#I also won't be able to draw digitally so. we'll see how that works out. you'll may be getting more traditional stuff from me
forgetful-river · 2 years
I love it when technology can sense you're having a tough time and then goes 'lets make it worse :-)'
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mxmorel · 18 days
Hello, I'm from Gaza
My name is Farah
Can you please help me to study at the university
Me and my family have lost our home, our car, and our dream to study
I hope just to help me to start my education
I was in my first year at university in Gaza but after the war, I lost everything my dream and my education 💔
Hope you really can help with anything
Thank you in advance
Hi y'all! Check out Farah's GoFundMe here - she is from Gaza and has dreams to go to university to become a pharmacist! She has lost everything, including the university she planned to study at, which has been bombed by the IOF. She and her family have made it to Egypt, but she is trying to start over and is raising money to be able to begin her education. Her €8,000 goal is to pay for her first year's tuition!
As of the time I post this, she is €7,840 away from her goal - I am an artist and if you DM me proof of a donation of any amount to Farah's campaign, I will do a sfw pencil sketch of one character/subject of your choice (but happy to discuss more for larger donations, read on and send me your receipt, we'll chat!)! I've never done commissions before whether for profit or donations so bear with me, I'm figuring it out as I go!
Let's help Farah get a new start on her dreams and on her way to university!
If you can't donate, you can still help by please please please reblogging! I don't have very many followers, so I don't have a lot of reach.
I linked my art tag previously, but here it is again, and here are a few examples of my pencil work:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
if you are interested in donating more for colors/more characters/etc, you can see more of my non sketch work in my tag (i work in various mediums like colored pencils, markers, watercolors, gouache, oil pastels, digital, etc).
vague pricing structure + more information below the cut!
Going to set a vague 'pricing' structure (in euros since that's the currency the GoFundMe is in) - these are based on roughly how time consuming each medium is for me, but like I said previously, if you can't donate quite enough for a specific thing, reach out to me. I know a lot of us on tumblr (my recently unemployed self included) don't have a ton of money and the top priority is reaching Farah's goal!
For all of the below, you will receive a digital scan of the original work (if traditional medium) or a high res file from procreate (if digital).
Pencil sketch of one subject, bust up: Any donation amount
Pencil sketch of two or more subjects and/or full body sketch: ~€15, +€5/each additional character past two)
One subject + colored pencils or markers: ~€20
Two subjects + colored pencils or markers: ~€25
Watercolor and/or gouache painting: ~€35 for one character, +€10/additional character
Digital: ~€40+ for one character, +€10/additional character (re: '+', level of detail can vary on these, reach out and we'll chat!)
Oil pastel painting: ~€50 for one character, +€15/additional character
If you are requesting a traditional medium and would like to receive the original work in the mail, let me know ahead of time and we can discuss 'price' for this.
To reiterate: all 'prices' are for donations to Farah's GoFundMe Campaign! I will not be collecting any profit from this.
wills/won'ts + fandoms / etc:
what do I like to draw?
I love drawing people, portraits especially, but I also enjoy drawing animals. characters from fandoms, portraits of family/friends/pets/etc are all a-okay! I'm a multishipper so very few ships are a problem for me - what I will draw is pretty flexible aside from what is listed in the following 'what will I not draw?' section. For the purpose of this fundraiser, all art will be safe for work.
what will I not draw?
While I'm happy to draw real people, be they yourself/friends/family/a celebrity you like/etc, I won't do ship art of real people (art of a couple in your real life is fine, but ship art of celebrities, for example, is something I am not comfortable with). I also will not draw age gap relationships wherein the younger character is a minor. No gore/graphic violence - though canon typical bloodiness (MASH characters in the OR for example), is fine. I will not be drawing nsfw art of any ship for this fundraiser.
The above is what I can think of right now, though I reserve the right to turn down a concept should something come up that I didn't think of right now. Should that be the case, I will work with you to determine a different subject/concept.
Lastly, if you're curious about my fandoms, I've included a non-comprehensive list here, but as long as reference images are available for characters/people/pets I am not familiar with and they do not cross the limits listed above, I am okay with drawing for fandoms I am not familiar with/people in your life.
MASH (TV - current hyperfixation)
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (BBCA)
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, & Lower Decks)
The X-Files
Good Omens
Our Flag Means Death
Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel: The Series
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Twin Peaks
Dimension 20/Dropout in general
Les Miserables
Merlin (BBC)
The Adventure Zone: Balance & Amnesty, not caught up otherwise
Princess Tutu
The Prisoner (1967)
There's definitely more that I'm forgetting, I've been rattling around fandom spaces for 20 years now, but like I said, it's a non-comprehensive list!
If you've read this far, thank you again! Please reblog to help Farah's fundraiser reach more people, and send me your receipt if you donate!
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cyanidefilledcandy · 2 years
Soooo....I've decided to repick up a project I started a couple years ago...or at the very least I have the desire to.
It's a parody comic and my goal is to have the first chapter done by October 31, which I doubt will happen since it's just over a month away, and as I mentioned, I haven't touched it in just about two years (or hell....may be over two years now...)
But I will admit, I have been procrastinating all afternoon in even starting to work on it because frankly, I am absolutely terrified to...
This isn't anything new because I always get terrified to draw anything unless it's digital and that's only because I know if I make a mistake, it can be permanently removed whereas with traditional drawing, my mistakes can be seen clearly, even if I try to erase them.
Another thing is that when I decided I might try a crack at it again a few months ago, I opened my sketchbook to find the pages completely ruined... Part of it is my fault because I stupidly chose to do the pages front and back in an effort to be cost effective and I work with graphite....
So needless to say, a lot of the pages got smeared. But the real issue is that some weird stains got on the pages which I truly don't understand as it's been in storage in a bag for basically a year and a half...
I found a hack for redrawing art, but it won't work because of my idiot decision to make them front and back... And also the idea of trying to redraw them TRULY terrifies me because I've never been able to redraw any of my drawings properly....even if I'd just did them, even back when I was drawing regularly. I can't imagine how bad it will be now that I haven't drawn in over a year and a half and my skill has been steadily getting worse over the years regardless. :/ (I once read someone here on Tumblr that said if you think your art is suddenly getting worse, it's not. It's just that you've tuned your eye and are just now noticing flaws that you didn't realize before because you've learned more. I thought that might've been the case, but no....my drawing has just gotten worse...)
It really pisses me off, though. I hate my fear and perfectionism because it holds me back from doing so much I want to do... Like even in school, I'd rather not take a test and receive a flat 0 than to try and fail...
And yes, I know that realistically, I can't get better if I don't try, if I don't use it, I'll lose it, and perfection doesn't exist....especially in art. (In fact, I LOVE that fact about art. I know a lot of artists I follow say they prefer digital because they can make the work look cleaner....and frankly, I love a messy, sketchy piece of art.)
But, it's so unbelievably hard to break this mindset. I can tell myself until my mind is blue in the face that it doesn't matter if it's not perfect and to just try and practice to get better. But, I can't get over that mental block of trying and failing. Of not being able to get what I see in my head on the page...
And it's even more frustrating because looking back...I am actually shocked and impressed with what I have...
I have seven pages drafted...Messy, and not nearly done, but still, SEVEN pages! And they don't look half bad. And I know I can refine them make them at least passable...
But it's just the idea of completely starting from scratch...when I'm so out of practice...
I have nothing really to say with this post. Just venting my frustrations with myself to myself. (And whoever chooses to read this...)
I'm thinking of getting a new drawing pad and maybe some tracing paper to trace the pages and restart them that way.... But we'll see. (I'm getting a new book regardless. I had completely forgot the pages were kerfuckled until just now...)
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