#I almost put august 34 as a date and didn’t immediately see anything wrong with it btw.
weeddio · 2 years
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no way dude hes gonna suck my dang blood out
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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summary : eli gathers the courage to ask the question he’s been wanting to for a while.
characters : elliot martin , daniel seo , cho minjae , rest of solar / botanica ensemble mentioned
genre : PURE fluff omg it’s so sweet
warnings : like usual just some swearing but other than that not much ? it’s a pretty sweet piece so idk
words : 2.9k
notes : if u want you can listen to the song i mentioned in that one line here ! i was listening to it on repeat while writing this hfjhb
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[ august 2020 , 9:34 am , botanica dorms ]
“why are you so giddy this early in the morning?” daniel, who still looked half asleep, glared at elliot over his coffee cup from his place at the table, watching elliot bounce around the kitchen at a way earlier time than was probably socially acceptable. especially in their dorm on a day with no schedules.
elliot shrugged, “i’m just in a good mood,” he replied, smiling like an absolute dork.
daniel took a sip of his coffee, “you’re seeing minjae today, aren’t you?”
a few beats passed before elliot quietly replied, “...maybe,” turning away from daniel to hide the fact that he was blushing like an idiot. it was no secret that elliot and minjae had been hanging out almost every day since the time he nearly accidentally killed the shorter boy by putting his phone number in a piece of his cake, which minjae then ate and choked on (elliot had apologized profusely countless times for that). it didn’t take an idiot to realize that there was clearly something more going on, or something more about to start soon enough.
“you finally gonna ask him out?” daniel asked, still drinking his coffee.
“you know what? i think i am,” elliot said excitedly, bouncing up and down as his way of hyping himself up, “i think i’m gonna do it, whew, this is a lot of pressure.”
daniel laughed, “you’ll be fine, there’s no way he’s gonna say no.”
“how do you know?”
“have you seen the way he looks at you? come on, that tiny boy is whipped,” daniel said matter-o-factly.
elliot laughed through his nose, still blushing, “if that’s what you think... but how should i, like, ask him?”
daniel tilted his head, “you’ve dated people before, weren’t you like, an absolute stud in high school or something?”
“well- yeah,” elliot snorted, “but that was high school, this is different.”
“you’ll be fiiiiine,” daniel said, reaching his arm out in a motion meant to imitate him patting elliot on the shoulder, even though they were on opposite sides of the room and daniel was just patting the air in front of him. elliot appreciated the reassurance either way.
“can we change this music by the way,” elliot crinkled his nose in the direction of daniel’s tiny speaker on the table hooked up to his phone, “please, it makes me feel old. put on tame impala or something.”
looking extremely offended, daniel turned his music up instead, “don’t you dare talk about the greatest band ever like that, the beatles would surpass whatever cringey rappers you’re listening to today in literally anything.”
“at least the singers i listen to are still alive,” elliot retorted, and daniel gasped.
“whatever, i need to get ready anyways!”
“already? go back to bed or something,” daniel said, “it’s too early.”
“but i have so much i gotta do,” elliot started pacing again, “i gotta shower, get ready, gotta find my money so i can buy us food-“
“i’ve never seen you this excited about anything,” daniel laughed with an amused expression, “ever.”
“fuck off,” elliot grumbled, trying and failing to hide his flushed cheeks, only making daniel laugh even more.
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[ 9:21 pm , a street corner ]
“it’s cold,” minjae shivered, looking up at elliot walking next to him, “can i hold the pizza?”
elliot might’ve bought an entire pizza just so minjae and him could have a late night picnic on a particular grassy hill next to their dorm building. which, admittedly was probably a strange sight for the other people walking around at that time of night, but neither of the boys cared.
“oh- yeah, here,” elliot handed the pizza box to minjae, who immediately sighed in relief at the feeling of warmth against his cold hands, “do you want my sweater too?” elliot asked, already hurriedly taking it off.
“no it’s-“ minjae was cut off by the sudden feeling of warmth around his shoulders, and when he looked up again elliot had taken his sweater off and draped it around minjae’s shoulders (what minjae didn’t know was that elliot had specifically picked out that sweater because he knew minjae liked it and he was excitedly anticipating this exact moment). “...fine,” minjae finished quietly, the small gesture lining the inside of his stomach with butterflies.
“right here, this hill!” elliot excitedly pointed to the hill ahead, “that’s where i was thinking we could sit and eat.”
minjae nodded, “sounds good.”
“well- i mean if you’re cold we can go in i just thought it’d be fun to have a late night picnic-“
“i like the idea too!” minjae quickly said.
elliot sighed in relief, he didn’t have a backup plan, and he really didn’t wanna eat an entire pizza with the boy he had a crush on in either of their dorms. “alright, come on!” he grabbed minjae’s hand and pulled him towards the hill. the shorter boy clutched the pizza box against his chest for dear life in an attempt not to drop it all over the grass as he let himself get dragged up the hill by elliot, jogging and laughing with him the whole time.
they finally reached a good spot on the hill to sit, and elliot collapsed on his back, followed closely behind by minjae, who carefully placed the pizza box on the ground before joining elliot in the grass sprawled on his back. for a second, minjae just stared up at the deep blue night sky, reaching out his hand and pointing out random stars to himself.
“what are you looking for up there?” elliot asked, staring at minjae with complete admiration in his eyes while minjae was focused on the sky.
“trying to find the big dipper,” minjae said quietly.
“can we even see it this time of year?”
“no clue, i just like looking at the stars sometimes.”
elliot, completely unaware of the huge smile on his face, whispered, “me too.”
“ALRIGHT,” minjae suddenly sat up, “let’s eat this damn pizza, i’m starving, i didn’t eat dinner because i knew we were getting this.” he ripped open the box and immediately dove for a slice, and elliot couldn’t help but laugh at how frantic the shorter boy was.
“do you wanna listen to music?” elliot suggested, “i just like listening to music sometimes, i dunno we don’t have to-“
“i like music,” minjae said confidently, “well, i mean, obviously,” he lost all his joking confidence in a second as he smiled sheepishly, “how about your music?”
elliot shrugged and took out his phone, “yeah, you can pick a playlist,” he said as he opened his phone and handed it to minjae to scroll through his playlists.
“this one looks interesting...” minjae mumbled as he clicked on a playlist called, ‘a wild fuckin party i went to once in highschool’ (the titles were all in english, so he couldn’t understand). elliot’s eyes widened when he realized that the first song that came on was deep throat by cupcakke. he seized his phone out of minjae’s hand and hit pause just before the song could finish its first recital of ‘HUMP ME, FUCK ME-‘
“how about something a little more... not explicit?” elliot suggested, laughing nervously. he gave his phone back to minjae, who instead picked out another playlist called, ‘songs to cry over my crush to’ (elliot thanked the heavens that minjae couldn’t understand that title). he breather a sigh of relief when 1980s horror film by wallows came on, a significantly less explicit song.
“i like this one,” minjae said after listening for a few seconds, “let’s keep it on.”
elliot shrugged, grabbing another piece of pizza. he’d almost forgotten what he was planning on telling minjae that night. oh well, he’d find a time. hopefully soon.
“damn it, i almost forgot,” minjae groaned, “curfew. i have to be back by ten.”
“we’re right here already, it’s fine,” elliot said, “what’s the harm in staying out a few minutes later?”
“i guess so,” minjae replied quietly, picking at the grass by his legs with his free hand, “i mean... who’s gonna find out, anyway?”
elliot nodded, staring off into the distance at some buildings down the street. unbeknownst to minjae, elliot was trying to plan out a way to confess to him right then, and then, if things went right, subsequently ask him out. he was never nervous like this before, even with being in countless short term relationships throughout middle school and high school, but in the grand scheme of things, those didn’t matter much. this felt way more serious than asking out the kinda cute girl that sat next to you in chemistry in the ninth grade because your friend dared you to (only for her to break up with you two weeks later. nice going, emily).
“hey... earth to yeollie,” elliot was shaken out of his daze by minjae waving his hand in front of his eyes. “i can’t eat this entire pizza by myself.”
elliot scoffed, “weak.”
“hey!” minjae pouted, “i’m- OH FUCK-“ he suddenly screamed, pointing frantically at elliot’s head.
“THERE’S A BIG GROSS BUG IN YOUR HAIR!” minjae slapped the top of elliot’s head repeatedly until elliot himself reached up and grabbed his hand.
“STAY STILL!” minjae yelled as he reached again up to get the slightly squished bug out of elliot’s hair. “i said stay still dude,” he mumbled, scooting closer so he could see better in the dim light. because of the fact that minjae was basically legally blind even with his glasses on, their faces were inches away from each other while he struggled to fix elliot’s hair. the latter silently prayed that minjae couldn’t see how red his face had gotten in the dim light. but in return, elliot couldn’t see how hard minjae was blushing as well.
but just as elliot got the confidence to lean in and pucker his lips for a kiss, minjae turned around to flick the bug off his hand and scoot back to his original sitting position. “now that that’s done with...” minjae grabbed another piece of pizza and turned back around to face elliot while the latter felt a bit of his soul leave his body.
elliot picked up his phone off the ground, and when he saw that there were only a few minutes left until it turned 10pm (a.k.a. a couple minutes until minjae would start insisting going back inside because he was worried about getting in trouble for staying out too late), it felt like now or never, even though it obviously wasn’t.
minjae looked down at the time on elliot’s phone when he set it back down, “oh, it’s almost 10, we should really head back soon-“
fuck it.
“before we do that, can i just- tell you something?”
minjae quickly snapped his head up to look at elliot and nodded quickly, “yeah, of course.”
the brunette let out a shaky breath before he started, “so- remember that time i gave you my number?”
“you mean when you put it in my cake and i almost died because i choked on it?”
“i- okay, that’s a little dramatic.” he forced a laugh (which he immediately regretted).
“but, yeah, anyways?”
“right,” elliot continued, “so... fuck, how do i- fuck it- i like you, okay?”
a beat of silence passed with minjae looking at him, wide eyed, making elliot extremely aware of his own burning face in the process. “like... like, like?”
“yeah. like, like, like. a lot,” elliot didn’t think his face could get any redder.
“oh,” minjae said quietly. elliot thought he’d die of embarrassment, was that it? just oh? but then to elliot’s surprise, the redhead spoke again.
“well... me too.”
“oh,” elliot echoed minjae’s first response despite the fact that he was momentarily stressing over that single syllabled response seconds earlier. “okay, cool.” he internally cringed at his nonchalant response.
“so...” minjae began after a few more beats of extremely awkward silence, “what now?”
“well, what would you do if i asked you out, right here, right now?”
“i-“ minjae broke eye contact with elliot for just a second before looking back at him, “what?”
“okay,” elliot exhaled for the first time in what felt like an hour, “i meant- like, be my boyfriend, basically?”
“oh, wow,” minjae breathed out, and it didn’t take him that long to think about it before he replied, “okay.”
“okay, nice, cool,” elliot barely managed to hoarse out, “that went better than i expected.”
the redhead laughed awkwardly, “i thought it was kinda obvious that i liked you. i mean, everyone else knew. every time i said i was going to hang out with you jihoon would smile funny at me.”
“oh, i’m pretty sure daniel knew,” elliot said, remembering what the older had said to him that morning, although half asleep and fuelled only by a coffee that had more milk and sugar than actual coffee, elliot took it to heart.
“have you seen the way he looks at you? come on, that tiny boy is whipped.”
“alright... so what do we do now?” minjae asked, “are we supposed to like, kiss or something?”
“i mean...” elliot couldn’t help the huge dorky smile that spread across his bright red face, “if you want to.”
minjae reciprocated an equally huge and dorky smile as he scooted closer to elliot, even closer than when his blind ass was trying to get the bug out of elliot’s hair.
“ok so- how do i-“
“just like-“
“like this?”
“no, you’ve gotta-“
their noses bumped together while the two boys fumbled around, giggling awkwardly.
“it’s okay, just-“
their lips finally met, but it’s more of an awkward peck on the lips than a proper kiss.
“have you ever kissed someone before?” elliot asked after whatever they had just tried to do.
minjae shook his head and answered, “nope,” honestly.
“okay, here, how about i just-“ elliot reached out his hands to gently cup minjae’s face, and pulled him in for a better, slightly more coordinated kiss. minjae’s stomach did a weird flip as be realized that the last thing he was expecting to happen that night was to be kissing his crush- or boyfriend now- on the side of a hill with a half eaten pizza box next to them.
as the two pulled away, minjae letting his eyes linger on elliot’s own for a few seconds, he wondered what the others would think when he got back, because he obviously wouldn’t be able to keep the secret that long. he’d probably get an excited, “aah! finally!” from elizabeth or yongmi, a significantly less enthusiastic, “i thought you two were already dating?” from either minjung, yeonwoo, or honghui, and probably a feigning disgust response of “keep your sappy shit out of this room,” from hyesoo or jihoon. he’d face that soon enough, anyway.
“ah, almost forgot,” minjae groaned, “curfew.”
“right,” as much as elliot wanted minjae to stay out there with him the entire night if they could, he knew the redhead wouldn’t want to risk getting in trouble due to breaking curfew, so instead, he said, “want me to walk you to your room?”
minjae nodded, pouting, “yes please.”
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[ 10:04 pm, smk dorm building ]
“do you want the rest of the pizza?” minjae asked, holding out the box in elliot’s direction, “i had, like, four pieces, i think i’m good.”
elliot shrugged, “i won’t eat it, but tian probably will, or something.”
they’d reached the door to solar’s dorm, but both minjae and elliot were obviously trying to stall saying bye for the night. they’d been standing outside the door for a few minutes.
“i really should get inside...” minjae mumbled, the statement faltering towards the end like he was unsure.
elliot pouted, “oookay...”
“bye-bye,” minjae said quickly, standing on the tips of his toes to kiss elliot on the cheek. elliot immediately leaned down to press another soft kiss to minjae’s lips this time, and minjae’s stomach twisted in the same way it did the first time they’d kissed. he wondered if he’d get over that feeling of nervousness and excitement anytime soon.
“bye-bye,” elliot mimicked as minjae finally opened the door to his dorm at stepping inside, giving the taller boy one last smile before shutting the door behind him.
elliot made sure the door was closed, and then made his way down the hallway to his own room, but not before pumping his fist in the air and cheering out an almost inaudible “fuck yeah!”. completely unaware of minjae on the other side of the wall, leaning and then sinking down the wall into a sitting position, with a sigh of content and a huge grin on his bright pink face.
once he’d made it to his dorm, elliot opened the door rather loudly with a, “YO!” nearly scaring daniel to death, who was on the couch watching tv.
once daniel realized it was elliot and not someone breaking in, he asked, “so... how did it go?” but judging by the expression on elliot’s face, daniel was pretty sure he had his answer already. “he said yes?”
elliot nodded excitedly while taking off his shoes and placing the leftover pizza on the kitchen counter, and then immediately ran over to daniel’s spot on the couch and gave him a rather rough high-five.
“hell yeah bro!”
“let’s go!”
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somethingsohappily · 6 years
1-100, beautifullll! 😂😘😎
1. When, where, and how did you meet?We met on tumblrdotcom on August 6th (babe, is it the 6th?) I sent her a message and complimented her blog, she then followed me, and I sent her another message apologizing for all the One Direction because I thought she was cooler than me. Then basically we started talking a lot/daily and here we are!
2. What did you first notice about each other?I’m gonna be real honest, i thirst followed my girlfriend, and thought she was hot. Also I liked how she thought about things, felt like I really connected with her personal posts on here. But like, I thought she was hot y’all. 
3. Who first asked the other out?She asked me out officially, but I was the one to admit I had feelings for her first. (with prompting from Sammy) Which I did when she was sleeping and then I didn’t sleep because i was panicking that I sent it in a text. 
4. Where was your first date?Babe, real question, what do we count as a date? Are we talking Skyping? Are we talking when you took me out to dinner when I visited? 
5. Who was first to verbally say “I love you”?Morgannnn, because I had basically told her before we were even together that I’d be scared to say it first ever again after a previous relationship. Which she said on October 7th btws. 
6. How did your first kiss happen? Who initiated it?Ummmm our first kiss was in her car in the airport parking lot, Morgan asked so I think that means she initiated it :) 
7. When is your anniversary?November 7th 
8. How long have you been together?Officially 6 months, though we basically were dating in September
9. What made you realize you were in love with her?It’s sounds silly to say you ‘just know’ but I guess I just kind of knew. It was just this very intense connection and very safe feeling, it was different than how I’d ever felt towards a person. Like realizing this was the person I wanted to see everyday, and share everything with, and really couldn’t picture not having in my life. I don’t know if there was an exact moment, at least for me. 
10. Where you friends before you became a couple?Yes, though we’d only been friends for like a month before feelings got admitted. But we talked a lot/shared a ton before we got together. 
11. Were either of you out before becoming a couple?Both of us were already out!
12. Have either of you dated a girl before?We both have! 
13. How does your girlfriend define her sexuality?Gayyyyyyyy, she is a lesbian
14. When is your girlfriend’s birthday (month/day/year)? Who is older?Morgan is older by five years (she’s a little old lady), her birthday is April 15th 1987 
15. Do you live together?We do not, we didn’t actually lesbian uhaul… yet
16. Have you met your girlfriend’s parents? If so, what was that like?Over Skype I met her mom! She’s very sweet, very southern, she was teaching Morgan to cook and making sure she was eating enough. I was very nervous, but I look forward to meeting her and the rest of Morgan’s family in person. 
17. How many people are in your girlfriend’s family?Immediate, 4 including her. Though I think her grandma, aunt, brother in law, and niece get to be included. (Especially Brantley :) )
18. Whose family do you hang out with more?Neither really because of that whole distance thing! Though my parents always want to Skype her and want to pass along things, so I think mine would like to ‘hangout’ more if they could. 
19. Are you friends with any other same sex couples?Sammy and Bailey! But sadley, I don’t think I have that many other gay friends in same sex relationships. 
20. What is a typical date night like for you two?Considering the distance, it’s usually watching movies. But if we’re together and I’m not dying of the plague we have a lot more plans and stuff we’d go do. 
21. How do you usually spend your time together?Usually just hanging out on Skype, talking, watching movies, doing separate activities while having Skype on (coloring/drawing, playing guitar, cooking, chores, etc) 
22. Have you ever been mistaken for sisters?YES by people at her church!
23. Have you ever experienced any discrimination or prejudice becasue you are a same sex couple?So far no thankfully! 
24. Does anyone you know disapprove of your relationship?Not because we’re gay, but I’ve had some people get weird about the distance. I think a lot of people have very little faith in long distance so i’ve felt judged for it by some/or like they didn’t view it as ‘real’. 
25, How much PDA do you do?Again, long distance means not a lot. And I think we keep it pretty low-key, we aren’t like making out in your local park or anything! 
26. What nationality is your girlfriend?Does this mean if she’s from the US? We both live in the US. 
27. What is your girlfriend’s middle name?Ashley! (babe I hope it’s cool im telling the internet this!) 
28. Who usually pays when you go out to eat?We both would like to be the one that usually pays when the other visits, however we’re both stubborn and won’t let the other one do that! 
29. What is your girlfriend’s number labeled as in your cell phone?💙 Morgan💙
30. Do you have any pet names for each other?Just the typical: babe, baby, my love, sweetheart stuff. We’re gross! 
31. Does your girlfriend have any pets?She does not, though she almost stole a cat from the parking lot the other day, and I think we’ve mutually adopted a dumpster cat that i’ve named otis. 
32. Have you ever worn your girlfriend’s clothes?Yeah, I stole her flannel and wore her shirts when I was visiting. 
33. Who is more likely to cook a meal?Definitely me! 
34. What is your girlfriend’s favorite food? Least favorite food?Favorite food is meatloaf, least favorite food is mushrooms 
35. Who is more likely to cry for no reason?I mean, usually there’s a ‘reason’ for someone crying, and we both are pretty emotional. But I cry all the time, so probs me! 
36. Can your girlfriend play any musical instruments?I almost said no and was like, ‘no wait guitars are an instrument’ so yes, she plays guitar! 
37. Who is your girlfriend’s favorite musical artist?So I’m terrible and forgot even though she’s told me. I think Mumford and Sons is one of them, though I know there are more! 
38. What is your girlfriend’s current favorite song?I don’t know. I hope it’s “Strip That Down” by Liam Payne though
39. Do you have a couple song?When she asked me out she learned that song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran on her guitar for me. So that one reminds me of her, even though its being severely overplayed on the radio right now. But I don’t know if that would be ‘our song”?
40. Do you have a couple name?Like… a ship name… ? No, thank god. 
41. What is your girlfriend’s best physical feature?Her eyes, and smile, and freckles 😘
42. Who is more likely to forget where they put things?I think we’re both forgetful, but I think that’s probably me. She’s always reminding me to put my debit card back in my wallet so i don’t lose it. 
43. Which side of the bed do you each sleep on?I sleep on the left (if you’re facing the bed) and I think right now she’s more on the right? I’m basing this off where the laptop is. 
44. Who hogs the blankets/sheets more when sleeping together?I don’t think either of this did this, but it’s likely me because i like being a blanket burrito
45. What do you argue/fight about the most?What I’ve considered arguments/fights are not things she views as arguments/fights. But this is one of those things I don’t feel cool getting into over the internet! 
46. How do you usually get over a argument/fight?We talk about it!
47. Does your girlfriend have an angry/annoyed/you’re in trouble stare? If so, show it!Ummmm I’d call it more a ‘mom look’ and it usually happens more over me saying I’m not tired or that nothing is wrong. It’s more like a ‘are you serious?’ look vs angry/annoyed. ALSO. Time to quote my favorite video of all time, “you’re not in trouble, you’re my wife’ is basically how I feel about that statement in general when it comes to partners! 
48. How good is your girlfriend at communicating through facial expressions?She’s pretty good at it, I can usually read her mood without her verbalizing too much! 
49. Who is more likely to refuse sex?Okay, so I dont like how this is worded, because anyone in a relationship is allowed to say no to sex at anytime and that isn’t a negative thing. However, I don’t think either of us really would 😂
50. Does your girlfriend play any sports?She used to do Karate, and she runs if that counts! 
51. Does your girlfriend root for any sports teams?Babe, do you? I vaguely remember you wanting to get a new t-shirt for Football or something but I don’t remember the team or how serious that was 😂
52. Who takes longer getting ready to go somewhere?Probably meeeee just based on who takes longer to shower in the morning! 
53. Who is more likely to remember an important date (i.e. birthday, anniversary, etc.)?I have a good memory, but I think she’s still better at this than I am! 
54. What is your girlfriend’s eye color?Blue! Her eyes are prettyyy
55. What is your girlfriend’s shoe size?I believe 7? Or maybe 6.5? 
56. What is your girlfriend’s dress size?If you think my girlfriend owns a dress.. 
57. What is your girlfriend’s favorite TV show?SVU, which she just finished!
58. What is your girlfriend’s favorite movie?Okay so I’m the worst, I think Dead Poets Society is on there, but I can’t rememberrrrrrr. 
59. Who is the bigger neat freak?We are both a mess, I think I am more organized with some things though
60. What is one item on your girlfriend’s bucket list?Graduate from college! Which she’s going to do! 
61. Who is more likely to utter a curse word?AHAHAHAHA MORGAN. She says the fuck word a lot 😂😂
62. Does your girlfriend prefer coffee or tea?Coffee, but she also likes tea, especially sweet tea
63. Is your girlfriend a morning or a night person?I think she’s more of a night person, however she’s still more of a morning person than I am! 
64. Is your girlfriend more likely to save or spend money?She doesn’t spend her money on a lot honestly, but she’s not as organized with saving as I am (hi i have three saving accounts) 
65. Who squashes the bugs?Morgan, she’s very good at it! Though we live separately, so I also have to squash the bugs! 
66. Who’s better at accurately telling when the other is lying?I think we both know when something’s up, though to clarify we don’t lie to each other, the most we do is try and pretend we’re fine when we’re not. 
67. What is your girlfriend’s favorite color?Blue! 
68. Does your girlfriend collect anything?Morgan keeps basically all the sentimental things she’s ever been given, like she has every letter, and/or camp items in her possession. 
69. Who is more likely to randomly burst out into a song?100% Morgan
70. Who is more likely to randomly start dancing?I think Morgan, usually it’s accompanied by her singing along to something!
71. Have you ever taken a vacation together? If so, where to?So far it’s just been when we visit each other, though when that isn’t a thing anymore, I think we definitely will! 
72. How tall is your girlfriend?5 Foot, she makes me feel tall 
73. Is your girlfriend religious at all?She is, she’s lutheran and an aspiring pastor 😘
74. Who is more likely to spontaneously be romantic?That’s Morgan, me being spontaneous would still be me making a very intense organized plan. 
75. Who’s laugh is cuter?MORGANS
76. Who is the better driver?We both are gays that know how to drive and have good driving records, I’d like to say me just because I drive more than she does. But I also got pulled over for traveling in the passing lane the other day, so I might not be.. though I didn’t get a ticket! 
77. Who is the better singer?Morgan likes to say me, but she and my mother are biased. 
78. Who is the better dancer?Morgan used to tap dance and i don’t dance (this isn’t a high school musical moment though) so probably her
79. Who is better at math?Don’t ask us to do math 
80. Whose handwriting is better?I think hers is!
81. Who has a better sense of humor?I think Morgan is hilarious, even her puns, so her!
82. Has your girlfriend ever given you a honey-do list?What is this straight nonsense?? I make lists all the time, but they aren’t like ‘chore lists’ that she has to get done. 
83. Does your girlfriend smoke?Nope, cigarettes or pot, thank goodness! 
84. Does your girlfriend drink alcohol at all? If so, what is her drink of choice?She sometimes drinks, and usually it’s Cider or a Mike’s if that’s all she can find. I know she sometimes drinks whiskey, but I can’t remember what she mixes it with. 
85. Does your girlfriend have a job?Yes indeed!
86. Who is more physically strong?Probably Morgan, she’s always lifting stuff at work! 
87. From 1-10, how health conscious is your girlfriend?AHAHAHAHA ummmm considering sometimes she just consists of popsicles and cheerwine… definitely lower on that scale
88. Have you ever shared a toothbrush? Nooooo, I get that we technically share spit, but that’s too far for me. 
89.. Can your girlfriend speak more than one language? If so, which one(s)?No she cant
90. Who is your girlfriend’s biggest celebrity crush?Anna Kendrick or Anne Hathaway, I feel like there was a third that I’m completely forgetting! 
91. Does your girlfriend have any quirky habits?She has to be early to everything, and by early, I mean like an hour early! 
92. What is the most romantic thing your girlfriend has ever done for you?Ummmm probably how she asked me out, she dressed up and wore a tie and everything, and then played a song on her guitar. She also wrote out something to go with it, which I now have. It was very very sweet. Also her Christmas gift was a lot, and she gave me a picture album for us to start and wrote out sticky notes to fill this jar of things she loves about me 🙈
93. Who reads more?Definitely Morgan! 
94. From 1-10, how feminine is your girlfriend?She’s more androgynous, so like a 1 probs!
95. Have you ever discussed marriage?Yes we have! 
96. Have you ever discussed having children?Yes, we also have!
97. Be honest: What is one thing your girlfriend does that you don’t like?SHE THINKS SHE NEEDS A FEDORA BUT SHE DOES NOT
98. Is there anything about your girlfriend you think most people don’t know?I’m sure there’s a lot, but something like that would be up to her disclosure vs mine! 
99. Beauty terms aside, choose one word to describe your girlfriend. Why that word?Loveofmylife (I made it oneeee)
100. Pass on one piece of relationship adviceAlways communicate and be honest, honestly I think the reason that we are able to manage this big of a distance is because we always communicate and trust each other completely. Also make time for each other, we love spending time with each other and make sure to set aside time for that everyday. 
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