#I also have a mahariel started but I didn’t really vibe with her so I haven’t even gotten to a crash point there
flashhwing · 2 years
I was like “hey let’s just see maybe if I open origins this time it’ll work for no reason” so I did and see the thing is yesterday every time I hit resume it would spend less than 10 seconds on the loading screen before crashing and just now? just now it spent little over an entire minute. for a whole damn minute I really thought it was actually gonna work, finally, with no effort on my part
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ghostwise · 6 years
Dragon Age Questions
@dirthara-mama tagged me for this! Thank you!! <3 I’ll tag @mabarihounds @antivan-surana and @vlwv 
01) Favourite game of the series?
Origins! It’s the first one I played, and each time I pick it up I find something entirely new in the experience. The characters feel like old friends, and the dialogue is really charming. It also has a ridiculous high-fantasy vibe that I love, which seems to be lacking in later games. I know it’s silly, I know it’s absurd and dated... but you just can’t beat that possessed rhyming oak tree npc…
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?
When Inquisition was announced, I started seeing a lot of it on my dash, so a friend and I started playing the series! I was hooked pretty much right away.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?
I’ve finished Origins three times, DA2 twice, and I’m currently playing Inquisition for the first time!!  Exciting!
I also have a handful of unfinished playthroughs on Origins, which were attempts to create new Warden characters, but none of them got past the first quest. I just love my Mahariel too much… 
04) Favourite race to play as?
Elves! I love the worldbuilding behind them, the city elves, the Dalish, and the ancient elves. I hate pretty much everything about how these issues are handled in game, though.
05) Favourite class?
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
Pretty much. I have tried to play as different characters so as to explore different outcomes and decisions, but again… I love my OCs too damn much.
07) Go-to adventuring group?
Origins: Hamal, Zevran, Morrigan, Sten. DA2: Renata, Varric, Anders, Isabela. Inquisition: Neluayo, Varric, Blackwall, Sera—so far!
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Listen, I love creating OCs and putting ridiculous amounts of thought into them. It went from being a coping mechanism as a newly immigrated depressed and anxious child, to something I still love as an adult. I have a hard time picking one OC I put the most thought into…
But because I’ve played Origins the most, and played it first, Hamal has a lot more content in his tag than my other Dragon Age OCs. He’s my baby and I adore him.
09) Favourite romance?
Zevran’s, no question. I think he may be one of my favorite characters in the series, romance or no! I love his background and his personality and his character arc. My boy...
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?
Didn’t read any of them but I do own World of Thedas v1 and v2, and it seems each time I open it I find something new and surprising about the world. I love it!
12) Favourite DLCs?
I really enjoyed Return to Ostagar for Origins, and Legacy for Dragon Age 2. I know Inquisition has some amazing DLC content so I’m looking forward to that!
13) Things that annoy you.
The constant retconning, and rewriting of issues to suit a certain agenda in game. Especially regarding treatment of the mages or the elves. Like, I know this is a fictional narrative, okay? But it’s annoying to watch the story go from ‘Templars are unequivocally abusing their power and oppressing this group of people’ to ‘well they have good reason for it, sometimes you have to massacre an entire population because of one incident, it’s Gray Morality™ sweetie!’
Nah, it’s just bad writing! And it’s okay to admit that lol
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
I have no strong feelings on the matter. Would love to hear more about Antiva or Seheron!
15) Templars or mages?
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?
Same universe. I don’t have an interest in having multiple Wardens or Hawkes tbh, I... I get too attached lol
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Hamal calls his mabari D’alen. He is the most spoiled mabari in all of Thedas, typically guarding the camp, never fighting or being placed in danger. Renata calls her mabari Nicolo, and she loves putting warpaint on him. The dog accompanied Carver at Ostagar and takes care of the family over their years in Kirkwall. I still need to name Neluayo’s hart!
18) Have you installed any mods?
A few for Origins (different robes for Morrigan and the realistic appearance mods for companions), and several for DA2 (dialogue tweaks and new hair/appearance options). But Inquisition seems kinda complicated to mod, and I don’t want to break the game hhhh
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
No, he wanted to find Tamlen and go back to his clan. He actually did take off after Ostagar, driven by anger and fear and homesickness. Alistair was devastated. Morrigan had to go and fetch him, convincing him to return.
20) Hawke’s personality?
A good mix of purple and blue, but let’s be real, Renata is pink. Whimsy, whimsy, whimsy.
21) Did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
I haven’t played around with armor creation yet… sounds fun though!
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?
Hamal would have gone after Tamlen. It’s his greatest regret. Even before encountering him as a ghoul, Hamal was never able to shake the feeling that Tamlen had survived. But Duncan shot down every hope, and there was so much going on after Ostagar… there came a point where Hamal accepted that Tamlen was gone. 
When he shows up again, too far beyond any help but a blade between his ribs? It’s not something he ever gets over.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
Oh I love breaking canon.
Hamal never becomes Warden Commander. His political influence by the time of the Landsmeet is as perilous as you might expect of an angry and traumatized Dalish elf whose interest was more on surviving and defeating the Blight, than, say, being on any noble’s good side. The only reason he isn’t immediately executed is because he and his allies called in many favors and made many concessions. One being that he would leave the Wardens and not remain politically involved. Frankly, the crown and nobility hoped he would perish against the Archdemon. But here we are! 
Alistair becomes Warden Commander instead. Receiving the boon comes with challenges of its own. The Dalish receive all the land that was most tainted by the Blight. Reconstruction takes years and is still an issue during Inquisition era.
To that end, the political influence of the Dalish during Inquisition leads to a lot of changes for Neluayo’s canon too. Because the elves have a hold over much of the south, the Inquisition needs to ally with them to even gain access to those regions. Neluayo being Dalish herself smooths things over some, but she is really in a complex position, with the Dalish, with the Chantry, with the monarchy… being stationed in the Free Marches, Clan Lavellan is one of the clans that has yet to join the southern Dalish. It’s a huge stressor for her.
As for Hawke, I keep both her siblings alive. Renata needs her little sister ;; <3 They do all go their separate ways after events in Kirkwall though. Orsino is also alive. Varric was clearly covering for him!
And I know Hawke already has a VA buuuut I headcanon Renata’s voice to sound more like Brittany Howard’s! Because it’s adorable.
24) Are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Not really. I never create them with any one source of inspiration or influence in mind.
25) Who did you leave in the Fade?
I’m gonna leave Stroud in the Fade! Makes my life a lot easier lol
26) Favourite mount?
I’ll agree that the harts are amazing! And they’re just so TALL. Love those majestic Thedosian megafauna. The bog unicorns are cute too, they’ve grown on me, surprisingly. Ha!
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pegaeae · 6 years
im on mobile so sry if this is the case but i love Lyna so much?? does she have an OC page? what is her personality like normally (and before becoming a grey warden)?? what's she like post blight? what do she and zev love about each other?? how did they even fall in love?? i have so many questions omg honestly i love her even tho i dont even know much about her yet lmao
ahhh thank you so much!!! /o\ it makes me so happy knowing ppl like her ;; she doesn’t have an OC page but she does have a tag, it’s just #mahariel because i’m boring. i try to shove all my art and posts abt her in there but i forget to tag my text posts a lot.
 i’m gonna tuck this under a cut bc it got pretty long ^^;
before becoming a grey warden she was pretty pragmatic and down to earth (if incredibly stubborn) and got paired off w/ tamlen a lot bc her “hold up there buddy” personality really reined in his impulsive, very burst-of-energy personality. after the eluvian shit and becoming a grey warden she’s really different bc she’s dealing with the guilt of thinking she killed tamlen and had to leave her clan bc of it so she’s very… quiet and angry and upset all the time, snappish, drags her heels because she REALLY doesn’t want to be with a bunch of humans saving the world, especially when it gets into like the politics of redcliffe, she just wants to go back to her family. after the tamlen ambush (really reopening some wounds there for her bc she found out she not only didn’t originally get him killed but he turned into a ghoul and then she really DID have to kill him) and seeing his ghostie again during the urn of sacred ashes, she kind of starts finally burying him in her heart and working towards getting over her grief–and starts becoming a regular person again (albeit more irascible and withdrawn than she used to be) w/ zevran’s help
post blight!! she’s a lot better. between the end of da:o and the beginning of da:a she and zev are hanging out together bc he still considers himself her man, w/o reservation, and also they both have massive crushes on each other. their romance starts during this weird limbo period… 
as for falling in love, zevran is the first person lyna starts opening up to after the urn of sacred ashes quest–during the time before that (from ostagar up until) she hadn’t taken care of herself at all bc she was just so miserable and angry all the time, so she goes to him for help bc he’s 1) the only other elf in camp (and she’s pretty.. biased against humans) and 2) he spends more time on his appearance than basically everyone else in the camp combined. anyways. she’s mortified at asking him at all bc she hates asking other people for help but they go off to a nearby river and he cuts out all the mats and snarls in her hair and then washes it multiple times for her with his nice soap and combs it all out until its nice and braids it for her… and after that he braids her hair almost every day. if her hair looks nice in anything i draw or write its because zev did it for her lol
it was a really gradual thing and i think lyna had feelings for zev before he had feelings for her. for her it started with how he respected her boundaries, especially when she was grieving–and it was really significant for her since he had like, been hired to kill her and everything. also him being really hot didn’t hurt. & then when she went to him for help he just like, immediately went to help her and didn’t tease her TOO much about it. it was a very slow thing built up through a lot of long conversations and many, many mornings of him combing her hair for her. 
on zev’s side i can’t.. imagine he was actually interested at her in all at first. she literally looked like a walking tornado half the time, and she gave off huge warning vibes all the time. he still flirted with her a lot anyways because like, that’s what zev does, and he spends basically the entirety of the blight expecting her to knife him over some minor argument but his feelings started to change during the taliesin fight–lyna deliberately moves between him and taliesin and leaves her back open to him and zev’s like, oh, shit, this is intense, she really trusts me, bc she’s giving him a VERY obvious opportunity to shank her and just the sheer amount of trust she’s putting in him is nuts in his opinion. after that everything goes downhill and he develops Feelings for this Girl, who is no longer a walking tornado because he makes her look nice
in their actual relationship: 
lyna loves that when zev walks into a room, it feels like everything is brighter, like everything is better. she loves that when she’s in a shitty mood he can immediately sweep her out of it by pulling her into his arms and covering her in kisses and making stupid jokes that still make her laugh even though they’re DUMB. she loves that he stays with her, even when she asks him to do awful, awful things like go back to Ferelden in the middle of winter–and she loves the sad puppy dog eyes he gives her when she asks him lol. she loves the way he buries his face into the crook of her neck and shoves his cold toes under her when they’re trying to sleep, and the way he’ll stroke her hair and tell her how strong she is when she’s having an awful nightmare.
zev loves her strength and the way she gets shit done and digs her heels in until she gets the result that she WANTS. he loves that she does what her heart tells her to do even when its something fucking stupid (”lyna why did you stab that guy” “idk i just felt like it needed to be done”). he loves the way that she smiles when he makes a particularly bad joke–just a little quirk of her lips bc she’s trying to hide that she actually found it funny. and he loves the thought that she puts into things–the little designs she embroiders on the hems of all of his shirts, the making sure that they have enough warm blankets and coats because she knows he gets cold so easily, the nice antivan wines she buys for dinner even though he knows she hates the taste. he really loves the elvish songs she sings to him when she thinks he’s asleep
THIS GOT.. REALLY LONG i’m sorry… i love my kids /o\
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timeforelfnonsense · 6 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
Hello! I’m busy as heck up I miss posting on here so I’m going to try to do this for all of girls! The original post is here and I would love to see y’all do this I love your ocs!! 
Day 1: Introduction
Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc.
Sylvas Mahariel: 
Headstrong, persuasive, fierce, proud, pragmatic,self-assured, noble  
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( art by @rennybu part of this amazing commission they did for me!)
Full name: Sylvas Siona Mahariel 
Age: 18 turning 19 during the blight, 28 at the time of Inquisition (making her 30 post trespasser) 
Height: 5″3 
Hair: Waist length lose black curls that she always keeps up in a bun
Eyes: Grey  
Class: Rouge archer 
Specialization: ranger, Assassin 
Pronouns: She series 
Sylvas was raised by Ashalle in Clan Sabre for the first 18 years of her life. She was always a very responsible and caring person who put the good of the clan and others before herself. She is a thinker and a problem solver, the kind of person who always has a plan. She loves her clan and feels deep pride in her dalish roots. She got her blood writing at 16 before most of the other elves her age. She was apprehensive about leaving the clan, having had almost no human contact her whole life. She is prideful and fierce and tends to put up a wall until she feels comfortable. She is very privet about her emotions and feels burdensome when she tells others about her troubles. She holds herself to a very high standard and can be very hard on herself. She has a silver tongue and can almost always get others to see reason (or at least what she thinks is reason). She is very straight forward and appreciates when people speak plainly with her. She always tries to do what’s right for the greater good but sees ends to a means as well. Even with her small size many people find her intimidating, she takes no shit and definitely gives out the vibe she isn’t one to be walked all over. She has a pretty dry wit herself but she loves people who can make her laugh. 
I am Warden commander Sylvas Mahariel of Clan Sabre. I find it hard to talk about myself as I feel there isn’t much to be said that would be of interest aside from what is already public knowledge. I would say I am a capable leader and someone my friends and charges can rely on. I am practical and pragmatic, I am the person you come to if you need a plan or a problem solved. I value dignity and honor. If you make a promise to me you best keep it, a person is only as good as their word. I can't stand the petty squabbles of nobility who refuse to see the needs of others before their own. I am the first to admit I am not quick to trust but I care deeply for those I do and would do anything for them if the called upon me.  
Ygritte Hawke:
Cocky, independent, charming, witty, rebellious, alluring, bold  
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Full name: Ygritte Hawke
Age: 22 during the blight, 23 act one 26 act two, 29 act three and start of Inquisition (Making her 31 post trespasser.)
Height: 5″8
Hair: Ginger hair she always keeps short with her signature Bettie page bangs. 
Eyes: Blue
Class: Mage
Specialization: Force Mage, Sprite healer 
Pronouns: She series
Ygritte was born and raised in Lothering. Being a mage she and her sister spent a lot of time with her father. They were very close and she gets her sarcastic, humorous nature from him. Her parents were strict about her using her magic and very protective. Ygritte is very rebellious though so that didn’t really stop her. She would also sneak out all the time.She was always very pretty and charming, turning the heads of many young men and ladies in her village. However due to her life as an apostate she never really allowed anything to become more than a fling for fear of being found out.She has always been a big flirt and very confident in herself. She’s super independent and very used to looking out for herself. In some ways this is a really good thing but it also tends to make her a little self-centered at times. She is headstrong and bold, never one to shy away from sharing her beliefs even when they are controversial. The Kirkwall gang was her first group of real close friends outside of her siblings and she really flourished with them around her. She is clever and thinks fast on her feet. Isabella says she could have been a rouge in another life! She’s the life of the party and wants to live her life to the fullest. As she has grown up she had become a little less selfish and a bit more thoughtful. She is very protective of her friends and family and would cross hell and high water to help them.
Well hello, 
You can call me Hawke. Before you ask yes it’s only Hawke  Miss Ygritte if you are nasty. I suppose I’m the champion of Kirkwall though I’m not sure if they let you keep the nice title after your boyfriend sticks it to the Chantry? How would I describe myself? I’m Clever and witty and down for any adventure. I know who I am and what I want and I’ve never been afraid to go after it. I’m not what you’d call discrete. I’m opinionated but I’m always ready to back up my arguments, I’m not all talk believe it or not! I’m a real looker and I know it. I think it’s a waste of time and energy to not see oneself in the best light. I just want to live a good life, make some memories and some changes. 
Ashalle Lavellan: 
Compassionate, persistent, clever, free-spirited, trusting, optimistic.
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Full name: Ashalle Fellenaste Lavellan 
Age:22 at the start of Inquisition, 24 by the end (making her 26 by the end of trespasser)
Height: 5″0
Hair: Silver hair that on a good days holds a soft, romantic curl but out in the field gets pretty wild.
Eyes: Green
Class: Duel Dagger Rouge 
Specialization:  Assassin
Pronouns: She series
Ashalle was raised by her mother, grandmother and aunt in her clan in the free marches.Her Grandmother was her clan’s keeper, her aunt the first and her mother the clan healer. She however is not a mage like her father. Her father died when she was a teenager, they were very close and the loss deeply affected her. Ashalle is a total hippie. She lives her life following her impulses and her gut. She hate’s feeling caged or held back in anyway. She has a huge heart and is quick to trust and let others in. However it would be unwise to break that trust. She has a pretty nasty taste for vengeance and her sweet demeanor can sour pretty quickly if she feels you have wronged her or those she cares for. She is working on being more even tempered but it doesn't always work out that way. She loves fiercely and with everything she has.She is an optimist and very persistent. She’d never give up on someone she cared about no matter what. She feels a sense of loyalty to all elves dalish or city. She  dreams of seeing her people thriving and living well once more. She wants to know everything and anything there is to know about elves. Even if she isn’t a mage she loves magic and respects mages and supports their freedom. She holds so much compassion and I think that’s why she stayed on as inquisitor after the breach was closed the first time. She saw so much hurt happening and she couldn’t stand by and watch others suffer when she knew she could help. She is whimsical and curious always ready to do something new and exciting. She is extremely emotional and this mixed with her impulsive nature gets her into trouble sometimes.
Andaran atish’an,
They call me Ashalle. Oh hallashit how would I describe myself? Ummm I would say I’m bright! I have a knack for elven history and legend! I love stories and songs and I am always ready to share them with anyone who will lend an ear! I know I am a good friend, I would do anything for my loved ones. I never give up on someone I care for. Not ever; no matter what. I do have a bit of a mean streak. Not a mean streak per say, I just I get so angry sometimes and sometimes I just do things and I don’t think and I make a mess of everything. I’m working on it and I’m lucky to surrounded with more even tempers to help me. I love pretty things and sweets. I know that sounds silly but growing up with my clan I didn’t get to have fancy things or sweets. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for all the gowns and cake in the world! I’m pretty easy to get on with and I make friends quickly! I want to do right by the world and leave it better than I found it. I want to see my people thriving and safe once more. I want us to know what we have lost even if we don’t like everything we find. I know I am always growing and changing and I think that is probably the best adventure; growing strong and finding more of myself.
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bemused-writer · 5 years
Dragon Age Day!
Ahh, I completely forgot about it, but I figure in celebration I'll take a moment to talk about my main playthrough a bit and the impressions I formed of my characters and their LIs along the way (plus pictures).
The Warden
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Mahariel wasn't my first warden, but she was the first one I played to completion and is therefore my main. She's a Dalish rogue. The above image is how I always think of her: intimidating, strong, prepared to get things done even when it's unpleasant. It's a little strange because she generally did things the "right" way and got along with all her teammates. She wasn't about to sacrifice anyone, so there was a certain naivete there as well.
The impression I've always been under is that she started out a little more optimistic and became more jaded/worldly/self-aware by Awakening after defeating the archdemon. In other words, while she was leading in Origins, she became a real leader in Awakening.
Throughout Origins, she knew they were fighting a losing battle, but vowed not to lose anyone the way she lost Tamlen ever again and wasn't entirely sure of her own leadership. It was kind of thrust on her by Alistair after all, and she wasn't used to being around humans. All of that led to some initial difficulty for her, especially when it came to figuring out what to even do about the archdemon. Having Morrigan, Alistair, and a mabari makes for a difficult first party. XD Two of them disagree on everything and the third doesn't have an opinion.
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She romanced Zevran and the two of them made for a pretty great assassin couple. I like to think that he helped her adjust to the world outside her clan and that she helped him open up about who he really is, both to her and himself.
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Even though they have very different backgrounds, they have similar opinions on a lot of things. I actually really enjoyed Zevran's romance because it has a lot of layers. You think it will go one way, but it actually ends up surprisingly sweet, much like Zevran himself. I think these two are a good balancing act. They didn't always make for the most balanced party, though. XD All those rogues were squishy and I had a nightmare of a time defeating Branka.... Still, totally worth it.
Mahariel and Zevran are still traveling together (despite all the constant bugs these games give Zevran), and hopefully they'll make a reappearance in one of the future games. Someday.
The Champion
I played a blue-line mage Hawke on my first playthrough with the default appearance.
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The impression I've always had of Hawke is that it's family first with her. Everything else is secondary. How else can she have a mansion in Kirkwall while atrocities are happening just a little ways away? In fairness to her, she does a lot to set things right, but I always found her to be just a bit ... aristocratic, and possibly detached from others. And yet, she's also quite cunning and extremely persuasive. She can get just about anyone to do as she wishes. Quite a dangerous person beneath the pleasant veneer.
Maybe that's an odd impression of Hawke and it might sound negative too, but I really do like the character and I really respect all she does for her family. That's why it's so cruel that her family is torn apart anyway. Her sister, mother, and father are all dead and her brother left her for the templars and didn't stand beside her in the end. Talk about a rough conclusion to things. ): She also didn't totally succeed with her friends either. She had to convince Fenris to help her against Meredith and Isabela completely ditched her.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that my first playthrough with Hawke was kind of a rocky ride. XD Even though Mahariel had way worse circumstances (fighting a war she'd never signed up for is pretty bad) things ended up way better for her at the conclusion of the story. Hawke doesn't appear to have a home at the end and her friends split up. Only Varric and Merrill keep in contact with her.
And speaking of Merrill, she was Hawke's romance in this playthrough.
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Merrill is such an awesome character in my book, which is why it's always a shame to see the fandom (and kind of the game...) act like she's totally naive and incompetent. Why is this such a common opinion?
But anyway, Merrill has an incredible knowledge of history and of the elven people and she isn't completely opposed to blood magic, so we were destined to get along, but there were times when I really felt like Hawke just ... didn't get Merrill and that was such a bummer for me. XD Even the nice options sometimes sounded a little patronizing. I suppose that's where a lot of my opinion on Hawke came from. Hawke just isn't worldly. Honestly, Merrill isn't either (she'd never really left her clan before), but there's a more open, willingness to learn vibe than what I get from Hawke. If I had to choose the worldliest person in the game I'd probably go with Varric or Fenris, to be honest.
Merrill also misses Mahariel quite a bit and I really wish those two could have a reunion of some sort. I would love more of that particular story. The impression I always got was that they were really good friends and that Mahariel might have been the only person who really understood where Merrill was coming from. Her clan wants nothing to do with her anymore, so it would be nice if she could have a reunion with one person who might get why she did what she did.
The Inquisitor
I went with a mage Trevelyan for this playthrough.
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As a mage, Trevelyan was pretty iffy on her role as inquisitor. She definitely didn't think she was holy and the whole thing seemed absurd to her, but she understood that someone had to rally the people. Still, I think there's some frustration there. She's definitely a mage sympathizer. She kind of has to be as a mage herself. She gets why Anders did what he did and even if she's stuck dealing with the aftermath. She figures it's a chance to better her people's lot. She has an aristocratic background, but hasn't had any contact with her family (as is the norm for anyone who grew up in the Circle), so she doesn't have as much upper society know-how as she might have otherwise. This might explain why she did such a bad job in Orlais. 8D I really didn't enjoy that party, you guys....
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But she does believe in diplomacy above all else (the only reason she accepted being the inquisitor in the first place) and as such she found a good match in Josephine!
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The romance with Josephine was something of an accident if I'm totally honest. XD I went into this game having no idea who I wanted to romance and so I hit the heart option with a couple different people. I was starting to lean towards Josephine because, out of my advisers, she was the only one whose suggestions really made sense to me. If I could have assigned her to everything, I would have. Anyway, I apparently hit the heart option with her the most because suddenly the game thrust me into things and I was being threatened by Leliana, so I figured, "Probably should stick with this one."
I'm so glad I did! They have a very natural romance. I even got to duel a guy who very respectfully left when he realized what we had was true. She also took me to see an Orlesian play with fireworks, so that was pretty awesome. I think these two probably have the smoothest relationship out of all my Dragon Age romances. I don't think they ever had difficulty communicating or any real awkward moments, so kudos to them!
Out of the Dragon Age protagonists, I think Trevelyan had it the easiest. Sure, she didn't want to be part of any of this, but she had a ton of resources, tons of support, a nice romance without trouble.... Compared to the Warden and Hawke, it was easy going. XD Still, things couldn't go that well forever. If she's the protagonist for the next game, she's going to have it rough. Things with Solas went ... badly, to say the least. She hasn't given up on the guy (she's an optimist), but he's pushing it.
And that's how things have gone so far. I have a lot of fanfiction ideas for all these characters, some of which are already written. I have a lot of other characters set up in Dragon Age as well, so at some point I'm definitely going to be playing through again. ^^
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dandylion-cutie · 7 years
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@trashwarden​ made the template and i couldn’t sleep so I made this. ps it starts at the companions and progresses inward. Relationship details under the cut, it gets kinda long sorry.
Cassandra: Irthlan isn’t too keen on being tied up and threatened, but after having her wrists freed she learned to respect Cass greatly. Also had a short-lived crush (me too buddy :’c) Dorian: Also not too keen on people from Tevinter over the class of slave, but being trapped in the future with somebody really helps as a bonding exercise. (also it looks like she didn’t like him but thats just a gradient fluke i promise she never disliked him.) She’s also 90% that her brother would definitely have dated Dorian. Sera: Also not too keen on vague notes but what can you do. She’s slightly peeved by Seras childish nature towards all things elvhen, but she’s content to live and let live. But stop being mean to Cole thats bad what the fell I didn’t save Denerim for this. Solas: OH BOY you can guess who she romances. She distrusts him after he leaves her because, well, who wouldn’t. She also respects his endless intellect and is weak for a man who can tell interesting stories by the fire. Vivienne: Respects the hell out of Madame de Fer, but doesn’t like how she treats mages and really doesn’t like how she treats Cole. Like yeah you’re the most graceful woman in the room Viv but hooty hoo mages are people? Cole just wants to help? Darling please. Morrigan: Irthlan was a companion of the Hero’s as well, and was friends with Morrigan for a short time, she she already knew her. But in light of Morrigan stealing knowledge from the Dalish and acting as if she was the only one around who knew anything about elves really got to Irthlan. “You may think you’re smarter, but I know who your mother really is, so there. Also screw you I’m drinking from the well.” Blackwall: Grey Wardens are a soft spot, and although she had a feeling we wasn’t who he said he was “Buddy why aren’t you telling me where the darkspawn are I know you can sense them” the Surprise was a bit of a let down. However his genuine remorse and overall “I’m trying to be a better person” vibe got to her. She’s giving him a pretty big second chance, he better not mess it up. Varric: Also a companion of Hawke’s, she admires Varric greatly and trusts him with basically anything. “Varric you know I love you and trust you but your characterization of me in the Tale of the Champion was totally wrong. I don’t frolic.” Iron Bull: Qunari give a mixed vibe due to past experiences (Sten vs the whole of Kirkwall idk man) but at least HE came right out and said “hey I’m a spy” so he has that going for him. Also how he treats Krem. You bet ur butt I saved the Chargers what kind of monster do you think Irthlan is. Cullen: Oh boY. So she pulled him out of Kinlock only for him to spout anti-mage bull in Kirkwall, but oh NOW he’s all changed and better? ok fine. Also may or may not have slept with him in Kirkwall. They don’t talk about it. He has a crush on her but she prefers Solas elves. Josephine: Poor Irthlan nearly cried when she realized Josie not only greeted her in elven but is Antivan. Irthlan is weak for Antivan accents if you want something from her get Josie to ask for it. Cole: Oh my god Irthlan loves this boy like her own brother and if you touch a single hair on his ghostly head you bet you’ll be hunted down with the full force of the Inquisition. She identifies strongly with him as he is a spirit and she caries the soul of an elven spirit of Guidance, and he also somewhat reminds her of her actual brother. Vivienne/Sera are not allowed in the party with Cole because they are mean to him knock it off you two. Leliana: Oldest friend in Skyhold. Nobody understands their inside jokes, but Irthlan is kind of concerned as to why Leliana seems so much more hardened than during the Blight. Then again, Leliana romanced the late Warden Mahariel, so maybe she isn’t that surprised.
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OC Kiss Week Contenders
In the past, I have made some Character Logs for which character is going to partake in the previous OC Kiss Weeks so I’ll do another one here. I’ll probably overflow this post with way too many OCs but oh well, I like distributing variety. I won’t use my still developing Inquisitor Lavellan or my SWTOR/KOTOR/SW or WoW characters just yet. I still need more time with them. So send me a request for any of my OCs with yours and if there is a certain day or theme you want for our two characters, let me know so I can begin writing. Or you can snatch any of these OCs up for one of your own OCs, I don’t mind. These babies are up for grabs. And crossovers are certainly welcomed! 
And if anyone is interesting in my old Van Helsing OCs (Egil, Rolf, Gabriele, Thanatos, and Morfran), just let me know. I didn’t included them in here because not many people know or care about them and I needed to get this postout before ockiss17 commences. 
7kpp/Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem
Lady Ethel of Hise (F) [Heterosexual]: Ethel is a free spirit who loves adventure, exploring new places, and of course, collecting flowers, herbs, and other plants. She’ll probably make you flower crown and other flowery ornaments for a fun. Right before boarding a ship just to feel the wind against her face and smell the heady brine of the ocean.
Lady Zarina of Jiyel (F) [Asexual/Pansexual]: Zarina is rather subdued, preferring to consult her books than with people but make no mistake, she is not distant. If anyone needs her aid, be they noble or common, Zarina will see what she can do and offer them a shoulder to cry on.Also, she thirsts to read anything she can her hands on and this can only be matched by her desire to travel abroad and see the world from her own eyes than from the pages of a tome. Logic means the world to her and she likes using her brains to get out any sticky situation.
Lady Yvonne of Corval (F) [Heterosexual]: Yvonne loves to play the “game” and thrives in court. She masks her true emotions and thoughts but does allow herself to dream of a romance or be in a relationship where she can trust her inner musings and opinions to her spouse without her foes knowing. She’s quite persuasive, insightful, charming, and likable, and can pry any secret from your lips with the right words, smile, or gesture. It’s better to have her as your friend than your foe, for she’s pretty clever and perceptive in figuring out people’s strengths and weaknesses. 
Lady Anne (Boleyn) of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Duty to her family has been ingrained into her, resulting in a marriage at a young age to an older man, which later left her a widow. She believes she has done her duty and this time, if she were to remarry, it will be for love or on her terms only. She’s bit of a romantic and has trouble containing her emotions--she is known for her temper. However, she loves learning new ideas, considers her education important, and is a well rounded and cultured young lady.  
Lady Jazlyn of Hise (F) [Pansexual]: Takes no prisoners and makes sure she is chummy with the wealthy or powerful people. Jazlyn doesn’t care for too many people, she is overly protective of her father, loathes her mother, and loves manipulating people to suit her needs. She has no qualms in killing someone to achieve her ends so she really doesn’t have a moral compass. However, make no mistake, she is compassionate towards those the few people she loves, like her father, and Gisette, her secret lover. She also is rather fond of Penelope because her innocence is regaling.
Lady Sakura of Jiyel (F) [Heterosexual]: Lover of medicine and poisons, Sakura is quite an interesting minor noble lady. Because of her low status, she has gotten away with learning some fighting techniques, battle strategy/warfare, and other less than ladylike skills. One reason for this is they have an avaricious neighbor who covets their land and since she is her parents’ only child, she is prepared for the worst and for leadership position in case they both perish. She is very temperamental (serious, you do not want to piss her off), can pack a good punch, and fights to protect those weaker or in need of help. Yet when she falls in love, she falls hard and if her heart is broken, it’s tough for her recover.
Countess Odette of Wellin (F) [Lesbian] She’s brash, tomboyish, quick to argue and speak, and has no trouble causing mischief or minor injuries to young nobles who want her hand in marriage--and the title of count. Odette loves to battle and use physical force to get herself out of trouble. She hates flowery speeches (makes her head hurt) and is bit of an alcoholic. But Odette is fiercely protective of her people and would do almost anything to make sure their safe and laws of her land are upheld. Besides that, she can bit quite immoral towards others depending on the circumstances. Whatever she does, she does for her or for her people, no matter what.  
Princess Leandra of Arland (F) [Demisexual Bisexual]: Sheltered, shy, and uncertain, Leandra has trouble coping with the burdens her family has placed upon her. She feels second best towards her sister and matters of the heart and the idea of rebellion are foreign to her. She is considerate and bends over backwards to help someone to the point of self-sacrificing. Yet Leandra yearns for freedom, to actually do things she enjoys or speak her mind, if only a little. Change scares her but also entices her greatly.  
Lady Morrigan of Revaire (F) [Heterosexual]: Married at a young age, Morrigan grew up fast and learned some more tricks at court and became skilled at persuasion and manipulation very early on. She can make you eat out of the palm of her hand and ask for more, if she felt like it. Morrigan gives off a very dominatrix vibe yet can adjust to certain people and interact with them differently. She’s chameleon and only a very few people know the real her. While she enjoys reading in-between the lines, she finds honesty and bluntness (even it’s rather rude or offensive) rather refreshing because too many don’t say what they mean or use false words to pretend they like someone they actually despise.  
Dragon Age
Una Surana (F) [Heterosexual]: With her magic, sword, and shield, Una packs quite a punch for being so petite and frail-looking (thanks to her albinism). She loves learning and often strives to be practical and decide vital matters from the head, instead by the heart but sometimes, it’s simply not possible for her so she combines both and still tries to be objective about the decision. Una has a fearsome fighting spirit that is relentless, fueled by her will to save her country, give mages more power and freedom, butcher as many darkspawn she can, and make Fereldan a better nation. Una also is fascinated with the Orzammar and wants to get involved more with dwarves.  
Lydia Tabris (F) [Bisexual]: Is comfortable with her sexuality so she can flirt like no one’s business but it’s more of part of her greeting style and how she interacts with them. It’s quite useful getting information or playing a certain distraction role. She use to be ireful and hateful towards all humans but has learned there are some decent humans in the world as well as shitty elves. But she can hold a grudge forever and may be will not kill someone for revenge but instead, cause the offender to feel guilty enough to pay the debt or do a favor or two for her. Yet her voice is like honey and knows how to make you feel right at home if she wants to.  
Boris Brosca (M) [Pansexual]: He may be short but oh boy oh boy, is he angry. Everyone is amazed how much loathing and rage is pent up inside of him. But whenever Boris remembers how to chill, he thinks about his sister--he’s fiercely devoted to her and wants only the best for her. When Boris isn’t furious at the world, he is surprisingly a good listener and picks up what people like and don’t like, allowing him to be an excellent gift giver or good shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent. And once someone earns his respect and trust, he’ll be loyal to them till the very end. 
Maude Aeducan (F) [Heterosexual]: Proud like her ancestors, Maude bows to no one, especially since she’s Queen of Orzammar. After losing Gorrim and her place in her family, Maude put a wall around her heart and refused to reveal any ounce of vulnerability, all the while honing her political cunning and plotting vengeance as she tried to determine her role with the Grey Wardens in hopes of starting anew with a better life, if possible. Eventually, once she learned to trust again, Maude becomes fiercely protective of those she cares about and will defend their honor or attack any miscreant that dares to insult or threaten them (she tends to forget sometimes her royal heritage is not known). Maude isn’t petty but she doesn’t forget a slight. She may forgive but never forget. 
Reva Cousland (F)[Heterosexual]: A compassionate, thoughtful, and adventurous woman, Reva can easily empathize with others and learn how to help them survive and overcome the pain they’re experiencing. She is a bit flirty and will pursue what she desires but as cliche as it sounds, has a heart of gold and is willing to assist others in need. She believes the strong should protect the weak, not belittle or take advantage of them. Reva doesn’t mind giving out second chances--mainly to those she fathoms have earned or deserved it for there are few people in Thedas she can never forgive or even want to offer a second chance to. She’s also the type of noble who would prefer to have people adore or love her, not fear her. 
Sardar Mahariel (M) [Heterosexual]: At first glance, it seems Sardar rarely cares about anything or taking responsibility because he’s quick with a jape or pun (seriously, the man will not stop telling puns) and rarely answers seriously. And yet, his main reason for doing this is distract himself all the shit in the world and from his past life, his homesickness for his clan, and other horrible entities from dragging him down and forcing him to succumb to the pressure and crack from it. Humor is both his coping and defense mechanism but Sardar also enjoys sharing his humor with others to get them to smile and laugh, even for a little bit.  
Xena Hawke (F) [Pansexual]: Between her sister being seized and forced into the Chantry, her brother dying, her mother dying, and Fenris leaving her for a point in time, Xena has serious abandonment issues. She drowns her pain in ale and whores while distracting herself by killing anyone who gets in her way. She can be brutal when dealing matters but can crack a dirty joke or two. Full of passion, she burns and falls in love hard so if she crashes and her breaks, it devastates her. But if the situation needs diplomacy (or at least no violence actions), Xena will do her utmost to try and reason with the opposing parties at hand.  
Aegnus Hawke (M) [Bisexual]: Typical Red Hawke. Constantly wrathful and fuels his rage into his fighting style and is more of a hit now, ask questions later kind of fellow. He is quick to judge and dole out punishment. You don’t want to get on his bad side for he’s a fuse and you don’t want to be nearby when he explodes. He loved his family so much that when each of them died or was forced from his arms (he almost killed a Templar when Bethany was taken away), his ire and bitterness increased. He’s into free love and takes pleasure when he can get it but finds bloodlust more gratifying than sex (unless he’s with Isabela).
Brynhild Hawke (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Purple Hawke. Brynhild hides her pain with jokes, impish grins, sarcasm (lots of sarcasm), and wit. It’s hard to tell whether or not she takes anything seriously with her laughing all her worries away. Her sarcasm can become dark and biting, lashing at those who pry into her affairs too much or severely hurt her and try to come back for more. She also takes pride in being a mage and isn’t shy to use magic or flaunt. She is curious about blood magic but knows it’s a dangerous tool that can corrupt a mage almost instantly so she only reads accounts of blood magic, for the sake of magic and fascination.
Kai Cadash (M) [Gay]: Lazy, oh so extremely lazy and doesn’t like making decisions--takes up too much time, thinking, and anything else he’d rather be doing. Kai loves sleeping in (despises mornings with an extreme passion), making forts, goofying around, and singing songs, especially good ole dwarven ballads, straight from Orzammar! Even though he was a smuggler in the Carta, Kai didn’t care much for violence and tried finding a way to eventually get out of the group he disliked so much. Hence, he tries to be more diplomatic (when it’s not too much of a bother) but his methods can be quite unconventional.
Morana Adaar (F) [Bisexual]: If you try to put her in chains or lock her up, she will butcher you with her bare hands, no magic required. If though she never experienced life as a mage under the Qun, Morana still values her freedom and independence and will battle bloody to defend that and the same right for others, regardless of their race or standing. She’s amusing, insightful, practical, is there to support her friends, advisers, or any member of the Inquisition, and is never one to shy away from her affections. However, she is also the type to electrocute you with a grim smile on her face, wiping you from existence. She doesn’t get mad, she gets even--in ways you won’t expect from someone like her.
Mass Effect
Ivy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: A true Paragon, through and through. She has a motherly nature and always looking out for her crew. If there is time to relax, she’ll take advantage the chance and make every second count. However, just because Ivy seeks for diplomatic situations or doesn’t shoot her way through her problems doesn’t mean she isn’t a force to reckon with. She delivers the most terrifying glower and can silence anyone with a simple, intimidating stare. And then turn around and give a genuine smile and pat on the back to her friends for a job well done.  
Ivanhoe “Ivan” Shepard (M) [Heterosexual]: Very pro-human, ruthless, a full-on Renegade, and will happily use his Specter status to advance his cause and has no qualms in working with Ceberus in the beginning (understood and believed in parts of their causes but never liked working for the Illusive Man) and eventually rebelled against everything Cerberus stood for. He might be very pro human and let the Council die when he saw a chance for a full human council members but he just thinks Cerberus crossed the line with many of their experiments and shadowy dealings. Additionally, Ivanhoe will punch anyone who makes fun of his name (better just call him “Ivan”), he’s a loose canon, full of vigor, and ready to stomp out those who threaten him, his crew, and ship.
Izzy Shepard (F) [Heterosexual]: Swears like a sailor and drinks like one, Izzy is a bomshell, relishing in the thrill of combat and cleaning her opponents’ clock with bullets or nice sock in the jaw. Domination is her middle name and some of her foes have the habit of running away when they hear she’s near because if she’s feeling benevolent enough to take prisoners, her questioning methods are not a piece of cake. Relentless and determined, Izzy does what she can to get the job done but despite her reputation, she won’t go on a killing spree or endanger lives for the sake of a mission. In fact, her past heroic acts have helped her trying to stop and plan her actions for the long-term and deal with making practical, sound decisions for the good of all--even if she’d rather punch the person and be done with it, reasonable be damned. Compared to Ivanhoe and Ivy, Izzy is the most flirtatious one and can be bit of tease.  
Kyle Shepard (M)[Heterosexual/Asexual/Bi-curious]: Despite his protests or denials, this man is a bloody saint. Kindness radiates from him and he can make anyone feel safe under his care due to his warm, understanding eyes and gentle voice. Kyle is a tranquil man but will be one of the first to defend his friends and family if danger approaches. He’s also a bit self-deprecating, loves a good joke or pun, and is there to help someone out in need. Kyle also loves learning about other races’ culture and is a big fan of quarian music.   
Courier Natia Yilmaz (F)[Heterosexual but could lean towards Bisexual or Pansexaul]: Former New Vegas singer turned courier, Natia is a pragmatic, charismatic woman who decided to dedicate her life to assist and save others, especially the less unfortunate. She is a generous, compassionate soul who loves to learn and doesn’t shun or turn anyone away, regardless of they’re human, ghoul, robot, etc. If you need someone to trust with a secret or going through some rough patches and need someone to confide to, Natia is your gal. Additionally, she’s amazing singer who still senses the call and lure of music and can’t resist singing a tune every now and then. 
Sole Survivor Min-Ju Zhou (F)[Undecided]: Min-Ju (“Min” to those close to her and only her late husband was allowed to call her “Min-Min”) is temperamental, a bit of a hothead, and can hold a fire of rage or hatred burning inside her for days, weeks, or months even, depending on what caused her to be so wrathful in the first place. She is the type to shoot first, and maybe ask questions later. It’s hard to calm her down once she’s furious or feeling moody but chocolate or beer are good bribes, if you have some on hand. Dogs and cats are probably one of the very few creatures that are safe from Min whenever she goes on a rampage to find her son or take revenge on those who kidnapped him from her.   
RPs (Goetterdaemmerung, ME: A Creature Without Fear)
Delyth Toirrell nee Crewe (F) [Heterosexual]:  A woman who has both seen and done much, Delyth was once a wife, and mother of nine children. Despite losing all that in a single night, she still has a motherly air about her, even though she tries to suppress and erase all emotions. She is serene, collected, perceptive but if one looks deep and hard enough, they’ll realize an aura of forlornness surrounds her, accompanied by icy fury and an iron will and appetite to protect her country and right the wrongs against her family.
Judith Jokinen (F) [Pansexual]: A smuggler and woman of many desires, Judith is the type who, once she sets her mind on something (or someone), she’ll go after it, no matter what. She isn’t afraid of obtaining what she wants; the hunt of this love game thrills her. She pursues passion to its fullest and loves experimenting—especially in sex. Her nature is bold, blunt, and flirtatious, and she reeks of confidence, so much so that it’s daunting and intimidating to others. However, she has a nasty sadistic steak in her, an imprint left on her turbulent childhood and the beginning stages of her adult life.
Savitr Noaldis (M) [Bisexual]: Witty, flirtatious, and utterly shameless, Savitr makes his attraction to others known and isn’t shy to show off his sexuality or skin, despite being a drell. While being a successful businessman and lover, he also is a free-lanced hacker whose skills are practically legendary—a talent he honed ever since he was in the foster system. Yet coldness and cruelty become one within him if anyone where to ever harm someone close to him (usually it’s just Judith) or betray his trust.
Bryn Whelan (F) [Heterosexual but might shift towards Bisexual or Pansexual]: Bryn has had a rough childhood and adult life, with one of her more positive moments of being in the Alliance Black Ops. But she lost her mother and older brother to the Repears when she was two and then twenty years later, when she was on vacation and visiting her family, slavers came to her home planet. Her father was shot down in front of her eyes and soon after, Bryn ended up witnessing her sister’s suicide during their first day being under the slavers’ captivity. This experience only harden her already hard heart and darkened her mind, immediately setting her on a course for vengeance and ready to shun additional attachments that might distract her from her goal. But despite that attempt, Bryn does secretly long for companionship and friendships, for she experienced very little of that when she was a child and only has some Black-Ops members as true friends. In addition, when Bryn is angry, her rage is like water, smooth, furtive, but completely crushing. If you go against her, be ready to avoid any deadly sniper assailments. 
Dagnes Radraste (M) [Straight/Asexual]: Full name: Dagnes Ilkar Talholaan Idres Michorex Radraste. Radraste is a very professional, strict, and cordial salarian and never much of a rule-breaker; he practically lives by the rules set by the establishment. If there not supposed to be rules (like in the case for the Spectres) and it’s for a good reason, then he obeys that lack of rules as well. . By nature, he is also quite nosy but is furtive about it. He loves delving into other people’s secrets and gaining any information that will be useful to him and his employers. Also not a fan of violence and will look for ways to settle a matter peacefully and diplomatically. 
Farion Vandrium (M) [Heterosexual]: Cocky and forthright, Farion is your typical alpha male. When he knows he’s the strongest or cleverest in the room, he’ll make everyone else knows it and respects him. He’s a daring character, unable to resist a challenge (backing down from one isn’t an option) until he wins. Many of his kind would call Farion a “bad turian” because of his rebellious nature and disregard for discipline and the rules. He hates succumbing to authority and does what he can to mock it; he has no wish to be under someone’s rule for long. His wild personality leaves him to be a difficult person to control and tame, very few can constrain him and predict his volatile moods. Yet Farion almost enjoys being the black sheep in his family because he does what he wants and what pleases him. Authority can kiss his ass.
Aqil’Osher vas Cerberus (M) [Gay]: A courteous and amicable quarian, Aqil never forgets his manners, whether he is with a stranger and or a dear friend, being polite is simply in his nature. He is easy to get along with and as a gentle, fair, and balanced nature, for he refuses to let negative emotions cloud his actions or decrease his manners or behaviors. He is a fan of traditional and enjoys looking back in time to study and learn from the past. To him, one can always understand a thing or two from tradition and past ideas and technology, even if they are considered, dead, obsolete, or no longer relevant for the future. Family and loyalty are two important values to him, ones he will fiercely and unyieldingly protect, no matter what. 
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