#Dan Marble Hornets
sunnytheopossum · 5 months
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Here’s yet another Marble Hornets character lineup! This time featuring the first half of the comic book characters, Jessica, Taylor, Sydney, and Dan. Is it canon that Sydney is non-binary or did I make that up? I have no idea, but I gave them a little nb flag on their bracelet anyway. Screw canon, I make the rules.
Also I drew Jess in her casual clothes rather than her uniform (even though her uniform is more recognizable) bc I think her uniform looks goofy and I don’t plan on ever drawing it, so using it for this ref would be kinda pointless.
Tomorrow I will finally be finishing off the last ref sheet including Skully, Adam, David, and our boy the slendy man.
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Cinematic Parallels
DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime 04/01/2024 // Marble Hornets - Entry#49 09/07/2011
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red-documents-redo · 6 months
Some red documents pridecons! (Made using the epithet eraser picrew)
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cringefailkralie · 1 year
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do you see my vision. jaylex is danbert if they were film students instead of med students. (alex is herbet obvi)
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thedailyvio · 1 month
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Day 228
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fandom · 10 months
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Web Series
Featuring not one but two digital versions of a book published in 1897. Great job.
Critical Role
The QSMP Minecraft Server
Homestuck +2
The Welcome Home ARG
Dimension 20 +6
The Magnus Archives -1
Dracula Daily -5
Puppet History +22
Helluva Boss +1
The Limited Life SMP Minecraft Server
Welcome to Night Vale +16
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Dream SMP Minecraft Server -13
The Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cass Apocalyptic Series AU
Dungeons and Daddies +16
Generation Loss
Shen Comix +4
Ghost Files -12
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Game Changer
Dan and Phil
Re: Dracula
StarKid Productions +7
Minecraft Championship -15
Sanders Sides -14
The Double Life SMP Minecraft Server
Crow Time
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware -11
Hazbin Hotel -8
Tumblr Top 5
Marble Hornets +1
Mystery Files
The Adventure Zone -17
The New Life SMP Minecraft Server
Redacted ASMR -13
Defunctland +4
Eddsworld -12
Decked Out 2
Homestar Runner
Dimension 20: Dungeons and Drag Queens
Buzzfeed Unsolved -31
Unus Annus -22
The 3rd Life SMP Minecraft Server -29
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures -31
The Last Life SMP Minecraft Server -40
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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slendermanuniverse · 10 days
1/3 Analyse : L'opérateur de Marble Hornets !
Aujourd'hui nous faisons une analyse de l'Opérateur de la série qui a été à l'origine de nombreuses autres ensuite, Marble Hornets !! Il est bon de noter que selon certaines sources (j'ai pas su retrouver l'origine) les créateurs auraient affirmé que l'Opérateur, bien que très inspiré, est une créature différente du Slenderman. Je le traite cependant car cet ARG est un pilier du slenderverse !! Et sans plus tarder, allons dans le vif du sujet !!!
L'histoire de Marble Hornets en prenant pour point de départ l'Opérateur :
Le point de départ humain supposé du Slenderman de cet univers serait Alex Kralie, le réalisateur du film Marble Hornets dans l'univers en lui-même. On peut le penser grâce à l'entrée #37 où il fête son anniversaire en 1991 alors encore enfant, le symbole de l'Opérateur apparaît sur son visage puis il vient lui-même apparaître à la fin de la vidéo. On peut aussi considérer Tim Wright comme un point de départ différent et plus tardif mais ça relève plus de la supposition puisqu'il est admis en 1995 à l'hôpital psychiatrique pour des troubles qu'on connait grâce au doxxing sans honte de Jay Merrick, et qui ressemblent à des symptômes que l'on pourrait avoir en rencontrant l'Opérateur, en plus de ses crises d'épilepsie qui étaient déjà présentes.
C'est donc sans trop de risque qu'on peut estimer que l'Opérateur choisit ses victimes enfants avant de les suivre toute leur vie pour propager son influence dans leur entourage. Est-ce que le phénomène a été accentué parce que deux victimes se sont rejointes ?? C'est une question à se poser !!!
Suite à ça, l'Opérateur refait son apparition sur le set de Marble Hornets alors que deux infectés dès l'enfance sont présents. Jay Merrick confirmera ne pas se souvenir de certains événements pour lesquels l'Opérateur était pourtant présent pendant la période de tournage. La suite, nous la connaissons, l'Opérateur passera le reste de la série à tourmenter le cast jusqu'à leur mort ou leur échappatoire, que ce soit par la paranoïa et les effets néfastes qu'il cause, l'emprise qu'il semble avoir pris sur Alex et Tim lorsqu'il est sous l'identité de l'homme masqué, Brian Thomas complètement brisé mentalement au point de prendre l'identité de l'homme à capuche ou simplement sa présence. Tim et Jessica, rencontrée par Jay dans un hôtel et colocataire de la petite amie d'Alex, en sortent derniers survivants.
Ses pouvoirs avérés et supposés :
- La téléportation : On a pu observer qu'il était capable de se téléporter en emportant même des choses avec lui (surtout des corps)
- La "Maladie de l'Operateur" : Les personnes touchées se mettent à tousser fortement et à rejeter une substance sombre qui ressemble à du sang
- Le brouillage d'enregistrements : L'Opérateur peut altérer l'image et le son des enregistrements en les faisant "glitcher"
- La paranoïa maladive : Dur de dire si c'est la conséquence des évènements traumatique ou de l'Opérateur en lui-même, mais les gens à son contact finissent avec une grande paranoïa
- L'amnésie : Jay a expliqué plusieurs fois n'avoir aucune idée de ce qu'il a pu faire pendant des périodes prolongées de temps ou même avoir oublié des évènements passés
- Le contrôle mental : Comme vu avec Tim en tant que l'homme masqué et Alex que l'on peut supposer contrôlé en vu des horreurs qu'il a commis, l'Opérateur est capable dans une certaine mesure de contrôler l'esprit des humains.
- L'incapacité de le toucher : Encore une fois, dur de dire si c'est l'Opérateur en lui-même qui cause ça, mais la maladie qui l'entoure rend les gens trop faibles pour s'approcher assez et le toucher.
- La distorsion de la perception du temps : On a pu voir dans certaines entrées que le temps semble passer anormalement vite à certains moments, sûrement du fait de l'Opérateur
2/3 Théorie personnelle : La propagation et les distorsions !
Les théories :
Ma théorie pour l'Opérateur c'est qu'il propage son emprise par des virus ou des bactéries qu'il dégage un peu comme des phéromones pour contaminer les enfants en priorité.
Je pense aussi que les distorsions causées par l'Opérateur sont un moyen de se protéger pour ne pas être étudié ou que l'on comprenne des choses dans son fonctionnement grâce à des enregistrements.
Les éléments utilisés :
Les enfants ont un système immunitaire moins développés, donc ça ferait sens de les cibler si c'est quelque chose de biologique !! En plus des indices évidents comme le fait de tousser énormément quand on est proche de lui ou qu'on entre à son contact jusqu'à cracher du sang (?) comme si le corps cherchait désespérément à rejeter un parasite. Peut-être que c'est quelque chose qui agit sur le cerveau vu les réactions du cast ??
Pour les distorsions, on a pu voir que l'Opérateur ne se laisse jamais approcher à distance assez proche pour pouvoir le toucher, et qu'il semble avoir d'autres activités que de rendre les gens fous (il récupère des corps, par exemple, et stalk le cast). Ça le desservirait d'être observé trop en détail.
3/3 L'Opérateur : Dangerosité et conclusion !
Sa dangerosité :
Après tout ce que l'on vient de voir, mon avis sur la question est objectivement que c'est une créature extrêmement dangereuse si il vous trouve de l'intérêt ou si vous côtoyez une de ses victimes. Mais je pense que le plus dangereux c'est que l'on ne sait pas pourquoi il fait ça, si on connaissait les raisons de ses agissements on pourrait peut-être le stopper !! Le fait de ne pas pouvoir déduire sa psychologie est fatal.
Conclusion :
L'Opérateur est un être mystérieux mais avant tout dangereux. Il est difficile de savoir pourquoi il agit mais il est clair que d'un point de vue humain, il est néfaste et probablement inarrêtable. Sa présence dans la série a vraiment permis de développer le côté psychologique des personnages et c'est quelque chose que j'ai vraiment aimé !!! Mais je suis peut-être biaisée, Marble Hornets est le tout premier ARG Slenderverse que j'ai regardé. C'est donc la fin de ce billet sur l'Opérateur, j'espère qu'il vous a plu et que ça vous incitera à vous y intéresser de plus près si c'est pas déjà le cas !!!! (Mais j'espère que si, c'est plein de spoilers et l'ARG a 15ans)
Remerciements :
Merci à Troy Wagner et Joseph DeLage ainsi qu'à toute l'équipe de Marble Hornets pour avoir créé ce fabuleux projet qui a inspiré tant de monde à développer le slenderverse, au serveur Grampo.Co pour m'avoir aidé à trouver la motivation et de bonnes sources d'informations et à ⦻beetlejuice739⦻ et ses connaissances sur l'univers sur discord pour m'avoir relu !!! Et surtout, MERCI À VOUS !!!!!
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gvtted-ratz · 7 months
>request/idea rules<
requests: open
anthony "tony" stark/iron man, peter benjamin parker/spider-man, wade wilson/deadpool, helmut zemo, james "bucky" barnes/winter soldier, matthew "matt" murdock/daredevil, franklin "foggy" nelson, frank castle/the punisher, william "billy" russo/jigsaw, miguel o'hara, spider-punk/hobart "hobie" brown (smatsv)
billy lenz (black christmas 1974), brahms heelshire, martin mathias (martin 1977), harry warden/the miner (og and remake), asa emory (the collector), jason voorhees (og and 2009 remake), michael myers (og and rz remake), lester sinclair (house of wax), vincent sinclair (house of wax), mark hoffman (saw 4/5), lawrance gordan (saw 2004), hannibal lecter (nbc hannibal), will graham (nbc hannibal)
final/”good” guys
arkin o'brien (the collector/the collection), nicholas "nick" henry jones (house of wax), peter strahm (saw 4/5), adam faulkner stanheight (saw 2004), david radford (saw 0.5)
error 143
micah yujin
john doe +
john doe
richy rogers, phil hawkins, jake "hakermen", thomas, daniel "dan" anderson
killer frequency
forrest nash, henry barrow
the price of flesh
machaete, thomas (tom), jackal (jack/dean), derek goffard, matt goffard, mason heiral, dragon (jace/jason), komodo (mike/michael), the announcer (fox/ren hana)
that's not my neighbour 
physicist/dr. w. afton, milkman/francis mosses, hoon (milkman doppelganger), scarlet milk (milkman doppleganger), pilot/steven rudboys, d.d.d agent (hazmat guy), teutates taranis, abducius morail, yog sothoth
studio investigrave games
rody lamoree, vincent charbonneau, protagonist, co-worker, normal guy, fake protag, fake co-worker
call of duty (+modern warfare 2)
könig, simon "ghost" riley, kyle "gaz" garrick, john "soap" mactavish, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, gary "roach" sanderson
the batman (2022)
the riddler/edward nashton
 there will be blood (2007)
eli sunday
marble hornets (2009-2014)
masky/timothy "tim" wright, skully/jay merrick, alexander "alex" kralie, hoody/brian thomas
>will not do<
• incest
• suicide
• ddlg/ddlb
• scat/urine
• pregnancy
• heavy angst
• age regression
• teacher/student
• sa/rape/non-con
• full smut/sex scenes
• illnesses/issues we're unfamiliar with (ask)
• underage/child anything (papa, uncle, child, etc. reader &/or character) - this includes childhood friend AUs
• fem reader (including pronouns/detailed anatomy due to high discomfort) - anything else is fine
> can/will do<
• fics (1k+)
• past abuse
• headcanons
• past self-harm
• drabbles (100-1k)
• alpha/beta/omega
• polyamory relationships
• blood, gore, violence, etc.
• anything soft, comfort, fluff
• aus (soulmate, cafe, bookstore, etc.)
• some ships/otps/rarepairs (feel free to ask)
• death of character/reader (character/reader kills the other)
• nearly any pronouns (including neos, just provide pronouns)
• male/masc, gender-neutral, nonbinary, trans male reader, inhuman reader (this includes monster, alien, divine etc.)
• "steamy" scenes/dub-con <- will be posted on ao3 ONLY (link will be provided for requests)
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theboyanachr0nism · 4 months
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my name is jay, i'm 18, welcome to my blog!
i'm asexual, biromantic and transmasc. i'm also autistic yippee
every once in a while i draw and every once in a while i will post it under #myart
hyperfixations: malevolent, hannibal, marble hornets, dan and phil, horror, cats, queer lit
🎧: IDKhow, owl city, DE'WAYNE, saint motel, the dresden dolls, gerard way
i will occasionally reblog nsfw and content containing violence/ blood, please ask if you'd like me to tag any triggers!
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dracula-enthusiast · 2 months
for the horror movie asks: 1, 5, 10, 19, 23, 26, 30 (sorry if i asked too much, i just love horror movie recs!)
OOO ur totally fine i LOVE talking abt horror so u have come to the right place!!!
gonna put this under a read more bc its gonna be a long one 👇 but links to the imdb page for all the movies mentioned will be embedded in the post for synopsis sake :3
1. Top 5 favorite horror movies?
in no particular order:
Black Christmas (1974) Dir. Bob Clark i think this movie is an absolute classic, and while the acting can be silly at times, i think its solid when it needs to be and i think the scares and suspense definitely hold up!
Saw (2004) Dir. James Wan anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows i love the saw movies LOL but the original saw holds such a special place in my heart. i do think its a genuinely good film with a solid story and good acting (yes even Leigh Whannell's acting) and i think that if you let yourself get immersed in the suspense of it all u can have a really good time (and its NOT anywhere near as gory as the film's reputation will have u believe)
Creep (2014) Dir. Patrick Brice i loveeee this movie so much. found footage is my favorite style of horror movie, and this is such an interesting premise for a found footage movie that i think was executed very well!! Mark Duplass' performance is incredible in this film, he freaks me out every time i watch it. (there is also a sequel, Creep 2 (2017) which is just as good in my opinion)
Rec (2007) Dir. Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza i do love a good zombie movie and rec is by far my favorite. its another example of a creative way to use the found footage style and i think that the acting and story are both really engaging, and it has a good mix of suspense and outright scary shit. (same as with creep, i love rec 2 just as much as i love the first one <3 however 3 and 4 are like. totally different movies which. i will not speak on here)
Alien (1979) Dir. Ridley Scott i know some people wouldn't consider this to be a horror movie BUT i would consider them to be wrong. i love this movie so much, its an absolute classic, what else is there to say
5. Underrated film(s)?
one movie that i absolutely loved that i dont think people talk abt a lot is Vivarium (2019) Dir. Lorcan Finnegan. its a weird one and i love it. the premise is fun and creative and its just uncanny and unsettling and i liked this movie a lot.
also!! 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Dir. Dan Trachtenberg is really good and pretty slept on. i love the suspense in this movie and i always love a good big scary alien
10. Horror movie(s) that made you love the genre?
not technically a movie but Marble Hornets the youtube series by Troy Wagner and Joseph DeLage was a huge landmark in my own experience with horror. this one is special to me for like. sentimental personal reasons. but also because when i watched it for the first time, i had never seen anything like it. it was just so cool and original and it did scare me which was so fun! if u have a couple hours to spare and have never seen it before i highly recommend checking it out bc the whole thing is still up and free on youtube.
also Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Dir. Guillermo del Toro is another one that is very near and dear to me. it's also special to me for sentimental personal reasons lol but it's also the first Guillermo del Toro movie i ever saw and i just adore his work
19. Favorite 2020s film (so far)?
OGH this is hard because there have been so many good horror movies lately but i love love love Talk to Me (2022) Dir. Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou. the best way i've heard this movie described was by youtuber Mista GG who said abt this movie "they're not reinventing the wheel here, but that wheel? fucking wheels." and i couldn't agree more. it felt like such an instant classic to me in that it hit all of the typical horror movie beats in a very fun and fresh way
23. Favorite Body Horror?
i will admit im not very well versed in body horror yet!! its a genre im only recently getting into, so i dont want to say i have a favorite yet but!! The Bay (2012) Dir. Barry Levinson has some pretty cool body horror elements that i really enjoyed! i think this is a fun and kinda gnarly movie in general.
26. Favorite Psychological Horror?
hands down my fave psychological horror is Black Swan (2010) Dir. Darren Aronofsky i love how ambiguous and unsettling this movie is. and ofc if ur talking abt black swan u have to mention her predecessor Perfect Blue (1997) Dir. Satoshi Kon which is an absolute classic and is so beautifully animated and delivers that same sense of ambiguity and dread. (these movies are the epitome of why pit two bad bitches against each other to me. lets enjoy both of them together <3)
30. A fun movie fact that you like sharing with people?
OK THIS ONE IS EASY i love practical effects forever and ever amen and i especially love the practical effects in the saw movies!! almost all of the traps in the movies are fully functional in some capacity, but my favorite movie trivia is that in Saw 3 during the pig vat scene, the maggots that you see in all of the pigs and in all of the goop and all over Barry Flatman are real live maggots that had been sterilized so that they were totally safe to accidentally (or purposefully i suppose) ingest! here is a super fun video from the saw 3 dvd bonus features talking abt the making of the pig vat trap that talks abt the maggots
thank u for this ask!!!!!! i love talking abt horror movies and my dms are always open to do so!!!!!!!
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*:^•+:. intro post .:+:-*•
hi welcome to my personal blog where i post whatever i want
right now thats mostly:
-timlex, alex kralie, and marble hornets
-toradeen, toralei stripe, monster high
-the mcelroy brothers
-HTTYD, hiccup & toothless, hiccup/jack frost, ROTBTFD
-dan and phil
-warrior cats
-fall out boy
-dungeon meshi
-smiling friends
🔞IMPORTANT 🔞 -while not exclusively, i do post and reblog things with NSFW or otherwise suggestive themes a lot, so 🔞18+ 🔞 if you plan on interacting with any of that. if you are a minor and still choosing to interact with my NSFW posts, im going to be blocking you
-i post art here and also on instagram under the user atlyver
-i write fanfic on ao3 here
-inbox and asks always open 
-im 20, nonbinary, and audhd and always happy to make friends :-)
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red-documents-redo · 6 months
Slender: You know you can die from that, right?
Hoodie: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.
Dan: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up.
Masky: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
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avrilswraith · 1 year
hi my name is avril im a 19 year old kind and sweet girl who isn’t a girl at all ♡
i love creepypasta and marble hornets so much.
i also like animal crossing new leaf, screamo, dan vs, cryptids, internet mysteries, breaking bad & better call saul (sorry), the walking dead (also sorry), and much more that i can’t think of right now.
be my friend and we can make a spotify blend
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urtrickster · 1 year
characters that make me go feral.
making this my pinned post because people need to know what they're getting into. these r all from the top of my head and more will certainly b added in the future.
bold = super feral i am nowhere near normal about them and if you bring them up i will need to be physically restrained.
Abby Anderson - The Last of Us.
Ada Wong - Resident Evil.
Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy.
Aizetsu - Demon Slayer.
Akaza - Demon Slayer.
Alex Kralie - Marble Hornets.
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3.
Benimaru - Tensura.
Bo Sinclair - House of Wax.
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy.
Brian Thomas - Marble Hornets.
Cobra Bubbles - Lilo and Stitch.
Dan Heng - Honkai Star Rail.
Dark Link - The Legend of Zelda.
Diablo - Tensura.
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd - Fire Emblem.
Douma - Demon Slayer.
Ed Warren - The Conjuring Universe.
Enmu - Demon Slayer.
Fi - The Legend of Zelda.
Furina - Genshin Impact.
Ganondorf - The Legend of Zelda.
Ghirahim - The Legend of Zelda.
Gojo Satoru - Jujustu Kaisen.
Grelle Sutcliff - Black Butler.
Hobie Brown - Across the Spider-Verse.
Homicidal Liu - Creepypasta.
Howl Jenkins Pendragon - Howl's Moving Castle.
Julia - Man of Medan.
Josh Washington - Until Dawn.
Kadaj - Advent Children.
Karaku - Demon Slayer.
Kokushibo - Demon Slayer.
Kibutsuji Muzan - Demon Slayer.
Lester Sinclair - House of Wax.
Lorraine Warren - The Conjuring Universe.
Lumine - Genshin Impact.
Mark Nestor - The Devil in Me.
Nick Furcillo - The Quarry.
Pauline - Mario.
Raiden Ei - Genshin Impact.
Rengoku Kyojuro - Demon Slayer.
Reno - Final Fantasy.
Ryomen Sukuna (but he's in timeout right now) - Jujustu Kaisen.
Sampo Koski - Honkai Star Rail.
Sebastian Michaelis - Black Butler.
Sekido - Demon Slayer.
Stu Macher - Scream.
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy.
Tartaglia - Genshin Impact.
The Curator - The Dark Pictures Anthology.
Urogi - Demon Salyer.
Veldora Tempest - Tensura.
Vincent Sinclair - House of Wax.
Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy.
Venti - Genshin Impact.
Volo - Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Wally Darling - Welcome Home.
Wanderer - Genshin Impact.
Xiao - Genshin Impact.
Zack Fair - Final Fantasy.
Zhongli - Genshin Impact.
Zohakuten - Demon Slayer.
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the-crystallized-void · 6 months
These are the alts that are currently fine with/available to be interacted with (subject to change, sorted by category)
Main Hosts-
Katsuki Bakugou
Sam/Mr. S
Tenko Shimura
Floyd Leech
Present Mic
Oboro Shirakumo
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Tomura Shigaraki
Himiko Toga
Izuku Midoriya
Hitoshi Shinsou
Shoto Todoroki
Natsuo Todoroki
Villain Shoto
Deuce Space
Riddle Rosehearts
Trey Clover
Epel Felmier
Jade Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Lilia Vanrouge
Divus Crewel
Kalim Al-Asim
Leona Kingscholar
Idia Shroud
Ortho Shroud
Undertale/Deltarune (+AUs-
Fell Sans
Swap Sans/Blue
Swap Papyrus
Vocaloid/Project Sekai-
Hatsune Miku
Len Kagamine
Rin Kagamime
Luka Megurine
Akito Shinonome
Toya Aoyagi
Rui Kamishiro
Tsukasa Tenma
Shadow the hedgehog
Silver the hedgehog
Metal Sonic
Persona 5-
Ren Amamiya
Goro Akechi
Futaba Sakura
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Obey Me-
Belphegor (don't expect much. He sleepy)
Sanders Sides-
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets-
Jeff the killer
Ticci Toby
Brian Thomas/Hoodie
Tim Wright/Masky
Ben Drowned
Helen Otis (aka Bloody Painter)
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Bonnie
Nightmare Freddy
Animal Crossing-
Tom Nook
Nocte (Enderman)
Ignition (Creeper)
Dismal (Ghast)
Lunos (Warden)
Honkai Star Rail/Genshin Impact:
Dan Heng
Sampo? (We don't know if he's fully formed yet)
Brain alts-
Mirai Aizawa (biological daughter of Shota Aizawa)
Uta Yamada (biological daughter of Present Mic)
Unsei Aizawa-Yamada (adopted daughter of Aizawa and Present Mic)
Itami Takami (younger half-sister of Hawks. Ask for the lore)
Mikuyumi (pokémon trainer, daughter of Professor Kukui)
Miyuki (pokémon trainer, daughter of Giovanni)
Naomi (pokémon trainer, daughter of Chairman Rose)
Ebony (ghost of Lavender Town)
Vanilla (red panda animatronic, likely associated with Security Breach)
Akuma (essentially the TWST MC)
Devi Crewel (Divus Crewel's daughter, has permission to stay in Heartslaybul)
Hattrene Maddaroni (twisted on the Mad Hatter, snuck into Heartslaybul and started hosting tea parties)
Sage (white lioness, Leona's childhood friend, hangs out in Savanaclaw)
Luna Illumoise (moon jellyfish mermaid, was allowed into NRC due to Azul paying off Crowley, member of Octavinelle)
Risha Al-Babgaa (usually shapeshifts into a parrot and either hides in Scarabia or perches on Jamil's or Kalim's shoulder)
Ashlynn Vargas (daughter of Ashton Vargas, was told to stay in Pomefiore due to Ashton not trusting any of the other boys around his daughter)
Pandora (coder/programmer, hides in Ignihyde to get away from everyone)
Raven Crowley (daughter of Dire Crowley, only allowed to attend NRC because of that, was placed in Diasomnia)
Matsuba Zankoku
Seren Grimm
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xiakyo · 9 months
fandoms (>_<) ! -- ✩
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Twisted Wonderland.
Riddle Rosehearts. Leona Kingscholar && Ruggie Bucchi. Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech && Floyd Leech. Kamil Al-Asim && Jamil Viper. Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt && Epel Felmier. Idia Shroud. Malleus Draconia, Lillia Vanrouge, Sebek Zigvolt && Silver.
Genshin Impact.
Jean Gunnhilder && Lisa. Ningguang, Beidou, Ganyu, Xianyun && Keqing. Raiden Ei && Yae Miko. Navia.
Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaeya Alberich, Albedo Kreideprinz && Venti. Zhongli, Xiao && Baizhu. Kaedehara Kazuha, Kamisatio Ayato, Gorou, Scaramouche && Thoma. Alhaitam, Kaveh, Tighnari, Wanderer && Cyno. Lyney, Wriothesley && Neuvillete.
Klee && Diona. Qiqi && Yaoyao. Nahida.
Honkai Star Rail.
Dan Heng, Welt && Caelus. Arlan. Argenti. Sampo, Svarog, Luka && Gepard Landau. Luocha, Dan Feng, Dan Heng (IL), Yanqing && Jing Yuan. Blade. Adventurine, Sunday && Gallagher. Dr. Ratio.
Himeko. Serval Landau && Natasha. Tingyun, Qingque, Jingliu, && Yukong. Kafka. Ruan Mei && Asta.
Herta. Hook, Lynx && Clara. Bailu. Misha && Sparkle. Silver Wolf.
Gempa, Taufan, Halilintar, Ais, Duri, Blaze, Solar && Ori.
Fang. Kaito.
Creepypasta && Marble Hornets.
Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Masky ( CP VER. ), Hoodie ( CP VER. ), Candy Pop, Laughing Jack, Jason the Toymaker, BEN Drowned && X Virus.
Jane the Killer, Clockwork && Nina the Killer.
Slenderman, Trenderman, Splendorman, Offenderman && Zalgo.
Sally Williams.
All major Haikyuu characters ^_^ (feel free to ask me for any inquiries!!)
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