#I also have some cirque du soleil fics I wanna write at the same time
libra-cant-just-dance · 3 months
Guess who finished writing the last chapter of Tainted City >:]
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fafaspace · 2 years
Tag 10 (ish) people you want to get to know better!
thank you for the tag dear @zykamiliah❤️
anyway let's try to answer this. 
relationship status: single and unbothered lol.
favorite color: right now are palorosa, black and white 
favorite food: i love chicken in all its presentations such as: “sancocho”, “ajiaco”, “pollo sudado con arroz” and “pollo asado” ect. god bless my mom’s godly hands. 
song stuck in my head: music is like breath for me so all the time im listening smth and for that reason i have many songs at the same time on my mind jshdjsk. today is sally’s song & corpse bride medley and videogames. last week pink venom and last month tchaikovsky pas de deux -on loop forever-. album on repeat motomami by rosalia. and always always lana del rey’s music.
time: 01:03 am.
dream trip: first i wanna travel the places of my own country such:  el eje cafetero, cartagena, monserrate and many “pueblitos”. after that to travel like “mochilero” for every country of latinoamerica. later i would like to go to new york bc it was my chilhood dream when i believed in the “american dream”. also lebanon and turkey bc of my roots -my mom told me my father had ancesters there who emigrated to colombia and here i am lol-. and you know what? i want to travel everywhere bc i want to contain multitudes of memories with people who has all types of realities. and my dearest dream is doing this with my beloved family.  
last book i read: lately i am procrastinating all the time *sigh*. for me is difficult to finish the things that i start -this applies to anime, fics, books, manga and series lol-. this year has been difficult for me so i found comfort reading sns fics, thanks to all the writers who have made me feel all sort of emotions<3. i have been trying to finish the great gatsby and some virginia woolf’s books too. 
last book i enjoyed reading: “el olvido que seremos” by héctor abad faciolince. 
last book i hated reading: if i dont like smth i dont engage myself in it, the only exception was in college ugh. the last movie i hated was purple hearts -as a latina woman who is a “feminist in construction” this movie was infuriating bc my girl deserve better than a man who does not respect her rights. im so sick of women being a center of rehabilitation for men. 
favorite food to cook/bake: pasta<3. im very incosistent at cooking  bc sometimes the food i do its a hit but sometimes is a meh. also i do the best passion fruit dessert ever.  
favorite craft to do in free time: making psychological analysis about fictional characters in an unconvetional way. for example last week i was cooking and then i started a rambling about kendall roy to my sister who dgaf about succession lol. and she was like “sick rich man with daddy issues” love her soul lol. and im trying to do better edits and maybe someday i will write a fic. 
most niche dislike: the sound that occurs when you are passing a fork over a plate or pot. it gives me nightmares.
opinion(s) on circuses? I would like to see cirque du soleil<3
do you have a sense of direction? no, i get lost all the time. im embarrasing of myself for this but i got no orientation sense at all, i blame my visuospatial function bc i dont get the goddamn maps either. 
no pressure tagging (feel free to ignore it you don't want to answer!):
@cosmicsasukes @narutouzumakiarchive @tamelee @sueske @sasukesun @johnnysphatass
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shelobussy · 3 years
Okay, so the story I tell more often is that my interest in aerial silks (think Cirque du Soleil), which remains to this day (I haven't been to aerial gym since before the pandemic started, but I do love it dearly even if I sucked 2 years ago and would suck even more now) was inspired by a TenRose fic that was a circus au in which Rose was an aerialist and Ten was the ringmaster. And that is true, no exaggeration or misinformation in sight. But that's not the only timepetals story in my list of hobbies.
Anyone who has watched a movie with a dance scene in it around me in the last however long since the pandemic started, or brought up the topic and some other way within that same time has heard me complain about how much I miss swing dancing. Once again, a true statement. I was a timid lead, and still getting the hang of the footwork, but I do to miss it dearly. I learned the basics at a swing dance club on campus at my school. The second I saw that that club existed I knew I needed to join. Because I had been interested in swing dance since middle school. Since the later half of nuwho season 1, to be specific.
And on that note, I would just like to say that I am of the belief that those three never stopped dancing. And Rose and Ten kept it up after the regeneration. Tentoo and Rose would dance too, unless you find yourself in a storyline where Tentoo never existed, in which case that would fall to every Doctor after.
(And all these scenes in my head are modern/country swing because it's the only dance I can manage the footwork for for more than 45 seconds lmao)
First of all, I'm literally obsessed with aeriel silks (despite having exactly zero talent for dance myself) so I think it's fucking cool that you have a past with them! If you ever wanna run that au by me in my dms, please let me know because I would be hella interested.
I'm really sorry that you haven't had a chance to dance much recently!! I can relate, considering COVID has kept me from most of my social interests too. I sincerely hope that you get to do it again soon. <3
I also just love that TimePetal shippers just. Cling to the fact that the Doctor and Rose dance. Like we got one episode where they danced together for maybe fifty seconds and we internalized that so hard. I love every canon and au that has them dancing together. Aaaah now I really wanna write a 5+1 fic along the lines of five times they didn't dance and one time they did or something along that idea. Another for the wip list help.
(LMAO in reference to that, I literally have a dancing reference youtube playlist for whenever I have to write a dance scene for a fic or my book. I don't know that much about choreography off the top of my head, so I can't do it without the reference. xD)
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