#I am also realizing how many of yall legit have these names lmao this is such a white website
that poll post i made is getting so many notes holy shit. i like how unlike the spice tolerance poll i made a while back i'm actually seeing change and turnover (like james was winning for a while but now it's elizabeth)
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kosi-annec · 3 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 3 episode 1
WOOO FREEDOM! Now time for some volleyball bois
Damn this intro monologue kinda makin me tear up. But also, i could not imagine having to bike that far jfc
Oh wow daichi's bruise thing hasn't disappeared yet?? Then again it's only been less than a day since he got it. Still tho gotta appreciate the consistency
Pft, sorry ma'am but dadchi is alr taken by sugamama. LMAO EVEN DAICHI DIDN'T REALIZE HER CRUSH ON HIM
HSKHSKSHAHAHA GODDAMMIT THESE TWO, keep dreaming simp duo, keep dreaming
Oh hey its the middle children trio of karasuno!
AYO THAT HINATA'S CHILDHOOD FRENDS?? Pft they still traumatized by kage all those years ago lmao. Ofc kage wouldn't remember them
Uhhh who's this rando old dude?? Huh he's been watching the games this whole time?? "Easy to spot" bish i don't remember him anywhere before
AWW THEY'RE ALL DRESSED UP TO SUPPORT THE CROWS THATS SWEET. Lmao not the principal leading the cheer hskshks
HSKSHSK "see how confident they are?" mhmm sure VERY confident indeed HSKHSKS
Oh hey it's tsuki's bro! Lol too late my guy he's very preceptive
Damn shiratorizawa has a fucking drum, step it up karasuno cheer leading squad!
Hinata's volleyball senses were tingling, legit felt them before he saw em
Flashback time. Goddamn, those papers are like 60 pages thick that's a lot of research, and it was just those 2 working on em??
So shiratorizawa doesn't have best defense but make up for their sheer offense and power, ok i think that's something karasuno can exploit
EYO QUIRKY REDHEAD! idk his name yet hskshs
Aight bg char girls shut yo traps up, this tiny giant is bout to blow yalls minds away. Also, he only has eyes on volleyball and kageyama
God i love how these new chars are being introduced, i am instantly in love w the redhead and flat bangs char (srsly need to get their names). Dang even getting me to semi like ushi, like he isn't really a jerk he's just blunt and aloof
I love the crow's entrances really showing their personality. Pft love the lil sneak of tsuki's bro in there lmao
Wait 5 SETS?? HOLY CRAP ok im worried for karasuno cuz idk if they all have enough stamina to play that many matches in a row...
AND IT BEGINS!! Oh boy ushi's spike- OH FUCK. OMG. Was that noya's first time not successfully receiving a spike?? Idk but i can't remember noya not being able to receive a spike before holy crap
But noya isn't deterred, cuz ofc he wouldn't he lives for these kinda spikes
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fragiilexa · 7 years
Get To Know The Mun!
1. Who is your hero?
this is so hard i have so many, like it depends on like what type of hero bc like, i got one 4 everyhting ok, like I have so many? So many people who mean so much to me like, jesus?!? ( both literally and in exasperation lol ) no but really there are so many but uhm I think If I had to pick a person it would have toooo… it would have to be my Mom. I know that’s cheesy, or something, probably as cheesy as the jesus thing but literally she keeps the house together and she does so much & I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain to her how much she’s done for me & :/ I just love her. She’s my hero. But, like… I could pick more, I could also easily pick Demi, or Taylor or maybe Stevie Nicks, or fricken Julie Andrews??? Iconic. Hero. Bless. Dolly Parton???? Goals aF. I could go on for hours but those are like the tippy top ones. 
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Oh well, I mean I really do love Michigan? Like, being able to be by the big lakes is amazing & the views are just?? Incredible. But I think if I had the chance of anywhere without needing to worry about money or the fact I’d be super far from family I’d pick California? or ? I don’t know I just,…. maybe not the ritzy bits of it like it’s a huge state ya’ll have some not so populated places but being close to the ocean & also semi-sort of close to somewhere that is just incredibly alive & fresh would be really cool ( plus bumping into celebs l maO ) I would also say NYC or something but lmao sO much traffic & such little spaces.
3. What is your biggest fear?
lmao uh idk either driving or just people leaving idk 
4. What is your favorite family vacation?
We have only really had one huGE one where we went to Disney World together and it was AMAZING it wasn’t v busy cause we went in their off season and it was literally so fun I’d love to go again tbqh
5. What would you change about yourself if you could?
hmmm I’m tryin’ to love myself more so I feel like I defeat the purpose if I say what I wanna change, but also I’m trying to get healthier this year so maybe just so more strength & also clear skin bc those are what I’m working towards right now.
6. What really makes you angry?
I think what really gets on my nerves is & makes me angry is peoples unwillingness to listen to one another. Like I don’t wanna get political bc i hate ( hate ) politics but like seriously. Treat people as humans. Both sides have wrongs in this and it bothers me that both sides act like they’re ‘holier than thou’ but are both, at times, wrong. No one gets anywhere and we won’t get anywhere if we assume things of one another & also if we don’t stop to realize we are all, in fact, humans who just want to live a happy & healthy life. Unless someone is pointedly a bad person and wants to cause destruction, hate, discourse, ect. then just either try to have a conversation or let it go if there’s none to be had. Being an activist is an amazing thing to do & is mostly always a selfless act but unless you fully accept you’re never actually going to fix everyone & change everyone’s views to your own then you’re just going to be unhappy & bitter for the rest of your life. 
also tumblr callout culture. yall need to get the friCK over yourselves & go like, to church or smthin or at least go to a etiquette class like damn ya’ll make me angry & I’m not??? even an angry person? ?  ? 
( addendum : i hate when people treat others like pos just because they disagree with them it bothers tf out of me. ) 
7. What motivates you to work hard?
Music mostly, it just gives me a good vibe ( depending on the song ) and it just??? It’s like pressing play on a movie or something ‘cause if I have background music ( or not so background music ) then it’s like somethings supposed to be happening so I do more stuff.. but like, I am a super unmotivated person unless I actually have a task that needs to get done, like if it’s a personal motivation to do something it’s ten times harder lmao
8. What is your favorite thing about your career?
since I don’t… really have one I… idk I mean if I made writing a career I guess I’d say my favorite thing is when things click for a muse & you have a lot of muse for writing & it all just pours out & you’re happy.
9. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
I don’t got a job fam…. O.O’’
10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
When I was at camp one little girl in my cabin was just??? adorable??? and she said once when we were talking that I made her want to be a counselor because it looked like fun and it just??? me ??? inspiring a little girl ?? to want to do the funnest job ever??? i was happy. proudest moment. 
11. What is your child’s proudest accomplishment?
m m y  ch il d …. u me an m y cat?? He once swatted at our big dog i was proud of him 4 having the courage tbh.
12. What is your favorite book to read?
I haven’t read a book in forever but I really wanna re-read The Last Song so probably that one.
13. What makes you laugh the most?
Corny jokes. I’m a sucker for em, but also just jokes in general if u can make me laugh u basically have me in the palm of ur hand bc I love laughing but also puppies being clumsy & joe jonas. just fuckijng joe jonas ok he makes me laugh & all he has to do is smile ok.
14. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
Uh last movie I went to was Underworld: Blood Wars & It was better than I thought it would b tho it was a little awkward I was sitting next to an old bearded man while a girl got eaten out so that was like, O.O but it was good & I really loved one of the girls in it but I can’t remember her name soBS
15. What did you want to be when you were small?
 a dog ( bless the puppy filter ) no but really I don’t know I never really knew what I wanted to be I switched so much I mean I took ballet classes but failed I took art but I’m still meh, I wanted to be a vet but I can’t deal with the death aspect of it at all. I dunno fam I just wanted to be a dog & live a happy pure life as a pupper.
16. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
He want’s to be a lion. Rawr.
17. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Cuddling with Cass all day sounds v legit I’d pick that. ( or disney world again…  but with Cassandra, bc yes. )
18. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
I want to get back into sims *side eyes kae* but also I think u mean just sports so I don’t know… I mean football?? It’s interesting to watch tbh but like I don’t really watch any other sport so it’s football as default.
19. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
I’d rather have someone drive a car for me ( sobS ) but also I’ve never ridden a horse so that’d be fun to try 
20. What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Uh, some Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana stuff soBS or.… … ..  Hamilton oH GOD HAMILTON OK Fukc KME UP. H A M I L  T ON .
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
Either 105.3 or 104.5 ‘cause they’re the like, top 100 stations near us? that or we just shuffle all of my dads & moms saved stations which are like, old rock music & like 80′s - 00′s stations which are ok too. 
22. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
I do all of these in one day sobs but shit Vacuum, cleaning the bathroom is like some kind of level 10 hell spaces nothings ever actually clean & it takes forever even tho it’s the smallest room jfc. I wash dishes allthe time tho so I’d want a break & mowing the lawn is legit not that bad it’s just like, mentally I gotta get UP and then once I do I’m chill. It burns calories so im chilli. 
23. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work fam. I love cooking by myself ( or well baking… I don’t cook much I just make cookies  lmAO ) but also & cleaning I’m used to doing alone so it’s chill but outside work is just annoying & needs to be over asap.
24. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
this is super hard but my mom’s bbq chicken with red skin potatoes, it’s like the best thing ever, but this is ridiculous like- food is too good to give up. 
25. Who is your favorite author?
Okay I haven’t read anything is sO LONG so I’m not really sure but just on the premise of knowing a lot of his work I’m going to go with C.S. Lewis because I love the way he explains things & I love Narnia. 
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