#I blame Nawy and their post about love hotels and there's only one bed tropes for making me think of this nonstop since
whathorselegs · 2 months
Insomniac Dazai and heavy sleeper Chuuya my beloveds.
Dazai and Chuuya where they're at the stage of not quite being together, but not-not together either, they have feelings for each other yet they still won't admit it, so they just keep having 'moments' that they deny afterwards.
And them having to share a bed.
They grumble about it, argue that someone should sleep one the couch or the floor, anywhere except together, until they settle on sleeping with their backs facing each other.
Dazai remains there, at the edge of his side of the bed, but Chuuya, as soon as he's asleep, he rolls onto his back. Mouth open, little snores escaping him, his arm and leg spreads out over the space of the bed. A finger touches Dazai's ribs, Chuuya's foot kicks at his calf as slowly but surely, in true mutt fashion, Chuuya takes over the entire bed.
Now, Dazai's on his back too, lay pin straight, shoulder as close to the edge of the bed as he dares to be without falling off. Every now and again he keeps having to shove Chuuya's arm and leg back over to his side of the bed. It started gently, he didn't want to wake the other up and be accused of messing with him whilst he slept. As the night wears on and Dazai's eyes get heavier he becomes more irritable as he pushes Chuuya back. At one point he said his name and tried to shake him awake, only to receive a incoherent sleepy mumble.
Dazai accepts his fate, rolling away from Chuuya once more with a huff. He didn't need space, or comfort. It was fine. He wasn't going to get any sleep anyhow, not with the noises of Chuuya moving around so much. He closes his eyes to fight the irritation in them.
And he's not sure when, but he must have drifted at some point, not quiet asleep, but not really awake either. The warmth of the blanket must have relaxed him. As he hums and re-adjusts his position to get comfy again, he realises his back presses into something. Something warm and soft, something that nestles back against him in reaction to his movement. He feels Chuuya's arm squeeze him closer around his middle and his heart leaps into his throat.
With how heavy a sleeper Chuuya is, he should be fine trying to move away. He can just spend the rest of the night on the couch. Even as he thinks this, the disobedient muscles of his limbs relax. His breath without realising it had slowed to match Chuuya's, and he suddenly feels quite weightless. Dazai couldn't move if he wanted and deep down he doesn't.
For the first time in a long while Dazai fall asleep with ease.
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