#I also think he has a type considering who he's crushed on. Like Flatline. And Longarm if you're a ShockBlurr enjoyer
eldritchships · 1 year
🌈 for Blurr and Shockwave!
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You got it!!
Blurr - Bisexual. I feel like he fully realised himself after his career took off. The TFA version specifically has only told a couple of people that he trusts.
Shockwave - Gay. Unlabelled, as I think he's pretty indifferent about his gender, but he's comfortable with he/him.
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byghostface · 6 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
On Jealousy
I owe this analysis/answer to an anon ask which I've accidentally posted, though only with the introduction sentence and then couldn't retrieve.🙈
Dear anon, this analysis is dedicated to you.
Thank you @sin-with-quiche for proofreading and @lunabai78 for the spiritual support 💕💕💕
We have quite a number of moments in our journey with Gavin... Some are funny, some are cute, some are...mmm over the edge
If you ask me whether Gavin is a jealous man, I would give you two answers:
1) Pre and early relationship... Absolutely!
2) Established relationship... The fitting colloquial term is "territorial".
In order to look at Gavin's attitude towards other males and whether to categorize them as jealous behaviour or not, first we need to describe jealousy .
Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety.
The word stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word ζήλος (zēlos), sometimes "jealousy", but more often in a positive sense "emulation, ardour, zeal" (with a root connoting "to boil, ferment"; or "yeast").
As you can see, there are different set of emotions that might boil or ferment the reaction of jealousy in one's belly.
My personal take on this is that jealousy arises from two simple things 1) Lack of self-confidence 2) Lack of trust towards one's partner (in terms of romantic jealousy). You don't get jealous when you know you're one hell-of-a-mate and are with the right person. Which is why as we will see in a minute Gavin fits the bill at the beginning but afterwards his jealousy isn't actually jealousy at all!
So which sets of emotions lead to his jealous behaviour and in which conjuncture?
We know that Gavin is completely attuned to MC. This also applies for his reaction towards the presence of other guys around her. So the type of jealousy he displays is attuned to MCs type of reaction to the source of his jealousy. He observes MCs aura and attitude carefully and then reacts in an either desirous, protective, territorial or downright pouty manner.
If he sees the person is overstepping their boundaries like TNTs Tyson or the guys catcalling her during Romantic Date, he gets protective. If he sees someone from his inner cycle being only the slightest overfamiliar with MC as in his phone call with Eli, he gets territorial and draws boundaries. If he gets ditched by MC and walks on her having lunch with another guy all the while she's being touched by him and she's not showing any protest, he pouts in the corner and stabs MC with his words "Too much of anything can get boring after a while" (love this moment and how Joe delivers this line with a strong tonation on the word - boooring-)
If he sees the person is actually drawing MCs attention, well... This is where we can look more into. Because this is actually a stereotypical example of making one jealous. Seeing your love interest with another person in an over-friendly manner.
In Trio Date, he worries that MC might have a crush on Kiro and a close relationship with him. Which is understandably an alarming situation for him, because he isn't that close to her himself and Kiro is... well... Kiro. Pretty much everyone's into him 🌟. But Gavin doesn't show any aggression or envy towards Kiro. On the contrary, he praises him for his charm and even says that he can see what people mean by that as in confessing to being charmed by Kiro himself. I really praise how elegant Gavin acts in the face of this situation 👑 Needless to say, it's a Gavin date, meaning the canon couple in this scenario is Gavin x MC (On a side note pretty bold and disrespectful of PG to put another LI in the supporting male role in a date for another tbh) And also RIP Chandler, the poor guy didn't do anything wrong ^_^
At this point I need to let one thing out of my chest though. I can't say that I appreciate him telling MC when and where to wear revealing clothes <spoiler alert> only for him. Even though we don't actually see him seriously forbidding her to wear them I think it would be better to leave her be the judge of it. But considering the fact that she gets catcalled even at his presence I can kinda see why Gavin gets protective here. On a side note, his girlfriend isn't better on this matter either. MC covers Gavin's body at the beach during 2021 summer event in CN server so that other girls don't drool over him 🤣 These two have some homework to do in that department I tell you that 😅
In the more mature phases of their relationship, we no longer see Gavin feeling himself threatened by the presence of another male. AT ALL! All Gavin jealousy after this point is only because someone is overstepping their boundaries and making "his girl" uncomfortable.
Gavin might be the one acting jealous the most frequently among the LIs, but he never ever gets possessive over her, limits her freedom or makes unconfirmed self proclaims on behalf of her. Being possessive over someone objectifies them and the moment you objectify a person, you no longer need to be in a relationship with them tbh. Leaving your partner room to breathe and respecting their personal space is important and Gavin does this the best alongside with Kiro. We also never see Kiro getting possessive, limiting or doing anything of that nature with MC.
Further in their relationship Gavin still acts jealous, but in an extremely cute, pure and harmless way. Be it against prankster ghosts, animals she's met in the middle of the desert, a wild child, service dogs, birds and co. Basically anyone and anything that diverts her attention from him for more than a nanosecond can be perceived as a threat but an adult male 😂At his core, Gav-babe wants MC all for himself but his jealousy is actually only adorkable.
In the main story, however, there is a certain LI which becomes the magnet for Gavin's firsthand jealousy and even kinda provokes this. And this is actually what I am dying to write about in this post😈. It only happens at the beginning of the story, but I love it so much and therefore it must be in this post.
Gavin shows signs of jealousy towards one particular LI at various occasions and that is...
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Gavin shows obvious signs of jealousy towards our genius scientist and that is completely understandable! Lucien is the one who makes his advances first and is the most straightforward one throughout the main story. Plus, he lives right next to MC and, let's be honest here, is the only one who toys with MC's poor hormones the most. Just to give one example:
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Gavin and MC don't become quite a couple before CH12 and S1 Gavin has some issues with self-worth and confidence (towards MC). When he meets MC again after 6 years, he is perplexed and is fairly clueless as to how to approach her romantically. Lest Gavin making the wrong moves, he acts weirdly around MC which further confuses her. Gav-babe is really weird at the beginning of the story 😅
The first time we see Gavin getting jealous about Lucien is in CH2, when he and MC spend a prolonged period of time for the first time as they investigate the time warping incident. Our birdcop is hopelessly in love with MC so when he sees her become so red on the phone with another person, he gets worked up.
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Fun trivia, Joe's reaction to this moment can be found here
The second instance is when MC spends two nights in a row with Lucien in CH5 and then falls asleep in her office.
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It is crucial to remember at this point that up to CH5, MC seems to be most romantically involved with Lucien and spends most of her time with him. LuLu mercilessly teasing her and flirting with her doesn't help much in that sense either because he is actively making advances on her. Thus announcing his candidacy for "Mr. Love". So when Gavin catches MC spending nights following Lucien, having phone calls with him, living right next door to him, working closely with him and blushes because of him, it's fairly understandable that our birdcop gets fairly jealous because at that point in the story Lucien seems to have a better shot at love with her than he does.
Btw, MC flatlines on his question as to who is the resource of her flustering this time around and doesn't explain herself ;)
Interestingly though, in the third instance, where Gavin sees MC and Lucien, he isn't jealous at all! In the famous "Rude Awakening" moment, the vibes we get at first is as if Gavin walks in to MC and Lucien. But actually our protective boyfriend is there to save MCs life. What's more, he doesn't give credit to Lucien's provocations, such as when he calls Gavin "dangerous" or pulls MC behind him, stays extremely close to her and plays the "protective boyfriend" in front of him. On Gavin's defense, the one actually saves MCs life and protects her is Gavin here as he deflects the bullet shot at her.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Furthermore, he asks Lucien to take MC home, albeit not before telling her that he will be contacting her later, signaling to Lucien that he shouldn't stick along for long. A highly subtle way of "marking his territory", much like a wolf would. God I love this scene both in the main story and in the anime.
It is necessary to mention at this point that the chapter following this scene revolves around Gavin and MC clearing all kinds of misunderstandings between them and MC trying to bind with him. Hence laying the first stones in the temple of their relationship. After that point we no longer see Gavin showing any kind of jealousy towards anyone. So mark CH7 people ;)
You know what I would love to see? Gavin getting jealous over Shaw. I wonder whether he even knows that MC spends time with him 🤔 Too bad that PG has left the idea "brother conflict".
If you would like to read another perspective on this, Cheri has posted her analysis here
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unfurledwings · 6 years
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ENOCH
Oh, man. xD; I apologize in advance, because this is gonna be a long, long list. I’ll list the ones in English first before I start throwing the ones in Japanese at you. ^^;
First, I associate Carry That Weight by The Beatles with him, since, not only does he always carry the weight of his emotional pains, doubt, and guilt (so much guilt), but, because of his immortality, it’s hard for him to emotionally cope with being in a romantic relationship with mortals. However, it does sound like the song mentions a wedding (at least, to me) at some point, which highlights the fact that, even though emotional relationships with mortals are painful for him, he cannot close his heart off. This man is a Golden Retriever in human form, as much as it hurts him.
Even though I’m not as fond of it as I once was, The Cave by Mumford and Sons fits him too. Most of the lyrics sound like they’re either talking about him or like they could be sung by him, regarding his long search for the Grigori and his fights with them after (and his sympathy towards them, because this man fucking empathizes with everything and everyone.).
One of my friends who brilliantly RP’s Enoch pointed out that Feel by Robbie Williams fits Enoch perfectly, and I’d have to agree with her. It’s pretty much full-blast Enoch-the conflict with his immortality, since, while it might be necessary for him to have it so that he can find the Tower, he was never told he’d been gifted it, and to an emotional, empathetic man like Enoch who needs connections, Human or not, that hurts. The negative feelings he has toward God and Heaven (even if he never wants to acknowledge them or talk about them, they’re there. Never doubt that he doesn’t feel some anger about the way he was treated.).
And even the way his ‘head speaks a language he doesn’t understand’, that he ‘doesn’t want to die, but isn’t keen on living either’. Enoch’s definitely suffering from some form of trauma, and that kind of manifests towards..a form of self-destruction? He won’t actively poison or harm himself, but it’s gotten to the point where he will corrupt himself in order to save a sheep without thinking about it. Part of that is the empathy, but..there’s no denying that everything he’s done and dealt with has affected him.
Others may think this is weird, but I always associate O Do Not Forsake Me by They Might Be Giants with Enoch. Not that Enoch’s a thousand years old (he’s three hundred years old), but..I think this really links up with his desolation really well. And he did first have misbegotten notions about Heaven when he first arrived, if you want to stretch it even further. But to me, this is an Enoch song.
On the flip side, it might be a bit too cliche that I associate Run Boy Run by Woodkid with Enoch, but I can’t help it. It’s another song talking about the frenzy of Enoch’s search (and Azazel and his minions were after him while he searched), so it’s on my Enoch playlist.
And then there’s Tainted Love by Soft Cell, which I partially associate with Enoch’s relationship with Lucifel. Not that the lyrics all fit (Enoch didn’t like Lucifel in the beginning, but absolutely depends upon him at the end of the game), but I think the lyrics ‘don’t touch me please, I cannot stand the way you tease! I love you, though you hurt me so.’ fit, since..Lucifel is a massive troll, and for much of the series, he’s a huge asshole because of various character reasons. But that doesn’t change the fact that he was kind of a dick to Enoch in the beginning, and Enoch didn’t exactly take to him immediately either, so, this song is for him.
Walkin’ on The Sun by Smash Mouth probably seems like a joke song that doesn’t fit, and I will admit that the association first came because of an RP where Enoch was one of the leaders of a rebellion, but Enoch is the type who wants the world to sing in perfect harmony and peace, toke or not, and I think the chorus fits too, with or without the RP. Act with peace, and good things may come, but if the offer’s shunned..
What may be even weirder is She Came in Through The Bathroom Window by The Beatles. It’s half a Nanna song, but there are parts that sound like they’re being sung by Enoch regarding Nanna and his encounters with her (’and though she thought I knew the answer, well I knew, but I could not say’ & ‘and though she tried her best to help me, she could steal, but she could not rob’). So I’m putting it down here too.And now for all the Japanese songs! ^^; If you haven’t already run away by this point.
There are parts of Antichlorobenzene by Owata that don’t fit (Enoch isn’t the type to drown himself in self-satisfaction, he doesn’t think he’s always right, and he’d like to heal corruption more than he’d like to crush it), but this song fits Enoch’s feelings before Lucifel shatters him-his hatred that this can’t be changed, even though he wants to change it more than anything else in the world, some of his feelings about the fact that Lucifel Fell, and his tendency to just..let go and give up when he’s on the brink of death, especially when he’s fighting someone he especially cares about. He’d let himself die rather than kill the other person himself. I’m not sure he’d ever recover from that. So this is on his playlist.
Arachnoid by psycho can be seen as a song half-sung by Enoch and half-sung by Lucifel as he tries to help him and cheer him on. It’s another traveling song (THREE HUNDRED YEARS IS A LOT, OKAY? THERE’S PLENTY OF TIME TO GET SONGS IN THERE THAT FIT THE SEARCH), but it hits Enoch’s loneliness, his despair, and his doubt (’If you refuse to give up, and keep on going,Will you someday be rewarded? I ask myself..’). No negative emotions towards Heaven, indeed.
This is kind of more Lucifel’s song, since his heart literally does leave him during his battle with Enoch, but there are still lyrics in Bad Apple by Shadow Play and nomico that fit his exhaustion, his wondering about the future, and more of his mental issues. You can probably see some doubt in there too, if you squint.
Black Board by by Chouchou has chunks that both don’t match up withEnoch and fit Lucifel more, since I view it as more a song about theirrelationship, but there are still lyrics that fit with Enoch’s desires andissues-his desire to embrace Lucifel, the way he’s so touchstarved that thesensation of Lucifel’s fingers on his cheeks won’t go away (and he probablydoesn’t want them to), and the fact that his feelings, positive and negative,are unwavering
…Putting Black Rock Shooter by Ryo here is probablya bit cringey, especially since it’s been ages since I’ve actually listened tothe song, and while Enoch’s feelings upon meeting Armaros are more strained andregretful than anything else, I imagine that he did want to meet him and changehis mind, despite his long, painful search.
There are large chunks of A Born Coward by 164 thatdon’t match up with Enoch’s feelings or story, but I still associate it withhim. Half because I was really into writing parody lyrics awhile ago and wroteone based on this song revolving around Enoch’s and Armaros’s relationship, andhalf because there are parts that fit with him-the way he initially denies thathe’s Armaros’s friend when he’s getting close to facing him, and the way he’dprobably like to toss his love of him away, given what he has to do to him,but..just can’t. Armaros is his friend, to the point where they used to spartogether for fun in Heaven.
Eastern Observation Log by Kotsuban also hasfeelings and lyrics that don’t match up with Enoch, but I kind of associate itwith a traveling song, so, by extension, it’s another song about the search.But there are still things one can tie back to Enoch-his love of learning, thefact that his legs will carry him to his destination, despite everything, and,if you want to be technical, he is walking to the ends of our world.
Once again, From Y to Y by JimmyThumb has parts thatdon’t match up with Enoch (he’d never pretend that he hated being too happy),but I still think the song matches up with his and Armaros’s relationship.Armaros Fell without warning him that he was thinking about doing so, Enoch’svision for his future has been forever altered, and probably for the worst,given everything he does and goes through, the time does stretch on far toolong for Enoch’s tastes, he does have regrets, even though they’re not aboutgetting close towards Armaros, and they can’t turn back from their choices,even though Enoch wishes they could be on the same side again.
I’m Only Just Getting Started by Nashimoto isanother song that’s more Lucifel’s, but there are some lyrics that can match upwith Enoch too-parts of it seem to be sung at those who disbelieve Enoch’s taleabout the Tower and try to kill him when he claims to be immortal, and ‘I’ll goout… I’ll walk through town… It’s so very painful… But I’ll go, to meetyou…’ fits with part of his emotions during the search perfectly.
While there’s a line or two that doesn’t quite fit(Enoch would always try to pick up fallen petals, he’d never think it wasuseless), Just Be Friends by Dixie Flatline seem to fit Enoch’s feelingstowards Lucifel during their battle perfectly. He hates it, it makes him screamand cry in vain, and he still loves Lucifel, but there’s no changing things.
Unless I can find some way to stop it, but I’lladmit that that just might lead to a different kind of tragedy. xD;;
While there are parts of Left Behind City by 40meterthat don’t completely match up either (Enoch would always want the truth whenand wherever possible, and he’s always up for love, even if love from mortalsis harder for and on him than love from immortals), I think this song can stillbe considered an Enoch one. It hits the fact that Enoch feels like he’s beingleft behind by mortals, the fact that he has to lie about his identity duringthe search to protect himself and others, that time is slipping away from him,and that he’s so lonely. He just wants Lucifel by his side, and if there wereother immortals accompanying him, he wouldn’t want them to leave him either.
While Love and Destroy by MI8K fits Lucifel more, Ithink it can be equally applied to Enoch, even if there are some lyrics andemotions in there that don’t match up (There were a lot of things that madeEnoch falter, even if they didn’t stop him). He hated the gift of immortalitythat Heaven granted him, once the Grigori Fell, it was pretty much a guaranteethat Enoch would go after them, given the alternative, Enoch yearns for loveand hates himself for what he does in the Tower, even if it is necessary, andboth Enoch and Lucifel hated it when they had to fight each other. There’s nodoubt that Enoch blames himself for a lot that happened in his story, whetherit was his fault or not, whether he could do anything about it or not.
Mad Head Love by Hachi fits Enoch’s and Lucifel’srelationship and, in my mind, seems to be sung from a point where they’re bothon the run from God together. Not that it’s just about that, of course-there’sregret and pain concerning the day Lucifel Fell and Enoch had to leave Ishtarand the fact that Enoch, as long-lived as he is, really can’t remember much, ifanything, of his life before he met Lucifel.
Once again, while there are some lyrics that don’tquite fit Enoch in Night Walker by Ramune and Murabito, most of it still seemsto fit his emotions during the search, and it touches on something I haven’ttalked about yet! Enoch is as stubborn as a mule. He won’t even listen toLucifel sometimes if he’s determined to try things his way for a betteroutcome, or for whatever reason, and Lucifel is one of the dearest people inhis heart.
While Pane Dhiria by Shinjou isn’t quite accurate inthe fact that Enoch didn’t play any music or sing to appease God, I think itstill fits Enoch’s climb up to Heaven, his quest to save the world, and the(temporary) outcomes of that.
While Enoch isn’t A Person Who Makes Stars (whetherit’s by Mazo or not), the song still covers some of Enoch’s feelings during thesearch-the need for his rests, even though they took more time, the fact thathe’d keep going, despite his own pain and guilt, and the cry ‘I once existedhere’ fits him perfectly. He’d hope beyond hope that people remembered him,even if they left him, and even if their memories were bittersweet.
Good chunks of Ready, Steady, Go! by L`Arc En Ciel don’tfit Enoch, but there are a few chunks of lyrics that connect with his feelingsduring the search. For example:
‘Although I may clutch countless scars
I won’t allow my spirit to be taken so easily
If I were to run into you on the other side of thathill
The only thing I can think about is “What would Isay first?”’. It’s a small reason to, but I still count it as an Enoch song.
Not only does Rolling Girl by wowaka fit Enoch andhis feelings during the search, it also partially includes his catchphrase inthe lyrics! Said catchphrase being “No problem, everything’s fine.”. Which heuses both when he’s being sincere and when he’s trying to fool others that he’sfine or-I imagine-get through some negative emotions. Fun fact, there’s anotherpart of that catchphrase that was never officially translated, which is, “Allwill be as God commands..”, which not only deals with his piety, but..some ofhis baggage with God? I think? Since the line reads in my head as a dullmonotone as one who’s resigned to the situation.
While not everything fits, I think Strangers byHeavenz fits Enoch’s time in Heaven-the expectations that were upon him, hisfeelings of being a confused outsider, his negative experiences with Lucifeland the other Angels-and the way he bonded with Armaros, who was a much-neededfriend for him in Heaven.
I’ll admit, Ten-Faced by YM is only on my Enochplaylist because of all the multiple, fake identities he went under during hissearch. That’s it. >
Threadnation by EZFG, however, fits with Enoch evenmore. It covers his doubt, his mental issues, his negative feelings towardsGod, and his determination, for better or worse. Also, the line ‘While I doubt,I still believe’ fits Enoch perfectly.
If you were to make The Transient Apple Salesgirl byyukkedoluce into a tale of an immortal living in a mortal’s world, instead ofthe other way around, this would fit Enoch a bit more. This is another song Iused to make parody lyrics out of, so it’s still on my Enoch playlist, even ifEnoch never once went around selling apples. (Fun fact! The reason we all associateapples with sin and the fruit from the garden of Eden is because, in Latin, theword for apple and the word for sin are either similar or the same, so paintersused the apple in their paintings as a metaphor for sin and to show that Adamand Eve were doing something terrible. If you actually look at the Bible, thefruit isn’t actually described, and if you look at the actual Book of Enoch, it’sdescribed as being like clusters of grapes, which amuses me to no end.)
While some of Unhappy Refrain by wowaka doesn’t fit,it does seem to be that Lucifel could be singing some of the lyrics, and othersare Enoch singing right back at him. It covers Enoch’s mental issues, hisexhaustion, his hatred of violence, even if he has to fight, his feelings ofwasted time at the beginning of his search, and how he doesn’t really findmuch, if anything, about his quest worth celebrating or being happy about.
While Waltz Of Anomalies by Hoehoe looks like itwouldn’t fit at first glance, I don’t doubt that Enoch would be pissed atLucifel once he learned how Lucifel betrayed Armaros, and while not everythingin the song matches up, it does touch on Enoch’s almost reverent love ofLucifel, his self-worth, the fact that he’s a people-pleaser, and, yet again,his exhaustion.
Not everything fits in World’s End Dance Hall bywowaka either, but I still view it as a song about Enoch’s relationship withLucifel, his unhappy feelings towards the whole situation he’s in, and, ofcourse, the long march to the Tower. This is yet another song I used for parodylyrics, so I just can’t remove it from my Enoch playlist. >
While not everything in 1925 by T-POCKET fits Enoch,I still think it fits wonderfully with Enoch’s feelings during the search,other people’s reactions to him, his possible feelings towards the Grigori, anda few comments from Lucifel. Because Lucifel can never keep his fucking fingersout of anything. >
And, finally, there’s 3331 by Hoehoe. Once again, itdoesn’t quite fit, but I still think it’s another song that captures Enoch’sfeelings about the search, the fact that he truly has no idea what to do withhimself once his quest is over and done with, and his loneliness (‘Please, anyonewill do, just be gentle, Try not to misunderstand me’ are lyrics thatdefinitely fit Enoch.).
0 notes