#I also got my axolotl a new decoration. I will post a picture of that once we put it in :)
mushroomm-pie · 3 months
making use of this blog to say hello! ive only given this to skittles, kim and oli, but. hello <3
im feeling a lot better after my little break and i will be back soon probably. im going to test my health a bit more (testing: waiting)
um. i found my brother's tumblr.
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writer-loogi2 · 2 years
♡︎[𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎] 𝙿𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 ( 𝚙𝚝. 1 ) 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍!♡︎
A/N: Heeey. Soo, I'm kinda bored and I don't really have much to do aside from being disappointed that my recent posts have not been acknowledged, but whatever. Anyway, I decided to remake the plushie series since I felt like it was kinda lackluster. The HCs are pretty much the same, I choose a random plushie for the characters and explain why I chose it- so yeah, no biggie!
Alright enjoy!
♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝: Bakusquad with plushies! ( Ft. Kirishima, Denki, Bakugou, Mina and Sero! )
♡︎𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!! None just fluff :)
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( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
• Plushie he'd get: A shark plushie, preferably a red one!
• Where/how did he get it: He bought it himself! But, I don't imagine him buying it because he wanted to, I can imagine that he saw it in a store one day and couldn't resist buying it.
• Why did he get it: Personally I like to think that Kirishima actually likes plushies, and even treats them like people! He also loves to sleep with them because they're cute and cuddly!
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• Plushie he'd get: A Pikachu plushie!
• Where/how did he get it: Also bought it himself, but he actually bought it because he wanted to.
• Why did he get it: Well, I'd think he'd buy the plushie as a joke, since his quirk has to do with electricity and Pikachu is an electric Pokémon, it does make sense for him to buy one. Also, I just think he uses it as a pillow occasionally, or just likes to throw it at someone.
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• Plushie he'd get: Anything that remotely resembles a pomeranian, especially if the plushies is designed to look angry!
• Where/how did he get it: He didn't actually buy it, the plushie was given to him as a joke.. ( by the Bakusquad btw- ) he doesn't really like plushies all that much..
• Why did he get it: Well, it's an angry dog plushie, it made sense for him to have one, since he's always angry, and since he looks like a pomeranian, the squad specifically chose that one.
• Would he keep it? -in response he'd most likely burn it using his quirk ( on purpose ), or he'd leave it in a corner collecting dust, as to him the plushie is completely useless.. although he might occasionally use it as a pillow as well, but he'd never tell anyone that-
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• Plushie she'd get: An axolotl plushie!
• Where/how did she get it: She bought it herself! And yes, she actually wanted to buy it!
• Why did she get it: Well, Mina loves plushies! I totally picture her owning a lot of them and having them placed on her bed for decoration ( yes, she sleeps with all of them and every single one of them has a name ). But personally I feel like her personal favorite one is the axolotl because it's pink just like her!
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• Plushie he'd get: A mushroom plushie!
• Where/how did he get it: I actually imagine that he received this one as a gift, probably for his birthday or something like that.
• Why did he get it: I actually think Hanta is indifferent about plushies, however this was a gift from Mina. She got it for him because.. (1) The plushie is orange, which kinda matches with his aesthetic. And (2) The plushie looks chill, matching with his vibes ( lmao ).
So yeah, it was mostly her idea to get the plushie but nonetheless at least he likes it.
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A/N: Alrighty then! I hope you enjoy this new and improved series! There will be more to come later! Alright bye!
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I realized that I think the only picture of my enchanting room I’ve ever posted is this one from when it was like half done:
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So since I never posted a finished picture and I added a couple new decorations this week I wanted to show it off a little :D
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I really like how it looks tbh. It’s also where my parrots live (above the bookshelves on the left)
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I also completely accidentally got a neat effect from putting obsidian in the wall with a crying obsidian directly behind the candle, which kinda makes it look like the candle is glowing on the crying obsidian
(also the axolotl on the wall is because those doors lead to my ~Axolotl Sanctuary~ which is like the best room of my underground base lol)
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carryonkageyama · 7 years
5 things
I was tagged by @sympathykick
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
-kindle (I won it and its sole purpose is for fanfiction reading)
-car keys (with the little mob keychain on them!)
-some sort of food or candy
-my collection of movie tickets, most recently Guardians of the Galaxy 2
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
-a giant mural of a horse
-a large photo canvas with a picture of my dog’s face on it
-spider-man tsum tsum
-none of my weeb shit since I only put it up in my dorm room and I don’t need my parents seeing just how much anime and comic shit I own
-my doggo
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life:
-travel. I’ve been to Mexico but we spent the whole time in an Americanized resort so I never really got to experience Mexico :/
-I really want an axolotl and I kind of want to convince my parents to buy me one for my birthday
-eventually I would love to have a huge fish tank with so many fish and bomb ass decor. The most I’ve had was three 10 gallons at once but then we moved two years ago and I had to give all my fish away 
-go to New York Comic Con at some point
-I’ve heard of people incorporating anime into college projects. My friend @booksquirmy used Stammi freakin’ Vicino from YOI in her project. I wanna do that at least once before graduating
5 things that make me happy:
-my friends and family
-my dog
-my fish
-whenever I get a package but I forgot what I ordered so it’s like opening a present
-fanfiction and fanart  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5 things I’m currently into:
-just started the One Punch Man manga the other day and will watch the anime when I finish reading
-Mob Psycho has taken over my life...for my birthday my friends and I are having an anime party and I am making them binge watch Mob Psycho so I can actually discuss it with my friends
-ASMR for life my dudes, that shit is great and helps me sleep
-Boku no Hero Academia is also pretty gr8
-I love seeing all the attack on titan posts from non-manga readers as they react to each new episode. It’s hilarious
5 things on my to-do list:
-graduate and become a RWU alumni
-finish finals week and finally finish my sophomore year of college
-get my car looked at for the second time in a month since it is now making another sketchy sound
-see the doggo and make up for not being home on his birthday
-watch more anime during the summer
5 things you may not know about me:
-I am an environmental science major and I am kind of unsure about my future now since regulations may change, which in turn affects how many jobs will be available in my field
-I have ADHD that has significantly improved over the years
-I have an older sister and a younger brother. Gotta love being the middle child
-I drive a nissan rogue and everytime I see another nissan that is older than my car, I yell “it’s my nissan’s nii-san!!” while driving. I blame anime
-I am aromantic 👉😎👉  (or at least I’m not hetero-romantic, learned that through severe anxiety these past two years wowee)  
I tag: 
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