#I also saw that Lord of the Lost has their cover of Cha Cha Cha on bandcamp
icypiece · 1 year
While it sucks when songs we love don’t win/do poorly and we’re allowed to be upset about it, remember that Eurovision isn’t “The Winner, and everyone else”. An artist can get a big boost in their career without winning. A song can do really poorly in the competition and still do well outside of it. Especially in modern internet/streaming times, but even back in the 50′s Nel blu dipinto di blu did not win and still went on to be huge. And people who do not win can still become Eurovision royalty. Verka did not win and she is still an Eurovision icon who we  see pop up in the competition more than a decade later. And we can still enjoy the songs even if they didn’t even make it into the final, and we can support the artists we like outside of the competition.
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duker42 · 5 years
Hiii! Can you write a scenario that happens during Uprising, where the reader is one of the 104th and gets captured and tortured by the interior police so that they could ruthlessly pump info out of her. When Levi and the squad reach the upper floor of the Reiss' chapel they find her in chains, fully covered in blood and on the verge of death. They also see her horny torturer laughing at her sadistically while kissing her and stripping her. Levi attacks the bastard and when the squad-
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“Shit! Jean! Armin! Y/N!” Levi’s voice rang out as he dove down and pushed Jean out of the cart. Mikasa grabbed Armin, but Y/N had been checking Eren and Historia and hadn’t managed to jump off before the Interior Police took the wagon back.
Levi held a struggling Mikasa back as three of his team were carted off by the enemy. He was pissed.
Sasha asked the question they were all thinking when Hanji and Levi announced their plan of attack. “Do you think Y/N is still alive?”
“We hope so.” Hanji answered, while Levi looked away. He was angry at himself. He let those bastards get the upper hand and now they had their targets plus another bit of leverage to use against them. The girl was a popular member of the Scouts, beloved by all that worked with the energetic soldier.
“Let’s move out.” He barked, eager to get there and find out if Y/N was alive.
Everything hurt. Y/N gritted her teeth against the pain as another painful blow rained down on her face. When they had first been brought to Lord Reiss, she had been left alone. But that Kenny Ackerman bastard had decided that she could impart some useful information. Apparently they weren’t getting much from Commander Erwin and thought her a weaker link.
Her arms were chained to the wall, too high for her to have her feet flat on the floor. She stood on raised toes as her hosts continual asked the same questions as they beat her. “What do you know about the walls?”
Silence had been her answer and her downfall. She had been left alone with the most brutal of them all. She had seen in his eyes that he enjoyed the pain he inflicted on others, got off on it. She shuddered, she would be luckily to survive or escape being raped.
He had worked up to pressing a sharp knife into her skin. Never directly stabbing her flesh, instead digging the blade in sideways so the skin gave way under the pressure. Her blood dripped down to the stone floor from multiple wounds as she still doggedly stayed quiet.
“You’re a feisty one, aren’t cha?” Her sick captor crooned, glee swimming in his maniacal eyes. “I enjoy breaking the feisty ones.”
She hadn’t missed the expanding bulge in his trousers, even with her eyes swollen. She knew that she was out of time, her goal now was only to survive the upcoming events, and deal with the emotional trauma later.
He came up to her, his hot disgusting tongue trailing over her neck as he unbuttoned her shirt. Her bindings were sliced through, leaving her breasts exposed to his sight. She heard him panting as he moved behind her, his hands pulling at her pants, quickly removing them despite her struggle against him. She closed her eyes and prayed for someone to save her.
The doors to the Reiss Chapel were throw open and Levi Squad poured into the room. Levi’s eyes widened as he saw Y/N chained to the wall on the far side of the room. Her lack of clothing and her captors face told him exactly what they had just prevented and his hands tightened around his swords as he leapt into action.
Rushing the man, he brought his weapon down on the edge of the man’s knife, the bastard barely blocking the deadly attack. Swinging his body around, Levi attacked again, this time slicing through the tendons of his legs, the Interior Police pig falling to his knees with a startled cry. Levi pushed him onto his back and ground his foot over the obvious arousal the man had. At the pig’s squeal of pain, he murmured “Shut up.” and delivered the killing blow.
Meanwhile, Sasha and Jean and freed Y/N from the chains and she had collapsed onto the ground. Levi walked over to the beaten girl and crouched down beside her, brushing hair from her face as he examined her injuries. She was bad off and needed attention quickly.
She surprised him when she threw herself in his arms, sobbing loudly. He wrapped his arms around her awkwardly, unable to think of anything more comforting to say other than “It’s okay.”
She seemed to accept those pitiful words as she relaxed in his embrace. Quickly he realized she had lost consciousness from the blood loss and the beating and ordered Moblit to follow him out to the wagon. He placed her down in the bed when they reached the cart and Levi told the XO of Hanji’s squad to take care of her. Looking down at the girl one last time, he hope that they both survived the night. He had a few things to say to her.
She woke up in a soft bed with strangers around her. Startled, she pushed herself away from them, ignoring the screaming muscles protesting her every movement.
“Whoa, whoa. We’re not going to hurt you” A tall thin man with a scraggly goatee held up his hands. Nile Dok, Commander of the Military Police had come to question her about the events of her capture.
He stood with another soldier, ready to take notes as they hovered. Y/N tried to ignore them as they asked her question after question. She finally spoke up after long minutes of silence on her part.
“I’ll talk to Captain Levi. Not you.” She turned her head away from them as she stared out the window.
Commander Dok stepped out the room and she heard him order the other soldier to go find the Captain and bring him here.
Fifteen minutes later, Levi swept into the room, his intense gaze taking over her form. She thought she saw a flash in his eyes, but as quickly as it had come, it was gone.
“Y/N, you asked for me?” He came to sit beside her and she immediately reached for his hand.
Nile stared at the intertwined hands and looked back and forth between the two, trying to figure out the dynamic. He had never seen the churlish shorter man ever touch anyone.
“No, I said I would only talk to you.”
“Figures, idiots always hear what they want to.” He replied, leveling an arched eyebrow at Nile as the MP fumed.
He prodded her to tell him about the torture, his hand tightening around hers briefly when she announced that his uncle, Captain Ackerman of the Interior Police, has ordered he torture and left her in that madman’s hands.
The moment she had satisfied their curiosity, had the information for their reports, Levi stood and kicked them out of the room.
Turning back to the woman laying in the bed, her body littered with bruises and healing cuts, Levi’s heart pounded as he drew closer.
He had know for some time that being around the girl had made him feel unsettled, but he had never reasoned why the girl would give him pause. The tightening in his chest and flood of fear when he saw that she had been ripped from his protection had overwhelmed him. The anger that had shot through his body when he had seen that bastard was only moments away from violating Y/N had confirmed it. He was in love with the tough, yet fragile woman laying in the bed before him.
“Captain Levi?” Her voice was small, lost as she looked uncertainly at him. “Would you mind staying with me? Every time I close my eyes, I see him....feel him, touching.”
He nodded silently, and sat on the edge of the bed as she slowly moved over, a small groan escaping her as she shuffled. He leaned against the headboard and brought her against him gently as he looked down at her face against his chest. He had never been asked to comfort, aside from the last words men felt the need to speak as they died on the battlefield. This was different, it was.... nice.
He found that his thumb was idly rubbing into the soft skin of her shoulder as he held her close, listening as her breathing slowed, watching as her eyes fluttered closed. A innocent sense of wonder filled him as a woman fell asleep against him for the first time in his life. He was normally avoided, feared, yet this girl found sanctuary and comfort in him.
Relaxing himself, he felt a tiny smile cross his lips. Now wasn’t the right time, she needed to heal first, but soon they needed to talk. While he enjoyed her viewing him as her savior, he understood now that he wanted a far greater role on her life. He wanted her heart in exchange for his.
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aliypop · 5 years
The Mafia Meet Up
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Word Count :  2,279
A/N : Trying out a fic with Lucifer and my Character Yonah
Warning: Smut
Yonah sat at her desk taking calls and enjoying her usual Saturday at the GCPD when suddenly the sound of files dropped onto her desk, behind the stack was Jim Gordon holding a ticket to L.A.
"What's this for?" Yonah asked, watching the way Jim was acting. 
"It's an undercover mission, you'll know the rest when you get there," Jim said, 
"Sunny side LA here I come..." Yonah said, getting off the plane she could already tell this was going to be a bumpy ride of a weekend, the sun was bright and beating hot almost like hell itself, as she made her way to the LAPD she couldn't help wonder what this case was all about. 
"Detective Wayne you're here, I'm Detective Espinoza," he said, taking his hand out for her to shake it, in which Yonah did, he was handsome, but she still was lost on the case. 
"So about this case?" she asked, 
"Well, we're gonna pair you up with hopefully.." 
"Another beautiful day isn't it," Yonah paused as she heard a familiar voice coming from down the hall, it was sweet smooth and seductive the sound of a pure handsome devil, "I'm Luci-" he paused looking down at the shorter woman. It had been a while since she had even seen him, "Lucifer.." Yonah smirked, "You're a detective now?" she asked, as Dan looked at the two confused, but getting an idea for the case.
"It's settled.." 
The case was for the two to sell that they were a couple, not just any couple, but one of L.A.'s toughest crime lords, ever since the mobs of Gotham started to arrive, L.A. has been more of a mess than usual, and it was up to Lucifer and Yonah now to fix it. Sitting in the middle of Lux was Yonah who was reading over the case, 
"Do you think we can pull it off?" she asked, looking up at Lucifer. 
"Depends if you want me to, love." He smirked watching her blush, he always enjoyed teasing Yonah whenever she was around him, It was almost as if he made it his goal in a sense, "So who's gonna be the don in the relationship?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
 "Both of us.." she grinned, "Now Luci?" scooting closer laying her hand on his thigh giving it a little squeeze, " If they ask, you were the son of an opposing mob don of mine, " she began leaning in closer towards him, "by the way Luci.," she whispered in his ear.
"What is it you desire.." she asked, her eyes glowing a violet color as she noticed Lucifer staring into them. 
"Well I..," 
"I'm just kidding I'm heading to bed, you're welcome to join me?" she hinted at him. 
"Tired already, Ms. Wayne," he asked watching her walk up the steps, 
" I never said I was tired, I only said I was heading to bed, Mr. Morningstar." she purred waiting for his reaction, Lucifer began to run up the steps after her as he caught her in his arms. Yonah looked up at him as she kissed him under the Jaw her free hand already in his devilish black hair, Yonah only gave him a little smirk as she kissed down his neck pinning up him up against the wall, 
"We'll finish this tomorrow, perhaps?" Yonah said walking away from him, as he left speechless, there was something about her that made him want to beg for her to tame him which was odd since that was usually his effect on women,    later the next night Yonah was busy setting up for their plan, she knew it was up to her to set up the whole mafia meet up, but it had to be done with the right appearance. Yonah walked down the steps wearing a tight-fitting mermaid gown that was trimmed in gold with red on the bottom of it. 
Lucifer couldn't keep his mouth closed when he saw her, he wanted to tremble in her presence and let her have his way with him. "Well, you look at you.." he smirked, "Don't you look good enough to eat?" 
"Later babe, the guest will be here any minute," she smirked, fixing his tie as she pulled him by it to face her height, "And behave please,"
"What if I don't want to?" he whispered, Yonah looked at him pure lust in her eyes. "Then I'll make you." she giggled hearing a knock on the door as her eyes were wide, 
"They're here, we're doing this.." she began to panic.
Lucifer opened the door while Yonah went back upstairs to redo her make up for an interesting entrance. 
"Carlo Falcone, sorry my wife couldn't c-" he paused watching from the steps of the club, a beautiful woman who looked like a goddess, straight from a movie, "That's your girl?" he nodded over to her.
"Luci aren't cha gonna introduce ya fiance to ya new fri-" Yonah said looking at Carlo, his blue piercing eyes staring her down almost like a piece of steak, 
"Yonnie?" Carlo said taking a seat as Lucifer began to get jealous, 
"Carlo.," Yonah growled at him, The last time she saw him he wasn't exactly on good terms with him, "Ya went from working a club, to owning one huh," he smiled sitting down at the bar. Lucifer grabbed Yonah by the waist her eyes wide, knowing that was a turn-on of hers. "So how long have you two been together?"
"Years.." Lucifer said kissing her forehead, "My sweet little Yonah came to me one night shot 60 of my men down and I was hooked ever since," he laughed as Yonah gave him a giggle, 
"60 men, Yonah you never told me you were such a gunslinger,"
"They don't call me Pink Enchantress for nuthin, isn't that right Lucikins," she placed her hand on his chest as she kissed his ear. "I call her my little Star," he said blushing hard at her, 
"She's my princess.." he laughed.
"But I'm also your queen," sitting on his lap as she kissed him sweetly, "So what about you Carlo, how's your pussycat of a wife,"
"Myra.. she's doing good keeps me up at night, when she's not in Arkham you talk to her lately.." Yonah's palms began to get sweaty as Lucifer held her hand, he knew that topic was a sensitive one, but he didn't think it would hurt her this bad. 
"Haven't talked to her since she married you," Yonah laughed sheepishly, she then looked up at Carlo, "Probably couldn't do ya like I did however.." she mumbled under her breath, "What was that?" Carlo asked watching the couple who he could feel were truly in love, as the night progressed Carlo was drunk and spilling every little fact needed, while Lucifer kept teasing. 
"Not now sweetie, he's confessing," she smirked as Carlo kept talking while Lucifer kept whining like a spoiled brat, "We're just here to raise hell to start a few new rings here and there maybe aside from that drug dens the usual," Carlo said,
"If you don't cut it out, Luci...  I will punish you," she whispered to him.
"But sweetheart I’m impatient, "  he groaned,
"It's almost over," she grumbled, a few hours passed Carlo was gone, and Yonah was upstairs taking the evidence that she had and closing it up safely. sitting in front of the fireplace she took her robe off now covered in pink from her lace corset to her garters, "Lucikins, where are ya," she asked, "I got a surprise for ya.,"
Lucifer walked in breathless at the fact of what he saw, Yonah sitting there almost like a present, he didn't exactly know what to do, until she saw him, "Well if it isn't my Lucikins,"  unbuttoning his shirt she couldn't believe that this was happening, Lucifer melting in her hands like putty,   he wanted her badly to the point he could almost taste it, 
"Doesn't it get tiring asking what others desire," Yonah asked walking behind him, her hands on his waist, "What are your needs, what do you desire truly.." she whispered pulling him down to the bed.
"You.." he mumbled,
"What was that?" she smirked, twirling a pair of handcuffs in her hand, "My sweet baby, that's too vague.." she began to laugh making him shiver, " What is it you truly desire,"
"I want you to make me yours love, tear me apart till I'm a bloody mess!" he grinned leaning closer towards her his eyes filled with a lustful desire, Yonah laughed seeing how he was acting, reaching out for to kiss him, "Aw is my little devil begging? " she pushed him down on his back pinning him down as she latched the cuffs on his wrist, 
"Oh my.. Lucikins don't you look adorable, " pressing kisses down his chest hearing a sharp breath from him, "Well.. we've gotta get rid of these," she began to say as she removed his pants for him, Lucifer was already a blubbering melting mess that Yonah already knew how to control. She knew had bad he wanted her on top of him. As her hands began to roam further down, she couldn't help but torture him just to remind him how big of a brat he was. 
Reaching over the side of the bed she grabbed her riding crop, brushing it up against his skin, "You know what I do with boys like you," she asked tilting his chin to look directly at her as he shook his head,
"Take a guess.." she said as she straddled him, her finger making small circles on the little skin of his wrist. Lucifer whimpered before responding, "You pleasure them?" Yonah laughed at his response, "If they're well behaved.." she said, striking him with the riding crop, "But you Lucikins have been very naughty."  she said kissing him with a fiery passion as she bit his bottom lip sliding her tongue inside his mouth, creating more heat between the two. He loved the way she was denying him what he wanted she was brutal like that, and he didn't mind it one bit, pulling away from him she could tell how aroused he was, but she'd be damned if she stopped with the teasing.
"If you behave then you can touch.." she smirked striking him again, watching him nod in agreeance only made her happy as she unlocked the cuffs from his wrist he couldn't keep his hands off her, untangling the silk bow of her corset he sat there in pleasure watching it fall enchanted by the way she looked like an Angel ready to indulge in the sin that was him. 
"Shall we?" he smirked watching her sink onto him like a queen sitting on her throne, waiting as she adjusted to his size Yonah knew that this was where she belonged being praised as if she ruled hell itself and right now she did, holding onto her shoulder as she threw her head back while she began to ride him, starting off a slow, a few moans and paints began to fill the room,  Lucifer had his hands on her hips as he began to guide her to go faster.
"I think we need some music.," Yonah said panting a bit, as Lucifer nodded, "I couldn't agree more," 
I can be your sugar when you're fiendin' for that sweet spot
Put me in your mouth, baby, and eat it 'til your teeth rot
I can be your cherry, apple, pecan, or your key lime
Baby, I got everything and so much more than she's got
"Harder!" Yonah moaned pulling at those dark locks of his as he penetrated her harder, Yonah knew that when they were both done neither one of them would be walking for a few days, 
"Lucifer!" she moaned louder, collapsing on top of him as Lucifer kissed her hard as he then kissed down her neck his arm around her waist as he was now on top of her.
"You didn't think I would let you have all the fun did you, love, "he asked as he began leaving hickeys  down  her neck stopping at her breast and eventually to her thighs, "Oh darling you're nearly dripping for me," he laughed watching how red she turned as he licked his fingers,
"Cut it out.." she said blushing hard, 
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, you taste delicious... " he said, hearing her moaning his name left him on a high he never wanted to come down from, watching her eyes roll back from every nibble and the swirl of his tongue sent her on another tower of pleasure. 
"Oh, Lucifer!" she growled, arching her back, "More!" 
"I haven't even started the real show yet," he smirked.
Rounds became hours and those hours became a new day, Yonah and Lucifer were snuggled up cuddling next to each other laughing and catching their breaths, "How are ya holding up Mr, Morningstar?" she asked watching Lucifer react to the way her fingers were in his hair. 
"Well, we're eating ice cream and watching cartoons, pretty good, though I must say you.. clearly are a devil tamer." he joked as she kissed his cheek. 
"Even the devil himself can be a brat," she smirked before noticing all the bite marks and bruises she left on him before she sat on his lap leaning back into him giving him a certain look, "It's 5 pm somewhere.." she shrugged taking the ice cream placing it on his neck as she licked off hearing him take another deep breath.
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