#I am a lesbian for lgd!!!
sexynetra · 3 months
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Nobody gets me like you get me time 2 make this my computer background actually
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cxtoonzzz · 3 months
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muckduckgoose · 3 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: Darkwing Duck is certainly a fun character in how much he loves being a superhero and talks himself up as one like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, yet he actually is pretty competent once he “gets dangerous” and always manages to push through his obstacles and setbacks to win the day. Of course, in the words of Frank Angones, “Darkwing without Gosalyn is not Darkwing,” and he needs that spunky kid in his life to keep him grounded. In my personal opinion, though, if I had to choose between their two different incarnations, I’d choose both their 2017 selves over their 1991 selves. The reboot Drake still has the trademark ego, but he has more respect for his fellow man and seems far less likely to talk down to and take for granted his allies like 1991 Drake would. And reboot Gosalyn may still have that take-no-crud attitude and gung-ho energy, but, being she’s at least a few years older than in the og show, she seems more grounded than the little kid who thinks she can do literally whatever she wants and force anyone to go along with it, consequences not being her fault, you guys are just no fun. And a lot of Gosalyn’s abrasiveness in “LGD!” is clearly a product of grieving, and she drops a lot of it after she sees just how much Drake has really been pushing himself to help her. how they play them: So far, I kinda like the balance Tom manages to strike between the old and new writing. Like, it really does just feel Like Them. the mun: Tom was my first RP mutual in the community from my Honker blog, and I am grateful for their help in getting me in and continuing to roleplay with me.
do i;
follow them: Yes. rp with them: Ah yep, yep, yep. want to rp with them: Sure, I’m always down to clown, like a Quackerjack out back. ship their character with mine: I know it’s incredibly popular in the Tumblr DWD fandom to portray Honker and Gosalyn as gay-lesbian solidarity, but I honestly like shipping the two, whether romantically or siblingly. Of course, I’ll always respect the desires of my RP parnters. (Though my Honker generally always has a crush on her, with possible AU exceptions.)
what is my;
overall opinion: They are the terrors that flap in the night! They are the DRM software hindering deviants’ devilish downloads!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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