#most of the time people just call him jane I just didn’t want y’all to be confused :)
sophfandoms53 · 7 months
Okay time to get sappy a week after the finale LMAOO
As always, The Tag is my favorite part of the season and if we get good feeds along with it? A feast. And a majority of this season was like that, and I shall highlight some of my favorite memories from throughout the season and the tag that I will always be thinking about in years to come
- This is the funniest one for me, but us being locked out of the tag during reilly’s eviction and how we discovered that just minutes before the episode started, but that didn’t stop us from live blogging anyway LMAOO.
- And then they had the AUDACITY to announce the pressure cooker was finally coming back the following week and we couldn’t even properly celebrate together so we were all just screaming into the void😭 (or the nether region lol)
- That random vegan person who dropped the season bc Felicia asked for real butter lmao??
- Omg that chipmunk account we all thought was ohthecleverness and y’all called it the squeakuel and i think this person vanished from the tag
- It was magic to watch that in real time with each other. The shock we were in that the hgs broke an hour and then come to find out they almost broke the original record by mere MINUTES.
- The panic every time someone we liked dropped. The collective “CORY NO”’s live rent free to me.
- Us STRESSING so badly when Cameron wouldn’t let go and then America threw it to him😭 truly was magic tho
- Watching Cory go from someone the tag tolerated to being the IT boy of the season and the tag, iconic, that speech and debate boy had those hgs clawing walls
- Cory shutting down any misogynistic or problematic comment from anyone (the 21 turned 22 year old being the most responsible person this season should be studied)
- Corswhores that’s it LMAOO
- Cory suffering from the second juror curse
- America truly being one of us
- Cirie a queen to watch live
-omg that time Cirie said “I ain’t never played with people this stupid before.” SHE WAS AHEAD OF HER TIME
-Izzy deserved sm better from the edit, you could not escape this girl on the feeds
-The episode edits sucking for a vast majority of the season and for the houseguests (i swear i’ve never seen a season’s edit and its feeds be completely different from each other before how tf did that happen)
- Our collective hatred for the multiverse twist
- Everything about Felicia really, the FBJ remix, her and Mr B (smooches), even tho she was pawned all summer watching her game was so fun
- Us being split just like the house during the Izzy flip (we managed to stay more civil than twitter ever did, as we should)
- Two hours of Jared forcing everyone to go in circles, Cory reaching his limit, Jag coming in, Cirie coming in, Bowie just sitting there
-“Who the fuck is for real for real???”
- This exchange kills me everytime idk why
Cory: You also told me seven deadly sins was fake.
Jared: Who THE FUCK told you that???
Cory: YOU DID.
Jared: You wanna know why I told you that?
- Jared’s “YOU must’ve misunderstood.” about Matt, and then Cory’s immediate “WHOA, WHOA, NO.” Lives rent free
- “Jared, you have been yelling for forty minutes.”
- That gif of Cirie face palming as she listened to her son completely obliterate their games
- Cory’s face palm image
- This happening on a hot dog bed
- Mecole, America, and Blue all getting ready downstairs while this was transpiring upstairs LMAO
- I can literally quote and go on about this fight for hours, and im so mad i cant go back and watch the unedited version anymore (UPDATE SOMEONE UPLOADED IT ON YOUTUBE LETS GO)
- Y’all remember that assignment i did about this fight? Not only did i get a perfect score but i also got a bonus point and my prof wrote a note that i was so descriptive he wanted to watch LMAO
- The post season being less chaotic than the actual season is such a funny ending
-everyone joining cameo???
- And lastly, How did your game change for, I’m gonna say the better, when you joined the Mafia with Matt and I :D
Alright all of that highlighted, despite the chaos and the exhaustion of this 100 day season (BB gods never do this to us again oh my god) it’s been such a pleasure to open up the tag and read my morning newspaper the last three months LMAOO.
This has been the most active I’ve been in the tag thus far and with a season this all over place, it was a trip. But, truthfully, I’d do it again. You guys always make all the nonsense worth it because despite the different sides we’ve been on all season, we know this show is a train wreck and that our real enemy is always production 😭
Thank you guys again for such a lovely community these past few months, and we shall be back in few weeks tragically 🥲🫡💙
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voteformightyclocks · 2 years
Thor 4: The Good, The Bad, And The Theory
So, Thor: Love And Thunder. The fourth installment in Thor’s story. Easily one of my least anticipated Marvel projects, alongside Ms. Marvel. Let’s discuss it, starting with...
Thor 4 was a BLAST. Every moment had energy and emotion, the action was fantastic, Gorr’s weakness and cunning was a great foil to Thor’s fear and strength, and despite how we literally saw a god fight a normal guy, it was incredibly balanced thanks Gorr’s magic weapon, the Necrosword. I think that’s what it was called.
This movie is bright, colorful, impactful, and it knows how to drive home the main story beats and keep you invested. That’s all the good stuff. Let’s move on to...
Thor 4 was rushed. It didn’t give itself enough time to tell the story. But even then, that pales in comparison to it’s biggest issue: “Tell, Don’t Show”. Gorr killed so many gods! ...okay, am I supposed to care? That’s very vague and disconnected. Gorr’s in the Shadow Realm! Except...let’s just explain it all at once. This was consistent throughout the film, but it was notably most prevalent in regards to Gorr himself. And it’s annoying. If I wanted to be told the story of Thor 4, I’d read a book. But this is an MCU film, so I want to watch it. SHOW, don’t TELL. But Marvel must not have gotten the memo
Also did it strike anyone else as odd that...oh yeah, Heimdel had a son??? Like, I didn’t take him for the romantic type, so Idk who he got together with or why, or why she’s suspiciously absent from the central story, but...like...Idk. I guess I kinda wish this was a predictable reveal? It feels way too out-of-the-blue lol. But now, let’s discuss my biggest and most pressing Thor 4 theory...
Y’all might expect a theory about Zeus or Hercules, or maybe Valhalla, or perhaps Korg or, Idk, anything connected to the movie and it’s main characters, but I’m focused on a singular ability shown in the film: Jane’s transformation ability
One thing we have seen a million times already is Thor grabbing Mjolnir and immediately and magically transforming into his armor. Loki has a similar ability, too. Vision and Steve Rogers, however, are two people who wielded Mjolnir yet didn’t transform. I believe we have confirmation that Steve gained access to all of Thor’s powers in that moment (combination of interviews as well as Odin’s “Whosoever wields this hammer, should he be worthy, shall wield the power of Thor”, as well as the crucial moment where Steve Rogers actually magically calls Mjolnir to him, and him using lightning), however never once did we see a transformation. And I wondered...why...
So I wrote it off as “Oh, that’s not one of Thor’s abilities, then, maybe it’s just an Asgardian thing
And then Jane Foster transforms. And it’s like, “Oh...”
Now here’s where my theory starts spiraling. So, Thor’s powers include transformation, so we know for a fact Steve Rogers was capable of it; Vision, maybe not, as he’s technically not an organic being, but Steve Rogers for sure could transform if he wanted to. But he didn’t. He also used some of Thor’s powers like his lightning, but he abandoned others; he doesn’t seem any stronger than usual. The hammer hits with a boatload of force because of it’s enchantments, but the hammer is weightless to those who are worthy, and how Steve Rogers uses his shield while holding the hammer doesn’t change, meaning Thor’s strength isn’t being used. But why?
My theory is this: the power of the gods would kill any human regardless.
Jane Foster died fast because she was fighting cancer, and her mortal body had no energy while she was in Thor form...but this implies her mortal body wouldn’t have any energy anytime regardless, meaning she would slowly be draining/killing herself anyways, regardless of her health. Furthermore, Red Skull tells Captain America in The First Avenger, “You could have the power of the gods!” And then the very power Red Skull was trying to control consumed him, essentially. Furthermore, Jane Foster was slowly dying when she had the Aether inside of her.
Humans. Cannot. Wield. These. Powers. Not naturally, anyways
I suspect Captain America realized this. He saw what the Tesseract did to Red Skull. He doesn’t crave power, and he very-much-so knows it’s destructive. He only used Thor’s abilities when they were crucial to be used, otherwise he relied on physical attacks against Thanos, even after grabbing Mjolnir. So my theory is this very radical, very unlikely idea:
Zeus will destroy humanity by bestowing lightning powers to humans, under the guise of Thor. He will make everyone worship Thor, but then these powers will destroy the humans because their bodies cannot handle it. This will result in humans hating Thor, humiliating the god and turning everything against him before he faces off against Zeus, and falls from the sky. 
Okay, obviously, he’ll win, but that’s what I think Zeus’ plan is, and I think Hercules is a distraction to us and to Thor regarding this plan. Hercules was a hero on occasion in the comics; what could turn him against Zeus better than finding out he was being used as distraction? That his entire quest was meaningless?
And if you need more compelling evidence, think about everything Thor has lost. His family. His home. His love. He lost his weapon, his friends (the Guardians), the Avengers, he’s lost nearly everything. But he’s always had his people, and he’s always had the trust and support of Earth, who practically worships him...what if Zeus’ plan is to take away what little Thor has left?
Thank you for sticking with me through this wild Clock Talk! Adios!
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leverage-ot3 · 3 years
okay but hear me out: leverage x the mentalist crossover
the cbi team is working on a case while the leverage team is investigating a corporate screw up that now has a dead body involved and bam! shenanigans ensue
patrick IMMEDIATELY knows they’re not who they say they are, but is totally a chaotic gremlin and knows they’re not there to hurt the case so he lets them carry on with their business
he is, admittedly, fascinated with this group of thieves that help others by grifting and schemeing for the greater good
patrick takes one (1) look at parker, hardison and eliot and thinks: those bitches gay!!! those bitches poly!!! good for them
(bonus points if they’re not even together yet and he just knows romantic/sexual tension when he sees it)
eliot is put off by patrick at first because he has the chaos and quirkiness of parker and the charisma of hardison
nate assures parker that patrick is not, in any way, a psychic. parker hates psychics (as we all know) and her family makes sure that she knows she doesn’t need to be uncomfortable
now that parker knows she doesn’t have to be weary of patrick, they become FAST friends. they create an unholy amount of chaos together. he teaches her some of his tricks and she teaches him how to lift wallets
she later repeats the tricks to hardison and he gets very frustrated trying to figure them out (think: rigsby energy)
eliot knows that cho was part of a gang (and later the military) because, hardison, it’s a very distinctive stance and haircut
hardison takes van pelt under his wing and teaches her a ton of tech and hacking tricks (all ‘legal’, of course)
sophie and lisbon bond over being the team moms and complain (lovingly) about their chaotic children
after the job is over for the leverage crew and the murderer has been put behind bars they all sit down for pizza to celebrate.
(hardison knocks his knee against eliot’s under the table, whispering to him that his pizza is better. parker, munching on her own slice, pauses before nodding in agreement)
eliot invites them to the brewpub for a meal on the house if they ever find themselves in portland
rigsby LOVES eliot’s cooking so he and van pelt visit the brewpub sometimes and enjoy a meal on the house
patrick sometimes takes a weekend trip to portland to participate in one of their cons to expel some of his chaos energy. he found that he really likes grifting and after sophie and nate leave, sometimes if the ot3 needs an extra grifter they’ll call him
unlike nate who dials up his obnoxious personas to 11, patrick is more smooth and charismatic
lisbon is totally chill with it but insists plausible deniability so she doesn’t usually go up to portland with him if he’s participating in a con. other than that she enjoys the occasional trip to portland to visit their friends
yeah and patrick totally secretly adopted them as well because, crime children? how could he not? it’s not like he’s actually the law
#one chaotic family of five meets another chaotic family of five and shenanigans ensue#idk I just like Patrick because he has the chaotic energy I strive to have#I love a good chaos gremlin feral bastard#it’s so weird because I just get str8 vibes from the mentalist characters but it’s the COMPLETE opposite with the leverage fam#if anyone on the mentalist was gay who would it be???#jane if nothing else tried it for experience when he was a teen#I bet rigsby made out with another guy when he was a teen#lisbon has kissed a girl. I am making it canon.#I will FORCE lgbt headcanons upon my faves no exceptions#jane would be accepting of the ot3 and that’s the tea. he just wants to see people happy#because he knows how short love and happiness can last and he knows how precious it is so you reach for it whenever you can#jane is like- polyamory? cool! great! have fun you funky little thieves do your thing! and we STAN HIM FOR THAT#parker knows a mastermind when she sees one and patrick jane is one#im emotional about my bastard chaotic son okay he’s gone through Trauma#for those of you who haven’t watched the show his full name is patrick jane. I used his first name in the hcs so you knew he was the guy but#most of the time people just call him jane I just didn’t want y’all to be confused :)#could you tell that I couldn’t decide when in the two series I wanted the crossover to happen? I wasn’t sure if it was the ot3 or with nate#and sophie too#eliot spencer#parker#alec hardison#leverage#leverage ot3#parker x hardison x eliot#crossover meta#leverage x the mentalist#mine#crossovers#the mentalist#crossover headcanons
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 here!
A/N: I already know some of y’all are going to be mad, it’s 2020 and twilight needs some diversity, don’t @ me.
* You’re not really sure how you got here
* “This ones done”
* Edward holds out the blood bag to you, carefully pulling out the needles from you beloved Deer, Hayden.
* “Ah, thank you.” You place it carefully along with the others, before lavishing Hayden with affection
* “You were so good today! You’re going to get extra carrots, yes you are!”
* You’re aware of Edwards gaze on you as he disinfects the injection point.
* “You know it’s illegal to have Deer as pets in Alaska don’t you?” The corner of his mouth is quirked in the smallest smirk you have ever seen, and you roll your eyes
* “Tanya got a permit, the official stance is they’re her deer, I just take care of them for some extra pocket money”
* Not that anyone would venture into the “siren house” to ask questions
* You knew people were probably wary of coming up to the estate, even the mail man looked dead scared when he left Irina’s Lululemon packages in the mailbox
* But you didn’t think the locals legit called the manse “The Siren House”
* Edward told you they used to call it “The Witch House” but then, upon seeing the Denali sisters, changed it to Siren
* Edward doesn’t say anything, just moves to take the filled blood bags up to the house
* Ever the gentleman
* You really thought Edward would show up once, figure out he couldn’t read your mind, and retreat into his own moody silence.
* You figured you would mostly be dealing with Carlisle, who would teach you how to draw blood from your heard of deers, and then you would be on your own.
* But instead it was Edward who volunteered to do it for you, Carlisle was busy with his day job after all.
* He shows up once a week, usually after school, and carefully extracts the blood
* Then he puts them inside the fridge and leaves
* You really don’t get what’s going on, if he hates you so much why even bother coming over in the first place
* You’re about to fall into your usual rhythm of handing him the blood bags, which he then puts in the fridge when he breaks your routine
* “Why-“ your head pops up from the small pile of blood bags and to him. He’s looking away, but then his gaze meets yours. “Why go through all this trouble for a few deer.”
* You grin and hand him a blood bag
* “Another vampire might say the same thing to you, why go through all the trouble for a few humans?”
* He flinches, and you laugh. He’s so unaware of himself it’s actually funny
* “For the record, I do it because they remind me of my (Dog/Cat/Pet).” He quirks an eyebrow at that.
* “Your pet?”
* You nod. You’re number one concern on arrival here had been whether your dog was okay, but sifting through your memories of this life, you realized your dog had passed away in the middle of high school.
* “When I look into their face, all I can think about is my dog” you shrug, it’s the same with bears and other animals too.
* “Also, it’s kinda disgusting to drink that blood straight out of the animal.”
* Draining the blood must have deducted something from the taste, you can’t imagine what that skunky revolting flavor would have been like if you were drinking straight from the animal.
* Edward laughs. It’s the first time he’s laughed around you, pearly white canines in full view, the skin at the corner of his eyes folds
* It’s cute, very boyish. You get what Bella was talking about now
* “You get used to it after a while” he shrugs
* You shake your head, no one should ever have to drink that crap
* “Here, try some of my blood” you say it like you’re offering him some cookies you made. You pick up one of the bags, still warm, and he quirks an eyebrow
* This isn’t the first time you’ve offered, usually he declines and rushes to leave
* One time it looked like he might say yes, but then he noticed Tanya and excused himself.
* He accepts the bag, holding it up with one hand
* “Do you pour it in a mug?”
* And so you and Edward sip your blood-Capri-suns in the kitchen that’s only now started to be used
* You sit in the counter cross legged, while he leans against the adjacent counter. Both of you silently sipping your meals.
* “This is really good” he finally says, his blood bag almost empty.
* “Who’d you have? I’ve been trying to add different veggies to their meal to see if it brings out a different flavour profile.”
* He had Henrietta, who you had been giving more citrus too. Partially for flavour, and partially because she’s your favourite
* “It kind of tastes like...fruit punch” Edward recalls after a prolonged minute.
* He seems so nostalgic, you wonder how long it’s been since he’s had human food
* “I think genetics have something to do with the flavour too, the breed from this region all seem to have a fruity aftertaste”
* “I’m partial to deer since they don’t have a strong game taste aftertaste.”
* “Yes! That part is the worst, it’s like eating a skunk” You scowl and he laughs again.
* You know he doesn’t belong to you, he’s Bella’s, in a few years she’ll be all he thinks or cares about.
* But maybe the two of you can be friends until then.
* All at once the moments broken, Edward stands a bit straighter, the smile on his face gone.
* You turn to look behind you to see Carmen.
* Her head is tilted to the side, a smile tugging on her lips
* “You both look like you’re having fun.”
* After that the conversation is pleasant, but it definitely stutters until Edward eventually leaves.
* “I think he likes you” You’re reading a book by the fire, the gentle heat is nice and it sets the mood.
* “What?”
* Carmen’s grinning
* “The Cullen boy is interested in you.”
* You just shake your head. You doubt it, Edwards only got a one track mind for one person. And it’s not you
* “It would be nice if we could be friends though, I don’t really know many other people my physical age.”
* Carmen stops mid-stitch on her embroidery hoop
* “Is that something you want? Because the Cullen’s have other’s your a-“
* “I don’t need you to set up play dates for me Carmen”
* “Understood”
* Edward comes by regularly, to help you with your animals. You’re both always under the (discrete) supervision of one of your guardians (excluding Tanya of course.)
* And with each visit you learn a little more about him
* You find out that right now he’s masquerading as a senior in high school, he’s considering going to college for veterinary sciences
* “Why veterinary sciences?” You wonder if he’s about to poach your best deer and start his own blood business when he shrugs
* “It’s one of the few degrees I don’t have”
* You’re drinking blood-Capri-suns out on the porch, he’s still in his school clothes, including a very puffy jacket
* “What were you going to do?” Your raise an eyebrow and he elaborates “before you turned, what were you plans for the future.”
* “I was on my graduation trip, I was going to college in the fall”
* You got accepted into your safety school with a generous scholarship.
* Edward doesn’t press any further. But you can tell that he wants too.
* Many nights go by, you experiment with you animals diets, have supervised hang-outs with Edward, you meet Carlisle every so often who basically gives you therapy and helps you control your emotions
* Life is good
* But your growing complacency with the situation is starting to bother you
* You haven’t forgotten about Alec and Jane who are still fighting so hard to survive, or the countless others who would prefer this way of life if they only knew
* You know the minute you start being content is the minute the world wins
* So every night -or really every so often, you’ve lost all perception of time, the nights in Alaska are totally fucked and these heathens don’t even have a damn clock. Your only really sign of time is the mail man dropping off amazon packages- you sit and dream
* You think about giving back to the community, about saving your friends, and about dethroning fucking Aro
* You’re only at the beginning now, there’s still so much work to do, but it’s a start
* You hear a noise and your eyes open
* If you had a beating heart it would stutter when it saw Edward standing beside your bed, your hand moves on it’s own through reflex, clutching your heart
* Under the circumstances you would expect someone else to laugh, but Edward just looks confused
* “Are you...sleeping?”
* “I like to pretend, it’s a nice way to end the day” he raises an eyebrow at that
* “It’s 4 in the afternoon”
* “Well damn Edward, we don’t have any clocks in this house, how am I supposed to know what time it is.”
* He does laugh at that
* “Is it...nice?”
* “Yeah, it’s pretty relaxing, kills some time too.” Noticing the curious look on his face, you ask:
* “Do you want to try?” You pat the space on the bed beside you.
* You’re fully expecting for Edward with his old fashioned virtues to deny your suggestion. So you’re surprised that after several long seconds of silence, and a rather pained look, he adheres to your request and lies next to you on your bed.
* It’s a king size bed, so he’s at least three Great Danes away from you, but the closeness still surprises you.
* “What do I do now?” He says, eyes closed.
* “Daydream, or fantasise I guess, about things that happened in your day, or things you wish happened, places you want to go and memories you wish you could relive”
* “What do you usually dream about?” He asks, eyes open now
* “I think about Jane,” the answer is automatic, and you regret it as soon as the words come out. But Edward’s expression doesn’t change so you continue. “I think about my deers and my family too.” Most of the time you’re just thinking about what animal you want to excitement with next tbh
* “And sometimes I think about you.”
* And how glad you are to have a friend
* Edward doesn’t say anything for a long time, and for a second you hope he hasn’t misunderstood your words, you know he’ll never feel that way about you. All of those romantic feelings are saved for Bella
* “Would you like to come to my house sometime?” The questions throws you off, and your expression illicit’s a laugh from him. “Emmett and Esme are dying to meet the newborn from the Denali coven”
* That’s probably true for Esme, you’re pretty sure Emmett just wants to have some physical match with the “Volturi-reject”
* “That sounds fun, sure.”
* Maybe they have a clock in their house you can steal
* Edward shows up the next day in his shiny white Volvo to pick you up.
* On either side of you on the front porch are Carmen and Kate with their most fierce expressions (and behind them is Eleazer who just looks like he’s along for the ride)
* “Where are you going?” Kate asks
* “Our home on the other side of the mountain, you’ve been there before” Edwards got a small smile curling in his lips, and an eyebrow raised.
* “What will you do?” Carmen asks
* “My family’s having a board game night, I think we’re playing monopoly”
* “What time will you bring them home?” Kate intervenes, man they’re not even pretending to be polite
* “Well it’s not a school night-“ Seeing his joke isn’t going to land, he rethinks his words midway
* “Whenever they tell me to.”
* You’re half expecting to get a curfew, even though this household seems to operate without the concept of time, when Eleazer interjects
* “Well be safe, and have a good time.” He slides a backpack up your shoulders. “I packed you some blood bags in case you get hungry, Henrietta’s since I know that’s your favourite.”
* He’s the only one waving as you get into Edward’s car
* The view as you drive is breath taking, the snow covered mountains, abs crisp green trees
* Edward laughs beside you, at your awestruck expression no doubt
* “You don’t get out much do you?”
* You have your nose practically pressed to the glass
* “Not at all.”
* The Cullen’s home is reminiscent of the one from the movies. All light, with glass everywhere. It’s like a aurora, all wavy with no true shape
* “Welcome to our home (Y/N)” Carlisle greats you first, and behind him is... Esme
* She’s not at all like the books or the movie
* She’s definitely not white, you can’t tell exactly what race, but she’s definitely a POC.
* Her caramel cheekbones seem even more prominent when she offers you a smile.
* “It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’m Esme.”
* For some reason her being a POC, makes you feel more comfortable around her.
* Maybe you will ask her to draw up those plans for a proper barn.
* Edward stifles a laugh behind you, and you raise an eyebrow.
* “Emmett is dying to meet you upstairs.”
* You follow Edward up the stairs, finally meeting the family that spawned four books and a movie franchise.
* None of them look like they’re actor counterparts
* For one Emmett is black. And also really handsome, he’s got this Chadwick Boseman look alike thing going on and you’re down for it (RIP)
* Rosalie looks basically the way she was described in the books, all blonde hair and angel faced, but she’s the only one
* Alice is definitely Asian, she kinda looks like Lana Condor
* Jasper.... is ambiguously brown, but it still makes you let out a sigh of relief when you remember he was a Major in the CONFEDERATE army.
* More to the story than someone who was blatantly racist and supported slavery.
* They’re all beautiful, and they terrify you. You’re not exactly sure why, but something primal in you tells you to run away as fast as you can.
* But Edward lightly brushed the small of your back, pushing you forward. Right into the lions den.
* “Hello, I’m Rosalie”
* Looks like they picked her to be their spokesperson, all glittering smiles and flawless cheekbones. She extends her hand, and you lightly grasp it.
* “It’s nice to meet you.”
* It’s surreal to think how you know almost everything about this girl, while you two are virtually strangers
* Jasper introduces himself next, all smiles and quiet gentlemanly behavior.
* You’re not really sure what to expect with Alice, from what you know this girl has seen every future you could possibly have.
* Who knows what she saw
* But when she stands she hugs you
* “It’s good to see you!”
* “Alice, you haven’t introduced yourself”
* “Oh, right. I’m Alice”
* Emmett claps you on the back like you’re an old friend.
* “So, I heard you used to hang out with the sadist twins in the Volturi”
* You can practically feel the tension in the air, even Edward winces
* “They’re not so bad” really, what did anyone expect when they were in that environment
* Emmett grins
* “That’s bad ass”
* The rest of the night passes in a blur. The cullen’s game of monopoly includes some monstrous version where they put 8 different themed boards together and play in teams (You’re obviously on Edward and Alice’s team)
* They also have some sort of structure where they put four hotels together and called it a mega-hotel
* The whole thing blows up when Emmett accused Alice and Edward of using their powers to cheat
* “What do you want me to do, I can’t turn it off when I want Emmett, trust me I would especially when you and-“
* “Oh shut up Emmett, like we haven’t noticed Rosalie has an awful lot of $500 bills” Jasper interjects
* “It’s because you always pay me rent in small change!” She screams
* “Now-“ Carlisle tried to interject but Alice stands up
* “That’s a lie! I saw you steal from the bank several times when Esme wasn’t looking” Alice screams
* It goes on like this until Carlisle Declares the game over, and shoos everyone away.
* “Sorry, I would say it’s usually not like this, but I would be lying” Edward grins and you shrug
* “It was pretty fun and... entertaining in its own way” Edward beams at you, and once again, you definitely feel the dazzling effect Bella described in the movies
* “Should I... take you home now?” You can tell he doesn’t want to take you back yet, and if you’re being honest you don’t want to go back either
* The Cullen’s house has so much light, and you can see the stars so clearly here
* And if you’re being honest things seem to be way more entertaining here
* Edward takes you to a nook which houses a grand piano
* You’re fingers instinctively roam over the keys.
* “Do you play?”
* “Just a bit”
* You’re not the one who knew how to play, not really. But now this body is yours. You’ve thought about asking Carmen for a Piano, you’re sure they would love something that adds to the gothic feel of the mansion, but always cast it aside.
* You’re busy enough with your research.
* “Play me something” Edward grins.
* Alec had said the same thing to you when you were first taken by the Volturi, at the time your mind had raced wondering which piece would impress him the most. Which would aide in your survival.
* But looking at Edward now, you know that it’s not the same situation.
* He really does want you to play whatever your heart desires
* So you play “Love like you”, accompanied by your quiet voice reciting the lyrics
* At some point Edward sits beside you, playing in a deeper key, adding another layer of depth to your performance
* Wordlessly, afterwards he plays a piece of his own, Claire de Lune. Which you know is a remarkably hard piece.
* Still halfway you chime in, your super human fingers keeping up with him with ease
* And so it goes on like this, you play a modern song, waiting for him to catch up and he does the same with a classic
* Like a never ending game of cat and mouse
* It stops abruptly when Edward is in the middle of “moonlight sonata” when Alice clears her throat from behind you.
* “I hate to disturb,” there’s a teasing grin arched on her face. “But if you don’t drop them off, Carmen and Tanya are going to come over personally to retrieve them-“
* You see Edward wince, no doubt reviving Alice’s vision through his ability
* “And I don’t think anyone wants that.”
* You nod, moving to grab your backpack when you overhear Alice say-
* “You never let me play like that with you”
* Edward let’s out some sort of noise akin to a scoff
* “Where did you learn those songs?” He asks when you’re on the road
* Well you can’t tell him they’re from artists who aren’t known yet
* “Personal compositions” you murmur, and Edward grins his dazzling grin
* You talk about nothing but music until you pull into the familiar circle driveway of the manse
* Right when you’re about to thank him for a fun time, he gently stops you with a fleeting touch to your shoulder.
* “I’m graduating next month,” he hands you an envelope which you assume has his graduation card. “I was wondering if you would like to come to the ceremony.”
* You hold the card with both hands stunned, he’s already graduating high school?
* That means only 4 more years until he moves to Forks, and another two until he meets Bella
* And you realize that while time is frozen for both of you until the end of the universe, you’re the only one who isn’t moving forward
* “Yeah, I’d love that!”
* You try your best to smile, but your sure it comes off looking strange
* You don’t talk to anyone, heading straight for your bedroom
* What’s next for you?
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5 Favorite First Watches of June 2021
First, a quick note. I’m sorry for the sudden disappearance. I decided that Tumblr wasn’t very good for my mental health, and that this was gonna be the beginning of an indefinite hiatus. I don’t know when I’ll be back, maybe every once in a while, but I decided that it’s time to just leave for a bit. However, I wanted to share with y’all 5 awesome movies I saw for the first time this month.
(CW: Abuse, mild spoilers for Miseducation of Cameron Post)
Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) (dir. Toshio Matsumoto)
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Okay, to be honest, I admittedly got a little lost, but I had a great time watching this. Its mixture of avant-garde and documentary filmmaking, all while being a secret adaptation of Oedipus is absolutely incredible. So many images just stood out to me, such as the blood running down Eddie’s eyes, the riots being slowed down, sped up, and having static added to them, and the pure sensuality of Eddie and the club owner making love in the beginning (before we know the truth). Yes, technically there’s no evidence of Stanley Kubrick being inspired by this film when it came to making A Clockwork Orange, but the similarities are there, the gang fights in the streets, the girls licking the ice cream, the usage of wide angles, and of course, the sped-up footage set to classical music. It doesn’t make me think less of A Clockwork Orange, but think more of Kubrick for extending his influences. Can’t wait to re-watch and re-absorb its beauty and its surreal nature.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) (dir. Desiree Akhavan)
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The two characters I felt worst for were Mark and Rick. Rick is a gay man raised in the church who is trying to be accepted amongst said church. He has no real answers for his sexuality, because sexuality is a complicated manner. It can’t be explained by “My parents didn’t love me enough” because that’s not the truth. It just has to deal with “You like this gender because you do”. And the last scene we see him in is with Cameron, Jane, and Adam Red Eagle, three people that are comfortable with their sexuality. That scene where he breaks down crying in front of Cameron is where he realizes that maybe everything he has been preaching has been full of shit.
Mark is a kid who nearly killed himself because no matter what he did, he could not please his family. So what does he do? He flips a Bible verse on its head. He relates it to his own struggles, deciding that his so-called weakness was his strength, that he doesn’t need to be saved, that he should find acceptance for who he is, and yet Bethany, the lead Reverend, still believes with all her heart that these kids need to be saved from whatever, showing the hypocrisies in the religion she practices and the book she follows. Rick has no one to go to for his own struggles. He never had the person to tell him that it was okay, and he thought the only way was to tell these kids that they need to change themselves for having different preferences in sexuality than others.
There’s also Adam, my favorite character in the film. They are a two-spirit, described by them as two spirits in their body fighting, and right now, the female spirit is beating the male spirit. They were sent to the camp after their father converted to Christianity and is running for some sort of office, making him look bad with their gender identity. And because two-spirit was a newly defined concept, it makes it all the more tragic that Adam’s father won’t even listen to them.
One of the saddest scenes of the film is when Bethany shaves Adam’s head. Adam is Indigenous, from the Lakota tribe, and their hair keeps getting in their eyes, much to the chagrin of Bethany. Hair is often seen as sacred in different cultures, and even in general, one of the most personal body parts on anyone, so to shave it all off by a white woman to an Indigenous person shows that racism and homophobia walk hand in hand. Powerful white people want to see any sort of expression done by non-white people whether it be through art or through their body gone.
Mysterious Skin (2004) (dir. Gregg Araki)
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It’s hard to put into words how this film moved me so deeply. Eventually, I will. I will go through my scattered notes and paragraphs that go off on too many tangents about its brutality and its tenderness, and eventually turn it into a full piece about how it challenged me and my preconceptions of art as well as events in my own past. Those close-ups can either be so horrifying or so achingly sad. It’s not an easy watch, and certainly not for the faint of heart, so be wary and cautious once you do watch it, but just know it handles its themes of abuse and its effects on young men as they get older with such empathy, and honesty. Brady Corbet and Joseph Gordon-Levitt give performances as good as River Phoenix in My Own Private Idaho, and that’s the best compliment I can give any film or performance. Amazing film.
Pariah (2011) (dir. Dee Rees)
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What does it mean to pray for someone? Is it to hope that their soul sees heaven in an afterlife? Is it to hope that they do well on a challenging event coming up soon, similar to wishing someone luck? Or maybe it’s to hope that they lead the best life they can, that they are happy with themselves and the situation they end up in.
To a lot of fundamentalist Christian parents, it's the first option. To them, that’s the goal. To live an eternal life in a heavenly paradise, and the first step includes not forgiving any of their kids who may be queer at the moment, and hoping they abandon who they are to make them happy, to upend the slight possibility that there is a heaven.
Pariah is about a young woman who is abandoned by her parents, who hope she can abandon her sexual attraction to girls so that she can follow the church with them. They don’t care about her poetry or her fashion sense, they want her to look pretty, more traditionally like a girl, as well as getting a boyfriend. When Alike confirms to her parents that she is gay, her mother beats her, kicking her out of the house, but easily forgiving her cheating husband, because the men are the most protected in the religious patriarchy.
God doesn’t make mistakes is the quote that Alike throws back at her father, accepting herself for who she is, using her mother’s words to make her feel prouder of herself. And much like The Miseducation of Cameron Post, the authority figure makes it a point to do all but say that the religious organizations are hypocrites and we don’t know what we’re talking about, we just want control.
Pariah is a beautiful film, a sad reality about being closeted from the ones you love most, but how sometimes there is no answer other than to leave it all and to feel the fullest amount of pure freedom, and feeling of being alive.
Tongues Untied (1989) (dir. Marlon Riggs)
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An absolutely powerful film. Riggs takes a look at his life as a gay Black man and how he is seen by other members of the Black community, as well as the white racists in his life. He looks at his past relationships with white men and how said white men in the gay community sexually fetishize Black men that are in chains, and draw racist caricatures of them, similar to the Jim Crow drawings, only now they seem Black men as sexual objects in that sense. And yet, the Black gay men can’t get into certain sex clubs because of their skin color. Several poems read, narrated, and performed are about the fear of AIDS, wanting to enjoy sex, but not knowing who has AIDS, or that the condom may break. It’s only made sadder knowing that Marlon would later die from AIDS. An important film, a celebration of the Black gay culture in New York.
Other watches and rewatches I really liked:
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) (dir. John Singleton)
Better Luck Tomorrow (2003) (dir. Justin Lin)
The Celluloid Closet (1995) (dir. Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman)
Cruising (1980) (dir. William Friedkin)
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) (dir. Justin Lin)
Happy Together (1997) (dir. Wong Kar-wai)
The Night of the Hunter (1955) (dir. Charles Laughton) (rewatch)
Nowhere (1997) (dir. Gregg Araki)
Psycho (1960) (dir. Alfred Hitchcock) (rewatch)
School of Rock (2003) (dir. Richard Linklater) (rewatch)
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darthkruge · 3 years
hey could you do a jess mariano x reader where the reader has dyslexia but loves to read. someone at school makes a comment about her being dumb and she gets insecure but jess is super reassuring to the reader about how intelligent she is. also they can either be already dating or have mutual crushes. whatever you think fits better. <3
Jess Mariano x Dyslexic!Reader ~ All of You
Summary: Someone at school insults the dyslexic reader and their boyfriend, Jess, provides reassurance. 
Warnings: Bullying, language, insecurities, I think that’s it? 
Words: 2.1k
A/N: Hey!! I’m so, so sorry this took me so long to get to! I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t mean to keep you in the ask box void. I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you for requesting! I decided to make them already be dating because that’s where my brain went hehe. I hope you like it :)
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You walked to school hand-in-hand with your boyfriend, as always. Even though it took him about 15-20 minutes out of the way, Jess never missed walking with you. He hated the thought of you starting your day by yourself and never wanted you to feel forgotten about or lonely. Thus, the tradition began and it has stayed the way you start your day, everyday, for the last few months that you’ve been dating. 
Jess pulled you behind the science building, pressing his lips to yours. Your hands instinctively wove into his hair and his arms wound around your waist, pulling your bodies together. He smiled into the kiss before pulling away from your lips and gently moving his kisses down the side of your neck. You hummed in content before moving to meet his face again, once again pressing your lips to his. 
These stolen moments were what you lived for. You’d never felt too confident in yourself, at least as far as relationships went, and you weren’t used to this kind of affection. Even so, you loved every moment of it. Everything with Jess felt so natural. No matter what, you came first to him and he never failed to show it. 
You both pulled away and he softly kissed your forehead.
“See you after second period?”
“Of course” 
“Okay, love. Text me if you need me. Or if you’re bored. Or if you miss me”
“Oh, yes! That Jess Mariano charm. I’m not sure how I’ll endure two classes without it!”
“I’m sure it’ll prove quite e difficult,” Jess said, laughing. The bell rang and he gave you one last smile before you parted. 
You walked into your English class with a smile on your face, giddy after the experience with him. He made you feel alive. It was the kind of feeling you didn’t know you needed, but once you felt it you couldn’t imagine losing it. 
You sat down in your seat, waiting for the teacher to start class. 
“Okay, everyone. Today we’re just going to be doing some silent reading for the first half of class and then I’ll put you in small groups to work on a new project”
Fuck. Group projects were the fucking worst. Unless you got one of your friends, people were normally assholes and impossible to work with. 
Even though you were upset with the new development, you were excited to have time to read. You pulled out your copy of The Great Gatsby that Jess had lent you and picked up where you last left off. Because you read so much and generally did well or at least half-decent in school, people never assumed you had dyslexia. Lots of people had this false narrative that if you have dyslexia, you must hate reading. It was something you were used to, the stupid comments and assumptions. You tried to not let it get to you but you sometimes felt frustrated. You’d run into loads of ignorant people in your life and while you weren’t ashamed to have dyslexia, you hated having to explain it to every new teacher, every new friend in your life. You never knew how’d they’d react.
Even so, reading was one of your greatest joys in life. Losing yourself in the work, in the story, it was enthralling. You loved to find characters that you connected with. Their emotions were palpable and made you feel validated and less alone. Reading was one of the main things that brought you and Jess together. He knew you had dyslexia and, thankfully, never treated you like you were any less. You were afraid he would break up with you once you told him, but, of course, he didn’t. You were still you, and that’s all he cared about. 
He loved trading books with you and hearing your thoughts on them. In doing so, he felt the two of you were brought closer together. Discussing literature was an almost intimate experience in your relationship. Learning which characters and themes resonated with a person was truly illuminating about their personality and mind. Right now, as you read Gatsby, Jess was reading Pride and Prejudice. You loved Jane Austen, as did Jess, and you completely enjoyed discussing her work. 
After a few moments lost in thought, your teacher’s voice pulled you back to the present. “Alright! Okay so for the group project you will be analyzing the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. Please read it together today and discuss what you think the most pertinent theme is. I’ve already assigned the groups and I’ll display them on the board right now.”
Your teacher stepped back and turned on the projector so you could see the groups. Scanning for your name, you internally groaned when you saw who you were with. Sarah, Justin, and Alex. They were all close and their friend group didn’t exactly have the best reputation. You grabbed your bag, walked over to them, and sat down.
“So, y’all just wanna read it? Then just talk about it, I guess. We’re looking for themes, right?” Sarah asked.
Everyone nodded, opening up the copies of the short story placed on your desks. You jumped in and immediately felt yourself pulled into the writing. After a few minutes, your eyes glued to the story, you heard the rest of your group closing their packets. 
“Alright, everyone done?” Justin asked.
“Yeah, you?” Alex said
Sarah nodded in agreement.
You, on the other hand, felt your cheeks flush. You were only about 70% through the story. “Sorry, I just need a bit more time, is that okay?”
“Ugh, fine, whatever. Just hurry up,” Sarah groaned. 
Your face burning, you went back to the reading. It wasn’t like you weren’t trying, you were! They just wouldn’t understand it. You couldn’t count the amount of times people had told you to just “focus more”. It made your blood boil, honestly. It was so dismissive and you couldn't believe people still thought that way. You always focused and it wasn’t your fault, and, yet, morons like these three persisted. After a few more minutes, you heard Alex again.
“Come on! You can’t possibly still be reading?”
“I’m sorry, just-” You sighed, running your hands through your hair. “Please, just a few more minutes?”
“God, you’re so fucking stupid. No wonder no one wants to work with you. All you do is hold people up, you’re a goddamn idiot” Alex said.
Your eyes burned and unshed tears started to push their way up but you fought them down. You wouldn’t let yourself cry in front of them. They didn’t deserve to see how they’d affected you. 
Finally, the bell went off and you were able to leave. Your group glared at you and you realized you  hadn’t discussed the themes. 
“It’s, um, the story’s about the juxtaposition of peace and violence. Even though the people are in a calm, controlled setting, they resort to violence every year. It’s an outdated tradition they keep up and, thus, it highlights the difference between their actions and how they want to be perceived.” You said quickly, voice wavering. 
Your group scoffed before walking off. That didn’t bother you too much. You knew your analysis was accurate and probably far better than anything they could have come up with, even if they’d spent the last 15 minutes of class discussing it. Despite this, you still felt deflated. The shit they’d said, the way they’d treated you? You couldn’t deny it, it got to you. 
You walked over to your locker and put your stuff away. After that, you decided you were just going to go home. You could call the school later and say you were feeling sick or something. Honestly, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You were just so drained, you needed to get away from this place and the people in it.
However, you didn’t want Jess to worry. You sent him a quick text saying you weren’t feeling well and put on your headphones before walking out of the school.
What you didn’t expect was Jess to come flying out of nowhere, appearing by your side as if you’d summoned him.
“Jess! What are you doing? Don’t you have class!”
He shrugged. “You weren’t feeling well. Did you honestly expect I’d leave you by yourself? And, seriously, Y/N, you know I hate this place. You’re the only thing that makes it bearable so if you  wouldn’t be here, why should I?”
You nodded and kept walking forward. Jess looked at you quizzically, trying to decode your dejected state. He kept quiet, knowing not to push you to talk. He trusted you’d come to him when you were ready. Therefore, he simply followed you until you made it off campus, where you turned into a random alley and suddenly stopped walking.
Jess caught himself, almost running right into you. You suddenly turned around, dropped your bag, and bolted right into his chest. He was caught off guard but instinctively brought his arms around you, trying to comfort you. He noticed you were crying, your broken sobs getting muffled in his shirt. He soothingly rubbed his arms up and down your back, desperately trying to give you solace. After you finally quieted down, Jess gently and slowly pulled you back.
His hands gripped your shoulders as he studied your face, your sad gaze meeting his. “What happened?”
“Stupid English, that’s all”
“Come on, Y/N, don’t shut me out. What happened?” He said, his tone kind.
“I-” You trailed off, trying to keep your composure. “Some kids just said some shit. I was just reading slower than them and they said some shit. It’s not a big deal, I just- it got to me, okay?”
“Who?” Jess said, firmly this time.
“Who, Y/N?”
“Alex, Justin, and Sarah.” 
Jess groaned, rubbing the heels of his hands over his eyes. “Fuck them, Y/N. They’re fucking ridiculous and they don’t know anything about you”
“I know, I know. That’s why I’m so goddamn frustrated! Because, like, it did get to me. Jess- Jess, they’re right. I felt like an idiot today, I felt stupid. And I hate feeling that way!” Hot tears smarmed in your eyes, the frustration and anger bringing them out. 
Jess’s gaze softened. As livid as he felt toward the three of them, he knew that’s not what you needed right now. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Love, take a breath. I’ve got you, okay?” 
You nodded, your breathing shaky from the stress of the day. 
“I’m sorry that happened today. Listen to me, Y/N. You’re so smart. You’re smarter than I am, hell, you’re smarter than anyone at that school! They’ve got nothing on you!”
You looked at him and smiled at his words but shook your head. “You don’t need to do that, Jess”
“Yes, I do. We promised we’d be honest in our relationship, right? Well, that’s all I’m doing. Seriously, Y/N, who else at that school could debate the themes in literature with me like you? Who could discuss the importance of accurate representation in books with me? Who could talk to me about just how influential YA books are and why they should be taken seriously-?”
“They are and they should!” You cut in.
Jess laughs, nodding in agreement. “Exactly!! You’re amazing, Y/N. And I swear those fuckheads are gonna get what’s coming to them”
“Jess-” You warn.
“Okay, okay!” He laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “They just- they messed with you and made you upset and I fucking hate that”
“I hated it too. I hate doubting myself because of my dyslexia. I feel so shit about myself when I get in that headspace and I start spiraling and it gets out of control so fast.” 
“I know. It’s not your fault when those spirals happen. And I know you know this, but I’m just gonna remind you: you’re not any less because you’re dyslexic. It doesn’t make you stupid or anything. It’s a part of you and I love you, all of you”
Your heart swelled at his words. Everyone thought Jess wasn’t good expressing his emotions but you knew the truth. He was quite eloquent when he wanted to be, he just sometimes had trouble with vulnerability. You didn’t blame him for it, with his past it made perfect sense. But when you needed that reassurement, that compassion, you could always count on him for it. 
He moved to place a kiss on your forehead before slinging his arm around your shoulder. “Let’s go home, okay?”
“Okay” You smiled up at him and kissed him once more before tucking your head into his shoulder. He pulled you closer and you grabbed his free hand with yours as you continued to walk through the Stars Hollow streets together.
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johns-prince · 3 years
Let's play the speculation game and say McLennon was real. Going with the common idea that Paul dumped John in India, wasn't the "let's all be friends, write together and go on double dates with our wives" angle Paul seemed to hope for completely delusional? Why would someone with John's issues stick around and celebrate Paul's happiness with someone else after being downgraded?
I have great respect for Paul's decision of not being John's nanny/handler for the rest of his life. But I've always been annoyed by his inability to let the man go for good. Paul, you've made your choice, my friend. Enough with the sad songs about not being called back or turning up on John's doorstep with a guitar when the he was spending time with his own family. People hate that but some things in the world really are black or white. You can't have it both ways.
Why speculate when we know it was and is real 
Alright so, let me try to unpack my thoughts cohesively get ya tinfoil hats on y’all;
If we go with the theory that during 1967, when Paul and John were practically living together and conjoined at the hip, taking LSD together and sharing those intense and intimate experiences that even Pau’s girlfriend Jane had become envious of— John had come to the realization of what he wanted, finally acknowledged it and came to accept it. 
So in India, John tried to confront Paul about their relationship and their “relationship,” and openly admit to Paul that he wanted more, that he was now willing to leave Cynthia and Julian for a life he truly wanted or desired, and that included Paul (but to what extent is what we debate I guess) 
And now that I’m thinking about it, we also know John was sort of beginning to spiral downward in 1968. It was obvious his marriage with Cynthia was at it’s end, and he didn’t want to work on it anymore. He was surrounding himself more with druggies, an unsavory crowd that Cynthia really didn’t approve of (Yoko was part of this crowd) and he was actively pulling away.  
I think John was realizing that, he just wasn’t happy. That, putting everything he had into becoming one of the most successful musicians in the world, to become bigger then Elvis Presley, didn’t make him happy. It didn’t fix what needed fixing in him, what needed addressing. He was still drowning despite it all. 
So you’ve got the trip to India, the boys going in hopes that perhaps the Maharishi Mahesh Yog and his spiritual teachings would somehow give a new perspective on things, produce the answer that would save the band (save John and Paul) from what appeared to be an inevitable downfall. But as we know, that isn’t what was needed. 
John and Paul needed to talk. The lack of consistent communication between them for years and years, and the fact John needed a therapist, he needed rehab. So did Paul, during the White Album era. 
I don’t believe Paul dumped John, but I do think John could have easily misconstrued Paul taking a step back and not willing to just go blindly, impulsively jumping off a theoretical cliff with him, as being rejected. We know Paul had to sort of take the position of ‘think before you leap’, to be more conscious of the actions and decisions he and the others decide to take, and how it would effect them as individuals, and especially them as a band (because frankly the others wouldn’t) and we know that John could be incredibly impulsive, only thought of the consequences after the fact. That, and who’s to say such a proposition and confrontation from John hadn’t scared Paul? Got him feeling those insecurities of his own crawling up. 
Paul wanted a traditional family, he wanted to have a wife and children. But Paul also wanted John, he wanted and loved Lennon-McCartney, and he didn’t think (or he’d hoped) him getting married and having a family would really change anything between them (because John got married and had a kid and they were still able to do go and do whatever they wanted together, so what was the difference—) that he could still keep what he had with John, that they could still stay together after The Beatles split. Get around to writing that musical, and grow old together still writing and making music, still creating together.
How I see it, is that Paul wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
Paul, being fine with keeping the status quo between them, it was safe and enough (right?), but John vehemently wasn’t fine with it anymore, and it wasn’t enough for him. Nothing was enough for him, as we know; John was a very all-or-nothing individual, and expected complete devotion and love from someone, because receiving less felt like rejection and abandonment was only around the corner. This way of feeling and thinking for John was only exasperated by the drugs, his alcoholism, and his spiraling mental health. 
Paul could have tried compromising with John, and John still could have taken that as a complete rejection of his feelings and what he wanted, and what he had hoped and thought Paul also wanted. 
I believe Paul probably didn’t even know himself what he had done wrong, or that he did anything wrong. I don’t think Paul believed he was downgrading John to anything either.
If only they had talked.
Then they returned from India, and the rest as we know it...
“To me, a summary is something like: “gifted, disturbed boy with tremendous amount of drive to outrun a bad childhood discovers love for music and creative soulmate(s) and gives everything he has to become the most famous musician in the world, hoping it will make him happy. He does, but it doesn’t, and people who don’t have his best interests separate him from his friends, his creation and creative spark, and ultimately himself. He’s too screwed up by addiction, mental illness, and unaddressed traumas to change things, so he retreats further into addiction and mental illness, wishing he could somehow regain his lost spark. He makes a few halfway steps toward doing so, but they’re not enough, and ultimately he is killed in front of his apartment building where, 24 hours later, his wife installs the man she had been sleeping with behind his back.”"
— Michael Bleicher, The Artist as a Dissipated Man: Fred Seaman’s “The Last Days of John Lennon.”
Right, so both John and Paul made their choices in life. Some choices and decisions that we as fans and outside observers might never be able to understand, or agree with.
But who’s to say Paul (and John), couldn’t, didn’t, or don’t regret those choices and decisions? 
I get what you’re saying, I understand. Why can’t Paul move on? He made his choices, why is it 40, 50 years later, that Paul can’t just let John go? Let sleeping dogs lie, all that.
Because Paul loved John, still loves John, to this day. 
Because, clearly Paul has some regrets. He regrets how things were handled during the Divorce. He regrets not hugging John enough. He regrets not telling John, when he had the chance and time, that he loved him (and without the help of alcohol) When you love someone so deeply, and suddenly, without warning, they’re taken from you and the world, you regret a lot, and you miss what could have been, the ‘What if’s.’ 
Paul said that what he and John were, were soulmates. I don’t know how it feels to lose a soulmate. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to know how it feels to get the opportunity to love and be around them. 
How awful do you think it is to meet your soulmate, but you cannot freely love them? Can’t just, be, with them? Not in just one way, bestmates, legendary partners, but, as everything that the word Soulmate brings along and includes with it? 
That God decided to have them be of the same sex, during a time where it was illegal to love and be with someone of the same sex, and could even be a potential death sentence to be assumed or thought of as a ‘queer.’ 
So, you take whatever you can with them. 
Then that isn’t enough. One grows restless, desperate for more. It can’t happen, not realistically, not without consequences of varying degrees. 
Strain, miscommunication to none. They communicate through a musical, artistic language which just isn’t enough. Drugs, alcohol, mental illness and emotional turmoil, it’s all too much. It breaks. Soulmates are still flawed human beings. 
You have people who work to purposefully pin them against each other. Parasites and piggybackers. 
A nasty divorce and breakup between two lovers that never were.
And then, after ten years, it’s happening. You two are talking again, things are tense and awkward still sometimes, but something’s changed. You’ve planned on reuniting, couldn’t do it this year, because the studio you wanted was booked. So you plan for after the New Year. 
Then, your soulmate is killed. Just, taken away from you, like nothing. Violently and suddenly. And all the possibilities... The time... Gone. Ripped away from both of you.
I can’t blame Paul for not letting go. I can’t say I’d ever be able to understand the sort of pain and heartbreak he experienced. He still goes through it! It’s still there. He’s just learned how to manage it a bit better. 
I’d say it’s more pathetic then it is annoying— and I don’t mean it in a way to insult Paul. I really don’t. Because John was just as pathetic when it came to his obvious obsession, desire, and love for Paul, too. 
Love, that kind of soul-deep love, it can make you pathetic and hopeless. And it’s not something you can just... let go for good. 
Wanting, or expecting Paul to let go of John for good... Firstly would be impossible, and secondly, how do you let go of a soulmate? John is a part of Paul, whether some like it or not. Can’t really have one without the other. 
Can’t have Lennon without McCartney, and vice-or-versa. Forever intertwined, are they.
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stanning-reyna · 3 years
A Leo and Piper pre-tlh One-shot
It was finally winter break, and Piper was ecstatic that her dad had wanted her to come home for the holiday. She was less thrilled that they would be going up to some fancy ski resort- skiing had never been a favorite of hers- but who was she to argue. 
Her dad had even said she could invite a few friends from school to join her. It was funny that he thought she would have multiple friends, but Piper didn’t say that to Tristan’s face. She asked her only friend Leo if he was busy over break.
He was free, as she figured. Most kids at the Wilderness School were. As much as Piper felt like a polar opposite of some of her classmates, everyone on the campus had one thing in common- none of their families wanted them around.
Which was why she was so thankful that her dad wanted to spend winter break with her. They hadn’t had a Christmas together in 3 years now because he was always busy with this movie or that award event. This year was going to be special.
Plus Leo would be there. Piper had only known the boy for 4 months, but he was the best friend she had ever had. She couldn’t wait to get to hang out and actually go places, which was forbidden at the Wilderness School.
“Ms. Mclean?” 
Piper was drawn out of her thoughts by the man holding open the car door for her. Her and Leo had just arrived at the ski lodge where her father had promised to meet them. His assistant, Jane, was waiting with them.
Piper climbed out of the car and started walking towards the resort lobby. Massive, sparkling windows covered the entire front wall and displayed the cozy lounge and fireplaces inside. 
“I knew your family was wealthy, but damn y’all are rich,” Leo commented, staring up at the towering pine poles outside the building. 
Piper felt her cheeks start to burn. She hated talking about her dad’s money. 
“Does this place have a pool?” he asked.
Jane cut off their path as they walked. “Not one that you would be allowed to use. Now go sit down over there.” She pointed to a set of chairs on the fair side of the lobby, her long fingers motioning harshly. The two teens rolled their eyes as they walked to the seats.
“We’re totally getting into that pool,” Piper whispered.
Leo nodded and was about to add something when Piper spotted her dad walking through the lodge doors. She jogged towards him, barely able to contain the smile spreading across her face.
Tristan didn’t notice her at first as he was busy discussing something with Jane. After a moment he turned around and his eyes landed on Piper. A smile spread across his face too. 
Tristan dropped his over-the-shoulder bag to the floor and embraced her in a hug. Piper wrapped her arms arounds him tightly, cherishing the moment. Hugs like this didn’t happen between them often. 
. . . 
Piper and her dad spent all evening catching up over dinner, while Leo sat to the side of the table silently. She felt bad for putting her friend in such an awkward situation, but when she brought it up later he said he was fine with it. He’d seen worse at the Wilderness School.
After that everyone resigned to their rooms for the night, but not before the two teens made a plan to meet up at midnight for some swimming adventures in the forbidden pool.
“You sure all these stuck-up rich people aren’t going to have our heads if they catch us?” Leo whispered in the silent stairway later that night.
Piper scoffed. “Please. They’re all in bed in their silk pajama sets by now. And the employees will be easy enough to bribe.”
“Coolio, but I’m still up for disabling security cameras. Just tell me when,”  Leo offered.
By now they had reached the iron rod gate that surrounded the pool deck. The fragrant smell of chlorine filled Piper’s nostrils as she scanned her room card on the keypad. 
As expected, it flashed red. The pool was off-limits to them, as Jane had said it would be.
“Plan B,” Piper whispered.
She spotted a big bush that run up against the fence to their left. It would provide enough support for them to get themselves over.
Leo must have read her mind. He scurried over to the bush and began to climb.
“Can I get a lift?” he asked. Piper laced her fingers together and bent down to give Leo a step up. He missed her hands completely and his sneaker dug into her shoulder. 
“Watch it!”
“Stop moving!”
A loud crash rang out- Piper hoped no one had heard it- as Leo landed on the pool deck.
“We’re good,” he whispered hoarsely from the ground.
Piper did her best to hold back a laugh as she took her turn climbing the bush. Her efforts proved futile when Leo began rolling towards the pool on the ground and her body contracted from laughter, causing her to fall over the fence too.
The two of them laid on the ground, giggling like maniacs. 
“Ok,” Piper said, gasping for air, “we made it- let’s get in the pool.”
As the two of them finally made it to their feet, a light flicked on right above them. A stern voice called out from the left. They both froze.
“Time to bribe the employees, right?” Leo murmured.
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kikilefangirl · 3 years
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Worthy of Admiration
Bucky Barnes x Reader
(Word Count: 1644)
As you pulled up to your apartment complex, nothing was seemingly out of place.
Miss Marcia sat next to her open window watching the neighborhood kids run through the grass. Suge and his boys from down the way whistled as you walked past. The usual.
But as soon as you made it up the steps, you paused. Something didn’t feel right. You were suddenly more aware of the knife burning a hole in your pocket.
“Monty!” You called out and he came almost immediately.
“Take these to your Mama, tell her it was no problem.” You said. You didn’t hear his reply.
You hand him your grocery bags, never taking your eyes off of your apartment door further down the hall. You take light, cautious steps. Turning your key with one hand, you rest the other on your knife.
As soon as the door clicked, a metal hand reached for your throat. You sidestepped, feeling the air whizz past you. You lunged at your attacker, but he was fast. His flesh arm reeled back, landing a harsh blow to your side. You slashed his forearm before he could get to you fully.
It caught him off guard long enough for you to kick him in the ribs. It gave you just enough time to retreat to your kitchen. A collection of knives and guns awaited you.
You were prepared for a moment like this.
You focused your energy, calling out all the weapons in your possession. A dagger whistled towards you and you caught it in mid-air. A dagger to go with your knife. The metal man was on you, his gun in hand.
You threw the dagger, digging it in his shoulder. As soon as you let it fly, you focused on his gun, you could feel its mechanics and jammed it from where you were.
Your knife clattered to the ground in the process, though. Hand to hand then. A block. Metal hand incoming. Dodge. Dishes and plates rocked and clashed all around you.
You matched his pace blow for blow. Learned his movements. He favored no arm or leg, not even the metal one. Military grade equipment. Very well trained.
You noticed the details. You were holding your own against the stronger, faster, bigger man solely because of the details of his weaponry. That was your mutation. Weapons. The strategy was purely years of training.
Then you slipped up. The sound of children laughing and running up and down the hall took you by surprise.
No, don’t come up here, you wanted to scream.
As soon as your attention drifted from him, the man seized the opportunity. He had his hands on your throat. You were slowly sinking and black spots dotted your vision.
Just then, another man busted through the door, and pushed your attacker off of you. The two wrestled on your living room floor, but you couldn’t keep your eyes open.
Then everything went black.
“A fake ID, no prints, and an arsenal of weapons in every room.” Natasha sounded off. She stared at your sleeping form through the observation deck in the Tower’s Med Bay.
Bucky frowned at that. The mystery woman he’d gone after and attacked as the Winter Soldier. The details were fuzzy, but he remembered some parts. From what he gathered, she lived completely off the grid. For good reason if she had Hydra out to get her.
Tony swaggered into the room, and made a beeline for Steve, whose worried gaze alternated between Bucky and the woman. He was used to the stares from everyone; he deserved them.
“Spangles, for some reason Terminator over there-,”Tony gestured to Bucky on the opposite end of the room, “almost you know, to our Jane Doe and here’s the best part, minimal damage.”
His words hung in the air, and Bucky drew his lips in a tight line. He found his own gaze drifting towards her, full of concern. He rubbed his temple.
“What are we looking at, here?” Steve let out at last. Bucky scolded himself for not asking that question himself.
Reality sunk in when no one could answer him.
“You took a lot of hard hits, yesterday.”
At the sound of the deep voice, your eyes fluttered open against the harsh white light. Hospital. You tried to sit up all the way, but a metal handcuff bit into your wrist. You grimaced and finally looked up and the man.
You tried to scramble backwards at the sight of your attacker, but you were still cuffed.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The man backed away and held his hands up.
You made no moves, but watched him carefully. His metal hand was still very much a threat. You ghosted a hand over the bruise it gave you. You took a ragged breath and licked your lips. Chapped. If not for the morphine drip, everything would hurt. Nope. You were in no condition to deal with the outside world. If you left, now, you were as good as dead.
“My name is Bucky. I’m sorry I attacked you,” He started.
It seemed genuine, but as you thought back to Metal Man, you realized who he was and why he was so familiar. The Winter Soldier. Hydra. You tried not to make a face.
“I wasn’t in control of myself. You’re safe, you’re at Avengers’ Tower.” He said frantically.
Holding your body weight up for so long on your own was beginning to take a toll. You opened your mouth, but no sound came out. You swallowed hard. It hurt the roof of your mouth because it was so dry, like sandpaper.
You spied a glass of water on the nightstand next to you, so you reached for it. You came up short, but luckily enough Bucky picked up on your actions. He handed you the water and helped you get back in the bed.
You guzzled it down as soon as it touched your lips. Not long after did a familiar voice chime in.
“Well shit, I thought I taught you better than this.”
Both your heads snapped up to see none other than Nick Fury at the door. In a flash, a butterfly knife was sailing through the air. You willed it away from Bucky’s head, and chose to lodge it on the handcuffs.
The chain snapped and you sat up. The pain in your ribs flared, but at least you weren’t chained to the bed anymore.
“Wanna trade, old man?” You said, rubbing your wrist.
Fury let out a laugh and squinted with his good eye. You picked up your clothes, and scoured through the bag they were in.
“And you two...know each other?” Bucky jumped in.
“Oakland. I was seven. Mutants don’t get to live squeaky clean, especially young black ones.” You told them.
You soften at the mention of your younger self. How young and vulnerable you were when Fury found you. You’d been on Hydra’s radar ever since, running ever since.
Your grip on your bag of clothes tightened. You’d had a run in with the Winter Soldier before. You got lucky, back then. And again, it seemed. You bit your lip.
To his credit, Bucky noticed your change in mood.
“Stay here.” He suggested. You met his apologetic eyes. He was serious about you staying, and making up for what he did.
“If I wanted to be a part of a group, y’all wouldn’t be my first call, no offense.” You said. Fury scoffed and his good eye narrowed into a slit. He didn’t comment, though.
You were a mutant who wanted to live your life on your terms, not as a spectacle. You let out a sigh.
“When the doctor clears me I’ll be a ghost.” You stated. You were more so talking to Bucky than Fury. He knew full well you weren’t a team player.
“Next time don’t get rusty,” He called out, tossing you a wad of cash. You nodded in thanks, but Fury just waved his hand and walked out. That was just how he was.
It was just you and Bucky, again.
For how massive he was, the man had an innocence about him, it was almost childlike. But there was years worth of weariness, too. And guilt. A product of Hydra, and decades of a corrupted purpose as the Winter Soldier.
You decided Bucky was a weary man who was doing his very best to live in spite of it all.
“Cheer up, comrade,” You told him with a hand on the crook of his neck, “You’ll still have me for a few more days. Until the doc clears me.”
You shot him a dazzling smile and laughed to yourself when he turned a bright pink. He stammered through his reply so much you felt bad, and let him be.
But as he got up to leave, his eyes dulled. He really wanted you to stay and redeem himself for his actions. You couldn’t say it wasn’t admirable.
You twirled the knife in your hands, in one combination after the other. Bucky had blown up your hiding spot. Hydra was without its best asset and would probably be gunning for new ones. People like you.
You clicked your tongue. You could do with a life fully funded by Tony Stark himself, in the most secure building you’d ever been in.
“It’s too hot out there for me, right now. I might need a place to stay until it’s safe to move.” You said.
Bucky nodded and gave you a small smile.
“Can I ask your name, now?” You blinked at the question.
You’d lived so long without anyone, that you hadn’t even considered revealing any true information about yourself. No introductions, no goodbyes. Bucky could probably relate to that.
It felt good to say your name out loud. You surveyed the room around you. The faces of the men and women pretending they weren’t watching your exchange with Bucky.
You tilted your head and surveyed your new knife. Your nostrils flared at your collection left behind in your apartment. Oh, you’d be staying alright.
Reeling back you threw the weapon at your observation window. Successfully sticking, the knife was directly in line with Tony Stark’s head, if not for the window.
“Stark! I want my knives back!”
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cartasmojadas · 3 years
Y’all remember that Dirk John AU that I said I wanted to write...well it has taken a turn. Now it reads more like little windows into a budding relationship.
Here’s to childhood friends!
The first time John considers the idea of boys kissing boys he’s in the fourth grade. It is also the last time he plays hide and seek. 
“I think I’m too old for hide and seek,” Dirk pushes John’s face away with the hard plastic of the game controller. His older brother is supposed to be picking him up from the sleepover soon, but if the dog-shaped clock on the wall isn’t wrong, Dave is already half an hour late. 
John flinches and falls back into the bed. Dirk is willing to ignore him for Rainbow Road but John’s disappointed expression holds his attention. 
“You sound like Janey,” John mutters. “Everyone says they’re too old and I’m too little. But you’re only a year older! Stop treating me like I’m a baby!” John kicks his legs around and apologizes when he lands a hit on Dirk’s leg. 
Dirk watches John in silence for a moment. His sisters have pointed out that he should try to be less blunt since you catch more flies with honey, not that he’s entirely sure why he’s supposed to catch flies, or how he’s supposed to speak in honey. 
“You are a baby.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth, Dirk knows he has messed up. John’s face drops with a betrayed wail. He quickly tosses a pillow in Dirk’s direction. 
“It’s not a bad thing,” Dirk swats the pillow away. He reaches over and ruffles John’s dark hair in an affectionate manner like Dirk’s own older siblings will do to him whenever Dirk is upset.
“It’s cute and fun and it means you get away with lots of stuff.”
John still wears the insult on his face as he scoots to the edge of the bed. Their legs dangle over the edge of the bed and John’s chest twists when he notices that Dirk’s feet already touch the ground. 
He pushes his thick-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighs. 
“Yeah, but,” he sighs again, “You’re going to sixth grade next year and then I really will be too little. You’re going to hang out with all of the other big kids and you and Jane are going to forget all about me.”
Dirk scoffs, “I don’t think Jane could forget about you. She’s your sister and you live with her. I’ve tried forgetting about Rose and that’s never worked.”
John lets out a short laugh and Dirk can’t help but smile to himself. He has always thought that John has one of those faces that just doesn’t look right when they’re sad. Like his big sister Roxy. When she gets sad it makes Dirk think that everything is sad. 
“Hey,” Dirk says hopping off the bed, “Let’s go play hide and seek.” 
Despite John being a terrible hider (or Dirk is too good of a seeker), they have fun. Dirk finds it difficult not to fall into John’s infectious enthusiasm for the game. And while he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Dirk enjoys pretending he’s Detective Conan on the case. 
John prefers to hide anyways. Whenever he’s the one looking for Dirk, it takes way too long and makes the game a little boring. John likes the feeling of anticipation that he can’t contain whenever he sees Dirk’s shadow move around and he can hear the light sound of Dirk’s muttering getting closer and closer to wherever John hides. 
So when Dirk starts to count John takes off. 
He runs as fast as he can through the house and out into the back yard. Dirk said this was the last round and before they play Mario Kart-- John knows he needs to make it count. 
His blue sneakers light up green as he hops around assessing a new and ideal hiding location for himself. 
The back yard is full of John’s typical hiding spots. There are a few trees and hedges that might work but John has already hidden behind those today. He looks at the dad-approved spots for playing in the backyard and feels the anxious frustration that comes with the pressure of a countdown bubble up. 
Dirk is getting closer to the number 100 when John spots a non approved location. The realization makes John feel particularly proud of himself; hiding in a not dad-approved spot behind the tool shed? Dirk will never find him!
John sprints past the scattered and mostly abandoned playground pieces toward the toolshed. It sits under a treelined corner, which hides everything perfectly under the shade of overgrown bushes and machinery. His dad says he should stay away from that side of the house since it is full of sharp and hard metal tools, but John isn’t a baby and he can absolutely handle hiding behind some old walls. 
When he sees Jake, John’s first instinct is to drop low and hide. Mostly out of habit, since he feels like the older kids are always hiding something from him but John also hides out of curiosity. 
John isn’t entirely sure what is happening. His mind briefly forgets that he’s supposed to be hiding from Dirk, but instead his mind races with questions about what Jake could possibly doing behind the shed. 
John shifts his weight and leans over enough to get a better view. His eyes go wide at the sight. 
He’s never seen people kiss outside of some movies and for a moment John thinks that they are just whispering really close to each other. It’s not until Jake’s hand moves up and readjusts their angle, that it clicks for John.
Jake is kissing Dave, Dirk’s big brother. 
John is halfway to a loud gasp that gets cut off as Dirk covers his mouth with his hand. His eyes are just as wide as John’s and he can’t help but think that it’s the most expressive he’s seen his friend be in a while. John takes in the additionally rare view long enough that he forgets his initial scandal for a moment. He fixates on the bright blush that covers Dirk’s face.
Dirk swallows hard before he looks away from where his brother is kissing John’s older cousin. When he looks down, John is staring at him confused. 
He takes John’s hand and as quiet as possible, leads him back toward the house. As soon as their feet touch the bricks of the back patio, both boys sprint into the house tripping over each other and past John’s confused sister, until they reach John’s mess of a bedroom. 
“What was that!” John shrieks. 
Dirk hushes him and pushes John toward the window. Dirk crouches down so that he can barely look over the window sill. 
“Don’t just stand there,” Dirk means to sound annoyed but his voice trails with distraction. 
John watches Dirk quietly and wonders what he’s thinking about. He looks a little more like his regular self, compared to the surprised expression from earlier, if not maybe a little bit more serious.
“That was weird right?” John whispers after a moment. “Boys aren’t supposed to kiss boys, right?”
Dirk turns and rests his back against the wall. “I dunno,” he mutters, “Says who?” Dirk stares down at his hands as if in deep thought. 
John squints his eyes and tries to remember, “I think Zack, the one in Mr.Jenkin’s class, said so.”
Dirk rolls his eyes, “Zack is an idiot. Don’t listen to what he says. He ate dirt once and didn’t even get paid for it.”
John hums in agreement and sits down next to his friend. 
“So, not weird? That your big brother and my cousin were, were kissing?”
Dirk shakes his head slowly, almost as if he’s unsure of his own answer. 
“I can’t imagine kissing anybody! So gross.” John huffs. 
Dirk spares a cautious glance at John and feels relief when he sees John’s toothy grin.
“I mean, eventually, maybe,” John blushes, “I guess I am too little for kissing,” he taps his forehead and thinks, “But so are you!” he rushes, “You too Dirk, you’re too little to kiss. Just because you’re in fifth grade doesn’t mean you can kiss people. Jake is like, a hundred--”
“He’s sixteen,”
John gasps, “That’s still old! So best bro pact, right now, no kissing! Anyone!”
Dirk stares down at John’s offered pinky. His head is still swimming with rapid-fire questions that his brain tries to catalog as fast as they form. 
“Dirk!” John hisses, “Promise!”
There’s something about John’s urgency that clears Dirk’s mind.
“Okay,” Dirk concedes and John beams with satisfaction. “But! You can’t tell anyone about what we saw! Best bro promise! You gotta swear on your signed Stay-Puft action figure.”
In the distance, they can hear someone call for Dirk.
“Only if you promise on your secret my little pony collection that you won’t kiss anybody!”
“Ever!” John shrieks at the same time Jane calls for Dirk.
Dirk wraps their pinkies together and meets John’s determined eyes one more time. 
John doesn’t really think about kissing much after that. 
And he only ever thinks about boys kissing when Jake comes out a year later. 
The dreams where John is the one hiding behind the tool shed kissing a faceless blond boy with warm skin and chapped lips won’t start for a few years.
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gebtoons · 3 years
my contribution to the bapo timeline discourse bc i’m just gonna propose a timeline and will not be taking criticism <3 (under the cut bc this is gonna be a long post probably) 
ok disclaimer I am quite stupid, however I’m gonna use my knowledge from my own 12 years in american public high school and what little info I have about american boarding schools/catholic schools that I have from my friends lol. so. idk. 
i’m also gonna date songs/major events and i’m gonna be taking some “just trust me bro” liberties bc y’all are right it does NOT make that much sense. 
January 6: Epiphany; this is like an actual holiday lol. like its always on the sixth. idk its good that this is the starting point bc its an actual date yknow? For the purposes of this timeline were going with that its early in the week, so lets go with Monday idk
January 6-13: You and I, Role of a Lifetime; so we’re all kinda in agreement that this timeline (at least the beginning) only really makes sense if you and i/role of a lifetime aren’t like. a singular moment and are instead multiple days. so yeah, of this first week, this is like. monday-next sunday ish yknow. 
January 14: Auditions, Plain Jane Fatass; ok so having auditions for a spring musical right after kids get back from break actually makes perfect sense to me, like i can see it being like “ok take break to prepare so as soon as you come back we can have auditions so we can jump right into rehersals” yknow? and since the rave is clearly on a friday (”we’ll meet in tanya’s room on friday night”) so i’m going with the monday before.  
as for pjf, i know it doesn’t make a ton of sense for them to get a two week late birthday package their first few weeks back from school, but hear me out it makes sense. the implication throughout this entire show is that the twins have decently shitty parents. from bits of dialogue (in this song in particular lol) i’m kinda inferring their the “only concerned with how their kids make them look to others” kind of neglectful. so I don’t think it’s too outside the realm of possibility that they went away for the holidays, didn’t bring the twins, and instead mailed them a birthday package and having it show up two weeks late. realistically the timing of this isnt that important and the explicit “two week” time frame could’ve been an exaggeration on nadia’s part to mock her shit parents (idk its in her character) basically ppl are a little two fixated on this imo but anyway. moving on. 
January 18: Wonderland, A Quiet Night At Home, Rolling, Best Kept Secret; a very agreed upon point in the timeline. its the friday following the auditions. moving on. 
January 21: Confession; also very agreed upon. the monday following the rave. moving on again 
January 23: Portrait of a Girl; the date here is kinda arbitrary, but bc sister chantelle says “ok lets try to put yesterday’s rehearsal behind us” and i for the life of me cannot think of a scene she could be referring to (there’s none in the script either) that implies it wasn’t the same monday as confession (bc even in a boarding school i think holding extracurriculars that aren’t sports over the weekend (especially when they are no where near crunch time lol) is weird and not common) so i just picked a random day during the week
January 25: Birthday Bitch!, One Kiss, Are You There?; from matt’s line in wonderland, ivy’s birthday is a week after the rave. in my timeline that’s january 25th (an aquarius queen). 
btw given all grown up’s “17, how will i manage?” ivy is 16 during 17 at her party, which is strange given shes a high school senior and seniors are typically 17 during 18. so either a) she skipped a grade, not an unheard of thing. or b) shes not a senior, shes just a junior who hangs out with a bunch of seniors, which is also pretty common. and looking through the script i can’t find any mention that she is also a senior, other than yknow she graduates with them, but she isn’t mentioned during the class ranking scene? so idk not that it really matters just a fun detail 
February 3 (at night): 911 Emergency!; ok controversial. i know i like the joke about how its funny that peter having a weird dream when he was high prompted him to want to come out and really ruined his relationship with jason. BUT. i think the dream (despite it’s weirdness) would have a lot more meaning if it wasn’t the result of being really high, but if it was a dream he had like a week later as a result of a building sense of guilt/anxiety bc he told matt. also it fits better given later timeline things. (this timeline literally only exists if there are weird jumps in time that don’t make a ton of sense) (EDIT: I forgot one line about Jason crashing at ivys but fuck it forget that bitchass line this makes for more drama its staying this way)
February 4: Reputation Stain’d, Ever After; the next day following peter’s dream, idk what else to say, moving on. 
February 25-28: Spring; another jump! i’m sorry but the only way for this to make sense logistically is for there to be quite a few time jumps! however, i also think this one works bc i think it gives time for everything from around ivy’s party and peter and jason’s break up to stew emotionally. like obviously a musical only has so much time to tell a story so the audience cannot see every realistic beat, but honestly i think it makes the whole thing a little more dramatic™ if there’s space for everything to settle, and for ivy to come and apologize and such. also, the reason it’s multiple days is bc in the script, ivy is trying to study (presumably for some sort of midterm) while nadia is playing, so that probably takes place a few days before they move out, so before finals. but in the script, jason and peter are packing and peter is leaving, so that part of the song/staging takes place on the 28th. yes, that’s weird, but we are clearly thinking more about the logistics of this school than the writers were so. 
March 1: One; assuming st. cecilia’s works kinda like boarding schools here, they probably do staggered move out/move in, just bc that would be a lot to have people coming and going at once so it makes sense that peter left the day before, while jason and ivy are leaving the next day. also, given that peter is trying to call jason while he and ivy are banging, it’s probably been a hot minute since the actual break up, since peter was clearly very hurt by the whole thing, it would make sense (at least to me) that peter would reach out a month ish later, rather than like a few days later (you have to make so many assumptions to make this timeline work granted they aren’t super out there assumptions but still this is annoying) 
March 1-25: Spring Break. the coworkers I have who are in boarding school work over their school breaks, which are longer than the public school breaks (which are only a week) so i put their spring break at 3 weeks. it makes sense, and it makes the later part of the timeline make sense. 
I know i’m already halfway through this, but to me it makes sense for their to be quite a few time jumps in the story bc its a musical. they cannot show every day. there are a lot of other shows (particularly shows set in high schools) that are set over a whole school year, but if you just look at the events of the story that doesn’t make sense, so you have to imply that obviously they are not showing every little detail. moving on. 
March 25: Wedding Bells, In The Hallway, Touch My Soul; peter wakes up from his nightmare in the church, so im assuming he fell asleep in church (like he almost did during epiphany). also it makes sense that class ranks are announced in late march-early april, I know my school announced ours in like, the first week or so of april? so yeah. moving on.
(from this point on i was giving myself a headache trying to make it make sense so its all weird from here!!)
April 4: See Me, Warning; the date doesn’t really matter here, I picked a random day in early april. the script said peter is calling from him and jason’s old dorm room, as he was picking up the last of his things, so he clearly made the roommate switch after school started (makes sense to me). 
April 15-20 (approximately): Ivy finds out she’s pregnant. look google tells me on average people find out they are pregnant around 5-7 weeks after conception. i went with around 7 just so this timeline makes a tiny bit more sense given the later stuff, so yeah here we go. 
May 4: Pilgrim’s Hands, God Don’t Make No Trash, All Grown Up, Promise, Once Upon A Time, Cross; a rough night for our heroes. so given sister chantelle saying “again? wonderful.” and nadia saying “i can’t believe you missed rehearsal again”, clearly ivy has been missing quite a few rehearsals, so for dramas sake maybe from when she found out she was pregnant? also i know i’ve been saying they wouldn’t have rehearsals on weekends, and given my weird timeline this would be a saturday, but its tech week so i’ll allow it. 
May 5: Two Households, Bare, Queen Mab, A Glooming Peace; pretty self explanatory, and it makes sense to have the spring play in early may. rip jason. 
May 11: Absolution; the day before graduation peter goes to confront the priest. gives him a small amount of time to start processing, and it makes sense it would be the night before, at least to me. 
May 12: No Voice; i fucking hate this. “peter, we graduate next sunday” i hate that stupid fucking line. do you know that this timeline literally would be fine if it weren’t for that stupid fucking line? bc then, the school play would be in early may and graduation could be in late may-early june (when most high schools hold graduation) but no. keeping with continuity, they have to graduate the sunday following the school play. “peter we graduate in a month, are you really never gonna talk to me again?” would have been fine. but no, now we have beef. literally everything else about the end of this timeline being kinda weird would work itself out, except for the fucking graduation. god damn. anyway, may 12th, the graduate on may 12th which is really fucking weird bc of that one fucking line. whatever. i didn’t write the damn thing bc if i did i wouldn’t have written that fucking line. (i’ve been at this for over an hour and a half, so i’m a tad annoyed, can you tell?) 
anyway, that’s it. that’s my long as hell proposed bare timeline. if there’s anything glaringly wrong with it i don’t care bc this timeline literally cannot make sense. but honestly, now that i think about the Popular Tween High Schooler Musicals (heathers, bmc, deh) the timelines of those (especially heathers and bmc) don’t make tons of sense either. that’s just the way it is, that’s the way its gonna be. and we have to live with it. 
this post is so long it is actually slowing down my laptop as i type it
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sxnnimoon · 4 years
****I had this pre-written but made some changes and way longer than I planned. I feel I could make a part 2 out of this but I want y’alls feedback on that. I changed up somethings throughout the real story line but I hope y’all like it.
Being the oldest friend of the Mikaelsons wasn’t at all bad as you may seem. You’d been there since the beginning. From the moment Esther turned them into vampires you were turned too as your family had died and Ester took you in teaching you everything you knew. You knew of Freya as Esther trusest you most even though you were born a beast as Mikael would say. You and Niklaus were both the original hybrids. His being suppressed your abilities not so much, as you activated the curse at age 16. It was an accident but what's done is done. Being around them for a long time and close in age with Niklaus and Elijah caused for a few hook ups here and there between both men, besides hookups you would spend your time most with Niklaus rather than Elijah. There was something there but neither one of you had made it clear what you were. You’d confided in Elijah your feelings. Surprisingly he’d been supportive despite how he felt. You knew he was perfect and knew the right woman would come along when the time was right. You’d currently been in Mystic Falls. Niklaus always had to steer trouble while in this place and come to think of it he’d left before the real trouble began. Despite being longtime friends with the Mikaelsons, you’d made friends in the Salvatore brothers and everyone that came along with them. 
“You know I still don’t see why you stick around them.” Damon said. You knew he meant well besides the obvious factor being he wanted to woe you into sleeping with him. 
“Because they remain dear to my heart and are kind to me.” You smiled. 
“Whatever you say.” He said taking a drink before leaving the room. 
“You know, he means well.” Stefan said finally speaking. 
“Besides the fact he wants to sleep with me.” You raised a brow.
He chuckled. 
All you could do was smirk and shake your head.
“Well I should be going.” You said getting up. “Don’t want to be leaving them hanging.” 
Stefan walked you out and you were on your way. On the drive back you were processing all that’s happened as of late. Elena, close to being a ripper. The witch hunter. This Hayley girl you never met. Either way you didn’t pay too much into it. You’d pulled in, noticing Niklaus was back. Which was strange but you didn’t pay too much into it. 
“Klaus?” You said entering. “I’m back.” 
You didn’t get an answer. 
“Niklaus? Nikla-” you stopped yourself looking at the image laid out before you. Klaus with some other woman. You were crushed. You guys weren’t an item but it hurt the same. You left bumping into a table causing something to break, getting their attention. Niklaus followed the noise only to realize it was you. He called for you but it was too late you had already left. He cursed at himself. 
You called Beks telling her you were on your way. She knew you were upset just by your tone. You pulled into the home she currently was staying in. 
“Beks?” You called. 
You wandered looking for the blonde. 
“What happened?” She looked concerned. 
You didn’t say anything you just broke down in tears. You nearly collapsed. 
“I walked in on him with someone.” You choked out. 
“That bastard.” She said in disbelief. 
Some weeks went by Elijah called saying Niklaus was planning on heading to New Orleans in a few weeks. You wanted to see him but didn’t know what you would say. You’d been dodging his calls and texts and surprisingly he gave you space. But you did need to go back to get some things. You went when no one was home. You gathered just about everything of yours when you heard someone. You listened but didn’t make a move. 
“Klaus?” The voice said. Obviously a woman’s voice but one you hadn’t heard. You definitely needed to know who this was. You vamped to where she was, pinning her against the wall. 
“Who are you.” You said.
“I could be asking you the same question.” She said.
“I live here. Well did but that’s not the point.” You said.
“I’m looking for Klaus, have you seen him?” She pushed out, having a hard time putting together words.
“Haven’t seen him for weeks.” You said letting go. “What’s so important anyways?”
“If you must know, I’m pregnant and it’s his.” She said holding her stomach.
“Lies!” You shouted. 
She stepped back a bit.
“Normally I would be but at this moment I’m not.” She said. 
You walked up to her obviously making her nervous. You went to reach out to her. Only to have your hand snatched away. 
“Back off.” She said, eyes glowing. 
“Try me,” you responded. Eyes glowing, veins showing. “I’m much more powerful than you love, I wouldn’t if I were you. I’m only seeing if what you say is true” 
You reached to her belly, closing your eyes listening. You stepped back after hearing a heartbeat. 
You covered your mouth. 
“That bastard!” You yelled, taking a step back. 
“I can see you two had something.”she stated.
“We never were officially together.” You said sinking to the floor. 
“I’m Hayley by the way.” She said.
“Y/n.” You replied.
“Is there any way to get to him?”she asked.
“He leaves for New Orleans in a few days, we could leave now and make it before him to see what the witches down there can do.” You suggested. 
“I’m game.” She said.
The ride down wasn’t too bad you actually got to know each other pretty well. You still were hurt by what Niklaus had done but Hayley actually isn’t that bad at all. You got along well. Arriving in New Orleans you ran straight to your dear friends hoping they would help. With the way things ran now in the one place you called home you had to keep Hayley hidden. The spell Jane Anne did it confirmed her pregnancy but also caused her death it was horrible but was the price she paid. You left Hayley with the witches as you wanted to visit the little boy dearest to you even though he wasn’t so little anymore.
“Marcellus.” You said making yourself known.
“Well I’ll be damned.” He smiled happily.
You walked to him with open arms. He picked you up, spinning you. 
“Alright now, put me down.” You giggled.
“Guys,” he spoke to the people around us. “I would like you all to meet the woman who raised me. My mother.”
You smiled. Remembering him as a little boy. 
“I see the money I sent you helped in the long run?” You asked.
“More than you know.” He said taking your hands. “I’m surprised though that Klaus is nowhere to be seen.” 
“I haven’t seen or talked to him in weeks.” You said rolling your eyes.
“ I see he’s fucked up again. Haven’t made things official?” He said. 
“Yes. And yes.” You said giving a fake smile.
“He just will never learn.” Marcel shook his head.
“Well I am to be headed back to my hotel. I’ll try and pop back in tomorrow alright? You be good.” You gave him a hug and left.
You received a call from Sophie saying Elijah was in town. You rushed to the cemetery as that’s where they were. 
“Elijah!” You said.
“Y/n!” He hugged you. “I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too.” You smiled. 
You both followed Sophie through the cemetery leading to where the witches were. They had brought out Hayley ,walking over making sure she was okay. She instantly looked at Elijah questioning who he was. Sophie began explaining. 
“There is no way.” Elijah said. 
“Believe me Elijah she’s the reason I am here. We came here together. Listen.” You pleaded.
He finally was convinced. 
“Niklaus is here but I don’t believe he will take this well,” Elijah began, “especially if you already know Y/n. He’d be devastated.” 
“Well that serves him right for not making a move.” You said. Apologizing to Hayley. 
To be honest you all needed a plan as to how telling Niklaus would go. Him being the stubborn ass he is, could result in a lot. But hopefully seeing you could ease it all. Elijah found where he was, the plan was for him to talk to him and for us to show up. Not too much should happen right? You had used your vamp hearing to listen in to when they arrived. You stayed hidden, listening to Niklaus deny the child. It was painful to watch. You desperately wanted to butt in but held back. You thought you guys had him when Elijah told him to listen hoping it would turn him to believe but obviously that failed. Elijah went after him. You made sure Hayley was ok before seeing where they went. Only to just miss them following Niklaus keeping your distance of course. He was headed for Marcellus. You kept the distance only to be met by Elijah. 
“Sophie is linked to Hayley, we can’t just kill her and leave without risking her life.” He stated. 
“Shit” you said.
“I’ll negotiate with Marcellus you tend to Hayley I’ll meet you back at the cemetery.” He said.
You arrived back at the cemetery, confronting Sophie. Things were getting heated until Elijah showed up carrying the corpse of Jane Anne. You knew the witches would follow through with whatever it was he had planned. You and Elijah left searching for Niklaus. You’d found him roaming drinking his problems away.
“Stay hidden til the time is right.” Elijah said. 
You nodded. Watching it all unfold. They began fighting, that being your que to intervene. 
“Enough!” You shouted. 
Niklaus looked wide eyed as if he saw a ghost. You helped Elijah up. 
“Must you seriously be a stubborn ass. That woman is carrying your child. Something you know deep down you want. Yet are fighting.” You yelled pushing him.
“Y/n/n.” He said.
“Oh don’t Y/n/n me, of course I know of the child I’m the one who bloody brought her here.” You continued on.
You were furious with him, you weren’t going to let this go. Elijah knew not to get involved when you were like this so he kept his distance. You continued yelling at Niklaus for what seemed hours long until he finally came to his senses. You all called it a night and would figure things out in the morning. You all showed up to the plantation, memories filled your mind of the little boy who you once long ago saved. You smiled. Your attention was drawn somewhere else though. You listened to Hayley opening up a bit to Elijah. You noticed the way he looked at her. Knowing that look all too well. You had been so invested that you didn’t notice the company you had.
“I see he’s finally found someone new to fancy.” Niklaus smirked.
You rolled your eyes. Walking away not wanting to talk to him. He on the other hand thought otherwise. 
“Oh come on love, you really can’t keep this up any longer.” He exclaimed.
“Watch me.” You said. Turning to face him. 
He smirked getting closer. 
“You can’t resist me.” He said tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“What do you want me to say?! I forgive you for knocking up some girl you hooked up with on a one nightstand?” You yelled at him.
All he did was smile. He loves seeing you all worked up and jealous. 
“All you have to do is tell me and I’m yours.” He said closing the gap between you two.
You looked at him surprised, you have been waiting for this moment. Yet here you were not expecting it the slightest. You looked up at him.
“What makes you think that’s what I want?” You teased, testing the waters.
He pinned you to the wall.
“Oh believe me love. It’s what we both want. Just give in.” He whispered.
His words sent chills to your body. You wanted him. You needed him. In all the ways you could think. He pressed his lips firmly against yours, you hesitate but kiss back. You both pull away. 
“Just because you kiss me and make me yours doesn’t take away the fact that I’m still upset with you.” You said punching him.
“Believe me, love. You can torture me however you like” he said with a wink. 
You giggled. 
“You bet your ass I will.” You smirked. 
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Cause someone has to fill the huge Volturi void, right?
An extract of the start of who knows what, y’all.
****Jane (and Alec) are aged up to 20 because S*eyer is a gateway pedo and she does not pass the fuckin’ vibe check****
“Well, I think that was wonderful. That was wonderful, don’t you agree?” Aro clasped his hands and turned to each of his brothers in delight.
Marcus nodded deeply and slowly, his face not moving from its sunken blood-hound like melancholy. Caius smiled thinly. 
This human did indeed have a wonderful handle of the violin trembling against her shoulder, but Aro had been at this for eight days. In a bid to add to his ‘collection’ of art, Aro had decided to reach out to those few hopeful humans who stayed under the Volturi’s employ in search of any with a talent with instruments. Once he acquired a full quartet, orchestra, or god knows what he had his heart set on, he would grant them the immortality they craved in exchange for their eternal service as the castle’s musicians.
No one dared voice how ridiculous a waste of effort it seemed, even when Aro declared he wanted to hear for himself each and every audition, and dragged his brothers into the newly repaired turret room for the occasion.
The young woman with the violin bowed deeply, awkwardly, and then left, only to be replaced by another. This one carried a cello, and froze to her core once she gathered the courage to look at her spectators. 
“Whilst we’re still young.” Marcus droned in an unchanging, deadened tone.
Caius’ snort at the humour was childish and Aro glared across the room at him before regaining his whimsical, cheerful facade. 
“Go ahead.”
The woman wetted her lips and tried to smile, drawing the bow to the strings. Aro thought she looked like very much like she was in pain. 
As the thought crossed his mind, the sound of an enraged scream split through the marble and mortar of the castle walls with such a blood-curdling quality the cello woman almost fainted. 
Aro closed his eyes in annoyance, Marcus rolled his tortured gaze on the ceiling and Caius gave the side of Aro’s head a look which could have said ‘rather you than me’ as much as it could have meant ‘I told you so’. 
“Excuse me.” Aro said with a sickly sugariness, lips peeled back in a shark smile as a muffled crashing sound resounded from above.
He left the judging to his brothers with a heavy heart, and hoped they would at least allow her to play before they killed her. 
Jane’s chambers, of which had been hers and hers alone for over twelve hundred years, were now more of a salvage operation than a rescue mission. She stood still in the rubble of the furniture, of her few possessions and in places, the stonework of the walls, with her back to the door and an antagonised aura about her. Chalky dust still swirled in the air, and smears of powdered granite peppered with splinters decorated her black robes in calico patches. Aro cleared his throat from the doorway and she exhaled audibly. 
“Jane.” He prompted, like a school teacher cueing a small child to take their turn. 
“Master.” It was polite but she knew she was pushing it. Aro had asked a question with his presence alone, and this was the second time this week that she hadn’t answered it. She didn’t turn around.
Aro stayed silent for long enough to give away that he was calculating. 
“Your power grants you a great deal of… privacy. Which in turn demands a great deal of transparency,” His voice stayed light and oddly-pitched. “I trust that I still have your… transparency?” His saccharine tone was straining. She was keeping things from him, and no one kept things from him. 
Jane clenched and unclenched her jaw, still rigid. It wouldn’t be long before he worked this out, she knew Caius was already whispering in his ear at every opportunity. She turned very slowly to look at him, and Aro’s features scrunched a little at what he was confronted with. Jane’s face was calm, but there was a crack running along her cheekbone which was healing very slowly, if it was healing at all. Her eyes were flushed black. However long it had been since Jane had drank, it was long enough halt her natural abilities to heal almost to a stop. 
She nodded once, knowing better than to speak and risk her words being seized and used against her. 
“I do not wish to have to force you to behave appropriately, Jane.” He added with some finality, the threat seeping into his voice. “The Guard do not have personal issues.” He left. 
Jane’s shoulders relaxed a little and she glanced towards a god she didn’t believe in before looking around at the room she had destroyed. She swore. She hadn’t succumbed to such a blind rage in centuries, but she didn’t know any other way to handle this new complication. 
“Dear me.” 
Jane’s head snapped around to regard the new intrusion into what was already a poor day. She growled lowly, fists tightening under her cloak as she felt Chelsea’s thin influence coil around her. 
“Temper, temper, Jane.” Chelsea’s pale brown hair was wrapped into a bun that made her sharp features look as though they had been created by the taught pressure alone. She kept a cold, vindictive twist to her thin lips as she surveyed the room. 
“Didn’t your dirty peasant mother ever teach you that it’s unbecoming of a lady to throw tantrums?”
Anger simmered under the surface as Jane battled to school her face. In her eyes, Chelsea, for what she could do, was an abomination that should have been destroyed long ago, and the fact that Aro refused to listen to her on the subject gave the manipulator a kind of insufferable glee that goaded Jane to her very soul. 
“If you’d like to see a tantrum, Charmion, by all means; carry on.” 
Jane lifted her jaw and with some satisfaction saw the other woman hesitate, eyes flicking down and back up again as if somehow surveying a threat she couldn’t see. The eldest of Aro’s daughters despised people calling her by her birth name and anyone else would have paid for their insolence with a hard dose of Chelsea’s most brutal destruction, losing their friends, lovers, even pets on occasion. But Jane’s power was volatile and chaotic in her veins and no vampire so far had been able touch her mind without being brought to their knees in indescribable agony. 
In fact, the last time a vampire had gone head to head with Jane’s natural defences— a white-blonde Parisian vampire named Lafayette with an affinity to cause long lasting amnesia— he had simply tried, screaming and straining until he expired. Aro had ordered him killed once it became apparent that the force of what Jane had unwittingly done to him had left him barely able to speak let alone serve. The inner circle had accepted this handicap to their absolute power out of necessity to keep Jane close, but Chelsea had never been able to let it go that Jane went unaffected and unchecked, her mental privacy so absolute. 
“Always such an angry little thing,” Chelsea mocked, smirking around at the carnage. “You know, I really thought our time apart would have calmed you down.” Her abilities poked at Jane a second time, just slight enough to be safe.
Late one afternoon in 1740-something, Chelsea had almost died by Jane’s hand when it had accidentally slipped that the older vampire could delicately manipulate Jane’s relationships without torturing herself, though it took a skilful, butterfly application, excruciatingly slow and insidious to evade Jane’s detection and defences, with an end result was pathetic at best. Aro had ordered them apart for ninety years after the fight had been subdued, favouritism Chelsea had branded it when she had heard Jane had survived the transgression (sure as hell nobody else would have), and once they did come back into contact almost a century later the bad blood had only run cold. Her application of it now was just blatant provocation. 
“I’ll be calm as I take a long nap at your overdue wake.” 
Chelsea sneered suddenly. “Please. I know as well as you do that you’re stomping that foot on ice far too thin to risk adding any bite to your bark.”
It was Jane’s turn to laugh. “You have the natural edge when it comes to barking, Chelsea.” 
“Jane.” Alec’s sharp voice cut off the rage her comment had invoked in her antagoniser as he strode past them without halting. “Marcus demands your presence. Now.”  
Jane gritted her teeth again and Chelsea was already back to her smug default. 
“Oops.” She feigned Aro’s sugar with one hand over her mouth as she followed Alec away, knowing damned fine and happily so that Jane was probably in trouble if Marcus wanted her so suddenly. 
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mirakumiruku · 4 years
In The Contract
A/N: Yaaay more lewd times >:3c No I will not explain myself, I’m just giving y’all your Shiggy food
Shigaraki Tomura x AFAB reader
Contains: dubcon tw, dressing up, abuse of fine print, and Shiggy being a douchebag. WC: 2.5k
You had gone to the League of Villains in an act of desperation. Your pro-hero boyfriend had dumped you for one of his coworkers, kicking you out of his apartment and leaving you jobless. So when you found a housekeeping job with no experience required, and room and board included, you thought you had been given a miracle.
You weren’t so sure about the opportunity when you arrived for the interview, staring up at the old building that you thought would be abandoned, but after double checking you had the right address, you knocked on the back door. You couldn’t help but think this was some kind of organ harvesting scheme, but you didn’t have much to lose at this point.
You did reconsider your choices when the door creaked open, and a hand pulled you inside by the front of your shirt.
“You’re (Y/N), right?” Turquoise eyes bored into yours with the question, and you couldn’t break the contact when you gave a hesitant nod. You knew this face, you’d seen it on TV, accompanied by a warning to contact the police if you saw him. Of course, it was definitely too late for you to run now. 
“You’re a lot cuter than I thought you’d be.” Dabi mumbled, letting go of your shirt and taking you by your arm to drag you further into the building. “I’d say it’s time for your interview, but I think you’re gonna get hired no matter what. You’re the only one stupid enough to reply to our ad.” He laughed as he brought you into what could only be described as an office, composed mainly of a worn out table and a wooden chair, which was occupied by yet another terrifying face. Or rather, a terrifying hand.
“About time, I was starting to worry that you wouldn’t show.” Shigaraki glowered at you from between the fingers that covered his face, idly tapping a pen on the desk. “Well, we don’t have too much room to be picky, but I still have some questions to ask you.”
The ‘interview’ went smoothly, Shigaraki asking you various questions about your views on certain politics, your career history, your relationship and opinion on heroes. He seemed a little pleased when you expressed your experience with your ex boyfriend, like he was hoping for any shred of disdain.
“You sound perfect.” He purred, scribbling his signature on the contract that laid on the desk, before flipping it around and sliding it to you along with the pen. “We can’t pay too well, but room and board are provided, as we said in the ad. By the sounds of it, that’s quite important to you right now.”
You gulped and nodded, scanning over the contract, but the fine print proved too hard to read in your fit of nerves. You steeled yourself and signed the contract. After all, there was no way they would just send you on your merry way if you declined, right?
“Excellent.” Shigaraki smirked, taking the contract and tucking it into a folder. “Dabi, can you show them to their room?” His eyes flickered from Dabi back to you, “I’m hoping for you to start as soon as possible, tomorrow morning at the latest. Does that work for you?”
You nodded slowly, worried about the panicked babbling that would escape your lips if you dared open them. 
The room Dabi had brought you to was depressing at best. An old mattress sat atop a metal bed frame in one corner, a small dresser and a cracked mirror standing on the other end of the room next to a tiny closet. You looked back at Dabi, still nervous. 
“Um… how am I… gonna go get my stuff?”
“I dunno. Where is it?”
“Well, some of it’s at my motel room, but most of it is back at my ex’s house…”
“Motel we can do, house of a pro hero is a hard no.” 
You sighed, but knew nothing would come from trying to argue with the villain. “Alright…” Maybe you could text your ex and see if he would drop your things off at the motel, or maybe you’d find it in a charity shop in a month or so. 
The night passed without event. Dinner was cup ramen, and you immediately understood why they needed a cook. 
The next morning you were brought to Shigaraki’s office again, where he went over your duties. The group had a food budget, it was your job to utilize it and make a list for whoever was to run the errands that week. You also had daily jobs like making lunch and dinner for the group, as well as various cleaning tasks. 
From what you had seen, you definitely had your work cut out for you.
You spent the first week working non-stop. Scrubbing the kitchen and bathrooms from top to bottom with the strongest cleaner you could find, mopping up the filthy floors and attacking the scattered mold colonies with bleach. How anyone, criminal or not, could live like this was beyond you. 
The first day you had made lunch for everyone, you were showered in praise. It was clear these people hadn’t eaten a proper meal in such a long time, at least not one that didn’t come out of the microwave. 
As much as you wanted to resent the group for their actions, you couldn’t help the swell of pride in your chest when you caught Shigaraki’s smile behind his father’s hand. 
You couldn’t help the nagging feeling in your gut that something was off, though. Shigaraki had a mischievous, almost devilish glint in his eye that most of the others lacked when his gaze landed upon you. None of the others looked at you that way, not counting Dabi, though you felt like he gave everyone that look.
The next week, a few packages had arrived in the group’s PO box with your name on them. Spinner, that week’s gofer, had brought them up to your room and placed them next to your bed, giving you a grin and a quick bow in thanks to you. You couldn’t help the way you beamed back at him.
Your cheerful mood quickly disappeared, though, when you opened the packages. Inside were piles of fabrics and frills, and as you pulled out the one on top you recognized what it was: a maid dress. It wasn’t too revealing, you wagered that the skirt would reach to just above your knee. But as you dug through the first box that was all it was filled with, one dress for each day of the week, either in black or cheery pastels. The other box had petticoats, tights, a pair of shiny black mary janes, and some surprisingly conservative underwear considering the other items. 
As if on cue, you heard the distinctive sound of knuckles on your doorframe.
“Hey.” Came Shigaraki’s low voice, and you could almost feel his eyes boring into your back. “I figured you should have a uniform. It’s cute, right?”
“Cute… cute isn’t the exact word I’d use.” You mumbled, draping one of the dresses over your arm. 
“Well, whatever word you would use, it’s your uniform.”
You pouted, but sighed. “Whatever…”
In the morning, you had changed from your pajamas to the black maid dress. It was a hair tight, but otherwise it fit perfectly. You didn’t want to think about how Shigaraki had gotten your measurements. The petticoat was soft against your thighs, and the tights were a silky opaque white. You topped it off with the frilly white apron tied snug around your waist, and the patent leather shoes shined to a perfect finish.
The reactions to your new outfit were mixed. Himiko had hung off you the moment you stepped into the room, gushing about how cute you were, your new dress was so pretty, could she dress you up in her own costumes sometimes? You also elicited a wolf whistle from Dabi, and you couldn’t help but notice Spinner trying to hide his intense blush behind the magazine he was reading.
Shigaraki, meanwhile, was surprisingly silent. You didn’t miss the approving glint in his eye when you passed him, though, on your way to pick up some discarded dishes from the night before. 
Your first task of the morning was always making breakfast for whoever was up at the time. The fluffy skirt got in the way of your work, and you had to be careful to not burn the petticoats when you put the tray of bacon into the oven.
“Well don’t you look cute?”
You yelped in surprise at the sound of Shigaraki’s voice, quickly shutting the oven. “Er… thank you, Mr. Shigaraki.” 
“Oh, please. You can call me Tomura when no one else is around.” He stalked over, removing the hand from his face and setting it on the counter, his eyes raking up your body. “Too bad the shipping took so long, I would’ve had you wear this a long time ago.”
“I appreciate the compliment, Tomura, but… I really should be getting back to work.” As if to drive your point home, you pulled down a bowl to crack eggs into.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m here for work.” Tomura came up behind you, his palms coming to rest on your hips, with his pointer finger poised in the air. 
You couldn’t help the squeak that escaped your throat when you felt his hips grind against your back. You tried to turn around and pry yourself away, but he held fast. “Wh-what are you–?”
“Oh, did you not read that part of the contract?” Tomura laughed low in his chest, burying his face into your neck. “That was awfully careless of you. You’re here to take care of all my needs, including more–” he punctuated his words with another harsh grind against your ass, “–intimate ones.” 
“B-but… I…”
“But what? It was on the contract. I’d be happy to go get it.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. Of course you chose not to read the contract, he probably meant for you to not read it. After all, you doubted you would have taken the job if that was part of the description, and he knew it too. 
“I mean, if you really don’t want to, I’d be happy to go find someone else. Can’t guarantee you can keep your job, though.”
You took a deep breath before nodding, bracing yourself on the counter. “F-fine.”
Within an instant Tomura was kneeling behind you, and shoving his face within your petticoats. You could feel his warm breath on your clothed heat, letting out a surprised yelp when he tore a hole in the tights. 
“Don’t know why I even bothered getting these, I knew they would end up ripped anyway…” He mused softly, giving you a few kittenlicks through your underwear before finally moving it to the side. His tongue was on you immediately, flicking your clit and lapping eagerly at your cunt. Your thighs tried to press together, instead squeezing Tomura’s head between the soft flesh. 
“Aww, is kitten enjoying this?~” He purred, two fingers coming up to circle your clit. “Good. I have to make sure you’re nice and ready for my cock.” With that he nestled his face back between your legs, pressing the flat of his tongue against your core in order to take a long, drawn out lick.
Tomura didn’t seem to show any signs of letting up no matter how much you whined and tried to push him away, nor how tight the knot in your stomach was getting from his constant ministrations. 
“Ah ah, kitten. I just want to make sure you’re not gonna hurt when you take my cock.” He gave your clit a teasing flick with the tip of his tongue. “It’s no fun if you don’t feel good while I’m splitting you open.”
You couldn’t find the words to argue with that, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to anyway. 
Your grip on the counter was turning your knuckles white, and you couldn’t help your whimpers and whines as you jutted your hips back against Tomura’s tongue. The stimulation continued without interruption, and you were getting so close, your velvety walls tightening around the tongue that had thrust itself inside of you. And just as your vision became blurry around the edges…
Tomura pulled away, licking his lips and removing his head from your skirts, standing up straight once more.
“N-no faaair!~” You whined, your tongue hanging out as you panted to catch your breath.
“Mm, I’d just much rather have you cum on my cock, kitten~” Tomura gave a low laugh at the childish pout that you took on, quickly freeing himself from the constraints of his pants. Once his length had broken free, he gave it a few languid pumps as he flipped up your skirts. 
You let out a low keen as he slowly pressed inside, punctuated by a grunt when his hips pressed flush with your ass.
“F-fuck, kitten~” He growled, face coming to bury itself in your shoulder. “So fucking tight…” He didn’t give you any time to adjust before he was madly gyrating his hips against you, only pulling his cock a few inches out before slamming it home with a bit too much force.
As much as you wanted to hate it, you couldn’t help the squeaks and moans that flowed from your lips with each animalistic thrust, especially when one of his hands came down to circle your clit in time with his bruising movements. You wanted to push him off when he pawed at your hips and ran his tongue up the side of your neck, but the majority of your mind was determined to at least reach your end.
You could feel yourself getting close once more, standing on your tiptoes in order to give Tomura better leverage to hit the spot inside you that made you see stars. Your moans were growing louder and louder, and you clawed at the countertop for some kind of purchase as you neared your edge.
Just as you were about to cum, you felt a spurting inside you: Tomura’s cum painting your insides white. Once he came, all his movements stopped, prompting a displeased whine to be ripped from your throat.
“Aww, did you not cum?” Tomura gave a fake pout, stroking your hair tenderly before he grabbed a handful and gave a gentle tug, his face contorting into a grin. “Too bad, isn’t it? I guess you’ll have to come find me later if you really want it that much.”
“B-but… I n-need to cum!~” You whined, smushing your cheek against the counter and giving Tomura the biggest teary doe eyes you could muster.
“Is that so?” He gave a thoughtful hum, wiping your tears away and stroking your hair once more. “That’s really quite a shame. Though, your job is to please me. You being allowed to cum every time isn’t part of the contract~”
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse: Epilogue
Note: Wooo boy, it’s over. Now I know not many people may have read this, it may not have the best editing and some parts are a bit vague and not the best. In fact I’ll probably revise some parts at a later date or if I ever decide to post on A03, but I am still super proud of it. I think I did some great character parts and there are some sections that I’m just super proud of. I’m also happy that I actually finished it. It’s my longest fic to date and I actually completed it! 30 chapters. Well 32 if you include the prologue and epilogue. So cool! Plus I wrote what I really wanted, which I’ll admit was not the plot. The plot was a bit wonky and maybe I had too many characters that I didn’t juggle well and didn’t give them all equal exploration. Also action scenes were hard for me to write so those were not the best. But still- getting to explore these characters and their relationships and include several of my favorite Disney characters. Very fun. Also thanks to @edream93 for encouraging me when this was just a little idea, looking over some sections and offering advice and for overall being an amazing person. Check out her WLTF and other descendants fics like London Fog Nightcaps. And for the final time, hope y’all enjoy reading.
Flash forward to summer break in Agrabah
Jordan stretched, cracking her back after sitting hunched at her desk for the past hour editing her latest video How to Date a Djinn Episode 3. She had finally convinced the tech-averse Calix to join her in making satire videos of all the most terrible dates she had been on. Initially, she had planned for it to be a serious thing where she reminded her viewers of genie autonomy and the idea they had feelings behind their wishing powers, but Calix was never good at playing emotional PSAs.
Besides it was more fun that way to spoof how terrible, and sometimes ridiculous her romantic suitors were. Plus the hilarity kept her from thinking too much about the bitterness of the memories.
She cracked her neck and poofed outside to Aziz’s room where her lamp laid on its usual perch. Outside she could hear the thump of running feet and the screech of confused peacocks.
“Malik! No riding the peacocks!” A servant shouted
“Yes, riding peacocks!”
“No, Noor, Fahran, that’s not allowed. Get off of them!”
Jordan shook her head in amusement at the kids' antics.
Noor and Fahran were having a blast hanging out with their new “little” brother as they called the 5 year old. Though they were family in a way. Jade was the half sister to Aladdin’s half brother, Mozonroth. And Malik was their nephew. Even though the family tree was a bit tangled and confusing to visualize in your head.
And where Jade and Malik were concerned, Jay was also included as Aladdin had originally planned in inviting the former thief to Agrabah so they could get to know each other, and Jay, to get in touch with the more savory side of his heritage. Jay and Aladdin had especially hit off as they compared lives on the streets and bragged about some of their more daring heists so any concern of whether the Jafar connection would sour things was gone. All together, Jay, Jade and Malik were new, though unofficial members of the family. Aladdin, and Jasmine decided to hold off any official adoption in respect to Jay and Jade’s feelings.
Though, having three new members meant triple the chaos, the running in the halls and inevitable breaking of antique objects. It was still triple the fun.
Razoul, predictably, despised the decision. But hey, he wasn’t the sultan.
Jordan peeked out to the hall, no sign of peacock racing or frazzled servants anywhere. Since she’d been inside so long she decided to go outside to the backyard.
Passing the living room, she saw Jay playing some sort of Wii-fit game against Carlos, Lonnie and Gil whose scores were also reflected on the screen even as they played millions of miles away in their own living rooms. Jordan checked the time, ah it was 2’o clock on the doubt. Jay always called his friends at this time since it was when the time zones converged suitably for all of them to chat.
Jade was lounging on the couch, facetiming her girlfriend, Yzla. Jordan waved, and Jade waved in return, focusing mainly on their conversation which involved some llama prank with Empress Malina. Yzla was staying with Emperor Kuzco and his family. A arrangement Kuzco had initially been against but his wife and son overruled him. Which was for the best because apparently Yzla and him were hitting it off like two peas in a pod, scaring Malina, by tricking her into thinking Kuzco had changed into a llama again.
Huh, that reminded her, she hadn’t checked social media in a few hours. So she scrolled through, looking at Ben’s new post that there was to be a new class in the fall. Magic 101 with Flora, Fauna and Merrywhether and many surprise guest lecturers.
The Magic 101 class had been one of Uma’s many ideas for the new and improved Auradon. She told Ben of Alexandria’s reasoning for the revolt, explaining that the pressure for magic creatures to deny their magic was a strong reason for resentment, and most importantly, unfair. And Ben, who had been present at several meetings where mermaids, fairies and others stated their petitions of complaints, agreed. King Ben had removed the magic ban and decided to institute the Magic 101 class. Contrary to the name, the class wasn’t for magical beings, they already knew how to deal with their powers and not use them to affect others or supposedly cheat at life. The class was a requirement for Auradonians to learn about their fellow beings, how it was a vital part of them and the greater natural world.
Ben had actually suggested that she’d be the magical liaison and teacher assistant for the new Magic 101 classes but she had politely declined. She did accept going as a demonstrator whenever it was time for her Dad’s guest lecture.
But a fulltime TA? It sounded like too much work, her powers were not applicable to the greater magical population, and most importantly, she really wanted to get back to doing her auratube show. Especially now that she was bound to have so many new subscribers thanks to her newfound fame for helping to defeat the Coven.
Jordan had considered doing a series about the Isle mission against the Coven in order to get the story straight and not create too wild legends regarding their month and a half there. And okay, there was also the fact that she wanted to renew her hits after losing subscribers after not posting for a month.
But she ultimately decided not to. It was their mission, only they’d get what happened in that wild untamed place of evil and poverty. Besides, it was very personal and she didn’t want to have to go into her fights with Aziz and Jay on Auratube. Or her encounter with Antiquam.
No she’d rather not think about the latter for a very long time.
Dismissing those thoughts she scrolled through several more posted announcements like the newly formed Minority Kingdom Council made up of representatives from Atlantis, Atlantica, Arrendelle, Kuzcoropia, and Pydrian, who were overrun by environmental and tourism concerns as Alexandria brought up. There was also a new class of Vks that were coming in. Basically the teen population of the Isle.
The orphans and kids from the Isle were sent to boarding elementary schools around Auradon as well as foster care with professional trained therapists for the abused youngsters.
Ben’s decision to bring the whole teen population in had been a controversial one. But he had stood by it, stating that he was taking the advice of his people, the ones from his generation who were to make up the future generation and a schoolwide vote had agreed that the Vks should be let in.
Granted it had taken a two month lobbying campaign led by Mal and Evie with Lonnie, Carlos, Jane and Jay’s help. But they did, they persuaded lots of royal kids that it was better to bring Vks over. It also helped that Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos and Uma had been pronounced Auradon’s saviors thrice in a row so…
Though it wouldn’t be until August that all the Vks, with a few exceptions like the resolutely bad CJ Hook and Prince Lars, and Antiquam, would be able to get to Auradon. But they would, Uma was making sure of it. Even Zevon and Ginny were coming despite their actions in proudly helping the Coven, Ben believed they just needed to be removed from the negative influences of their mothers.
Some Vks had already come over like Carlos’ cousin. Diego had refused to enter the VK program through school, but through the work progrm. Now he and his band, Rotten Apples, could introduce Isle grunge rock to Auradon’s farmer populations and inspire them to use music to express themselves. Carlos informed them that Diego wasn’t too into that inspiration and empowerment stuff, but he was loving the popularity. And he often crashed to the Radcliff house to catch up with Carlos and get a break from his adoring fans.
Harriet Hook, also in the work program, was working in Neverland, serving as guard for docks and a pretty mean one too, Jordan heard. Any tourist that tried to sneak
Not that everyone was residing in the homes of their parents’ enemies. Celia Facilier was living with her sister Freddie, and Freddie’s girlfriend, Ally at the Mad for Tea Shop. Also as a student by day and helping her sister as the evening entertainment at night. Singing only. FG was still wary of introducing such sketchy magic as card readings. Celia did choose to be a TA to her sister’s class, Goodness 101. Freddie was taking over for FG to make it a revamped, less patronizing seminar of how to act in Auradon with Ally popping in for politeness lessons and Carlos with therapy dogs. Though FG still stayed in the room to supervise and make sure the class stayed on track and not turn into “Everything that’s wrong about sappy sweet Auradon.”
Dizzy was reunited with her mother, her aunt Anastasia, her uncle, the Baker and Anthony Tremine and they lived in the faculty building of Auradon Prep. Easy for Anthony and Dizzy to get to school and for the Baker to go to his new job as school cook.
His baguettes were to die for, so flaky and crispy. Even Chad reluctantly agreed to their goodness when she interviewed him for student reactions to the new cook. Anastasia and Drizella were the new cosmeticians in training at the school’s day spa even though the two still argued over what was a better color and such.
Also working in Auradon’s kitchen were Gil, and Cosette’s mothers who had taken in their other’s sister’s sons, Gaston Jr, Gaston the Third and Gaston (IV) the Great. Their mother had been deemed just as abusive as Gaston and was to stay on the Isle with him. Gil had been nervous about living with his brothers again but he had Cosette by his side and Harry and Uma just a street away. Harry was just as fiercely loyal as ever to his crew and to Uma, who he’d wait for outside of Ben’s office, waiting for their meetings to end.
Gil also had Jay on his side. And though Jordan had absolutely no proof, she just felt something between them, and she was planning to use this summer to sniff out just what it was.
It had been more controversial to bring back some adult villains like Anastasia and Circe, but Ben had explained that he was not in the business of tearing families apart and adults were able to change too. Smee, for instance, wanted to retire from swabbing desks and wanted his second act in life to follow his lifelong dream. Be a clockmaker, ironically enough considering his boss’ fear of the ticking. Same with other low level henchmen like Jace and Harry, and Hun soldiers that had been following the battle orders and propaganda Shan Yu had fed them.
Ben had promised not all adults would come over, especially not ones that had abused their children, and that he, Mal and Uma were designing a careful vetting process for this program.
As for the Auradonian bred villains. Morgana and Morgaine hadn’t stayed in the dungeon for long. One day the guards had come down to give their food and they were just gone. No one knew where they went and no magic had been able to locate them. Merlin said it was no use trying. The Le Feys were tricky and wouldn’t reappear again unless they wanted to.
Kyro, Victoria and Alexandria were in therapy now in a new building away from the dorms and those who would shun them for their actions like the media that had reviled them when the news leaked out. It was a bit of a depressing building Jordan thought since one could see it if they leaned far out their windows. The outside of it looked like an insane asylum but Evie enthused about how open- aired and peaceful it was inside. The point of it was to clear the outside world, and focus on healing. What’s more, since Uma learned of FG’s somewhat oblivious and condescending advice from Alexandria, they hired a new counselor. A Dr. Mickey Mouse.
So yeah, things seemed to wrapping out into a happily ever after for all.
Jordan walked into a door, rubbing her head of the bruise and cursing herself for not looking up. Tucking the phone in her pocket, she was about to open the door when Aziz opened it for her, heading inside from hanging out on the hammock.
He didn’t even look at her as he entered, he was busy chatting on the phone with who else, his new girlfriend.
Aziz had stayed true to his word that he and Lala were just friends, and remained just friends for three months. It had irritated Jordan to no end to watch them sneak discreet looks, study together since Lala only knew the Atlantean alphabet and not the English, and dance around their feelings as if the obvious wasn’t there. And it took all her self control to honor her vow to not meddle and send a flying carpet in to speed things up.
At least Aziz did not shut her out completely and still went to her advice for what to do when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
“What if she says no? Or doesn’t know what that is. Jay did say it was only gang activity. Or maybe she’ll just say no because she thinks she’ll go crazy like her mom. But I really want her to say yes. Oh Allah, what if I mess it up instead by acting like an idiot. Or she already thinks that. I walked into a wall yesterday.”
“Aziz, she likes you,” Jordan reassured him, “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like a leopard with dinner, she totally wants to eat you. In a sexy, hungry with desire way. Not cannibal way. And really, walking into a wall? That’s not a dealbreaker or even embarrassing. If you want to talk about embarrassing, nothing can top the time you popped in front of that yoga instructor you were trying to impress.” “I had food poisoning from the oysters!” Aziz yelled indiginantly.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you shitted during downward dog,” Jordan smirked at Aziz’s flustered angry face, “Nor was it like that time when you tried to impress Anxlin with a butterfly knife and ended up-”
“Will you stop bringing up the past?” Jordan decided to change tactics and be the serious, comforting big sister that he wanted, “Just speak from the heart. You’re on the same page with so many things, and you talk so much. Sooo much, it’s kinda annoying. Especially when you’re yapping in my room when I’m trying to watch a movie. But anyway, I think when the time comes your heart will guide you to say the right thing. And if not… your lips can speak for you.”
So with that fabulous advice if Jordan said so herself, on the last day of school, before they went their separate ways for vacation. Aziz went to her room and asked her.
And while she said she wouldn’t meddle, Jordan totally turned into a bee to go through the keyhole and eavesdrop on their conversation. For moral support. Just Aziz didn’t know about it.
It was endearingly awkward as Aziz stammered through some rambling monologue of how he liked her a lot, and only if she was okay with it, but he really thought they had something so woud she maybe consider being his girlfriend.
Aziz should probably have gotten some lessons from Jay on the art of smooth, but Lala seemed to get it. “So if we’re in a relationship we do what we do now… but with kissing?” she clarified.
“Yes!” Aziz agreed eagerly, then tried to dial down his excitement, “I mean sure, if you want.”
“I would really like that,” Lala bit her lip nervously but her expression was hopefully as Aziz leaned in.
Their kiss was short, two seconds at the most. Jordan would have given it a three out of five. It was unsure and the two seemed to be surprised they even did it. But it was clear from the look in their eyes, that they only saw each other and the rest of the world was already fading away for them, that that small kiss was perfect to them.
So they kissed again. Much more purposefully this time. Oh Allah, Jordan was so proud when Aziz added some passion and slipped tongue first. He was really growing up.
And they kissed again, and again and soon they were making out on Lala’s bed, which was starting to get kinda gross and Jordan was feeling weird about watching them. So she took that as her cue to leave.
But now she had plenty of new things to annoy Aziz about so she took it as a plus.
Grabbing him by the arm to stop, Jordan grabbed his camera.
“Hi, Lala, how are you?” Jordan waved, mugging for the camera as Aziz grabbed it back, and tried to push her out of the frame. The white-haired girl was dressed up in Evie’s new line of summer clothes with her hair up in a bun, and most startingly, her brown eyes were human.
It was silly that Jordan was surprised by Lala’s human eyes, she had been the one to change them when in a burst of good will offered all their allies on the adventure a wish. Lala hadn’t used the offered three wishes, just one, which was to remove the leopard spell Queen La had put on her. She lost her cat eyes and the habit of walking on all fours, but she still had her cat-like grace which Jordan chalked up to natural ability. It had been three months since that wish, but she had been so used to Lala’s cat-like slits with the dilated pupils. It had been a unique marker like the scar that everyone could see on Lala’s leg when she wore shorts.
“I’m well. Aziz sent me your new vlog about Odiferous, it was very interesting.” Lala nodded curtly. Jordan knew Lala was usually guarded against everyone so the coldness didn’t bother her as much as it used to. Thanks to hanging out with Aziz and Jade, she was starting to slowly warm up to people she wasn’t close to even though her tone didn’t reflect it.
“How are the Porters?” Jordan asked, cutting off whatever Aziz was about to say next. He glared at her, but she ignored. Hey, she said she’d stop mothering him. So now it was back to  annoying big sister privileges.
“They’re well. Kerchak and I are going tree surfing tomorrow.” Lala answered. When Ben put up the invitation of Vks in need of foster homes or adoptive families, the Porters offered to take in Clay Clayton, and Lala. Clay refused and went with his Aunt, Lady Waltham who was thrilled to meet her surly nephew for the first time. Lala joined the Porters where she was helping their gorilla reserve, connecting with animals instead of hunting them for food and survival.
It was bound to be awkward considering their daughter’s actions, but Auradon seemed to consider it part of their penance even though they hadn’t known what Victoria had planned to wrought. But according to Lala, they did their best to skirt around that sensitive issue and treat her like a guest, and she was starting to befriend Kerchak. He even gave her a leopard of her own which she named Euware II though the pet made Tarzan a bit wary. Still, Lala had to stay in her room on weekends when Victoria visited from therapy.
“That’s great. When are you coming to visit? I know Jade is just dying for you to visit. It’d be fun. We can go sand surfing, oh and explore some of the caves under the citadel. Oh, oh and I just know Aziz wants to show you some of the secret alcoves in the palace. They’re great for making out and-” “Go away!” Aziz waved her off
“You want me to leave? But who will chaperon you two? Who will tell Lala all the embarrassing stories from your childhood? I’ve been holding onto blackmail for a reason, Aziz. I must tell her,” Jordan turned to the screen, “But seriously, come visit. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Thank you!” Aziz sighed in exasperation, “Give me 5 minutes, I’ll join you to go to the bazaar later, Jord.”
“See ya!” Jordan called over the shoulder as she headed to the palace kitchen, still hearing some snippets of Aziz’s conversation about his summer psychology classes. His new passion since Jordan had suggested that since he liked overanalyzing and counselling other people's problems, he could research into being a psychologist.
Upon reaching the outside, Jordan took a big breath of the sweet summer air with a hint of jasmine and the coconut and sighed.
Life was good.
Of course, life was always good when it was summer vacation but it was more than that. She had really committed to what she had learned on the Isle. She lived in the present now, and tried not to wallow in the anger and resentment that extended to almost every human she met.
Did that kind of positive mindset always work? Hell no, sometimes, someone would grab her arm, requesting for a wish, rubbing her jacket as if that was the lamp and not her. Yeah, that stupid event would irritate her all morning but she didn’t go into her spiral of how all humans were greedy monsters, her life sucked that she had to walk among them and so on and so forth. She learned to vent to Aziz and let it go.
She would always meet bad people in her life, when that happened, if the situation was appropriate, she would blow a mini sandstorm in their face and move on.
She’d also gotten more sensitive about complaining about humanity in front of Aziz. She tried to complain of an individual person and not make broad generalizations about the mortal race, and repeat that Aziz and his family were the exception.
Well Aladdin’s family, and Uma, and Jay, and Lonnie, and Calix and Ben, and she was starting to realize her circle of those she trusted was expanding.
It felt good to have that knowledge.
Even if Aziz might not always be there, though she’d kill him if he wasn’t, she still had others who cared about her.
Then again, she, Calix, Aziz, Jay and Uma had been through a harrowing adventure that nearly destroyed the world they knew, and had to face their greatest fears and insecurities to do so. If that didn’t make you trust a person, what would?
There were also her parents. Her parents always had her back.
That was another thing she’d been committed to doing since she got back from the Isle and saved Auradon.
Her parents had been the first ones to get there, magical teleportation after all and were laying out the blue carpet and making plans for the greatest party in all of Agrabah for their daughter, the hero. Instead of getting annoyed by their zany antics as usual, and annoyed at how they ignored the fact she faced possibly life-ending danger against their enemies, she just hugged them.
The act had clearly surprised them because both of their jaws broke off and fell to the floor before snapping back up like a ball. But they loved the change in her nonetheless.
Ever since then, she’d been going out with them every other weekend, be it ice skating on Saturn’s rings or clubbing or going out to drink in celebration of the banning of the Magic Ban.
She had thought for so long that if she let herself act even a little bit like them, she’d be signing herself to a fate of servitude, never being taken seriously, and becoming a negligent oblivious person who only wanted to focus on fun.
She had worried that if these things didn’t come naturally to her, she’d have to fake it in order to fit in and be palatable to her own parents. So they wouldn’t become bored with her. She hadn’t liked thinking about it, but she always felt that was the underlying reason they left her.
But she lived in the present now and shoved all those thoughts away. She did what she wanted without thinking of the implications. And she found that actively listening to what they were saying, how they constantly suggested ideas for their next adventure, how it was too bad she had school and couldn’t come with them to their trip. They didn’t think she was a damper on their party style, they wanted her to be with them. And she usually said to each invitation.
YOLO, right. Well more like YOLFSMAWEI.
(You Only Live Forever So Might As Well Enjoy It. Not as catchy but infinitely more accurate)
Family time was a lot more enjoyable that way instead of brooding that once it was over, they were going to forget about her and go about their lives as if they didn’t have a daughter.
Although, Jordan still did crave for a meaningful talk where she got to tell them about some of her issues with their lack of parenting oversight, and maybe delve into how abandoned she felt when they wouldn’t discuss such issues like her rape, they still weren’t ready for that.
Though Aladdin was talking to her dad on her behalf, and it seemed he was starting to soften to it.
Until then, she had two sets of parents. Aladdin and Jasmine, probably the first humans who she trusted, and respected. The first ones who saw her as a child and not a being for wishes. They gave her the love and attention she had craved when she needed it. They stood by treating her like everyone else, as she wished, even when it meant disregarding her excuses that her genie-ness exempted her from getting in trouble. They were always present her lives and were the ones that reminded her that her supposed fate was not a fate, that no one could shackle her, not unless they went through them. They encouraged that there other sides to her besides being a genie. That she should work hard, be kind, be honest and be independent.
Her mom and dad, who loved her with all their hearts and thought of her as their best friend. It wasn’t the most parental relationship but she had started to accept that it would never be. They were genie parents, not human ones, and it was finally sinking in that the rules would always be different from them. No matter that Jordan looked human and was raised by them. But that’s what made them special. No one else in the world would get her quite like her mom and dad.
Aziz opened the door, knocking her in the back and she moved over so he could wait beside her.
She checked her phone. Her parents were supposed to come here five minutes ago so they culd go to the bazaar together.
They probably weren’t going to come for another twenty minutes.
Ah genies, Jordan sighed, they were never going to be punctual. She wondered how many years it would be before she started viewing time as an unimportant mortal construct.
She was about to pose that question to Aziz, whether it would occur in his lifetime or in her 5,000s when a green and blue poof popped up in front of them.
“We’re here!” The two blew the smoke away to reveal the pair in matching red and white striped tuxedos with a blinking “Genie and Eden” sign hanging behind them.
“It’s Genie and Eden!” Eden announced
“Eden and Genie!” Genie intoned.
Then with a snap of a finger, the props and costumes disappeared, and Genie sat thoughtfully in the air, “We can’t quite choose which sounds better.”
Eden went back to a form-fitting black leotard with a black bowler hat, smoking a cigar in her best Liza Minelli voice, “Whaddya think, daughter dear, whaddya think?”
“I think we should go to the bazaar and have the people decide which is better.” Jordan suggested, knowing that if they did it here, they wouldn’t leave.
“By george, she’s right!” Genie exclaimed transforming into a nerdy account, “Statistically, it is always better to test things with a test audience, and according to my calculations that the Agrabah bazaar has the best cross-pool of audience with 10% bearded, 40% kids..” He transformed into his usually big blue self, “Aaand let’s get outta here!”
“Wait up!” Jay yelled, nearly running into the four of them with Jade at his side, “I wanna go to the bazaar too, there was that awesome scimir I wanted to buy.” “Yeah me too, I want to steal things too… I-I mean buy. Buy with money. That I did not steal from the mean guard.” “His name is Razoul, and you really shouldn’t. He already doesn’t like you.” Aziz shook his head.
“I don’t like him, and that’s what makes it so tempting.” Jade defended.
“Yeah, he kinda has it coming,” Jay agreed.
“Now, now, we won’t say anything about it. But you must stop,” Eden warned in a prim British accent, poofing into a blue serge suit like a certain famous nanny, “Now spit spot, hurry up, we don’t want to be late to the bazaar.”
Genie transformed into a Bert to his wife’s Mary Poppins, adding, “Come ‘ere ye kiddos and ‘urry it ‘up.”
Jay and Jade stared at each in the classic “What the hell?” expression that bystanders always had whereas her parents were concerned. Aziz and Jordan just shrugged and smiled.
And so they went off to the bazaar and as the sun beated down on them, and Jordan whipped up a hijab from air to keep off the heat, she hummed a familiar tune which Aziz and her dad easily picked up.
“As you wind through the streets at the fabled bazaars with the cardamom-cluttered stalls. You can smell every spice while you haggle the price of the silks and the satin shawls. Oh, the music that plays as you move through a maze in the haze of your pure delight. You are caught in a dance. You are lost in the trance of another Arabian night…”
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nightwingshero · 3 years
"Next time I'll hit you like I mean it" for Jane pleaseee? 🥺✨
Thank you sweetie!! Have some Jane canon!!! I just want to make it clear that I am not at all responsible for the damage she causes. She is who she is. 
It was fucking annoying. But if I was being honest, there wasn’t much that wasn’t nowadays. Even as I sat there with my feet propped up on one of our supply boxes, I couldn’t help but dig my knife into the wooden table next to me as they carried on. Even as Randy stood off in the distance, too preoccupied playing fetch with his new pitbull John had gifted him. Blue was about a year now, and she was so full of energy and getting so big. I couldn’t wait to see her once she was older, even though I would never admit it.
I watched in distaste as the others carried in supplies for John, stacking things neatly in his hanger. It annoying, watching over shit like this when there were more important matters at hand, like the Reaping that had just started. I had insisted we take back Fall’s End, that we could easily do it. And eyeing my sniper rifle leaning against a crate, I felt that familiar urge again. This time I would drag Fairgrave out myself, kicking and screaming if I had to. But John had decided not to, insisting that the new Sinner—the new heretic—wasn’t one we needed to concern ourselves with. Just a rookie deputy that was still green around the edges, someone that didn’t know what the fuck she was doing. It was amusing to me slightly, that the so-called Resistance trusted someone so inexperienced to spearhead this. Perhaps it would be easier to take them out now, all things considering. Either way, I was ready to test those boundaries, to see what made her so damn perfect to be a leader. I was ready to knock her ass down a peg.
“Viking Princess looks displeased, does she demand a sacrifice to appease her?” Randy teased as he approached, using the rope to play tug a war with the puppy.
“Shut up, Randy.”
“Pissed off, indeed.” He smirked. “What do yah got up your ass this time?”
I glared at him then, the mischief dancing in his light blue green eyes as I wondered how fast I could cut his face to pieces. It wasn’t as if we haven’t fought before, enough to know that I was at a disadvantage…for now. His size and experience in fighting outweighed mine, but I knew I would better him. I would take him the fuck down and see who the fuck was smiling then, with this face bloody in the ground. “Fuck off.”
Raising his brow, he pulled a chair out and straddled it, his eyes shifting to the few members that were doing most of the work. It was one of his fancy days, dressed in a button up and waistcoat. The Chosen always got special treatment, and when you were John’s, you were really special. Being John’s righthand had given us privileges…like not dressing like a fucking homeless person. I preferred a tank top and jeans, it was easier to move in, it was more practical and made more fucking sense to me.
“Y’know…you could just work that shit out, mate. Go punch a tree or something.” My grip on my knife tightened as I stabbed the table again, this time with more force than before. “Ain’t no reason for scarin’ everybody.”
“They can fuck off.” I muttered. It was infuriating. And maybe the problem was that I was stuck here, overlooking low-leveled members when I could have been out there, fighting and bringing people in like I was trained to do. What was the point of being one of the best marksmen in the fucking county when I couldn’t even use it? Or perhaps part of it was because I was itching to fight her. It was only a matter of time before our paths would cross again, and I knew exactly where she would be holed up. After her father died, that’s all she ever fucking did. Visit her father’s memorial at that fucking church.
I couldn’t wait until John gave the order to destroy them.
“They’re taking to fucking long. It’s annoying. And why the fuck are we here when we can be out there?” I spat bitterly, throwing a glare at one a younger guy, his eyes immediately cast down as he hurried past and out of my line of sight. “What’s the fucking point of this bullshit?”
“Supplies are important.” Randy answered as he lightly tossed the rope, Blue quickly running after it. “And we’re Chosen. Not a Priestess, not a hunter—”
“Who would wanna work with Jacob anyway?” I scoffed, my foot pushing against the crate and tilting my chair on the back legs. “Have you fucking been up there? Couldn’t handle the training he gave, can’t imagine workin’ for his ass. I’d scar that face up more than it already is.”
“Easy there, Scarface. You almost became one of his.” He threw me a smirk and I knew he was messing with me, doing what he could to poke and get me riled up. It wouldn’t fucking work though, not this fucking time.
“Almost became one of hers too, but could you fucking imagine? Rainbows and sunshine. Iced teas and fucking brownies. Fuck that shit. I don’t need that fucking overly sweet southern belle trying to make me smile all the damn time. She fucking hugged me last time.”
“Hmm. The Mother’s not so bad.”
“Pretty sure she poisoned Brady and almost got Miss Mable.”
“That a bad thing?” he laughed. “Mable is someone I can live without. You meet Brady? Asshat.”
I rolled my eyes at him and made a face. “She makes my teeth fucking rot. And she’s touchy. I don’t fucking like touchy.”
“But you’ll let Faith braid flowers in your hair.”
Grabbing the nearest glass, I chucked it at his head and watched in frustration as he skillfully dodged it. I didn’t know what I was expecting, it was so fucking him. Perfect fucking Randy, with his beard and muscular frame. His eyes found mine again, his small smile not widening even the slightest before he pulled the rope away from Blue and threw it again. “Fuck. You.”
My hand twitched on the knife that was still protruding from the table, wishing nothing more than to fucking fight someone, to go after Grace or that fucking deputy. Anything but to sit here, watching as everything fucking went on without us. When was the last time we got into a good fight? When was the last time I saw Randy beat someone until his fists ran red? I was tired of being on the sidelines while our people were constantly being attacked, constantly at war. It was bullshit that I was just used to babysit when I could do so much fucking more, I was better than this shit.
My mood only seemed to worsen when the next person came in, her honey blonde hair falling perfectly over her shoulders, her head held high as if she owned the fucking place. I sneered as Holly looked around, her arrogance dripping off of her. Once upon a time we had gotten along a bit, which I suppose for me it just meant I hadn’t threatened to fucking kill her. Randy had defended her, people said, in a bar from her abusive husband. This was when John had been talking to her, slowly convincing her to join us. Which only led to him bailing Randy out that fateful night…and a few years later, we were here. Giving me plenty of time to know that I was tempted to rip her extensions out from time to time.
“She’s sleeping with Johnny again.” Randy sighed as Blue ran back, her front paws on his leg to hold herself up as he pets her, cooing praises.
“Shocker.” I muttered as I dug the knife out roughly. “Probably because poor Holly couldn’t snag her a place next to the Father. She wants a fucking position and thinks being the Baptist’s wife is gonna fall in her lap because she blows him. Fucking Holly.” After giving a quick look around, her eyes fell on us and an overly sweet smile spread across her face. I suddenly longed for the presence of the Mother in comparison.
“Hey, y’all! How yah doin’?”
Fucking Christ.
“Holly.” Randy gave a polite smile in return, a slight nod as he gave attention to the excited puppy tugging on the rope. Satisfied with the attention from him, she looked at me expectantly, her smile becoming tight. My chin tilts, holding my head high as I stared her down, daring her and showing her that I wasn’t playing her fucking game. I wasn’t her friend, I wasn’t gonna cater to her. She wasn’t my fucking Herald, no matter how badly she wanted to be.
“Well hey there, Jane.” She called, finally breaking the silence between us. I moved my feet, allowing my chair to fall back onto the floor on all fours again. Eyeing her up and down, I gently slid my knife back in place. John wouldn’t be too happy if I impulsively stabbed her, and I wasn’t taking any chances. I would behave…for now.
“Surprised to see you out here considering I never see you do any heavy lifting.” I replied, enjoying the way her face turned a bit pink. Pride swelled as I smirked at her.
Finally recovering, she scoffed. “Well, it seems that all your heavy lifting is going just fine.” She offered a pointed look at Randy as she put her hands on her hips as her words dripped with condescension. “You really are Sloth, aren’t you? Just sitting there when you can put those muscles of yours to actual use.”
It happened too fast for her, but I was in her face the next second, making her stumble back in shock as I glared at her. Randy watched quietly and I knew he was trying to tell me to ease up, to not let me be ruled by the pride that felt wounded on his behalf. But I wasn’t going to allow this, not when she owed him. Not when she needed to know her motherfucking place. So, I followed her stumble, taking a menacing step forward as the others stopped to watch.
She was trembling underneath her façade, her eyes wide as she tried to stand strong. It looked pathetic on her, it didn’t fit right on her. Not the way it was with the Heralds, not with Whitney, let alone on of the Chosen. Holly didn’t deserve the entitlement she reeked of. She earned nothing. I sneered in her face, our noses coming close to touching. The creak of his chair tells me he’s tensing, Randy’s own way of reminding me where we are, reminding me that I need to keep it together. I just wanted to claw her fucking eyes out. Just a little bit. Just enough to draw blood, to make her blind, to make understand that I wasn’t someone to fuck with.
“Most of your work is done behind closed doors, Holly. I would say watch your fucking mouth, but I think we’re both well fucking aware of what comes in and out of it.” Her mouth hangs open as she gaps at me like a fucking fish, taken aback by the crude and direct words that I’ve spoken. It makes me want to laugh at her. “Remember who’s in charge here. Last time I checked, we’re the Chosen. Fucking John doesn’t give you power here, don’t even fucking try.”
I wanted her to swing. I wanted her to give me a fucking reason to drop her, I was practically shaking for it. Violence vibrated in my veins, making me run hot. Another creak from his chair as he shifts, a subtle clearing of his throat, and I know I need to walk it off. Perimeter check was probably due, Randy could easily watch over this to make sure everything was in order. Maybe I could work of the frustration. Maybe I would see someone and be able to use my fucking rifle for once.
With one last glance over her, looking down at her, I turn away with the intention of grabbing my gun. I could make Randy pay me back later, giving me his best whiskey at his cabin while we sat around the fire. He fucking owed me for this. Biting my tongue until I was sure I could taste the iron of my own blood. The temptation to spit it in her face is one I have to shove down hard. Her scoff stops me though, makes me listen careful as her nasally voice echoes through the hangar as everyone hold their breath.
“Bitch, you fucking wish you could. You’re just jealous that nobody fucking wants you. Grace didn’t want you, your own husband didn’t fucking want you. Best you can do is this washed-up lumberjack—"
Years of ballet. That’s what it is, and I wouldn’t ever fucking admit that shit to anyone. But that’s how I’m able to turn on my toes so quickly. It’s how I’m able to throw my elbow in her face as swiftly as I do. I didn’t care what anyone fucking said, dancing gave you a fighting advantage. Cardio, flexibility, speed, balance…it was useful in moments like this. She jerked back, her eyes squeezing shut as she tried to process, but I wasn’t giving her the time to. Finishing my turn, I reach out and grab the back of her head with my other hand, quickly slamming her face against the table. I smiled when I hear the satisfying crunch, that’s when I let her go and watch as she slips to the floor on her back. There’s blood from her broken nose and busted mouth, running down her face. Finally.
Her hands cup her nose, covering her face as her scream pierces the air, and even though it’s muffled by her hands, it was enough to carry through the hangar and I’m sure it could have been heard outside. I just hoped that John had decided to keep his damn office windows closed. Randy sighed as he calmed Blue, and I just glared down at her, towering over her with clenched fists. “Let this be a fucking warning to you, Pepper. I do not care to be fucked with, and I fucking dare you to pull that shit again. Because next time?” A humorless laugh escapes my lips as I sneer. "Next time I'll hit you like I mean it." Giving her one more onceover, I turn back and see the others gapping at me, completely shocked and a bit terrified. Good. “What the fuck are you doing? Brother John needs this shit done, get it done!” I snapped, making them scramble and collect themselves as they continued moving supplies in.
Randy follows me instead of staying behind, Blue nipping at the edges of my trenchcoat as we walk, the incident completely forgotten. He gave me a side glance as he crossed his arms. “Johnny boy ain’t gonna like that.”
“John’s judgement is obviously clouded, Randy.” I scoffed. “Someone needs to fix that for him.”
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