#I am on my poi bullshit and I WILL NOT STOP until I’ve taken everyone down with me
elliesgaymachete · 1 year
Reasons Root/Shaw is The Ship of All Time
Both are main characters for multiple seasons of the show. So often there’s one gay character in the main cast and the love interest is a recurring guest star whose only purpose is to be the love interest. It’s so rare that a relationship consists of two fully developed main characters with goals and arcs and interests outside of their romantic storyline
Both are older women in their 30s. As I’m getting older I’m getting more and more tired of the average age of wlw in media being like 17-22. Give me more rep of older women finding love PLEASE
They’re Canon but in an interesting and complex way. They weren’t shoehorned together within 5 episodes of first meeting, and they’re not 3 seasons of subtext for absolutely no payoff like most other sapphic ships. They’re enemies to reluctant allies and partners to almost lovers. They would die for each other, they have died and killed for each other, even though they’ve technically only kissed once in canon.
They are unabashedly sexual. They’re kinky. They’ve shot each other and tased each other and restrained each other and almost tortured each other and both were 100% into it. Their flirting is rife with innuendo. We need more sapphic relationships that are this horny
Amy Acker broke her tailbone for this
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asleepinawell · 8 years
silveroakleaf replied to your post
“It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” Shoot, please :)”
Holy shit this is awesome! Thank you so much! Your writing always makes my day. Very glad it doesn't end in either of them dying... But, then how DOES end?
I mean, at this point Finch has already shut them out of the system and Root already put in her extra code that only he can activate so he needs motivation to let her use it. So...
everyone goes to the safe house sans root who is taking ‘a nap’
shaw stays behind by herself because lbr even if she enjoys shooting people with root she can totally handle them all herself if needs be
i was gonna have her go with finch and elias because then elias has a good chance of surviving since shaw is the fastest shot on the team and crazy on guard at the moment
but...honestly at this point finch is still pretty anti-letting-the-machine-protect-herself and i don’t think that would change without someone dying
so sadly elias dies and i am mad about it but he gets to die a way cooler death probably
think like hersh’s death levels of badass
shaw shows up to rescue finch from the samaritan goons and the whole firefight happens
since there’s no one else to drive off with finch she shoves him under a car and is like remember that time you wandered into the line of fire and reese got shot? maybe don’t do that.
anyway the firefight takes way longer with only her but she’s got an entire fucking car full of guns and nowhere better to be
reese shows up to help her out eventually
finch wanders into the line of fire and reese gets shot and shaw is like omg we JUST talked about this wtf dude
reese is not dead though, bear with me
they all get out of there and fusco gets reese to the hospital and shaw takes finch to the subway
he has to stay in the subway now because his cover is blown
shaw probably makes some snide remark about this because she’s still low-key bitter about that time she got drugged and handcuffed
she goes back to check in on root
root is still KOed but wakes up later that night
boy is she not amused
but since they’re them they end up having mind-blowing sex and promise not to drug/tase each other in the future
which neither of them really means because they’re them
meanwhile reese is like hurt super bad but he’ll live and they bring him to the subway to recover
the whole team is there including fusco because shaw was like the whole team is basically dying maybe we should just fucking tell him what’s going on isn’t that a great idea
reese is being a giant baby about being hurt because he used to be the most dramatic team member until root rudely stole that title from him
root is all like harold everyone is DYING maybe we should fight back?
reese is like you know what i’ve been SHOT and it HURTS maybe she has a point?
he passes out dramatically
finch is like this is a terrible idea
but elias is dead, reese is barely alive, and every single member of the team is arguing for this
even bear
so he agrees if and only if he’s allowed to change the code and put in like a kill switch or some dumb shit
listen, this is not how AI works. but then again the idea that anything could stop the machine from altering her own code however she saw fit is pretty unrealistic so shrug.
my AI rant is a different rant completely
so finch is like there’s this virus called ice-9 but listen guys this is a terrible idea there’s gonna be collateral damage
shaw is like did you not notice the eugenics-happy evil ai like i think that might cause some fucking collateral damage
also remember the part where it tortured me for like 9 months
she is basically 100% done with his moral high-ground
anyway a bunch of the same stuff happens like in the show but the whole team is actually working together now because that makes a lot more sense
i honestly don’t remember a lot of the details of the last three episodes since i only saw them when they aired and mostly pretend they didn’t happen
but shaw gets to shoot greer in the face because after everything that happens she deserves to be the one to do that
root goes and uses ice-9 on samaritan, there’s probably some badass hacking sequence with lots of cg
would also like to point out that probably the only way to really kill an AI that powerful would be to permanently take out the entire internet and all wired devices and destroy any physical server/device/anything that samaritan could have stored a copy of itself on
but whatever
samaritan and the machine wipe each other out
reese and shaw defend the roof because in poi-healing-from-bullets time reese is like 100% a-okay again.
or he just has a  minigun attached to a wheelchair like those dudes in bloodborne
because that would be AWESOME
root and fusco defend the machine in the subway
finch is off having a soliloquy somewhere
maybe he’s still talking to the machine
i don’t even care honestly
everyone lives and the machine comes back to life like a month later
finch has already taken off for italy
and grace is like wtf dude you basically caused me undue emotional distress for years and also lied to me the whole time we were together fuck off
so finch goes back to ny and does something or another with his life, stays friends with reese
reese, shaw, and root still do missions for the machine
who has taken carter’s voice because taking root’s would be weird now and carter was cool and had a good moral code and the machine digs that
reese still thinks it’s kind of weird but he gets over it
at this point it’s harder for me since i’m writing a fic which has an alternate ending and i don’t want to spoil shit from it
but everyone (that i care about) is super happy or at least content
root and shaw bang a lot and also are now bear’s parents
reese decides that there’s more to look forward to than death because come on that was like the whole fucking point until the end of the show
i don’t buy this ‘borrowed time’ bullshit when he spent over half a season getting therapy for his hero complex and also after he went through the aftermath of shaw’s sacrifice and saw what it did to everyone
so he’s chill with living to an old age and finds happiness with someone who isn’t his doctor because that wasn’t cool with me
maybe he and zoe remain fuck buddies instead or something
root and the machine work constantly to stamp out any trace of other AI development
shaw works to train a future generation of team machine
did i mention that shoot bangs a lot and are pretty content with life in general
fusco gets promoted to something or another
i don’t know much about police force ranks
like a captain or something?
i’m going by b99 here
the government rebuilds the isa under someone who will never be as badass as control but does alright
the machine helps them out with numbers still
everyone lives happily ever after with cool guns and dogs and only occasional taser incidents
the end
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