#screw you Randy
pushing500 · 9 months
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Starting today off by introducing our 21st colonist, Henry!! Woo! How exciting- and annoying. My colonist bar had to break into two rows on top of each other to handle so many pawns! it won't be a problem for long, don't worry
Henry is a little boy who is of the 'Hussar' xenotype, which just means he's a genetically engineered super-soldier who will apparently develop a dependency on Go-Juice later in life. Hooray for him. He has a wooden foot and lil' bandaids on his face, which makes me think this kid has seen some fights way too grown-up for him. Fortunately, the colonists at Eureka don't believe in sending children into combat, so Henry is free to spend his days learning and having fun.
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The first thing Henry did (after putting on a new shirt) was go hang out with Irwin in the school building to learn about melee. For what it's worth, Henry is already the third-best melee fighter in the colony, at the same level as Kawoo, and only beaten by Irwin at level 14 and Connie at level 11.
I think he is going to get along swimmingly with Irwin.
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Then we had a drop-pod raid, which I did not think was going to be a problem because there didn't seem to be that many Saurid raiders... But, alas...
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I guess someone named "Executioner" would ruin my day, huh?
The problem with drawing the adventures of these colonists is that I get way too attached to them. So, uh... I wrote eulogies. Sorry. They're under here if you feel like reading 'em.
Wendy Marsengill
Wendy Marsengill was killed on the 13th of Decembary, at the age of 27. She is survived by her wife of 1.5 years, Tamarind, by a vast and eccentric family, including her Aunt Kawoo and cousin Andy, and by many friends in the settlement of Eureka and beyond.
Wendy had a fascinating start to her life when she was recruited as a Child Spy. She went on to become a Barber in her adulthood, though, at some point, she ended up on a distant Rimworld and was lost to madness as a Wild Woman. She wandered in this state for some time before joining the Animist Alliance, where she met and eventually married her wife Tamarind.
Wendy was the best cook in the settlement and often was single-handedly responsible for keeping the colony fed with properly cooked food, and nobody ever got food poisoning while Wendy was manning the kitchen.
Some of Wendy's greatest moments include wearing a jester's hat to her own wedding and somehow managing to cement herself as the most Australian colonist in my head based on a single social interaction way-back-when.
Pearl the Cheetah
Pearl was the first animal to join the ranks of Eureka's ever-growing menagerie, not including Rogan the rottweiler who crash-landed with Albina, Brennan, and Irwin.
Pearl landed near our burgeoning settlement in an animal drop-pod, where she was rescued and nursed back to health by Head Researcher Brennan. Pearl decided to stay with us and spent a very long time sleeping on an animal sleeping spot on the rough marble floor of Irwin's ascetic bedroom (sorry, Pearl. You deserved better).
Once Andrei McCarthy joined the colony, it was love at first sight, and he bonded with Pearl almost immediately. She was eventually given a proper animal bed in the room Andrei shared with his wife, Kawoo and their infant son Andy, before Andy moved to his own room.
Pearl was brave, beautiful and very fast, as cheetahs often are. It is a tragedy that I can't draw animals as well as I would like to, or she would have featured far more prominently in all these posts. I'll miss her. She made silly noises when I zoomed in on her sometimes. It's going to be quiet without her.
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ask-caine · 2 months
You did great handling this situation. I’m soso sorry you and your girlfriend had to go through this. You two seem like wonderful people, and never deserved that. Please drink lots of water and take breaks. Your mental health matters more than some random kid!
[OOC Post]
Thank you, genuinely. It's been rough. But, it's done now. Not gonna be giving him any more of our energy.
I think this is the biggest ask I've been given in response to all of this, apart from those sent in by my wonderful wife...
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c4ss1dysbl0g · 25 days
Some Randy Radman
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Oh and here is the drawing on paper. Im sorry i had like NO idea for a background i have to study for this exam that could change my life and i have NO mativation to study whatsoever
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giorgiamzzl · 1 year
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Woo South Park main 4 in my style😘😘
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ds-randy · 2 years
Is Dream allowed to dinner?
No. Hes the only person NOT allowed.
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creepswrites · 1 year
Billy loomis x reader where she’s a very introverted person and it kind of messes up his plans at the party that night everything went down
i tend to write billy a very specific way, which is why i haven't written very much for him, but i hope you enjoy this! he's very interesting to write for! mayb in the future i'll do a story and touch on his mind more, we'll see
BILLY LOOMIS with a F! S/O who is very introverted
“Dude, when’s she gettin’ outta here?” Stu whisper-yelled at Billy, jerking his thumb over in your direction. “We gotta get a move on and you said she’d be gone by now?”
“I know, I know,” Billy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew bringing you along to the party would make his plans with Stu far more complicated than necessary, but it would look bad showing up without you. He cared about you - shockingly, after all he wasn’t exactly fond of most people - and he didn’t want you getting roped into his shit.
He wanted you to go home with some group of girls who left earlier but you had been too terrified to ask them for a ride. So, there you sat in the kitchen, sipping on a vodka lemonade without a care in the world, blissfully oblivious to your boyfriend’s plot to murder.
Billy sighed, turning his head to look at Stu. The two were sat on a couch as Randy talked about some horror movie to the remain few guests. Of course, soon word would reach them about their dead principal and Billy had no doubt they’d take off to go see. This had all been planned meticulously for months in advance.
He knew it wasn’t your fault for screwing it up. You didn’t know, that was the whole point. Problem was how to get you out. “Is Tatum still… around?” Billy asked Stu with a hard look.
Stu blinked once. Twice. “Dude I told you, I didn’t want anything happenin’ to her.” His voice was low. “If you want her gone, dude, that’s on y-“
“No, no, I mean,” Billy huffed, “if she’s still here, maybe she can take my girl home. Two birds, one stone, ya feel?”
Realization dawned on Stu’s face. “Oh, yeah, I getcha! I’ll go find her.” He stood with a dramatic flair, attracting Randy’s attention. “I’ll be right back~” He said, walking backwards towards the stairs, earning laughs from the people around the couch.
Billy just smirked to himself and focused on his red solo cup. Coca Cola wasn’t his favorite but he needed to blend in. As he took a drink, you slipped into Stu’s place. Dark eyes followed your movement as you snuggled closer. “You okay?” He asked softly.
Now, very few people knew Billy beneath his surface level. His real thoughts and feelings. Stu knew more than most people but no one had ever seen him completely. It made him feel safer. Like his disguise was working. Dating Sydney had been a welcome distraction, another piece of his plan perfectly in place. So her dumping him hadn’t been expected.
Finding you wasn’t either. But he was attracted to something about you. Something in his gut that told him he might be able to trust you with his darkness. Let you in on his and Stu’s work one day, when you could all look back on tonight as just a faint memory.
Not now though. Right now, he needed to protect you.
While he’d planned on killing Tatum for a nice, clean finish, Stu had been resistant to the idea. Your very presence may have just spared her from any involvement. Stu liked her and didn’t want to hurt her but, unlike Billy, he was aware he might have to cut his losses.
Your introverted nature may have given Tatum a chance to walk away.
“You okay, doll?” Billy asked you softly, curling an arm around your shoulder.
You slid more into his side, scrunching your face up slightly. “I’m… not a big party person.”
He chuckled, a warm sound he had practiced. “I know. It’s why I’m glad you came with me. I- I know its really outta your comfort zone, but I appreciate you coming with me.” Billy kissed the top of your head, resting his chin there. “Next date, you can pick.”
A soft giggle from you made him smirk. “Is this a date?” You teased, tracing odd patterns on his jeans. “Odd date for an odd guy, hm?”
Oh, if only you knew.
Stu smacked his hands down on the back of the leather couch, making you jump and making Billy shoot him an annoyed look. “Hey, uh, Billy?” Stu bit at his lip nervously, Tatum looking clearly worried over his shoulder. "Sydney's upstairs getting sick in the bathroom."
Billy frowned, scanning Stu's face and noting the ghost of a smile there. While he'd broken up with Sydney weeks ago, they still needed her for the final act. So they'd slipped her something that'd make her throw up but not do any real damage to her. A last minute adjustment to the plan but, sometimes, Stu had good ideas.
Quickly, Billy put on a face of alarm. "Oh shit, did something happen?
Stu shrugged. "Hard to say. Think she might need some help."
Tatum gagged lightly. "I love Syd, but no way. That's gross. I just wanna go home."
"Aww, not stayin' the night?" Stu teased, wrapping an arm around her waist. He kissed her temple as she looked at you.
You and Tatum got along fairly well. Being girlfriends of two best friends meant you two would have an easier time getting along versus hating each other. Besides, Tatum knew it wasn't your fault Syd was paranoid and broke up with Billy.
"Would you mind driving her home for me, Tatum?" Billy asked softly, brushing hair back behind your ear. "I should make sure Syd gets home alright and I don't wanna leave you here alone." Billy kissed your forehead softly.
You frowned slightly. "Are you sure? I don't mind helping."
Billy smiled at you, his perfectly practiced smile reassuring you. "I'm sure. I was gonna leave anyways. How 'bout I head over to your place after I help out Syd?" He asked, a smirk growing on his face.
You blushed as Stu giggled obnoxiously, him and Tatum gagging over the two of you. As if they weren't the king and queen of disgusting couples things.
Tatum took your arm and dragged you off the couch and towards the door. "You better make sure Syd gets home safe." She pointed a delicately painted nail at Billy and Stu.
Billy held up his hands placatingly. "So long as you get my girl home safe. Deal?"
Stu laughed and Tatum rolled her eyes, hooking elbows with you as the two of you marched out of the house. You liked Tatum, since she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and always defended you. She, of course, made sure you got home safe and sound. When you'd finally gotten home, you took a quick shower, changed into pajamas, and fell into bed.
You didn't even notice you'd fallen asleep until you woke up to the sun's harsh rays beaming down on your eyes from your bedroom window. A pang of concern came over you when you realized Billy hadn't come over.
Quietly, you padded down the stairs and saw your mother and father's eyes glued to the television. It looked like whatever had their attention had interrupted your dad heading to work and your mom from cooking breakfast. As you stepped closer to ask what was wrong, you heard the newscaster's voice.
"...police confirmed the killer to be Neil Prescott who broke into the house and killed five people - including his daughter Sydney - and then himself. The only two survivors were Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, whom authorities say are currently hospitalized due to injuries."
You stopped listening, adrenaline coursing through you and your heart pounded as you stared at the screen. Oh god, Sydney's dad killed all those people? His own daughter? You bolted for the door, not even bothering to change out of your pajamas as you made your way to your car. The hospital would no doubt be open, you thought as you backed out of the driveway.
All you could think of was that you needed to see if Billy was okay.
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missuswalker · 11 months
Kyle dating hc's pleaaaaase 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
meow meow meow 🤭🤭
relationship headcannons || kyle broflovski x fem reader
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✮ summary: kyle as your boyfreind ✮ warnings: i was gonna do what i did for the clyde one but changed my mind, so nsfw content, reminder that characters are aged up (i'm too much of a kyle girl to pass up the oppurtunity)
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before ya'll started dating he did your homework for you as a rizz tactic
he thought it would make you want him
turns out you wanted him even before he started doing your homework, so he starts making you do it yourself
but kyle would do anything for you, so if you ask him with that pretty face of yours, he'll do it anyways
ya'll had a long "are we dating are we not phase"
he's been screwed over so many times that he wanted to make sure you were the one
you definitely were
after much convincing from stan and a couple hundred "no balls, you wont"s from cartman, kyle finally asks to be his gee-eff (girlfriend)
over text in your instagram dms
he did it very romantically though
loooooooong paragraph about how much he likes you and wants you to be all his
ends it with "And I know you piss me off sometimes, but I think I could really make us work."
as SOON as you say yes
"Come over. You have my address."
anyways, moving on, he acts like he thinks pet names are cringe, but he can't help but call you that goody goody shit like "angel"
do you hear purring? sorry
anyways, he spoils you to death, like what was in my love language hcs
"oh wow that's so cute" "what color do you want it in" "kyle 😟"
loooves when you wear his boxer shorts around his house, he thinks he's THE man when you do
his mom likes to talk to him about embarrassing things in front of you to mess with him
"hi boobala, your spiderman underwear is fresh out of the dryer 🥰" "ma, that's ikes, get out 😡😡😡😨😰"
when you guys cuddle, he puts his hand up your shirt and rubs your back
he has cold ass hands though
kisses the top of your head all the time
he's like 6'2 so if you're shorter than him he's all like "aww elf 😻😻" when in reality he's just tall
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first time he was suuuuuper sweet and gentle
after that he puts his temper into it
its like theres an earth quake from the bed rocking
ike ain't a snitch though 🤐
he is rough, hoowee
grunts, huffs, groans
all the good shit
probably says some good girl shit at some point
if he's actually upset, he rather you take control
lets you do whatever you want and whimpers
he whines yall
but if cartman pissed him off, its not the same
has you in doggy style and goes WILD
he don't care if you're screaming
yeah he does, when he's finished he STRESSES about sheila
"dude, you were fucking rabid, i'm so fucked 😰😰"
sheila side eyes him at breakfast but doesn't say anything
makes gerald give him the talk
gerald makes randy give him the talk
randy informs him of new positions
someone on wattpad said "jew in the streets, freak in the sheets"
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noirvette · 1 year
main 3 + butters! gen dating headcanons!!
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notes: gender neutral reader!! first ever official post too omg kinda (very) nervous ........... if it's ooc mb guys :( Aged up characters!! Highschool au kinda thing
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Definitely thought about asking you out super suavely but then Kyle said something about how he'd manage to screw it up so he decided to not do that.
Since he's not going like all out for a confession of any sorts, he would simply wait near your locker at the end of the day until you got to it
As you're leaving he runs up to you and asks to walk you home. It's on that walk home that he builds up the courage for a confession
Hypes himself up as he's walking but he's actually talking out loud so you know he's about to ask you out
Tell him that you heard him hype himself up after you accept his confession and he gets so embarrassed what a cutie.
Now for when you guys ARE together bahahaha.
Sends you tiktoks at like 3am and you wake up to your alarm to find 78 texts from him and they're all tiktok links. The captions are either "this is so you lol" "babe.. this is so us" or just "real".
On the whole texting thing, a red flag of his is his dry ass text responses . Unfortunately don't expect a lot of words coming from him, he might get better at it during the relationship or if you say something to him, but really he'd prefer facetime or calling.
Personally I see him using snapchat a lot? Likes how quick of an update in life the app sort've is, so expect snaps throughout the school day if you guys don't have classes together. Expect a lot of snaps from him at football practice or something too.
Would LOVE for you to meet his parents, mom, Sharon. Randy is.. special in his eyes and would rather just talk to you beforehand about how his dad is rather than you meeting Randy face first.
Shelly goes two ways, either she does not care that her brother is dating someone, or she immediately pulls you from Stan to gossip about him.
Stan isn't a whole big fanatic of pda, but a quick forehead kiss or just rubbing his thumb over your knuckles while holding hands when you guys are out is top tier affection for him.
In private though? He is not letting you go. Kisses or cuddling, any sort of skin contact is good for him. Even if it's not technically skin contact and you guys are just in the same room, his eyes are ON you and they are giving major heart eyes.
Gives you his jersey to wear for football games and he'll point you out in the crowd anytime he scores. If South Park wins expect him to buy you food to celebrate. If South Park loses expect him to buy you food to "console" you on the loss (he's sad about the loss but doesn't want you to think that he's sad)
Is the big spoon normally when cuddling but there are rare occurrences where he's the little spoon, like for example he's extremely tired or if he's upset. Don't talk about him being the little spoon though, his pride may get hurt a bit over it.
Isn't the best at consoling you if you're sad, so what he'll do is listen to what your issues are, order food, and binge movies with you.
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FREAKED about asking you out bro. He is thinking of every possibly way you could reject him and every possibly way you could accept him.
He hasn't had the best luck with dating and so he might be the type to prefer you to ask him out first.
However? If he overhears you telling a friend about your crush on him? His self confidence just got a major boost and he's asking you out the second your next class with him is (so long as Cartman isn't also in that class).
Otherwise, I could see him show up with flowers to your house and a simple like "Dinner? Maybe? Us? Alone? Saturday? 7pm?" He phrases each word as a question like he isn't sure about it.
I also feel like Kyle isn't a "good" texter and is another one who prefers calling or facetime. However unlike Stan who just can't text for his life, Kyle just likes seeing your face.
Like Kyle can text he just views it as somewhat annoying to do? Like if he wanted your attention on something he'd rather talk to you. Text reminds you dates though.
Uses pet names but only in private, unless it's to get your attention. If you're zoned out he calls out a quick "Hey! Babe!" and boom your eyes are on him.
Doesn't like over the top pet names and gets genuinely disgusted if you start calling him "sugar plum" or "honey bear" even if it's a joke.
Loves study dates, it's like his go to type of date. Even if it's not for the same class, just really likes studying with you. I can also see him "teaching" you what he's studying to help him learn better, this works especially well if it's about a class you're not taking.
Another guy who isn't a big fan on pda, might throw an arm over your shoulder when walking in the hallways to just have you close by him but don't really expect any affection in school.
Because of that one basketball episode (and how often the boys play basketball throughout the seasons at the park), Kyle is definitely on the basketball team and like Stan, has given you his jersey. He gets all red and proud if he sees you wearing it at his games.
Jealousy is rough with him. He often gets jealous and it stems primarily from his own insecurities, not because he doesn't trust you. He 100% does trust you, but the fact he's never had a full on official relationship kind of worries him that you'll realize he isn't the type of guy to be a boyfriend and that freaks him out so he just gets jealous at guys who spend too much time with you.
Reassuring him with cuddles or quality time or just being WITH him let's him know you aren't going anywhere.
Meeting his parents is HUGE to him. Family means a lot for Kyle, this is mainly targeted towards his mom and his brother.
His mother honestly make take time to get to liking you. She may initially think you're not good enough for Kyle or you're a hinderance for him but she comes around QUICKLY once she realizes how happy Kyle is with you and really that's all the confirmation she needs to know you're a good person for him.
I feel like his dad just, accepts you right off the bat, like "Oh hey Kyle who is this?" "My partner, dad." "You got someone to date you? Damn." And he just nods at you and you're good.
Ike loves you, like boom "Hi! I'm Ike!". If Kyle is dating you and Kyle trusts you than immediately so does Ike. Expect Ike to steal Kyle's phone just to text you. Also please just download roblox to play with him, he may never let you go after that though.
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Wasn't a whole lot of preplanning when he asked you out. Honestly he just goes for it.
Wasn't a big spectacle when he asked you out. Was sort've nonchalant about it but in a suave way (Stan wishes he could be like this).
Definitely geeked about it when alone in his room though. Karen walked by his room seeing him dance around and knew that you said yes. (Kenny has most definitely raved about you to Karen).
Considering his family's income he probably is the type to just take you out on a naturistic date. Like walking in the park, maybe a small picnic, nothing fancy or extravagant, but domestic and homey.
Compared to the other two, Kenny is HUGE on pda. Hand holding, kisses, bear hugs, etc. he has made that school KNOW you guys are together, from day one.
His eyes are on you the second you step into the room and they are not off of you until he cannot physically see you anymore. You are like the light of his world.
I feel as if late night drives with him are another type of date for you two. He's fixed up that beat up truck in his yard and then just drives you to a special spot he knows on a cliff overlooking South Park and you guys just hang out up there for hours, talking about whatever comes to mind. Or just simple driving around.
Lets you take aux ALWAYS, doesn't matter if you're not in the passenger seat, aux always gets handed to you.
Texts you all the time. Maybe not all the time but you get me. He's also a multiple texts in a row rather than the one text containing all of what he wants to say.
Spams "Baby, babe, hun, baby, baby, babe" a bunch of times till either you respond or he figures you're busy and then gets to what he's meaning to tell you.
Instagram feed is you two on dates among other things that he does (like pics of himself or with the other guys). You take up most of his feed though.
Doesn't get jealous actually, he's pretty secure in your guys' relationship, however if someone is clearly bothering you and you look like you're pretty uncomfortable, Kenny is punch first ask questions last because now he's running away with you in his arms.
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Was a nervous WRECK to ask you out :(
He, thanks to Kenny's advice, stopped you in the hallway before lunch to ask you out. and he was so red. Let him get his whole confession out to you though, he has a lot of sweet words to say about you.
Insert Glue Song by beabadoobee the entire time he's confessing to you, he's definitely tangled in love, stuck by you (haha).
Accept him and he's showing you off immediately to his friends. (Cue in Cartman who actually is just shocked, like... flabbergasted).
He goes all out for your guys' dates. Dinner, park/walk, full on research mode on how to have the world's most perfect date.
Gets grounded because he walked you home and now he walked into his own house late (I hate his parents).
Does not blame you!! Blames himself for not rushing home :(, tell him it wasn't his fault either.
Gets nervous with pda but loves it!! He's so willing to kiss you or hold hands, you may have to initiate it though, he doesn't want to screw up so he's incredibly awkward the first few times you do any sort of pda.
At carnivals he tries and wins you any stuffed animal he sees but in the end he fails at the rigged carnival games, you may have to drag him away or he'll be in debt from trying to win you things.
Buys things for you as gifts that remind him of you. Like he may just be window shopping or with his mom helping her out as she shops and he sees something on a shelf and immediately it makes him think of you so he HAS to get it.
Makes you things too, (y'all remember that episode where he made paper cutouts for stan's gang? yeah i do), like has made birthday cards, holiday cards, etc completely by hand for you. Made you a paper cut out of the two of you guys holding hands.
When he finally brings you around his parents his parents are also in disbelief. Now that they know he's dating, they're a bit more lenient on his groundings (still hate his parents).
Likes to fall asleep on call with you, you guys gave a routine that at 9pm if you guys are both home, you call each other to just fall asleep, you may not even talk once the call starts, just sleep.
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AHHHH hahhaahah, thanks for reading my first post!! oh em gee i was so nervous writing this and now im even more nervous to post!! if you guys would like me to expand upon any of these headcanons or do another part (with one or all) lmk!!
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ph1alamaria · 1 year
Billy Loomis X Reader: General Head Cannons (●'◡'●)
• I can see being in a relationship with Billy to be very straining.
• No matter how deep his feelings are for you he will most definitely not tell you he's ghost face.
• He loves you, but he can't risk you screwing up his and Stu's plan.
• I think he might try to subconsciously get you closer too Stu.
•If Randy or anyone else try to accuse them then you're there to be their alibi.
• Now if you did find out that there Ghostface then they would probably try to kidnap you.
•Billy can't live without you so he hopes that you would grow to love him even though you know who he really is.
•Definitely gives off mad yandere vibes-
• If you're not dating Billy and he just likes you he's going to be really quiet around you.
• He's really good at paying attention to every single thing you do.
•He might actually force Stu to invite you places for him 💀
• He has L rizz around you 💀
• But he's a generally normal boyfriend.
• He'll ask if you're doing okay on days and wants you too always be safe.
• That's kind of ironic considering how he's a literal murderer
• Overall: 8/10 Boyfriend🫶🫶🫶
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msookyspooky · 11 months
Based on a really kinky dream I had that's been in my drafts forever 😗😳
Randy x Stu x CisFem!Reader • Smut!🔞 • Underage Drinking • Slight CNC/Reader and Randy being Persuaded by Stu • Vaginal Penetration • Cunningilus • Slight Degradation • Slight Humiliation • Praise• Threesome • Dirty Talk • Stu being an Ass • Scream and Set Up AU
Wordcount: 6,353
Camping Trip
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It was the following Summer after…That happened…The catalyst that screwed up the entire town and everyone part of it. The Woodsboro Murders. You were out of town that weekend because your parents made you go with them; absolutely forbidding you from attending Stu's party while a killer was on the loose…You were glad but also a small part of you felt guilty. Like maybe if you were there; you could have saved your friends.
Randy said he was shot in the chest by someone but he said his memory was a blur. He thought it was Billy, almost swore it was but all evidence said it wasn't and he ended up saying he wasn't sure after evidence said Billy was innocent…All Randy knows is that Billy and Stu claimed Neil was behind it all but he saw Billy with a knife coming towards him right when EMTs and police rushed in. Billy swore he was just heavily wounded, holding the knife for his own safety and just checking on Randy to see if he was alive. Dropping it and wobbling on his feet; begging police to save his girlfriend Sidney. Randy said he remembered Billy wailing when police told him Sidney was dead…Almost too dramatically. Whatever he meant by that? And Dewey didn't remember anything after Neil in a costume stabbed him in the back…Just that Gale Weathers was shot in the head on the porch next to him and they must have assumed Dewey was dead.
But Neil Prescott, Sidney Prescott, Tatum Riley, Gale Weathers and Kenny the Cameraman were tragically murdered that night. You weren't there and two of the survivors had foggy memories and the other two, Billy and Stu, swore it was Neil getting revenge over his wife's death. Killing his own daughter as a murder suicide before trying to kill her boyfriend for his Dad sleeping with Maureen Prescott and all of Sidney's friends in some insane rampage.
You have to admit, it was so odd and made no sense but who were you to argue with two friends that lost both their girlfriends and were nearly stabbed to death? You weren't there but the imprint it left on everyone in Woodsboro was beyond present.
It was early August. You all graduated a few months ago and now everyone was off to college. Randy was going to study film at Windsor College in Ohio. Billy and Stu were going to the East Coast…And you…Had no idea where you were going; if you were even going at all. All you knew was your already slashed friend group was falling apart and you couldn't stomach it.
You blinked, looking over to see Randy in the passenger seat while Stu sneaked some liquor from his parents house and you sat in the backseat.
"You still here? You look like you're a million miles away."
You gave a slight smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"...You sure?" He tentatively asked.
You forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm cool. Really…Just-" You stretched with a groan. "Ready to go have fun in the woods I guess."
Randy smirked slightly. "Yeah because we just survived Halloween last year; let's go try to survive Friday the 13th next."
You sighed and leaned your head back on the seat. "Yeah…I still can't believe it happened. It's a shame Billy couldn't come with us."
"Not really…" Randy muttered.
You sat up in your seat, looking over at him. "Uh…Why?"
Randy looked towards Stu's front door to make sure you both were alone before looking at you and whispering. "I just…I know what Stu and Billy said but I swear, YN…Billy shot me and was coming over with the knife to finish the job." You went to chuckle, unsure what to say but Randy hissed out. "I'm serious!" Your smile dropped as he continued. "I mean, yes things are blurry for me after being shot and Dewey remembers fuck all nothing but…Something just isn't right! I know Billy is guilty."
You leaned over, risking touching Randy's hand and his gaze softened. Tatum swore you both would end up together telling you 'You could do so much better than a film geek who's foreplay is listing off the top nude scenes in cinema history.'...You disagreed but you were too chicken to just come right out and ask him especially after you knew how much he liked Sidney and now she was gone. The second he told you he got accepted into Windsor this early Summer; you backed off the idea completely.
"Then why not come out-"
Randy hissed out. "Yeah, and have Billy murder me next? I just come up mysterious offing myself off a bridge with a stab wound in my chest police are gonna ignore and say was self inflicted? I don't think so!"
"Randy, I know how you felt about Sidney but…It's been a year. We have to just accept that Neil did it and move on."
Randy gave you an exasperated sigh. "I know it seems like I'm not coping but you don't find it odd that both Stu and Billy were stabbed multiple times in the side? I mean, what type of plot armor is that? And why would Neil kill himself and his daughter at a party with other innocent teens if his motive really was him going crazy with grief?"
You opened your mouth then closed it…Not really sure of the answer yourself.
"I suspected Stu because he was such a lapdog to Billy. Still is…But I can't shake the feeling Billy Loomis is lying and Stu is covering for him. I mean, the dramatic way he was sobbing and screaming-"
"He just lost his girlfriend, Randy."
"Yeah but this was excessive it just…What motive sounds better? Teen boy riddled with angst, angry at his girlfriend not sleeping with him but her Mom slept with his Dad and probably was why his Mom split a few years ago and he's damaged from it beyond repair… Or an old man still upset at his wife's murder that could have just killed him and his daughter anytime at home suddenly going missing and just so happens to reappear to kill a bunch of teens for no reason at a party?"
You frowned. "...Billy's a good guy under it all, Randy. Why would he kill his friends and girlfriend?"
Randy shrugged. "How do we know Stu wasn't in on it?"
You scrunched your face. "What?"
"YN, Casey was Stu's ex and Tatum was Stu's girlfriend and it was at Stu's house and any kills related to Billy would make sense since they're best friends-"
"Randy." You sighed out, patting his hand. "Neil had evidence on the phone records…I don't understand it either but we gotta just accept it and move on."
Randy huffed but glanced at you patting his hand, his glare softening. "Yeah well, if you ask me I think it's a criminal getting away with murder."
"What is?" Stu chimed in, opening the door quickly.
Randy faltered before muttering. "Uh…O.J. Simpson case 2 years ago."
Stu chuckled. "Yeah that was crazy, had me hooked! Came home and watched it every single day." He glanced at your hand on Randy's and smirked. "Whatchya kids doing?…Getting cozy?"
You and Randy jerked your hands away as Randy faintly blushed, turning in his seat and mumbled. "Stu, did you get everything?"
"Yep. Got some fireball and mad dog."
Randy raised a brow. " I expected some fancy chardonnay or scotch."
Stu grinned. "Nah, these are my sister Leslie's…She's knocked up, what she don't know won't hurt her." He started the car.
"Yeah till all her liquor is missing after the baby arrives." You mused.
Stu backed up and smiled. "Nah man, she loves me. I'm the best lil bro ever."
You scoff with a smirk. "I highly fucking doubt that."
"Tskk. Girl, you're lucky it's our going away bash." Stu tsked out with a mock glare before he snickered. You frowned a little as you all drove.
It was near dark when you all finally settled in.
A small set of woods next to a creek with a small bonfire Stu started. He just had to carry a large log and groan loudly while dropping it, flexing his biceps on purpose while grinning at you…It wasn't that you weren't attracted to Stu you just knew how he was. He was hard to say no to but you also knew how much he tried cheating on Tatum. He's a damn dog and you didn't take him too seriously with his flirting.
Randy gave him an annoyed look. "Hey Arnold, how about you get small pieces that actually burn?"
Stu rolled his eyes but took the mad dog bottle with him. "Whatever. I guess the man's gotta do all the work while you girls sit at the fire…Be right back…Don't do any fooling around without me-" Stu winked before walking in the dark.
You and Randy both rolled your eyes as you bashfully chuckled. "G-God he's dumb sometimes."
Randy took a swig of the fireball and chuckled nervously. "No totally is…Like, a moron…"
You both sat at the small fire in silence as you hugged your legs. Randy noticed you shiver. "You cold? Here…Don't say I'm not chivalrous." He put his jacket over you as you smiled softly at him and thanked him.
You both sat in silence a moment longer, listening to the fire crackle before you told him. "So…Windsor."
"Yeah, it's far but it's got the best curriculum and all that…It's really far....Away from Woodsboro bullshit...Gonna be weird being so far away."
You frowned and stared at the fire before mumbling. "I'll miss you, ya know…"
Randy looked taken aback, quietly asking you. "...You will?"
You chug the fireball with a grunt and cough a bit before handing it back to him. "Of course I will. No more movie nights, no more cruising late at night, no more spending time together goofing off…I'm gonna miss your annoying ass, Randy."
"Yeah, you're way more annoying than me." Randy blushed a bit and smiled down at his feet. "Well…God, YN. I'm gonna miss you too, ya know. I just was scared it'd be too embarrassing to say it first…I really…Ya know…I like-"
You looked at him and smiled. "Do you like me?"
"Of course I like you, YN."
"I mean…REALLY like me?"
Randy got flustered, looking down and stumbling over his words. "I mean y-yeah but y-you know…It's not…I do really like you you're pretty and…Not that t-that's the only thing but-"
You felt the fireball whiskey you've all been sharing taking effect. Honestly, your throat burned from it and you weren't as cold. And…You might never see Randy again. You liked him even if he wasn't as conventional attractive as Billy or as smooth as Stu; you liked him. Maybe you were just being a hopeless romantic horny teen or or maybe you were just panicking over him leaving or maybe it was genuine but all you knew was that…If you didn't act now, it would never happen. Even if Randy went to the opposite end of the country and met a bunch of college girls and forgot about you…It was still something your tipsy mind felt inclined to do.
I smiled at him while he rambled. "Randy?"
He hummed in his throat with that bashful look on his face you were starting to enjoy.
"...Stop talking and kiss me." You softly told him with a smile.
"O-Oh?....Oohh." He smiled a goofy grin with a red face, his fair skin no match for the way you were flustering him. Honestly, your cheeks felt warm too and you weren't sure if that's the alcohol or your nerves talking.
You both slowly leaned forward and kissed. It was feather light and chaste before you both smiled and did it again a bit longer this time and before you knew it…He scooted closer to you and ran his hands up and down your shoulder through his jacket while your lips moved together. You hummed into the kiss as you just…God, what were you doing? You gently pulled him down by his shirt collar as he moaned softly against your mouth. Before your lips moved together a few minutes and…You soon groaned lightly as you felt his tongue tentatively run across your lips before you met his tongue as well…Both of you making out in the woods next to a bonfire…It wasn't unheard of or anything. You both were 19 and you both clearly had feelings for each other or at least attraction …You felt like you should stop and think but you couldn't. Your body was warm and tingly, Randy was moaning and moving his lips so slow and tentative across your mouth, his tongue was shyly exploring you…You can tell he didn't kiss like this often but you didn't care either. If anything? It made you want to keep going. To let this be a fun first of many things before he left.
You experimentally rubbed your tongue in firm circles against his and he groaned softly. His tongue is getting more erratic. Not rough but less controlled as his hands started trailing up your leg. You bit his lip slightly and he sounded out your name. Just hearing that made you heat up…God, it's like you couldn't control yourself! You weren't drunk but the tiny bit of liquid courage and hormonal lust and the romanticism of being in the woods next to a crackling fire and knowing he was leaving for god knows how long. You gripped his hair and kissed him more passionately with a louder moan against his mouth. Both of you made out as he ran his hand up to your thigh and you just…Instinctively opened your thighs. God you just had to wear something that showed this much skin. His hand eagerly yet nervously up and down your thigh gripping and rubbing while trailing to your hips as you massaged your tongue with his.
Then he did something that made you whine in your throat. Roughly massaging your hips and biting your lip. He quickly stopped pulling away with concern. "Shit…Oh shit, did I hurt you? I'm sorry-" He breathlessly huffed out.
You furiously shook your head and dragged him back to your mouth. "No, do it again-" Both of your tongues meeting once more as your thigh hitches around his hip to pull him closer. This was getting out of control. This was so sudden and crazy and you were almost scared what this would do to your friendship but then you remembered all 3 of them Billy, Stu and Randy leave in a week or less and those cares go out the window. Hell, you might leave Woodsboro and they might never come back and you might never seen them again.
You trusted Randy, you felt safe with Randy, you felt…Damn turned on with how his thumb was subconsciously caressing your pelvic bone.
"Randy." You pant out as he just kept kissing you rougher than before. Like you turned him on as much as he turned you on. Like he was glued at the hip to you and couldn't possibly escape. You lightly pushed him up to talk. His eyes searched to make sure you were enjoying this as he sweetly stopped the second you asked…Oh…Oh you knew. He was it. If it was happening, it was happening right fucking now and you just had to act on it before you chickened out. "Randy…I want to."
Randy raised a brow blinking repeatedly as if he hadn't heard you right as he stammered. "W-What? Want??..."
" Randy…Sex." Your face warmed as you smiled at him. "You don't have to."
He hesitated. "I know I'm being a dork but why?"
You sheepishly smirked and stumbled out. "W-Well...Listen, we both like each other. We both feel good right now and Stu hasn't came back in minutes doing god knows what and hopefully he gives us privacy. And…I might not see you for a long while."
Randy couldn't get any redder but his eyes hooded a bit while he swallowed. "Are…Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Hurry before he does come back. There's no one I trust like you and this is perfect right now." You admitted with a shy smile.
You saw Randy look at you fondly. The look in itself made you feel butterflies as he went back to kissing you. Getting more adventurous as his one hand squeezed your thigh and the other played with your chest through your shirt. You grunted and quickly started getting rid of any fabric on your lower body as Randy's hands shook undoing his belt and zipper. Both of you excited and nervous and just eager to do something like this.
"Are you positive? Are you drunk or-"
You cupped his face. "I'm not any more tipsy than you are. Don't hesitate on my part...Do you want this?"
He eagerly nodded with a groan as he nervously positioned himself near your entrance. You were wet enough for him to slide in if he pushed. He kept his tip there and groaned out. "I'm asking...Because I never thought in a million years a girl like you would do this with me."
"Randy, put it in." You encouraged him with a bite of your lip. You hummed in your throat as you felt him push in. He wasn't long or too girthy. In fact, he felt slightly bigger than if a few fingers were in you…But for how nervous you both were and how quick this had to be? It was the perfect size. He hesitantly moved in you and groaned while you huffed a bit. You nodded your head when he looked at you and he did it again. And again. His hips slowly found a rhythm as he seemed to curve into your g spot every so often. You softly whined as you reached up to kiss him. Feeling heat all over and those feel good tingling sensation shoot from your g spot deep into your core with those certain strokes.
"Up a bit. Angle your hips upward." You instructed with a smile and bite of your lip.
"Like this?" Randy's eyes were hooded as his mouth parted. He angled his hips to roll up and you moaned a bit.
"Just like that…Just like that, Randy…Oh." You softly moaned as you felt yourself get more turned on with each stroke. "Faster…" You became painfully aware after a few moments that Stu could come back and you both could be interrupted. "Yes, Randy…Yes." You softly sighed out as he picked up the pace and you moaned a bit. Feeling your hips move with him. His dick rubbing against a very nice spot thanks to him listening to you.
"Oh YN…Oh shit, YN…You feel so good." Randy whimpered out a bit as you could tell he was getting close.
You kissed him and in between kisses. "Not yet…Please I'm close not yet-" You whined as you tried focusing on the pleasure of it all. Being with Randy like this, the memory of it going to seal into your brain forever at how close your feeling to him and how good he was making you feel even for a first time and even if you didn't cum.
Another few moments went by and you swore you were on the edge as Randy looked like he was really trying to hold out for you…All before you heard a whistle.
You both froze, stopped moving completely. Stu's annoying voice ringing out. "No fucking way! God damn, I leave for 10 minutes and you're both fucking in the woods?! YN…Damn girl, I didn't know you got down like that and with Ray?" Stu laughed out while sticking out his tongue.
Randy pulled out so quick it was almost painful as he covered himself and you tried shoving your legs together as Stu walked closer.
Randy was so red faced with a glare as he breathlessly snapped. "You were probably fucking watching us and just waiting to ruin it, perv!"
Stu chuckled but kept walking closer. "Maybe…It was kind of hot…Well, YN was…" You quickly tried to get your clothes over your wet and throbbing between your legs with how close you were to cumming before Stu squatted down and whispered to you. "Hey, babygirl. Shhh…Calm down…You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He smiled at you.
You felt mortified. You were started to wonder if Stu was a fucking sadist with how much joy he got in spoiling these sort of things. He couldn't wait 2 more minutes, if that?!
Stu touched your knee and Randy protectively shoved it away. "Hey man, what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Relax!" Stu drew out. "Relax baby…You look like you had fun…Do you feel good?" Stu gently pushed your chin up with his hand and you felt your head spinning.
Stu smiled down at you and your eyes couldn't help seeing the bulge in his jeans. A big ass fucking bulge. Your mouth dried and you screamed at yourself this was wrong to Randy and this was fucked up and this was all going too far but Stu gently pushed your chin up to look at him. "You're beautiful, baby…Had me so damn hard watching you.... Did Randy make your pussy feel good, honey?" He cooed softly.
You couldn't even answer that! The way Stu was looking at you and his voice dripping those words…His frame and his tent in his pants. This was nuts…Oh god this was nuts but fuck you were losing what little resolve you had.
Randy shoved him as Stu fell back on his ass with a grin. "Hey! Enough!" Randy snapped out.
Stu smirked at you as he leaned back. His bulge looked even bigger as you saw his muscles in his arms and that flirty grin on his face. He stuck out his long thick tongue jokingly like he did and your clit jolted on its own. You couldn't deny his appeal or charming words while he was looking at you.
"Is it enough, Ray?...I don't think it is." He crawled towards you and your chest heaved up and down with every eager breath. "I think…She is very, very unsatisfied. I think she needs a little more…Don't you baby?" He crawled over to you and before Randy could react. He kissed you.
Stu was so passionate and eager compared to Randy. His tongue demanded to go in your mouth as he gripped your head and ran firm but slow movements along your teeth and tongue all before sucking on your tongue a bit. He released you, teeth grazing your lower lip with a chuckle as you were in a daze looking at him.
Randy went to fight or flight, you weren't sure which before Stu held up a hand. "Now hold on here, man! Why don't we all have fun? It's just us three in the woods. We're all going to separate college's. You didn't shoot your load…She's hot and bothered...I'm horny myself…Why not?"
Stu gazed at you lustfully and you felt down right out submissive and shy in the best way with him. It was like night and day between him and Randy but you were so turned on and tipsy and Stu was making good points.
You knew it wasn't a good idea…But fuck it.
Randy's eyes widened at you. "Okay!?" He seemed hurt.
"Only if you're okay with it, Randy!" You quickly saved, looking up at him. "Stu's right, we're all going to college soon at least you both are. And so far away and we're all kind of turned on and it's…It's whatever you want."
Randy seemed completely torn and you couldn't blame him. You were too.
Stu sighed. "Come on, man! Look, it's a one time thing and even though most girls can't get enough of me once I lay down the pipe-" He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure she'll probably meet you on break every semester to tickle your gerkin, alright? I ain't stealing her or nothin and it'll be fun…Actually never had a threesome before."
Randy still seemed conflicted till Stu just put his hand in between your legs. You yelped in surprise before he started rubbing the softest circles right above your clit on the hood. It made it feel good but ache for more at the same time as you just couldn't contain the tiny moan that came out as he whispered in your ear. "That's a good girl…You like that, don't you?"
He looked at Randy while he still played with you. His thick long fingers sliding down both lips on either side; up and down. Getting the blood flow circulating as you just naturally opened your legs with a soft groan. Your pussy on full display to Randy as he gulped and stared.
"See? You really wanna leave her like this? She's so damn willing and ready, man. Don't you wanna take turns getting dirty in the woods with such a dirty little girl we got here?" He teased you as he kissed your neck and his fingers rubbed over your clit. You moaned louder with your head falling back as Stu's fingers rubbed rougher than you liked but with how turned on you were it just felt good.
Before you knew it, Stu put both hands on your thighs and slowly pushed them open. "Easy, baby, Easy, easy…Let me show you a good time, babe." He whispered to you as you saw Randy watch with a bite of his lip.
You nodded as you let Stu separate your thighs and being the sadist he was. He just stared at your pussy for as long as it made you self conscious…All before taking his fingers and barely touching your clit with the back of them. Tilting his head and smirking as you squirmed a bit.
"Someone's a little eager slut tonight."
"Stu just!-...Do something!" You groaned out in annoyance. This was already surreal and he was making you have second thoughts teasing like this.
"Alright, alright…She's a bossy slut too." He mocked while unzipping himself. Your eyes bulged at how big he was. He was 6'4 and lean so it shouldn't be a shock but compared to Randy? It made you a bit nervous. He smiled at you. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make it fit…You'll be so sloppy wet for me. It'll slide right in that hot little pussy like butter, babygirl."
You felt heat in your core at how he looked at you and talked to you. Jesus Christ.
He laughed. "Damn, Randy! She's bone dry-" Stu spit right on your pussy. "You suck, man."
You went to roll your eyes and argue he was full of shit and Randy had you wet. Not dripping but wet…But everything died in your throat when you felt a hot wet tongue swipe that spit over your inner lips. You couldn't help gasping loudly. Stu just did what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted with such vulgar passion. He didn't hesitate anything as he just dove right into eating you out.
You cried out louder than you intended as his tongue started lapping slowly but firm over your aching clit. Rolling that long hot tongue over and over. The whimpers and moans just spilled out of you as Stu eagerly licked your pussy. His tongue was just as flexible as it was long as he made all kinds of wet noises with his mouth as he licked and sucked at your clit. Sucking while doing fast licking motions had your hips bucking a bit.
You were in your own world right now. You didn't know anything but how Stu was making you feel with how eager he was.
You spared a glance at Randy to see him roughly palming himself through his pants with a bite of his lip. Just that sight turned you on beyond repair. All of this did! In fact, you were shocked how quickly you came. It took half the amount of time it did for you normally as you cried out and grabbed Stu's head. Your hips bouncing against him involuntarily before just laying there spasming. You tried squirming away as Stu smirked against your folds, continuing his assault on your sensitive clit even after the orgasm.
"Stu! S-Shit, noooo-oooohh." You moaned out even if that 'no' didn't have as much force as it should have.
"Hey, she's done." Randy told Stu with a glare. Clearly both jealous and bitter yet turned on at the same time.
Stu rolled his eyes and pulled away, purposely wiping your wetness off his chin in front of you. "Finnnee…I got her soaked anyways. Think she's ready to take all this-" He sat up and held the base of his dick. It was at least 7 to 8 inches long and thicker than you thought. You couldn't tell if it was as thick as Randy or slightly more but it was a sight for sure.
Randy looked at you. "YN, you don't have to do this-"
"Man, shut up!" Stu barked out before scoffing. "If she didn't want it, she'd say it…Ain't that right, YN? Come on, Sweetcheeks. I kinda want you to beg for it anyways-" Stu leveled his cockhead at your wet entrance and you quivered a bit. "Go on. Beg."
You were tongue tied before he slid it up between your folds. The wet shlicking noises just as loud as the fire crackling as his tip met your clit and he just rubbed his length up and down between your wet lips.
"Beg for it." He demanded again.
"I-I want it." You forced out with a swallow.
"You can beg better than that, girl. Tell me what a filthy slut you are."
Randy glared at Stu but you were so horny and him talking to you like that was something you didn't know you needed but now you did!
"I'm a slut for it…I want it." You mumbled as Randy's eyes widened.
Stu stared down at you. His gaze dark and his eyes transfixed on you as he tapped his cock in his hand against your clit. "What are you a slut for?"
"For…Wanting you to fuck me in the woods in front of Randy." It sounded so wrong but it just came out.
Stu smirked. "Are you my slut?"
That you faltered on and he barely stuck it in. That tiny little burn no matter how wet you were both annoyed you and made you crazy. It was mildly uncomfortable but made you ache for it.
"Are you…My…Slut?" He demanded.
"God damn it, Stu! Fine! I'm your filthy slut, okay?!" You hissed out eagerly looking down.
Stu giggled a bit and stuck his tongue out. "Man, I just asked for slut but now you're a filthy one? Yeah, you are. You're a filthy girl. A dirty, filthy, slutty girl and you're all mine…And now Ray gets to watch how I fuck my girls pussy."
He slid in faster than he needed to and you openly him. "Stop!"
Stu rolled his eyes but didn't slam back in again. "Yeah, I know I got a lot of manhood to take…Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He barely moved his hips upward and between the stretch and the motion you didn't know whether to cry or moan.
Stu whistled at Randy. "Hey, you just gonna let her be in pain here? Come on, boy wonder. Rub her clit."
You didn't want it to stop but your body was having a hard time getting used to the stretch. You bit your lip and cringed and before you knew it, Randy was on his knees and his hand was between your legs. You sighed as he rubbed tiny firm circles on your clit.
Stu whispered huskily. "Atta girl…Easy easy…Her pussy just took another inch of me on its own. Keep rubbing her, Ray."
Randy retorted as he spread some of your wetness over your clit and moved it around the hardened bud. "I'm shocked you know what a clit is. Figured you hit it like a caveman and split before the girl can even put her panties back on."
Stu grabbed your ankles in his hands and started moving in you. "Man, screw you. You're the fucking virgin…Was…How do you know what a clit is?"
"Anatomy books and uh…Look, the video store gets boring and we got porno's to stock." Randy rubbed those circles on your clit with his long but soft fingers. "How you feeling YN?"
You moaned softly with each trust. "Good. Faster." You closed your eyes and tried to just focus on how thick Stu was, how he filled you up and seemed to touch every nerve, how Randy's fingers felt.
Stu smirked. "You heard her, man. Faster." And before you knew it, Stu let go of your ankles and shoved your knees back instead, putting his full weight on your thighs as he started pumping in and out of you. He wasn't hard but it was a steady, fast and steady rhythm that made your leg shake.
"FUCK!" You cried out, moaning louder as Randy picked up the pace and bit his lip while he watched you.
Stu jerked your shirt and ordered Randy. "Help out a little, man! Undo her bra and play with her tits. I wanna see them bounce a bit. God knows you never felt those before. Probably gonna tweak the nipple like a radio knob." Stu chuckled in between huffs as he thrusted in you.
Randy blushed and shoved your bra up to show your breast. "Bite me." Randy retorted while one hand circled your nipple and the other circled your clit at the same rhythm.
"Jesus Christ, man. Pinch it, pull it, rub it harder. She needs to cum. She's desperate for it."
Randy hesitated before gently pulling one of your nipples while rubbing your clit faster and you felt your head roll back with a moan.
"Yeah man, keep playing with those. She loves it." Stu talked like you weren't a person. Like you were a toy and somehow that turned you on more.
Then, he hit a spot that had you jolt and a wave of hot pleasure course through you. It was past your g spot and near your cervix you couldn't tell if it was behind or below or what but you just knew it was an area you couldn't reach with fingers but the way he positioned you had him hitting that A spot. It should hurt but instead it almost felt like a mini orgasm course through you but not quite. It was...Fucking amazing!
Stu and Randy saw your reaction and gave you a curious look. Stu slowly rolled his hips so he pressed against that spot again and your back arched. Stu got a wicked grin on his face as he started pumping into you there in those deep long strokes. "I think I found a sweet spot, huh Sweetcheeks?"
You moaned high pitched as you felt that heat pooling in you. Randy kept playing with your clit and nipples with a strained turned on expression.
Stu giggled. "I know Randy's probably a cuck on the low but damn girl you're selfish. You aren't gonna offer him a hand or anything?"
The idea of getting Randy off turned you on and honestly felt right with how he was pleasuring you. Everything was ecstasy right now as you tried to hastily undo his pants while Stu kept bouncing your body while thrusting in you. Randy quickly helped you, all of you breathing heavily and moaning or grunting. You grasped Randy and started pumping him quickly. You were so close and so fucking turned on you couldn't imagine going slow. He didn't seem to mind, moaning deeply as he kept massaging your clit and Stu held you down; pounding against that deep spot that felt addictive.
This lasted another few moments before Stu started grunting and going a bit faster. And that's all it took. Him pounding that wonderful spot and your g spot every other thrust while holding you down, Randy rubbing your clit and roughly palming your breast, you jerking Randy off and hearing him moan and whimper. You came undone almost screaming. Stu clamped his hand over your mouth and pounded. "That's right, baby. Cum on my cock! Take this shit, babygirl...Good girl. That's a good girl, cum for me."
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he made you ride it out. Your kegel muscles sucking and squeezing on him involuntarily as he dragged himself out of you and quickly started jerking his cock off. It was just seconds before Stu groaned and hot spurts of his cum splashed onto your stomach. He let go of your mouth as Randy stopped moving on your clit. Closing his eyes and whining as you pumped him still.
"Shit…Shit-" Stu laughed out breathlessly. "That was a close call, man…God damn, YN…" He groaned out before looking at Randy with a smile.
Randy hadn't came yet, huffing and trying as you jerked him off.
Stu being the talker he was told you. "Give the man some release. Let him cum on your tits, babe. It's gonna be the only pair he'll ever get."
You nodded, almost smiling at the idea as you saw how desperate Randy was. "It's okay, Randy. Go ahead. I want you to cum...Cum for me, Randy."
Stu chimed in. "See? She gave you the A okay, my guy-"
"Stu, I'd cum faster if you would shut up." Randy grumbled with furrowed eyebrows.
Stu snickered to himself.
You decided to help Randy a bit. Moving your hand up and down his thigh through his jeans while encouraging him. "That's it Randy...That's it, cum for me...You're doing good." It took just a few moments before Randy's body stiffened and a low groan escaped him and he came on you.
You didn't even care. You were exhausted and on cloud nine as you all just stayed there a moment before Stu bent down and licked his own cum off your belly. You just sighed and tried to calm down a bit. Praying he didn't lick between your legs again because a part of you was too sensitive and another part knew you wouldn't be able to say no.
Stu wiped his mouth. "I'll clean mine but I am not cleaning Ray's. That's gay."
You couldn't help chuckling as Randy rolled his eyes and offered you a napkin. He almost went to clean you off but saw your breast and faltered a bit. Sheepishly handing it to you to clean off yourself while he looked away a bit. The realization of post nut clarity hitting him and maybe you? But Stu seemed unashamed as hell.
Stu finally zipped himself up. "So, are we doing this again?"
You cringed. "Stu I don't know this was like a one time thing so...Maybe later? All I know is we are NEVER letting this get out."
"Aw, where's the fun in that?"
Randy coughed and looked away as he mumbled at Stu. "Seriously man, what happens in the woods stays in the woods."
Stu rolled his eyes with a smirk. "You prudes. It was fun! Not my fault Randy was a cuck and YN is a bit of a kinkier girl than what she wants to say-" He got up. "Okay, Imma take a leak. You guys better not do anything without me…AGAIN."
You and Randy both sat there awkwardly smiling and trying to form the words for what happened and what this meant going forward.
Meanwhile, Stu quickly rushed a ways away from the bonfire with a wicked grin on his face. Pulling out his flip phone he just got that had really become smaller than the cellular he and Billy used last year.
He giggled as he typed up Billy's number. Randy just was desperate for female attention especially after they murdered Sid, Stu liked you but he also just liked sex and anyone giving him attention if he was being honest but Billy? He genuinely had a crush on you for years but you never realized it. Stu knew Billy would probably kick his ass but it was worth it.
"Hey Billy boy…Guess what I juusstt diiid…And with who."
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ask-caine · 2 months
So. It's come to my attention that there are those out there who do not seem to understand what it means for me to be in a committed relationship with my wife.
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I believe it should be obvious to just about everyone why this is such an unnecessary question to ask. And yet, here we are. So, I suppose, answer I shall...
First of all, let's look at the facts.
I am an AI. Moon is an AI. Pomni is a human.
I am the ringleader of the Circus, a big responsibility. Moon watches over the circus at night, when I'm busy planning for future adventures. Pomni is the newest person to enter the circus and has very little experience with how things work around here, not to mention being relatively young.
I am married to Moon. Moon is married to me. We have a child together. We were quite literally made for each other by our programmers (the mods of both accounts). Pomni is a new member of the cast who I have had very little time to get to know as of yet.
I'm sure you can see several issues with the implications of me loving Pomni more. I have complete control over this digital world, while she is completely new to it. That's quite a large power imbalance. That would be predatory. Besides, Pomni is a human and I am not, so any relationship with me wouldn't be real for her. And that's not even getting into the most important part of things...
I have been in love with Moon for quite a long time. I love her and Walton more than anything in the world, and I had thought I had made this very obvious. Apparently not obvious enough. So, I certainly hope this helps to clarify.
There was quite recently another person who similarly didn't seem to understand what it meant to be in a committed relationship and asked a very similar question regarding another person who I quite frankly had never even heard of before then. He was called Randy. You might have heard of him, seeing as you went through and liked many of my and Moon's posts, and this was relatively recent... I'm honestly very surprised you couldn't glean that Moon is the one I love most from looking at our responses to him, not to mention simple common sense from looking at the rest of our blogs...
So, I hope that answers your question.
As for the other one, I sent that straight to the void...
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mamirhodessxox · 3 months
I Hate You More (Part 4)
Mafia!Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Mafia Reader
(Sasha Francesca Ricci)
Enemies to lovers trope
Credits to @alyyaanna for helping me come up w the storyline because I had like 3 different mental breakdowns trying to figure out what to do
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Storyline: Sasha was born into a world of darkness and fear, Despite the harsh circumstances she was out in she managed to drag herself into finding love at a young age especially when she least expected it but unfortunately not all love stories are fairytales, Sasha resented the man who once brought her love in her life just to leave and break her heart while having the audacity to invade her life many years once again and give her conflict of love and war on how she was to overcome the feelings she feared while trying to focus on her job with him being so close and invasive to her.
Contents: Smut in future chapters, Knife Play, Choking kink, Degradation kink, Praising Kink, Alcohol, Smoking, Violence, Mentions of m1rder, drug dealing, Fluff, Angst.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Sasha & Cody had a good think running for a little bit. There was still the slight bickering & Sasha becoming annoyed with Cody but believe it or not when they would work together they got work done.
They did fucking amazing on drug deals & made massive amounts of money, Miami was a messy city & the drug business sunk their fucking teeth into the City’s bad habits which were Partying & getting as high as possible.
Sasha would make the sales while Cody would keep track of whatever they were selling & how much money they were making but Barbra was still quite unhappy with Cody after seeing his Initials “C.R” Into her thigh, She was not pleased with Cody at all after that but once again, Business is Business. Sasha & Cody never established what was between them after that and they honestly preferred to keep it that way but Sasha had made it abundantly clear to Athena multiple times he was off the roster to screw but she just won’t take the hint.
Marianna sat in the kitchen watching Athena follow around Cody like a lost dog within the streets & noticed she laughed way to hard at one of his jokes he would make with Randy & Sasha knew Cody wasn’t THAT funny. She turned to Marianna & put on an annoying high pitched voice mocking the girl that was once her friend “Ohh my gosh! Of course I’ll screw you when your feeling bored and lonely Cody! Even though I fucked half of the house and probably the entire city of Miami because that’s the slut I am!! I’ll even act like your best friend & cheer you on to get someone you miss so bad and go behind your back to fuck that same person!” Marianna laughed in amusement while everyone’s attention turned to Sasha.
Athena scoffed crossing her arms “Is there a problem Sasha?” Cody raised a brow as he watched the two “I’m sorry did you not like my joke? Maybe it was a little bit too real for you huh?” Sasha faked pity & frowned poking her bottom lip out before Athena rolled her eyes “Your just mad because Cody fucked me more because he wanted to touch me instead of someone as repulsing as you.” Sasha widened her eyes & laughed “You wanna talk about repulsing but you fuck half of the state of Florida? Okay Athena. Okay. Maybe I should probably give you a very in depth reminder on what he’s done with me rather than you because I actually have meaning to him.” Sasha pushed Marianna out of her way gently while strutting over to Cody & Athena “Pull your shirt up.” Cody furrowed his brows “Sash-“ “Pull. Your fucking. Shirt up.” Cody glared and tugged his shirt up revealing his chest as Sasha placed her nail right next to her name that was cut into his skin “Bet he didn’t let you do that to him did he? Let you claim him as yours?”
“Hell did he even cut his initials on you in 3 different places?” She tilted her head with a confused look on her face while Athena was starting to show off her anger & envy as Sasha got in her face “You also have a lot of fucking nerve on you to come into MY mothers house, act like your big tough shit to her daughter who has more control over you than your own fucking parents combined & act like your gonna do something whenever I offend you. Let me make it abundantly clear for you Thena. You’re a passed around play thing that’s only a good fuck when someone’s frustrated or just in general horny. The only reason why you’re here right now is because we have pity for you. But keep in mind that you will never be me, you will never have Cody & own him the way I do & you are not a goddamn Ricci because if you were, You’d bring some shame to this goddamn family & business.” Cody grabbed Sasha’s shoulder pulling her away “That’s enou-“ she looked at him and snickered looking at him up and down before turning her attention back to Athena “Get out of my face Athena.”
She huffed and puffed looking around for defense but everyone sat silent besides Marianna. She was smirking sitting on the table dangling her fingers at her and blowing her a kiss mouthing the words ‘Bye Bye’ before Randy gave her a look and a light pat on the thigh as a warning to stay out of this. Cody glared over at Sasha “What the fuck was that?” She raised a brow “I was putting her in her place what do you mean ‘What the fuck was that’ Cody?” He scoffed shaking his head “Seriously? Telling her that she’s all good for sex & how she will never mean anything to me?” Sasha glared and crossed her arms before rolling her neck side to side while letting out a breathy laugh “Of course you’d be the type to carve your fucking name on my body & have me do the same to yours and proceed to tell me I own you as much as you own me just for you to defend Athena & stick your dick back down her throat.” She spat her harsh words at him while Marianna furrowed her brows and almost spoke up against Cody to defend her bestfriend but Randy gave her another look before Sasha scoffed “Fuck you Cody. You’re just as much of a whore as she is.” Seth watched his sister storm off while Cody turned to him for defense but he shook his head “You can’t just cut your name into my sisters skin & expect her to not have a little bit of possessiveness over you towards someone who’s been a problem like this for over 4 years.”
Cody furrowed his brows before walking off towards Athenas room to formally & privately apologize on Sasha’s behalf but realized Sasha saw as she was walking towards the front door & stared directly at him before picking up a pair of keys from the bowl that laid next to the door where people often put their wallet, Keys or even other things before entering the house completely Cody’s face dropped & soon sprinted down the stairs but she was out of the house. Already in the drive way with a key & walking towards the car Cody had owned which meant it was luxurious “Don’t you do it Goddamnit!” He shouted as everyone followed behind him but Sasha also noticed a bat that laid next to a bush & immediately went off to go grab it “Sasha knock it off!” Barbra shouted pushing past Cody & Seth & went to stop her daughter but she was faster & immediately smashed the bat into gis windshield and pointed it in his direction “I’m sick of your fucking games Cody! I’m sick of you acting like I mean something to you but then when I hurt your little fuck toys feelings by calling her out on what she is I’m such a fucking problem!” She shouted while Cody rushed towards her & tried grabbing out for her wrist but she immediately slammed the bat into the hood of his car
“Sasha knock it off & talk to me about this like a grown fucking woman!” “FUCK YOU! I showed you my vulnerability I let you CARVE your name into my skin & you just continue to fuck me over!” She screamed at him & eventually Randy leaned into Mari’s ear as the two shouted at each other “Do what you need to do.” She nodded at him and walked towards Sasha pushing Cody away “You need to leave her alone & just stop fucking talking. You’ve done enough.” She warned him while turning to Sasha & looking at her with a soft expression and taking the bat & keys away from her as gently as possible “c’mere..” Sasha then finally let her walls down for her best friend and cried on her shoulder while Cody stood in guilt before she saw Athena walk out which brought back all of that rage & make Sasha shove past Mari & get in Athena’s smug face “What kind of fucking friend are you!? This isn’t even about Cody this was about You & Me and our friendship and how you fucked that up & if you didn’t wanna be friends the. FINE because I don’t wanna fucking be your friend.” Marianna frowned & held Sasha’s shoulder before making her walk past everyone & go back inside. The two sat down on the staircase & Mari just held Sasha who was crying with frustration & confusion “I’m s-so sick of it! He puts me through hell & now she’s fucking him!? W-What the fuck Mari! When is it gonna end!” She sniffled while the brunette frowned running her hands down Sasha’s back.
Barbra breathed heavily & diverted her stare onto Athena “Was this your doing? Did you cause this damn fight!?” Athena stood there in shock & held her mouth agape while Barbra slammed her hands against her chest pushing her down onto the ground “You have a lot of nerve to come into this business, this family & make MY daughters life hell when she came to you with welcoming arms.” She scolded while Athena stayed speechless. Randy gently held Barbs arm “Don’t. It’s not worth yelling for.” She looked over at him & nodded while looking back over at the man who caused her daughter heartbreak “Your a pathetic excuse for a man.” She spat harsh words at him before turning & kicking Athena out of her way before walking inside to comfort her child.
Weeks after that Cody suffered in silent treatment from not only his bestfriend Seth but also Sasha. She wouldn’t even argue with him & annoy him like she usually does, it was as if she pretended he wasn’t there. One night she sat on the porch after dinner & drank out of her single wine bottle.
6 years ago…
Sasha & Cody sat together on the pier of Miami beach enjoying each others embrace while she swirled the promise ring he gave her many months ago around her finger she just pushed 19 & him 20, for the last 3 years they had been dating after meeting each other in high-school. They were so well connected to each other & related on many a things throughout their relationship. Their families were both within a fucked up mafia like business. When both of them couldn’t handle the way their lifestyles worked some days they were the only people that could comfort one another.
She leaned her head against his shoulder tracing shoulders against his back while he held her close just as the sun was setting & reflecting off of the ocean “One day I’m gonna get us out of here Sash’ I’m gonna get us out of here, start a new life somewhere quiet & calm and put a permanent ring on that finger.” She smiled looking up at him & interlocked her hand with his “You think we’ll love each other like this forever Codes?” She was such a sweet girl, her voice soft & relaxed, “I know we will sweet girl, for as long as we both live.”
If only it were true, after the sun officially set he took her home 2 hours after her curfew & she laughed as he tried climbing through her window as easy as she did “Cody we could’ve gone through the door.” He shook his head chuckling as he finally made it through her window before holding her waist “Your mom would’ve killed me if she saw me walk through that door especially when we’re getting here fashionably late for your curfew baby y’know this.” She smiled shrugged and pressing her gentle kiss against his lips “I love you Cody.” “I love you more angel, forever and always.”
She was so love sick for him that a month after that night where he broke up with her she changed forever, she was never able to love anyone the way she loved her Cody. She felt broken & lost without him and slowly began to resent & hate him for the way he left this affect on her
Present Day..
She felt Cody’s presence behind her & turned around a bit before looking away while he sighed sitting down next to her “What happened to us Sash?” He asked softly and looked at her while she avoided the eye contact “It wasn’t supposed to be like this sweetheart, WE weren’t supposed to be like this.” Sasha looked over at him & put her hair up while he kept talking “It was a stupid mistake the way we ended things sash’ we had a good thing going on & I just fucked it all up instead of fighting harder” Sasha shook her head “Maybe we just weren’t meant to be together Cody. We would’ve ended up in this current situation together or not.” He frowned shaking his head “Baby don’t say that..” Sasha scowled at the pet name “Don’t call me that.” She warned, Cody sighed and tried grabbing ahold of her hand but she got up & started walking back inside the house & hid herself away into her bedroom while her phone was ringing. Roman.
She picked up the call & swiftly shut her door locking it behind her “Have you thought over my offer yet Doll?” She hummed, A few nights ago Roman had gotten in touch offering her a place within his own gig within the drug business & utter control over anything she wanted unlike what she had in her family’s business. She wouldn’t have to face Cody everyday, she wouldn’t have to put up with Athena’s bullshit, it was like starting a clean slate. “I have. I would like to take up your offer.” She heard his devious chuckle before he told her she was to be expected at his manor by the morning & hung up.
She made her way downstairs into her mother & Randy’s office & gave them an update on Roman calling her as they had already knew about his offer, “If you feel comfortable enough going through with the plan then I’ll allow you to make your way over there tomorrow & do what you need to do..” Randy spoke as he leaned his entire body weight on his desk. Randy & Barbra had been told about this stunt Roman was pulling on Sasha and they had decided to make a plan by having her “go through with the offer” & turning on him just to get the information the Ricci’s needed on Roman.
Cody leaned against the wall near the office listening in & once Sasha finished her discussion with Randy & her mother and she walked out Cody grabbed her arm and walked off while she smacked his hand “What the fuck?! Cody let me go! I don’t have time for any of your games damnit!” He wouldn’t budge & dragged her outside into the backyard “What the fuck was that about Sasha?” She glared in confusion “Oh your fucking eavesdropping now?” He nodded putting his hands in his hips hooking his fingers against the belt wrapped around his pants “Yes, Yes I fucking am because I heard a very familiar name & I’m pretty sure it was Romans, Sasha for the love of fucking god don’t go through with this dumb shit it’s going to end horribly.” She crossed her arms as she grimaced at him “I’m getting really sick of you trying to control my own decisions Cody, Seriously, it’s fucking annoying.” Cody smacked his hands against his legs and paced in a circle for a quick minute trying to speak but she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt “Shut your mouth for 1 damn minute & save me the goddamn scolding of a life time okay? I’m going through with the plan and your not stopping me.” She shoved him out of her way and made her way back inside
Sasha spent the next day going over some things with Roman & getting used to the new atmosphere. Her gut tried telling her this was a horrible idea but she refused to listen. Roman sat her down in an office and cleared his throat. “We know you killed one of my men Doll. And usually I don’t appreciate that disrespect but I noticed that you are damn good at your job. I want you to be one of my hitmen, interrogators & top sellers. How does that sound?” She tilted her head “What’s in it for me?” He hummed digging through his desks drawers & then slammed a stack of cash on the table in her face “10,000 dollars each kill, sound good enough for you?” She picked up and flicked her thumb against the cash & jotted her head in his direction “20,000” “Deal.” She smiled & stood up & Shook his hand “A deals a deal.” Roman grinned before running his hand down her cheek “Your going to be the greatest addition to this business. You will not be taken for granted Sasha. Let’s put the past behind us starting today yeah?”
Randy was blowing up her phone for an update but she didn’t pick up. In fact this is where they started to not hear from her for 3 whole weeks. Everyone tried contacting Sasha but it was radio silence on her part so..Seth ended up calling roman to make a fair deal over some drug sale & had set a meeting place in a parking garage but she knew it was their way of trying to get her back as the realization hit for them that Sasha was actually going through with the offer Roman gave her.
Roman & Sasha waited in the parking garage for this “drug deal” but just as one of their cars began pulling in she grabbed Romans shoulder softly as she slowly realized it was only one of them attending this deal & that gave her the confirmation she needed that they were indeed trying to get her back. “You go home. I know their tricks & pawns. Let me deal with this alright?” Roman huffed thinking about it before giving in & following her directions stepping into his car & driving off. Just as the black Porsche pulled into a stop & parked in between the two white lines Cody got out of the car while Sasha stood her ground, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket while he sighed “Really Sasha? Turning on us now? Is that what Ricci’s do?” She shrugged “I don’t know. But since you like to act like your a Ricci when you’re not how by the way, about you tell me that yourself Cody, do we do that?” He winced at her words & dramatically put a hand over his chest “Your words truly hurt me sweetheart.” He spoke in a sarcastic tone.
“Why are you doing this Sasha, seriously, why? Your smarter than this yet your acting like a fucking dumbass turning your back on us for someone who’s going to turn his back on you. She clenched her jaw as she observed his body language & every detail of his face “He has more to offer to me than any of you, I mean seriously Cody, do you understand how fucked it is for your mother to know how badly her daughters first love broke her but yet still recruits him? That’s pretty fucked if I do say so myself but you wouldn’t understand because your ego’s as high as the clouds and your head is busy shoved up your own ass you don’t even realize how much your presence itself affects me.” Cody frowned before looking down and running his fingers against his jaw. He nodded looking up trying to reach his hand out to her but immediately she acted fast
Just as he stepped a few inches closer Sasha pulled a pistol out of her coat & pressed it against his head with a plain face “Not another step.” She said slowly as he chuckled with an amused smile on his head “That’s a new move. Go on Sasha. Since you apparently have the balls to pull a gun on me now do it. Shoot me.” Sasha froze at his words but eventually noticed he was being dead serious. “You have the guts to pull a gun on me then you must have the guts to shoot me right? Go on sweetheart, pull the trigger, right here, right now.”
She glared as he placed his hand over hers & scooted her finger towards the trigger “Do. It.” Fuck.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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opposums-love-arson · 8 months
Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
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Chapter 5
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
P.S. lmk if y'all would like to be added to the tag list
  “Sidney Prescott and (y/n) (l/n) both escaped a vicious attack last night but one of them is the daughter of Maurine Prescott, who was brutally murdered last year when convicted killer Cotton Weary broke into their home and savagely raped and tortured the deceased. Cotton Weary is currently awaiting an appeal for the death sentence, handed down after the young Sidney testified against him…” The reporter just went on and on through the tv screen. Tatum was rubbing Sid’s arm as a sign of everything will be okay. I held Sid’s hand to signify the same message, gently squeezing it so she knows she’s not alone. “It’s never going to stop is it?” She asked with a small chuckle. 
As Dewey sat across from us he notified, “Billy was released.”
Sidney’s face faltered once she heard this, I think she’s still afraid of it all. I on the other hand slouched back with a wave of relief. 
“His celular bill was clean, he didn’t make those calls,” Dewey said as he sat back in the chair, “We’re checking every celular account in the county. Any calls made to you two or Casey Becker are being cross referenced, it’s going to take some time but we’ll find 'em.” 
I squeezed Sid’s hand again and Tatum lightly punched her arm. “Okay,” was all Sid could really say right now. 
“We’ve got this, Sis.” I said to her with a small smile. 
  I guess pulling up to school in a patrol car was cool? Kind of gave a real “Back off” vibe when we stepped on the school grounds. “Don’t worry girls, it’s school. You’ll be safe here.” Dewey reassured us...but if there’s a possibility that the killer is another student, is it really all that safe? Reporters swarmed us once Sid and I were completely out of the car. One woman going as far as asking, “So how does it feel to be almost brutally butchered?” Seriously what thee fuck? Sid and Tatum walked ahead of me right as I was ready to hook it to another reporter like I did to Gale. Sadly enough though I was stopped by two pairs of arms holding me back while my legs went swinging.
“Let me at ‘em!” I exclaimed to my mystery captors. 
“Not a chance little Nancy Thompson,” I could hear Randy’s voice from my left. 
“Yeah these reporters are worse than any Freddy Kruger!” And then there was Stu’s cackle from the right. 
“Fine screw it, I just don’t want to see anymore of them haggling Sid again.” I said as I slightly jumped out at the flock of reporters. 
“Uh, where did Sid go anyways” I asked the two boys as I spun around. Finally seeing her talking to Weathers I tried to beeline but Stu held me back. 
“Dude, (y/n) slow your roll. Syd’s just talking to her,” Stu said as he secured me against his chest. I did my best to hide the red embarrassment all over my face. 
“Yeah probably fixing the mess you made last night,” Randy said as he rolled my eyes. 
His words struck something in me, I just calmed down and stopped fight Stu’s hold, if anything I was holding myself now. 
Stu punched Randy in the arm before said, “Way to go man.” 
“Wha- I-” Randy was about to pick his own fight with Stu again. 
I beat them to it when I turned around still in Stu’s grasp and said, “No he’s right, what I did last night was reckless and now Sidney is the one who has to clean it up.” I leaned my head on Stu’s chest. 
“C’mon (y/n), it wasn’t that bad?” Randy backpedaled on his words to try and make me feel better but lets face it, when you punch someone on national tv… it’s pretty bad. 
  At our lockers we waited around for the bell to ring. “This is a mistake, we shouldn't be here,” Sid said as she gathered her books. I’m honestly with her on that, it’s a total scare fest in the halls today. “I want you to meet me right here after class, okay Sid?” Tatum addressed my step sister but left me out of the question. Peaking my head over my locker door I arched an eyebrow. “I’ll walk you out of class (y/n),” Stu pipped in before looking at himself in a mirror. “Yeah okay Chicken Stew,” I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh at my own pun. I thought Stu would’ve laughed but before he could Sid said, “Hey I haven’t really seen Billy around, is he really pissed?” What the fuck Sidney? I thought. “Oh after you branded him the Candyman? No, his heart’s broken!” Stu exclaimed, earning a punch from Tatum. He said “ow” as Tatum said his name in a stern frustrated manner. 
  Someone came running down the hall in what’s now been dubbed the ‘Ghostface’ costume as they screamed bloody murder while jumping out at people. I let out a squeal before grabbing hold of Stu’s tan and white over shirt. Feeling heat rise up to my face I quickly let go and lightly brushed out my hair to compose myself. Stu turned around and pinched my cheeks, “Awe is (y/n) scewed of da big bad boo-gy man?” I swatted his hands away while saying, “Given recent events, yeah obviously.” Shuffling past Stu and over to Sid I notice his expression change for a split second for playful to envious. “Come on (y/n), you punched Gale Weathers on live news, I think you’ll be fine if you get yelled at by a kid in a costume,” Tatum said as she playfully rolled her eyes with a smirk. I couldn’t take it anymore, whether it was the embarrassment, the fear, the secrets, or the regret. I just couldn’t. I ran off from the group as both Tatum and Sid shouted after me. 
  As I ran down the hall I bumped into another figure. 
“Shit!” I exclaimed as I pushed off of them. 
“Hey it’s just me,” I heard an all too familiar voice say to me.
 “Oh-oh… Billy,” I said as I backed away. 
Waving his index finger between us he asked, “You still think it’s me?” 
I reassure him I don’t by saying, “No, I don’t I was just shocked to see you.” As I fiddled with my shirt. 
“I swear it’s not me (y/n),” Billy said stepping forward. 
Looking up at him I said, “I know Billy, there was still someone in the house that night though. So can you please-” I cut myself off seeing the lack of inches in the space between Billy and I. 
“I know, I know, the cops say I scared him away. It wasn’t me (y/n).” He said as he looked down at me a little. 
“I know, he called us again when we were at Tatum’s…” 
“See! Couldn’t have been me, I was in jail,” Billy said as he turned over his hands to reveal inky fingerprints. “Remember?” 
“I’m sorry, but please understand,” I started as I looked up. 
“Understand what? My girlfriend and her little step sister would rather accuse me of being a psychopathic killer than touch me?” Billy looked back down at me, I could smell the spearmint gum roll off his breath. 
“You know that’s not true…” I said as I knitted my eyebrows together and grabbed a hold of his arm. 
“Then what is it?” He asked, hurt and confusion heard in his voice.
“Billy, Sid and I were attacked and nearly filleted last night?!” I asked, slightly appalled he’d even ask as if it weren’t clear. 
“I mean between us…” Billy said as his eyes stared down into my soul with an intensity I’ve never seen before. 
“What do you mean between us?” I asked at this point very confused as I let go of him and take a step back. 
“Isn't it obvious (y/n)? For the past five months, the smirks, the glances, the nudging, the little notes, Stu and I being practically all over you?” Billy said as he used his free hand that wasn’t on the banister to wave around. 
“No it wasn’t obvious! I mean Stu I knew about but you?! Billy, you’re my sister’s boyfriend!” I exclaimed, getting justifiably annoyed and upset. 
“Not anymore, she practically broke up with me the night at the station!” He raised his voice, making me flinch a little, he must’ve noticed since he let his body relax a little. 
“Look Billy I’ve had a crush on you and Stu for months but I know for sure this isn’t the way to go about things. Sidney didn’t say she broke up with you and I’m not going to just be a rebound to make her jealous.” I said resting my hand above his on the banister. 
Billy scoffed before saying, “(y/n), be real here Sid doesn’t want to see me anymore and like I said, the past five months…” Billy let his words trail off as he came closer to me, placing his hand on my forearm. Just like at the lockers my head was racing and everything felt so wrong, I just couldn’t take it. I just stepped away, shaking my head while I walked off letting Billy shout my name. 
Turning around to look at him I said, “I’m sorry if me having good morality for my sister’s relationship is an inconvenience to you and your perfect existence!” I exclaimed before turning back round. 
“What? What do yo- Nobody said that, (y/n)!” Billy shouted after me but it just faded out as I ran away. 
Stomping my way into the bathroom I make my way over to one of the sinks, I dig in my backpack for an aspirin or something. 
“They were never attacked, I think they made it all up,” I heard one of the bathroom stalls say. 
“Why would they lie about that?” A girl in another stall asked
“For attention, the girl and her sister have some serious issues!” The first girl replies. 
Part of me wanted to hide in the bathroom stall like the sad girls in the movies always did but then I remembered, this is life. In life you just gotta roll with the punches, so I’m doing just that, except this time I might punch back. Right when the two walk out of the stalls their faces dropped. Yeah I assumed seeing the face of one of your gossip subjects will do that to ya. I kept staring at them as they washed their hands, too scared to even look in my general direction. As they walked out I did that stupid petty way where you swish your fingers up and down. Finally I can cry in peace, I thought as I walked into an empty stall. Deciding that the short few seconds I’ve been in here were enough for me to feel refreshed I walk out, my eyes red and puffy while my lashes stick together. 
“Pathetic,” I said into the mirror. I always thought I held myself to a higher standard than this, not really with the crying thing. More so with the Stu and Billy thing… 
I don’t have time to think about it much when I hear a strange noise in the restroom. Getting low to the ground I check underneath all the stalls. Empty. Looking around I notice a loud vent in the wall, that must’ve been it. As I go back to shuffling around my bag I could’ve sworn I heard someone whisper my name. Maybe it’s better to ignore it? Slowly and carefully I get back down low to check again. This time I’m met with a pair of beat up leather work boots dropping down from the stall. “Oh shit,” I whispered to myself. 
  The stall door unlatches quickly and I try to make a run for it but I’m caught by the Ghostface. 
Thrashing around as he holds back my arms I asked, “Alright real funny, who is it? Stu, Rand, Billy? If this is some sort of pay back then it won’t work!” The man behind  the mask said nothing, but he violently jerked my face to the bathroom mirror. “What?” I ask, my face clearly showing malevolence towards whoever it is pulling the prank. That was until he pulled out an eight-inch long hunting knife. He slowly and lightly dragged the knife along my torso, from the collar of my cropped shirt all the way down to the button of my low rise jeans, applying extra pressure near my zipper. “Ya’ know if I wasn’t so skeptical about you trying to kill me right now we could probably take this in a very different direction,” I said as a more matter-of-factly sentence. I’m not sure if this shocked the masked murderer or gave him a change of heart but his grip loosen and I BOOKED IT!  I slammed the bathroom door open passing by a couple of teachers but I really just wanted to get the hell out of here. 
  After calming down a little bit I got outside of the school just quick enough to hear Principal Himbry say, “Attention now kids, due to the recent events that have occurred effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice,” Holy shit, “The Woodsboro police department has issued a citywide curfew beginning at nine o’clock tonight.” The whooping and hollering cheers that were so loud just a second ago died down into monotone boos. At least we’re out of school? 
“It was just some sick fuck having a laugh, sue me.” Tatum said as she rolled her eyes at me. 
“No, it was him Tatum I know it. Or else he wouldn’t have had a huge ass hunting knife!” I exclaimed in a huff. 
“Okay well, you're not to be alone anymore. If you pee, we all pee. Is that clear?” Asked Tatum
Sid and I looked each other up and now simultaneously say, “Ew, please no.”
Spooking up from behind us was Stu as he blabbered nonsensical words that most likely would’ve made sense if we were paying attention. 
“I don’t know what you did girls,” He said handing each of us flowers, “but on behalf of the entire student body we all say THANK YOU!” Stu shouted full force from his lungs.
“Stop it Stu,” Tatum said as she hit him with the little purple flower. 
I was so distracted by the two that I didn’t notice Stu change targets and come barreling towards me, hoisting me over his shoulder. 
“Stu! Oh my god asshole! I’d like to be returned to the security of my feet on the ground!” I shout at I hit his back with my palms. 
In the midst of my one sided battle Stu announces, “To celebrate this impromptu fall break, I propose we have a party. Tonight at my house!” 
Looking over to my right I see my step sister’s face contort into an emotion of unease, “Are your sure?” 
“Yeah as long as this little vixen doesn’t invite the entire world!” Stu exclaims as he motions to his girlfriend who is currently keeping me company by swinging my free hand. 
Stu goes on by saying, “Intimate gather, intimate friends,” whilst poking my thigh right below my ass. He should be glad Tatum didn’t see that one. 
“What do you say Sid? I mean pathos could have it’s perks?” Tatum piped up just as Stu let me down. Now Tatum and I have switched spots beside Stu. 
“Could totally protect you, yo I’m so buff, I got you covered bro!” Stu does a macho man impersonation as he twirls around Tatum. 
I fall a little back from the group, wondering if Billy will be there… he most likely will, won’t he? 
“I mean c'mon Sid? (Y/n), you with me? It could be fun.” Tatum says as she turns to us both. 
While the girls were focused on each other Stu looked over at me and snapped me out of my thoughts, literally. The loud noise made me look up. 
“Huh?” I asked, looking at the trio in front of me. 
“The party (y/n), you in?” Tatum asked as Stu kissed her neck
“Yeah fine, whatever. I’m in,” I said as I walked up in front of them. 
“Niiice,” Stu growled out, “Cool, you guys bring food, alright?” 
I don't know what it was but Stu did something which prompted me to shout, “You’re being weird Stu!” 
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capturecharlesau · 1 month
What other cool au’s have you made/know about?
AH!! :D Obviously my love for my Captured Charles AU is TOP TEIR FOR ME HEHEHEHE but I do have another and it’s my TLD!AU aka Toppat Leader Danny! AU :D
In this AU Danny is the Toppat Leader AND Reginald is his secretary and Crusher by @jaytoons7 is obviously Dan’s right hand man and husband :) In this AU all the Toppat Leaders live at the same time to help give advice to Danny as well as Reggie! And Randy is Danny’s servant/jester and rightfully so since he tried to kill and screw Danny over!
Danny is kind but he’s more snooty yet elegant in this lol
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He also saved Crusher from the mafia by killing and wiping out the mafia (kinda how Wilford did in my CC!AU)
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This is my second favorite AU I made :)
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sydsaint · 6 months
back at it again with sexy hyprocrite man
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Summary; The reader tries their best to stay away from Punk. But the mans charm and charisma is undeniable, and maybe even irresistible.
"Don't you dare shake his hand?" You mumble to yourself backstage. 
Out in the ring, live on Raw, CM Punk stands with Adam Pearce. Pearce holds an exclusive Raw contract in his eager hands. He already lost Randy to Nick Aldis on Smackdown. So he can't lose Punk. No matter what. 
"You alright, Y/N?" Seth sees the distressed look on your face as he's passing through the room and decides to see what's up. 
"Hmm?" You turn away from the monitor. "Oh, hey, Seth." You greet him. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...him." You nod to the monitor. 
Rollins glances at the TV and chuckles. "So you're not on the Punk bandwagon either huh?" He asks you. 
"Yeah...not really." You chuckle, your mind heavy with thoughts of your eventful weekend. 
It's been about a month since Punk made his triumphant return to WWE. And he's been the talk of the wrestling world since. Both bad and good opinions regarding his return. You knew Punk 10 years ago during his original run in the WWE. And it's safe to say that he hasn't changed much. Sure, he's older and debatably more wise than before. But to you, he's the same old self-centered charmer that he was 10 years ago. An egotistical man that knows the power he holds over his fans. Especially the women. And that long list of fangirls that are unable to resist that charming smile and puppy-dog eyes includes you. 
"Well, great minds tend to think alike." Rollins jokes with you. 
You and Seth stand and chat for a few minutes, and thoughts of having to deal with Punk on a weekly basis exit your mind. That is until that enticing voice of his carries into the room while Seth is chatting with you about his new opponent for his title belt. 
"Y/N, sweetheart. What a pleasure it is running into you here." Punk saunters over to you once he comes through the curtain. "I missed you over the weekend, gorgeous. You must have slipped out while I was in the shower. Which was lame, by the way. I had the perfect breakfast plans for us." He explains with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
"The weekend?" Seth furrows his brows at you. "Breakfast?"
You bite your lip in embarrassment and frustration. When Punk showed up at Survivor Series last month the last thing you thought was that you'd end up back in the bastard's clutches. But here you are. 
"You're an insufferable asshole." You grit your teeth at Punk. 
"And you'll be in my hotel room tonight screaming my name regardless." Punk replies with a wink. 
Seth turns fully to you with a perplexed look. "You're sleeping with him, Y/N?" He asks you. 
"Yeah...kind of." You nod. 
"Oh, she's sleeping with me all right." Punk laughs, clearly having fun. "And she's enjoying every second of it." 
You roll your eyes and meet Punk's gaze. "Screw you, Phillip." You cut your eyes at him. 
"All you have to do is ask, sweetheart." Punk replies. "And now that I'm officially a member of the Raw roster we can have a lot more quality time together." He adds. 
"Yeah, I'm going to take off." Seth steps back. "I'll see you later, Y/N." He pats your back with a friendly smile before walking off. 
You nod to Seth and watch him walk off before you turn back to Punk. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" You ask him with an accusatory glare. 
"More than you know, sweetheart." Punk grins. "Now! You and me? My locker room?" He licks his lips. "Or do you want to wait for tonight where you can put those lungs to good use?" He asks you. 
"I hate you so fucking much." You groan and roll your eyes at him. 
Punk continues to grin at you. "And that's why the sex is so good." He chuckles. "So come on." He reaches out and grabs your chin gently, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. "Let's go have some fun." 
"I've got work." You swat his hand away. 
"Too bad." Punk frowns. "Sex after listening to the crowd is always more fun." He teases you. 
You bite your lip again, frustrated with yourself. Why does he have to be so charismatic? Why do you have to be so addicted to him? Why him? Of all people? Why, CM Punk?'
You spend the rest of your night at work thinking about Punk, much to your dismay of course. But try as you might, he's got his hooks in you good this time. There's no escaping his charms and undeniable cavorka. Not this time. 
After the show, you head back to the hotel and are making your way to your room when you remember the one that Punk is staying in. It's on the same floor as yours conveniently. And you have to pass his in order to get to yours. Almost like he planned it. 
"Come on Y/N." You scold yourself when you find yourself stopped in front of his door. 
Hating yourself on the inside, but unable to stop yourself, you knock on the door. 
"Well well well, look who finally decided to show up?" Punk answers the door almost immediately. 
"I hate you." You complain but step toward the door anyway. 
"I know." Punk laughs and outstretches a tattooed arm. 
He loops a finger through the loop of your jeans and yanks you inside the room. The gesture makes your heart skip a beat. 'He's so fucking hot.' You think to yourself. 'Just one more time.' You tell yourself. 'One last night and then I'm done.' You insist silently. 
But you've always had a bad habit of lying to yourself at times like this, haven't you? 
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f1nalboys · 1 year
Premature - Randy Meeks
Randy Meek x GN!Reader
just. randy cumming in his pants. :3
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WARNINGS: nsfw, premature ejaculation, reader and randy are drunk, dry humping, randy cums in his jeans <3, slightly switch randy (subby in the beginning and a bit more 'dom' in the end,) cursing, i just really need randy badly yall. proofread but prob some mistakes in there
You can taste the alcohol on his swollen lips, his beer bottle still in his hand, resting on the couch beside his spread thighs. He’s letting you take the lead and his head is swimming and Randy isn’t really sure he would be able to breathe if you pulled away from him. You’re in his lap, grinding your hips down to meet his own with each kiss, fingers tangled in his hair. 
“Fu-fuck,” He says, pulling away for a second to allow his head to tip to the side. He’s painfully hard, adams apple dipping with a thick swallow. You attach your lips to his neck, can feel his heart hammering from his pulse, and his free hand is gripping your hip so tight that if you were sober it probably would’ve hurt. But you’re not and neither is Randy and his skin feels like it’s being lit on fire with each press of your lips. “God, you’re so fu-ucking good to me.”
His voice catches when you sink your teeth into the flesh of his neck, moaning when you soothe the mark with your tongue. His hips are bucking up into you as if he trying to fuck you despite the layers of clothing still between you. “Please,” You whisper against his skin, the heat between you two feeling as though it’s burning, melting. “Please, please, need you, please.”
“Keep going,” He whines and you know he’s close, can feel it from how his eyes are screwed shut and his breath is hitching in his throat and fuck, he doesn’t want you to stop, he’s begging you not to, hurried whispers under his breath. “Don’t stop, need it, so good. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, please, baby, Y/N, please let me cum.”
How could you ever deny him when he sounds so pretty, so desperate, so pathetic? You tell him to cum with a harsh grind of your hips and your lips nipping at his pulse; you need to hear him. He does so loudly, a whine that rips through his entire body, and his hips sputter. You can just barely make out the sound of the beer bottle falling onto the floor as Randy drops it, both of his hands dragging up your shirt, cold against your hot flesh, the feeling of your skin on his making his pleasure increase tenfold.
Randy holds you tight against him, his heart still beating quickly but his breathing evening out, and you can’t help but grin when you pull back just enough to see his face. His cheeks are bright pink and he has beads of sweat on his forehead, eyelashes wet with tears that have yet to spill. “You came,” You say matter-of-factly, ready to tease him for it, when he blinks up at you. There’s a bit of a far off look in his eyes and he’s smiling so sweetly, a hint of a dimple in his cheeks.
“Yeah, I did,” He sighs, leaning forward and nuzzling his nose against your neck. “Made me make such a mess, baby,” His voice dips an octave and it sends a shiver down your spine. “Gonna help me clean it up, won’t you?”
“You’re ready for another round already?”
“Can’t you tell?” And then he’s tentatively grinding up against you once more and he’s hard again, straining against his underwear and jeans. “Got me so fucking riled up, baby… I love you.” It’s a silly time for him to admit it, after cumming in his jeans, but he means it and that’s what matters. You slide off of him and drop to your knees, fingers fumbling with his belt. “And I love you.”
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