#I bet rigsby made out with another guy when he was a teen
leverage-ot3 · 3 years
okay but hear me out: leverage x the mentalist crossover
the cbi team is working on a case while the leverage team is investigating a corporate screw up that now has a dead body involved and bam! shenanigans ensue
patrick IMMEDIATELY knows they’re not who they say they are, but is totally a chaotic gremlin and knows they’re not there to hurt the case so he lets them carry on with their business
he is, admittedly, fascinated with this group of thieves that help others by grifting and schemeing for the greater good
patrick takes one (1) look at parker, hardison and eliot and thinks: those bitches gay!!! those bitches poly!!! good for them
(bonus points if they’re not even together yet and he just knows romantic/sexual tension when he sees it)
eliot is put off by patrick at first because he has the chaos and quirkiness of parker and the charisma of hardison
nate assures parker that patrick is not, in any way, a psychic. parker hates psychics (as we all know) and her family makes sure that she knows she doesn’t need to be uncomfortable
now that parker knows she doesn’t have to be weary of patrick, they become FAST friends. they create an unholy amount of chaos together. he teaches her some of his tricks and she teaches him how to lift wallets
she later repeats the tricks to hardison and he gets very frustrated trying to figure them out (think: rigsby energy)
eliot knows that cho was part of a gang (and later the military) because, hardison, it’s a very distinctive stance and haircut
hardison takes van pelt under his wing and teaches her a ton of tech and hacking tricks (all ‘legal’, of course)
sophie and lisbon bond over being the team moms and complain (lovingly) about their chaotic children
after the job is over for the leverage crew and the murderer has been put behind bars they all sit down for pizza to celebrate.
(hardison knocks his knee against eliot’s under the table, whispering to him that his pizza is better. parker, munching on her own slice, pauses before nodding in agreement)
eliot invites them to the brewpub for a meal on the house if they ever find themselves in portland
rigsby LOVES eliot’s cooking so he and van pelt visit the brewpub sometimes and enjoy a meal on the house
patrick sometimes takes a weekend trip to portland to participate in one of their cons to expel some of his chaos energy. he found that he really likes grifting and after sophie and nate leave, sometimes if the ot3 needs an extra grifter they’ll call him
unlike nate who dials up his obnoxious personas to 11, patrick is more smooth and charismatic
lisbon is totally chill with it but insists plausible deniability so she doesn’t usually go up to portland with him if he’s participating in a con. other than that she enjoys the occasional trip to portland to visit their friends
yeah and patrick totally secretly adopted them as well because, crime children? how could he not? it’s not like he’s actually the law
#one chaotic family of five meets another chaotic family of five and shenanigans ensue#idk I just like Patrick because he has the chaotic energy I strive to have#I love a good chaos gremlin feral bastard#it’s so weird because I just get str8 vibes from the mentalist characters but it’s the COMPLETE opposite with the leverage fam#if anyone on the mentalist was gay who would it be???#jane if nothing else tried it for experience when he was a teen#I bet rigsby made out with another guy when he was a teen#lisbon has kissed a girl. I am making it canon.#I will FORCE lgbt headcanons upon my faves no exceptions#jane would be accepting of the ot3 and that’s the tea. he just wants to see people happy#because he knows how short love and happiness can last and he knows how precious it is so you reach for it whenever you can#jane is like- polyamory? cool! great! have fun you funky little thieves do your thing! and we STAN HIM FOR THAT#parker knows a mastermind when she sees one and patrick jane is one#im emotional about my bastard chaotic son okay he’s gone through Trauma#for those of you who haven’t watched the show his full name is patrick jane. I used his first name in the hcs so you knew he was the guy but#most of the time people just call him jane I just didn’t want y’all to be confused :)#could you tell that I couldn’t decide when in the two series I wanted the crossover to happen? I wasn’t sure if it was the ot3 or with nate#and sophie too#eliot spencer#parker#alec hardison#leverage#leverage ot3#parker x hardison x eliot#crossover meta#leverage x the mentalist#mine#crossovers#the mentalist#crossover headcanons
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