#I bet he’s totheark you know
sunnytheopossum · 2 months
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Here’s yet another Marble Hornets character lineup! This time featuring the first half of the comic book characters, Jessica, Taylor, Sydney, and Dan. Is it canon that Sydney is non-binary or did I make that up? I have no idea, but I gave them a little nb flag on their bracelet anyway. Screw canon, I make the rules.
Also I drew Jess in her casual clothes rather than her uniform (even though her uniform is more recognizable) bc I think her uniform looks goofy and I don’t plan on ever drawing it, so using it for this ref would be kinda pointless.
Tomorrow I will finally be finishing off the last ref sheet including Skully, Adam, David, and our boy the slendy man.
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empresslesbiace · 3 years
Marble Hornets reaction #5 totheark edition!
Ok so like I said in the last post, I missed all totheark videos cause I totally forgot about them. I managed to find a timeline of the entirety of Marble Hornets. Idk how reliable it is, but I’m trusting it for now. The timeline is here: http://marblehornets.wikidot.com/comprehensive-timeline 
Regards: This was posted after Entry #9 was uploaded but before Entry #10. There isn’t much here just a lot of //// and the word “closely” at the end. 
Operator: This was posted after Entry #10 was uploaded but before Entry #11. “Lakes in stillness will take every life of the night” I think that’s what it said in the text on the video. Apparently this is missing audio from Entry #10? 
Deluge: This was posted after Entry #11 but before #12. No idea what it’s saying. Sounds like “It was” to me. And then “Watching you” in text. So.. “It was watching you” ?? Apparently some of the comments are saying it says Alex backwards but there are a lot of confusing takes. 
Impurity: Uploaded after Entry #12 but before #13. “Begin” with a ton of 0′s. This is binary right? I used to communicate with my friends through binary so I’m pretty sure that’s it. There are flowers and a storm? It’s kinda pretty tbh. A screen of 0′s with letters in some spaces. “There was more” is apparently what it says? Also a comment pointed this out but it says “The operator” right before the flowers cut out. 
Exit: Uploaded after #13 but before #14. Apparently someone filmed Jay when he went to get the battery from Alex’s car. I believe this was happening when Alex had a run in with the Operator and we saw the symbol in clear view for the first time. The flashing words are “Rat He Ore Top” which is actually an anagram for The Operator. At least I’m pretty sure. I didn’t refer to the comments for this one. Then at the end it says “Where is the Ark” Is the ark the red building or is my memory wrong? 
Program: After #14 but before #15. The letter S? Or is that some type of symbol for something? The comments aren’t really helping with this one lol. Bunch of binary again. “Bleed more” is this referencing Alex with his bloody face or the bloody sink in the house?? 
Advocate: After 15, before 16. “Tick Tock” I bet creepypasta fans freaked out over this. Unless Clockwork hadn’t been created at that point? I can’t remember. I know it has nothing to do with her at all but I thought it was funny. Also is that Brian's face? Tons of binary and I think someone in the comments said that some of it translated to “7″ which, apparently, is the entry this clip of Brian is from?? Not sure if its true but it’s worth mentioning. 
Addition: Uploaded after #16 but recorded during the entry itself. Someone recorded Jay’s coughing fit during the video. Rude. Idk what it was saying but the comments say its “Alex, Brian” just slowed down. It’s what Jay was yelling in the entry. It also says “See you” at the end. 
Signal: After 17 but before 18. It says, “Can’t wait till we’re alone together. Then I will tell you something new, something cold, something sleepy, something of cease and of peace on the long bright curve of space. Banish them- refuse to speak, leave them. Go upstairs to your room. I will be waiting for you. I will surround your bed. Close the windows so that none will never again be able to enter” I heard some of it but I got the rest from the comments. It also says “Come back, find me” at the end. Also the clips in the video are from the show Night Gallery, particularly the episode “Silent Snow, Secret Snow” from 1966. Credits to Hawdknoah on YouTube for figuring that out. I have no idea if it’s true or not cause I didn’t fact check this but I’m choosing to trust it for now. 
Messages: Now this was uploaded before entry 19 but took place after the events of entry 19 and the next totheark entry. It says, “Tell us. You have been keeping secrets. Smile for the camera.” And I’m guessing that’s a pic of Tim at the end. A hint to Tim being Masky? 
Imma stop here since I haven’t watched Entry #19 yet so I can’t continue with totheark till I’ve watched it. I’m going in order for everything (In order as in of the upload dates.) 
I have no idea how much of the information is correct or not. These are just my observations and commentary on it. Hope y’all enjoyed tho. 
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mysticalmothwings · 6 years
LMAO, okay, so i KNEW something about the new “Go Back to Sleep” reminded me of something besides the van video. I think we have an answer for the type of youtuber Darkiplier would be.
Obviously i’m joking, and I have HIGH doubts this was intentional, but i loved this idea so much that i had to share it.
For all you Slenderman fans out there, I bet you’ve seen or heard of Marble Hornets and EverymanHybrid. Y’all remember the ToTheArk videos from Marble Hornets? the “Go Back to Sleep” video seems like something straight out of that.
Seriously watch this video and tell me you don’t see the similarities. Here’s the playlist of all the ToTheArk videos if you want more proof. It just made me laugh that of all things that stuff related to Darkiplier would remind me of or could be referencing, IT WOULD BE THE SLENDERMAN WEB SERIES. I know a lot of Mark’s newer fans might not have seen vids from Mark’s early days, but Slenderman fangames use to be a big part of his channel. I have no idea if Mark has seen MH or EmH, but my god I would laugh so hard if VHS Edgelord is actually referencing Slenderman.
Now about the joke about what kind of videos Dark would make if he was a Youtuber? ToTheArk had a major impact on the horror content on Youtube. Almost every ARG references TTA/MH whether intentional or not. So what i’m saying is that Dark would totally run one of those creepy/edgy youtube channels/ARG channels that Horror channels like Reignbot or Scaretheater talk about and examine. I know, big shocker right? Lmao
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