#I also only did the parents I haven’t done and also have names because ‘Ino’s mom’ isn’t the vibe you know?
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Could you come up with relationship ideas for Naruto in a sugar baby arrangement with each of the clan kids parents? Feel free to phone a friend (hobgoblinlife I’m looking at you boo) because I have no idea what the relationship would look like for some of them.
Tbh when I was thinking of sugar daddies my first thought was Inoichi as he just gives that sort of vibe. Also I refuse to conceptualize Hiashi because he frankly makes me big angry but HIZASHI on the other hand. This also made me realize how few of the moms are actually named like they truly just exist to fill space and that is a damn shame. Give me the milfs cowards.
Inoichi - Extravagance at every corner but also is very insistent on paying for things like therapy and doctors visits as well. Praise all the time. Loves seeing Naruto in heels. Might psychoanalyze during sex. Definite bdsm dynamics too.
Hizashi - tbh loves being able to take care of someone rather than being seen as “fragile” due to his illness. Also very much leans into the finery aspect of things (he’s a Hyuga he can’t not make sure that Naruto is draped in fine silk with pretty delicate little jewelry). Adores seeing Naruto in more traditional looks. Pleasure dom 100% though if Naruto catches him at the right moment he will let Naru ride him for hours.
Choza - His love language is food and it shows. Another one that will absolutely fill Naruto’s fridge but he goes a step farther by “teaching” naruto how to cook (somehow Naruto always ends up distracted). Aprons. Man has a weakness for frilly little aprons. Incredibly physically affectionate which is perfect for Naruto’s touch starved ass.
Mikoto - MILF. Loves extravagance but also loves Naruto exploring his fem side. The first time she called naru her “good girl” he just about blacked out he was so into it. Domme. Will take Naru to get his nails and hair done but his makeup is for her and her alone to do completely with the chin grab to keep him still while she does his lipstick.
Shibi - less openly affectionate in public but always makes sure Naruto is cared for with good quality things even if they aren’t extravagant. One of the first things he bought Naruto is a good pair of boots that won’t fall apart and cost most than Naruto’s rent. The one pda thing he does is leading naru with a hand on his back. Is the one that will whisper filth in Naruto’s ear when they are in public. Is a sucker for naru wearing his clothes and also skirts. Definite dom vibes I just don’t know what kind of dom.
And that’s all I got currently. Definitely open to more ideas tho this is fun
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
Uchiha Therapist: Part I
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Synopsis: Yandere! Madara x Reader x Yandere! Sasuke 
 [Name] is a struggling post graduate psychology student who has more on her plate than she can handle. Between her practicums to gain work experience and writing reports, to trying to maintain a decent lifestyle and look after her own mental health, there is little to no time left to work an actual paying job. Yet, money is essential for survival. So,  she does the next best thing that has been trending recently to assure a good paycheck; she becomes a sugar baby. The only thing is, [Name] is unaware that she’s become sugar baby of the Madara Uchiha, the notorious CEO of Uchiha Corporation. She is also unaware of the fact that she’s the therapist of his nephew Sasuke Uchiha, who has begun treading over the professional boundary of a patient, and has started developing an abnormal fixation for his therapist since she seems to be the only one who actually understands him.
Warning: Although this story will come to contain yandere themes that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read, there are no yandere themes present  in this chapter. It does have mentions of negative and tiring thoughts that may be triggering. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional and any yandere or other toxic behaviours that may be present in the future, know that I do not condone such behaviour. 
Word Count: 4K 
Story start; A day in the life of [Name] 
On the night that started it all, when [Name] was feeling particularly disheartened and dissatisfied with her life, she had vented her frustrations and sorrow to her good friend Ino Yamanaka. Although many things in her life were going right, and she was privileged enough to have the chance to pursue her wanted career, it came at a cost. Her entire life schedule was fixed around her post graduation studies, other little spared time was for cooking and doing chores, and the rest was for sleeping. [Name] lacked the time for earning money, and doing things that were higher on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs — dating to find someone to create a meaningful connection with, or working on her previous hobbies. 
The two friends had been consuming enough booze to be a little more than tipsy but not enough to be drunk. Some words were slurred, the fine motor control had decreased a bit, and with their faces slightly flushed, Ino was convinced that she had the best idea to [Name]’s problems. 
Giggling at her own idea, Ino had snatched [Name]’s laptop from in front of them, and tapped various keyboard keys for joogle to search up. Once she saw the results, she clicked on one of the many websites shown as a result, and after a few more minutes of more clicks and keyboard taps, she had turned the laptop towards [Name] to see, with a triumph grin on her face. 
“A sugar daddy,” Ino claimed proudly. 
[Name] raised an eyebrow. “What?” 
“A sugar daddy — it’s the perfect solution for your troubles. Not only will you get to earn more than enough, it covers the dating aspect too! Someone to spend your time with, to sleep over with — just without getting too attached. You’ll have a social life once again that doesn’t consist of you drinking booze with me or our other friends and you can finally afford to look decent again,” Ino explained straightforwardly. 
[Name]’s eye twitched. “What do you mean finally afford to look decent again?” she inquired in a low voice, and glared at Ino, who smiled sheepishly at her. 
“Well you’ve been a fashion disaster for sometime now—“
“Sorry I don’t have rich parents like the rest of you to buy me extravagant brands,” [Name] retorted, and a tick mark of anger bulged on Ino’s head. 
“Well Sakura is a commoner like you too and even when she was a starving student, she still had a fashion sense. You don’t need to buy something expensive like jucci to look decent!” Ino snapped, and [Name] scowled at her. 
“Whatever. This discussion is pointless anyway since I’m not going to become a sugar baby,” [Name] responded, and went to grab a bottle to consume more alcohol.  However, the uneasy and anxious expression that Ino wore made her halt amidst her movements. All of a sudden, a cold shiver ran down [Name]’s back, and she felt a sense of dread building up in her gut. 
“Please tell me you didn’t,” [Name] pleaded and Ino winced inwardly, before she turned the laptop around to show [Name]. 
“I did… I already signed you up. You have a date with him this Friday night.” 
That was the gist of how [Name] had become entangled in her predicament with Madara Uchiha, and what was meant to be nights for [Name] giving her daddy some casual sugar, turned into an diabetic sugar addiction. 
It was baffling really, how as children, people can be better in following orders than they can be as adults. And for someone like [Name], who had been studying psychology for years now, and began to work with the theories, one would think that practicing what she preached would be easier; she was great at helping her clients, but not much at helping herself. 
“Make sure you don’t go with strangers” — a lesson that had been engraved in children at school and from their parents for their own safety. It was one of the most basic rules of common sense to evade danger; however, it was the rule [Name] failed to follow. Instead of not going through with her fixed date with a sugar daddy, who was a complete stranger and who knows pose what danger, she had gone through with it. And she had not even taken any caution to have their first meeting in a public place, no. She had gone to his home, which was the only place he accepted for their meeting, because she was too anxious to say no or not go through with it. 
She really wondered how she was able to help her clients so well when she could not even manage her own anxiety. 
So, now, here she sat. Since by Ino’s definition, [Name] was a walking fashion disaster, the blonde had refused to let her go without her help. Their tastes differed, but even [Name] had to admit that Ino had done an incredible job in helping her choose an outfit that was suited to her tastes. Granted, it was skimpier than what she usually wore and more figure defining, but it did make her look really nice. She did not look like a savage mess with evident dark eyebags who appeared to have just gotten out of bed and went to work straightaway like she did on a daily basis. But she felt exposed and uncomfortable in the setting she was not accustomed to.
The penthouse she had been invited to was extravagantly luxurious; the small dining for the two of them (her and soon to be her sugar daddy) was right next to the giant window in the living room that showed a beautiful night view of the Konoha city. Lighting in the room was ambient and romantic, and there was a small pizza, that looked ridiculously expensive for what it's worth, and red wine settled before her. While she did not want to indulge in such luxury, feeling on the edge of the seat because of how her sugar daddy to be was scrutinizing her with calculating onyx eyes, and never being the one to refuse free food, she mindlessly ate it, refusing to meet his eyes. 
“You know, usually you’re supposed to make conversation and sell yourself to try and convince me of why I should stick with you rather than someone else,” Madara spoke, and this was so abrupt and unanticipated on [Name]’s part that she froze half way through biting her food. Her cheeks felt hot in embarrassment, and she awkwardly coughed loudly before looking up at Madara. Although he found her antics to be somewhat adorable, he kept a straight face. After all, to gain the attention of a man of his status, there were many who did the strangest things to appease him. Madara was not a man to be tricked so foolishly. 
“Why should I sell myself when you haven’t convinced me to why I should be your….uh, sugar b-baby rather than s-someone else’s?” [Name] responded. She had started off strongly, but near the end when it came to referring to herself as a sugar baby and realisation of the situation sunk in, she felt herself become more flustered. 
Now, it was not odd for people to be intimidated by Madara. However, acting in confidence at the same time, and to question his authority, that was new. The corner of his lips twitched upwards in amusement. He leaned back in his chair and raised a fine black eyebrow at [Name]. 
“And why should I have to sell myself to you? I’m the one who, essentially, is paying for everything,” he challenged, and [Name] scoffed at him. 
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s really costing you,” she mumbled under her breath, before clearing her throat. “Someone else can pay me too.” 
“You had no reviews on your profile, you’re lucky that I even chose to click on it. Usually, it’s hard to get started since no one bothers with anyone with no reviews.” 
[Name] shrugged. “That was your own choice, don’t shift the situation onto me. And besides, how do you know it's only reviews that count online? I might know a lot of other sugar daddies I had in my past that desperately want me but it's lucky that I chose to give you, a stranger, the chance.” 
Madara was amused by the fact that [Name] had used his own logic against him, and could not help but smirk. Even though it was more than obvious through her behaviour that she was an absolute newbie to this, he decided to humour her. 
"Well, I am an Uchiha," Madara said simply, as if that sole reason explained everything. 
[Name] blinked in confusion. "Uhhh, okay…? Well, I'm [Surname]. That explains why you should choose me.” 
This time, her response really did leave Madara confused. His eyebrows were furrowed and there was clear confusion written on his face. 
“You don’t know the Uchiha?” he asked incredulously. The urge to sigh in an exaggerated manner and snap at him was strong, but [Name] decided against it. With the way he spoke in that condescending tone, and expected [Name] to treat him as if he was of utmost importance, made it more than obvious to her that he was used to being treated as the highest authority. Perhaps he was of importance and not watching herself around him could lead her into a huge mess. But [Name] did not particularly care about his status or whatever he had going on that made him expect her to seemingly kiss the floor he walked on. If she cared about authorities and sucking up to people, then she would not be training to be a therapist in the first place. There were going to be times when she would have to fight authorities and regulations with her sweat and blood for the sake of her clients. And really, if [Name] did care, she would not have been here in the first place -- having dinner with a complete stranger. 
“Uh I do?” she said, but it sounded more like a question. Madara opened his mouth to respond to her, but he shifted the focus of the conversation to another topic. He felt even more perplexed by [Name] now because how could she not know the Uchiha? 
“Nevermind, it’s not of importance. Tell me, why are you in this line of business? You don’t seem,” fit for it, he wanted to say, but chose his words carefully. “The type to want to do this.” 
In response, [Name] felt flustered. She wondered if it was really that obvious that she was not used to it and Madara was simply humouring her. She could very well tell him the truth that it was because Ino had tricked her into it. However, that would make her seem gullible. Now that she may be committing to this, she knew she needed to build a good reputation for herself. She decided to tell the half-truth. 
“I need the money,” she answered in a murmur, before she brought the glass of wine to her lips, and took a huge drink from it. 
Madara watched her with analytical eyes as she downed her alcohol, taking no moment to savour the taste. He had also noticed how she was on her third plate of their dinner and wondered if she had any decency and how she was capable of eating so much. 
“Your job doesn’t pay you enough?” he asked in a genuinely concerned tone, before he followed [Name]’s example and downed his remaining wine in one go too. He had never done that before, and after finishing it, he had to admit there was an odd sense of satisfaction of not savouring its every taste and drinking it all together at once. 
Madara was staring at her with anticipation and worry embedded deep in his ebony coloured irides. Frankly speaking, [Name] had not have someone look at her with such concern in a long time. Generally, on the rare occasions she did speak freely about her worries, whoever she shared her problems with would give her their own input rather than simply listening to her and asking her the right questions that would help her discuss or figure out her own problem. The sight of it made her heart beat faster, and she unknowingly found herself talking before she even what she was doing.
“It’s not that… Well, actually I don’t even work. I barely have time to breath, working is my last priority right now,” she murmured, nervously fiddling with her fingers, as she observed Madara from the corner of her eye.
“While I cannot relate to your financial struggles, I understand the situation you’re in. Becoming so busy because of a goal you once had, that you question whether it’s even worth pursuing it anymore. You lose sight of who used to be and the things that brought you pleasure. There’s always something to do that you can’t even remember the last time you truly felt alive,” Madara said thoughtfully, and his words caused [Name]’s eyes to widen. 
“And no matter how much you want to try and change things, it just feels like you’ve been stuck in the same cycle and it keeps repeating over and over and over again,” [Name] murmured, sighing dejectedly. “I really hate the world.” 
Madara chuckled at her declaration as he lifted another bottle of wine that was on their table. 
“Me too. Why don’t we discuss more things we hate about the world and learn about what we in common over more wine?” he suggested. The edge of suspicion and tenseness he held before was no longer present. Instead, he was now feeling much more relaxed than he had in awhile, and felt intrigued about [Name]. The twinkle in his eyes in hopes to talk to her more caused her lips to stretch into a cute flustered smile. 
It was the week which was like the last and there was no change but stress levels felt higher. Even after a decent ten hours sleep, [Name] felt exhaustion crawling like bugs underneath the epidermis layer of her skin. Dark bags were swelled prominently underneath her eyes. Her hair was tied carelessly in a messy bun that fell to one side; it wasn’t pretty like the one’s beauty gurus showed. It was loose but the knot was tight enough to make the weight of the hair feel too evident with each passing moment. Taking a quick sip from her steaming mocha, she greeted the administrators on the front desk that were the first point of contact between clients and the therapists who worked further back in the office. This office was where [Name] was presently working to gain practice experience in her second practicum. Generally, students in training were simply meant to observe and learn. If permission given by their supervisor, they could step in. But in [Name]’s case, for the sake of the story’s plot, the office she had chosen this time were understaffed. And since she already had finished one practicum and had quite a lot of other experiences from volunteering under her belt, she was trusted to work independently with whatever clients may be assigned to her. 
“Good morning Moegi and Konohamaru,” [Name] greeted, and the two looked up from their screens. When they noticed it was [Name], they beamed at her and returned her greeting in response. 
“How was your weekend [Name]?” Konohamaru asked, as he handed her the appointment schedule of everyone she would seeing today. 
[Name] was ready to give her autopilot response of it being "okay" and then quickly shooting a "how about you" like she usually did. However, before those words left her mouth she paused to ponder: truly, how had her weekend been? 
It was okay. Actually, it had been more than okay.
It had surprisingly been a lot of fun. When she had went through with her sugar daddy date, she had somewhat expected that she may end up having sex with a rich man she would not have been attracted to and receive compensation for sleeping with him. But that had not been the case. Madara was quite attractive, and although the dinner date had begun with a few subtle jeers thrown at each other, she had ended up having a good time with him. The fact that she felt safe enough to be vulnerable with him in the way she didn't even feel that level of comfort with her friends, and shared things she hadn't even known she was bottling up - - it was such a profound experience. To go from discussing their hatred for many things, to confessing secrets and feelings they weren't judged for, but rather, listened to, to getting so drunk that they sang cheesy songs and ended the date with their own unplanned karaoke night, it left an odd feeling of satisfaction and joy in [Name]'s chest that she had not felt in a while. The knowledge of knowing that she would be seeing Madara again soon left her feeling embarrassed. 
"It was," she began, and she covered her face with one hand to hide her embarrassment. "Really nice and fun. I had a good time," she murmured somewhat quietly. Then, right away, she scurried off towards her office before they could question her further or talk about their own weekends.
[Name] had left Moegi and Konohamaru surprised with her response, and the two turned to each other wondering if they had heard right. 
It was after lunch when [Name] was indulging in some [favourite fruit] iced tea, hoping some sugar would help her stay awake when she had an appointment with a client she would be seeing for the first time. She had settled her drink on the table beside her, walked through the hallway, and into the main office with reception and waiting area for clients. 
It was there she saw a young man not much older than herself. He had warm ivory skin and black hair bangs that framed his face. The back of his head looked like a duck’s butt. He must have heard her footsteps because before she even called out his name, he had looked up. When her eyes met his, she took a sharp intake of breath because he looked oddly similar to Madara. The way his obsidian eyes scrutinised her made her feel uneasy. Nonetheless, she gave him, what she hoped appeared to be a welcoming and reassuring smile. 
“You are Sasuke?” she assumed, and he stood up. 
“Hn,” Sasuke responded simply, and at the lack of any greeting or even a facial expression caused [Name] to sweatdrop. But nonetheless, she carried on like she did with all of her patients. 
“Before we start your session, did you want anything? A hot chocolate, coffee, water?” 
Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this before he replied nonchalantly. “A black coffee.” 
[Name] nodded and just before she could speak once more, a head of messy black curls invaded her vision and she was greeted with a smile that was almost too falsely cheerie for her taste. 
“Hello! I’m Shisui, Sasuke’s cousin. And stoic face over there is Itachi, Sasuke’s brother. You forgot about us Miss. Therapist,” Shisui greeted brightly. At his exuberant persona, Sasuke glared at him. The one who he had introduced as Itachi, sighed, and [Name] looked at them apologetically. 
“Oh sorry, I didn’t notice you. Can I get anything for you as well? If you’ve been with Sasuke until this point, I can assume you’ll be staying with him.” 
Itachi nodded and stepped up front and held out his hand for [Name] to shake, which she obliged to almost instantly. 
“Yes. We are here to oversee my little brother’s recovery at my Father’s orders and make sure there is progress,” he explained simply. His words were harsh. It was evident in the way Shisui had become tight lipped, and how Sasuke had now averted his glare onto Itachi. [Name]’s eyes shifted to observe their reaction and then returned to Itachi who was looking at her stoically. It wasn’t too obvious. However, she noticed with the way Itachi’s jaw was clenched more tightly than it had been before. This change in his body language clearly indicated that he had not wanted to say what he did and he did not want to be here. And from the intense glare Sasuke regarded him with, [Name] safely assumed that whatever was going on with Sasuke, Itachi seemed to be a part of it. Underneath Itachi’s pretty eyes, she noticed a sense of tiredness that was all — physical, mental, emotional and more. She saw that same sense of exhaustion on her own face each day. 
The session had not even started and this was already turning out to become so complicated. [Name] hoped she would still have her sanity by the time she graduated and came to do this full-time. There were some of her colleagues who never bothered with rules or following basic procedures to assure their clients comfort and wellbeing. Lucky for her clients, she did. And when she needed to, she would bend over backwards and willingly go beyond her capabilities for them. 
She knew from the way they all held themselves, and particularly with how Itachi had spoken that they were of important status. Their ‘father asked [them] to be here’ was a subtle way of implying that she could get in huge trouble if she did not comply with them. But [Name] just didn’t care. 
She turned to Sasuke with a stern look on her face and motioned towards Shisui and Itachi. 
“Do you want them there to support you or would you feel more comfortable with just you? Either way is fine. It’s your decision,” [Name] said smiling at him. 
The three raven-haired males that had been introducing themselves moments ago stilled and their eyes widened in shock. Shisui was the first one to snap out of it. 
“Uh, Miss. Therapist, I don’t think you know—“ 
“I know what I’m doing. Please refrain from implying such things and let my client decide for himself,” she retorted, narrowing her eyes. Shisui went to warn once more, but he was stopped by Itachi, who shook his head. 
Itachi’s gaze went to Sasuke, and then back to [Name] as he spoke. 
“I’m sure she knows what she is doing. We all wish for Sasuke’s wellbeing. We won’t intrude if he doesn’t want us to,” he proclaimed. That was his way of hinting for Shisui to drop the subject, and reassuring both Sasuke and [Name] that he was on their side, particularly with Sasuke, letting him know that he would not let their father find this out. 
“Aniki,” Sasuke murmured in disbelief, staring at his brother for a few moments. Then, he looked back at [Name] to see she was still giving him the same sweet and gentle smile she had greeted him with. 
Maybe, perhaps, this time, signing up for therapy would be worth it. Maybe he could allow himself to talk to her and not fear judgement and consequences like he had with his previous therapists. 
“I’d like it to be by myself,” he murmured, looking away from her with slight pink cheeks. As his eyes had drifted away from hers and met Shisui’s, who gave him a warning look, his shoulders tensed and his eyes snapped back to [Name] right away. “P-Please and t-thank you.” 
He did not need to glance at Shisui again to know the oldest male was now grinning at him. 
Seemingly, his politeness seemed to be unexpected and Sasuke wanted to scoff at how [Name]’s eyes had lit up in pride. It almost annoyed him because did they really think he was that dimwitted? 
“You’re welcome. Now, follow me please. Shisui and Itachi, our session will be around an hour so you can come to pick him up in that time,” [Name] said. The two of them nodded and waved the two goodbye as Sasuke followed after [Name] to her office. 
A/N:  (tbh, uhhh, I plan for this to be a yandere story [whispers: eventually] but this chapter is fluffy. I honestly don’t know where I’m going with this or if I’ll add more Uchihas as love interests and turn into a reverse harem for [Name], I’m gonna make shit up as I go along and hope it turns into something decent lol gang gang. I just need to write a story I can write without worries and just enjoy the process of it rather than caring about where it leads. So yeet. I hope you join me on this journey <3)
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acefrogmonarch · 4 years
Headcanons pt. 3
To get thus out of the way. I feel like Hinata wouldn't have as much pressure in the next life. Sure she might compete in the same things like Neji.
But wouldn't be ridiculed about it because she was very honest about it with her father.
Lunch - High school
Itachi sometimes skips college or his police academy and just sits on campus with them. He brings enough for everyone if he remembers them. But it’s fine because both Neji and Itachi text each other and plan ahead, just in case.
No one notices that these seniors are having lunch with sophomores. But then again, everyone looks like a senior in that group to the student body and staff.
The cafeteria was their place in the winter because it was too cold to go outside. Every other season was set outside in the courtyard. They have a place deemed “theirs” and refuse to share it with others. Absolute will fight anyone that goes near their table.
Naruto does football but only quarterback because he’s there to only throw.
He has a ‘dog’ named Kurama and always plays frisbees with him. Because it feels like throwing a shuriken. Naruto does tricks with them. Like throwing two at a time and trying to go the other direction but it never works out.
Sasuke does Track. Other things like Hurdles and long jump.
Naruto, at some point: So sasuke runs from his family and his gay problems.
Tenten versus Lee in any Martial arts. Usually mixed, but if they want any specifics, tae juan do is a good stress reliever, for Tenten.
Competitive archery Neji and casual archery Hinata. Neji also does Kendo along with Hinata; She still presses flowers in her journals.
Sakura would definitely be in S.T.U.D.C.O. like office aid, student rep, or any sort of authority position. She was left spiker until she became the Ace of the Volleyball team. Tried to do softball and hated it, then she joined the mixed baseball team and loved it.
Ino would definitely have been in every single program, at least once. Orchestra first, band next, Choir sometimes, did gynanism for fun. Hates cheerleaders, does step team.
Sai is a punk as bitch for any art club. All if not most of his artwork are in the library hung up.
Shikamaru hangs out with juniors that have a steady supply of marijuana. But he also enjoys a good cigarette more than marijuana because that shit fucks with him.
Choji hangs out in the culinary hallway with his girlfriend Karui, because she aspires to be a chief. The culinary teachers also know Choji because they let him eat the leftovers and he suggests new and exciting flavors for them. It’s usually good but sometimes there’s a bad batch.
Kiba would be like the kid you go to or one of the kids that has a side business, within the school. Like he has snacks, school supplies, or marijana. He’s your go to guy.
Kiba has Akamaru as a service dog within the school, since he cant sneak him in without being spotted. He was approved with a doctors note.
Shino likes computer programming. The essence of computers and how smoothly a program could run makes him feel accomplished and so happy. And when he finally gets it? Oof. Euphoria. 
He sometimes does web coding for fun and fucks around with his tumblr page.
Shino and Shikamaru both have a mutual respect towards each other. Because Shikamaru has this uncanny ability to find bugs and crash games on PC.
Naruto surprisingly built the PC for him, he manually updates new parts and makes sure everything is good to run. Shino makes mods for his games, like GTA V, Minecraft, GMod.
They stream it sometimes and it's just great content for themselves.
It used to be San Andreas but the game kept bugging out all the time, so they updated to V.
Sometimes both Naruto and Hinata dip the group during lunch to visit their little siblings. By blood or not, they both deeply care about their younger siblings. Naruto goes through the forest to visit Honomaru. While Hinata goes down the grave path and enjoys the creeks, nature around her.
They both end up at the same school regardless of how much it takes the other to get there but they both enjoy seeing the faces of their respected siblings. And it’s all worth it in the end.
Their missing hands.
Sometimes when Naruto is away in College he completely forgets that his right hand is perfectly fine and not at all gone, damaged, or artificial. So he just doesn’t use it until someone questions why he couldn’t grab something and they point out his arm.
Shikamaru: Why can’t you use your hand?
Naruto: Huh? What are you on ab-
Naruto finally notices his arm and lightly squeezes.
Naruto: I thought I lost it in the war.
Shikamaru: Wha-
Naruto: But I got my brother back. Where’s sasuwuke?
Shikamaru: Naruto, you saw him just yesterday.
Naruto: Yesterday! Why didn’t he visit me today?
Sakura: He’s a block away, Naruto. How about you visit him?
Naruto: That asshole! I thought he was still at the Wave village?
Sakura: No you idiot, he just sent a letter last week, he’s in the Sound now.
Again, once out of the trance, both are very confused. 
Hinata and Sasuke marry. Well almost. Both Sasuke and Hinata are very private and didn’t want to tell anyone about the engagement but have spent a couple of months planning. And when the subject of her wedding dress came up.
Hinata: How about a kimono, like before?
Sasuke: Huh?
Hinata: Yeah, like my wedding with-
Sasuke and Hinata look at each other and realize that they were about to marry the wrong person.
Hinata: D-do we continue?
Sasuke: I mean we don’t have a date, and the invites aren’t out yet. No one knows about this and we aren’t exactly marrying because we love each other.
Hinata nods in understanding and sighs deeply.
Hinata: Then who am I supposed to marry? And what am I supposed to do with the ring?
Sasuke: I don’t care as long as I get my sword.
Hinata: Yeah, whatever you want teme.
Hinata immediately realizes who she was supposed to marry and so does Sasuke.
They call up a certain pinkette and blonde and set up a meeting.
Hinata, still knowing her gentle first, from memory and will abruptly start training. If everyone tries to stop her, she takes it as a challenger and will fight them. She stops once Neji is there.
Hinata Hyuuga or Hinata Hyuga. She often calls the wrong punctuation for the Hyuga estate.
It's changed to only one u.
Since Hinata’s mother, Hana, is alive, they didn’t set a garden in her honor.
Hinata: Where’s mother’s garden?
Ko: Her what?
Hinata: Her garden, because she died.
Ko: U-uh, Hinata-sama.
Hana comes out to see what is taking them so long: What sweetie?
Hinata looks at her mother and smiles softly. She looks around again and tries to look for her training trees.
Hinata: Where’s my tree?
Neji follows soon after: What tree?
Hinata softly smiles but looks at the bow and arrow that is in his hand. Having come back from training, Neji is still in his gear and sets Hinata out of her trance.
Tiny Hinata misses her flowers. She does replant her garden but she also scared the ever living crap out of anyone because of her ominous message before.
Neji and Hinata accidentally outing each other's sexuality. While at the mall, they both notice an attractive couple and look at them approvingly. Then they turn to each other and nod their head in understanding.
Hinata: The Girl, right?
Neji: The Boy, right?
Now they often tease each other about boys and girls alike. Sasuke is often caught up on the teasing.
Since it’s mostly done in sign language and he can’t help when he notices the straight face that Hinata makes when she signs. “Gay sex” and points at Sasuke.
Neji curses and walks away, then Tenten, Lee and Hinata are following Neji like ducklings. All signing "Gay sex" Sasuke is losing his mind.
BI hinata and Neji.
Family reunions with the Uchiha!
Since there was no big massacre, everyone sort of lives and drives everyone up the wall with their attitude.
Sasuke can’t handle them so he brings Naruto. And everyone kind of loves Naruto, so they accept him as an honorary Uchiha.
Adult life?
Because I get that Hinata and Naruto married at like 21 and had boruto a couple of years later. So I really want Hinata to have followed the same feeling except a couple of years earlier. Same with the other girls and their pregnancy months. Because that’s hilarious. 
Neji and Tenten finally get together and him not dying. Just the potential wholesomeness about that makes me happy.
No one knows who the fuck Rock Lee hooks up with. Like he dips for 2 years and comes back with a baby named Metal. Tenten is super worried because Rock has a kind of pure innocence to him, in regards to sex.
Tenten: Did you get roofied? Are you okay? How did you end up with a kid?
Rock: What’s a roofie? Is that a drink?
Tenten: Kind of, but don’t worry about it.
Neji: What’s with the kid?
Rock: He’s my son, say hi Metal!
Metal is a baby and gurgles at them. They are very shocked, but not surprised. Because it’s Rock Lee. A musclehead that doesn’t want to stop training.
So anything is possible
Childhood ?
Naruto has his parents, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Obito, Rin and many others. In this life but one time when he woke up to the house being empty, he just started crying.
16, very confused and just sits for about an hour in one spot holding his crystal necklace. His Mom walks in with groceries, with his Father right behind her carrying more groceries.
Naruto: Oh thank god, I thought you guys died again.
Kushina: What, no, never again! Right Dear?
Minato: I’m not going to sacrifice myself again anytime soon, if that’s what you’re worried about.
Breaking out of the trance, they question themselves and their memories. More so, their past life.
Sasuke abruptly hates Itachi and sometimes tries to kill him in his teenage years.
Sasuke: You bastard! How could you do that to our clan!
Itachi: Foolish little brother. You still haven’t caught up to me.
Sasuke is in a kenta stance but nothing is in his hand and itachi is very confused as to why he is staring at Sasuke with his hands in a very weird hand symbol.
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shikastemari · 6 years
spy - n. u.
pairing naruto uzumaki x yamanaka!reader
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word count 4,895
when it happens after Pain destroyed the Village
a/n this is actually one of the first stories i’ve ever thought about. i wrote it months ago but just now i decided to give it a chance and post it and yeah, i gor a little carried away while writing it.
btw i’m witnessing the biggest writer’s block i’ve been through and that’s why i haven’t posted anything lately. hopefully it’ll be gone soon enough and i’ll be back to write as easily as i used to.
masterlist on my profile bio
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Naruto Uzumaki.
The first time you heard his name was in one of your missions. You were spying some old guy who was owing bad people money, and you had heard Naruto's story by accident. The guy who defeated the leader of the Akatsuki all by himself, even someone as the legendary Sannin Jiraiya couldn't. During the time, you have heard a lot of girls sigh in desire for the boy, as also heard a lot of man being inspired by him - to become even stronger than people said he was.
So, when you finished your mission, it was no surprise for you someone decided to hire you to dig some dirty on Naruto. You have never accepted a mission on Konoha before, keeping your boundaries up since you know your uncle and his family still lived there, and you would never do anything to hurt your blood. But the offer was too good to decline.
Last time you have seen your uncle and cousin, you were six. Your mother was a foreign and her pregnancy had so many complications. The day you were born, she made a promise, she would take you back to her country, to become a ninja there. Your father, the brother of the Yamanaka clan leader, was madly in love with her and never said a single no at her direction. When the time came, not only he didn't fight against your mother taking you away, as he decided to leave the village himself. Uncle Inoichi helped him, knowing it was the only thing he could do to help his brother achieve happiness, but in the process, your father ended up being labeled as a rogue ninja.
The Bamboo Village was a nice place to live, and your parents were always happy there, even though you missed your old life and family deeply. You had a cousin, who also had the same age as you, so you two had grown up together and she was basically a sister to you. Leaving her behind was the hardest thing you wish you had encountered in your life, but it wasn't.
Your mother died a year after you moved country. Her disease was unknown, the doctors said they couldn't do anything but to ease her pain until the time comes. That was what you and your father did. Took care of her, stood by her side, until she was gone. To these days, you still missed her deeply. As honoring your mother wishes, you and your father didn't go back to Konoha after her death. Instead, your father taught you everything he could about the family jutsus, and it made your heart melt every time he told you how good you could become. Maybe better than him. Or even Uncle Inoichi.
He passed away five years after that, on a battle against the Land of Lightning. Even though you wanted to stay in Bamboo Village, you knew you wouldn't survive there. So that when you started to use your jutsus in espionage. You went city from city, village from village, country from country, learning from the best. The requests came right after. In your line of work, you kept your name hidden. You didn't want to drag the Yamanaka name to the mud, or even give something to your enemy to use as an advantage against you, wishing you could always keep your reminiscent family safe.
So, when your feet took you back to Konoha's, you couldn't help but feel sick. Regret and worry filled your whole body, since you counted with your family accepting you with open arms, but you knew it was a shot in the dark. Since Pain's attack which destroyed the entire village, you didn't exactly know where the Yamanaka clan was staying, so you followed your plan and walked around the village, asking if someone knew where Ino Yamanaka was.
It didn't take long, actually. Apparently, she was a recognized and respected kunoichi and you couldn't stop feeling a little jealous. What would they think about me if I have stayed? The thought flooding your head as you walked towards the place a girl told you Ino would be.
She was sitting on a pile of wood, with seven ninjas surrounding her. They were laughing and talking about how stupid what someone named Rock Lee have done to an old lady. When your eyes laid on her, you felt your heart skipping a beat. She looked exactly like before, the only thing which was different was her hair, it was so long.
A guy with the Byakugan was the first to notice you, which didn't actually surprise you at all. You have heard about what those eyes could do. Looking around them, you could see there was also a girl who could use it. This group look like they would be a pain in your ass if you didn't pay close attention at them.
"Can we help you?" A pink haired girl asked, and your eyes widened for a second. That was Sakura? No way.
As your eyes passed through their faces, you started to recognize some of them. Shikamaru was standing next to Ino, with Choji by his side. You also recognized Kiba, who you remember having an innocent crush on, because of Akamaru, which was huge now. Your heart was literally shrinking inside you by that view, already pondering the pros and cons about ignoring the mission you had been given. But you could not give up now, there was too much involved.
"Staring is creepy, have your family never taught you that?" Ino questioned, her eyes narrowed at you.
You shook your head, smiling. "You would know, Ino-nee-chan, still a bitch, I see?"
Ino's eyes popped up as she gasped, taking her hands to cover her mouth. Everyone else were just shocked by the way you talked to her, but you were sure she recognized you. Once she got up from the wood she was sitting and ran in your direction, giving you one hell of a tight hug, you felt your body relax for the first time in a long time.
"Nee-chan!" she said between the tears, it took every strength in your body not to do the same. It was still a mission, the hardest one you have been to, but still a mission. "I thought I would never see you again!"
"Wait, is that y/n-chan?" Kiba asked out loud. "Holy shit, you got hot!"
Ino and you laughed as Sakura punched the poor guy, sending him meters away from where he originally was standing. So, Sakura had a monstrous strength, just like you heard Tsunade-sama having.
"Daddy will be so happy when he sees you! Where is y/f/n-ojisan? I've missed him so bad too!" she exclaimed.
You swallowed hard, knowing too well there was no way to dodge this moment. "Mhm," you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. "My dad died when I was 12, during a battle."
"Oh," she said, the air getting heavier around you. "And why you haven't contacted us after that, y/n-nee-chan?" she asked, her tone clearly hurt. "We could have helped you."
Another question you predicted. "I tried to honor my mother's wish for as long as I could but..." you trailed off, breathing deeply to keep going. "I just wanted to be with my family again."
She hugged you again, crying her eyes out. Shikamaru came closer and pushed the girl from you.
"Ino, what a drag, let her breathe for a second," Shikamaru eyed you, from head to toe. You remember him being very - very­ - smart when you were kids. His eyes stopped on your lips, and you noticed his cheek blushing. Pressing your lips together to repress a smile, you couldn't push away the memory of you accidentally kissing him while playing one of Ino's idiot games. It was your first kiss, and probably his too. "Eh, welcome back, y/n-chan," he scratched the back of his head.
"Thank you, Shikamaru-kun," you grinned back at him as you were wrapped in someone's arms.
"Y/N-CHAN, YOU WERE DEEPLY MISSED!" Choji screamed as he hugged you, a little stronger than you wish, the air escaping from your lungs.
"Choji, I can't breat-" you said, but it seemed more like a whisper. Happily, he understood and let you go, being embarrassed.
"Sorry, I jus-" you caught him off guard wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He smiled, hugging you back, but this time, not as strong as before.
"Ino-Shika-Cho," you said, looking at the three of them once Choji put you on the ground. "I certainly missed this formation."
"So, who is this girl?" A blond guy said from behind them. His blue eyes were locked on yours and you could see a little bit of distrust there.
"This is y/n, Naruto, Ino's cousin," Sakura answered, walking towards you to embrace you. "Getting on Ino's nerves were never the same after you left."
"Well, we did know how to do it, right?" you smiled at her, but your eyes were still locked on Naruto's. There was your target, right in front of you. You kept talking and catching up with your old friends, as well getting to know the others you didn't. The boy with the Byakugan was called Neji, and the girl Hinata. Apparently, they were cousins. There was also Rock Lee, Tenten and Shino - who you slightly remember running away from when you were little because of his insects.
Ino grabbed your hand, saying you two had to go. The first part of your plan was going good so far, but you couldn't stop feeling like shit the whole time. You knew you had to shake those feelings away, or you wouldn't be able to see your uncle Inoichi. He surely wouldn't trust you at first, and would search for something suspicious as talking. Your father always said he was by far the best Yamanaka shinobi that ever existed.
Well, you were about to prove him wrong.
As expected, Inoichi didn't recognized you. Once Ino said who you were, his eyes almost popped out from his face in shook, it was a good thing for you, strong emotions were used to prejudice the jutsu. He asked you a million questions, and you were honest in all of them, because you were sure he would enter in your head soon or later. Even that he seemed happy to see you, you could see he was holding himself back to ask you to see inside your head, and not because of you, but because of Ino.
So, once she was asleep on her bedroom, you went to find him on the kitchen. You knew he would be expecting the right moment to tell you, and what moment was better than late at night?
"Go ahead," you told him.
He pressed his palm gently against your head as he began to scour your mind. You made sure the first images he was going to see was you playing with Ino as children, you leaving the village with your parents. He also saw your mom dying, how miserable your dad was but his strength and love for you keeping him on track, your trainings - but not all of them -, the days he mentioned and talked about Inoichi and Ino, the times he wanted to give up everything to come back to them but he couldn't because he wanted to honor your mother memories.
Inoichi's jutsu on your head were getting more and more weak, you could literally feel it. Even though he was a master to find others people secret, he could still be manipulated to see what you wanted him to see. You knew all it would take was one more scene and he would be done with it.
So, you showed the day your dad put on his fighting clothes, saying he would be back soon enough and went to the war. You showed him the endless hours expecting for him to come home, as you stood there alone in the dark. The times you heard a noise outside and thought it was him but it was wind or some rotten bamboo which fell on the roof, and then, the time you decided to look for him, going straight to the war field. You showed him as you found your father's body in the middle of the others endless bodies there. How you cried over him, tried what you knew about medic ninjutsu - which it was so little. You literally showed Inoichi how your heart broke that day and he couldn't take it, breaking the jutsu so he could wipe away his own tears.
You remembered something you father told you long time ago.
"Inoichi is the best in searching for information in someone's head," he said during one practice. "But growing up with a brother like that, I had to find out some tricks so I could keep some things as secret from him. I didn't want my brother to know everything about my life."
And just like that you knew, Inoichi could be the best at searching for information, but your father was the best at hiding it. Your life goal was to become even better than your father, and you completely manage to do it.
After that day, Inoichi never tried to get inside your head again, you knew it was too painful for him. So, he took you under his wing, taking care of you just like he used to when you were little. Every day was getting harder to separate your feelings from the mission, as you trained with them, eat with them and everything else. Inoichi even wanted you to become a Konoha's ninja, and he was going to ask the Hokage - who apparently was in a coma - if it was possible.
"So, I heard you are making a huge success in the Village," Ino said one day, after practice. "Naruto and Kiba are fighting to see who is going to ask you out. Today I even caught Shikamaru staring at you a little too long, which by the way, it's kind of shocking. I have seen him showing interest in one girl in my life, and if I am correct, which I am, she really likes him. So, you should stay away from him a bit."
You laughed at her. "Naruto, huh?" you asked, happy because your mission would be easier than you thought. Going out with him would help you to extract information from him without being suspicious.
"So, he is a favorite. I will make sure to tell him that," Ino said, confusing your happiness like you actually wanted to go out with Naruto because you liked him. "He is so popular with girls now, it's kind of weird. Actually, the fact he wants to go out with you is weird too, because he used to like Sakura a lot."
You were grateful you had someone as chatty as Ino as your cousin. She herself had given you tons of infos, in Naruto and the rest of their friends. She was also making everything easier for you, but every time you thought about leaving after finishing your mission, your heart broke into two. She would never forgive you after finding out what you were about to do.
The hang out with Ino's friends were a good part of your day, because it was the only part of the day you let yourself to be the teenager you were supposed to be.
This time, you all went to eat barbecue. During the whole night, you guys laughed and told stories about life, trainings and missions. Stories were by far your favorite things to hear, and those guys have tons of them. But your favorite one by far was when Naruto defeated Nagato - the real Pain. Even you, after a short time, could see how big Naruto's heart was.
At the end of the evening, everyone said goodbye. When Ino said she had to do something with Choji, things got a little suspicious.
"But Naruto will walk you until my house, right, Naruto?" Ino asked him, directly.
"But your house is really far..." He trailed off as Sakura elbowed him, realization hitting him right away.
"I suppose I could go wit-" Kiba got interrupted by a screaming Naruto.
"No way, dattebayo! I will do it, I need to lose all the calories I got from this barbecue anyway. Y/n-chan, do you mind?" His smile was genuine, and you couldn't help but to smile back.
"Not at all, Naruto. I would really appreciate it," you answered in return, making his smile even bigger - if it was possible.
It didn’t take much until you realized Naruto was someone easy to be around. He always tried to mask his insecurities with cocky jokes and wide smiles, and you found to be strangely found of him. Walking side by side, it was almost shocking that the person next to you managed to defeat someone so strong as Pain. You crossed paths with Akatsuki once in a while on your missions, and you knew better than anyone how lucky you were for being alive.
“Y/n-chan, would you like to hang out sometime?” Naruto blurted out, his cheeks tinted with a light pink.
“Isn’t that what we are doing?” You smiled at him, poking his side with your elbow.
“Yes, but I mean, like a date.” He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes focused on the road ahead.
“I would love to.” You shrugged, but inside, your heart was flipping around. The worst part was when you realized it wasn’t because your mission was finally working, but because you wanted to go out with him.
“How about tomorrow?” He questioned, as soon as you arrived at the Yamanaka’s house.
“That would be perfect. Until then.”
Things followed. The first date, the connection between you two was undeniable, but you still tried to keep your mind on the prize. You analyzed every single word that came out of his mouth, but your heart couldn’t stop but beat faster every time he would smile or say something sweet about you.
You accepted his invitation for a second date, a third, a fourth, until Naruto became a constant on your routine.  There were days where you would see him more than you would see your own cousin Ino, and you lived with the girl.
For many times, you wanted badly to let it go of this mission and just live. A normal relationship with someone you were crazy about, a nice family who loved you and supported you, loyal friends, out of the chart teachers… It was everything so tempting, but something buried inside your head didn’t make you give up completely for it, so every night, you wrote down on a parchment the new discovers from Naruto and everyone around him.
The last drop of resistance on your body melted the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.
You choked on the ramen you were about to swallow, staring in disbelief at the blond guy sitting across the table, his cheeks tinted by a nice shade of red.
“I know I surprised you, but it would be nice if you said something.” Naruto pointed out, scratching the back of his head, nervously.
A movie played on your head, those ones that you would figure that they passed when you were about to die. Everything you could remember since you left Konoha marked you in a way you would never recover, that for sure, but did that mean you could never find happiness? For the first time, you felt what it was like. For the first time, sorrow and hurt wasn’t the feelings that you went to the whole day through, fighting them to the back of your mind.
Naruto was there, offering everything you have ever wanted, and you had the guts to say yes.
So, you did.
His face lightened as someone had just told him he had won a whole year of free ramen. His happiness was by far the favorite thing you had witnessed in your life, along with the kiss that followed after it. For once, you forgot about your former jobs, your former past and mostly, your former pain.
During months, everything was just fine. Both of you had to deal with some difficulties on your way, but nothing that would damage your relationship. You ended up finding out about Sasuke and how badly Naruto wanted to recover him back, how deep Naruto and Sakura relationship was, strong as a brotherhood. Ino also loved to have you around, and even though you didn’t have a team, InoShikaCho didn’t hesitate to take you under their wings.
One day before the big war, you and Naruto were packing the stuff you would need to take to reunite the Alliance force. He was going through your draws, as you were going through your closet, as you heard his breathing getting faster.
“y/n, what is this?”
You turned to face your boyfriend with your old parchments on his hands. By the looks of it, he had read a couple of them, and the confusion on his face broke your heart as you didn’t know what to say.
Every single day you told yourself you should get rid of those things, but you never remembered. The guy who hired you never went after you because he didn’t even pay you, at first, so he didn’t lose anything by you not doing it.
“Naruto, I can explain.”
“So do it, because from where I’m standing, it seems like a parchment with a lot of private information of mine.” Naruto threw the paper and it ended up in front of your feet.
“You have to understand, Naruto. There were a few things I have done to survive that I am not proud of.” You took a step forward, but Naruto raised his hand as signing for you to stop.
“What you were going to do with those, y/n?” He demanded, his eyes turning red for a second before coming back to the usual blue.
“I was hired to spy on you, that was the motive that made me come back to Konoha.” The tears started to pool on the corner of your eyes. “But that was before. I didn’t give them anything about you. I couldn’t, I love you too much to do it.”
“You came to Konoha decided to betray your own family?” His tone mirrored the despise on his eyes.
“I would never do anything to hurt them.”
“But me, it was okay?”
“You don’t understand, Naruto. Spying was everything I knew before I came to Konoha. I was hurt and alone, needing money to survive. I wanted to honor my mother wishes but I couldn’t.”
“Do you really think I don’t understand the concept of being alone?” He hissed, turning his gaze away from your face. “I’ve been alone for the most part of my life, y/n. I grew up with people running away from me out of fear and you came here to tell me that I simply don’t understand? What is there to understand now?”
“That I’m crazy about you. You changed me, made me see things in a point of view I didn’t even know it was possible. You were gentle, kind and I believe you can change the whole world just by being in it, Naruto. I am sorry that I didn’t come here with the best intentions, but I am a totally different person from before.”
“I think we should take a break.”
“A break? We are going to a war tomorrow!”
“It’ll be better for both of us if we are focused on the battle ahead. We’ll talk when we are back.”
“Except that you can’t be sure that both of us are coming back alive.”
That hit him, hard. You noticed how shallow his breath became, how he had to swallow hard before opening his mouth again. “Come back alive.” He said, for last, before leaving you on the empty room.
The next few days, you had barely seen Naruto. He didn’t tell anyone about your former plans, which just made harder to explain people why you two weren’t together anymore. You ended up being designed to the same battalion as your cousin and her team. Even though you knew it was a war to protect Naruto and the bijuu inside him, every second of your day was filled with worried by him, and the constant lack of news was even worse than the nonstop fighting.
After finishing the coast, your whole group were designed to assist Naruto on his battle. Of course, you were the one running as faster as you can, so you could reach him faster. No words were needed in this case, all you want were to lay your eyes on him to make sure he was alive.
The moment your heart skipped a beat was exactly when he entered on your sight. The blond guy that you loved with all your body cells was standing there, he seemed hurt and tired, but not even as near to give up. That being the trait which you loved the most on him.
The whole battle was a long one and the adrenaline never stopped running through people’s vein, yours mostly. When Naruto decided to divide his nine tail chakra with everyone, was the first time he realized you were there. He hesitated before touching your hand, and you pressed your lips into a thin line when he jerked back to keep a whine that threatened to escape from your lips inside.
Before moving to the next person, he shot you a sad grin. “I’m glad you alive.”
As fast as he came, he disappeared on the crowd. You didn’t even have the chance to check if it was a shadow clone, just his dust from the run near you now. Despite it, it seemed you couldn’t look away. Following Naruto and paying attention to his surroundings was basically your task. So, the moment you saw one of the ten tailed monsters going straight at his direction, you didn’t think twice before jumping in between them, avoiding Naruto to get a hit on his back.
But you got the hit right below your chest, taking away all the air from your lungs.
Naruto just was fast enough to end the creature as you fell against the cold ground. You fell the warm blood spreading through all your clothes, your conscience slightly fading away.
As soon as Naruto reached you, the tears were already pooling in the corner of his eyes. “No, no, no. Stay with me, y/n. I told you not to die, damn it.” He looked around, looking for someone. “SAKURA, HELP ME.” He screamed, his voice cracking at the end.
“Naruto, it’s okay. You’re okay. That’s what matters.” You managed to say and honestly, you wanted to speak even more, but the pain running through your body was unbearable, every breath feeling like someone was stabbing you.
“SAKURA! WHERE IS SHE?” Naruto yelled at someone near, you couldn’t see who it was. “Do you know anything about medic ninjutsu? Can you help me?”
Someone bent near to your body, sobbing. “You stupid! What did you do?”
A weak smile crossed your lips, in relief. “You should be used by now, cousin. I’ll always protect those I love.”
A green chakra was leaking from her hands, pressed on your wound. But it wouldn’t work. You could feel your organs shutting down, one at time.
“Ino, talk to me.” Naruto hissed.
“I can’t, the damage, I can’t.” The blond said, crying.
“It’s okay. Both pay attention at me. Ino, thank you for everything.” You managed to say, but she cut you off.
“I just lost my father, please. Please. I can’t lose you too!” She leaned in over your body, and you had to cough a little. A warm feeling appeared running down your cheek and you weren’t sure if it was blood or tears.
“Ino.” You said a little bit stronger. “Take care of yourself, and the boys too. They need you. I love you, sister.”
“I love you!” She yelled, before Shikamaru pulled her back from your body.
A small part of you still wanted to laugh, they were still on a battlefield on a fucking war and here they were, acting like they had all the time in the world.
“Naruto.” You used the last strength on your body to look at him. “Hi baby.”
He was crying silently; his hand was holding yours so strongly and you didn’t even feel it. “Please.”
“I am sorry for not staying alive. Don’t you ever forget how much I loved you. Thank you for teaching me what love really meant.” You swallowed hard. “Take care of Ino for me, and please, stay alive.”
“I will. I love you too. I love you so much.” He hugged your body and you noticed the pain was smaller, as almost not existent. You smiled to the sky and closed your eyes, just waiting. Far from there, the sound of a someone crying harder reached your ears, and then, everything went black.
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roraewrites · 6 years
twenty eight
[ sakura’s secret ] rating: m
// so i’d like to give a shout out to @samarunnn​ for making some very beautiful fanart of a scene that happened in chapter twenty seven and that can be found here ! please take a look if you have the chance because it made me veryveryvery happy and motivated my lazy ass to get another chapter written! anywho, hope ya guys like!!
also thank u to @saradacchi for saving me from ultimate humiliation ily hoe
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“Maybe I should try this another day?” Sakura questioned while her fingers curled around the steering wheel. She could hear her heart thundering from within her chest, making her that much more nervous as she kept her foot on the pedal.
“Why would we do that?”
She turned her head to look at her father, clearly feeling the pressure sitting on her shoulders before she shrugged it off. “I haven’t even taken classes for driving, and if we get pulled over, we’re both going to get in trouble!”
Kizashi laughed at that before patting Sakura on the shoulder and offering a smile. “Just relax, you’re doing great.”
Sakura huffed before letting her foot off of the brake and slowly applying pressure to the gas. Just like that, the car began to roll forward.
“Don’t forget to turn your blinker on,” her father instructed. She did as she was told and began to merge into the road, joining the rest of the cars that were out and about and after she felt the nerves start to vanish, everything felt alright.
Her father insisted that the radio remain off while she was learning to drive the car and Sakura was thankful for that. She had enough stuff on her mind already, and if she heard something that remotely reminded her of Sasuke, it would be near impossible to focus on driving.
The two of them sat in the car as Sakura proceeded to drive them around, circling the block a few times before Kizashi instructed her to venture closer towards downtown. Sakura did as he instructed, but when they started down a particular road, she could feel her palms start to sweat.
“Is there any reason why we’re going this way?” She asked nervously through clenched teeth.
“Oh, no reason,” her father hummed back, clearly enjoying the ride. “We’re just trying to get some practice in for you.”
Sakura nodded, “right.”
Almost instantly, Sasuke’s building came into view. The outside always caught Sakura’s eye as it was one of the bigger buildings located in this part of town and it was designed to look nice. Her grip around the wheel tightened as she began to turn around the corner.
She felt her entire body go numb when her father started to wave at someone, clearly recognizing who it was and made her blood run cold. Sasuke stood outside his building, waving a hand awkwardly as Sakura and her father drove by and it wasn’t until they rounded the corner and he was out of sight that her father looked back at her.
“Why didn’t you stop?”
“Because I didn’t want to—!” Sakura squeaked out before slamming on the brakes.
Both her and her father’s bodies were flung forward, only to be caught by their seatbelts. Kizashi cleared his throat before looking at Sakura with a concerned look in his eye, his hand resting lightly on her shoulder.
“Are you okay?” His voice came out soft, almost like a whisper but Sakura was too startled to even think about the volume of his voice.
“Yeah…” she breathed out, “there was a cat.”
Silence fell over the two of them before a nervous laugh escaped her father and he patted one of her hands. They were stopped in the middle of the road, Sakura’s arms completely extended as she looked forward with wide eyes.
“How about I take over from here? We can stop for ice cream on the way home!” Kizashi offered with a reassuring tone.
Sakura nodded her head slightly before unlocking her arms and relaxing a little. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Earth to Forehead!”
Sakura blinked her eyes once, twice, three times until she was focused in on Ino’s flailing arms in front of her. The blonde looked rather annoyed with her friend all while Sakura flashed a sheepish smile.
“What was your question again?”
A long sigh, frustrated and drawn out before Ino plopped down next to the pinkette. “What are your plans for your birthday? You realize it’s this month, right?”
Sakura paused for a brief second before realizing that her birthday was in a couple of weeks. Not only had she been caught up with everything going on with Sasuke, but she had been focusing more on her schoolwork as well as juggling around mending her relationship with her parents. Exhaustion pressed at the center of her forehead, making it seem like a headache but she shook the feeling before nodding her head.
“I think going to the mall and seeing a movie would be fun, wouldn’t it?”
“If that’s what you want, then we can go do that.”
Sakura smiled this time while nodding before hooking her arm over Ino’s shoulders and pulling her in for a lopsided hug. “I think it sounds like a good time.”
“What sounds like a good time?”
Karin was standing behind the two of them with her tray of lunch in her hands, black glasses fitting over the bridge of her nose perfectly while her fiery hair reflected the rays of sun. Both Sakura and Ino flashed a brief smile before scooting over on the bench and allowing a spot for their friend.
“Sakura’s birthday,” Ino spoke first before taking a bite of her apple.
“That’s coming up, isn’t it?” Karin asked with interest coating her voice. To that, Sakura merely shook her head and gulped down the bite of sandwich she had taken.
“Finally! I’m going to be eighteen,” she commented with a proud smile.
“And you know what that means—!”
Ino and Karin sat next to each other with smug looks on their faces as Sakura’s entire face flushed red with embarrassment. The scarlet color dusted her ivory cheeks, bringing out the green in her eyes as she looked away. Of course her perverted friends would comment on her turning eighteen, because not only did that mean she was a legal adult, but legal adults could do things that minors couldn’t get away with.
The mere thought made her blood boil in such a way that it almost felt good.
“Look how red her face is this time!” Karin commented before poking Sakura’s cheek with two fingers. “We were only kidding.”
“You can’t go saying stuff like that though!” Sakura finally hissed, her free hand fanning her face as she tried to calm herself down. “Especially at school!”
Ino waved her off with a smirk before wrapping her leftovers up in a bag. “There’s no one around, and plus they wouldn’t even know who we’re talking about, so chill.”
The pinkette sighed before letting her head rest in her hand, her elbow sitting on her knee. It was almost unreal that their senior year would be ending shortly, and not only that, but she would be turning eighteen and her life would be changing — hopefully for the better.
One thing that made her sad, was that after high school, she wouldn’t be seeing her friends as much. She wouldn’t be seeing Ino’s bright blue eyes or her bright smiles that would make her day better. She wouldn’t see Naruto, the local sunshine boy who made her laugh on a daily basis and she wouldn’t be seeing Karin, her newest acquired friend who she had grown oh, so very close to over the past couple months.
It always made her worry whenever she thought about losing those who were closest to her.
“Hey guys?” Sakura asked softly before glancing over at Ino and Karin. “Promise me we’ll still hang out after high school?”
Karin nodded almost immediately while Ino gave the pinkette a dumbfounded look.
“What kind of stupid question— of course we’re going to hang out after high school! You really think you can ditch your best friend after we’re done here? Well?! Because if you think that’s what you’re doing, you’ve got another thing coming your way!”
“Easy, killer,” Karin commented before taking a bite of her sandwich and Sakura could only laugh.
“You two take it easy now, I gotta go!” Sakura stood from her seat and grabbed her garbage. As she began to walk away from the two of them, she could feel her cheeks heat up at the conversation happening behind her, clearly inappropriate for the two of them to be talking about but instead of telling them to knock it off, she continued down the hall.
“Are you busy?”
Sasuke’s head immediately turned to find Sakura standing in the doorway, her fingers wrapped around the entryway and her head resting against the wood.
Sasuke shrugged before a low grunt sounded from him. “Close the door,” he spoke and Sakura did as he asked.
Gracefully and quietly, she walked to his desk until her thighs rested against the wood, her eyes watching him write on papers that he graded carefully. He didn’t bother looking back up at her, as he was still working and not taking his lunch like he was supposed to. She couldn’t keep quiet for much longer, but before she could say something, he beat her to it.
“Is there a reason why you’re here?” He asked with a firm tone before looking up at her with smoldering eyes. He looked tired, almost irritated but she discarded the nervous tickle in her chest.
“I just wanted to see you before heading to another class,” she admitted with a soft voice.
“Ah,” Sasuke commented before looking down, his hand moving once more to continue scribbling notes on more papers. “Is that the only reason?”
At that, Sakura shuffled slightly, her skirt rubbing against his desk and showing more skin than necessary. Sasuke’s head lifted somewhat, his bangs covering his eyes and making it hard to see where he was looking, but Sakura had a feeling she knew where exactly he was looking. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip before she adjusted once more.
“Yeah,” she breathed out. “That’s it.”
A smirk painted its way across his lips, showing some stubble before he brushed his bangs from his eyes and really looked up at Sakura. “Your uniform is out of code. You’re showing too much skin, Sakura.”
Shivers crawled down her spine when her name rolled off of his tongue. Even the look in his eyes had changed to something she had seen before and it aroused her. Before she took a step away from his desk, her hand came to grab at the fabric of her skirt before pulling it up a little more, letting him get more of a view before a soft whisper fell from her lips.
“Sorry, Uchiha-sensei.”
As she tried to turn on her heel and leave him to his wandering thoughts, his voice stopped her in her steps. She could feel her heart hammering against her chest once more while a soft shade of pink dusted her cheeks.
“That’s a good way to get yourself stuck here after school with me.”
She spun on her heel, her viridian eyes finding him standing at his desk and if it had only been them at this god forsaken school, she would’ve jumped into his arms on spot. She shook those thoughts from her head before smiling brightly at him.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Tch,” he mused before running his hand through his hair. “Get to class.”
Throughout the rest of the day, Sakura found herself twirling her pencil in her hair; her pastel, silk locks would soon unwind themselves before falling back to her shoulder and it was then that she realized just how long her hair had gotten.
“Hey, Shikamaru,” she whispered to her classmate who sat next to her. The simple raise of his eyebrow made it apparent that he heard her. “Do you think I should cut my hair?”
This time he ignored her. He blatantly ignored her before scribbling something on a piece of paper and sliding it towards her. She knew that if Anko-sensei caught them talking, it wouldn’t end well — that same rule went for passing notes in class, but Shikamaru didn’t seem to care.
Why are you asking me?
Sakura scoffed before shrugging slightly and looking back down at the locks that spilled down over her shoulders. It had been quite some time since she had cut it, but now she was actually thinking of cutting it all off. Maybe up to her shoulders, or even above her shoulders? It started to make her giddy just thinking about it, but instead of pursuing her classmate with further questions, she straightened up in her desk until the bell rang.
With Naruto on her right, Ino and Karin walked behind them before departing from one another for their homeroom classes. From there, Sakura found that Sasuke wasn’t even in the room, but instead of continuously searching for him, she found herself engaging in a conversation with Karin.
“Where is he?” She asked quietly, trying to keep the conversation to just the two of them but when it came to having Naruto around, that wasn’t very likely to happen.
“Where’s who?”
Sakura and Karin glanced to Naruto, the blonde kneeling on the floor at Sakura’s desk with his bright smile and curious blue eyes looking from one girl to the other before asking once more, “where’s who?”
“Nobody,” Karin smiled before putting her hand on top of his head and ruffling his blonde locks. Naruto simply swatted her hand away before pouting his lower lip out.
“You guys never include me in on all your hot gossip!”
At this, the rest of their classmates turned at the sudden outburst and Sakura could feel her cheeks flush under the attention. She smiled nervously before waving at them, meanwhile Karin spat out words, telling them to turn around and mind their own business. A breath of relief came from Sakura before she grabbed at Naruto’s collar and pulled him closer.
“That’s why we don’t tell you, because you attract attention,” she spoke softly, her green eyes looking at him with a serious look. Naruto’s head nodded slightly before she let go and continued. “We’re not even talking about anyone that’s here.”
Naruto’s hand cupped his chin before he took another look around, trying to figure out which of their classmates was missing until he finally shrugged and gave up. “Beats me. You girls are always willy-nilly over guys anyway.”
Sakura simply laughed at him before she turned in her seat, finding a pair of eyes staring directly at her from the entryway. They were eyes that she was more than familiar with and the burning look that he gave her was enough to make her squirm in her seat.
“Seats. Now.” Sasuke ordered as he walked through the door. He had stacks of papers in his hands and Sakura could feel a groan sounding in the back of her throat.
After he did his roll call, he began to go over everyone’s tests that he had graded earlier that day. As usual, Sakura aced hers with little to no studying, but they had covered stuff she already knew. She didn’t want to say that it was easy or brag about her grades, but it mainly covered subjects from prior years.
“I’m sure you’re all wondering what these papers are for,” Sasuke grabbed both piles from his desk, each hand holding a stack as he took a seat on the corner of his desk. “I’m aware we’re getting closer to your graduation, but that doesn’t mean we’re done with school just yet.”
Soft groans and mumbles filtered throughout the classroom but Sakura couldn’t bring herself to make a single noise. All she could think about was the way Sasuke’s lips moved when he talked, or the way he slightly nodded his head to get his bangs to shuffle away from his face. Next, she was staring at his hands and thinking about how gently he touched her not that long ago.
It made her bite down on her lower lip, totally disregarding whatever he had just said.
“— this research project shouldn’t take you that long, but we will be presenting in front of the entire class, plus some. I’m thinking we could bring underclassmen into the presentation rooms so they can get a feel for what they’ll be doing next year, but again, this isn’t something that you should halfass.”
Chuckles filtered through the room at the fact that Sasuke had said “ass” and Sakura could only roll her eyes.
Immature, she told herself before flipping her notebook open and scratching down a couple of notes. After her teacher handed out the papers, it was then that she realized that this project was going to take more work than all of her previous assignments in class. It wasn’t that she was worried about not getting a good grade on it, but it would cut into her Sasuke time and that made her pout slightly.
“Now then, turn to page two hundred and forty three and we’ll continue our readings.”
“Two weeks, Forehead! Two. Weeks.”
Sakura laughed at Ino before pushing the jacket away from her. Both her and Ino decided that they were going to drag Karin along to the mall and it was the last thing the redhead wanted. Now they stood in one of the more fashionable stores that held hipster-like clothing — it was one of Ino’s favorites.
She continued to pull clothing from racks and after what seemed like twenty minutes of this nonsense, Karin began grabbing clothes before disappearing to the changing rooms.
“My little girl is growing up,” Ino commented before wiping a fake tear from her eye. Sakura swatted at her friend’s hand before grabbing a long sleeve from one of the racks.
It had a simple design, adorned with small gems that reminded her of a little girl’s shirt, but it was good enough for her taste. Something like a vest would accompany it well and that’s what she began to search for.
“So,” Ino coughed. “Any plans with the man-friend?”
Sakura nearly choked on her own spit at Ino’s question, but once she found her composure, she shot the blonde a heated look. Of course Sakura had plans, but whether Sasuke would want to go that route was what she was worried about. A simple shrug would suffice.
“I’m not sure yet. He hasn’t asked.”
“Hnf,” Ino rolled her eyes before smirking. “Try and hide it all you want, but I know what you’re thinking, Billboard Brow.”
“Oh, shut it, Pig.”
Once Karin returned she only had one pair of leggings and a sweater in her hands. Sakura and Ino approved of her choices before they began searching for “the perfect outfit” for Sakura to wear on her birthday. No matter how much Ino nagged her, the pinkette couldn’t get her to cut it out; she simply shrugged at each suggestion, humming her disapproval until they finally found a cute yet simple outfit.
It consisted of a slightly loose sweater, colored in a mint green and sporting the brand’s name in large, bold letters in white over the chest. It was simple but it screamed out Sakura’s name, so she grabbed at it.
“I think it would look cute with some high-waist shorts and a pair of sneakers,” she stated as she held it out once more.
Ino shrugged, clearly thinking it didn’t show enough skin, but Karin smiled adoringly at it.
“I think that’d look amazing on you.”
Before Ino could try and talk her into another outfit or try to change her mind, Sakura purchased her couple of items and left with her friends in tow.
“Chinese sounds amazing right now,” Ino whined before pulling both of them towards the food court. While she wandered off towards that section, Karin and Sakura opted for a smoothie and found a place to sit among the crowded section.
“So, continuing our conversation from earlier—!”
“Forget it,” Sakura held her hand up before taking a sip of her strawberry banana smoothie. “I’m not giving any details, because there’s none to give. And plus it’s inappropriate to talk about a relationship, is it not?” She winked at Karin, only to have the redhead respond with a glare.
“Easy, killer,” Ino mocked before sitting down next to Karin. Sakura smirked from her side of the table until Ino began to question just what exactly they were talking about.
“Pinky here says she doesn’t have any deets to spill yet.”
“I’m sure she’s got a lot to tell us but she’s holding out,” Ino wiggled her shoulders and eyebrows before digging into the fried rice on her plate.
Karin simply raised an eyebrow in question, eyeing both of the girls around her before her gaze fell on Sakura. “What do you mean?”
Sakura could feel her heart throbbing in her chest, but instead of answering, she continued to ignore them; her cheeks burned from an underlying blush and it took everything in her body to fight it. Once the blonde finished chewing her food, she shot Sakura an all-knowing look, fully aware that her best friend was hiding something from her.
“She’s glowing,” Ino commented. “So of course there’s something that happened and she’s not spilling the details.”
Karin really took a moment to look Sakura over and it was then that she could feel her cheeks burning. She didn’t like having their eyes look at her with such a knowing and curious look, and no matter how hard she fought, her entire face was burning up.
She refused to tell them what her and Sasuke did. It’s been kept a secret for this long, so she could keep it from them forever. Once she finished a long, drawn out sip of her smoothie, she sighed before slamming the cup down onto the table and giving them both a soft smile.
“Not sure what you’re talkin’ about, ladies.”
“I call bullshit! Look at that smile! You’re definitely hiding something from me,” Ino spat out while pointing her chopsticks at Sakura. The pinkette merely shrugged before her smile widened.
“Again, not sure what you’re talking about!” Sakura sang out before standing from her seat and grabbing her bags. Before Ino could stop her, she waved her goodbye and fled from the food court, escaping the mall completely until the natural breeze from outside caught her.
Sakura could hardly keep her smoothie down once she started walking away from the mall. Ino and Karin had almost gotten her most deepest and darkest secret from her and she’d be damned if she ever told them what exactly her and Sasuke did — and it didn’t just happen one time, it had happened more than once.
Everytime after she had gone over to his condo, it resulted in them kissing one another, eventually engaging in gentle touches and soft moans and it always drove her wild. Just thinking about it made her very core hot with excitement. Her grip on the bags tightened, her nails pressing into the skin of her palms as she tried to bring herself down from cloud nine.
“What’re you doing, Sakura?”
Her body tensed up under the voice calling out to her, and when she turned her head, she found Sasuke parked on the side of the road, his window rolled down and obsidian eyes looking straight through her. She swallowed hard before laughing nervously and shrugging.
“Walking home?”
“You live in the opposite direction.”
She took this moment to take in her surroundings before she noticed she had exited the wrong end of the mall. Not only was it fairly late, but it was also dark and she could hardly see her surroundings anymore. Now she really felt embarrassed and if she thought she was blushing bad earlier, she was so very wrong.
“Oh.” It was the only thing she could say before Sasuke shook his head at her.
“Hn. Get in and I’ll take you home,” he spoke in a somewhat amused tone and Sakura did as he told her to.
Once she placed her bags in the back and crawled in the front seat, she was greeted with a soft kiss on her lips and his hand on her knee — she wanted more, though. Instead of staying in her seat, Sakura found herself leaning further towards him, her right hand reaching over to cup his cheek before she pressed her lips to his, applying more pressure than he had.
Almost instantly, their lips molded to one another while their tongues met in the middle. Sasuke still had one of his hands on her cheek while his other hand came over to rest on her hip and she wasn’t sure when he had done it, but she was now sitting in his lap with her knees straddling his body
This was what she wanted.
Things were quickly heating up and just when Sakura began to find the buttons on his shirt, his hands grabbed at hers, stopping her from proceeding.
“What?” she murmured against his lips before looking at him with concerned eyes.
A soft chuckle before he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I’m parked illegally.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I just—!”
Sasuke pressed a finger to her lips before lifting her out of his lap and placing her back in her seat. The smirk that pulled at the corner of his mouth made Sakura smile, yet a blush dusted her cheeks with a pink hue.
“Another time.” He stated, but Sakura couldn’t figure out whether it was just a statement, or if he was asking for her permission. Regardless, she shrugged it off as he began to drive her home.
Their ride was quiet but it was comfortable. Sakura found Sasuke’s hand grabbing hers, his fingers intertwining with hers as he continued to drive and she could feel the soft wings of butterflies in her stomach. The moment he pulled up to her house, he didn’t release her hand just yet.
Instead, he pulled on her arm before meeting her lips with his, only to pull away and press one more to the corner of her mouth. Sakura paused, goosebumps spreading down her arms as he whispered against her skin. She could feel the stubble from his cheek against hers and it made her shudder that much more.
“We’ll discuss plans for your birthday soon.”
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sagara-megumi · 7 years
SasuSaku Month - Day 15: The Slug and the Snake || [Fanfic] Till Death Do Us Part
Title: Till Death Do Us Part
Rating: T/PG-13
Notes: Sorry to keep you waiting, but at last, the final chapter is here ^^ It’s sad but at the same time accomplishing because it’s the first time that I finish a multi-chaptered story and that I write so much in such amount of time.
The notes are a bit long this time, but I’d like you to read them, since they can be useful.
This time, the prompt is symbolic. Looking for information for my next story (that hopefully will use some of the prompts I still haven’t done) I found on a book about Japanese Mythology that the snake, among other things, symbolises lust. Imagine the possibilities that opened in my mind at that moment *grin* Regarding the slug, the only thing I could find was the healing power, so Sakura gets stuck in the medical field once again.
I decided that both their names are written in kanji, since both of them belong to old families (I haven’t seen any examples of this written in hiragana/katakana, like in the manga). For those who feel curious…  団扇 佐助 // 春野桜 (I know that in Sasuke’s case those are the kanji for “uchiwa“, but… ^^U)
The events described in the fanfic are my impressions after watching several videos and reading about the topic. There will be mistakes, of course, so I apologise in advance.
Be aware that the rating has gone up. There’s nothing really explicit but you’ll know what’s happening. If I labelled it incorrectly, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Since a few years, the rating system has been a mess. I’ve found really strong things under the M/R and even the T/PG-13 tags and really innocent ones under T/PG-13 so, I’m more or less following my instinct.
Thanks to the lovely @isa-chi who put up with my ramblings and my frustration, and advised me on a couple of topics especially related to OOC. And also to all the people who read it, sent messages, liked, reblogged and followed me, waiting patiently for updates. You don’t know how happy each of those single things made me. And thank you to @sasusakumonths for organising it. It’s been really fun ♡
As always, if there’s something wrong (spaces, brackets…), please, tell me. I hope you enjoy this final instalment :)
Glossary: I’ve tried to keep the Japanese terms to a minimum, though some things are not accurately translated
-uchikake: the bridal kimono. It can be white (the most common used for the ceremony) or with colours (normally used for the celebration). it’s much more heavier than a normal kimono, and it’s tied differently too. -onigiri: riceball -nori: the seaweed that is wrapped around the onigiri
Words: 7339
Drinking a sip of her coffee, Sakura observed as Sasuke started to complete their marriage form, the pen in his right hand tracing the kanji of his full name slowly, as if he feared to make a mistake. They had decided to fill it and take it to the Ward Office together so, early in the morning, Sakura had gone to his apartment carrying the documents she would need.
Finally, the day had come. After their engagement, as soon as Sasuke had recovered, they had visited each family to announce that they were getting married. She still remembered the satisfaction in her grandmother’s eyes as Sasuke bowed to ask permission to her and her parents to marry her. At the beginning, she had felt a bit offended. It was as if Chiyo was telling her that she had caught the prized candidate when that had been the last thing on her mind practically from the beginning. However, later that night as she made her way to the kitchen for a snack before going to bed, she found her kneeling in front of the altar dedicated to her late grandfather, talking lovingly to him about the happiness she felt because her granddaughter had found a wonderful man, that she had seen in his eyes how much he loved her; reminiscing the time when they had met and how love had grown between them in the same way as in the young couple; that now she understood why they had taken their time to made their decision. And her heart had gone to the old lady who still mourned the death of his dear husband.
In the Uchiha clan’s house, things had not been very different. As Sasuke did, she had tried to ignore the whispers she heard about how pleased the elders were that the second son of the main branch had attained to such a wonderful heiress. Though, she had to say that his closest family had been truly happy for him as they wished them happiness.
“Sakura,” Sasuke’s voice, a bit disgruntled, reached her. “Are you listening to me?”
With a jolt, she looked at her fiancée, who was watching her with a delicate crease in his brows. He sighed.
“Obviously, not.”
“Sorry, Sasuke-kun… I had something on my mind…”
“I saw…” he smirked lightly. “Last minute jitters?”
She pouted, her eyes flashing defiantly.
“Of course not!”
He moved his head to the sides, a gesture that Sakura interpreted as mocking resignation, and then, he handed her the ball point.
“I’m finished.”
For a moment, she seemed to find fascination even in the action of him giving her that pen and she exhaled, exasperated at herself. She was too absent-minded that morning. She took it and with precise strokes, she wrote the information needed and took her family stamp to seal the document.
“Alright” Sasuke said standing up and putting the form inside the folder with his documents. “Let’s go. Today we have a very busy day ahead.”
Sakura looked at his retreating form for a moment before rising from her seat. It was the first time since they had met that she saw him in such informal clothes. It was summer, so he was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and white jeans. She could not help swoon a little. That man, who she had seen attract the attention of women without doing anything special wherever he went, was going to be hers from that day on.
“What’s with you today?” he was already in the hall, with his deck shoes on and one hand on his waist, looking at her with a mixture of concern and confusion. “Are you feeling well?”
“Yes!” she walked quickly to his side and put her cream-coloured sandals on, “I’m just a bit distracted.”
“Why?” he asked, checking that he had the keys for the house and the car in his pockets.
“Well” she put her hands behind her back and looked at the flat somewhat wistfully. “Today is a very important day… And, this will be my house from now on…” he looked at her with slightly widened eyes. “I suppose I’m feeling a bit melancholic apart from the usual nervousness…”
Sasuke’s features became warmer and he put a hand on her head, stroking it affectionally.
“Come on…”
They arrived at the Ward Office a few minutes after it had opened and finished with the last procedures quickly.
“The certificate will be available in two days” the friendly clerk at the desk told them. “Congratulations on your marriage.”
They thanked him and went back, Sasuke looking at his watch. Fortunately, it had taken less time than they had thought, so there would not be any delays in the tight schedule that they had that day. After his collapse, they had become very busy with their works and the wedding arrangements, but he had been careful not to cross the line again, especially with Sakura, Ino, Itachi and Naruto checking on him every day. The last few weeks, however, he had tried to do as much as possible to be able to clear those three days, from that one to the end of the week, for the wedding and an extremely short honeymoon that they had decided to spend mainly at home after the stressful preparations. They would have time for a proper wedding trip later on.
As they came out, they stopped and looked at each other, smiling. Even if they called off the shrine ceremony and all the events that were taking place in a few hours, they were now officially husband and wife.
Sasuke grabbed her hand with a satisfied expression on his face and started walking toward the car, she following him swiftly. But she could not help looking over her shoulder towards the entrance of the Office, swallowing hard and feeling a sudden rush of emotion. She had entered there being Haruno Sakura, and though nothing special had happened, a different person had come out. From that moment on, she was Uchiha Sakura.
“… Going forward, we’ll love each other, trust one another, share the good times and the bad and swear that this will stay unchanged throughout our lifetime.”
Sakura’s hands trembled slightly listening to Sasuke take their wedding vow before the gods in the shrine that his clan belonged to, as they held the paper where it was written. His voice, clear and steady was a reflection of his resolution to honour that promise.
“Husband, Uchiha Sasuke”
Despite her agitation, she breathed deeply, wanting to answer with the same conviction as him.
“Wife: Sakura”
Sasuke folded the paper again and left it carefully on the reclining set before them, stealing a glance at his bride. She had her head tilted down and he could only see her lips, painted in a rich shade of red, under the cotton hat she wore for the ceremony. To say that she was beautiful in her wedding kimono was not enough compliment. He had literally stopped breathing when he had seen her clad in the beautiful white uchikake embroidered with cranes and flowers that, as she had told him before while planning the wedding, had belonged to her family for years as her grandmother and her mother had worn it before her.
The Shinto priest, then, brought a tray with a box and offered it to Sasuke. He took the wedding ring with great care and offered her his other hand. She lifted hers, her heart beating wildly in her chest, and he took it as he put the ring on her finger. Sakura realised that he was trembling a bit and she lifted her face to him. What she saw stole her breath away. Maybe it was not the most beautiful smile of the world, but the one that graced Sasuke’s lips at that moment was radiant with content and tenderness. Sakura’s eyes filled with tears and she would have ended up crying if the priest had not put the tray in front of her. Swallowing hard and clenching her teeth to control herself, feeling relieved that with the hat she wore no one could notice her moment of weakness, she picked up the other ring. He extended his hand and slowly, feeling as if her heart could burst from all the happiness she was feeling, she put it on his finger.
“Ready?” one of the women dressed formally who were at the door of the reception hall looked at Sasuke and Sakura, and they nodded.
The double door opened and they entered the room, their guests clapping enthusiastically. Sakura had changed some of her clothes. She had taken off the hat and now wore her hair in a modest bun adorned with traditional hairpins, and had changed her white uchikake for another colourful one which belonged to Sasuke’s family.
They arrived at their table and bowed to the guests. Just then, the waiters and waitresses came out of a door and started filling their glasses while the host told the people they were going to toast to the groom and the bride.
Soon after, the food was served and the speeches began. One by one, their kindergarten teacher, Kakashi, their professors at university, Tsunade, as her mentor, and Itachi, as Sasuke’s superior, told anecdotes about the years spent with them.
Then, Naruto went up the platform and Sasuke felt himself cringe. They had gone through a lot together, good things and bad ones and their bond was practically unbreakable, but also, his best friend was aware of all his failures and most embarrassing moments, and though he was completely sure that he could trust him with his life, he also knew that sometimes, he talked too much. He could not help having a bad feeling about it.
“They make a fine couple, don’t you think, Madara-san?”
The man, with his arm crossed on his chest, nodded as he watched Sasuke and Sakura listen to his best friend, Naruto, give a speech which made people laugh and clap, as he talked about some of the moments they had lived together.
“I have to confess that, at the beginning, I was quite sceptical about your suggestion of arranging for them to meet, Chiyo-san” he said with a small smile, very similar to Sasuke’s. “I thought that you desired someone in the medical field for the future heiress of your legacy. Someone who doesn’t have any knowledge, like my grandson, is not going to be of great help.”
“I understood soon enough that my granddaughter didn’t need a husband like that. She’s extraordinarily intelligent and a brilliant doctor; after all, she’s trained under the famous physician Senju Tsunade” she said sparing a fleeting glance towards the renowned doctor, sitting at a table not far from theirs. “Any man in the same field of expertise would feel intimidated by her, even resentful. And, despite being burdened by responsibility and tradition, I love my granddaughter and I was not going to get her into a marriage where she would end up suffering. However, Sasuke-san can lend his support in other ways. Financially, of course, but also he can offer her advice based on his experience. A hospital chairman is a doctor and a business person at the same time.”
“You had your plans well laid” he smirked. “I’m impressed.”
“Well, not all of them” she folded her hands on her lap. “I hoped that, being young, they would grow some affection for each other with time. However, my wish became true much earlier. It is obvious that Sasuke-san cares deeply for my granddaughter, and sincerely, I could not ask for more.”
“Honestly I even thought once that he would never marry” Naruto continued his speech. “He’s got a weird personality and he sometimes doesn’t talk, probably thinking he’s so cool. Also, he can be really arrogant and a bit twisted, but he’s the best man I’ve ever met in my life. Sakura-chan, I know he’s a hassle and a pig head, as you probably noticed a few months ago when he fell ill, but, please, take care of him. I’m sure you two are going to be the happiest couple in the world” he made a victory sign. “After Hinata-chan and me, of course.”
People laughed as they clapped and Naruto went back to his seat. Then, as the host announced the next speech, Sasuke took a sip of his drink, relieved. Apart from some comments, like the last ones, about his character, and that he had talked about the first time he had got drunk, things had not gone so bad.
The hall became darker as Ino took her place behind the microphone.
“Good afternoon. I’m Yamanaka Ino and I have the fortune of knowing this two people for years. But today, I’m not going to talk as Uchiha Sasuke’s secretary, but as Sakura’s friend” she paused for a moment to look at her notes. “Sakura and I met in the first year of elementary school, when we ended up in the same classroom, sitting one behind the other. As you see, we have a long story together…”
A soft music started playing and they all turned to a screen located over the main door, where a video started to show. It displayed photographs of the two girls since their childhood: school events, festivals, graduations, parties… Ino had a memory for each of those moments, which people laughed about or had to dab at their eyes with handkerchiefs. Finally, the video ended with the two of them laughing at the entrance of the Todai University, the day of Sakura’s graduation.
“When she told me that her omiai partner was the President I work for, I was a bit wary because I discovered then that I was linked to both, and it was going to be uncomfortable if one of them felt hurt in case that there was a rejection. But when she said they were getting married, I was really glad.” she turned to the couple. “President, the only thing I’m going to ask of you in this life is to make her happy. Despite our arguments and differences in many things, she’s one of the people I love the most and, forgive me for my impertinence, I’d hate you if you made her suffer her. Congratulations…” she inhaled, trying to hold back her tears. “And stop crying, Forehead!
She bowed and Sakura felt the strong urge to run to her best friend and hug her. However, she had to repress it, since it was not the moment and with her clothes she would probably make a fool of herself, so she restricted herself to watch Ino coming down the platform and going straight to her seat, trying to hold her tears. She had to remember to hold her tight the next time she saw her.
“Are you fine?” Sai whispered putting an arm around Ino’s shoulders so she could lean her head on his shoulder, not caring about maintaining the appearances or the curious looks they were receiving.
She nodded and he dropped a soft kiss on her head.
“Good…” he paused for a moment. “Did you finally graduate from him?”
She nodded again and he could not help the smile that drew across his lips, relief washing over him. His heart filled with content at knowing that Ino was now completely and truly his, as he realised that a very small part of him that had been well hidden deep inside, had been really unhappy and jealous. Maybe, it was time for them to start thinking about tying the knot too.
Sasuke stood up, after a few moments. It was time for the groom speech. However, he did not move, he just looked at Sakura that smiled, carefully rising from her chair too. They were going to break the rules a bit. There was a soft surprised humming as the guests saw that both of them moved to the microphone, the expectation hanging in the air heavily.
He took a small slip of paper from the folds of his kimono and opened it, drawing in a soft breath. He was used to speaking in public, to weave his way and opinions without any doubts to business partners, directors and associates. However, he had never been good at expressing his emotions, at telling the people he cared for his feelings. His heart had been closed for many years after he had understood his position in his family and what they expected of him. His life no longer belonged to him, but to the clan. But that did not mean that he had become cold or had stopped loving them. That speech had taken him a lot of time to write, carefully choosing his words, rewriting once and again what he wanted to say. He only hoped he had been able to convey his thoughts in his words.
“Thank you to all of you for coming today and share with us this joyous event despite your busy schedules…” after the standard greeting, he breathed again. “When I was five, my life changed completely. From being a carefree child, I became someone who would have an important role in the future of his clan, and though, as a boy, could not see farther than my own selfishness, getting angry because things were not the same anymore, my family’s guidance and affection helped me to take the correct choices in life. I am what I am thanks to my father, who taught me the value of working hard, having perseverance and taking pride in my origins, my mother, warm and caring, but also stern when she had to be, and my brother who protected and comforted me as a child, and is someone I look up to every day” he glanced at Sakura. “Today, my wife and I are starting a new life. We are inexperienced in many things and we will probably stumble from time to time. I hope that you can continue watching over us the same as you have done for me up to now” he turned to Sakura. “Our beginning was difficult and we were unsure and full of doubts, and we have been through difficult moments. However, despite not being married, not even engaged, you were beside me during that time, strong and steadfast. Thank you, Sakura-san. I hope that in the years to come, I can be your support as you have been, and are, mine.”
He bowed, and Sakura had to bite her lower lip hard to contain her tears. When he lifted his head and saw her efforts, he took his handkerchief from his kimono and gave it to her with a tender smile that made those who saw it stare in awe. Sakura took a deep breath and straightened. Turning to their guests, she nodded.
“I’m sorry…”
Then, Sasuke took a step back to let her take his place. She took a paper from her obi and unfolded it. Breathing once more, she started reading.
“Thank you for being with us on such an important day in our lives” she inhaled again, calming herself, her voice becoming more confident. “I have always been aware of my role in life, and I embraced it enthusiastically since I was a little girl. I come from a family of doctors and I saw like a natural thing that I would become one in the future. I am one now. However, it’s not my merit alone. I had, along the way up to now, three wonderful people, my grandmother, my father and my mother, who were an example and my inspiration for all I wanted to achieve and I have been fortunate to count on their support and their advice in the steps I have taken along the way.” she paused for a moment. “Even though an omiai can be a very difficult event nowadays, when life offers us so many possibilities and ideas, I’m very glad to have followed my grandmother’s counsel and gone through it, because I met someone who has become very important for me” she tilted her head and looked at him. “Sasuke-san, let’s walk together this path that we have started today and build a household of our own following the example of the people who had surrounded and cherished us until this moment. I am sure that they will continue offering us their encouragement and love. As for us, as in all journeys, we will probably have good times and also encounter difficulties in our marriage. I want to be able to enjoy the first ones and solve little by little the second ones together with you, till death do us part.”
She gave a step backwards and together with her husband, she bowed to the guests, who were clapping and some of them crying openly. They could even hear one or two cheers from their louder friends. Then, two assistants gave them bouquets of flowers, and they made their way to the back, where their families were awaiting them. They bowed respectfully and then, gave the flowers to their mothers. Mikoto had a hard time controlling her tears, deeply moved because her younger child had never said what he truly felt since he was small and Fugaku put his hand on his back, smiling proudly at the respectable man that his son had become.
“Thank you…”
A tear fell down Sakura’s mother as she took the flowers from her daughter, who held her hand affectionately.
When they stepped aside instead of posing for a photograph, all the people in the hall held their breath again, expectant. Both of them approached the table nearest the place where their parents were, and the assistant gave her a second bouquet that she gave to her grandmother.
“Grandmother…” the old lady took it a bit disconcerted. “I know that you’re not in favour of breaking traditions and protocol, but it’s thanks to you that we’re here today. Sasuke-kun and I wanted to give you this.”
Chiyo blushed a bit.
“But it was Madara-san’s idea too…”
“But we can’t give him flowers, can we?” she said with a smile.
Then, she straightened and turned to his grandfather, bowing again.
“Thank you.”
Sasuke sighed as he adjusted his grey tie watching his reflection in the full-length mirror before letting one of the assistants help him with the frock coat. Despite liking kimonos quite a lot, he was definitely much more comfortable with those clothes, so similar to his everyday ones. He took the gloves and, nodding to the assistants, came out of the changing room. He walked along the corridor to where Sakura’s door was, ready to wait.
After the photographs with their family, they had gone out of the hall for a change of clothes. As they were planning the wedding, he had asked Sakura if she did not want to wear one of those big white Western wedding dresses that Japanese women dreamt of. Though her answer had been somewhat vague saying that it had been a little girl’s fantasy, he had realised that she still (tenía la ilusión). And he had finally managed to convince her to do it. Though they belonged to old families and they were going to follow tradition to the end, the wedding was theirs, and they could allow themselves a whim. Like the one with their grandparents. He had been surprised when he had learnt that his grandfather had played an important role in their omiai, despite being all Sakura’s grandmother idea. And when she had asked him if he minded that she paid a little homage to her, he had thought it would be nice to thank the patriarch of the clan too.
He was looking out of one of the windows on the wall opposite her room when he heard the door behind him open, and he turned. The sight left him breathless. Sakura was at the door, being helped by her assistants, and she was looking at him with a mixture of excitement and hope. She was wearing a beautiful empire style wedding dress with sleeves that only covered her shoulders, a bodice decorated with small pearls and a flowing skirt with two layers embroidered with lace. Her hair was tied in a side bun on the left side of her head framed by some organza lotus flowers.
“Oh, the groom” one of the assistants said with a smile. “We hope you are pleased with the bride’s look.”
He felt a knot in his throat. He wanted to say something and make her happy, it was obvious that she was expecting him to do it, but he just could not do it; not with those strangers listening and the people near the reception hall door waiting. If one day he complimented her, he wanted it to be for her alone.
Sakura smiled softly, as if she could sense his inner conflict and, turning to her helpers, she thanked them. Then, she approached her handsome husband, who was still looking at her with admiration, and took him by the arm. He did not need words to say what she wanted to know.
“Come on, Sasuke-kun” Sakura started walking towards the hall, changing the topic. “We still have a cake to cut and many greetings to give” he groaned a bit and she smiled widely. “And the after-party, let’s not forget about that!”
He chuckled lightly, letting her drag him away from the women who had put him in a predicament, calming down with her chatting. And he decided to follow her cue teasing her a bit.
“So, your intention from the beginning was to kill your groom of exhaustion and become a widow on your first day of marriage…?”
“What a day, um?” Sakura said with a sigh as she looked at Sasuke’s back, who was busy in the kitchen.
They had arrived at their flat a few minutes before, completely spent after the after-party with their friends and younger members of their families, where they had been drinking and playing games. However, neither in the reception nor that gathering they had been able to eat much so they had just been finishing taking off their shoes when Sasuke’s stomach had made a rumbling sound that had made her start laughing. He had shown her an irritated expression and had called her annoying but it was difficult to take his soreness seriously seeing the blush that adorned his cheeks.
After he had taken revenge tapping her on the head lightly and she had calmed down, he had suggested an early dinner and they had entered the kitchen. However, as she was asking him for an apron, he had taken her by the shoulders and sat her down on a stool, alleging that she had to be more tired than him, since her efforts during the wedding had been greater.
He made a sound of assertion as his hands took another scoop of rice and moulded it like an onigiri that he put on a plate.
“Are you going to wear that for the rest of the day?” he asked looking over his shoulder, clearly referring to her wedding dress.
“Of course!” she said with a childish smile, lifting her legs and wriggling her toes. “I really love it and it was very expensive, so the least I can do is enjoy it as much as possible” he chuckled lightly as he bent, opening a cabinet on his right and picking up a wooden board to cut the nori for the onigiri. “I’m thinking I could have it altered and have a new dress for any event that we have to attend.”
“It’s a good idea” he spared a brief glance at his grey frock coat, neatly folded on a chair near her. “Maybe I could do the s- Ouch!”
Instinctively, Sakura stood and rushed to his slightly crouched figure. He had his finger in his mouth, a mixture of pain and annoyance marring his face.
“Let me see” she commanded him with a professional tone, taking his hand and inspecting the cut.
Fortunately, it was not very deep but some thick drops of blood were running down his finger.
“Where’s the first-aid kit?”
“In that cupboard”
She put his finger under water from the sink tap and went to retrieve it. Looking for some bandages, she took his finger and inspected it again before pressing firmly to cut the bleeding. She guided him to the stool where she had been sitting and smiled softly to him as she lifted the gauze to take a better look at the little wound. After a few more minutes of pressure, she picked up another piece of cloth and dabbed at the cut delicately with some antibiotics cream she had found. Finally, she put a plaster on it.
“There, almost healed. Keep it covered for two day-” she brought her hand to her mouth. “Sorry… It’s the habit…”
“Thank you” he shook his head once, not really minding her doctor side showing.
She smiled as she put everything back in the kit and put it in the same cupboard.
“And now, let me finish dinner, okay? It’s better if you don’t get that cut dirty” she looked at the drawers on her left pensively. “And, it’s better if I get used to things here soon.”
He smiled, feeling inwardly happy.
“Second drawer.”
An hour later, Sakura heard Sasuke’s footsteps behind her and she turned in time for him to offer her a cup of tea. She smiled thankfully and he sat down next to her, giving a sip to his drink. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the landscape, after enjoying dinner. As that night many months ago, they had turned it so it faced the large window, hearing the muffled sounds that came from the street and watching the sun sink slowly behind the buildings in a comfortable silence. Little by little the living room became darker.
“Give me your cup” Sasuke said standing up and going to the kitchen to leave them on the sink.
When he came back, he sat beside her again, looking at the rays of the sun reflected on the glass of the buildings near theirs and the light of the cars that went up the street opposite them, travelling in precise order. Absentmindedly, he took her hand in his, caressing the back with his thumb for a few minutes, and she answered to his touch squeezing it lightly. When he felt the roughness of the stones, he looked down and watched for a moment the two rings on her finger, playing with them lightly with his index. Then, he brought it to his lips and kissed it reverently, closing his eyes briefly.
When he opened his lids, slowly, he found her gaze on him, full of tenderness, and a soft smile on her lips. He leant forward and she met him halfway. It was a simple, lingering brushing of their mouths but it made them giddy with emotion and filled their hearts with happiness.
The first kiss of their married life.
They parted after a few moments and looked at each other, smiling softly. Then, Sasuke touched her forehead with his, and she laughed a bit.
“Are you happy?”
“Yes…” his smile widened a bit and she looked at him. “And you…?”
As a reply, he cupped her cheek with one hand, brushing her skin with his thumb. Sometimes, he felt so useless for not being able to express what was truly in his heart openly, to tell her all she wanted and needed to hear. She deserved so much to listen to them… However, his reserved character, his stern upbringing had made him like that. Maybe, someday, he would be able to tell her all the things he kept inside. As he looked into her eyes, shining with delight he found himself fortunate for having found a woman who understood him.
He kissed her again, this time deeper, wishing to express what he could not put into words, giving his all each time their mouths separated for a brief intake of breath just to join again more passionately. The soft moan that escaped her throat filled his veins with desire, and this time, he did not bother to tame it. She did not have to go back home, she was not a partner, she was not his fiancée… He did not have to contain himself anymore.
He left her lips and hid his head in her neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses. She sighed his name and he went back to her lips, satisfied at her equally intense response.
When they parted, completely out of breath and quivering, Sasuke stood up and put an arm around her waist and another under her knees, lifting her from the sofa, her arms circling his shoulders, and he crossed the living room and entered the corridor, towards the bedroom.
“It’s still daylight…” she murmured, hiding her face in his shoulder.
“And, do you have any complaints? Do you want me to stop…?”
Her only reply was to move her head negatively, a deep blush covering her pretty face.
The room was still bathed in a soft orange glow. Closing the door after them with his foot, he advanced a few steps, kissing her again, before letting her stand again. He did not let her go, though. After releasing her lips, he brushed his mouth on her neck, just below her jaw.
“Do you want me to help you with that” he murmured softly, touching the flowers that decorated her hair.
“Do you mind…?”
He shook his head and turned her, facing the full-length mirror on the corner nearer the bed and they looked at their reflection for a moment before she lifted her arms and started taking pins from the headdress. He did the same with her bun, feeling it with his fingertips and removing them carefully not to pull her hair. Occasionally he gazed at the mirror. She was trying really hard not to look at it and he could not help a little smile at his wife’s sudden shyness.When he had gathered a bunch of them in his hand, he looked around and finally decided to leave them on the bedside table. He switched on the lamp to see better.
“You should think about what you want to change or buy for the flat…” he commented as he touched one inside her bun. “I suppose it’s not very comfortable for a woman…”
“Your house is fine, Sasuke-kun!” she said turning, and with the sudden movement, the pin he had just discovered and picked escaped from between his fingertips. “Just two or three things will be enough, and we can bring them from my former bedroom.”
“Our house” he said, and she looked at him a bit confused. “It’s not just mine, it’s ours.”
“Ah” her fingers flew to her mouth, realising her mistake. “Sorry…”
“You’ll get used to it…” he replied, touching her head lightly to give her the clue of where to tilt it, looking at the place where the pin he had missed was and retrieving it, his breath falling on her nape, making her blush again.
They continued their task for a few more minutes until all her hair was free from the hairstyle, and Sasuke started combing the tresses down her back, but it was really difficult with all the spray the assistants who had helped her with her change of look had applied. Then, he bent a little and he kissed the curve between her neck and shoulder.
“Sasuke-kun…” she said gasping softly when he grazed the tender skin just above her collarbone. “Ca-Can you cover the mirror…?”
He smirked against her neck and, leaving her, he grabbed the bedspread and threw it over the mirror.
“Is that better?”
She nodded and he extended his hand, touching her red cheeks. With her dishevelled hair falling on her shoulders and back, her darkened green eyes that shone like emeralds in the dim light and her red lips, swollen from being kissed, she offered the most tempting and lovely sight he had ever had in front of him.
As if falling under a spell, it was her who approached him this time, kissing him as her hands cupped his face, and he held her close, tangling his fingers in her hair. The others went to his shirt, suddenly bothered by it. They parted and she looked at him, one of her hands brushing his, as if asking if she could continue. He dropped it to his side, his gaze not leaving her for a second as she took the button with trembling fingers.
As each one came undone, his skin was exposed to her sight and she felt the temptation to kiss it, Sasuke noticed the change in her breath and the indecisive spark of her eyes.
“You can do as you wish” he murmured in her ear, his voice lowering down an octave, and she shivered. “I’m your husband…”
She let out a quivering exhale and crossed the step that still separated them, hiding her head and kissing him in the curve between his shoulder and neck. He took a sharp intake of breath as her arms made their way around his waist, pressing her body to his. And Sasuke’s fingers flew to her hips. As her mouth left timid kisses along his collarbone, his hands made their way upwards slowly until they found the zipper of her dress. It was then that she noticed the slight trembling of his fingertips.
The wedding dress fell on the floor in a pool of chiffon and embroidered organza, leaving her dressed in only her tights, undergarments and a short satin and lace white slip which covered her body.
“You’re so beautiful…” he whispered, and her heart missed a beat, thundering loudly just a moment later, as she felt her eyes damp.
He smiled tenderly as he cleaned her unshed tears with his sleeve and brushed her lips softly, his hands taking off his shirt, dropping it near her dress. Then, he held her tight by the waist, lifting her up and laying her on the bed delicately, kissing her and burying one of his hands in her hair as he joined her, and the other started a path filled with soft curves and the movement of her agitated breath. For what seemed hours, he worshipped her body with kisses and caresses as her hands slid across his shoulders and back as far as she could reach, whimpering when he found a sensitive spot. Slowly, the last clothes that still separated them fell on the floor and she could not help a shiver feeling each centimetre of her skin covered by his, their bodies getting warmer and warmer as passion slowly erased from their mind any thoughts that were not related to the other, or what they were feeling.
She called his name, gasping at the honorific, and he kissed it from her lips, not wanting to hear something that put a barrier between them. There, in the privacy of the bedroom that now belonged to the two of them, they were simply two human beings that loved each other in body, soul and mind: Sasuke and Sakura.
Fingers lacing and breaths mingling in their kisses, the tension between them increased with each passing moment until it suddenly broke. Her heart overflowed with feelings for him, and his followed a few moments later with only one certainty: She belonged to him as he to her.
Still regaining their breaths, Sasuke embraced Sakura protectively and rolled over on the bed, resting on his back. He was tired, the traces of passion slowly dissolving in his blood replaced by a feeling of completion that he had never experienced before. He closed his eyes, savouring it, smiling as she nuzzled his chest softly. He brushed her hair from her damp body.
“Maybe I should have it cut…” she said in a slightly raspy voice, lifting a hand and removing some strands that gone unnoticed to his fingers.
“I like your hair…” he stated in a gentle voice. “Maybe we should have left it in that hairstyle if you felt uncomfortable…”
She mused his words for a moment.
“I’d probably had all the pins piercing my scalp” she paused and hid her face a little in his chest. “Maybe next time I can tie it up before…”
Sasuke chuckled and kissed the top of her head. His hand brushed the space between her shoulder blades and she shivered a bit.
“Are you cold?”
She shook her head briefly, but stayed quiet, not moving except for her slow breathing. He would have thought she was falling asleep if it was not for the barely noticeable agitation of her fingers on his skin
“Are you alright?” he whispered, deeply concerned about having done something to upset her.
Did I pay attention to your needs? Was I too brusque, too anxious? Did you feel the same pleasure? That simple question was filled with so many others, with insecurity and a hint of regret, that Sakura felt guilty, and moved. She was just feeling overwhelmed by the powerful sensations that still coursed through her body and mind, She had never thought she could feel something like that. But how to tell him? How to make him understand the strength of her emotions at that moment? She only knew one way. She lifted her head and smiled tenderly, making him relax. She took his hand in hers and brushed a kiss on his palm, and then on his ring finger, the thin band of gold warm to her lips.
“Yes…” .
It was already well entered the morning when Sasuke opened his eyes with a soft intake of breath, and immediately, his features softened when the first thing he saw was Sakura’s face, still deeply asleep. Her expression was completely relaxed and content, her cheeks still slightly flushed and her lips a bit swollen from his kisses. They had loved each other once and again between short slumbers and sweet moments of titillation until just a few hours ago, and though he felt exhausted and tempted to curl up with her and go back to his dreams, a part of him fought back, wanting nothing more than to watch her until the moment when she woke up. Blinking a few times, he propped up on one elbow, resting his head on his hand, lifting his free arm to brush back a loose strand which had slid down across her cheek delicately, revelling in each single detail and engraving them all in his mind.
An hour later, Sakura opened her eyes, slowly, and her clouded gaze fell on his face. He was watching her with a tender smile.
“Good morning…” he whispered, cupping her neck and kissing her forehead softly.
“Good morning…”
Extra notes:
-Japanese people don’t kiss in traditional weddings (sometimes, they do in Western-style ones, like the ones we see in manga), neither do they in the reception.
-For Sasuke and Sakura’s wedding, I wrote the same vow as in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeJQMvydpzQ All the credit goes to its maker.
-There’s a change in the honorifics, I know ^^ I did it on purpose, since reading examples of speeches, I realised that the language is very formal, so I decided to make them talk formally too. That is why there aren’t contractions in it either
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