#I am glad beloved got to yell at him though it’s what he deserves Lmao
lordgolden · 1 year
Fitz trying to leave the Fool behind AGAIN as if that has EVER worked out for him like bro you know he’s going to follow you 😭 he literally awoke Girl-on-a-Dragon last time you think he won’t pull some deranged shit blind or not???? Give it up!!!!!!
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shadow--writer · 3 years
I Heard That you Fell in Love or Near Enough
hm yes TITLE :D (mmmm slowed my beloved). Look a way longer chapter because we’re setting up some fun foreshadowing and I just went nuts with internal dialogue. So much fun with this lmao. It’s v chaotic 
Maeve x Lucas. From bad to worse. 4.5k (we arent gonna TALK ABOUT IT)
TW (more squicky than anything): mention of blood, robbery, LOTS of language 
To say today was a terrible day was the understatement of the century. 
First she didn’t get any sleep due to some noise going on close by. Of course it had to be loud on the first day she was actually willing to sleep in mm say...two three days? So she was even more irritated in the morning. 
Then of course after eating she went downstairs and screamed so loud she broke her soundproofing charms.
She kicked at the broken pieces of what used to be one of her tables. Looked like someone took a running jump and broke it. 
And to top it all off she had been robbed. 
She let out a frustrated yell, muffling it by biting down on her knuckles. 
“Gods and stars fuck,” she snarled, stomping her foot once as she tried to think things over. There was paint. 
There was paint everywhere.
And don’t even get her started on the blood.
Bloodied handprints! All over her front door! Smeared along with the paint.
“And what the fuck is with this W?!” She spun to look at her back wall, palms open. Blue paint. Like her tattoos. She rubbed her arms as she moved closer to look at it. 
Crescent spots. A W. What was this? A threat? 
They left a calling card of course it was a threat. But why against her? Did she do something? Not that she remembered. 
Was it to get to someone?
But who? She had cut off everyone who tried to get close besides the kids. And she doubted someone would go to...these extremes to get back at a child.
Maybe she did something. 
But even if she did, what did these even mean? Wouldn’t it be more effective to threaten someone who recognized the markings? 
Ugh it was giving her a headache. 
She moved to her trashed backroom, grabbing a cleaning bucket and a rag. Taking the green handkerchief from it’s hook and rolling up her sleeves she knew it was going to be a doozy of a day. 
And of course, with her luck, her lucky stars, it got worse. 
She collapsed against her counter, now covered in blood and so much fucking blue paint. They had painted those damn animal print spots all over her fucking clinic. 
AND they had stolen the medicines she kept locked up! Including the herbs she made them from!
Oooh if she ever got her hands on the thieves she was going to make them regret laying eyes on her clinic. String them up she would. Might even skin them like a fish if she was in the mood. 
Oh great she’d have to go to the market as well. Sure she was now out of food. She had been meaning to go. 
But fucking hell did she not want to. 
She adjusted the green handkerchief (it...stopped smelling like him), cleaned her paint stained hands down the front of her skirt and steeled her nerves.
Oh she hated going to the market for many many many reasons.
Reasons she was not going to go into.
Grabbing her basket and muttering to herself angrily, she slammed the door to her clinic shut, locked it and then stared. 
“...they’re going to come back. Dipshits won’t stop. Not after one night,” she huffed, resting her palms on the door.
Locking charms. Right. 
Aislin taught her this one. 
Breathing in and holding the air, she willed her magic to life. A gentle warmth settled across her skin, small locks appearing at her fingertips. This didn’t take energy from her, she pulled from the air around her. Aislin’s magic was more wind and air stuff so this was easier for her younger sister anyways. Much stronger than Maeve’s locks. 
Speaking of, thank goddess her charms held. She didn’t know what would’ve happened if whoever stopped by had managed to get into her house. 
Stepping away to admire the fading glow on her door, she nodded, satisfied. There. Those would have to do. She might need to update her soundproofing charms though. 
Who knew the neighbors didn’t like it when patients screamed? The things you could get away with back home. 
Stepping away from her clinic she made her way down the street. 
Maybe if she tried a disguise spell so she wouldn’t be bothered…
No, that wouldn’t work. She was shit at disguise spells. No one in her family was good at them. Last time her Seanmháthair tried she grew a fake beard and it didn’t go away for a week. 
...fine she would just suffer then. 
It’s not like once she got there anything could possibly get worse. No sir. Only being fucking robbed and then having to deal with the market. 
All she had to deal with for today. 
Letting out a sigh she walked into the market. It didn’t take her long to start gathering medication and plants. Of course they were backwater stalls. 
But it’s always been like that. 
Feeling a bit lighter she started to hum as she went through her mental checklist. Still didn’t have aloe, the asshats stole her entire fucking plant. 
...she also didn’t have anything to make lunch.
She opened her eyes, turning around to go look for something to eat, letting out another small sigh.  
And there was Lucas. 
She choked on her sigh. 
Why oh why did he have to be there today of all days. She couldn’t even go back home! She needed something to eat (thinking about it now she hadn’t eaten in quite a bit) but noooo. 
So why did all those stars and spirits above decide today would be a good day for him to come to the market as well?
Sometimes she wondered if some deity had it out for her.
She turned to quietly sneak away.
“Thumb- Maeve?”
...oh fucking fuck. 
She forced a smile, slowly turning back around. Mmmm so this was how today was going to go. Fucking fantastic. “Giiiiant.”
...too informal, too informal. Abort mission.
He flinched a little at the nickname. Ah yes, this is definitely how she wanted her afternoon to go. This was perfect. So wonderful. 
She was going to fight whatever star had been assigned to watch over her and her fate.
“What are you doing here?”
Wow it wasn’t obvious? “...shopping. What else would I be here for?”
“Shopping for what?”
Oh she did not like his tone. Her eyes narrowed. Her basket swung off her wrist as she placed her hand on her hip. Sure maybe snapping at a seven foot tall man who was still fairly hurt and mad at her (for good reason) was not the smartest thing she could’ve done but…
She was in a terrible mood and ready to just go home and call it a day. Of course after she actually got what she needed for dinner. And actually eat something.  
“Do I have to tell you anything?” she huffed. “I am here to get something to eat for dinner and herbs to make more medication? There? Is the marketplace police happy?”
His eyes widened. “O-Oh! Didn’t mean to come across…” The softness and the...actual innocence of the apology sent her reeling. Then, as her luck would fucking have it, he seemed to remember he was still mad at her. “...sorry.”
She rolled her eyes, moving to look past him. Fine. This was fine. She just needed to get something for her to eat. Maybe something for Tehi. The old bat would kill her if she went hungry. 
Maybe she herself could deal without dinner. 
Her mood soured even more when she spotted mortal enemy of Maeve #1. 
The fruit stand guy. Malory. (it was a very unfortunate name)
Malory’s eyes narrowed when he spotted her. “Well well well, if it isn’t the little thief.”
She shifted away from Lucas, glad she now had someone to direct her building frustrations to. 
“I am no thief, you just want me gone!” she sneered, glaring at him. “You accuse me of taking things and then try and get me arrested! Every time I come here! Without fucking fail! Aren’t you tired of it?!”
“I will never be tired of it until I see the likes of you behind bars!”
“Unfuckingbelievable!” She threw her hands into the air. “I am not a thief! It was an accident. Tehi was hungry and I paid for it!”
“Your little bat has it out for me! And her owner is no prize either.”
She gasped in offense. “You fucking dickjerk ASSHOLE!” Her footsteps were loud to her ears against the rush of blood. Oh he got on her very last nerve. EVERY TIME! She jutted a finger at him as she growled. “I. Did. Not. Steal. Your. Shitty. Merchandise!” Well that was a half lie. His produce was quite good. 
It’s why Tehi stole from him so much. 
All too bad the guy selling was a balding old man who had it out for her. A vendetta! 
“Malory you are a slimy weasel who has no idea what he’s fucking talking about! Tehi was hungry. I caught her and I paid for the few grapes she had stolen. What else do you want?!”
“For you to go to jail!”
She was on the verge of fighting him. 
This close. 
“For the last time,” she snarled, stomping closer as she felt her skin heat up with her rage. She slammed her hands on the counter of his stall, opening her mouth to snap back. The others around went quiet with the show they were getting. She. Was. Going. To. Kill-
The ground under her feet was all of a sudden not under her feet. 
And she was thrown over someone’s shoulder. Like a sack of flour. 
“Put me down! I demand it! Right this instant!” she yelled, smacking the back of the person who had picked her up. 
Gray shirt. 
Oh fucking hell. Today was just not her fucking godamned day. Maybe if she became a hermit things would go her way in the luck department. 
“Lucas set me down!” 
“Maeve as angry I am with you I don’t want to watch you murder someone and then get sent to jail.”
“Well he would fucking deserve it!”
“Murder is still murder no matter how much he deserves it.”
She sulked, propping her face up with her hand, elbow resting on his back. “I thought you hated me.”
“It’s broad daylight. Very least do it at night.”
She and Malory glared at one another. “Fuck off,” she sniffed, lifting her hand in a very vulgar gesture. 
“Guards! Guards! These two stole from me!”
She kicked her legs. Didn’t Lucas like, hate her? This was the first time they saw one another in weeks and it was a total fucking accident. 
“Put me down!”
“...you’re going to give the guards a reason to arrest you if I do.”
“Yeah? He would FUCKING DESERVE IT!” She yelled the last part at the fruit vendor, still flipping him off. “Droch áird chúgat lá gaoithe! Go mbrise an diabhal do dhá chois! Go nd��ana an diabhal dréimire do chnámh do dhroma!”
“Maeve what the hell are you saying?”
“Droch chrích ort! Droch chrích ort!” she said, waving her arms. “Go dtuitfeadh an tigh ort!” 
“Maeve I have no idea what you’re saying but watch your language.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” she said, sticking her tongue out. “If I want this asshat’s house to fall on him I will tell him such!”
“...you said what?”
“You heard me! Go dtuitfeadh an tigh ort! Fucking bastard.” She sneered at Malory, who was still calling for the guards. Who were coming around.
Ah fuck. 
And goody for Lucas, he was now an accomplice. 
Meaning she wouldn’t be able to get rid of him. 
Though judging by how people gave him a wide berth it wouldn’t be the absolute worst thing. Maybe she’d actually be left alone. (but why did people look so skittish? And then there was the anger? What the fuck did he fucking do?!)
“...shall I escape with you or do you want me to leave you behind?” He was still hurt. She could hear it.
But this was a short truce. 
She sulked, falling limp. “Fine. Carry me away. Just to a hiding spot. You can hide in one of the alcoves down the street if you hurry.”
“...thank you for the tip.” His voice was just dripping with sarcasm. 
“Well I’m sorry if I do this every other week and know what I’m doing!”
“You’re also tiny! You think I can fit in an alcove?”
“Fine! Don’t listen to me! Just set me down and let me get arrested! Save yourself.”
“You know I’m not gonna do that.”
“Oh you hate me anyways,” she groused, her filter was coming completely off as he moved quickly through the market. Guards shouted after them as he dodged the crowd. “Why not just abandon me?”
“Stop being dramatic, I'm not abandoning you.”
“Hmph you didn’t even touch the hate me part.”
“Just because I’m saving your ass doesn’t mean I’m not mad.”
“Ah! So you do hate me!”
“I never said that.” He didn’t elaborate, only tapped his fingers lightly on her thighs. 
She squirmed. “Hey buster watch the hands.” 
“Nervous tic.”
Even with his defense he didn’t stop. Little bastard. 
She kicked her legs a little as he ducked into an alleyway. It wasn’t what she recommended but oh well. 
“Hey stop that, you’ll get us caught,” he huffed as she tried smacking his nose with her heel. He shifted out of the way. 
“Put me down.”
“If you promise to be quiet I’ll put you down.”
“...fine.” She didn’t promise. 
He set her down, she huffed and dusted off the front of her skirt. 
“Malory is a fucking dick,” she muttered. 
“I thought you promised you’d be quiet.”
She stuck her tongue out at him again, getting more irritated by the second. “I never promised that. Only said ‘fine’.”
His eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. “Don’t be a child.”
“I’ll have you know,” she snarled, pointing a finger at him. He almost went cross eyed staring at it. “I have had the shittiest fucking day today and seeing you has done nothing to improve my mood or overall day so thanks a fucking lot.”
“...you’re really going to blame me now?”
“Well I do not appreciate being picked up and thrown over your shoulder when I had the situation under control.”
“You were going to kill him.”
“I was and as I’ve said many many times; he would’ve deserved it.”
Lucas seemed to weigh what he would say next. She huffed, staring up at him with her fists at her sides. Damn him and his height. She was going to strangle the person that decided making him this fucking tall was a good fucking idea it made fucking arguing with him or even just ranting a pain in her neck. Literally. 
“Ugh!” she yelled, standing on her tiptoes to be at least a little taller. 
God fucking damnit she was just BARELY up to his shoulders now. He looked almost amused as she puffed up her chest a little. 
“You listen here buster,” she snarled, shifting so they were chest to chest. “I have had it up to here with the BULLSHIT I just had to put up with today!” 
His face was red.
Why the fuck was his face red?!
Excuse you sir, she was in the middle of a RANT here. 
And he was still fucking mad at her for the shit she pulled. Yeah sure it was to protect him. Yeah sure she should not be as close as she was to him at that moment. She should also not be ranting. She should also not have been robbed didn’t she lock her doors?!
Also why the fuck was he still adorable when blushing?! Unfair! She was calling bullshit! She was supposed to be distancing herself and her feelings to not feel attracted to him. But nooooo the gods and stars above just had to bless him with being so fucking adorble she wanted to kiss him. Oh stars and spirits she was not going off on a fucking mental tangent about wanting to kiss him. That was not going to happen.
Even though she was close enough to. 
Gods why did everything have to be so fucking complicated?! 
That’s it she was going to fight someone. 
“Hey! Are you listening?” she asked, they were now chest to chest. She was off kilter with being on her tiptoes, back arching to get a good look at him. God fucking- height. 
She growled, settling back down onto her heels. He pursed his lips to keep from laughing and that was it and that was the last straw.
She pulled him down by his ear, hissing through her teeth. “You listen to me here Lucas whatever-the-fuck your last name is.”
“K-Karimov.” He stumbled a little with the weird angle which she was holding him in. But somehow, the filter was off and so was her ability to care. 
“Thank you. You listen to me here, Lucas Karimov. I do not want to be stuck in this alleyway with you anymore than you want to be stuck with me. Today has had it OUT for me the whole fucking day!”
He seemed to hear something but she was too caught up in herself fuming to notice. “Maeve-”
“And don’t get me fucking started on what happened to me this fine morning-”
“Maeve!” He shifted out of her grasp. 
“-with my clinic and the mess I had to- MMPH!” He slapped his hand over her mouth, shoving her roughly against the alley wall, caging her in between his legs and resting his elbow beside her cheek. 
“Shut up,” he whispered, looking over his shoulder. 
She watched the guards run by their hiding spot, yelling about hearing something. 
His face was so close to hers, his breath tickling her ear as he murmured to her. “You’ll get us caught.”
She glared at him over his palm. He wasn’t looking at her. Her brows furrowed as she squirmed, but he held firm. He didn’t let go of her even as the guards disappeared. 
So she took matters into her own hands. 
Or well, between her teeth. 
So she bit down on his hand. Hard. 
He pulled away with a yelp. She scrubbed at her mouth with the back of her hand as he nursed his wound. 
“You...you bit me!”
She placed her hands on her hips. ���You needed to let me go!”
“You bit me!”
“Indeed I did!”
“What put you in such a sour mood?” he muttered, rubbing the bite gently. 
“Hm? Bad mood? Me?” Her eye twitched a little. She was so done. She was actually ready to sleep for a million years. 
Fuck the nightmares he was starting to star in she was done. 
“Yeah! Me getting fucking robbed was great to put me in the best of fucking moods!” she snapped, pacing around the small space of the alley while she waited for the clear. 
She shocked him into a stunned silence. “You were...what?”
Her head whipped around and her eyes were deathly narrowed. Absolutely done. 
“Heavens and stars are ya deaf?” Oh no her accent was coming out. Fan-fucking-tastic her accent was coming out. “I was fuckin robbed! So I was not put in the bestest of moods today so you get to see me when I’m irritated. I know! I’m so fucking fun aren’t I?”
Who would’ve guessed having her clinic trashed and her things stolen then having to deal with both LUCAS and MALORY would put her in such a sour mood that she didn’t even care if half of her words were clouded by her accent?! Oh and being handled like a sack of potatoes REALLY added to it! Then being pinned…
Hmm okay being pinned against the wall by Lucas wasn’t the worst thing to happen to her that fine day. 
Even so she felt the tiniest spark of pride at biting him. 
Was she guilty over that? Surprisingly no.
Check back later. 
“Who...who robbed you?”
“Shit if I know! I’m sure that weird thing I found was a fuckin callin card though. Why do you care?”
“Calling card?”
“It was a pain in the fuckin ass to clean too! I don’t know where the hell they got all that blue paint to paint my entire back wall but they fucking did it! And then leaving the weird stains on my door. Blue and I don’t know probably blood. All and all it was fucking disgusting.” 
“...blue paint? What did they paint?”
She rubbed her temples. She did not have to share this with him. She did not have to share this with him. “Some weird crescent spots and a letter. Took forever to clean.”
Annnd she shared it with him.
“Spots? Letter?”
She cracked one eye open. “Yeah. I think they were either leopard or cheetah spots. Letter was a fucking W. And then they tried to break into my house and left bloody handprints! I had quite the scare this morning.”
All the colour drained from his face. 
“Blue...cheetah marks?”
“Did you just...ignore everything I just said? Yes! And blood! Like everywhere! They tried to break into my house and I don’t know why I am sharing this with you I should not be sharing this with you and I am going to regret this later but oh well I have no filter and I’m rambling.”
There was a slight anger swirling in his eyes. Barely contained. 
Even with how pissed she was it spooked her. 
What did he have to be angry about? 
“Were you hurt?”
“Does it look like I’ve been hurt?” He crossed his arms. She threw her hands into the air. “No! I have locking charms on my door. I didn’t hear them because of the sound proofing charms I have on my clinic and above that in my flat.”
Why the fuck did she just mention that?!
And she kept fucking going. 
This was it. 
If he didn’t hate her before because she rejected his kiss (like a fucking MORON. She did have a good reason for it (at least to herself. She was such a liar) but why oh why did she have to break things off with him. Granted if she kissed him that would’ve made things so much worse even though she really wanted to kiss him holy fuck she wanted to kiss him why was this hitting her now of all times when he was so close why was he so close and why did he look so scared and so pissed?!) he would definitely hate her now. 
Nice fucking going O’Connor. You did it. Messed up one of the only good relationships you’ve had in a while not just once but twice. 
Give the girl a medal. 
“Do you need help cleaning it up?”
“My tables are broken and I need to fix them and set them up again but I cleaned up this morning. All my medications and herbs were stolen. My tools. Stolen. My clinic? Fucking wrecked. Fruit stand guy? Tried to get me arrested again. You? Pick me up like I weigh nothing. So yeah. Having a great fucking day today.”
“...you are scary when irritated.”
“Oh and you barely scratched the fucking surface. I. Am. Going. To. Kill. SOMEONE!”
“Calm down Maeve the guards could hear-”
“I am not going to fucking calm down. I have bottled up everything for too fucking long. The only time I could sleep in peace was fucking ruined by my neighbors being obnoxious. And they bitch about me. So no a ghrá mo chroí, I am not calming down! You haven’t talked to me in weeks and now that you do you tell me how to feel and no. I am so done! I am done with you, I am done with Malory and I am done with the shitty fucking gods who decided creating me and giving me my fucking luck was a good fucking idea!”
Hold on. 
Did she just say that nickname out loud? 
The hurt on his face let her know that she did, indeed, say that out loud.
And he was taking it in the entirely wrong direction.
“...sorry.” His tone was deathly soft. 
Ah great.
Third times a fucking charm. 
“I...didn’t mean for it to come off that way. But you don’t need to curse me in another language.” Great, she hurt him again. As per fucking usual. 
Maybe he was right by calling her a trainwreck. Useless without him. 
Her voice cracked a little, hoarse from yelling. “Lucas-”
“The guards are gone now. I’ll...see you.” He was angry with her. 
“That's not what I-”
His expression was a mixture of hurt and anger. “I get it. You don’t like seeing me anymore. I was too...too much. Too much too soon. I understand. I overstepped again and I’m sorry.”
She brought her hands back to her chest as he moved out of the alley. “...if you go to your right and then down the first alley you should avoid the guards,” he whispered. “Get home safe.”
“Lucas I didn’t-” But he was gone. 
Her hands shook with both the raw snapping hurt of his words and just even more anger. 
“I didn’t insult you,” she snarled to the open air. “I said some dumb fucking shit by accident...a ghrá mo chroí.” It felt...right to say.
Because it was true.
He was her heart’s beloved. 
Even if he was a fucking dumbass. Shit, she was a fucking dumbass. 
Maybe she didn’t deserve love. If this was how it was going to treat her, maybe it was better if she just was...alone! 
Once again Maeve was off by herself. 
Hurting people she really liked because she couldn’t keep her dumb mouth shut. 
She muttered to herself as she picked her basket of new (if she found the perpetrators she was going to whoop their asses) medications and plants to make medications. 
She followed Lucas’ instructions after she ran into the guards on her normal way home. 
Damn you Malory you asshole.
With a sigh she arrived at her doorstep. His way added ten extra minutes to her walk. How fun. 
She peaked inside the clinic to see if anything else was destroyed but it was...cleaner than when she left it.
Her tables that had been turned over were set up again. There was paint and blood all over the tops of the tables but...they were up again. 
She ran her hands along the grooves, looking around. 
She stopped when she saw a small cloth bundle sitting on her counter. The string was a ribbon, and it was tied into a messy bow.
Her earlier bashes slowly dissolved as she stared at it. 
And that one lone butterfly fluttered to life. 
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Another royalty heh? Ok I won't bring it up, because I'm waiting for bodyguard, don't want you to be too distracted, uwu
I DID bring Wave Hwa back however, because I've been yearning for him for a long time, plus it's almost summertime so it's only valid to think about our surfer boyfriend 🥰
Baek pls stop mentioning Addicting Kitten because I'm never normal about that fic 🤐
I HAVE NOT moved on, all the red Hwa haters I see I always fight idc. Red Hwa was a serve I never thought I'd witness when I saw the previews I couldn't fucking believe my eyes, I was like: PARK SEONGHWA RED HAIR??? SURELY NOT???
These photos were a ride so let me present you with some sweet boy Hwa for a change 🤗 he's in my pocket rn actually. His flower earring plssss
THAT TIK TOK AND THAT SNIPPET?! You wanna make me even more insane?! You always threaten to rob me, so I need to fight you asap, am I a joke to you ://// king Hwa my new beloved idc idc, villain Y/N my bestie and my role model. Stop that's so sexy of him, what a lovely simp
I think I know that account, but I never read the Mingi fic, though I feel your pain 💔 I understand when authors delete their stuff, but can't say it doesn't hurt
I used to be afraid of pigeons, but now they're fine, hate the way they shit on my balcony akhsajsudhshahs, but I feed them sometimes. A few months ago I got two sitting on my arm, I was like??? It's a free real estate I guess? They're not always very smart unfortunately, but at least the ones over here are chill
Ooof, if that cheers you up Venice stinks sometimes so wjrusugsejshsgsh 😭
The worst thing about Seonghwa is... as much as I wanna fight him and yell at him I just simply cannot stay mad, because he's a lil meow meow inside. He has too much power over me. If I ever told him off I would feel so bad and apologise immediately 🤡
Pls Hybe let her go, it's not like she's even that important plus they just debuted, no one cares. Do it for the sake of the other girls but also... as much as insufferable Garam seems to be, she is still a child. Another case against underage idols debuting, because people literally send death threats her way. She should be removed from the public eye and get some help. Speaking of, I caught up on Tomorrow and there was a story about idols and bullying and I think a reference to Burning Sun, lmao the timing
But yeah the series is over and I'm crying and shitting and yelling and throwing up tossing on the floor 😭😭😭😭😭 this show broke me seriously, the last episodes especially I NEED MORE 💔 it deserves more recognition, but I know it's not for everyone, because as much as whacky it is at times, it's still very serious and triggering (also that weird thing with BTS names/birth dates idk what's up with that it was stupid, but Armys purposely giving the show bad reviews is so petty). I'm glad someone decided to make that webtoon into a drama though, it had its issues but was definitely different and eye-opening.
Also the love story, bestie I cannot do this, my cold heart weeped for them... you need to witness it too. Heart riped apart!
Also, I'm going to my friend's house today, he has a tattoo studio. Gonna get it ain't over, never die tattooed. My commitment to Rocky <3 - DV 💖
hi hello!
Another royalty heh? Ok I won't bring it up, because I'm waiting for bodyguard, don't want you to be too distracted, uwu
😭😭😭 i have a whOLE universe for royalty that follows after duke and now the bridgerton and a new hwa one 😭😭🤚🏼😭🤚🏼😭🤚🏼😭 BRMWBDKW BODYGUARD TRUST ME ITS SO CUTE IM IN LOVE WITH IT
I DID bring Wave Hwa back however, because I've been yearning for him for a long time, plus it's almost summertime so it's only valid to think about our surfer boyfriend 🥰
s-surfer boyfriend haha haha, do not. put this in my mind. nO.
Baek pls stop mentioning Addicting Kitten because I'm never normal about that fic 🤐
I HAVE NOT moved on, all the red Hwa haters I see I always fight idc. Red Hwa was a serve I never thought I'd witness when I saw the previews I couldn't fucking believe my eyes, I was like: PARK SEONGHWA RED HAIR??? SURELY NOT???
LMFAOOOO FBWNBDKW I WILL NEVER STOP MENTIONING THAT FIC IT FUCKS ME UP SO BAD 😭😭 red hwa was a fucking serve no one asked for, he went hard for us, he did it for us, our little traffic light <3 NO STOP BC I RMR THE CHAOS WHEN THE PREVIEW CAME AND HIS BROAD ASS SHOULDERS FHWKFHKW PLS PLS PLS 😭😭
These photos were a ride so let me present you with some sweet boy Hwa for a change 🤗 he's in my pocket rn actually. His flower earring plssss https://twitter.com/aurorahopee/status/1528085039514255362?t=uFL65R1As22V260fWu65lQ&s=19
MAN THIS ENTIRE FIT WORKED SO WELL WITH HIS HAIR 😩😩 im on call with him actually right now,, u know what i think we should rob hwa’s jewelry corner 🔫
THAT TIK TOK AND THAT SNIPPET?! You wanna make me even more insane?! You always threaten to rob me, so I need to fight you asap, am I a joke to you ://// king Hwa my new beloved idc idc, villain Y/N my bestie and my role model. Stop that's so sexy of him, what a lovely simp
BDMWBDKS NO BC I LOST MY SHIT I WAS GONNA HAVE TO SHOW IT TO U BC IK U WOULD TOO FBDNFBJE yes ☺️☺️ he’s fr a simp for someone he’s supposed to hate ☺️☺️ like the other girlie he’s supposed to marry is just there but he’s with miss yn who does not give him a chance and dismisses him every chance but he’s sO WHIPPED HE WILL BOW DOWN TO MISS GIRLIE AND WORSHIP YN FBWKDJWK he’s so sexy too,,, he will make yn u know ☺️ <3 would u like it to be a series or a one shot that’s like 50k 😀
I think I know that account, but I never read the Mingi fic, though I feel your pain 💔 I understand when authors delete their stuff, but can't say it doesn't hurt
it hurt sO BAD that fics was incredibly insanely written. demon mingi with those big black wings 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and angel reader 😮‍💨
I used to be afraid of pigeons, but now they're fine, hate the way they shit on my balcony akhsajsudhshahs, but I feed them sometimes. A few months ago I got two sitting on my arm, I was like??? It's a free real estate I guess? They're not always very smart unfortunately, but at least the ones over here are chill
Ooof, if that cheers you up Venice stinks sometimes so wjrusugsejshsgsh 😭
i bless them with the worst smell then <3 jVMDWBKD
The worst thing about Seonghwa is... as much as I wanna fight him and yell at him I just simply cannot stay mad, because he's a lil meow meow inside. He has too much power over me. If I ever told him off I would feel so bad and apologise immediately 🤡
yes. yeah. exactly. everything you said here. yes. my mantra. everything there you said. i would also. do the same.
Pls Hybe let her go, it's not like she's even that important plus they just debuted, no one cares. Do it for the sake of the other girls but also... as much as insufferable Garam seems to be, she is still a child. Another case against underage idols debuting, because people literally send death threats her way. She should be removed from the public eye and get some help. Speaking of, I caught up on Tomorrow and there was a story about idols and bullying and I think a reference to Burning Sun, lmao the timing
no bc the new stage with her not in it feels actually really good! like it’s more in formation and they have more energy this way! yeah with the way she’s behaving girlie’s still a minor in the end of the day, she’s not mature enough to think what went wrong but she was mature enough to do those actions 😭😭?? YEAHHH having her removed would be the best for her own self,, making it to national news id pass out,, OH MAN I SAW THAT SCANDAL THING YEAH YES kind ironic bc soohyuk’s from yg hdhd
But yeah the series is over and I'm crying and shitting and yelling and throwing up tossing on the floor 😭😭😭😭😭 this show broke me seriously, the last episodes especially I NEED MORE 💔 it deserves more recognition, but I know it's not for everyone, because as much as whacky it is at times, it's still very serious and triggering (also that weird thing with BTS names/birth dates idk what's up with that it was stupid, but Armys purposely giving the show bad reviews is so petty). I'm glad someone decided to make that webtoon into a drama though, it had its issues but was definitely different and eye-opening.
FBWKDJWK NAURRR DOES IT NOT HAVE A HAPPY ENDING 😭😭😭 no yeah i saw that name thing with bts and ppl were making a big deal out of it,,, like is there not other ppl named the same in korea??? like kard’s kim taehyung ???? 😭😭😭 OH FR?? man that’s petty im sure bts doesn’t even care 😭😭
Also the love story, bestie I cannot do this, my cold heart weeped for them... you need to witness it too. Heart riped apart!
Also, I'm going to my friend's house today, he has a tattoo studio. Gonna get it ain't over, never die tattooed. My commitment to Rocky <3 - DV 💖
BRWKJDKWBDWK LESS GOO PLS YES YES YES !!!!!! ROCKY >>>> YES YES YES I SUPPORT FULLY omg bestie how many tat’s do u have 😧
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