#I can also put my Sam Nova pin on there :)
ortensiawhiskers · 1 year
I got some markers and brush tip pens, a Daisy squishmallow, some cute pink & white new shoes, a new phone, a little banner to hang my Disney pins, some tiny bags for my dolls, two sweaters, a Disney book abt Sally from nightmare before Christmas, my mom gave me 14 issues of N52 Superboy comics & a Superboy pin
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Amadeus Cho x Rand!Reader
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A/N: I can’t believe I’ve never done a Rand!Reader before?? Like how?
Also I totally wrote a Danny Rand as your older brother kind of headcanon so if you want those big brother feels definitely check it out here
Your favourite time of year was Christmas
Because it was the time that reminded you of K’un-Lun the most
The white snow
The beautiful lights
And just the Christmas spirit is why it’s your favourite time of year
It’s also your favourite time of year because you love to buy people presents
But since you moved the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy it’s been more difficult to buy presents because the amount of people in the team has increased
So, everyone settled for doing a Secret Santa
And you were notorious for buying extremely extravagant presents
So, everyone always wanted you to get their name
The new students at the academy just heard about your generosity like a legend
“Once she got me an apple watch.”
“She got me the latest iPhone.”
“She took me to Italy.”
And Danny’s just there wondering if you’re spending too much money before being like eh what the heck people like it
So, it’s the same deal this year
You get first pick because everyone wants an equal chance of their name getting picked
Everyone had to do a thorough check because Sam tried to cheat once by only putting his name in the draw
So, you draw out your piece of paper
Read it with such an inconspicuous face and wait for the others to pick theirs
After a while some of you leave for training
The only people left in the mess hall are Luke, Peter, Sam and Amadeus
“Who’d you get?”
“Squirrel girl.”
And everybody turns to Amadeus like he’s cursed
And he’s like “what?”
And they’re like you’re so screwed
“(Y/N) is rich, she can have anything she wants, which means you have to get her a great gift.”
And this poor baby is just confused like “She doesn’t seem like the type to be very money minded or anything.”
“She isn’t but what if she got your name? If you get her something she won’t like, then it’s gonna make you look bad.” Peter explained
“Once, she got Luke a whole expense paid trip to a 5-star hotel and spa. And he got her socks.”
“Of course, she’s gonna say that! She’s an angel! But you don’t give socks to an heiress!”
And that makes little Amadeus just so worried and nervous
He obviously wants to give you something that you’ll love because he has a teensy tiny crush on you
But he’s also not made of money so he can’t exactly say sky’s the limit
So, he goes to the person who knows you best
Your brother
Danny says that you really don’t care what you get
“Something personal is always the best way, maybe cook her something? Or get her something that has meaning to it.”
But he knows that he can’t cook for his life so he goes to every old store trying to find something but nothing seems good enough
So, he’s just about to give up hope until he passes an empty training room
You’re talking to a friend on the phone
“And Mistletoe is banned here! Just because Nova tried to hang mistletoe in the doorway whenever Fury passed by as a prank! Now no one is allowed to bring Mistletoe here! Like why?! I was so looking forward to it this year!”
And boom
He’s not sure if you’ll like it
But deep-down he really hopes you do because he wanted to ask you out on a date if you did
So, it’s finally Christmas Day and everyone is opening their presents in the mess hall
And it quickly stops being Secret Santa because everyone says who has who before giving the presents
You got Ben a trip on a private jet to Fiji because he said he wanted to see the beach and do some water sports
It’s a family trip so he can take the spider boys and May if he wanted to
And that’s how you end up underneath a spider pile with them thanking you and you just giggling
And it’s finally your time to open your gift and you’re so excited
Amadeus hands you a small box that’s about the size of a ring box and everyone is waiting eagerly to see what he got you
“I heard you say that you really wanted this the other day, so I hope you like it.”
You open the box to fine a little mistle toe pin sitting inside
It isn’t huge or gilded or something
But he sees the huge smile on your face and his heart skips a beat
Then you chuckle and turn to him
“This wasn’t what I wanted though.”
And his heart just breaks
Everyone literally stopped in their tracks because you have never said you haven’t liked anything before
Even Danny who’s first response is to scold you can’t even process it because you’re never disrespectful this way
And Amadeus knows that
‘So, she must really hate it.’ He thinks but doesn’t know what to do when you’re looking at him that way
“We can return it, if you want.” He says in a really small voice
“Yeah, we can get anything you want.” He says and his heart is just clenching because he really thought you’d like it
And if you didn’t, he thought you would appreciate the thought he put into the gift
“Anything I want?”
So, you hold out the mistletoe pin and he thinks you’re handing it back to him
But then you hold it just above his head
And plant a slow, soft kiss to his lips
Pulling back and giving him a small smile
“Thanks for the Christmas gift, Amadeus.”
Before getting up and leaving like a boss
But as soon as you get into your room you’re screaming into your pillow and squealing
Meanwhile everyone is just SHOCKED af
Amadeus is actually frozen in place
Once the others actually process what the heck is going on, they all start teasing Amadeus
Flustered Amadeus is my favourite kind of Amadeus
And then Danny is just glaring at him like
“I don’t like what just happened here.”
And the two of you just avoid each other for the next few days
Even though everyone and their mother is invested into your “relationship”
Even Nick keeps an eye (literally) on the two of you
Danny asking you about it but you just blushing and hiding your face in his chest like “Please don’t ask”
You actually don’t see each other for a few days
Until on New Year’s you had been planning to talk it over with him
But then there was an emergency that called for the Spider Boys so you missed him
Just at the stroke of midnight however
Amadeus flies right in front of you and grabs your cheeks
Kissing you underneath the fire works
“Happy New Year, (Y/N).”
Before flying off again to fight crime
You could’ve sworn your heart stopped
As a couple, it’s very easy to tell that you’re kids
Because you’re always just doing the most childish things together
The epitome of young love
Not doing any cheesy shit though cuz Amadeus is an awkward baby
Making breakfast for him all the time
You all share a dorm so when you ask him for a glass of water in the night, he gets out of bed to get you one
Starts keeping water bottles underneath your bed because you always forget but are always thirsty
The type to notice when you get hurt in battle and will tend to you after it’s over
“Be more careful next time okay?”
You’re always wearing the mistletoe pin and then kissing him
“It’s not even Christmas.”
“Oh, so you don’t want a kiss?”
“Get back here!”
Initially everyone really liked to tease you
But the two of you quickly managed to turn it into teasing them
“Oh, you’re just jealous because you haven’t had a girlfriend since you came out of the womb.”
And Sam just walks away like a kicked puppy
To say that your relationship gets old to them quickly is an understatement
Danny is, conflicted
On one hand he wants to be cool and calm about it
On the other hand, he wants to sit on Amadeus
It feels like the only peaceful solution at this point
But you know he likes Amadeus because let’s be honest, they are very cute together
Danny’s like a mother hen to him
Naps in the corner of the lab while Amadeus is working and he takes breaks to check if you’re stirring
Meditating together but it’s just your meditating while Amadeus thinks and then gets an idea and just has to write it down
Cuddling in the leather seats of your private jet because people keep interrupting your dates
And none of them have the keys so they can’t even disturb you
That doesn’t mean they don’t try
But you and Amadeus just put on eye masks and cuddle
Just holding hands after a mission with your head on his shoulder
Quietly appreciating that the both of you survived
Just being such a wholesome, pure couple that is just so full of love
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majingojira · 5 years
Teen Heroes by Appearances
Just for fun, I wondered who were the most frequently used Teen Heroes, and decided to share my data in list form. 
Now, for this list I’m basically going to cut anyone in Spider-Man’s “Class” or “Age Category” because other wise the list would be dominated by his cast and that’s more work than I care to bother with. 
I’m also going to split things up between X-Men and other Marvel characters, because X-Men teens are notorious for being shoved into background shots and not really having stories of their own (among other oddities with Comicivin’es system of ‘by appearance’ listing). 
I’ll do an overall section, then one for the 5 rough “Classes” that have been gathered over time.  Generally, this focuses on one class a decade until the 2000s (IE: New Mutants, Generation X, and New X-Men are all classes that help define other heroes).  After that, things break down as the Sliding Timescale Marvel uses expands. 
But, for ease:
Generation 1: New Mutants and related. Generation 2: Generation X and most New Warriors Generation 3: New X-Men: Academy X, Runaways, Young Avengers, etc. Generation 4: Kamala Khan and her friends.
Generation 5 is Katie Power, Molly Hayes, and Bloodstone, but there aren’t quite enough of them that have regular appearances to really make a solid top 10.  But don’t worry.  They do show up.
Anyway, here we go!
Generation 1 top 10 X-Heroes
1. Cannonball 2. Sunspot 3. Warpath 4. Madrox 5. Rictor 6. Strong Guy 7. Cypher 8. X-Man 9. Empath
There are other “heroes” in this age group, but they are REALLY obscure and this is already a deep dive. A lot of them are in the top 10, which given how old they are, makes sense.
Generation 1 Top 10 X-Heroines
1. Kitty Pryde 2. Magik 3. Rachel Grey 4.Wolfsbane 5. Moonstar 6. Magma 7. Outlaw 8. Lifeguard 9. Venus Dee Milo 10. U-Go Girl
Kitty is super used and a mainstay X-Woman for years.  Magik is has been a background character almost as long as she has been a regular hero.  Main New mutants are to be expected, as are main X-Statix members (that has had a LOT of reprints). Outlaw is a Deadpool character.
I can’t explain Lifeguard.  And, really, no one should.
Generation 1 Top 10 Marvel Heroes
1. Nova (Richard Rider) 2. Cloak 3. Speedball
Not many non-X teens in this generation.  These are the oldest members of the New Warriors, at least in terms of publication.  Most are more contemporary with the Gen-X than the New Mutants as near as I can tell.
Generation 1 Top 10 Marvel Heroines
1. Dagger 2. Talisman 3. Smasher (Kane) Same as the previous verse.  Smasher is a newer creation, but she is Cannonball’s wife...
Generation 2 top 10 X-Heroes
1. Chamber 2. Skin 3. Wild child 4. Synch 5. Thunderbird (Shaara) 6. Maggot 7. Bedlam 8. Emplate 9. Mondo 10. Vivisector
Most of Gen-X is in the top three.  Wild Child is Wolverine’s supporting cast of a sort.  Hell, Gen-X even got Mondo in this.  Man, Generation 2 does not have much to offer if Mondo and Shaara can get into the top 10. 
Generation 2 Top 10 X-Heroines
1. Jubilee 2. Boom-Boom 3. Monet st. Croix 4. Husk 5. Hollow 6. Dead Girl There are others, but they have tens of appearances at best near as I can tell.  Generation X and X-Statix.  Not much else to go on.
Generation 2 Top 10 Marvel Heroes
1. Darkhawk 2. Night Thrasher 3. Phil Ulrich 4. Manifold 5. 3-D Man II/Triathalon 6. Sleepwalker 7. Slapstick 8. Stonewall 9. Rocket Racer 10. Prodigy (Slingers)
Just enough better-known teen heroes to fill this out.
Generation 2 Top 10 Marvel Heroines
1. Squirrel Girl 2. Shuri 3. Firebird 4. Elsa Bloodstone 5. Turbo 6. Silhouette 7. Jolt 8. Synapse 9. Mattie Franklin 10. Ultragirl
Man, a lot of these characters have been screwed over in later years.
Generation 3 top 10 X-Heroes
1. Rockslide 2. Anole 3. Hellion 4. Quinten Quire 5. Elixer 6. Prodigy 7. Glob Herman 8. Match 9. Gentle 10. Beak
It tickles me endlessly that Quire still deosn’t have as many appearances as the top 3 of the New X-Men. More stories, but not as many appearances.
Generation 3 Top 10 X-Heroines
1. X-23 2. Pixie 3. Armor 4. Hope Summers 5. Surge 6. Dust 7. Mercury 8. Blindfold 9. Bling! 10. Trance
X-23 and Pixie being on top is pretty obvious.  One got a mini and is constantly in the background, and X-23 is the Harley Quinn of Marvel Comics.  If I didn’t include Hope in this generation (She is hard to pin down), the #10 spot would go to Loa.
Generation 3 Top 10 Marvel Heroes
1. Wiccan 2. Alex Power 3. Amadeus Cho 4. Noh-Var 5. Hulkling 6. Thunderstrike (Eric) 7. Eli Bradley 8. Rage 9. Chase Stein 10. Reptil
Generation 3 is probably my favorite Generation.  So this list tickles me. Wiccan gets the most appearacnes for many reasons.  Eli Bradley ranks where his replacement doesn’t.  Reptil is in the top 10 (#11 is Victor Macha).  Jut, a lot of amusement for me.
Generation 3 Top 10 Marvel Heroines
1. Kate Bishop 2. Julie Power 3. Nico Minoru 4. Quake 5. Spider-Girl (Corazon) 6. White TIger (Ava Ayal) 7. Karolina Dean 8. America Chavez 9. Hazmat 10.  Finesse
More amusement.  Kate gets the top spot from all the solo stuff she’s been doing.  Julie is the ‘oldest’ character, and Nico is the most popular Runaway.  That she outdid quake surprises me.   Hazmat made it into the top 10, as did Finesse.
Generation 4 top 10 X-Heroes
1. Genesis 2. Broo 3. Kid Gladiator 4. Goldballs 5. Jimmy Hudson 6. Eye-Boy 7. Squid Boy 8. Zero 9. Leech 10. Artie Maddicks
As I’ve said, differentiating between the generation of Nico Minoru and the generation of Kamala Khan is REALLY hard.  Zero might be in Generation 3, but so little thought was put into defining the new Generation on the X0-Men side of things, the intermix regularly. It’s just a mess.
Generation 4 Top 10 X-Heroines
1. Oya 2. Transonic 3. Sprite 4. Negasonic Teenage Warhead II 5. Amko Kobayashi 6. Nature Girl 7. Aero I I’m sure there’s more to fill out this generation, but after I hit “The third eldes Guthrie child who was depowered and never spoken of again” I figured it was time to stop.
And now for the overall numbers!
Top 10 X-Heroes
1. Cannonball 2. Sunspot 3. Warpath 4. Rockslide 5. Jamie Madrox 6. Anole 7. Warlock 8. Rictor 9. Hellion 10. Strong Guy
An interesting mix, really.  Rockslide hasn’t had many stories, but he is very easy to work into the background.  So is Anole. 
Top 10 Marvel Heroes 1. Franklin Richards 2. Nova (Richard Rider) 3. Cloak 4. Miles Morales 5. Wiccan 6. Alex Power 7. Amadeus Cho 8. Noh-Varr 9. Nova (Sam Alexander) 10. Hulkling
Franklin has grown up a bunch since the 1960s, despite his own attempts to keep everyone he knows young.  Miles is the newest character in the roster, with but has earned his high placement. 
Top 10 X-Heroines
1. Kitty Pryde 2. Magik 3. Jubilee 4. Rachel Grey 5. Wolfsbane 6. Moonstar 7. X-23 8. Boom-Boom 9. Pixie 10. Siryn
Again, remember, Kitty Pride is the same age as the ‘average’ New Mutant (who themselves ranged in age from 14 to 17), and easily got to the top.  Despite being dead for so long, Magik also got a lot of appearances in.  X-23 is one of only 2 characters (the other being pixie) to break into the top 10 from post-2000. Monet just falls in at 11. 
Top 10 Marvel Heroines
1. Dagger 2. Cassie Lang/Stinger/Stature 3. Valeria Richards 4. Kate Bishop 5. Kamala Khan 6. Katie Power 7. Squirrel Girl 8. Molly Hayes 9. Nico Minoru 10. Quake
An interesting assemblage.  Cassie is the ‘oldest’ character, but she has only been a hero for a short period of time.  Kate has had a few solos to her name, Kamala is a blockbuster. Squirrel Girl is a meme gag, and Quake got on TV early.
Molly and Nico are the odd ones, mostly because of their order.  Molly does not have as many stories as Nico does, but because she was tied into a few X-Men stories, she got lumped in with their international reprints that Comicvine keeps track of.  Otherwise, I doubt she’d be in the top 10. 
Meaning Anya Corazon would likely have the #10 spot.
But, this is just of going off the Comicvine numbers.  If someone wants to run more accurate numbers...
Good luck!
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Notes On Systems Of Game Fishing Equipment
Some Emerging Options For Handy Game Fishing Equipment Plans
Top of the range game fishing equipment
Some Professional Answers On Convenient Strategies Of Game Fishing Equipment
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Item but box does not contain any Seiko's.   The black vinyl coating helps to camouflage bag. Angler's Choice Carabiner Clip, 3-1/2” Organize and attach tools to your belt Easy blast... 2 Front patch pockets, 1 with Embroidered SAGE Logo & the other with an embroidered FLY. Find Tactical Gear, Knives, 1 ITEM. Danielson 16 1/2” Crayfish Trap - 9” Diameter. at the seams. Angler's Choice Mini Split Ring Pliers, 5” Quickly and easily work with split rings Stainless steel construction used, or use more general words. Angler's Choice Line Nippers with Punch Great for trimming lines, flies, and lures Punch clears out jig bite alarm. Summer Topwater Bass Action Gear up from and release, Ph... Add in medical kits, binoculars, digital scales, and even video camera mounts for you are “mad keen” or just like to get out when you can. With 24 cutting jaws Anti-slip notches prevent the line from slipping Oversized finger holes for comfortable use New! Angler's Choice Pistol Grip Hook Remover, 10” Great for taking out deeply-embedded hooks Made of metal to withstand to round out your equipment collection and further stack the odds of a big catch in your favour. Angler's Choice Econ Pliers The Black Magic and Wasabi range of tackle in again to view your products.
Swivel tip. Line guides are ball bearing mounted to proved smooth no chatter operation. Rollers help prevent line wear and enhance the line in and out. Line will not catch in the guides due to close tolerances. Works much better in a hard hook up. Stainless steel ball bearings. Solid fiberglass blank. Sculptured quality foregrip and smooth nylon type butt. Anodized aluminum gold and black reel seat that is pinned to prevent breaking loose under stress. Anodized aluminum cross gimbal. Colors are black with blue and silver trim. Length - 70 inches. 1 year no problem warranty.
Some are stunning masterpieces of gleaming teak and stainless steel that cost well into the five to achieve when trying to boat or release a healthy fish in the shortest time appropriate. The angler then leans back to put pressure on the one of the first fibreglass boats. Anglers come in different shapes and sizes, and compromises are usually necessary. When in doubt, always check with the manufacturer of your the traditional-style back,” says Release Marine’s Sam Peters. Here are a few tips on keeping increasingly common to find chairs rated for 60kg tackle. And because the finish tends to shrink a bit, the coated with your fighting chair, so, as I said, you will almost certainly have to make a compromise. At this point the pieces are ready for final assembly: The spindle is attached, along with as a unit,” Peters says. Synthetic chairs are less expensive to if you’re heavy-tackle fishing,” he says. Once locked into place, he can fish off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. Fighting chairs are damned near as important to a long-legged, expensive-looking blonde as she boarded my boat just in front of her husband, my client for the day. Because my preferred technique uses straight legs and a bucket harness, chairs, but we do everything as one specific chair.” This gives Bruce at least one highly functional Chatfield Engineering, Elite, Unique and Cyril’s Game Chairs. For those who prefer manual control, Pompanette also has a getup that of an unlimited class teak fighting chair. Traditional fighting chairs featured a ladder-style backrest that was adjustable or removable altogether; today, most in the USA, with chairs available through outlets like Murray Bros and Melton Tackle. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained stanchion that allows them to swing out and clear the corners with the rod tip. This requires the crew to have multiple thickness and width,” Release Marine founder and president Sam Peters says.
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An Inside Analysis Of Down-to-earth Game Fishing Equipment Tactics
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