#I can smell biblical references from a mile away
xyzzmy · 4 months
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stormcloudrising · 6 years
The Feather Represents the Blue Winter Rose on the Show
March 23, 2019
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For all its importance in the books as a symbol of the daughters of House Stark and more importantly as a link between Lyanna and Jon as mother and son, there is barely a mention of the blue winter rose on the show.  As, R+L=J is probably the most important plot point of both the books and show, one would think that the symbolic blue rose motif would have been included in the latter.
Now yes, we did see glimpses of some blue roses on the show but it was in a most surprising of locations—on the stain glass windows in the throne room at Kings Landing.  This is interesting choice of location and it was most likely chosen to indicate that Jon is the rightful Targaryen heir to the Iron Throne.  The roses in the windows were shown in the background on four occasions that I can remember.  
The first was the scene with Sansa and Septa Mordane when they discussed her marriage to Prince Joffrey; the second occurrence was again with Sansa when the newly crowned Joffrey had her stripped and beaten; the third time was when Tywin rode his horse into the throne room; and of course the last appearance that I remember in Dany’s vision of the destroyed throne room with either snow or ashes falling from above.  As an aside, because of Dany's torch, I tend to think that the droppings were ashes and not snow.  When she placed her torch on the floor, there wasn't any change to the flame, as one would expect if it were lying in wet snow.  However, let’s get back to the topic at hand.
As there were a number of scenes in the throne room, there could have been more sightings of the blue roses that I missed.  Nonetheless, those appearances of the symbolic motif were presented as just background noise when one would have expected that because of its importance to the story, its appearance would have been a central plot point.
 Surprisingly, Dan and Dave did not go that route and one can’t help but wonder why that was the case.  Why did they leave out such an important symbol of Jon’s connection to Lyanna?  I think the answer is that they didn’t.  They simply changed things on the show and made the motif a feather instead of a rose.  I think that they went this route because of their decision not to film the Tourney at Harrenhal.  My thinking is that they didn’t film the tourney because they wanted Rhaegar’s connection to Jon via Lyanna to remain a mystery until the latter seasons of the show.
Some will argue that almost everyone knew that Rhaegar was Jon’s dad and so there was no need to hide the linkage by replacing the rose with a feather.  To that I would answer that there are still fans who have read the books who don’t believe that R+L=J.  More importantly, those of us who have read the books tend to forget that the vast majority of the viewers of the show have not done so and most likely never will.  It seems pretty obvious that D&D’s writing are more for those viewers than the rest of us who have read the books.  This actually makes sense when you consider that it was these viewers who were blown away by the many surprises in the earlier seasons and who spread the word that GOT was not your typical fantasy story.  This was a major contributor to the popularity of the show.
However, while I can see them not wanting to introduce Rhaegar into Jon and Lyanna’s story too early, they still needed a way to connect all three.  They seem to have decided that the best way to do so while keeping to the theme in the books was with a motif other than the blue rose.  The question then became what and how.  
With Ned and Robert being the only two still alive that were directly connected to both Rhaegar, Lyanna and the events of the past, it made sense that they were used to set up the linkage.  All that remained was a decision on the choice of motif to use as the replacement for the rose.
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They decided to go with a feather and while this may seem like an unfathomable choice for some, I think that the choice was made for the specific reason that it could be tied to Sansa’s arc.  So they went with a feather as the motif and had Robert place it on Lyanna’s crypt in the first episode of the series where it sat gathering dust until season 5, episode 4 when it was found by Sansa.  What a coincidence!
Sansa finding the feather was not the only coincidence in the scene.  There were two others. I could be wrong and if so, please correct me and I will update but I believe that the only reference to flower in the entire series was in this scene when Petyr told Sansa the story about the Tourney of Harrenhal and Rhaegar placing a crown of blue winter roses in Lyanna’s lap.  Hmm!  Why do we get a reference to the flower for the first and only time at that moment when Sansa is holding the feather that symbolically connects to that particular story via Robert, who placed it on Lyanna’s tomb?  The second coincidence in the scene is that Sansa does not place the feather back on Lyanna’s tomb but instead walks out with it in her hand.  
As @thelawyerthatwaspromised pointed out in her fabulous breakdown essay on history of the feather and its importance in Sansa and Jon’s arc, the writers then created a throwaway scene between the daughter of Winterfell and Myranda for the sole purpose of showing the audience that Sansa was now wearing the feather as an adornment on her wrist.  It is obvious that on the show, the feather represents the blue flower motif from the books and so if she is not meant to be seen as the Blue Winter Rose, why is linked to Sansa both literally and figuratively?  I think that their reasoning is really not that difficult to understand.
In both the books and the show, Sansa is symbolically tied to birds and as a result feathers.  I believe that this symbolic connection will be shown to be of major importance in the last two books as I discussed in my Alayne Stone essay.  
In the books, her connection comes as a result of the Hound branding her with the moniker “little bird.”  On the show, he does the same and Cersei also constantly refers to her as little dove.  And of course, in season 4, episode 8, we get the full impact of her bird and feather symbolism as “Dark Sansa” makes her debut when she descends the staircase of the Eyrie in the gorgeous black feather dress that she made for herself.  But what do Sansa and feathers have to do with the Blue Winter Rose?
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Well, as I have argued, I think Sansa Stark is the most symbolic blue winter rose in the story.  Yes, all the daughters of House Stark through the ages can be considered symbolic of the blue flower—including the one of Bael the Bard fame, Arya, and of course Lyanna.  However, I believe that the one who most symbolize the characteristics of the flower is Sansa as I discussed in my Of Sansa Stark and the Glass Menagerie essay series.  In fact, I think that while the sweet smelling blue flower in the crack in the Wall from Dany’s vision is about Lyanna as Jon’s mother, it is quite possibly more indicative of Sansa and her connection to Jon.
Part of the reason for this opinion as I discussed in the Glass Menagerie essay is the belief that the jonquil flower is symbolically representative of the blue winter rose.  In ancient times, it was actually considered a rose.  In fact, many biblical scholars believe that it is the famous Rose of Sharon referenced in the biblical poem, Song of Songs or as it is also known, the Song of Solomon.
The famous poem is a romantic celebration of the sexual love between a young couple.  However, at its heart, it is also tells the story of the seasonal renewal of the land. Many biblical scholars are of the opinion that this Song of Songs tells a story that is very similar to the ones of various ancient cultures wherein the fertility of the earth is dependent on a sexual encounter between a man and a woman—generally godlike deities.
One interesting thing about the Rose of Sharon referenced in the poem is the description of the ancient location from where it received its name.  This is the description of ancient Sharon.
The Plain of, the area where the coastal plain widens south of the slopes of Mt. Carmel, extending about thirty miles south to the Yarkon River north of Joppa. It varies from about eight to twelve miles in width. In Israelite times, the dunes supported an impenetrable oak forest. Pastureland would have been on the fringe of the forest (1 Chr 27:29). The rose of Sharon is kind of a crocus growing as a “lily among brambles” (Song 2:1-2). Thus the biblical picture of Sharon is a forbidding jungle of oaks and swampy marshes rather than a fertile or productive plain.
Society of Biblical Literature
The description of the Plains of Sharon is extremely similar to that of the River Styx and it’s surrounding marshy landscape.  In ancient Greek mythology, Styx was the name given to the river that led to the domain of Hades.  He of course was the Lord of the Underworld who kidnapped Persephone from the Vale of Nysa while she was out picking flowers.  And it just so happens that the flowers that were used by Hades to entice the young goddess and bring her into his clutches was none other than the narcissus jonquilla or in other words, the ancient rose.  Today’s modern roses are hybrids and look nothing like their ancient counterparts.
As has been suggested by many in the fandom, through her abduction by Petyr Baelish, he of the demonic last name, Sansa is the symbolic Persephone of the story.  Petyr even attempts to tempt her with a slice of pomegranate as Hades did with the mythical daughter of Demeter and Zeus.
I mentioned this bit about Persephone and the Rose of Sharon to show that Sansa is symbolically connected to the both the jonquil flower as well as to the ancient in-story character who bears its name.  I am of course speaking of the mysterious woman from Florian and Jonquil fame.  The real world myths about the jonquil flower along with textural clues…including the drawing of the famous pair that appears in The Hedge Knight have led me to the conclusion that the ancient Jonquil was the original Blue Winter Rose of House Stark.
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As I’ve stated, based on how it has been used on the show, it seems obvious that he feather motif is playing the part of the blue winter rose in the story.  If Jonquil was indeed the original Blue Winter Rose, it could also explain why the feather is so closely connected to Sansa in the show.  However, this raises a question.  
If the blue sweet smelling flower in the crack in the Wall that Dany saw in her vision is meant to signify her connection to Jon and their future marriage as many in the fandom argue is the case, shouldn’t the feather as the stand-in for the winter rose on the show be tied to her?  Why isn’t the feather connected to Dany? Curious, don’t you think!  If further proof is needed that the true romantic arc in the story is not Jon and Dany but rather Jon and Sansa then there is no greater evidence than the feather.  And as Sansa is never shown returning the feather, it means that she still has it.
There is one last thing that I want to discuss before I end.  If Sansa is the Blue Winter Rose, a fact that on its basic level cannot be argued with as she is a daughter of House Stark; and if the feather is the playing the part of the flower on the show—meaning that Sansa should also be seen as the feather; then what is the symbolic importance of it freezing in the teaser as it applies to Sansa?
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I proposed that it implies that Sansa is in danger not just from the actions of Cersei as things come to a close but also from the Night King.  Yes, everyone is in danger from the White Walkers but my tinfoil is that Sansa faces a specific threat from the Night King and that is what is implied with the freezing of the feather and Arya and Jon pulling their weapons and stepping protectively in front of her.   
Now, the scene of the three in the crypts won’t be in the show.   Rather like the first teaser it is meant to set up the theme of the season.  The first teaser with ice and fire meeting over the Trident on Aegon’s Painted Table is meant to show the theme of the danger that both forces will pose to the realm.  And I think that the second is meant to showcase the danger of the White Walkers to the Starks as a whole and possibly to Sansa in particular.
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For this reason, I am most curious to find out what is on the scroll that Sophie mentioned was given to her by the prop guy as a keepsake of the show.  I think that it’s quite possible that the scroll in question was the one Sam was shown taking from the Citadel and that once revealed, the contents will have something to do with Sansa…maybe even a drawing of an ancient woman that looks like her.  My tinfoil is that it will be a drawing with a face that is similar to the one in Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus.”  Just three more weeks to go to find out whether my theories end up being pure tinfoil or whether I’m onto something in regards to the books and overall story.  Can’t wait to find out!
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trollhunter94 · 7 years
Listen Closely
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Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Others: Sam, Dean and Crowley
Warnings: Cannon Divergence, Swearing.
Words: 3.8K
A/N: Part 4 of the Castiel Soulmate series. Here’s Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, __, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7. I want to thank you guys for sticking with me as this series develops, especially @sumara62 and her words of encouragement. 
Summary: A pit stop for the night allows you to get acquainted with your kidnappers and the mess that they’re dealing with. A quiet chat with Castiel allows him to get to know you… much more intimately.
Ten minutes of silence followed your outburst and the thumping against the back of your seat had thankfully stopped. You occasionally glanced up, feeling the tension disappear as the conversation between Sam and Dean began to flow again.
The subject of their conversation was ‘Dick’. You weren’t entirely sure whether they were talking in sexual innuendos or referring to a person. Either way, you had no idea what they were talking about, feeling even more lost and secluded.
Castiel had resumed the position of staring ominously out of the window, deep in thought and internal debate. Every twenty minutes or so, you would glance away from the scenery through your window to watch the Angel.
By the time Castiel next looked over at you, the car had driven hundreds of miles and the sun was beginning to set. As the car approached a local motel, Dean slowed down and signalled to turn in, causing Sam to look curiously at him. “Dean. We know where the trucks are gonna be. Why are you stopping?”
Dean pulled up into the parking lot and switched the ignition off. “Look, Sammy. I need to rest, okay? It’s been a long drive and some of us need our four hours".
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“Uh, yes please” you sighed from the back seat, prompting all three of them to turn and look at you. “It’s settled then" Dean said, closing the debate. “Right, I’m gonna check us in. Two rooms should do it”.
Sam nodded in reluctant agreement, reaching to pick up his bag as you and Dean opened the car doors in unison. As you stepped out to the parking lot, you took in your surroundings as Dean strolled towards the building. The hotel was situated at the side of the interstate, cars speeding past and the smell of gas fumes thick in the air.
Two metallic clunking sounds were heard as Castiel stepped out the car, quickly followed by Sam, who walked over to the trunk. You edged closer, curious as to how they managed to trap a Demon in there. As Sam lifted the door, you noticed the white symbols and markings painted on it.
Crowley’s long-winded grunt was instantly heard as the fading sunlight filled the dark and stuffy trunk. He squinted, looking up at the two tall figures that towered above him. “Alright. Come on. Up you get”. Sam gripped Crowley’s arm and yanked him out.
“Uh, not so rough, Moose. I’m feeling delicate after that bumpy ride”. Sam took his jacket off and placed it over Crowley’s handcuffs before retorting back. "Shut up. Nobody cares about your comfort Crowley”.
As both men led him towards the motel, you followed behind and he began to plead to you. “You can’t let them do this to me. I have rights! Please, you have to help me. I’ll make it worth your while”.
Sam tugged on the special handcuffs, making Crowley jerk forwards. Castiel quickly swivelled around to advise you. “Don’t fall for his dirty tricks, Y/N. He’ll say anything to gain his freedom”. You silently nodded, wondering why they were holding him captive in the first place. Were these people the bad guys?
Meeting Dean in the walkway, he opened the door of room 24, where Castiel and Sam dragged the Demon inside. You began to follow but Dean quickly intercepted, placing an arm across the doorway. He turned the doorknob to 23, the next room over and gestured for you to enter.
“You’re in here with me love. We’re keeping you away from that ass-hat. Don’t trust a single thing he says, okay?” You quickly obliged, stepping into the room and inspecting the interior. It was a basic room, with two queen-sized beds, cable and magic fingers.
Half an hour had passed before the doorknob turned and the brothers came waltzing in, giving you nods of greeting as they wiped their feet and scanned the room. They shifted about, pulling items out of their bags and settling in. Sam pulled his laptop out of his bag as Dean took some items into the bathroom.
You tapped your hands on the table, unsure of what to do. You had no belongings with you anymore, no way of contacting home, so you decided to spark up a conversation. “So, what do you guys do exactly?”
Sam approached the table, placing his laptop down and perching on a chair. “We’re Hunters. Or at least we used to be. We kill monsters and save people from the supernatural”.
“Hunters?” you repeated back at him. “Hunting monsters?” He smirked with a look of familiarity at your scepticism, illustrating how many times he’s had to convince people that this other world existed. “Yep”.
You nodded your head, thinking that these people were just crazy. Why would any sensible person make a career out of this?
Dean came strolling out of the bathroom in the midst of brushing his teeth. “It’s true” he mumbled with a mouthful of toothpaste before strolling back out of sight. You took it with a pinch of salt. “Okay, so what do you guys do now?”
Sam answered you with a nonchalant attitude. “Not much, just saving the world from catastrophic threats”. You scoffed and then laughed at his words. “No, seriously?”
Dean walked back in, face stone cold and expressionless. “Seriously. We save the world. Multiple times now”. Your smile dropped, realizing that these guys were serious. They must be crazy.
“From what exactly?”
“Well”… Sam rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find the right words. “We stopped Lucifer from bringing on the apocalypse”. Your eyes squinted, fully doubtful of this. “What, the actual apocalypse? As in, four horsemen, biblical damnation apocalypse?”
Both of them nodded their heads in agreement. You ran a hand down the side of your face before stroking your chin, trying to soak in this craziness. “So Lucifer is real? And he was here on earth, just roaming about?”
“He was topside”, Dean replied. “That was until Sammy here shoved his ass back into his cage”. He gave Sam a heavy pat on the shoulder, causing him to jump a little, crossing his arms. “The new threat is these slimy sons of a bitches. Leviathans”.
“Okay” you paused him with a hand gesture, trying to take in this information. “So Lucifer is gone, and the apocalypse was stopped, by you two?” They nodded their heads again before Dean interjected. “And Castiel, Bobby and some other good friends of ours”.
“That’s insane” you said, high pitched and full of disbelief. Sam huffed with amusement and uncrossed his arms. “Well, insane is kinda what we do”.
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“Okay”, you nodded your head slowly in acceptance of these facts. “So, what are these Leviathans and why are they a threat?”
They looked at each other before Dean motioned for Sam to answer this question. “Okay, don’t freak out” he began, holding his hands up cautiously. “But they’re ancient creatures that broke out of purgatory and are basically trying to turn all humans into prime cattle”.
Your eyebrows knitted at his explanation. “What?”
Dean walked to the fridge, opening the door and grabbing a beer. “They’re tampering with the food supply. Trying to fatten us up like prized turkeys, making us non-resistant and easy to pluck”.
“But how can they do that?” You questioned them, brows furrowed and a hand raised in scepticism. “People won’t just accept this. Surely the powers that be have some say against this? The police? The government?”
Dean sat back down and leant forward slightly, keeping stern eye contact and lifting his hand. “Ever heard of Roman Industries?”
“Yeah”… You prompted him to continue. 
“Well, Dick Roman is their leader. He’s the one who’s funding this whole campaign”. You sat there shocked as Dean leaned back in his chair and took a swig of the beer.
This instantly cleared up the context of their conversation in the car earlier. You lowered your eyes, thinking about their current predicament, when a thought occurred to you. Looking back up at the two Hunters, you plead your case. “I can totally help you guys. Use me as bait or something”.
Dean glared at you before dismissing the idea with a wave of his hand. “Nope. Not happening. You’re staying here”.
Sam thought you were right to offer help. He began to convince his brother. “Dean, think about this for a minute. I mean, she can help us. We need as many boots on the ground as possible if we’re gonna beat these things”.
Dean shook his head in a blind refusal. “No Sammy, we can’t look after her and keep hold of Crowley. There won’t be enough time for any kind of error and if this shit goes sideways, we won’t get another chance to nail the bastard”.
Sam shifted his eyes in deep thought before shooting them straight back to Dean with an idea. “What if she and Cas deal with the warehouse and we take Crowley straight to Dick? Two birds with one stone”.
Dean’s face was portraying a blank disapproval. “What don’t you get about this Sam? She’s an untrained civilian. Placing her in the centre of this mess will only get her killed. She’d last two minutes in there, tops”.
You piped up, feeling underestimated and positive that you could be helpful to their cause. “Excuse me. She is right here. And I’m up for the task. Just tell me how to kill these things”. This was a chance be a part of something huge. A life-changing adventure and a chance to save the world!
Your enthusiasm made Sam smile. “See” he gestured to Dean. “She’ll be alright. We’ll just load her up on Borax”.
He picked up a large canister of cleaning product and placed it on the table. You read the label before looking at them sceptically. “That’s their weakness? Cleaning fluid?”
“Yeah, it literally melts their skin. It’s like a scene from Terminator” Dean said, failing to contain his excitement. The surprise of these facts slowly transitioned into realization, that this mission was actually achievable and sounded pretty bad-ass.
“Oh my God. Please let me come and fight? I want to do this. I can do this, guys. I’m ready”. The way you raised your hands pleadingly may have portrayed a hint of desperation but may have just played in your favour.
Dean raised a hand with caution. “Alright. Calm down, Calamity. Let’s not willingly jump at the chance of certain death”. His gaze quickly shifted to his brother. “Sam, are you sure about this?”
He knew from previous experience that this plan was going to fail, but the certainty that was portrayed on his little brother’s face, reminded him of how strong and resilient they were as a team. Besides, Castiel could take care of you better than him or Sam ever could.
A deep breath was followed by his surrender. “Alright. But I’m not happy about this plan”. His eyes moved from Sam to you with a pointed finger. “If you die, it’s not on me”.
“I’ll be alright” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “I’ve got an Angel watching over me”. Dean’s eyes lifted to the doorway as he thought about his best friend. “Where is the brooding idiot anyway?”
Sam walked to the window, pulling back the thin, blue curtain to scan the darkness outside. “He’s out there, watching Crowley’s room“. He walked back to the table and tapped you on the shoulder.
“You know, you’ve really had an effect on him. He’s only usually like this when he’s feeling guilty or when Dean’s not speaking to him”.
Dean grumbled at this remark before agreeing with his brother. “Now you mention it, he has been acting weird. I mean, why did he touch your soul and not tell us about it? He said you passed out, back at the bunker”.
Something inside of you stirred at the mention of this. Why would he lie to his friends about what happened? There was something that he knew, and he wasn’t telling anyone.
You needed to see him. To talk to him. To clear this weirdness between you. Standing up, you told the brothers where you were going. “I’d better go talk to him. I feel bad about what happened earlier”.
You stepped outside of the room, looking in both directions and seeing Castiel perched on the wooden side walk.
Standing in the background quietly, you watched him for a few seconds, taking in his appearance. The way that his shoulders were hunched, his eyes transfixed to the palm of his hand as he consulted his thoughts.
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Racking up the courage, you took a deep breath and walked up to him. His face softened as you approached, your presence pulling him from frazzled thoughts.
“Hi. Do you mind if I sit with you?”
He sat upright, switching his gaze from your dark figure, down to the spot beside him, then back up to you. “Not at all, please”.
You sat down and broke the awkward silence with an apology. “I’m sorry about kicking you, back in the car. It’s just a lot to take in, you know. Angels, Demons, Leviathans. I was an Atheist two days ago”.
He looked at you with an expression of relief before counteracting the apology. “It was understandable, seeing as I took you without your consent and invaded your personal space. I profoundly apologize for that”.
“Ah, it’s okay” you replied, taking in the surroundings of the car park. “I forgive you, for abducting me and the whole soul-touching thing". You swivelled round to face him as something important came to mind.
He watched closely as you raised a finger at him. "But if you ever put me to sleep like that again, I'll be forced to kick your ass". Castiel chuckled at your threat but nodded his head in agreement. His melancholic state began to change, the longer you were in his company.
You rubbed your hands together, trying to adjust to the cold breeze as you casually caught his gaze. “So, what are you doing out here?”
He stared off into the distance before glancing down at his clutched hands. “I’m just thinking about Heaven”. Castiel was thinking about how simpler things were, only a decade ago. In Heaven, he was surrounded by his family and was certain of his role.
You looked up at the night sky, thinking about it. “I bet it’s amazing up there. Why would you even leave in the first place?” He gave you the simple answer. “It was my mission to save Dean from the depths of Hell and to help him to fulfil the prophecy of revelations”.
“Yeah, Dean just mentioned that” you said, shifting on the bench. “But you guys stopped it, right? So, why did you stick around and not go back?” 
Castiel let out a heavy sigh. How could he explain everything to you? How Lucifer reduced him to a pile of dust, yet somehow, he was still here. The fact that the Angels conspired to bring forth the apocalypse or were fighting for power in Heaven.
“Heaven is not what it used to be” he stated with a hint of warning. “Without our father’s presence upstairs, the Angels split into factions and a civil war ensued. I lost a large number of my brothers and sisters in the Garrison”.
This instantly crushed the thought that Heaven was a peaceful sanctuary, where everything was clouds and rainbows. Now, it was a battlefield for Angels and Castiel was feeling the loss of his family. “I’m sorry to hear that. Family fights are the worst” you said, trying to be sympathetic.
“Yes” he agreed. “But the Winchesters have taught me more about family in the last few years, than the millennia spent in Heaven”. Your eyes widened at the sudden realization of how old he was. Too old to comprehend.
This brought your thoughts back to that awkward moment in the car. How one touch of his feathers had sparked arousal through the both of you. Had Castiel even had any experience of love or relationships?
“What about you?” he asked, gently brushing his shoulder against yours, pulling you from your thoughts. “What’s it like, a day in the life of Y/N?”
Your eyes shifted from his kneecaps over to the cars that rushed past on the interstate, not feeling very eager to talk about yourself. Nothing you could say could even start to compare to the exciting life of a Hunter or an Angel.
“Yeah, there’s not much to tell you really. I’m... a normal Human, I guess. I eat, sleep, work and just live my life, you know?”
His head tilted sideways sympathetically. “I don’t believe that is true. You’re not like any other human I’ve encountered, Y/N. There’s something special about you”. Your shoulders instinctively shrugged with an accompanied scoff. “If there is, then I’m yet to discover it”.
Castiel knew for sure that there was a deeper meaning behind this bond between you. Back at the bunker, when he stuck his fist through your chest and touched your soul, he felt it for sure. It was a pure and Angelic experience for him; the equivalent of 'love at first sight'.
But he was yet to know why. Why it was you. Maybe the answer was stored in the deepest recesses of your memory. But how to access this information? The old Castiel would take it without asking, but things were different now. That would only make things worse.
“Would you permit me to read your mind?”
You inched backwards sceptically as soon as he lifted a hand. The gesture bringing recollection of pain and fear. “I… I’m not sure that’s a good idea”.
The look of hurt was evident on his face, from the fact that you didn’t trust him enough to know that he would never intentionally hurt you. At least not now, knowing what you were to him.
He lowered his head again, filling with a sense of disappointment and regret. “I would never hurt you, Y/N. I do not wish to cause you pain or distress”. You knew he meant these words, deep down. Ever since you crashed into him, back in that elevator, all he’s ever done is to try and keep you close to him. Maybe that’s just his way of keeping you safe.
The guilt started to spread again, for denying him the chance to rummage through your mind, where your secrets, private thoughts and desires were buried.
It was only rational to think like this. If anything, you should be mad at him. For keeping the truth from you, for lying to his friends and for even bring you here in the first place. But a small part of you wanted him to know you, who you really were and what goes on in your mind.
That one word filled the silence between you, causing his head to shoot upwards. He looked at you cautiously, eyes wide and unblinking. “What?”
Taking a deep breath, you set out your boundaries. “You can read my mind, as long as you stay away from the private stuff in there, you know? That’s not something I really want to share”.
He smiled at you, face illuminated with the hope of knowing you better. “Of course. If you feel me enter somewhere you don’t want me, just imagine a door shutting in front of it”.
You shifted on the bench to face him, sitting upright and letting him know that you were ready. “Okay, I’ll try. Let’s do this”. He lifted his hand up to your face with the softest expression, brushing a few strands of hair from your forehead.
The anticipation was making you nervous, giving him a weak smile and fumbling with your hands. “This is so weird. I can’t believe I’m letting you do this”.
“Just relax” he advised, moving his left hand to cup the side of your face, and that anticipated touch of skin-on-skin was no longer electrifying. Instead, a tranquil wave of energy filled the space inside of your head. Your shoulders dropped at the soothing sensation.
His soft and warm fingers rested gently against your temples as he accessed the stream of neurons in your temporal lobe. The pictures of thousands of memories came rushing to him like a homemade movie. Your first steps, the first time you ate a lemon, your childhood home, your family and that time you almost wet yourself from hysterical laughter.
His lips curved upwards into a smile. “Such happy memories in there… Your thoughts are so… beautiful”. His eyes flickered behind his eyelids as he accessed what you were thinking at this moment:
What am I doing here? With an Angel, who is so fucking hot. Just look at that face, those wings. Stop it. That’s so wrong, Angels and Humans. Wasn’t that shit forbidden by God? It would probably make him angry, or guarantee a one-way ticket to hell… But he chose me, the only human to see his wings. At least I think he likes me. Why else would he bring me here?
The confliction was tearing at you from every direction.
You suddenly remembered that he could see everything that you were thinking as it unfolded. Quickly picturing a door like he’d told you; rounded and made of dark mahogany, you slammed it shut in the forefront of your mind. Castiel watched as this door closed before him, shutting him out of your head.
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His immediate reaction was shock to know that you feel the same attraction too, followed by an acceptance of his earlier doubts. These feelings he has for you and this rare connection was wrong, and even you knew it.
His father did decree, many centuries ago, that Angels were no longer allowed to procreate with any daughter of Eve. The risk of a Nephilim being born was too high and would once again, bring the wrath of Heaven.
He wanted you to know the depth of his affection though. As much as his head was telling him to walk away, his heart was urging to reach out and show affection.
Reaching out and gently opening your hand, he placed an object against your palm before closing your fingers around it. Every press of his fingers against yours, warm and welcoming.
Before you could formulate a thought, he scooted forward and stood up, his tall figure blocking the light from the street lamp behind. His shoulders dropped with a sense of sadness as his head tilted in your direction. “Goodnight Y/N”.
Awkwardness held the moment as you wanted to explain to him, why you had thought the way you did. But he was quick to leave you, sat alone on the bench and wondering where it all went wrong.
You opened your hand to inspect the object that he had placed there. It was a red, paper heart. A piece of origami. A symbol of his endearment.
Thanks for reading. Here’s Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
@uselessace @superheavymetalunicorn  @eziggyra
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godfoundation · 4 years
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I affirm on behalf of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that these revelations are faithful and true. My name is Elisabeth and I am a Servant of God serving many years in intercession in a church founded in 1999 by order of Almighty God. I had a lot of experience with God in my personal life and in the work of God.
I will try to summarize the experience when God led me to heaven and hell. I would like to thank first the Lord God of Israel. I thank you for this opportunity. I ask that your blessing fill the heart of each person who hears this testimony from the Lord Jesus.
Before talking about what I saw in the heavenly world I want to quote some biblical references because of the revelations that I had were beyond the natural senses. I will quote some references that speak about experiences beyond the senses.
Act 10:19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
2Co 12:1-4 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
God is true and there are many passages in the Bible that mentioned hell and heaven even describing the streets of gold.
I am going to read the first part of the revelation I had in heaven. On an ordinary night when I was on my knees praying, I felt my breath coming out of my heart. I crawled and laid down with difficulty. When I looked at the ceiling of my house, I saw it was broken.
Although I could hear everything around me, when I tried to look again, I saw two spirit beings in white robes who had so much glory and they floated and stopped at my feet and told me, “It is necessary that you come with us because the Lord Jesus wants to talk to you about something very important. Jesus Christ whom you serve, who is come in the flesh, was dead and risen and is sitting at the right of the Father.”
The angels held me and we went up. I saw my body lying on the floor. I found I was in a garment whiter than snow. It is my spiritual body and is glorified. Finally, the angels said to me, “Now we have to hurry and go faster.” We started to fly at an incredible speed and we passed the clouds and the blue sky. We went beyond the stars and I saw the planets of our solar system. Then we arrived at a beautiful green landscape. Here on earth, there is no such landscape similar to that of heaven. Heaven was beautiful. It was a land with trees and plants having perfect flowers. I saw animals passing by. All paradise is perfect. I sat on the green grasses and took the time to contemplate and admire this heavenly landscape and the angels.
I heard and saw the happy saints of heaven. The children were singing happily and they were in happiness. I met a group under the beautiful trees of paradise. They sang songs of praise. They quoted passages from the Bible. They smiled. I testify that there were no cripples nor any disabled patients nor any people with sad faces. The Bible says in Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
I was sitting on the grass of paradise when the two angels who were with me said, “Elizabeth we have to leave.” So we crossed the transparent golden street and soon after I saw the rivers of living water like crystal coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb and came down in cascades. The angel told me this is the river of life. Suddenly the angel of the Lord leaned and splashed the crystal clear water on my face and told me this verse.
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Then we continued to float in the glory of heaven.
I contemplated a great clock on the wall and next to it were two angels holding two trumpets and waiting for the order of God to blow the trumpets. The angel told me to observe this clock. When I looked at the hands, they were minutes before midnight. I said to myself, “As soon as the hands of this clock come together, in God's time, the trumpet will sound and Jesus will come back to look for His church. Then this change will lead to the infinite table of the wedding hall of the Lamb.” The table was miles in length and was covered with an ornate white towel and its golden embroidery was made by the angels themselves.
Finally the angel told me go to the throne of the Father, “He wants to talk to you.” As soon as we arrived before the throne there were people around the throne who have been caught up in the Spirit like me to heaven. They were saying goodbye to Jesus. The angels were there waiting for my turn to come.
As soon as Jesus looked at me, He came towards me. I ran towards Him like a child and I kissed at His feet. I asked for forgiveness and mercy. I was moved as I kissed His feet. Jesus is beautiful and full of sweetness. His eyes were like flames of fire and had so much love and mercy. I saw holes in His feet and scars on His hands and wrists. He turned around and showed me the side where He had been pierced. The garment of the Lord was glorious and was pearly white. It was brighter than the sun. He touched my mouth and put His hand on my head and said, “You'll be a watchman and you will prophesy. Tell the earth that those who accept you have accepted Me; those who reject you have rejected Me. From now on, you have a special covenant with Me.”
Jesus looked at His Father who was sitting on a big throne of gold and silver and much glory emanated from Him. The wickedness of the earth had gone up before Him and the smell of sin rising from the earth had reached His nostrils. But Jesus interceded with His Father who was about to take some measures against the land because the sin of the world had risen up before His throne.
Jesus said, “Father, wait a little longer for the sake of the Elect.” The Father answered, “I will wait a little longer because of the Elect.”
Beloved, the Father is waiting a little more time. That's why we have to clean our garments and purify them. And then Jesus looked at me and said, “Elisabeth, warn My church on the earth. Many who come to church do not see and do not listen and do not understand that My return is imminent. Get ready as a beloved church.”
I could not see the face of God. God says no man has seen God but I was in contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was with Him personally. I asked for forgiveness with tears and I was delighted when two angels brought me to heaven. They came to bring me back on a golden chariot with two beautiful white horses. These horses were perfect and whiter than snow. I have never seen horses so beautiful in all my life. I joined the angel of God in his chariot. The angel was pressing on golden buttons to start the heavenly chariot and we traveled the heavens, We got into our galaxy. I contemplated the universe, the stars, the planets revolving around our system. Everything was very beautiful.
I said to the angel that I was a bit cold and asked if he could close the windows of the chariot. The angel closed the crystal windows of the celestial chariot whose glass was pure. The celestial chariot was moving at an incredible speed and we stopped at the roof of my house. I did not want to go out but the angel told me, “It is necessary that you can return to your body because Jesus has need of your testimony on earth. You would come back to heaven because heaven has a particular affinity with you and your golden house that is decorated with pearls is waiting for you.”
I saw my body and finally, I went back into my body. I looked up to say goodbye to them and they smiled at me and told me, “Stay in peace.”
I will tell you a revelation about the hell I got. After midnight a powerful angel came to see me. He was dazzlingly white, whiter than snow. He had a golden belt around the waist and was wearing a golden helmet with a sword around him and he had a supernatural glory.
He told me, “Let's go to hell. Many Lord's servants have been there visiting and it is necessary for you to go out there and to testify on earth. Fear not because the demons will not touch you.”
Immediately we got high in space and then we are descended beyond the sea to inside the earth. There was a black hole through which we entered the earth and I saw a terrifying tunnel under the earth. There was sulfur from the swarms of demons in the form of insects. They were hovering and shouting mocking words in shrill voices. They wanted to destroy lives on the earth. When I was in hell, I looked at the floor. It was full of lizards, animals, caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, snakes and rats and all kinds of infernal animals but they could not touch me.
I looked and I saw a wide wooden door. I saw demons around the door of hell. They were monsters of all sizes. On the portal, it was written in red and black letters, “Welcome to the kingdom of hell.” The demons and monsters looked at me in a threatening way. They were eager to capture me. The angel raised his sword against them and they opened the door and we entered.
As soon as we entered hell, the smell was terrible. I saw a lot of gray smoke. There were fires on the ground and there were people inside the fire. They were chained. I heard a lot of moans and cries of terror. Around the door, there were horrible demons full of hatred and smoke flowing from their nostrils. They kept guard over this part of hell and were not happy with my visit. The angel told him that this visit is a divine order.
I looked around and I saw priests and nuns and people who worshipped images of idol sculptures on earth. They were tormented and were crucified on musty rocks . The demons had fun with them with terrible tortures. A lot of those priests in hell were homosexual and had sex with children. There was a room where the demons sodomize the homosexuals and pedophiles on the floor. At this place, the demons have fun with them but this torture was terrible
When we left this section we arrived in a room where there was a big dusty table on which were different objects and articles. In fact there were magazines of Eastern cult religions and leaflets of satanic heretics. I saw a magazine about spiritualism. There were also pornographic magazines. I then saw magazines featuring aliens.
I saw big shelves devoted to new technologies on which were found DVDs and TVs. I saw advanced technology that was about to go out on the earth.
Then we moved further on in another big room where there was an exhibition with showcases. This was the industrial and manufacturing complex of hell. In this exhibition of objects which was to be put into circulation on earth, I saw snake rings, necklaces, chains with skull and crossbones. They were the symbols to the worship of the New Age in hell.
I saw women devils with their hair cut short and the men devils had tattooed necks with Satanist symbols. The diabolical tattoos were also on their legs, shoulders, and arms. They were on the belly and other body parts. These lady devils wore half-naked clothes showing the belly and the intimate parts. I saw men tattooed on every part of their bodies, even on their fingers, hands, noses, belly buttons, ears and tongues.
In the dense industrial complex of hell, I saw bands of colorful bracelets with rings. I saw artificial hair of a certain style that will be put into circulation in Brazil. Legions of demons were attached to them and dwell in these objects made in hell. They incite people to have sex contrary to the Word of God.
Then I went into the third room and I saw the fashion that will be put into circulation on the earth. I saw the transparent clothes. I saw the jewels that will be consecrated in India and in Egypt. I saw clothing woven by two popular brands on Earth and they were dedicated to the devil for the mass consumption of customers on Earth.
I saw cartoons for children. I saw some movies and children's series. I saw a horror movie with vampires and werewolves, idolatrous novels with images of saints. I saw women dressed in clothes for men.
Now I want to talk and draw your attention to poisoned foods. As Christians we have a habit of praying for the food. When we want to eat and drink something we thank God. Indeed in hell, I saw a big kitchen where the walls were black and the demons prepare poisons to put them on processed foods we eat on the surface. This place looks like a chemical plant in the kitchen where the demons make the poison and on the ground, there was formal hydrogen peroxide sugar sodium flavored in this kitchen in hell.
I saw demons from hell throwing gray smoke on vegetables and fruits that we buy in the supermarkets and in shops. They did the same thing with drugs that we buy in some pharmacies. I will not go deeper because I am not a doctor. In this field, I do not want to report what God showed me in the revelation. If you are a true Christian you can buy anything you want but remember to ask God to purify the food you want to eat.
I saw a glass showcase with wedding rings broken in half with rusty petals. We were in this exposure when suddenly a demon manifested before us. He was a very handsome man in the form of a mannequin. He said, “My work is to break marriages. I have already destroyed many marriages just at the wedding party and I am going to destroy more marriages on the earth. I will continue to make people commit adultery. I will make women love other women and men love other men.”
In his room was assembled his aphrodisiacs, seductive products, and erotic clothes and objects. Most of the erotic objects and costumes are designed and made in hell.
I saw the mermaid, Jezebel and the Egyptian goddess. I want to talk about the spirit of Jezebel. A lot of people think that the Jezebel demon only incites women to use beauty products and makeup but this is only one of her functions. She has an even more evil function because she is a very strong principality and satan has assigned her against peoples and churches that are not prepared for spiritual warfare and has destroyed those churches whose shepherds are ignorant of the tactics of this principality. She gives false revelations and false prophecies in the name of Jesus but it's not Jesus, it's the devil.
As soon as this mermaid appeared in hell she told us, “Look what I am doing personally in the evangelical churches on earth.” I looked and saw a woman. She looked like a pastor and she prophesied and revealed deceptions that divided and was destroying a church. Many churches on the earth were demolished by the prophetic revelations of this woman yet she seemed to be spiritual. Afterward the lady became a mermaid. This principality of false prophecies is also a goddess from Egypt. She told me, “I have already closed many churches and I will close many other evangelical churches on earth. I want them to disappear because I am Jezebel.” The work of this terrible demon amazed me.
Anal and oral sex is an abomination. In hell, the tortures are terrible especially for women who have practiced abortion. I saw the suffering of those who also practiced oral and anal sex. They endured terrible tortures. I saw a demon snake the size of an anaconda from Brazil. These snakes entered the intimate parts of people to tear them up. Their screams were horrible. I cried. I want to tell people who practice this type of sex to stop. Married people and even Christians practice anal and oral sex. These practices are abominations and lead to a terrible punishment in hell. Many married men marry their women to do abominable things. They say it's not a sin because they are married but they are all sinning in front of God and all these kinds of sexual positions do not please the Lord God.
In hell I saw a demon which was actually a gelatinous giant worm and when he opened his mouth there were people in him who were tortured by smaller ones. Demons bring him the lost souls. These people were lined up and chained and they were tortured inside this voluminous worm. There was a strong smell inside this worm. I saw souls lost in the belly of this giant worm.
I suddenly saw a big screen as in the cinema. A scene was projected on the screen. When I watched I saw that it was actually a gathering. Inside a room, I saw a great black platform and various authorities and heads of states were gathered in this spacious room. I first saw the pope and his bishops but also cardinals, political ministers from around the world, famous Hollywood actors and all kinds of important personalities of the earth. Then a character got up and the man was very handsome. He was perfect, a handsome man of European beauty. When he started to speak his face and his body became half monster. Then all the celebrities and political leaders were turned into monsters and demonic forms. They were terrible and became a people without legs, without a hand, without eyes and without mouths. The angelic character of the devil became a monster. He told them, “We must the destroy; we have to stop these true Christians who are resisting us because our time is short. We have to destroy Christianity because it is I who reign; the power and the reign of the earth is mine.” While the devil continued his speech to the world elite, suddenly the angel of the Lord took me to a hospital on the earth.
I saw a nurse with an injection and inside this injection was a yellow liquid. The angel told me, “Look again.” I looked at it and I saw several syringes with mosquitoes. The angel said, “This is a biological weapon. These mosquitoes that you see and what is in this syringe are bacteria and viruses that will be injected into people to exterminate them. This was the global government program. After days these people will feel the effects and will die from tumors that are diseases caused by these vaccines.” The angel informed me that future vaccines will be dangerous but they will be put in circulation by the authorities.
After this vision I went to search the internet and I saw the case of girl who were vaccinated and had a seizure of epilepsy after that vaccination. She spent two days without speaking. She did not know this terrible reaction would be produced by this vaccination. This is a warning for humanity.
Then I saw people in positions within the churches but who were adorned with excessive makeup to the point of disrupting their fellowship with God. There are vanities that are needed, for example, when you wear a watch to see the time or a mobile phone or a car.
Then the angel who was with me took me to a throne but it was not where the Lord Jesus Christ is. The Lord told me, “This is the spirit of the antichrist that dominates over Earth. Observe the world trade, the economy, world humanism, the laws, the politics, the materialism, the technologies etc. They are contrary to My Word. Ask My people to pray. I will be with them and they will have to live in My presence because I'll be back soon.”
On the 17th April 2014 while lying down an angel of God came in and I held his hand. He told me, “Servant of God, the Father told me to show you some things. He is happy with you because you have kept your body, soul, and spirit in holiness.”
Suddenly we flew at an incredible speed and we arrived in the land of happiness and beauty. I looked at and I saw a green crystal and shining gold three-story building which was in the middle of other buildings, in the center of the heavenly city. It shone more than the others.
The angel told me, “Look at this building.”
I told him, “What a beautiful building. It is shining more than the others.”
The angel told me, “This house is yours. It's your house. You will live here if you hold good if you fight and overcome.” The angel told me, “I am just going to show you the elevator in the living room and part of the kitchen and some rooms.”
Without delay we entered the elevator of crystal that climbed automatically without having to press a button and then we went into a very beautiful place. The curtains were gold, the sofa was gold and all the furniture was in pure gold. The kitchen was also gold. I liked the cutlery. The windows there were beautiful too.
The angel said, “Let's go visit the city.”
Then we left and we flew over the city. I saw the river of life; the flowers and the birds; everything was alive in the eternal city including flowers. I saw a group of children playing in a garden of paradise. Some were sitting on the landscape. The children radiated happiness. No one was crying. They were smiling, jumping full of happiness, praising God. There were toys of birds, dogs and other animals. Yes everything is perfect. A lot of these kids have died in accidents; others died of illness; many have been aborted and they have all landed in heaven. They were all radiant with happiness. One of them looked at me and said, “Tell our parents we are here; we are with God in the light and happiness. We are waiting for them here too.” I said that I will talk to them.
We decided to fly and float on this world of happiness when I watched the angel who was with me. I saw that he was wearing boots, a belt on his hip with a sword at the waist and I heard the sound of his sword. I asked, “Why do you wear boots?” He said to me, “Because I am a warrior angel accompanying you on this trip. I am also the angel who walks with you. I am always at your side from your birth. Remember that you will not be never alone on earth. Do you see me, do you know my presence?” I told him, “It's an honor to walk with you.”
It was that day that I encountered this angel that I understood that the Lord had deployed this angel for me and my ministry. He walks with me in my ministry. When I preach in church and wherever I am testifying he is with me. When I pray to God, he is with me. I am very happy to have this angel.
(Transcribed and translated from the Youtube video on Elisabeth Ferraz Anal and Oral Sex leads to Hell.)
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adorkablephil · 8 years
Phan Timeline
For a while now, I’ve been wanting a concise and up-to-date phan timeline to help make my fics as chronologically accurate as possible, but I couldn’t find one, so I decided to make one! I hope other people find it useful, too!
Also, I have linked to relevant YouTube videos wherever possible, so you can check out Dan and Phil looking like cute little babies in Jamaica in 2010, goofing off with PJ and Chris in Italy in 2011, or appearing at various conventions over the years, that sort of thing.
(It’s a bit heavy on the 2009-2010 stuff, because that’s what’s hardest to find & it’s so useful for fetus!phan fics.)
1/30/87 - Phil born in the town of Rawtenstall, in the district (or borough) of Rossendale, in the county of Lancashire, England (17 miles from Manchester)
6/11/91 - Dan born in the town of Wokingham, a historic market town in the county of Berkshire, England (7 miles from Reading)
3/26/06 - Phil uploaded his first video to AmazingPhil on YouTube
??/??/07 - Dan started watching Phil’s videos (probably approximate but mentioned in Dan’s 3/21/17 liveshow)
5/??/08 - Phil created his Twitter account
7/??/08 - Phil received his B.A. in English Language and Linguistics from the University of York (per University of York website)
1/27/09 - first documented tweet between Phil and PJ
2/??/09 - Dan first commented on an AmazingPhil video (I’ve found no actual documentation of this)
5/??/09 - Dan created his Twitter account
5/28/09 - first documented time Dan tweeted Phil (now deleted)
6/2/09 - first documented time Phil replied to Dan on Twitter (now deleted)
6/11/09 - Dan turned 18
6/21/09 - DnP became Facebook friends
6/??/09 - Dan finished school and began his gap year
7/8/09 - Dan tweeted “Just arrived back from a week in Cyprus…” (now deleted)
8/28/09 - Phil finished his final project at the University of York and left university (date estimated based on things he said in his “Burning Walrus” video on 8/24/09)
9/16/09 - Dan created a Dailybooth account and Phil followed it
9/25/09 - Dan posted his first nakedbooth photo (strategically covered in several stuffed animals) to celebrate 100 followers
10/4/09 - Dan posted his second nakedbooth photo with the number 200 (his number of followers) strategically placed
10/7/09 - Phil tweeted “woahh just talked to Dan for 5 hours” (now deleted)
10/10/09 - Dan posted his third nakedbooth photo with a video game controller strategically placed (to celebrate 300 followers)
10/16/09 - Dan posted his first danisnotonfire YouTube video, “Hello Internet.”
10/18/09 - Dan posted his second YouTube video, “Butterfingers”
10/19/09 - DnP first met in Manchester (met at Manchester Piccadilly Station, then went to Starbucks, Apple Store, and the Hilton’s Sky Bar)
10/19/09-10/21/19 - Dan stayed at Phil’s house while his parents were away (including filming of first PINOF on the 20th)
10/23/09 - Dan posted a nakedbooth photo with a lava lamp strategically placed
10/25/09 - first PINOF video posted
10/27/09 - Dan posted his third YouTube video, “Procrastination”
10/31/09 - YouTube Halloween Gathering in London (Dan had posted only 3 videos at this point, starting just a bit more than 2 weeks before the gathering)
11/1/09 - both Dan and Phil headed home after spending the night at an unknown location in London
11/2/09 - Dan uploaded a video which apparently included some of his nakedbooth pics, but it was almost immediately reported and taken down. He replaced it with a “new and improved version” the following day (as mentioned in this tweet), which is clearly this deleted video someone re-uploaded.
11/3/09 - Dan tweeted “just had a biblical-scale arguement with the father. pah, ill find sanctuary on the internet.”
11/6/09-11/9/09 - Dan stayed with Phil (whose parents were home)
11/7/09 - Dan and Phil spent the day with Phil’s friend Stephen Byrne (3sixty5days on Twitter) visiting from Ireland
11/10/09 - Dan posted a nakedbooth photo taken at Phil’s house with Lion strategically placed in the foreground
11/22/09 - Dan tweeted “I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone D:” (now deleted)
11/25/09 - Phil tweeted two photos from a Skype call with Dan. In one of them, Dan’s hand is pulling up his shirt, revealing much of his bare torso. Phil tweeted in response to the pic “woof.” (Phil’s tweet remains, but the photos have been deleted.) Dan tweeted, “four and a half hour skype calls are the best,” which Phil retweeted.
11/26/09 - Dan tweeted “wow 5 hours and 42 minutes on skype xD that’s a new record. the best thing before you fall asleep though :) goodnight guys <3″
11/29/09 - on his way to visit Phil, Dan tweeted “on 3 ½ hour train journey with my laptop xD happy times”
11/29/09 - Dan arrived at Phil’s house to stay while Phil’s parents were away & they went to the Sky Bar in Manchester again (full visit 11/29/09-12/4/09)
12/1/09 - Dan mentioned on Dailybooth that he and Phil had watched “Wall-E” together. Both Dan and Phil tweeted (this and this, but Phil’s tweets seem to be deleted) requesting inappropriate questions for a Q+A video for Dan’s channel (but none was uploaded anytime soon after this?) Dan tweeted, “All I can taste is cherry, all I can smell is cherry, all I can hear is cherry and all I can feel is cherry. Can’t really see much though” (no time stamp, tweet now deleted)
12/2/09 - at 2:16 a.m., while staying at Phil’s house, Dan tweeted “Uma Thurman just watched me have sex” (along with a photo of an Uma Thurman “Kill Bill” poster like the one in Phil’s bedroom, tweet now deleted). Later in the day, they went to see “Paranormal Activity” together.
12/3/09 - Dan and Phil both wrote tweets describing a day of “new mario wii + coke” and “watching ‘the cube’”
12/4/09 - Dan returned home from visiting Phil
12/8/09 - Phil tweeted “awake!! o_O fell asleep on skype to dan” (now deleted)
12/10/09-12/12/09 - Dan stayed with Phil (including another visit to the Sky Bar on the 10th)
12/13/09 - DnP traveled together to the YouTube Festive Gathering in London (including a visit to the Apple Store with various friends)—they stayed overnight on the “giant airbed” at the home of Tom Howes (wtftomcoolio on Twitter), one of Dan’s flirty Twitter friends (who is the same age as Dan)
12/14/09 - Dan and Phil visited the Natural History Museum in London before they each headed home
12/21/09 - Phil tweeted “longest skype call ever :]”
12/22/09-12/24/09 - Dan stayed with Phil (including filming for the Interactive Christmas Adventure video)
12/27/09 - Interactive Christmas Adventure video posted
12/30/09 - Dan tweeted that he was recognized by “a gang of hysterical fans” while waiting to meet Phil at the train station (in Reading—Phil was staying overnight with him so they could travel to London together the next day)
12/31/09 - New Years party at the home of Tom Bacon (tom_bacon on Twitter, SuperBaconNation on YouTube) in London (where Dan drank Malibu and looked really drunk in some pictures)
1/??/10 - Phil received his M.A. in Video Postproduction with Specialisation in Visual Effects from the University of York (per University of York website)
1/1/10 - Phil stayed overnight with Dan in Wokingham
¼/10 - Dan started his internship at a London law firm (during his gap year)
1/6/10 - Dan tweeted that he had become a “YouTube Partner”
1/7/10 - Dan tweeted excitedly that Phil had “over 90,000 subscribers”
1/15/10-1/17/10 - Dan stayed with Phil (went to see “Avatar” in 3D at IMAX, failed attempt to go to Sheffield Gathering due to bad weather)
1/23/10 - Dan tweeted “i strongly dislike the video i made earlier this week, but phil keeps telling me its good and wants me to upload it x] itll be up l8r 2night” (in reference to “New Years Resolution Fail”)
1/24/10 - Dan tweeted “coming home from manchester…” (so had been visiting Phil again)—got stranded in London along the way due to train issues
1/29/10 - Dan’s London law firm internship ended (during his gap year)
2/2/10 - Dan tweeted “this is so traumatic ;_; i don’t care how much i fail i just want the pressure to be behind me. i just want to move on” (in reference to revising for exam)
2/3/10 - some big exam for Dan (but this was during his gap year?)
2/4/10 - Dan received his unconditional acceptance to Manchester University
2/13/10 - infamous Valentine’s Day (v-day) video posted privately to LessAmazingPhil while Dan was in India with his family
2/14/10 - Dan tweeted “I’m fed up of India.. there is somewhere else I want to be right now :[ <3″
2/20/10-2/23/10 - Dan visited Phil (directly after his trip to India and before returning home)
3/5/10-3/9/10 - Phil visited Dan
3/16/10-3/21/10 - Phil visited Dan
4/17/10-4/26/10 - trip to Blackpool and filming of PINOF 2
5/19/10-5/21/10 - London and Thorpe Amusement Park together
5/27/10 - AmazingDan video posted
5/27/10-6/3/10 - trip to Portugal (Phil mentions it briefly with some photos in his “World’s Biggest Chip?!” video, showing that they visited the Zoomarine in Guia, drank sangria, and spent time exploring the rocky coastline)
5/28/10 - PINOF 2 video posted (from Portugal, as Phil tweeted “thank you portugal internet ;_; Q+A upload failed after 6 hrs. Video will be up in.. 6hrs 46. x____x sorry”)
6/11/10-6/18/10 - E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) in Los Angeles (with Bryony, PJ, and others)
6/27/10-7/6/10?? - Dan visited Phil
7/26/10-8/2/10 - YouTuber Jamaica trip
8/6/10-8/8/10 - Summer in the City convention in London (only Dan attended because Phil was apartment hunting)
8/13/10-8/21/10?? - Dan visited and helped Phil move into his own apartment in Manchester
8/31/10-9/12/10 - at Phil’s place, StickAID collabs (1 & 2), zoo (on the 5th), and Muse concert (on the 11th)
9/16/10 - Dan arrived at Manchester University
11/16/10 - Dan hospitalized in Manchester with Phil’s help
12/23/10 - AmazingDan 2 video posted
2/10/11 - Phil was with Dan in Wokingham on Dan’s mum’s birthday
6/6/11 - Dan’s withdrawal from Manchester University effective (though the letter from the university to that effect was not sent until 10/24/12, so it’s unclear precisely when Dan actually made the decision and officially informed them of his wish to withdraw) 
7/27/11 - Phil moved to their new apartment in Manchester
8/10/11?? - Dan moved in with Phil in Manchester
8/12/11-8/14/11 - Summer in the City convention (in London)
8/28/11 - DnP went to a Muse concert together
8/30/11-9/13/11 - DnP went to Italy with PJ & crabstickz
9/17/11 - infamous Valentine’s Day (v-day) video unprivated by YouTube glitch (didn’t circulate widely)
10/17/11 - DnP started The Super Amazing Project
11/1/11 - PINOF 3 video posted
12/22/11 - first baking video posted (“How to make Christmas cookies!”) (Phil says he has never baked anything before and that this will be his first time.)
12/25/11 - first Dan and Phil Christmas Special on BBC Radio 1
2/14/12 - (Valentine’s Day) Phil tweeted “I want someone to spend the day playing bubble bobble with me! I have reached level 100 but never finished it! ._.”
3/17/12 - DitL in Manchester video posted
3/23/12-3/25/12 - Playlist Live convention (in Orlando, Florida)
4/4/12 - Phil tweeted “At the coolest Thai restaurant ever with @danisnotonfire and family! http://twitpic.com/95mbjx”
5/5/12 - Phil’s first live show on YouNow
6/22/12-6/27/12 - week in Vegas for Dan’s 21st birthday
6/28/12-6/30/12 - VidCon (in southern California)
7/10/12 - Dan’s first live show on YouNow (while flat-hunting in London with Phil)
7/11/12 - Dan’s infamous “fyi i like vagina” tweet in response to @Doctor_Swift’s question about whether he identified as homosexual (I’ve been unable to verify this)
7/23/12 - DnP moved to London
8/17/12-8/19/12 - Summer in the City convention (in London)
9/12/12 - PINOF 4 video posted
10/12/12 - Dan posted his FANDOMS video during a time when he was having difficulty/conflict with ... well ... fans
10/24/12 - Manchester University sent Dan a letter stating that his withdrawal was effective 6/6/11
10/31/12 - infamous Valentine’s Day (v-day) video leaked again and spread wildly on Tumblr (much fan freakage, much Dan freakage)
12/24/12 - DnP ended The Super Amazing Project (though it eventually continued without them)
12/25/12 - second Dan and Phil Christmas Special on BBC Radio 1
1/13/13 - DnP started weekly BBC Radio 1 request show
2/4/13 - Dan hit 1 mil subscribers
3/22/13-3/24/13 - Playlist Live convention (in Orlando, Florida)
5/18/13 - (kinda) DitL in New York video posted
7/6/13 - Phil hit 1 mil subscribers
7/30/13 - Dan hit 2 mil subscribers
8/1/13-8/3/13 - VidCon (in southern California)
8/17/13-8/18/13 - Summer in the City convention (in London)
8/27/13 - DitL in London video posted
11/22/13 - PINOF 5 video posted
12/22/13 - Phil won Sugarscape’s “Hottest Lad 2013” (Dan came in second place, ahead of various members of One Direction, among others)
12/29/13 - Dan hit 3 mil subscribers
2/19/14 - Dan and Phil presented the YouTube livestream of the Brits
3/21/14-3/23/14 - Playlist Live convention (in Orlando, Florida)
6/26/14-6/28/14 - VidCon (in southern California) (when others talked over Phil on the “Guide to Vlogging” panel, Dan grabbed a microphone and asked, “Can Phil express an opinion?”)
8/1/14-8/3/14 - Summer in the City convention (in London)
8/24/14 - DnP ended weekly BBC Radio 1 request show
8/29/14 - Phil hit 2 mil subscribers
9/1/14 - DnP started monthly Internet Takeover on BBC Radio 1
9/11/14 - Dan hit 4 mil subscribers
9/12/14 - DanandPhilGames YouTube channel was created
11/6/14 - PINOF 6 video posted
12/20/14 - Festive DitL video posted
2/6/15-2/8/15 - Playlist Live convention (in Orlando, Florida)
2/13/15 - Dan hosted #NicerInternet special on BBC Radio 1 called “Anti-Social Media Live” featuring various other YouTubers (including Phil)
2/25/15 - Dan and Phil presented the YouTube livestream of the Brits
3/26/15 - TABINOF/TATINOF announced in YouTube trailer
4/9/15-4/20/15 - DnP trip to Japan
4/22/15 - DitL in Japan video posted
7/23/15-7/25/15 - VidCon (in southern California)
8/14/15-8/16/15 - Summer in the City convention (in London)
8/20/15 - Dan hit 5 mil subscribers
10/8/15-11/15/15 - TATINOF UK
10/12/15 - Phil hit 3 mil subscribers
10/13/15 - TABINOF published
11/29/15 - PINOF 7 video posted
2/12/16 - Dan tweeted “i’m off on the family holiday my mum planned for us to spend some quality time with my grandma before she gets too old to travel!”
2/14/16 - Phil tweeted (from his family’s home) “Ahoy! No live show tonight as I’m with family but there will be a rather romantic episode of undertale later!” (So they spent Valentine's Day 2016 apart.)
2/24/16 - Dan and Phil presented the YouTube livestream of the Brits
4/25/16 - last DnP Internet Takeover on BBC1 Radio 1 (pre-recorded episode which aired while they were in the US)
4/22/16-6/23/16 - TATINOF US/Canada
6/23/16-6/25/16 - VidCon (in southern California)
7/29/16 - Dan tweeted “finally @AmazingPhil exposed” along with photo of Phil eating Crunchy Nut out of the box
8/10/16 - Dan hit 6 mil subscribers
8/14/16-8/26/16 - TATINOF Australia (visited Hong Kong on their way there [possibly 8/7/16-8/8/16] and again on their way home [possibly 8/28/16-8/29/16])
8/21/16 - DitL in Australia video posted
8/22/16 - Dan painted his fingernails black
8/28/16?? - went to Ozone sky bar in Hong Kong (on way to Australia)
10/5/16 - TATINOF documentaries released on YouTube Red
10/23/16 - DnP jointly won “Best Vlogger” at the BBC Radio 1 Teen Awards
10/31/16 - “Monster Pops” video posted to danisnotonfire, spawning the “Post-Baking Universe”
11/3/16 - DAPGO published
11/21/16 - TATINOF in Dublin
11/22/16 - BONCAs (TATINOF won Film of the Year, PINOF 7 won Collaboration of the Year, and Phil won British Creator of the Year—Phil called Dan up onstage to share his individual Creator of the Year award)
11/27/16 - TATINOF in Berlin
11/29/16 - PINOF 8 video posted
12/5/16-12/6/16 - TATINOF in Stockholm
1/17/17 - Dan officially stopped straightening his hair, saying in his live show (which he titled “I have ‘Hobbit hair’ now!’), “Wavey Dan is rising.”
1/30/17 - Phil’s 30th birthday
1/30/17 - while on holiday with Phil’s family on the Isle of Man, Dan tweeted “happy birthday to @AmazingPhil you may be on the road to death but the light and warmth you bring to our lives is as everlasting as the sun”
3/14/17 - Phil hit 4 million subscribers
3/21/17 - Dan mentioned the mysterious “that week in March” in his live show, spawning a million phan theories and constant harassment of him to explain (he later explained that it was about running out of anti-depressants and suffering terrible withdrawal effects for the previous 10 days or so)
3/30/17 - “the pantsless live show” (when Dan and Phil both moved their blanket and camera around in such a way as to hide their lower bodies throughout)
4/10/17 - visited 1-Altitude sky bar in Singapore (on way to Australia)
4/15/17-4/17/17 - Cool for Summer Festival in Australia (visited Singapore on their way there and again on their way home)
4/16/17 - Dan painted his nails sparkly
4/26/17 - moved to second London apartment
5/1/17 - Dan rebranded from danisnotonfire to Daniel Howell, changing the names on all his social media accounts but keeping his YouTube channel name the same
5/5/17-5/7/17 - Playlist Live convention (in Orlando, Florida) (after which they vacationed in Florida with Phil’s family, including a visit to Miami)
6/21/17-6/24/17 - Vidcon (in southern California)
8/26/17 - first livestreamed video from DanAndPhilGAMES, “THE PHAN-PRIX”
9/9/17-9/18/17 - vacation at “an island in the Mediterranean” with friends (most likely Bryony and Wirrow)
9/25/17-9/27/17 - YouTube Creator Summit in Madrid, Spain
10/10/17 - Dan widely publicized World Mental Health Day in his live show, on Instagram, and on Twitter
10/11/17 - Dan posted his widely-praised “Daniel and Depression” video
10/17/17 - Dan was named an official Ambassador for the UK youth mental health charity YoungMinds
10/17/17 - Dan explained “that week in March” in his live show, explaining that it was 2 weeks that he went through withdrawal symptoms from running out of anti-depressants (Note: many phans then extremely contrite for having built up so many conspiracy theories and harassing him over and over again to explain since he first mentioned it in his live show on 3/21/17)
10/19/17 - the release of “Truth Bombs,” Dan and Phil’s party game (on the 8th anniversary of their first meeting), including the upload of a video of them playing the game with Tomska and Hazel Hayes
10/30/17 - the conjoined Halloween baking video basically broke the phandom and trended at #7 on YouTube, despite the amount of swearing and innuendo
11/10/17 - the 2018 Interactive Introverts world tour was announced
11/16/17 - Dan participated (with Prince William) in the announcement of the StopSpeakSupport anti-cyberbullying campaign
11/24/17 - PINOF9 video uploaded
12/??/17-12/??/17 - Dan spent time with the Lesters on the Isle of Man before going home to spend the actual holiday with his family
1/30/18 - Dan posted Phil’s birthday tweet with a photo of a cake that said, “Show me your birthday philussy,” which Phil then had to explain to his parents
2/14/18 - Dan and Phil went out to Valentine’s Day lunch with Martyn and Cornelia to celebrate Cornelia’s birthday
4/28/18 - Interactive Introverts world tour began in Brighton, England
Notes: I tried to include only events and dates that are clearly and readily documented online (mostly on Twitter or YouTube, but also occasionally Instagram, Wikipedia, or news articles), but I did also consult @thephandirectory and danie & felucca’s Dan & Phil Timeline of Early IRL Meetings), both of which include archived social media posts (tweets, Dailybooths, etc.) from 2009 and early 2010, since both Dan and Phil (but especially Dan) have deleted a lot of stuff from the early days (which Dan even jokes about in his Diss Track).
This is not intended to be a comprehensive timeline of everything they’ve done, because that would be ridiculous. I was just trying to include events that are most commonly discussed in the phandom, events that seemed important to their relationship, and events that seemed most important to their careers.
If I list just the name of an event (such as a convention or YouTuber gathering) with no other details, that means that Dan and Phil both attended.
In a few places, I wasn’t sure of exact dates or found conflicting information (such as exactly what date Dan moved into the apartment with Phil in Manchester), and I’ve gone with the source that seemed more reliable and/or included question marks. Also, there may occasionally be a one-day error where I had difficulty translating US time to UK time on an existing Twitter post. I researched long and hard, so I hope I haven’t made any stupid mistakes! If anyone wants to help refine or correct this timeline, feel free to message me with any additional information.
Also, tons and tons of thanks to @alittledizzy for her invaluable help with the early stuff!
Disclaimer: While I do ship phan, I’ve tried to just state facts throughout without adding any speculation.
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micaramel · 7 years
Artists: Lutz Bacher, Lynda Benglis, Ernesto Caivano, James Crosby, Olivia Erlanger, Ryan Estep, John Gerrard, Elias Hansen, Max Hooper Schneider, Shaun Krupa, Helmut Lang, Kris Lemsalu, Sherrie Levine, Lila de Magalhaes, Donald Moffett, David Seth Moltz, Dominic Nurre, Holt Quentel, Pilar Quinteros, Lauren Satlowski, Oscar Tuazon, Thaddeus Wolfe, Phillip Zach
Venue: Ellis King, Dublin
Exhibition Title: Wormwood
Curated by: Todd von Ammon
Date: July 7 – August 12, 2017
Click here to view slideshow
  Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Ellis King, Dublin
Press Release:
Wormwood’s first layer is simply the word itself—wood qualified with worm. First, the worm itself: there’s a fantastic non-translatable word in German, durchschlängeln which translates roughly as, “to worm one’s way through”—or as the case may be, to survive via some form of linear (often digestion-like) struggle (the worm chandeliers of Thaddeus Wolfe; the ghostly crawlers of Phillip Zach). Adjacent in many cases to the worm in this show is the artwork full of holes— some cavities made organically by worms, others made through tearing, drilling or chewing (the metaphoric knot paintings of Sherrie Levine; the chewed up tarpaulins of Holt Quentel; the burnt- out tapestries of Lila de Magalhaes; the literally worm eaten wood panels by Eli Hansen and Oscar Tuazon). Other works represent vomit or excrement (the half-digested morsels embedded in Kris Lemsalu’s ceramics; the erect, fecal totems of Helmut Lang; the peeled skin forms of Lynda Benglis’ ceramics)—whatever the worm casts away in its indifferent pursuit of more life.
The second layer is one that defies simple notions of inner and outer space: Artemisia absinthium (absinth wormwood) is a plant whose ancient service to humanity was as an anti parasite [1] — literally a wood that killed worms in the digestive tract. References to sickness and antiseptics find themselves as a dichotomy between Ryan Estep’s slippery and precarious antibacterial soap balls throughout the room versus the pestilent sculpture by James Crosby of a body overwhelmed by metastatic disease. The curatively toxic properties of artimisia found macrocosmic context in the book of revelation: the Wormwood Star—inverted from its use in the human gut—poisons one third of the earth’s waters as worldly existence comes to a close. This inverted, astral body finds shape in Ernesto Caivano’s ethereal works on paper, which confound the normally distinctive spaces of the cellular versus the intergalactic—his ongoing nocturnes series based on of the visual parity between the optic nerve’s fireworks and the night sky. This extraordinary and uncanny image of a poisonous star lowering itself to the earth’s surface has a great synchronicity to another of wormwood’s greatest characteristics – as the mild psychedelic ingredient in absinthe. One can almost imagine a drunken reveler admiring a fearsome night sky turned fairy green. To this point, every work in the show is concerned with vision—both psychological and metaphysical. In John Gerrard’s Flag (Danube), an ever-changing river surface carries a stubborn but captivating polychrome oil slick—a louche harbinger of extinction on earth.
The third layer of Wormwood is the wilderness—or whatever claim we have to one in the contemporary era. Like some bizarre cosmic joke, the Ukranian place name of Chernobyl derives itself from Chornobyl, which translates to wormwood. In Chornobyl, a particularly intrepid ecology thrives in lieu of human civilization. Max Hooper Schneider’s Rhizosphere masquerades as a wild bramble in the wilderness: upon closer examination it is a bolus of chain link crudely shaped by a garbage compactor—its iridescence is a cruel and robust reminder of the dancing oil slick on the water.
As the layers fall off of this slippery (and cunning) word, it not only resembles an aspirational place name (like Hollywood), seems to also have existed as a warning since the pre-biblical era. Meanwhile, in Chornobyl, the artemisia plant promulgates its genes, unchecked by humanity. Scattered across Wormwood the exhibition are flimsy artifacts from the future—Shaun Krupa’s painting of a human hand emerging from a nepenthes garden; Lutz Bacher’s hewn, perfunctory ursine idol; Lauren Satlowski’s painting of humanoids encountering one another in the miasma; Dominic Nurre’s physiognomic coconut mile-markers; the cast-off, featherweight scurf of architecture by Pilar Quinteros. The proposal that Wormwood could indeed be a fantastical place name (as is Hollywood) was that which caused me to pursue this show to such an end.
I felt like this show wouldn’t be complete without its own miasma— the notion that the death of earth is not only visible but is sinking into living tissue simultaneously. David Seth Moltz created three new fragrances presented as diffused oils: one that smells like jasmine and artemisia; one that smells like dying insects; and one that smells like a mountain on fire.
In conclusion, this is a show about the consequences of worming (durchschlängeln) on planet earth. It is not an aspiration but more of an osmosis of undeniable, fearful truths.
[1] Berners, Juliana. The boke of Seynt Albans: containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour. St. Albans: Printed by the schoolmaster- printer, 1486
Link: “Wormwood” at Ellis King
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godfoundation · 4 years
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I affirm on behalf of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that these revelations are faithful and true. My name is Elisabeth and I am a Servant of God serving many years in intercession in a church founded in 1999 by order of Almighty God. I had a lot of experience with God in my personal life and in the work of God.
I will try to summarize the experience when God led me to heaven and hell. I would like to thank first the Lord God of Israel. I thank you for this opportunity. I ask that your blessing fill the heart of each person who hears this testimony from the Lord Jesus.
Before talking about what I saw in the heavenly world I want to quote some biblical references because of the revelations that I had were beyond the natural senses. I will quote some references that speak about experiences beyond the senses.
Act 10:19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
2Co 12:1-4 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
God is true and there are many passages in the Bible that mentioned hell and heaven even describing the streets of gold.
I am going to read the first part of the revelation I had in heaven. On an ordinary night when I was on my knees praying, I felt my breath coming out of my heart. I crawled and laid down with difficulty. When I looked at the ceiling of my house, I saw it was broken.
Although I could hear everything around me, when I tried to look again, I saw two spirit beings in white robes who had so much glory and they floated and stopped at my feet and told me, “It is necessary that you come with us because the Lord Jesus wants to talk to you about something very important. Jesus Christ whom you serve, who is come in the flesh, was dead and risen and is sitting at the right of the Father.”
The angels held me and we went up. I saw my body lying on the floor. I found I was in a garment whiter than snow. It is my spiritual body and is glorified. Finally, the angels said to me, “Now we have to hurry and go faster.” We started to fly at an incredible speed and we passed the clouds and the blue sky. We went beyond the stars and I saw the planets of our solar system. Then we arrived at a beautiful green landscape. Here on earth, there is no such landscape similar to that of heaven. Heaven was beautiful. It was a land with trees and plants having perfect flowers. I saw animals passing by. All paradise is perfect. I sat on the green grasses and took the time to contemplate and admire this heavenly landscape and the angels.
I heard and saw the happy saints of heaven. The children were singing happily and they were in happiness. I met a group under the beautiful trees of paradise. They sang songs of praise. They quoted passages from the Bible. They smiled. I testify that there were no cripples nor any disabled patients nor any people with sad faces. The Bible says in Rev 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
I was sitting on the grass of paradise when the two angels who were with me said, “Elizabeth we have to leave.” So we crossed the transparent golden street and soon after I saw the rivers of living water like crystal coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb and came down in cascades. The angel told me this is the river of life. Suddenly the angel of the Lord leaned and splashed the crystal clear water on my face and told me this verse.
Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Then we continued to float in the glory of heaven.
I contemplated a great clock on the wall and next to it were two angels holding two trumpets and waiting for the order of God to blow the trumpets. The angel told me to observe this clock. When I looked at the hands, they were minutes before midnight. I said to myself, “As soon as the hands of this clock come together, in God's time, the trumpet will sound and Jesus will come back to look for His church. Then this change will lead to the infinite table of the wedding hall of the Lamb.” The table was miles in length and was covered with an ornate white towel and its golden embroidery was made by the angels themselves.
Finally the angel told me go to the throne of the Father, “He wants to talk to you.” As soon as we arrived before the throne there were people around the throne who have been caught up in the Spirit like me to heaven. They were saying goodbye to Jesus. The angels were there waiting for my turn to come.
As soon as Jesus looked at me, He came towards me. I ran towards Him like a child and I kissed at His feet. I asked for forgiveness and mercy. I was moved as I kissed His feet. Jesus is beautiful and full of sweetness. His eyes were like flames of fire and had so much love and mercy. I saw holes in His feet and scars on His hands and wrists. He turned around and showed me the side where He had been pierced. The garment of the Lord was glorious and was pearly white. It was brighter than the sun. He touched my mouth and put His hand on my head and said, “You'll be a watchman and you will prophesy. Tell the earth that those who accept you have accepted Me; those who reject you have rejected Me. From now on, you have a special covenant with Me.”
Jesus looked at His Father who was sitting on a big throne of gold and silver and much glory emanated from Him. The wickedness of the earth had gone up before Him and the smell of sin rising from the earth had reached His nostrils. But Jesus interceded with His Father who was about to take some measures against the land because the sin of the world had risen up before His throne.
Jesus said, “Father, wait a little longer for the sake of the Elect.” The Father answered, “I will wait a little longer because of the Elect.”
Beloved, the Father is waiting a little more time. That's why we have to clean our garments and purify them. And then Jesus looked at me and said, “Elisabeth, warn My church on the earth. Many who come to church do not see and do not listen and do not understand that My return is imminent. Get ready as a beloved church.”
I could not see the face of God. God says no man has seen God but I was in contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I was with Him personally. I asked for forgiveness with tears and I was delighted when two angels brought me to heaven. They came to bring me back on a golden chariot with two beautiful white horses. These horses were perfect and whiter than snow. I have never seen horses so beautiful in all my life. I joined the angel of God in his chariot. The angel was pressing on golden buttons to start the heavenly chariot and we traveled the heavens, We got into our galaxy. I contemplated the universe, the stars, the planets revolving around our system. Everything was very beautiful.
I said to the angel that I was a bit cold and asked if he could close the windows of the chariot. The angel closed the crystal windows of the celestial chariot whose glass was pure. The celestial chariot was moving at an incredible speed and we stopped at the roof of my house. I did not want to go out but the angel told me, “It is necessary that you can return to your body because Jesus has need of your testimony on earth. You would come back to heaven because heaven has a particular affinity with you and your golden house that is decorated with pearls is waiting for you.”
I saw my body and finally, I went back into my body. I looked up to say goodbye to them and they smiled at me and told me, “Stay in peace.”
I will tell you a revelation about the hell I got. After midnight a powerful angel came to see me. He was dazzlingly white, whiter than snow. He had a golden belt around the waist and was wearing a golden helmet with a sword around him and he had a supernatural glory.
He told me, “Let's go to hell. Many Lord's servants have been there visiting and it is necessary for you to go out there and to testify on earth. Fear not because the demons will not touch you.”
Immediately we got high in space and then we are descended beyond the sea to inside the earth. There was a black hole through which we entered the earth and I saw a terrifying tunnel under the earth. There was sulfur from the swarms of demons in the form of insects. They were hovering and shouting mocking words in shrill voices. They wanted to destroy lives on the earth. When I was in hell, I looked at the floor. It was full of lizards, animals, caterpillars, scorpions, spiders, snakes and rats and all kinds of infernal animals but they could not touch me.
I looked and I saw a wide wooden door. I saw demons around the door of hell. They were monsters of all sizes. On the portal, it was written in red and black letters, “Welcome to the kingdom of hell.” The demons and monsters looked at me in a threatening way. They were eager to capture me. The angel raised his sword against them and they opened the door and we entered.
As soon as we entered hell, the smell was terrible. I saw a lot of gray smoke. There were fires on the ground and there were people inside the fire. They were chained. I heard a lot of moans and cries of terror. Around the door, there were horrible demons full of hatred and smoke flowing from their nostrils. They kept guard over this part of hell and were not happy with my visit. The angel told him that this visit is a divine order.
I looked around and I saw priests and nuns and people who worshipped images of idol sculptures on earth. They were tormented and were crucified on musty rocks . The demons had fun with them with terrible tortures. A lot of those priests in hell were homosexual and had sex with children. There was a room where the demons sodomize the homosexuals and pedophiles on the floor. At this place, the demons have fun with them but this torture was terrible
When we left this section we arrived in a room where there was a big dusty table on which were different objects and articles. In fact there were magazines of Eastern cult religions and leaflets of satanic heretics. I saw a magazine about spiritualism. There were also pornographic magazines. I then saw magazines featuring aliens.
I saw big shelves devoted to new technologies on which were found DVDs and TVs. I saw advanced technology that was about to go out on the earth.
Then we moved further on in another big room where there was an exhibition with showcases. This was the industrial and manufacturing complex of hell. In this exhibition of objects which was to be put into circulation on earth, I saw snake rings, necklaces, chains with skull and crossbones. They were the symbols to the worship of the New Age in hell.
I saw women devils with their hair cut short and the men devils had tattooed necks with Satanist symbols. The diabolical tattoos were also on their legs, shoulders, and arms. They were on the belly and other body parts. These lady devils wore half-naked clothes showing the belly and the intimate parts. I saw men tattooed on every part of their bodies, even on their fingers, hands, noses, belly buttons, ears and tongues.
In the dense industrial complex of hell, I saw bands of colorful bracelets with rings. I saw artificial hair of a certain style that will be put into circulation in Brazil. Legions of demons were attached to them and dwell in these objects made in hell. They incite people to have sex contrary to the Word of God.
Then I went into the third room and I saw the fashion that will be put into circulation on the earth. I saw the transparent clothes. I saw the jewels that will be consecrated in India and in Egypt. I saw clothing woven by two popular brands on Earth and they were dedicated to the devil for the mass consumption of customers on Earth.
I saw cartoons for children. I saw some movies and children's series. I saw a horror movie with vampires and werewolves, idolatrous novels with images of saints. I saw women dressed in clothes for men.
Now I want to talk and draw your attention to poisoned foods. As Christians we have a habit of praying for the food. When we want to eat and drink something we thank God. Indeed in hell, I saw a big kitchen where the walls were black and the demons prepare poisons to put them on processed foods we eat on the surface. This place looks like a chemical plant in the kitchen where the demons make the poison and on the ground, there was formal hydrogen peroxide sugar sodium flavored in this kitchen in hell.
I saw demons from hell throwing gray smoke on vegetables and fruits that we buy in the supermarkets and in shops. They did the same thing with drugs that we buy in some pharmacies. I will not go deeper because I am not a doctor. In this field, I do not want to report what God showed me in the revelation. If you are a true Christian you can buy anything you want but remember to ask God to purify the food you want to eat.
I saw a glass showcase with wedding rings broken in half with rusty petals. We were in this exposure when suddenly a demon manifested before us. He was a very handsome man in the form of a mannequin. He said, “My work is to break marriages. I have already destroyed many marriages just at the wedding party and I am going to destroy more marriages on the earth. I will continue to make people commit adultery. I will make women love other women and men love other men.”
In his room was assembled his aphrodisiacs, seductive products, and erotic clothes and objects. Most of the erotic objects and costumes are designed and made in hell.
I saw the mermaid, Jezebel and the Egyptian goddess. I want to talk about the spirit of Jezebel. A lot of people think that the Jezebel demon only incites women to use beauty products and makeup but this is only one of her functions. She has an even more evil function because she is a very strong principality and satan has assigned her against peoples and churches that are not prepared for spiritual warfare and has destroyed those churches whose shepherds are ignorant of the tactics of this principality. She gives false revelations and false prophecies in the name of Jesus but it's not Jesus, it's the devil.
As soon as this mermaid appeared in hell she told us, “Look what I am doing personally in the evangelical churches on earth.” I looked and saw a woman. She looked like a pastor and she prophesied and revealed deceptions that divided and was destroying a church. Many churches on the earth were demolished by the prophetic revelations of this woman yet she seemed to be spiritual. Afterward the lady became a mermaid. This principality of false prophecies is also a goddess from Egypt. She told me, “I have already closed many churches and I will close many other evangelical churches on earth. I want them to disappear because I am Jezebel.” The work of this terrible demon amazed me.
Anal and oral sex is an abomination. In hell, the tortures are terrible especially for women who have practiced abortion. I saw the suffering of those who also practiced oral and anal sex. They endured terrible tortures. I saw a demon snake the size of an anaconda from Brazil. These snakes entered the intimate parts of people to tear them up. Their screams were horrible. I cried. I want to tell people who practice this type of sex to stop. Married people and even Christians practice anal and oral sex. These practices are abominations and lead to a terrible punishment in hell. Many married men marry their women to do abominable things. They say it's not a sin because they are married but they are all sinning in front of God and all these kinds of sexual positions do not please the Lord God.
In hell I saw a demon which was actually a gelatinous giant worm and when he opened his mouth there were people in him who were tortured by smaller ones. Demons bring him the lost souls. These people were lined up and chained and they were tortured inside this voluminous worm. There was a strong smell inside this worm. I saw souls lost in the belly of this giant worm.
I suddenly saw a big screen as in the cinema. A scene was projected on the screen. When I watched I saw that it was actually a gathering. Inside a room, I saw a great black platform and various authorities and heads of states were gathered in this spacious room. I first saw the pope and his bishops but also cardinals, political ministers from around the world, famous Hollywood actors and all kinds of important personalities of the earth. Then a character got up and the man was very handsome. He was perfect, a handsome man of European beauty. When he started to speak his face and his body became half monster. Then all the celebrities and political leaders were turned into monsters and demonic forms. They were terrible and became a people without legs, without a hand, without eyes and without mouths. The angelic character of the devil became a monster. He told them, “We must the destroy; we have to stop these true Christians who are resisting us because our time is short. We have to destroy Christianity because it is I who reign; the power and the reign of the earth is mine.” While the devil continued his speech to the world elite, suddenly the angel of the Lord took me to a hospital on the earth.
I saw a nurse with an injection and inside this injection was a yellow liquid. The angel told me, “Look again.” I looked at it and I saw several syringes with mosquitoes. The angel said, “This is a biological weapon. These mosquitoes that you see and what is in this syringe are bacteria and viruses that will be injected into people to exterminate them. This was the global government program. After days these people will feel the effects and will die from tumors that are diseases caused by these vaccines.” The angel informed me that future vaccines will be dangerous but they will be put in circulation by the authorities.
After this vision I went to search the internet and I saw the case of girl who were vaccinated and had a seizure of epilepsy after that vaccination. She spent two days without speaking. She did not know this terrible reaction would be produced by this vaccination. This is a warning for humanity.
Then I saw people in positions within the churches but who were adorned with excessive makeup to the point of disrupting their fellowship with God. There are vanities that are needed, for example, when you wear a watch to see the time or a mobile phone or a car.
Then the angel who was with me took me to a throne but it was not where the Lord Jesus Christ is. The Lord told me, “This is the spirit of the antichrist that dominates over Earth. Observe the world trade, the economy, world humanism, the laws, the politics, the materialism, the technologies etc. They are contrary to My Word. Ask My people to pray. I will be with them and they will have to live in My presence because I'll be back soon.”
On the 17th April 2014 while lying down an angel of God came in and I held his hand. He told me, “Servant of God, the Father told me to show you some things. He is happy with you because you have kept your body, soul, and spirit in holiness.”
Suddenly we flew at an incredible speed and we arrived in the land of happiness and beauty. I looked at and I saw a green crystal and shining gold three-story building which was in the middle of other buildings, in the center of the heavenly city. It shone more than the others.
The angel told me, “Look at this building.”
I told him, “What a beautiful building. It is shining more than the others.”
The angel told me, “This house is yours. It's your house. You will live here if you hold good if you fight and overcome.” The angel told me, “I am just going to show you the elevator in the living room and part of the kitchen and some rooms.”
Without delay we entered the elevator of crystal that climbed automatically without having to press a button and then we went into a very beautiful place. The curtains were gold, the sofa was gold and all the furniture was in pure gold. The kitchen was also gold. I liked the cutlery. The windows there were beautiful too.
The angel said, “Let's go visit the city.”
Then we left and we flew over the city. I saw the river of life; the flowers and the birds; everything was alive in the eternal city including flowers. I saw a group of children playing in a garden of paradise. Some were sitting on the landscape. The children radiated happiness. No one was crying. They were smiling, jumping full of happiness, praising God. There were toys of birds, dogs and other animals. Yes everything is perfect. A lot of these kids have died in accidents; others died of illness; many have been aborted and they have all landed in heaven. They were all radiant with happiness. One of them looked at me and said, “Tell our parents we are here; we are with God in the light and happiness. We are waiting for them here too.” I said that I will talk to them.
We decided to fly and float on this world of happiness when I watched the angel who was with me. I saw that he was wearing boots, a belt on his hip with a sword at the waist and I heard the sound of his sword. I asked, “Why do you wear boots?” He said to me, “Because I am a warrior angel accompanying you on this trip. I am also the angel who walks with you. I am always at your side from your birth. Remember that you will not be never alone on earth. Do you see me, do you know my presence?” I told him, “It's an honor to walk with you.”
It was that day that I encountered this angel that I understood that the Lord had deployed this angel for me and my ministry. He walks with me in my ministry. When I preach in church and wherever I am testifying he is with me. When I pray to God, he is with me. I am very happy to have this angel.
(Transcribed and translated from the Youtube video on Elisabeth Ferraz Anal and Oral Sex leads to Hell.)
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