#I can just ask someone for new AirPods as my graduation gift
how-gross · 4 months
I lost my left airpod in gonna explode
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Memories (Yuta x you)
Today is not a good day, my phone fell into a toilet bowl and we're on a road trip. I just got the chance to put it in rice and the screen won't budge when I touch. Hopefully everything will go well by tomorrow or Tuesday.
Anyways here is a new fanfiction for you all and for my broken heart :”)
enjoy! ps this is 95% real life story, this happened between me and my friend. but we got no string attached :-)
It was a blessing at first when the substitute teacher came in and announced that class was cancelled and we were allowed to just study anything by ourselves as long as we keep the room quiet. Half of the class were called for a laboratories class for practical exam practice. You are one of the second half of the class that won the privilege of not studying, you were so excited at first, not until you sit down with a question for one hour.
 Finally you have a time to rest in school, since the national exam test is coming closer and you along with your friends were twisting brains to memorize everything and make tons of practice quizzes.
There were only six or seven students in the class, one of them was your best guy friend ever since you two met in first year of senior high school. Now you were ready to graduate after passing the examination of course, and you did not realize it has been a long three years of sweet friendship with Yuta.
Nakamoto Yuta is a new student from Japan who caught your attention since the first day of orientation day, and you cannot lie that you were afraid of him at first. Probably because his Instagram feeds are nice and aesthetic; however, that was totally wrong. Yuta is a warm guy with a really funny humorous side when you know him. He happens to be one of your closest guy friends and he has a special space in your heart.
No, you did not see him as a man you want to be in a relationship with, you are so happy with the friendship bond now. Both of you like each other's joke and you just click with him. He never forgets you whenever he went for holidays, he always come back to school with a lot of special souvenirs for you. Since then, you've been giving him souvenirs too and that becomes the small vacation routine between you two.
Today you are stuck in the room with Yuta and your other friends. Just that a lot of them are sleeping and you did not want to sleep. You tried to busy yourself by studying and solving questions, but seeing Yuta just enjoying his free times makes you want to slack back and relax too. Well, Yuta is not like you in terms of academic focus. He did not study as hard as you, and usually even piggy backs you for projects. He loves modeling and dancing that he spent more of his time and effort there, though you have to admit that is cool of him to break the stereotype that man can model too.
Yuta glances from his sleeping position, between you and him were three tables. Three of your main squad sit there and were all away somehow. Yuta is sitting on the other end and stares at you.
"Study Yuta, you need to pass the exam. I can't help you. I am taking Chemistry and you are taking Biology. I cannot help you." you pause from trying to solve a long question.
Yuta shakes his head, "The exam won't determine my future. I'll graduate since my school report is nice. Chill."
You shrug your shoulder, "Well, Winwin is also taking Biology test, why don't you ask him for some study group time?"
Yuta just flips his hair and winks at you, "I have better things to do. Relax a bit please (y/n), you can do this why bother stressing yourself out?"
You want to hit him, but the school doesn't allow violence and you were raised to be a gentle girl.
At last the stress hits you and you stand up from your chair. Some eyes were watching you as you make your way to the big white board and uncap the marker. You slowly draw there and although you cannot draw, your feelings are moving your hands and you were covering the board with scribbles.
Your mind was like a pile of unsolved tangled strings and you were trying to straighten them out, but nothing seems to lead to an end. Maybe it's the pressure from your small heart saying you need to learn more for the exam because you are still unable to do it.
You scribble your thoughts into the white board and it is no longer clear, slowly the dark shadows of curls are covering the lower side of the box and you jolt in surprise when you feel someone tugs your hair into the back of your ear lobe and force an airpods into your ear.
"Hey!" you scream from the surprise and when you toss your head to see who is doing this, Yuta is standing there beside you with his secretive face.
"What?" you bring your hand to stop him from forcing a metal into your ear.
The other students are not paying attention to the two of you, for them you and Yuta were already so close to the point where people ask if you were dating him.
"Put it on quick." he whispers while glancing to the door, checking if there is any teacher walking by, because the rules here are strict about touching others.
You laugh thinking that why did he give you a piece of a Bluetooth ear phone if none of you have a phone right now. "What you want me to use this?" you grab the ear piece and he nods his head.
"There's no song here, we don't have a phone." you punch him.
He just ignores you and suddenly your ear hears the familiar catchy opening song of EXO-OBSESSION.
"I want you I want you want you." resonates in your ear and that did not fail to bring a smile on your face.
Yuta just smiles when he sees you already grooving into the intro and asking him to pump up the volume a little bit.
He puts his hand into his pocket and the song turns louder inside your ear.
"How?" you ask with a big surprised face, this song really brings your mood back.
He taps his pocket, "Shhh it's our secret."
You pull out a thumb to him and he calmly brings his hand to put down the strands of hair behind your ear to cover your ear.
"Cover them, make sure no one sees." he still steal glances to the door.
You nod your head, "Of course! You should've done this sooner. Hey can I have the eve by EXO next?"
he shakes his head, "I don't think you were going to violate the rules."
You shrug your shoulder, "Well if things go wrong, you were the one who got your phone confiscated, I don't."
Yuta's eyes widen and he playfully hands out his palm, "Return the earphone."
and you totally whine and pout in front of him, "Don't."
He smiles and just ruffles your hair, "Cutie."
You shudder, "Cheesy eew!"
The feelings you have to him remain unchanged, it's already super comfortable to have him as your best friend and he too clearly has crush on another girls. Whatever happens, you just wish nothing can break your bond with him. Nothing big and nothing small. Yuta will forever be your best friend and so will he.
Yuta just stands there beside you, his right hand takes the marker away from you and with his artistic skills he draw images of funny characters on the board. It's no longer dull and gloom, but filled with cute doodles.
"Thanks for the song and mood booster, but break is coming soon" you hand him back the ear piece and he quickly keeps his belongings in his bag.
"No problem" was all he said.
You sit back down on your chair, cheeks a bit red from realizing what he did might make someone blush deeply but not for you. Your mind plays back all the small attention he gave to you in the past three years.
"Hey (y/n), I am goin downstairs, what do you want?" he asks one day before leaving the class.
You check your bottle, "Water please. Let me take my wallet," you were about to walk to your chair, but he was faster "No need I'll go now. Just one right?" and zoomed he go.
"(y/n), I heard that Starbucks has a new card collection, maybe you want to buy them quickly before it ran out."
"(y/n)! Can I be in your team?"
"(y/n), I brought your favorite snacks."
He was so sweet, even when he did not mean to be sweet. He just knew how to cheer you up with the simplest thing and he knew you well.
"(y/n) I've used up all the soap you gave to me last holiday," he winks and you burst into a laugh. "You're sending me code to buy you a new one right?" and he just shows you his gummy smile and nods fiercely.
"(y/n) happy valentines!" he said and gave you a special unicorn shaped chocolate. You were surprised, your squad were confused, the class was wondering who gave you a big chocolate, but in the end you and Yuta keep the tie only up to best friend.
You cannot forget how surprised you were to receive the special unicorn chocolate, but that was the first and last special valentine gift you had from him. The next time he gave all his girl friends the same chocolate gifts, but you... you once won a special unicorn chocolate.
i hope my phone can get back to normal real soon 😭😭😭
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k-writingsbyjojo · 6 years
NCT Dream reaction to S/O breaking/losing something valuable to them
A request for @l-lliann  sorry it took so long hope you like it 
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He didn’t know what to say when he saw the picture of him and the rest of Dream that the boys gave him as a graduation gift on yours and Mark’s bedroom floor. The frame was completely smashed,glass everywhere all you could do is give Mark an apologetic look. He knew you wouldn’t purposely break anything of his but it was the last picture of him as Dream member and it meant so much to him to be even be able to have been in Dream.
“I’m so sorry Mark I wasn’t paying attention I bumped into the bookcase, the picture fell and I-” Mark cuts you off with a kiss. “I know you didn’t mean it Y/N it’s fine I can get a new frame.”     
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He was sad because he wanted that figurine for awhile so when he finally bought it he was so excited. “Y/N! Look at what I bought I’m so happy it was the last one too.” Renjun said as he was pulling the figurine out box smiling so hard. “ That’s really cool babe can I see it?” You asked, he told you so much about his love for Moomin you wanted to see a closer look of what your boyfriend constantly talked about. He handed you the figurine and you thought you had it but sadly you didn’t and there was shattered Moomin all over the floor. Before you could say anything Renjun fell to his knees with tears in his eyes. “Noooooo Moomin!” Needless to say he didn’t talk to you for awhile.
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He would be confused because it was working the day before but now it wasn’t. Now you did like to take his camera and have little photo shoots so he could see them later but somehow you seem to overload his camera because now it wouldn’t take anymore pictures so you tried to hide it from him but he eventually found it. “Y/N did you use my camera yesterday?” He asked already knowing the answer. “Maybe maybe not” You tried to play it off but he just looked at you til you fessed up. “Alright I did but I didn’t mean to mess it up I’m so sorry.” He just shook his head and laughed and walked away but not before giving you a kiss on the cheek.  
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He’s gonna be salty for like all of five minutes and then be fine. It’s not like you meant to misplace his sacred Michael Jackson vinyl but you were cleaning up and you put it somewhere. Haechan had just came home from practice for Dream’s comeback and he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was put on his favorite vinyl and cuddle with his favorite girl or so he thought. “Babe have you seen my MJ vinyl it’s not with the others?” You looked like a deer in headlights because it was at that moment you realized you didn’t exactly remember where you put it but it was somewhere in the house. “Uh...it’s somewhere in here.” You said trying to remember where it was. He stood there and crossed his arms looking so done with you. “How do you lose a whole vinyl Y/N?” That was a very good question but rather than trying to find an answer you started to look for it. “Ugh that was my favorite album it was Thriller this sucks so much.” He said helping you trying to find it. After hours of looking you two gave up he was still pretty pissed about it but he eventually he let it go.      
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He would be devastated like someone hurt his child. He had just gotten a pair of airpods and he thought he was the coolest person on planet earth until one unfortunate accident. You two were doing the dishes you were washing and Jaemin was drying you were trying to hand him a plate to dry but he was too busy jamming listening to his airpods. “Jaemin? Yo NaNa! Aye!” You yelled at him but to no avail. You sighed annoyed with him then you nudged him with your elbow but you nudged a little too hard. As if it was in slow motion one of his airpods fell right into the garbage disposal and icing on the cake the water was running. He looked at you and at the sink and back at you he did this for a couple of minutes till it finally hit him. “Jaemin you goo-” “NOOOOOOO WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME Y/N YOU MONSTER!!!” You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's dramatics. He even cried a little but then the very next day he got a new pair.
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He would be questioning how in the hell did you manage to do it. Like he would play you songs on the piano all the time it was kinda like therapy for you. But somehow you manage to break the keys and he was just confused. “How did the middle key come off Y/N?” You were joking around and hit the key too hard and it went flying off. “Uh.... funny story I was playing around with the piano and hit the key too hard and it came off sorry babe.” Chenle just sighed and walked off wondering what he was going to with you but he came back to give you a kiss before officially being “done” with you.
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You were just chilling in you and Jisung’s room while he was at practice and you were looking at his hats which were on a shelf in the closet. Usually you would pick one and wear it and the one you wanted to wear today was on the very top. Reaching for it caused some of his hats to fall but you would pick them up later but the hat you were getting got caught on a nail in the wall and you couldn’t see it so you just pulled at it. Then you heard the faint sound of fabric ripping and now in your hands was your boyfriend’s ripped hat. You put the rest of the hats that fell back, so now you’re standing there holding Jisung’s now damaged hat when you heard the front door open. Jisung walked into the room looking exhausted from all the dancing but had a smile on his face because he missed you. “Hey Y/N-” Before he finished his sentence he looked at you with his hat in your hands and then just walked right back out. You of course being the good girlfriend that you are bought him a new one.   
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brownsugarrilakkuma · 6 years
50 questions tag~
tagged by @neochamomiletea
1. what takes up too much of your time? Scrolling through Tumblr, playing Pocket Camp, and watching YouTube videos.
2. what makes your day better? Sushi and talking to my best friends. 
3. what’s the best thing that happened to you today? The Pizza Hut by my house finally got our order right. 
4. what fictional place would you like to go?  Right now? My camp in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.
5. are you good at giving advice? I guess so because everyone always comes to me lmaoo.
6. do you have any mental illness? Not professionally diagnosed but I do have family history for a few.
7. have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? I don’t think so. 
8. what musician inspired you the most? This answer changes based on who I’m obsessed with at the moment typically. I’d say the most consistent would be Rihanna. Once I became Navy my loyalty has never swayed. I love her idgaf I’m here to have fun and get paid attitude. She’s also so ride or die for her friends and family and like same. However, I’d be lying if I didn’t mention I literally call my closet the ‘SHINee closet’ due to my posters of Jonghyun and Taemin hanging up in their. Eventually I plan to put more SHINee centric posters up as long as I have space. They’ve inspired me to continue to push through hard times when I’d much rather give up. 
9. have you ever fallen in love? Romantically? Not yet *Baekho voice* WHERE U AT??!!
10. what’s your dream date? I want to go somewhere with good food where we either get to either walk around and talk or be able to sit in the same place until the place is ready to close. 
11. what do others notice about you? My skin and hair. I’ve had so many random women either complement my skin (usually wearing makeup but I guess that means I do know how to apply foundation) or my hair (colored or when I was natural).
12. what is the annoying habit you have? I don’t ask for help.
13. do you still talk to you first love? Nope. 
14. how many ex’s do you have? None. 
15. how many songs are on your playlist? My Cheer Up playlist has 122 song but that’s in progress. 
16. what instruments can you play? None because I got impatient and gave up. 
17. who do you have the most pictures of? As of today I have 272 pictures and gifs and counting of Johnny on my phone and I’m not ashamed of it (cause that’s my mans). But uhhh I also have 100 pictures and videos of my cat Penelope saved on my phone too. It’s up to you to decide which is sadder lmao. 
18. where would you like to go before you die? Too many to list. Definitely Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai.  
19. what is your zodiac? Gemini sun, Aquarius moon.
20. do you relate to it? Too well. 
21. what is happiness to you? Being able to be yourself unapologetically around people you love.
22. are you going through anything right now? I should have a royal title by now for all the years I��ve been going through it. 
23. what’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? Anytime I decided against  listening to my gut knowing she’s right 99.999% of the time.
24. what’s your favourite store? At first I was thinking either Nordstrom Rack or TJ MAXX but TJ MAXX has a good mix of  skincare, makeup, bras, furniture, and food stuff like teas and cookies from brands you’ve never heard of along with interesting designer pieces. I like the hunt. 
25. what’s your opinion on abortion? I’m 100000000000% on board. As many as that person wants/needs to have. 
26. do you keep a bucket list? I have a mental list of shit I would like to get done if I was more disciplined. 
27. do you have a favourite album at the moment? Not really. I have some favorite songs I listen to off of some of my favorite albums released this year. I listen to playlist more than full length albums. Or all 1000+ songs on shuffle. 
28. what do you want for your birthday?  I like money gifts from family. My friends always get me perfect gifts. I think they get what my interest are better than my family members do.  
29. what are most peoples first impression of you? I don’t know I never ask.
30. what age do you seem according to most people? I always get aged down 4-5 years. Most recently a neighbor asked me what my plans were after I graduate high school this year. I’m 24.
31. where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Next to the wall where my charger is. 
32. what word do you say the most? What, wow, and whack are my top three reactions to most things.
33. what’s the oldest age you would date?  Ideally I wouldn’t want to go older than 4 years. Like at least at some point we’d been in high school at the same time so we’d have some life experiences we’d have in common. But like if we click we click. 
34. what’s the youngest age you would date? Idk like 3 or 4 years? My response is about the same as the last one. I couldn’t image dating someone that much younger but life be like that sometimes. As long as they’re of age. 
35. what job/career do most people say would suit you? A writer or designer. 
36. what’s your favourite music genre? Deep house has become a recent fave of mine over the last like 4 years. I like having music I could vibe to or dance to at any moment. I’m here to have a good time.
37. if you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? I want to retire to the Tuscany region of Italy. Pretty much all of the countries I would want to live in are just as expensive as the US. 
38. what is your current favourite song? Puzzle Moon by GWSN
39. how long have you had this blog for? May of 2012 although I think I deleted some of my earlier posts. I’ve switched names and themes a lot.
40. what are you excited for? WayV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And other new music in 2019. 
41. are you a better talker or listener? Listener. I have good ideas but sometime I struggle articulating them and once I get it, it’s too late. 
42. what is the last productive thing you did? i got some sewing done.
43. what do you want for christmas? I had a long list like every year. My mom did get me this Fashionary book I wanted. No Airpods yet. 
44. what class do you get the best grades in? English, History, and Art
45. on a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 10, I just had pizza
46. what can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Still being on my bullshit 
47. when did you get your first heartbreak? When Fall Out Boy went on hiatus in like 2008/2009
48. at what age do you want to get married? Uhh idk. I’m indifferent 
49. what career did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be in a girl group, an actress, and a fashion designer....so Beyonce, I wanted to be Beyonce 
50. what do you crave right now? ...more pizza. I’m hungry again. 
I’m gonna tag: @agust-ds, @thejoong, @itslovingjungkookoclock, @yerim-5hinee, and @aqsun (idk if you’ve done this one but I know you’ve done some other tags so I didn’t tag you in those and you don’t have to do this either but I do like you so I want to include you in things like this too but I’m shy so sorry for the long explanation lmao) 
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