#root is alive 2k23
elliesgaymachete · 1 year
Reasons Root/Shaw is The Ship of All Time
Both are main characters for multiple seasons of the show. So often there’s one gay character in the main cast and the love interest is a recurring guest star whose only purpose is to be the love interest. It’s so rare that a relationship consists of two fully developed main characters with goals and arcs and interests outside of their romantic storyline
Both are older women in their 30s. As I’m getting older I’m getting more and more tired of the average age of wlw in media being like 17-22. Give me more rep of older women finding love PLEASE
They’re Canon but in an interesting and complex way. They weren’t shoehorned together within 5 episodes of first meeting, and they’re not 3 seasons of subtext for absolutely no payoff like most other sapphic ships. They’re enemies to reluctant allies and partners to almost lovers. They would die for each other, they have died and killed for each other, even though they’ve technically only kissed once in canon.
They are unabashedly sexual. They’re kinky. They’ve shot each other and tased each other and restrained each other and almost tortured each other and both were 100% into it. Their flirting is rife with innuendo. We need more sapphic relationships that are this horny
Amy Acker broke her tailbone for this
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......... 😭🤧
I just miss them okay? And I wish we could get a continuation of some sort. I NEED CLOSURE, OKAY?
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Critical Role Masterlist
Organized alphabetically, chronology within series indicated.
ao3   |   primary masterlist
Series Quick Links
a gap in my memory series
cr one-shot shenanigans series
Inks’ 2023 WIP Bingo
Mighty Nein Drabble Spree series
we’re basically gods series
Mighty Nein Campaign
another light, just as bright   [559; part 5 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 1 of we’re basically gods]
We are not so different, you and I, the Dodecahedron hums.
Different enough, Caleb thinks.
(Or: The Beacon talks to Caleb. Sometimes, he even talks back.)
betrayer, betrayer, (mis)remember your roots   [1.7k; part 10 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 3 of we’re basically gods]
It is the kind of scar tissue that makes it difficult to breathe sometimes, difficult to swallow. It is the kind that curls wide around either side of his throat, that bundles thick inches into muscle and skin, the kind that should've killed him, maybe the kind that did.
(Or: In which Mollymauk Tealeaf's past is not nearly as straightforward as even he thinks.)
divorce the first   [3.4k; part 18 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Verbal communication is—something of a phenomenon.
(Or: The Mighty Nein + native languages, and all that that entails.)
eyes never shut   [842; part 9 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
She'd actually thought—
For one whole fucking second she'd actually thought—
Ruzza's hands had flowered with the same energy she's grown so used to seeing at Jester's fingertips, right before she takes all their pain away, and Beau had been stupid enough to think that—
Maybe she was going to cure Molly.
(Or: Molly dies. Beau deals.)
from the deep   [488; part 7 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 2 of we’re basically gods]
Fjord, no last name that's real or matters, is alive, possibly more than he ever has been.
It'll be a long time before he figures out why.
(Or: Fjord can have a smidge of eldritch confusion, as a treat.)
hypnagogia   [972; part 12 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Fjord has a lot of secrets. It seems, with this group, that is something of a common theme.
Here is one of them: he is terrified to go to sleep.
(Or: In which sleep is important, but not always pleasant.)
let jester kill trent 2k23   [614; part 21 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Suddenly, it’s not even a not-quite joke, not really. You don’t like killing people, but you’ll do it if you have to.
And Trent Ikithon simply cannot live.
(Or: Early episode 128, Jester makes observations, decisions, and possibly-maybe a very significant conversation with Artagan.)
let those secrets remain unspoken   [1.6k; part 17 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
"It protects me from scrying, detection magic, location spells—the works. It has been many years. I have changed my name, kept a low profile... We should not have to worry."
Should not, because there is always room for error.
(Alternatively: The becoming of Caleb Widogast.
Or, more accurately: the death of Bren Aldric Ermendrud.)
a little birdie told me   [1.6k; part 8 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
"I kill people!"
"I'm sure you do, Kiri," Jester coos delightedly.
Kiri absently wonders if the Gentleman somehow had the foresight to keep her name out of their ears, and how he'd managed it for all these years.
(Or: The mob boss Kiri we all deserve.)
a most curious collection   [110; part 1 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Nott considers herself, above many other things, a collector.
on matters of punctuation   [234; part 14 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
For half a second, Nott hesitates.
(Or: That encounter with the dragon goes a bit differently.)
rise from this grave, spit out the dirt they buried you in   [389; part 3 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
He does not know who he is, or where he is. But he does know, with an absolute and growing certainty, that he will die here.
(Or: A tiefling's first memory is of waking up in the dirt. But he is not alone. Not this time.)
a secret for trade (is not how peace of mind is made)   [428; part 4 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Your name is Beauregard Lionett.
Your friends call you Beau.
You tell yourself these things once, twice, three times.
(Or: Siff Duthar whispers. Beau listens.)
something truer than words   [902; part 22 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
Here is a secret: most people think your favorite of your mother’s friends is Jester, or maybe Caduceus. Maybe, in another world, they’d be right.
Just not in this one.
Because what you’ll never tell anyone is that Uncle Caleb is the best of them all.
(Or: Caleb has a Thing with fire. So does Luc.)
speak of life and i will learn to cherish it   [830; part 15 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
His words are accented unfamiliarly.
His turns of phrase are awkward, long and drawn out, the structuring of his sentences inconsistent.
It’s the most wonderful thing she’s ever heard.
(Or: 800+ words of Yasha listening to Caleb speak Celestial and being sappy, because I can.)
these walls have eyes and ears (they kind of look like yours)   tumblr   |   ao3   [1.2k; part 20 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 1 of Inks’ 2023 WIP Bingo]
"We're calling it the M.T. Home now!"
Essek freezes.
"The... Empty Home?"
(Or: The Xhorhouse isn't the Xhorhouse, and what none of the Mighty Nein seem to realize is that they're not exactly the only ones living there.)
this burning hunger   [200; part 11 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 4 of we’re basically gods]
"He's hungry," Caleb says, "and so am I."
(Or: Started as an attempt at a fae!Caleb fic, but landed just on Other!Caleb, instead.)
this forest is new and tender (each tree grows from a grave)   [594; part 6 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 1 of a gap in my memory]
"Do you ever wish," Caleb says softly, "that you could forget again?"
Molly's heart freezes in his throat.
(Or: On forgetting, and building anew.)
viscera hanging from your lips   [932; part 19 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
“Caleb, have you gone to them?”
“He’s not the fighting pit type,” Nott answers Jester before Caleb can open his mouth to do so.
And that's—certainly an answer.
(Or: The group is looking for an underground fighting pit in Rexxentrum. Caleb’s quite familiar with the sort of places that fit that description.)
we breathe the revolution   [128; part 2 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree]
"It starts with the High Richter," Dolan says.
(Or: Not even a week in a big city, and the Mighty Nein are already getting wrapped up in a coup. Typical.)
why darling, your palms are split   [476; part 13 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree] 
The Mighty Nein have a nasty habit of pushing their luck.
Fjord has a feeling that they might've gone just a bit too far, this time.
(Or: What they did in Dashilla's lair is going to have consequences, of course.)
with gods like these (who needs monsters?)   [5k; part 16 of Mighty Nein Drabble Spree; part 5 of we’re basically gods]
He reaches—his fingers wrap impossibly around the wisp that threatens to sift through them—and then he pulls.
And somewhere in the void, it latches on to some unknowable part of him deep within, and as he pulls, something else pulls back.
(Or: We're back on the kind-of-not-really gods au train again, everyone.)
if they ever stopped talking   {2019 Red Nose Day one-shot}   [1.9k; part 2 of cr one-shot shenanigans]
There is no generous or gentle way for her to do this.
She only has her sword, and only knows how it hurts. The kindest way she knows to cut someone down is with arteries and vital organs; a quick death if nothing else, and if she does it right, hopefully a painless one.
Perhaps she is not the right person for this job.
But she is the only one.
(Or: In which Shiona the adventurer meets what is left of Capo the Great.)
one unworthy hand to another   {2019 Red Nose Day one-shot}   [2.2k; part 1 of cr one-shot shenanigans]
This is the stuff of epics, of great poets, of the most revered songs of the most talented of bards.
It should have a happy ending.
But the thing about epics, and great poets, and the most revered songs of the most talented bards, is that they rarely ever do.
(Or: In which the author takes great liberty with the bits of character given.)
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
Listen I am so over this era of reboots but also I’m gonna need a person of interest reboot with Sameen as the main character working the numbers with help from Fusco and Bear is there of course (idc how old he would be now movie magic and suspension of disbelief means he can live forever) and maybe they find a new hacker to join the team and they’re saving lives and maybe taking out cells of Samaritan agents that somehow stayed together after the virus but it’s not the same and Sameen especially is just going through the motions until they take out an old Samaritan stronghold and find Root alive who’s been held captive by Samaritan all this time so deep underground that even the Machine thought she was dead
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
how the most dangerous thing is to love (root/shaw) - chapter 1
Seven years after the war with Samaritan, Shaw finds someone she had long presumed dead.
(It’s Root. Because she’s Alive)
read on ao3
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Okay I finally finished my 3rd every 3 year rewatch of Person of Interest.
I just love this show so fucking much! I have watched many many many amazing tv shows and NONE of them are as amazing as POI. I tried watching it with a bit of a critical lens and found a miniscule amount of flaws. It's just PERFECT.
Please bring this show back. I NEED IT!!!!!!!
#Root is ALIVE 2k23
#SHOOT is ALIVE 2k23
#The Machine is ALIVE 2k23
#POI is ALIVE 2k23
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
I started writing a shoot fic and I’m like 2k words in and no idea where I’m going with it BUT the doc is called “root is alive 2k23” so
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