and the others have already left the game."
"Yeah? But that still doesn't prove he agreed to your offer," Killua countered.
"Yes, that's true." You could feel the bloodlust surfacing from Genthru.
"Then you'd rather...die here?" It spiked all at once.
How pathetic.
Your group made fast steps away to retreat, beginning to put the plan into full swing.
Not before you and Killua gave once last taunt.
"Finally showing your true colors, huh!!!!"
"I always knew you weren't right upstairs!!!" You gestured to your head as Gon summoned his book.
"Book! Accompany on! To Soufrabi!!!"
The chase was on
Wherever your group went, Genthru's wasn't far behind. After using up the Accompany cards, you all used Return to get back to Masadora.
Having no other choice, Genthru's group used their last Accompany to find where you guys were. The four of you took off running, with you lagging a little behind.
Each step hurt like hell, but you forced yourself to keep going until you had Genthru's group right where you wanted them.
They 'surrounded' the four of you as planned.
"Now, why don't you give up and hand over your cards?
"Why don't you give up and stop trying to murder children? Really, all this for a few cards?" You may or may not have been trying to stall for your leg to recoup. Didn't mean you were wrong though.
"If they're just cards you shouldn't have a problem turning them over."
Asshole. Luckily Gon redirected the conversation.
"We'll never let you have them! If you want our cards, come and get them!!!!"
"Wait! What? Damnit!" Killua pretended to be caught off guard. Then to sell the deal he said-
"Bisky! Get out of here, now!"
"But I-" She appeared hesitant to leave.
"I said run!" The small assassin jumped back as one of Genthru's men lunged forward and gave chase. You faked a gasp of surprise.
"Killua!!!" And followed after them. You could see the other goon go after Bisky. Which left Gon with Genthru.
God you hoped he'd hold out.
The plan, at least your part of the plan was simple. Because you weren't a fighter, you'd go after Killua and shadow him since he was still injured. Then you'd check on Bisky, just in case. And finally, you'd back track to Gon and see if he was okay. He was no doubt the strongest of your group, but you didn't trust Genthru one bit.
You could already feel his bloodlust increase.
Killua led the enemy to an open area, with you not too far behind. You were being sloppy on purpose, and even though this brute could sense you, he still opted for attacking Killua first.
What a pathetic fool.
You supposed it worked in your favor. By the time the goon got a hit in and turned around, you were in place.
He couldn't even fathom what had happened besides the searing pain washing over his body.
You were leaning against a tree, a very familiar bucket by your side.
"Come on, if a twelve year old kid can take it, why can't you?" You taunted. The fool tried to get up and charge at you again, only to be pelted by more, larger, rocks.
"I'm not a fighter, so you'll have to excuse my rude etiquette. I'm more of a spectator. Come closer if you'd like, but I'm afraid you won't get very far."
"WHY YOU!!!!" He rushed forward, punch at the ready.
"You really shouldn't take your eyes off your real enemy." Killua appeared behind the man with electricity radiating off his palms. He placed them on the man's back, giving him a shock that sent him flying.
He stood paralyzed.
You glanced over to the white haired boy.
"That was slow, gremlin. I thought we went over speed."
He let out a huff.
"Yeah, yeah. Let me just experiment with a few more things." Then his mood lightened a bit.
"I've got a really cool one I think you might like. Let me know what you think."
Genthru's teammate looked very confused by the exchange between the two of you. Even more so when Killua pulled out a yo-yo.
You couldn't help the little 'ooh' that slipped out.
"Alright, let's go!" He threw the toy towards Genthru's man, narrowly avoiding him. The same couldn't be said for the tree that splintered on impact and collapsed.
You gave a small laugh.
"Christ, Killua! If I ever did anything that made you upset I'm sorry," your voice was full of amusement, not at all phased by the surprisingly strong yo-yo.
"WHAT THE HELL!?!? WHAT'S IT MADE OF!?!" Now, the man's aura radiated fear.
Killua continued doing what would have been normal tricks with the deadly toy.
"It's my brother's alloy. He came up with it himself. Weighs around 50kg. Packs a real punch. See!" He lobbed the yo-yo once again at the man.
You didn't hear that often about Killua's family, besides the few pieces he told you. (They were assassins and abused trained their kids). So hearing him talk fondly about his brother was a little strange.
Your train of thought was interrupted by what the goon thought was a successful attack.
He disarmed Killua and kicked his side. Poor fool was so distracted he didn't even notice the second yo-yo come from behind. The cracking sound let you know he probably broke his skull.
"Uh oh. Did I forget to mention I have two yo-yos?" Icy eyes beamed at you.
"Bet you didn't see that coming! Impressed yet?"
You put your hands up in surrender.
"Okay, I'll admit it. That was pretty unexpected. And cool. But I can sense another trick up your sleeve."
The guy in the floor was barely conscious at this point, but conscious nonetheless.
"An encore? Who am into refuse a humble request."
Then Killua was standing over the enemy.
"Hey old man, did you know that when you kick me you raise up your guard arm? It's like you're making your own blindspot."
Dread encompassed the man's aura, as if he just now realized it.
"Hang on! So that means that your blocking habit was-"
"Fake," you interjected. "It was pretty obvious. Nobody's stupid enough to get hit in the same place twice."
"And the first yo-yo, when he released it?"
"Yeah, I knew you picked something up to throw at me," Killua responded.
"Let's just say my eyes have been trained to look out for small rocks." He continued with a shiver.
"But you're great full for it, aren't you!!" You added.
"Yup! Without a doubt!" Killua said hurriedly.
What can you say, you loved giving people a hard time.
"That's enough talk for now," Killua raised up his arms with both yo-yos wound around them.
"Say goodnight, old man!" He released them, hitting Genthru's teammate directly on the back of his skull. Then he transferred his electricity down the strings and shocked him.
Once again, the young boy looked over to you with expectant eyes.
"So, what did you think?"
These boys really had to stop doing that.
"Hell of a job, kid. Let's see, I think if I had to choose... The last attack was definitely my favorite. Good touch adding your ability, really gave it that Killua flair."
He gave a wide grin, almost as wide as Gon's. Which was adorable on your end.
"Ha! Told you you'd like that one!"
Your own smile faded slightly.
"You'll be fine here on your own?"
"Yeah, I doubt this guy'll be getting up anytime soon. Are you sure you'll be fine?" He said eyeing you as you limped forward.
"This isn't my first rodeo, kid. Hell it hardly even hurts." You lied straight through your teeth.
It felt like you were standing on pins and needles. But loose ends needed tying.
You focused your eyes searching for the familiar auras of Bisky and Gon. Both strong, but one was a bit more refined. The other jittery.
You covered a substantial amount of distance before you were right in the middle of the two. The refined aura was by itself. Bisky already won her fight.
And before you could fully analyze the other, you felt an immense explosion of nen.
He didn't
He couldn't have
You took off as fast as your injury would allow in the direction of the nen.
The same direction a very familiar aura was in.
Please be okay
Excruciating, searing pain was all Gon could feel.
He sacrificed his arm to get a good kick on Genthru, and he could live with that. But his true mistake was believing for one second that Genthru would tell the truth. That he'd concede so easily.
Time seemed to slow down as he watched Genthru clench his fist and move it to strike. He could feel it graze his throat and then....
For a second, he couldn't feel the pain at all.
Just warmth.
He realized then that he couldn't see and his feet weren't touching the ground anymore.
Was he being carried?
"You're such a fool."
You cradled Gon close to your chest, as if to shield him from the world. You made it just barley. One second later and his windpipe would've been shattered.
You didn't have the time to assess his injuries before you scooped him up, but you could smell the gunpowder residue. You could smell the burnt flesh.
You held the boy a little closer to you.
Yes, you were glad you prevented further injury, but you were also upset.
Upset at Genthru for taking advantage of Gon's naivety.
Upset at Gon for being so reckless.
And upset at yourself for not being faster.
"So you've finally come out to fight? What's the matter, did Sub already kill the other boy?" Genthru was trying to taunt you.
But you could feel his hesitance to attack. He didn't even know what happened himself until you were a good distance away with Gon.
His threats went of deaf ears though, you paid him no mind as you finally built up the strength to look at Gon's injuries.
"Don't worry, I'll kill the both of you so you'll be reunited in death!!!" He lunged forward, hand inches away from your shoulder, and then felt nothing. He tried to attack again but missed.
Every lunge, every reach of his arm, every quick movement you evaded. The worst part, you weren't even looking at him when you did. You didn't address him, didn't acknowledge him.
There was no way you were this fast!
There was no way you could be moving at a faster speed than him and not even be phased!
What the hell was going on!
On your end, you were torn between two choices. It would be so easy to take off with the boy in your arms. Let someone else take over and deal with the outcome. But it wasn't your place to do so.
No matter how badly you didn't want to see him suffer, this was his fight. You should let him find out the hard way and finish it.
But no kid should have to go through this.
He could barely stare up at you with one eye open and the other swelled shut. Nevermind his completely charred wrist and now stubbed arm.
At least the explosions had cauterized the wounds.
His aura was nervous with a hint of guilt. Judging by the look he was giving you, you must've appeared pissed.
"Don't- don't be mad at me, Y/n." He whispered out and clutched the front of your shirt.
Your previous frustration was replaced by concern.
"I know I was wrong for being selfish, but I just wanted to-" He cut himself off and hugged you tighter.
"I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Please."
He just had his arm blown off and the thing he was worried about was your forgiveness.
Sometimes you couldn't tell who had it worse. Killua who was never shown an ounce of genuine love from his family, or Gon who felt if he got one thing wrong he would never be good enough for anybody.
You weren't upset anymore, but you still needed to lecture the boy on his carelessness.
"I'm not mad...not at you. Okay, not at you." Your words slightly relaxed him.
"But it's time for some tough love, okay?"
You felt him nod.
"No more messing around. No more trying anything that leaves you open for attacks. Either take the fight seriously or quit."
At last he looked up at you.
"I wanna finish it. I don't wanna let him get away with all the people he's hurt."
"Then stop acting like a prideful fool and do it."
By this point, Genthru was still trying and failing to land a hit on you. He saw you limping earlier, so it made no damn sense why you were still so fast.
He was left even more confused when you suddenly vanished from in front of him.
You moved to set Gon down behind Genthru. Just as you did with Killua, you would shadow him in case anything else went wrong.
Gon quickly used an item card and summoned a jar of gasoline. By the time Genthru turned around, the jar was already broken and he was doused in the flammable liquid.
Genthru looked shocked by the sudden attack. Then he regained his murderous aura.
"Oh I see, this is gasoline. That's a good one. It's true that I can't use Little Flower now, however, I have another ability. Countdown."
Wasn't that the one that had been on Abengane's shoulder?
"You may recall that I can set a bomb on someone, and all I have to do is touch them and say the word 'bomber.'"
So it was the same one. The very attack that killed hundreds in seconds.
"And if you intend to disarm it, your only recourse would be to touch me while saying 'I caught the bomber.'" Genthru continued. He then looked back to where you were.
"All of the activation requirements have been met. If I touch him and say bomber, the countdown will begin. The boy's as good as dead, but I might be willing to spare him if you convinced him to hand over the cards."
You glared daggers at the sadistic man.
"Try it, but this kid won't lose that easily. In fact, I'd say your time is just about up." You pointed behind him as Gon started to charge up his attack.
"My requirements have been met too! Now, show me rock!" His fiery nen encompassed his good hand.
You could feel the surprise from Genthru once more.
Gon punched straight down, effectively activating the trap. You jumped back slightly to avoid falling into the giant crater.
You focused your eyes to monitor the two auras below you. Genthru was right in the center.
Good, he was in place.
You watched as the giant boulder from before was released from the item card. It was too big to dodge, still you couldn't be sure until it crashed down.
You saw Gon's aura approach the other, then spike in what you assumed was a final attack. The other aura flickered, then disappeared.
He won.
Thank goodness!
You'd been so worried
You quickly ran down the wall of the crater and towards the secret tunnel Gon was in. He was already beaming up at you when you got there.
"Told you I could do it!" His smile was wiped away as the pain flared from his charred arm.
You flashed him a pained smile of your own. Your leg was killing you now that the adrenaline had worn off. But at least now you could relax a little.
"Yeah, you sure did. I'm proud of you." Your tone was uncharacteristically soft. It'd be a lot easier to stay mad at him if he didn't have her eyes.
You leaned down despite the pain of your left leg.
"Alright, let's go meet up with the others, you munchkin." You scooped him up into your arms once more.
"What about Genthru? How are you gonna carry him up?"
"I've got it covered, though I can't imagine it'd be a comfortable ride for him. Not like he deserves one anyway."
You felt Gon relax in your arms.
Shifting his weight onto one, you used the other hand to form strands of nen. You willed them to wrap around Genthru's body. It'd been a while since you had to use that part of your ability.
When you were sure the strands were sturdy enough, you took off, using leftover nen on the bottoms of your feet to help scale up the crater.
Fun Fact #6: Y/n LOVES sweets, having been denied them so much during childhood.
AN: Who's not ready to enter the Chimera Ant arc and relive the trauma? 😬🤚
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yyuangss-main · 4 years
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❝three : nothing we can do❞
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You could have guessed Bakugo’s loss of quirk dealt with the famous troupe. Only a selected few knew Kurapika’s soul purpose when becoming a hero. Even Gon and Killua knew. The one hero capable of defeating the troupe was Kurapika. He never told you any information about them or other heroes. He once told you he didn’t because he wants to be the one to fight them.
“The Phantom Troupe?” Sero asked for the other four heroes in hospital beds. “We’re thinking of the same troupe, right?”
“The one that’s considered to be a myth.” You crossed your arms. “And they’re real. More real than you could ever imagine. It’s bad news that they took Bakugo’s quirk. No telling what they want and if they wanted to take his power.”
Bakugo, finally, stayed quiet. Clearly inside he was having a breakdown. It was odd not hearing his hoarse voice shouting. His entire world, collapsed just by getting his quirk taken.
“How do you know?” Kaminari piped up. He’d been quiet during the screaming as well, “You’re certain Bakugo’s lost his quirk?” Leorio flipped up a paper on the clipboard, scribbling something quickly.
“Here’s (Y/N). And this is Bakugo.” Leorio held up the clipboard to Kaminari, twisting his body to show Kirishima and Bakugo. “The circled parts are where their quirks are. When I touch someone and use my own, their whole body is showing me their injuries including their quirks. The quirks are in a dark blue color. (Y/N)’s quirk would be in her brain while Bakugo’s is in his hands.”
“You’re saying you didn’t see that blue in Bakugo’s hands?” You said.
“That’s right.” He pointed with his pin to Bakugo’s uncircled hands, drawing an arrow to the quick stick figure drawing of you. “Every single one of you has the blue shade still. Meaning, you still have your powers. If it were to be taken away, the blue would leave too.”
“Kurapika, all the Phantom Troupe info goes to you, right?” You sat on the edge of Kurapika’s bed. “That adds up to you knowing some of their abilities. Is Chrollo’s takeaway a long lasting effect or will Bakugo get his powers back?” Kurapika shut his eyes again.
“I can’t answer you that. Not now.”
“Please. We’re trying to figure a solution out for Bakugo, not fight the Troupe.” You scoffed. “We have more lives at stake. Like Izuku or Hitoshi.”
“I understand. More the reason why I can’t speak about it.” Kurapika stated, “My information comes from people who are risky dealers. Leads from police officers are confirmed by them. I’m not ready to release this information with anyone. That includes Leorio and you, (Y/N).” Leorio tsked from behind you.
“Stop being a dumbass.” Leorio growled. “Be selfless and help us.”
“Forgive me, Ground Zero.” Kurapika removed the hospital blanket, making sure not to hit you with it. “But I told you to get out. You didn’t listen to me.”
“Pester me no further.” The scarlet color took arise in his eyes again. “I’ve made my choice and won’t change my mind. Leorio. If that’s all, I’d like to get my bill and leave.”
Kurapika’s motives hadn’t changed when you met him at U.A. It worried you. Having a passion or reason to be a hero is common, but once you’ve fulfilled it, what will happen? You’d spoke about that to Leorio several times. All that was left in the chain hero’s heart was hatred.
“(Y/N).” Kurapika said, now dressed in the hero clothes brought in from earlier. Your eyebrows raised up. “I will help get Ground Zero’s quirk back. They will not get away with this.”
You made all heroes in the hospital room to swear that they wouldn’t speak on Bakugo’s missing quirk. Kurapika promised he would share the information but today wasn’t the day. When returning back to your agency, you lied to Midoriya and told him they all turned fine.
“I’m glad they are.” Midoriya let out a relieved sigh, leaning back in his office chair. “All I have to worry about is this paper work for Gon and Killua’s work studies.”
“I’ll take Kil as my work study student. You can take Gon.” You picked up the yellow file, making your way to your desk and sitting down. Midoriya wrote on the paper, checking out if the typed ink was all correct. Killua’s ID picture stared back at you. There was a nagging feeling like when you waited to hear the condition of the others.
‘What were the true intentions of the Troupe? Bakugo must have been an extra. A ‘Well since I’m here might as well’ kind of thing. I doubt he is their real target. And if he was, they should know they’re going to get into a mess. A mess means more heroes involved,’ You bit your thumb nail, checking to see if Killua’s birthday was right. ‘Involvement means no more hiding. Basically, they didn’t mean to. Bakugo must have attacked Chrollo and the leader had no other choice and fought back. And that must be where the gigantification came in.’ Your fingers snapped, making Midoriya’s head twitch in your direction.
“You okay over there?” The freckles on his cheeks rose with his smile.
“Oh! Thinking!” You tapped the pen against your temple, ‘With the mistake, they’re bound to expect an attack. They know this, right?’
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❝When a vicious gang called the Phantom Troupe takes away the quirk of Katsuki Bakugo, Ground Zero, heroes around do their best to protect him and ones in training. They call you in and give you four different options that give you four different outcomes.❞
Taglist: @makeusfreefromthisfandom @humanitysbiggestsimp @cuddlejeongin @moremilkforkags @almostcrystalized101 @yuesphere @angelthebedsheet @mrstodorooki @jiminscarmex @lollyzen
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mrluvian · 3 years
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Hunter X Hunter Review
So I just finished reading the Succession Arc in HXH last night after few years ignoring the series because I was too occupied reading One Piece.
Let's start.
In my opinion, all previous arc is good and my favorite is the Chimera Ant Arc, for me it's the best, the story, the final boss, the creature, and the ending. But sorry to say I hate and despise the Succession Arc.
Honestly that ARC for me PERSONALLY Is the worst.
I came expected to read some action, not some novel detective with walls of text. If I want that, I'd be reading other manga like Detective Conan or Death Note or maybe SHERLOCK HOLMES. I skipped tons of reading in this arc.
Don't get me wrong, I love HXH but there are so many inconsistencies in the whole manga.
First what made me turned down the manga initially was because of Nen. Nen was introduced later in-story it felt like a surprise method for me (it's just like Nen was never introduced and suddenly before a big match it's introduced, it felt kinda rushed), and I disliked the idea that it is similar to Haki in One Piece, an energy that resides within one's body. But then I read that Nen can be applied everywhere and is very flexible, compared to Haki. So I pressed on. Besides, the real term Haki was coined, introduced and made official much later in One Piece compared to HXH, so if I can love one, why hate another?
Then, from what I read and saw, the author loves simplicity (main image+no backgroudn), then a few chapters and archs ahead (especially after Gon beat Greed Island) it felt like a half finished sketch, LOOK the image below. I mean what the hecj is going on? Look at the hand !
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then after few archs, he changed his style into full blown detailed picture, AND suddenly wall of texts like detectives,
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that -- added with Chimera that suddenly with no direct mentor (compared to Gon and Killua had 2 experienced mentors) able to keep up with years of training of Hunters with many years of experience, then suddenly an animal type Nen that somehow I missed it being mentioned before the arc? That added with very engaging and creative fighting-- then suddenly a detective style thing.
What pissess me off is that the author put tons of wall of texts arcs before the very important thing -- the Dark Continent, then decided to go onto Hiatus (should've just went for Dark Continent instead). The author made the build-up of Dark Continent background story a very interesting thing (big monsters, killer diseases, etc) like image below,
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And it's like the major hot topic before going abroad, but suddenly they filled it with detective story, and a damn long one!? Very anticlimatic. Why don't they skip the shipboat case thingy and just get on with Dark Continent?
Gon and Killua is nowhere to be mentioned, especially after his aura missing.
I can pardon the previous inconsistencies because it got better, but this Succession Arc really puts me down..
I wish the best for the author, maybe hire someone else to draw it if it's too hard for him to do so.
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jyuanka · 7 years
@softkillua Happy Birthday, Kaz! I wish you a kind year filled with love and inspiration ❤️❤️❤️
(The fic on AO3)
Ode to Summer
Canary wondered if she had ever seen a place so soaked in light, wondered how the overwhelming scent of soap simultaneously eased her and set her off. A part of her appreciated the cleanliness, another, deeper part, was wary of it. In her experience, things that were glowing and smelled good usually concealed awful realities behind them, but perhaps not here.
Her eyes surveyed the room, studying it in cold detachment. This very act felt wrong, because she was missing her staff, missing her uniform, and she was, for the most part, in a civilian house. The lack of nen was disconcerting, knowing the owner of this room, and his history. The lack of nen was disconcerting, too, oddly enough, because it added to her sense of dread.
Throughout her life, lack of visible signs of danger caused not comfort, but abnormal eeriness, and Canary had to silence the voice in her mind, ever alert, telling her to watch out.
“Are you okay there, Canary?”
She sucked in a breath and turned around, meeting her companion’s bright eyes with a smile. “Yes, I’m fine.”
Her eyes moved about his face, searching for what, she wasn’t sure. Was he feeling the same uneasiness? His face was set in a deliberate expression of boredom, one she could see through, but something told her he was truly disinterested in the room; his sharp blue eyes weren’t shifting around like hers, they were staring up at the ceiling, their owner sprawled quite comfortably on his friend’s bed, hands behind his head, legs crossed.
“How long are we going to stay here?” she asked him, still standing in the center of the room, disengaging herself from the space she occupied by not sitting, by not touching or moving anything.  
Killua shrugged. “Not for long, it’s just a little mission, we’re not visiting or anything.”
Canary nodded. “It’s a lovely place.”
He squinted at her. “Canary, do you wanna stay?”
“Do you?”
Killua uncrossed then crossed his legs, seemed to shrink a bit on himself. It was hardly noticeable, but all the same, she heard the evasive grunt he swallowed. “I like this place alright, but I don’t want to stay.”
“Hey, wait for me!”
Killua chugged off his shirt and sprinted after his two friends, following them into the water. “I remember there were some weird creatures in this pond, right, Gon?”
Gon laughed, drawing circles around himself in the green water of the pond. “Nothing you can’t handle, Killua!”
“I know, dumbass!” Killua flipped his head awkwardly to the other side, standing on a sloping rock with his arms crossed. “I just don’t want something gross to touch my feet while I’m swimming.”
Canary was straying away from the other two, legs flapping gently in the warm water, the scent of weeds and humid air pervading her senses. She submerged her head, and tried to peek in the dense waters, to discern some shape or another, but she only saw her feet lulling in a lurching canvas of muddy green.
She brought her hands to her face, and creeped three long fingers out of the water, enjoying the different temperatures. The sun up above reflected misshapen patches of whiteness on the surface; Canary swayed her hand through them, disturbing their placidity. When she could no longer hold her breath, she popped her head out of the water.
“Hey, Canary, what are you doing?” Killua’s voice reached her from above, and she had to turn around and crane her neck to see him standing alongside Gon on a high rock, hands on his hips. “We’re gonna jump!”
“Jump with us!” Gon reiterated, and even from this distance, Canary could see the beautiful sheen on his brown skin, his long hair amess, toned arms waving for her to climb up and join them.
As she pushed herself out of the water, and started making her way towards them, she reveled in the warm soil under her feet, the unfamiliar, heavy tinge in the air, droplets of water bouncing off her hair, trickling on her back. Her hands coursed through brambles and leaves of plants she had no name for, ears trying to distinguish the differences between the various twitters and trills of hopping birds, half-lidded eyes wanting to see everything, take in all the sights around her, and when she finally reached the high rock, the world around her fell into unnatural silence.
“So, who goes first?” Killua asked, white locks stuck to his forehead, inspecting his two companions with challenging looks.
A bird zipped out of the branches in panic when Gon screamed in joy, and jumped.
Hair sprawled around his head like spilled ink, Gon titled his head to the side to look at Canary. “What have you guys been up to? Are you traveling with Killua all the time?”
Canary was lying beside him, one hand resting on her stomach, the other fiddling with a twig, and found herself contemplating the apparent lack of resentment in his voice. “We travelled together for a while, after I resigned from my job at the Zoldyck mansion.” she said, not meeting his gaze, twirling the twig between her fingers. “But not as much anymore. Killua has his various jobs, and I have mine.”
Gon smiled. “Have you thought of taking the Hunter Exam? I bet you can pass easily!”
That made her look at him. “I did think of it.” she answered him, finally deciding to prop herself up and face him. “Though I believe I don’t have any grand purpose to become a Hunter.” Canary smiled. “Maybe one day I will.”
His smile widened. “Yeah.”
“What about you?” Canary asked, drawing circles between them with her twig. “The Nenless Hunter, you’re quite famous.”
Gon laughed. “Am I?” his eyes shifted up to the sky above them, the glow of the sunset reflecting in his eyes, then he looked back at her. “I’ve been doing many things, trying to visit aunt Mito as much as I can, since grandma passed away — and last year we discovered a new species of birds on Ioni Islands and I almost died trying to catch one!” he laughed again, and even though it was genuine, she could hear the self-deprecation in it.
Canary nodded awkwardly, her mouth drawn in a forced smile. Gon didn’t seem to notice, and moved from one subject to the next, from one story to another, quick and disjointed, almost like he’s attempting to fill in the space for the sake of evading silence.
Finally, he sighed, and smiled at her. “Do you like Whale Island, Canary?”
She returned his smile. “Very much.”
Gon seemed to take pride in this, and his smile widened. “I’m glad!”
“Glad about what?” Killua’s voice reached them before they saw him hopping over jagged rocks, leaping to the ground, and flopping gracelessly between them.
“Killua! Why did it take you so long?” Gon inquired and propped himself up, looking down at his resting friend.
Killua grimaced, throwing his arms up in exasperation. “Because Gon, I had to use the phone in the post office. The post office. In this century. You don’t even have a landline in your house!”
“But Killua, what about your cellphone?”
Blue eyes looked everywhere but at Gon. “Dead battery.”
“Why didn’t you charge it with your nen?”
Killua groaned. “Last time I did that the battery fucking melted.” he rolled his eyes. “I still don’t know how you can function without a cellphone.”
Gon frowned. “I told you, it got smashed to pieces in my last mission! I just never bought a new one.”
“Typical.” Killua spat out.
“Hey it’s alright.” Canary interjected, waving her hand between them, then shifted her attention to Killua. “How did the phone call go?”
“Fine, we’re set to leave tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Gon echoed in a murmur. “I thought you were gonna stay for longer.”
When she caught Killua shifting ever so slightly in his position, Canary spoke. “We came here to deliver a message for you, from a client who didn’t know how to contact you.”
Gon’s shoulders slumped, his face contorted in a disappointed frown. “I knew there was a reason behind your visit, but still I thought you’ll stay longer.” his eyes wandered from one guest to the other. “Why don’t you stay until the end of August? We can leave together then.”
He wasn’t even attempting to hide the pleading in his voice, his genuine desire for them to stay, and Canary found herself lost as to what words she should say next. She knew that now, she was free to do whatever she wanted, go wherever, live anywhere, yet she couldn’t shake off the effects of more than a decade of loyalty and devotion to her previous master; if Killua wanted to leave, then she was going to leave, too, no matter her personal desires.
Canary wished to stay.
After a long moment of silence, after the pink tint the sunset had left in Killua’s hair faded, and after every drop of water on their bodies dried, Gon sighed. “What does the client want?”
An hour before their departure, Canary found herself once again in Gon’s room. Now that she’d spent time with him, she could tell that not only was his nen absent - as she had sensed upon their arrival - but so was his entire presence. She couldn’t feel any Gon in this room, or at least a Gon that had bothered to spend any significant amount of time here, anyway.
If Gon was visiting his hometown as much as he claimed he was, then he was certainly not spending time in this room. In fact, he wasn’t spending time in the house at all.
Canary glanced out of the window, and saw the two boys conversing in a peculiar mix of yelling and whispering, interspersed with awkward laughter, strolling back and forth in front of the house, skipping a rock, shifting the weight on their feet, chancing two steps away before tackling each other.
If she wanted to, she could discern the contents of the hushed, lounging words passing between them, but she didn’t.
Downstairs, Mito greeted her with a bright smile, and a box of pastries.
“Don’t let Killua eat yours, I already gave him his box.” Mito told her with a playful mock frown, aware of the boy’s inclinations.  
The blue pastry box passed from Mito’s hands to hers, Canary tucked it carefully under her arm, and looked up to meet the woman’s soft gaze. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
“Do it again.” a whisper.
The smile on Mito’s face waned. “Visit us again.”
There was that tone again, almost the exact same one that trickled out with Gon’s request, asking them to stay until the end of August, and again, Canary tried to grasp at proper words to reply. If this was just an act of courtesy she would’ve had no problem saying something, but it was more than thanking a host, which should have been enough, because nobody had ever hosted Canary with such warmth, if only for two nights.
Was Mito aware of what the two of them had in common? The distance, between them, and a loved one. Unintended, comforting to think of as inevitable, but isn’t.
There was no resentment in Gon’s voice, because she and Killua weren’t as close as would appear. He knew that. Gon wanted them to stay longer as a good way to evade the staleness permeating this house, his relationship with his aunt.
Killua’s cellphone battery doesn’t melt when he uses his nen to charge it. Gon probably knew that, too.
Perhaps it was all something else, but Canary settled on this, settled for the vague connection these realizations created between her and Mito. Displacement, maybe even a bit of boredom. Bored with walking the distance, breaching gaps, tagging along, staying behind. Bored, and restless.
“I will.”
Mito snapped out of her own thoughts. “What?”
Canary smiled, and reached a friendly hand to the other woman. “I will visit again.”
There was no hesitation in Mito’s firm grasp, her palm cold from washing the dishes. She winked. “Maybe I will visit you.”
Canary widened her eyes, and her mouth hung open for a second before she composed herself. “But I travel a lot.”
Mito arched an eyebrow. “Who said I don’t like to travel?”
Canary smiled and nodded. “Okay then, I’ll give you my number.”
As they said goodbye, Canary didn’t mind leaving Whale Island all that much. There was something resembling the place quite beautifully in the woman waving goodbye to her, and in her subtle, casual proffer of companionship.
On the ship, she opened the box for the first time, tasted one of the delicious homemade confections, which she didn’t know the name for, and sighed in bliss.
“Hey Canary, what’s that?” Killua scooted closer to her, his eyes inspecting the box with unabashed greed.
She swallowed, savoring the sweetness in her mouth. “It’s a gift from Mito.”
“Eh?” he widened his eyes. “I can’t believe she didn’t give me one.”
Canary smiled. “Oh? That doesn’t seem like something she would do.”
“I know!”
Slowly, Canary closed the lid, denying Killua’s hungry eyes the sight of her pastries. “Have you checked in your bag? She might’ve left it there as a surprise.”
Killua crossed his arms. “I’m sure there isn’t any.”
Canary offered him an apologetic shrug. “Then I suppose she gave me the box as a first time visitor, maybe it’s a Whale Island tradition, hmm?”
“I don’t remember such a tradition.”
She hummed. “Then maybe she liked me more?”
Killua pierced his lips and trotted away, perhaps planning how to sneak some of her food from the box, but as Canary glanced back at the magnificent slope of Whale Island, at the blue summer sky, she knew; she wasn’t going to give him any.    
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