#I also met some dude who asked if it wasn’t their 28th album
gjdraws · 2 years
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If you saw a weirdo out buying veg the other day it was probably me
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WOWOW you're married? that's so cool,,, i'm a sucker for proposal stories do you think you could tell?
aww this is so sweet! I’m afraid that our proposal story is both nonexistent and actually kind of depressing, because there wasn’t so much a proposal as a sobbing phone call the night of the 2016 election, which was when we decided to change our plans from “eh we’ll probably get married for legal purposes someday” to “oh god oh god we have to do it ASAP.” So we got married about a month later in New York with a friend as a witness who we thought was going to be able to officiate, but it turned out she can’t officiate anywhere but Oregon, so we just went to the courthouse instead. Which was actually quite funny because a) when we went to check in on our wedding day, the employee at the front got very confused (possibly because B was wearing a white tutu but I just wearing my best plaid shirt and a nice vest and maybe didn’t look like I was actually supposed to get married) and she asked “wait where’s the husband?” and b) the officiant was the world’s nicest lady who was listening to extremely loud gospel-y Christmas music when we stepped in and was absolutely delighted to marry us. I sincerely hope she’s having a good life.
ANYWAY sorry to disappoint but I do have a good story about how we started dating, which is: (cut to spare your dash lol)
we met here on tumblr writing about the TV show Dollhouse, eventually met up a couple of times at the local ComiCon, and B gave me her email to send pictures that I took of her and her friend cosplaying GOT.
Then we emailed for a year, getting extremely personal about it within like a month, and eventually switched to texting constantly.
We met up a couple times for cons and stuff (and took this picture), and I derailed my friend and I’s trip back from SDCC 2013 just to give B the giant GOT poster I bought for her (at this point I was EXTREMELY in love with her and I thought maybe if I bought her stuff she would get the hint lmao).
She spent a whole summer emailing me Broadway musical albums that she loved, including Next to Normal and In the Heights (two of my faves now).
I made her dolls of both Nora Gainsborough (True Blood) and Daenerys Targaryan, because they were her faves.
In January 2014 I decided to take a weekend and visit her by myself, so I did, and then we started writing a Warehouse 13/True Blood crossover smut fic about Nora and HG, during which she had to grab my hand and stroke the back of it with her thumb to demonstrate a thing she wanted to write into the story. You know. Gal pal things!
I also had her watch Imagine Me and You because she never had and this was a blatant attempt at flirting, which only sort of worked, see hand holding.
Oh and also my car broke and I had to stay an extra three days and I remember thinking, “wow, normally I’m done with being around anybody after 48 hours max, but I don’t mind at all staying with her so long,” and that was when I Knew.
For Valentine’s Day she got asked to dinner by some dude in a class she was taking, and I jokingly said, “I could be your pretend girlfriend if you wanted to get out of it!”
Anyway finally on the night of February 28th 2014, I came back from seeing The Lego Movie with some friends and B and I texted throughout the evening (as usual) and somewhere around 1 AM I decided “fuck it” and told her how I felt, and then we spent literally 3 hours processing our feelings, and then I woke up to a very cute tumblr message about how she woke up and thought excitedly “wow, I have a girlfriend now.”
Also if you would like to hear the longer and more in-depth version of our relationship, my wife wrote a series of posts about it on her Wordpress blog (you have to scroll back a little for those posts, sorry) starting with this one.
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