#I am once again choosing to slander Solomon
devildom-moss · 1 year
(Horny) Solomon testing MC's patience
Solomon: MC, how about I call you my little 24-hour landfill?
MC: Excuse me?
Solomon: For they way I’m always down to put my junk in you and dump a load in you.
MC: Leave. Now. Get out.
Solomon: Wait, maybe I could be your little fracking site?
MC: You could just stop talking.
Solomon: Because I would love for you to drill me and pump me full until I’m left empty and degraded.
MC: Are you sure it’s not because you’re ethically suspect? Now, please, just leave.
Solomon: Please, MC? I just want to be your e-waste.
MC: You know what, I actually want to hear this one before I kick you out.
Solomon: Because I want you to use me until I’m spent or damaged and then have a hard time getting rid of me.
MC, pulling out their D.D.D.: We’re going to skip right to the getting rid of you part. I’m calling Diavolo.
Diavolo: MC, how nice to hear from you. Is there something I can help you with?
MC: Yeahhh. Solomon is going to require a temporary living situation for a few days while I think of reasons why I shouldn’t cut his tongue out.
Solomon: I gave you one last night.
Diavolo: I see. Of course. I’ll take care of everything, my roller-coaster.
MC: I’m not being emotionally unstable. Solomon’s being a pervert!
Diavolo: Oh, no, I just meant that whenever I ride you, you make me scream and feel like my head is in the clouds.
MC: Fuck you both-
Diavolo and Solomon: You do.
MC: I’m telling Barbatos.
Diavolo: Wait! No. I’m sorry. I thought that was human-world flirting. Solomon taught me. He showed me a clip about a strap-on and a-
MC: I don’t need to hear the rest.
Solomon: You know what, I will show myself the door. I’m sure Asmo will let me crash with him for a few days.
-- Later that day --
Barbatos: I’m very ashamed of you, Young Master. How could you do such a thing?
Diavolo: I suppose that attempt at flirting was a bit crude. Maybe MC isn’t fond of dirty talk in general.
Barbatos: Goodness no. They use dirty talk on me all the time - it’s not usually so… heavy-handed, though. I meant that I am ashamed of you for listening to Solomon. Frankly speaking, your courting already requires work. It won’t do to tarnish your skills. It would be a shame if Lucifer was no longer the only one leaving you read, My Lord.
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lawrenceop · 4 years
HOMILY for 19th Sunday after Pentecost (EF)
Eph 4:23-28; Matt 22:1-14
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Last weekend the Holy Father Pope Francis released his third encyclical, Fratelli tutti, which speaks of “fraternal love”, and he considered “its universal scope, its openness to every man and woman.” (para 6) Indeed, today’s Gospel sets out for us the universalising scope of God’s saving love, which, through the Incarnation, makes Christ to be brother to all men and women. Fraternal love, therefore, is rooted in the Incarnation of Christ. And this is the good news that we preach: that because of Christ, salvation is now open to all peoples.
But it was not always so. Salvation, was at one time, only understood to be open to those who were chosen, who were invited. Hence today’s Gospel parable begins like this: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast.” (Lk 22:2-3) Heaven is referred to as a wedding feast because heaven is the intimate union of Man to God, and anyone who paid attention to the Jewish Scriptures, especially the beautiful Song of Songs would have been familiar with the nuptial image as a metaphor for God’s covenant with Israel, his election of the Jewish people, and his saving love for them. Thus Deuteronomy says: “the Lord your God has chosen you [Israel] to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth.” (Deut 7:7) Today’s Officium (entrance chant) hints at this: “I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord”, and ‘the people’ originally referred to the people of Israel of course. So, God chose the people of Israel, and called them into a covenantal relationship with him, into a marriage-like bond of fidelity and trust.
But, as today’s parable says, “they would not come.” (Lk 22:3) So, as the parable put it, God sent his servants, that is to say, the prophets to call the chosen people of Israel, telling them that the wedding banquet was ready. But the people made their excuses, preferring their own affairs and concerns and idols to the commandments of God. Solomon, for example, indulged his many pagan wives and so, Scripture says, “his heart was not wholly true to the Lord his God” but was “turned away… after other gods” (1 Kgs 11:4) And Jeremiah the prophet is sent to plead with Israel to return to God, but they persecute him, imprison him, and try to kill him. The Gospel parable thus says that the King’s servants were seized, treated shamefully, and killed (Mt 22:6). Hence Jesus laments the hard-heartedness of God’s chosen people: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!” (Lk 13:34) In the parable, the King then responds with anger. So, too, in the history of Israel, as the prophets warned, the Jewish people are subjected to war and destruction, and ultimately Jerusalem is destroyed, king and people are captured, exiled from the Promised Land, and scattered.
This becomes a turning point in the parable and in salvation history. In today’s Gospel parable the King then says: “The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’” For this means that salvation is now offered, not just to the chosen people of Israel, but instead to all comers; to as many as can be found by God’s servants. The prophet Isaiah, who wrote after the Babylonian Exile of Israel, thus presents a more universal vision of salvation: “It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains… and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come… For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (cf Isa 2:3) Therefore, God’s salvation, which is found in keeping the law of God, is now extended to all nations, and many peoples shall come. Hence in the Gospel parable, God’s servants are told to call to the wedding feast as many people as they can find, and hence the Lord Jesus says in today’s Gospel that “many are called.”
You and I, are among the many – in Greek, the hoi polloi – and we have been gathered together, off the streets, as it were, into the great wedding hall. As Jesus says in the parable: “those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.” The Patristic interpretation is that the Church is the wedding hall, and so, in the Church we find everybody, both bad and good, for all are called. Thanks to the saving sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, salvation is now open to all peoples. As Pope Francis affirms in his encyclical, “Christ shed his blood for each of us and [we believe] that no one is beyond the scope of his universal love.” (Fratelli tutti, 85)
Hence the Church of Christ is, as the Catechism says, “‘the universal sacrament of salvation,’ by which Christ is ‘at once manifesting and actualizing the mystery of God's love for men.’” (CCC 776) Thus one of the marks of the one true Church is that it should be catholic, which means not simply ‘universal’, as it’s often translated, but rather ‘of the whole’, or ‘of the totality’. We, of the Catholic Church, then, are the many, the totality, the multitude, the hoi polloi who have been found by God’s servants, invited by God’s grace, and thus called together into God’s wedding hall, into Christ’s Church.
However, although “many are called, few are chosen”. In fact the word translated as few is a Hebraism probably understood as “not” polloi, not “the many”. In other words, not all of the multitude who are called into the Church will necessarily be chosen. And the phrase ‘chosen’ (elektoi) in the New Testament refers to those who receive final salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ. So, we need to understand this as a warning and a challenge that although God calls the bad and the good indiscriminately, although we’ve all been baptized Catholics, even, this does not mean that all of those who are so called will ultimately find salvation in Christ and share in his heavenly banquet. Why not?
Because, as the parable puts it, some are without their wedding garment. In the New Testament, St Paul speaks of being clothed in Christ (Gal 3:27). Or in today’s epistle, he says that we Christians should “put on the new nature.” Hence, at our baptism, we are clothed in white garments, and told to keep them, i.e., keep ourselves, “unstained” by sin until Christ returns and we partake in the wedding feast of the Lamb. The baptismal garment, therefore, is to become our wedding garment – an image of our Christian dignity, given us in baptism, and the grace of baptism is to grow and flourish in our lives until we are “washed white in the blood of the Lamb”, as St John says (Apoc 22:14), until we are sanctified such that we have the virtues of Christ, and can love as he does. Each of us, who have been baptised into Christ, have received this grace. The question is whether or not we desire holiness, whether or not we choose to put on our wedding garments, and so choose to take off our sinful habits, our angry desires, and will be renewed in mind and heart. (cf Eph 4:23)
So, just as the chosen people of Israel are to remain faithful to their covenant with God; just as the kings of Israel must have hearts wholly true to God; and just as Isaiah sees that those who come to the mountain of the Lord will desire to keep God’s Word, so, the many who have been called into Christ’s Holy Church must likewise faithfully obey the commandments of Christ, and keep his Word. And “this is my commandment”, says the Lord, “that you love one another as I have loved you.” (Jn 15:12) What this looks like, practically speaking, is found in the epistle. St Paul says to the Ephesians: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you, with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (4:31f)
Finally, the parable offers us a beautiful image of God’s forgiveness, mercy, and grace. The king goes to the man without the wedding garment, and he calls him “Friend”. (Mt 22:12) Again and again God mercifully extends the grace of repentance to us, calling us back to friendship with him, inviting us to the marriage feast of heaven, summoning us out of sin and into an ever deeper union with him through charity. Therefore, each day, let us hear the gentle voice of God’s grace calling us to greater holiness: “everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.” (Mt 22:4)
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for September 25 of 2021 with Proverbs 25 and Psalm 25, accompanied by Psalm 4 for the 4th day of Astronomical Autumn and Psalm 118 for day 268 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 25]
Solomon’s proverbs, published by the scribes of King Hezekiah:
God conceals the revelation of his word
in the hiding place of his glory.
But the honor of kings is revealed
by how they thoroughly search out
the deeper meaning of all that God says.
The heart of a king is full of understanding,
like the heavens are high and the ocean is deep.
If you burn away the impurities from silver,
a sterling vessel will emerge from the fire.
And if you purge corruption from the kingdom,
a king’s reign will be established in righteousness.
Don’t boast in the presence of a king
or promote yourself by taking a seat at the head table
and pretending that you’re someone important.
For it is better for the king to say to you,
“Come, you should sit at the head table,”
than for him to say in front of everyone,
“Please get up and move—
you’re sitting in the place of the prince.”
Don’t be hasty to file a lawsuit.
By starting something you wish you hadn’t,
you could be humiliated when you lose your case.
Don’t reveal another person’s secret
just to prove a point in an argument,
or you could be accused of being a gossip
and gain a reputation for being one
who betrays the confidence of a friend.
Winsome words spoken at just the right time
are as appealing as apples gilded in gold
surrounded with silver.
When you humbly receive wise correction,
it adorns your life with beauty
and makes you a better person.
A reliable, trustworthy messenger
refreshes the heart of his master,
like a gentle snowfall at harvest time.
Clouds that carry no water
and a wind that brings no refreshing rain—
that’s what you’re like when you boast
of a gift that you don’t have.
[Wisdom Practices Self-Control]
Use patience and kindness when you want to persuade leaders
and watch them change their minds right in front of you.
For your gentle wisdom will quell the strongest resistance.
When you discover something sweet,
don’t overindulge and eat more than you need,
for excess in anything can make you sick of even a good thing.
Don’t wear out your welcome
by staying too long at the home of your friends,
or they may get fed up with always having you there
and wish you hadn’t come.
Lying about and slandering people
are as bad as hitting them with a club,
or wounding them with an arrow,
or stabbing them with a sword.
You can’t depend on an unreliable person
when you really need help.
It can be compared to biting down on an abscessed tooth
or walking with a sprained ankle.
When you sing a song of joy to someone suffering
in the deepest grief and heartache,
it can be compared to disrobing in the middle of a blizzard
or rubbing salt in a wound.
Is your enemy hungry? Buy him lunch.
Win him over with your kindness.
Your surprising generosity will awaken his conscience
and God will reward you with favor.
As the north wind brings a storm,
saying things you shouldn’t brings a storm to any relationship.
It’s better to live all alone in a rundown shack
than to share a castle with a crabby spouse!
Like a drink of cool water refreshes a weary, thirsty soul,
so hearing good news revives the spirit.
When a lover of God gives in and compromises with wickedness,
it can be compared to contaminating a stream with sewage
or polluting a fountain.
It’s good to eat sweet things,
but you can take too much.
It’s good to be honored,
but to seek words of praise is not honor at all.
If you live without restraint
and are unable to control your temper,
you’re as helpless as a city with broken-down defenses,
open to attack.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 25 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 25]
A song of David.
ALWAYS I will lift up my soul to You, Eternal One,
BECAUSE You are my God and I put my trust in You.
Do not let me be humiliated.
Do not let my enemies celebrate at my expense.
CERTAINLY none of the people who rely on You will be shamed,
but those who are unfaithful, who intentionally deceive,
they are the ones who will be disgraced.
DEMONSTRATE Your ways, O Eternal One.
Teach me to understand so I can follow.
EASE me down the path of Your truth.
FEED me Your word
because You are the True God who has saved me.
I wait all day long, hoping, trusting in You.
GRACIOUS Eternal One, remember Your compassion; rekindle Your concern and love,
which have always been part of Your actions toward those who are Yours.
Do not HOLD against me the sins I committed when I was young;
instead, deal with me according to Your mercy and love.
Then Your goodness may be demonstrated in all the world, Eternal One.
IMMENSELY good and honorable is the Eternal;
that’s why He teaches sinners the way.
With JUSTICE, He directs the humble in all that is right,
and He shows them His way.
KIND and true are all the ways of the Eternal
to the people who keep His covenant and His words.
O LORD, the Eternal, bring glory to Your name,
and forgive my sins because they are beyond number.
MAY anyone who fears the Eternal
be shown the path he should choose.
His soul will NOT only live in goodness,
but his children will inherit the land.
ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him,
and He will reveal His covenant to them.
PERPETUALLY my focus takes me to the Eternal
because He will set me free from the traps laid for me.
QUIETLY turn Your eyes to me and be compassionate toward me
because I am lonely and persecuted.
RAPIDLY my heart beats as troubles build on the horizon.
Come relieve me from these threats.
SEE my troubles and my misery,
and forgive all my sins.
TAKE notice of my enemies.
See how there are so many of them
who hate me and would seek my violent destruction.
Watch over my soul,
and let me face shame and defeat
UNASHAMED because You are my refuge.
May honor and strong character keep me safe.
VIGILANTLY I wait for You, hoping, trusting.
Save Israel from all its troubles,
O True God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 25 (The Voice)
[Psalm 4]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by strings.
Answer my prayers, O True God, the righteous, who makes me right.
I was hopelessly surrounded, and You rescued me.
Once again hear me; hide me in Your favor;
bring victory in defeat and hope in hopelessness.
How long will you sons of Adam steal my dignity, reduce my glory to shame?
Why pine for the fruitless and dream a delusion?
Understand this: The Eternal One treats as special those like Him.
The Eternal will answer my prayers and save me.
Think long; think hard. When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin.
When night comes, in calm be silent.
From this day forward, offer to God the right sacrifice from a heart made right by God.
Entrust yourself to the Eternal.
Crowds of disheartened people ask, “Who can show us what is good?”
Let Your brilliant face shine upon us, O Eternal One, that we may know the undeniable answer.
You have filled me with joy, and happiness has risen in my heart, great delight and unrivaled joy,
even more than when bread abounds and wine flows freely.
Tonight I will sleep securely on a bed of peace
because I trust You, You alone, O Eternal One, will keep me safe.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 4 (The Voice)
[Psalm 118]
Give thanks to the Eternal because He is always good.
He never ceases to be loving and kind.
Let the people of Israel proclaim:
“He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
Let the priests of Aaron’s line proclaim:
“He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
Let the people who fear the Eternal proclaim:
“He never ceases to be loving and kind.”
When trouble surrounded me, I cried out to the Eternal;
He answered me and brought me to a wide, open space.
The Eternal is with me,
so I will not be afraid of anything.
If God is on my side, how can anyone hurt me?
The Eternal is on my side, a champion for my cause;
so when I look at those who hate me, victory will be in sight.
It is better to put your faith in the Eternal for your security
than to trust in people.
It is better to put your faith in Him for your security
than to trust in princes.
All these nations surround me, squeezing me from all sides;
with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
They rose up against me, squeezed me from all sides, yes, from all sides;
with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
They surrounded me like a swarm of bees;
they were destroyed quickly and thoroughly—
Flaring up like a pile of thorns—
with the name of the Eternal, I will destroy them.
I was pushed back, attacked so that I was about to fall,
but the Eternal was there to help me keep my balance.
He is my strength, and He is the reason I sing;
He has been there to save me in every situation.
In the tents of the righteous soldiers of God,
there are shouts of joy and victory. They sing:
“The right hand of the Eternal has shown His power.
The mighty arm of the Eternal is raised in victory;
the right hand of His has shown His power.”
I will not die. I will live.
I will live to tell about all the Eternal has done.
The Eternal has taught me many lessons;
He has been strict and severe,
but even in His discipline, He has not allowed me to die.
Open wide to me the gates of justice
so that I may walk through them
and offer praise and worship to the Eternal.
This is the gate of the Eternal;
the righteous children of God will go through it.
I will praise You because You answered me when I was in trouble.
You have become my salvation.
The stone that the builders rejected
has become the very stone that holds together the entire foundation.
This is the work of the Eternal,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the Eternal God has made;
let us celebrate and be happy today.
O Eternal One, save us, we beg You.
O Eternal One, we beg You, bring us success!
He who comes in the name of the Eternal will be blessed;
we have blessed You from the house of the Eternal.
The Eternal is the True God;
He shines His light on us.
Let the feast begin.
Bring the sacrifice, and tie it to the horns of the altar.
You are my God, and I give You thanks;
You are my God, and I praise You.
Give thanks to our Eternal Lord; He is always good.
He never ceases to be loving and kind.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 118 (The Voice)
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survivorelsalvador · 7 years
EPISODE 1 - An Army Of Porn Pete (TM) - Josh (Camp)
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(If a confessional is just a gif or a picture then it was most likely Veronica, winner of Jeju Island, uwu <3)
One world? This is going to be an iconic mess and I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Will she decapitate me or will we work together: The Regan/Will love story begins all over again (for when these go public I have nothing against you Regan you're a queen in my eyes)
How quickly are you trying to kill me. First of all: I literally know 99% of these people and am playing in Athena with them right now, which makes my game in each more complicated. On my tribe: Me, Chris, Willow, Willa, and Austin The only person I don't know is Austin. I'm aligned with Willa in another game and was aligned with Chris in the same game. Willow and I were friendly in Solomon Islands. Hopefully this puts me in a good spot. Other than that, going through the rest of the cast on other tribes: Playing with in Athena right now: Adrian, Kai, Lily, Jaiden, and Nicholas. I'm in an alliance with all of them except Adrian (who might not like me after tonight). From Solomon: Zakriah, my literal child and snapchat streak buddy. He's also vv close with Willow, so this is good. Potential alliance? From Great Lakes: Kyle and Ashton. Idk Ashton AT all. We were never on a tribe together. Heard he's pretty good at orgs though. Kyle and I didn't super get along in GL. I voted him as first merge boot, he voted me, and I went home. I've also heard a lot about Regan and i'm excited to meet her. Basically I know/ have a relationship with half of the cast, so this should be INTERESTING. I'm excited.
So the game hasn't even officially started yet and I formed a tight bond with Kyle and Lexi. I feel that we all relate to each other pretty well, so I like where this is going.
Ok so i already have an alliance with ribsor and jake. I know jake from a mini we played together and we bonded right away. I also know regan,austin and jaiden from the other tribe. I have a good relationship with all 3 so that made me happy seeing them. I hope they can stay and fight until merge. Heck i hope i can stay and fight until merge. this is a small tribe so thats alittle scary. Also this one world crap aint working for me. I cant talk to that many people and keep up. I'm in another tumblr game and hosting a skype org...so its hard to keep up. But i try my hardest and im just glad i got in an alliance already.
I actually feel pretty good so far like I think I'm on the good side of mostly everyone on my tribe - two of them played with me before two of them don't know me - and I'm already sensing some tension between certain people so like... this will be a good one lol. Plus I have Nicholas on my side through one world and I've made some other lowkey connections so it's all going great for the first day
Been a pretty quiet day, no ones really spoken much so kinda worried but oh wwll
OKAY.  Hello.  I'm here to confess and such for the round since I haven't just yet.  I'm feeling pretty okay on my tribe so far?  I know Regan from previous experiences and we're friends and I think that Jaiden knows he isn't super popular so he'll rely on me to kind of keep him safe?  I"m talking with Will a lot and I enjoy him so I'm glad to have him here.  The only person I'm not feeling really great about is Zakariah so far?  I'm not sure how close he is with other people, so I have to wary about just throwing his name out.  But, if I had to choose someone to be at the bottom of the totem pole on our tribe.. It'd be him.  He's not super active.  I can also see Jaiden being a bit of a flop and being first to die, so I'm just going to kind of figure out where people STAND here right now and figure it out later.  Because I don't imagine us being on these tribes of five for too long, so I just need to make sure that I do my best to survive here while I still can. I'LL HAVE MORE THOUGHTS AFTER I TALK MORE STRATEGY BUT I NEED TO WORK ON IMPROVING MY SCORE
my new aesthetic in games is to just talk to the hosts in host chat instead of the players because i love them more. <3 Rob
I'm just gonna do a cast assessment rn bc why not Dana- Ahh we played in Solomon together and I love her, she's so sweet! Austin- We talked a lot last night and he's really nice, and has a good taste in survivor opinions Chips- Hasn't messaged me back yet and has only talked in the tribe chat twice Willa- Seems cool, but didn't talk to me for very long Also I'm confused about what happened during the "fight" in One World Also One World is too much at the beginning so I might just stick to talking to the people on my tribe first, and then once theres a swap I'll start talking to the other people idk.
Whew El Salvador! Que tal chicos y chicas? Me llamo Adrian y yo soy no esperando nada mas por el juego para comenzar! Like this tribe a lot and really, I see 2 people from other games that are running side by side on my tribe, and really its cool to see that people are willing to work with me. But there is the downside of having people being inactive on the Apopa tribe, and really I'm not ready for shit like that to happen so quickly. 
Of course it would be One World this season. I see alot of familiar names and faces and I'm already thrilled to start this game, until I see Regan. Is it possible to hate a bitch because of how negatively she rubs people upon meeting them? Wait, hold that thought. Yeah. Its very possible. 
Its not even the end of Day 2, and already this bitch is asking for me to rip her head off. Like I don't give a flying fuck. Don't slander my name when you don't know me either. Fuck. Seriously, don't go preaching shit you won't practice. Regan's asking for a verbal beatdown, in English and in Spanish. 
Keep it up Regan, and I will end you before you have a chance to be on a tribe with me. I am not someone to fuck around with and I don't care how many people would say that I should apologize to her. I guess I can't play more subtly now cause I just ended the living shit out of her. Oh btw, she can have her wig back. There's like pieces of scalp like attached to it. 
(Note: Each paragraph was its own confessional)
My tribe is killing me with this challenge. Why did none of them start until like 7hrs before it is due when none of them know any Spanish and this challenge is semi-all about putting in time. Me right now: trying to make up for literally everyone's scores on my tribe. Quick assessment of my tribe? (Even though I knew everyone except Austin before we got here) Austin: Putting in a lot of effort to be friendly, which is good. Probably will want to work with him honestly but betraying someone I am already friendly with to do this will be hard. Chips: Isn't speaking to anybody. Why? Idk ur guess is as good as mine honestly. Willa: Honestly a fav. He better want to work with me here. Willow: My queen. My thoughts on one world? IT IS HYSTERICAL. Pls bring Regan back so she and Adrian can fight more and I can intervene with lighthearted comedy. Honestly I love problems and drama, sign me up pls. 
Hi! So I don't know what I'm doing playing two games cause it ain't my style but I'm trying. So far I really like jake on my tribe because he is also a Michigander and that makes you awesome. I also like will a lot but he isn't on my tribe sooooo. Yeah. Also I suck at Spanish. So yeah.
I know nobody on my tribe. So far I want to work with Willow and Dana!! Honestly I'll probably be the first boot but my goal is to make the tribe swap I guess. I know Lexi ribbons and Jake I hope I play with them :)
Dana is a lesbian? oh cool
I have nothing to tell the world about my experience... yet.
Dana is a lesbian which is not a suprise i mean have you seen her profile pic anyway in the game i made no connections i know what a great way to start the game but tonight i plan on making them
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WOOO! WE WOOONNNN! That's pretty awesome!
RREGAN (That’s how she spelled it in the confessional hehe)
im perfect ill send one after bbhell ty
Well ugh life is good. This game on the other hand I have no idea what's going on. I've talked to richie cuz i knew him already but that's about it. Overall i'm happy im not gonna be first boot but pretty sure i'll be gone soon lol
who am i if i dont start off the game with my first confessional saying "i hate this fucking tribe!!!!!!!!" i've been out doing things for the last 3 days so i havent gotten a chance to do anything or really talk to anyone but i just played the duolingo immunity challenge before i went to sleep and when i was on the bus and train going to my friends lmao i didnt realize that i was the only one who was actually putting effort into it and thats sad because i really didnt play much but i guess the rest of my tribe is just full of flops!!! ashton i played with before we didnt talk much and we voted for eachother but i like them hope we can talk kai i talked to a little but like..... that needs to be worked on michael is the biggest flop ive ever met they are perfect first boot material if i leave before them i'm never playing another game and nicolas seems cool thats it! uneventful first week my social game is weak nothing happened not much to report but whew
this host sucks
hello i am excited for this game but my tribe is dry as fuck besides richie 
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for friday, September 25 of 2020 with Proverbs 25 and Psalm 25 accompanied by Psalm 4 for the 4th day of Autumn and Psalm 119 for day 269 of the year
[Proverbs 25]
Solomon’s proverbs, published by the scribes of King Hezekiah:
God conceals the revelation of his word
in the hiding place of his glory.
But the honor of kings is revealed
by how they thoroughly search out
the deeper meaning of all that God says.
The heart of a king is full of understanding,
like the heavens are high and the ocean is deep.
If you burn away the impurities from silver,
a sterling vessel will emerge from the fire.
And if you purge corruption from the kingdom,
a king’s reign will be established in righteousness.
Don’t boast in the presence of a king
or promote yourself by taking a seat at the head table
and pretend that you’re someone important.
For it is better for the king to say to you,
“Come, you should sit at the head table,”
than for him to say in front of everyone,
“Please get up and move—
you’re sitting in the place of the prince.”
Don’t be hasty to file a lawsuit.
By starting something you wish you hadn’t,
you could be humiliated when you lose your case.
Don’t reveal another person’s secret
just to prove a point in an argument,
or you could be accused of being a gossip
and gain a reputation for being one
who betrays the confidence of a friend.
Winsome words spoken at just the right time
are as appealing as apples gilded in gold
and surrounded with silver.
To humbly receive wise correction
adorns your life with beauty
and makes you a better person.
A reliable, trustworthy messenger
refreshes the heart of his master,
like a gentle breeze blowing at harvest time—
cooling the sweat from his brow.
Clouds that carry no water
and a wind that brings no refreshing rain—
that’s what you’re like when you boast
of a gift that you don’t have.
[Wisdom Practices Self-Control]
Use patience and kindness when you want to persuade leaders
and watch them change their minds right in front of you.
For your gentle wisdom will quell the strongest resistance.
When you discover something sweet,
don’t overindulge and eat more than you need,
for excess in anything can make you sick of even a good thing.
Don’t wear out your welcome
by staying too long at the home of your friends,
or they may get fed up with always having you there
and wish you hadn’t come.
Lying about and slandering people
are as bad as hitting them with a club,
or wounding them with an arrow,
or stabbing them with a sword.
You can’t depend on an unreliable person
when you really need help.
It can be compared to biting down on an abscessed tooth
or walking with a sprained ankle.
When you sing a song of joy to someone suffering
in the deepest grief and heartache,
it can be compared to disrobing in the middle of a blizzard
or rubbing salt in a wound.
Is your enemy hungry? Buy him lunch.
Win him over with your kindness.
Your surprising generosity will awaken his conscience
and God will reward you with favor.
As the north wind brings a storm,
saying things you shouldn’t brings a storm to any relationship.
It’s better to live all alone in a rundown shack
than to share a castle with a crabby spouse!
Like a drink of cool water to a weary, thirsty soul,
so hearing good news revives the spirit.
When a lover of God gives in and compromises with wickedness,
it can be compared to contaminating a stream with sewage
or polluting a fountain.
It’s good to eat sweet things,
but you can take too much.
It’s good to be honored,
but to seek words of praise is not honor at all.
If you live without restraint
and are unable to control your temper,
you’re as helpless as a city with broken-down defenses,
open to attack.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 25 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 25]
A song of David.
ALWAYS I will lift up my soul to You, Eternal One,
BECAUSE You are my God and I put my trust in You.
Do not let me be humiliated.
Do not let my enemies celebrate at my expense.
CERTAINLY none of the people who rely on You will be shamed,
but those who are unfaithful, who intentionally deceive,
they are the ones who will be disgraced.
DEMONSTRATE Your ways, O Eternal One.
Teach me to understand so I can follow.
EASE me down the path of Your truth.
FEED me Your word
because You are the True God who has saved me.
I wait all day long, hoping, trusting in You.
GRACIOUS Eternal One, remember Your compassion; rekindle Your concern and love,
which have always been part of Your actions toward those who are Yours.
Do not HOLD against me the sins I committed when I was young;
instead, deal with me according to Your mercy and love.
Then Your goodness may be demonstrated in all the world, Eternal One.
IMMENSELY good and honorable is the Eternal;
that’s why He teaches sinners the way.
With JUSTICE, He directs the humble in all that is right,
and He shows them His way.
KIND and true are all the ways of the Eternal
to the people who keep His covenant and His words.
O LORD, the Eternal, bring glory to Your name,
and forgive my sins because they are beyond number.
MAY anyone who fears the Eternal
be shown the path he should choose.
His soul will NOT only live in goodness,
but his children will inherit the land.
ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him,
and He will reveal His covenant to them.
PERPETUALLY my focus takes me to the Eternal
because He will set me free from the traps laid for me.
QUIETLY turn Your eyes to me and be compassionate toward me
because I am lonely and persecuted.
RAPIDLY my heart beats as troubles build on the horizon.
Come relieve me from these threats.
SEE my troubles and my misery,
and forgive all my sins.
TAKE notice of my enemies.
See how there are so many of them
who hate me and would seek my violent destruction.
Watch over my soul,
and let me face shame and defeat
UNASHAMED because You are my refuge.
May honor and strong character keep me safe.
VIGILANTLY I wait for You, hoping, trusting.
Save Israel from all its troubles,
O True God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 25 (The Voice)
[Psalm 4]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by strings.
Answer my prayers, O True God, the righteous, who makes me right.
I was hopelessly surrounded, and You rescued me.
Once again hear me; hide me in Your favor;
bring victory in defeat and hope in hopelessness.
How long will you sons of Adam steal my dignity, reduce my glory to shame?
Why pine for the fruitless and dream a delusion?
Understand this: The Eternal One treats as special those like Him.
The Eternal will answer my prayers and save me.
Think long; think hard. When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin.
When night comes, in calm be silent.
From this day forward, offer to God the right sacrifice from a heart made right by God.
Entrust yourself to the Eternal.
Crowds of disheartened people ask, “Who can show us what is good?”
Let Your brilliant face shine upon us, O Eternal One, that we may know the undeniable answer.
You have filled me with joy, and happiness has risen in my heart, great delight and unrivaled joy,
even more than when bread abounds and wine flows freely.
Tonight I will sleep securely on a bed of peace
because I trust You, You alone, O Eternal One, will keep me safe.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 4 (The Voice)
to be followed by a link to Psalm 119 since its lines (176 verses) are too many to fit into a single post:
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