#fitz has like never once learned from his mistakes Lmao
lordgolden · 1 year
Fitz trying to leave the Fool behind AGAIN as if that has EVER worked out for him like bro you know he’s going to follow you 😭 he literally awoke Girl-on-a-Dragon last time you think he won’t pull some deranged shit blind or not???? Give it up!!!!!!
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theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
Hi! People need to stop with overpositivity, it's toxic. You don't have to accept everything the writers do or it will happen again... that arc is awful. There was no freaking point with it... Jemma achieved nothing once again no win... They have killed their characters and worse Fitzsimmons...I said long ago with the itws but they don't know how to write happy, healthy people and that quote "theirs is a forever love" was/is the fucking clickbait for us to stay but nothing will happen. Farewell
Hey there anon, I’m sorry you’re feeling so let down by the show - I’ll admit, I’ve had my dark moments where I felt that way as well. And I agree, sometimes the writers make mistakes and we don’t always have to feel okay with some of the choices they make (with this show, though, I feel they make relatively fewer mistakes than a lot of other shows I’ve seen). 
However, I wouldn’t say that we’re being overly positive right now or that it’s toxic - negativity seems to be the more toxic response, trust me. Negativity is a vicious cycle, where you just end up being constantly angry and upset and that’s no way to live your life, is it? It just makes you miserable, in my experience.
I’d say give the last two episodes a chance - it’s obvious they’re building to something, that there’s a reason they chose to do this arc. I’ll admit, some of the choices they’ve made (ie Fraida) haven’t been the best, or that they haven’t acknowledged it (yet!) for what it is. We haven’t seen the end yet, we don’t know that “Jemma’s achieved nothing”, because Fitz is still out there needing to be saved, and she’s shown that she’ll stop at nothing to get to him. I’d say that would be a pretty big win, right?
I don’t think they’ve killed their characters either; when a show begins, you have to except (especially with dramas like this) that the characters are going to go through changes that will affect their outlooks and their overall goals and they grow up and mature because who wouldn’t after everything they’ve been through? And who would want to watch a show where nothing that happened affected the characters, they never learned anything or grew, just stayed the same from beginning to end? Fitzsimmons hasn’t been killed, I firmly believe they’re still as strong as ever, because it’s canon that they never give up on each other and will always fight for each other - never forget that. 
Yes, sometimes we’d all just like a break and to see our faves be happy and without drama for like two seconds so we can breathe, and I’ll admit that Fitzsimmons constantly being separated does make it seem as though the writers don’t know how to write about a couple facing outside drama together as a team like it should be. But, I think you’ll find that most dramas fall into this trap as well, because I’m sure if Fitzsimmons were completely happy and moving into their apartment and picking out paint colors, there would be people watching, crying out for some drama and to see something “interesting” happen. They can’t please everyone, and that’s just something you have to remember when consuming media such as shows, movies, books, etc. 
And finally, I don’t believe Jed’s quote (it was his, right? now I’m questioning myself) about theirs being “a forever love” is clickbait at all. Yeah, so we may have to wait until the very end of the series to see them happily living in Perthshire and no longer constantly in danger, but that’s okay because I truly believe they will get there, that they will be endgame and they will be together “forever”, because that’s how they’ve been written. So much time and effort has gone into shaping this epic love they share, and I don’t think they’d waste all that just to kill one of them off or break them up or anything like that just for shock value. They know what they have in Fitzsimmons, they know a majority of their fanbase is dedicated to them, and they know what they’re doing (most of the time lmao). 
So, tl;dr: don’t worry, everything will work out. Try not to stress yourself out so much about what’s happening on the show, enjoy the ride, and trust that things are going to work out eventually even if it seems like the happy ending is a long ways away - with dramas, that’s kind of the deal you’re signing up for.
I hope I helped you feel better, but if I didn’t and you still feel the same, then maybe it’s time to take a step back and de-stress. It’s not worth getting so worked up over something that’s supposed to be there for entertainment, believe me.
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