#I am very glad to have new colonist Henry
pushing500 · 9 months
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Starting today off by introducing our 21st colonist, Henry!! Woo! How exciting- and annoying. My colonist bar had to break into two rows on top of each other to handle so many pawns! it won't be a problem for long, don't worry
Henry is a little boy who is of the 'Hussar' xenotype, which just means he's a genetically engineered super-soldier who will apparently develop a dependency on Go-Juice later in life. Hooray for him. He has a wooden foot and lil' bandaids on his face, which makes me think this kid has seen some fights way too grown-up for him. Fortunately, the colonists at Eureka don't believe in sending children into combat, so Henry is free to spend his days learning and having fun.
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The first thing Henry did (after putting on a new shirt) was go hang out with Irwin in the school building to learn about melee. For what it's worth, Henry is already the third-best melee fighter in the colony, at the same level as Kawoo, and only beaten by Irwin at level 14 and Connie at level 11.
I think he is going to get along swimmingly with Irwin.
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Then we had a drop-pod raid, which I did not think was going to be a problem because there didn't seem to be that many Saurid raiders... But, alas...
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I guess someone named "Executioner" would ruin my day, huh?
The problem with drawing the adventures of these colonists is that I get way too attached to them. So, uh... I wrote eulogies. Sorry. They're under here if you feel like reading 'em.
Wendy Marsengill
Wendy Marsengill was killed on the 13th of Decembary, at the age of 27. She is survived by her wife of 1.5 years, Tamarind, by a vast and eccentric family, including her Aunt Kawoo and cousin Andy, and by many friends in the settlement of Eureka and beyond.
Wendy had a fascinating start to her life when she was recruited as a Child Spy. She went on to become a Barber in her adulthood, though, at some point, she ended up on a distant Rimworld and was lost to madness as a Wild Woman. She wandered in this state for some time before joining the Animist Alliance, where she met and eventually married her wife Tamarind.
Wendy was the best cook in the settlement and often was single-handedly responsible for keeping the colony fed with properly cooked food, and nobody ever got food poisoning while Wendy was manning the kitchen.
Some of Wendy's greatest moments include wearing a jester's hat to her own wedding and somehow managing to cement herself as the most Australian colonist in my head based on a single social interaction way-back-when.
Pearl the Cheetah
Pearl was the first animal to join the ranks of Eureka's ever-growing menagerie, not including Rogan the rottweiler who crash-landed with Albina, Brennan, and Irwin.
Pearl landed near our burgeoning settlement in an animal drop-pod, where she was rescued and nursed back to health by Head Researcher Brennan. Pearl decided to stay with us and spent a very long time sleeping on an animal sleeping spot on the rough marble floor of Irwin's ascetic bedroom (sorry, Pearl. You deserved better).
Once Andrei McCarthy joined the colony, it was love at first sight, and he bonded with Pearl almost immediately. She was eventually given a proper animal bed in the room Andrei shared with his wife, Kawoo and their infant son Andy, before Andy moved to his own room.
Pearl was brave, beautiful and very fast, as cheetahs often are. It is a tragedy that I can't draw animals as well as I would like to, or she would have featured far more prominently in all these posts. I'll miss her. She made silly noises when I zoomed in on her sometimes. It's going to be quiet without her.
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John Laurens to Francis Kinloch, Fludyer Street Westminster, [August 23, 1774]
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Dear Kinloch
After a pleasant Ride through a very fine Part of France, I arrived in London on the 7th of this month, but figure to yourself my Grief and Mortification, at finding that my Father had set out that day fortnight in order to meet me. I knew how great his Anxiety and Uneasiness would be on my Account, and therefore left Town the next day, and travelling without intermission, reached the Fauxbourg St. Germain on the 11th at day break, where I had the happiness of relieving my Good Father from much Concern_ we staid a day or two at Paris where we had the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Blake, who enquired very kindly after you. R. Izard jun'r, Grimke [and] ca. and I am but just returned from my new Journey_ let this apologize for my not writing to you sooner. I waited on your Friend Mr. Boone, And as he was out of town, I left your Letter with a Card_ had I not been afraid of detaining any longer, what can never fly too quick or come too often to him good news from you, I should have had the pleasure of delivering the Letter to him myself. my Letter is a little confused, dont be surpriz'd at it, for I am quite like a Creature in new World, and shall be for some time in an unsettled State. I am glad however to inform you that I shall not have Lodgings in the Temple as I at first thought, but in some genteel private Family. the Noise, the Cries the Smoak and Dust of this vast City, make me sometimes wish myself back at Paquis, I have another Reason too, for wishing myself there, I dont know when I shall get into such a valuable Set of Acquaintance as I have left but perhaps for the present, the fewer Acquaintance I have, the better it will be for me. I am confirm'd in the opinion that you and I both had at Geneve respecting our young Countrymen, by what I have seen and heard since my Arrival here_ I can write you nothing satisfactory as yet of American Affairs, the English Soldiers it is said begin to desert, the colonist are forming into Committees to consult what is to be done in their present Circumstances, the Carolinians are to send Rice and other necessaries for the Relief of their distress'd Brethren at Boston. A General Congress will be held at Philadelphia or New York, the Deputies to be sent there by the Province of SoCarolina, are Henry Middleton, T. Lynch, C. Gadsden, J. Rutledge, and Edward Rutledge the Young Man who lately went over, and who has already acquir'd a great degree of Celebrity. Tell Lord Lumley that I hope he continues a good Friend to the Americans, be so kind as to present my best Compliments to him Mr. Clayson, Moore the Duke and Harvey. I wish them all a great deal of Happiness and Pleasure at Geneve_ it grows so late that I must bid you Adieu, kiss all the pretty Genevoises for me and dont delay to write to your affectionate John Laurens
Fludyer Street Westminster
23d August 1774
Direct to me at the Carolina Coffee House.
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