#I am over 13 just don’t want to fully put my age here!
strangestland · 7 months
Sooooooo turns out I’m actually a lefty???? Only took 13+ years to figure this out because of this one teacher (who’s now retired and also has MAJOR drama associated with her due to her defending her pedo husband after he made crude comments. of 15 and 16 year old girls; but that’s a story time for another day 😘) who thought “oh! This student [me] is using both their right and left hand to pick up a pencil…… obviously they’re lying to try to sound cooler by being a lefty so I’m gonna force them to use their right hand” so she’d stop every lesson to “correct” me when I use my left hand and I thought this was normal until I had to get testing done for my mind and she said “yeahhh they’re meant to be a lefty” so like I do everything with my left hand (I can write with it but it looks like my writing from 3rd grade) but I mainly write with my right hand
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