#I can’t believe i got into stream right when he push normal finn down to A tier
unstoppableforcce · 4 years
the fight — part two
pairing: Poe Dameron x CMO! reader
part one | next part | masterlist
a/n: WARNING— a pretty graphic piece, medical kind of graphic and well, emotionally tolling so just be aware! I never mean to make my writing this angsty, I know you don’t believe me but this is just what happens
(and a secondary warning that I’m not a doctor, I don’t play one on tv, space medicine isn’t real and I’m kinda making it up as I go but buddy transfusions are a real thing)
“Where is the kriffing chief medical officer!”
Not that screaming in your med bay was something you typically allowed, but it wasn’t uncommon. This however, was not the normal kind of screaming. This was what sounded like a grown man on the verge of tears shouting louder than his throat could even manage and it send a surge of fear through you that you couldn’t come close to properly quantifying.
It was Finn, tears streaming down his dust and blood covered face. And as if that hadn’t already struck a tone of overwhelming anxiety through your entire form, leaping you up and out of your seat at the nurses station, the trailing team of equally as distressed and damaged soldiers behind him only made it worse. You legs could not physically carry you to the entrance of the med bay fast enough for your heart which leapt out of your chest the second you heard the cries.
You barely made it two steps from the station before a man collapsed behind Finn, and it only took two more steps before you realized that it was your second-in-command.
Ripping a package of bandages open, you got to Finn first, trying to stabilize him as he continued to stumble in just as the rest of the team behind him did, but he fought your grip the second you laid it on him.
“No!” He screamed, pushing you off of him, “you have to help him—“
Glancing to your staff already tending to your second, you shook your head and tried to get Finn to stop moving, “it’s okay, they have him—“
“No!” He shouted again, “it’s Poe.”
Saying your heart dropped wasn’t close to a good descriptor of the sudden spectrum of emotions you were feeling. Numb wasn’t close either, the opposite actually, you were feeling everything at once. But more than the shock and horror that sent your heartbeat skyrocketing through the meager med bay, you were struck by a wave of desparity as you found yourself clinging to Finn’s jacket, which had previously been Poe’s jacket, trying to keep yourself stable instead of the other way around.
It was a desparity for information, a starved hunger bursting from your chest as your bitten down nails managed to claw into the worn leather around his arms.
“What’s Poe, where is he—“
“They can’t move him and the comms aren’t working—“ Finn fought through his tears, sniffling out a mess of dust lodged in his sinuses, his tears fighting with the blood that cascaded down the ridges of his face from the gash above his brow.
“Where is he, what happened—“
“In the hanger, none of the comms are working, we tried to—“
Your hand reached for the collar of the nearest medical staff you could grab, practically shoving them into Finn to help as you tripped over the calamity in your doorway to grab the nearest kit of supplies and take off in your fastest sprint for the nearby hanger. Everyone in the halls moved fast, trying to deal with whatever the hell had just happened in their own departments, but none of them moving as fast as you, and all of them clearing out of the way as they saw you barreling towards them.
At some point in your sprint, you heard a chorus of beeps going off, one from your communicator strapped to your belt and about another hundred from everyone else flooding the halls. Clearly whatever communication problem there had been was solved, but you didn’t pay it a single thought as you continued on, still not able to move as fast as you pleaded at your legs to take you.
By the time you stumbled into the hanger, you heard shouting from the wreck of a transport carrier on the far side of the floor, shouts which quickly turned to pleads for medical help as you got closer to hear them clearer. And by the time Snap saw you, his voice was screaming with the same desperate vulnerability that Finn’s voice had been laced with, throat clenched by fear, anger and a plethora of other emotions as he screamed, “medic!” at the top of his lungs from the ramp of the ship.
“Move!” You shouted as you reached the edge of the crowd and move they did, everyone practically throwing themselves out of the way as they noticed you, but still not fast enough.
And no matter how long the run over had taken you, you still hadn’t thought about what you would find once you got there. No amount of fear in Finn’s tone or gnawing anguish in Snap’s could have prepared you for when you finally came to a slow pace on the ramp, completely out of breath, and found Poe propped up against the inside cabin wall, blood pouring from his lips and an obvious wound on his stomach, futilely covered with fabric but no pressure being applied.
The range of emotions were back, and every single one of them fought with the other, trying to work their way to the forefront of your mind as you tried to process what you were seeing. None of them won though, it was a viscous and bloody battle in your head but something else pushed them all aside, your screaming heart that forced you onto your knees at his side and kept your tears at bay long enough to start applying pressure to the wound.
“Snap!” You shouted, not even realizing your voice was laced with exactly what theirs was when they shouted, pure and unadulterated fear, “Snap, I need your hands!”
He was by your side as soon as you called and you quickly ripped the useless fabric away and replaced it with medical gauze, then replaced your hands with his own.
“Push harder, as hard as you can.” You ordered with a shaking breath and perfectly steady hands.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Your fingers trailed over the rest of his body, his legs first than his chest, searching for other outward bleeder but found none, moving to find the faintest of pulses at his neck instead. “Somebody get a body board from medical, now!”
There was no time to check if someone was actually moving to do it, there was no time to care about anyone else but the man in front of you and the weak heartbeat he was giving you. Moving for the kit, you raided the section with medication, scanning over every label for what felt like hours before you found the right one and a needle to measure some out with. It wasn’t going to be a cure all but for now, it should give him a bit of life back, enough to get him to medical for some real treatment.
He stirred at the feeling of the needle entering his arm, the first bit of life you had actually seen from him since you got there, but it was far from comforting as his pulse still refused to pick back up.
“Poe, come on, Poe, I need you to wake up.” You hit the wall behind his head, trying to rack your brain for something of an idea but got nothing from the recesses of your memory, instead turning back to the door and shouting again, “I need the body board now!”
“Is he—“
“Don’t, Snap, just keep the pressure.” You were doing a lot of shouting but if anyone around had a problem with it, you certainly didn’t care and you knew Snap definitely didn’t. He just pressed his hands down harder, earning a low groan from Poe’s blood coated lips.
You kept your fingers on his pulse, feeling a slight uptick in power but nothing that relaxed you any and looking back to the crowd just outside the ship, you didn’t have very high hopes of getting a body board in the next thirty seconds. So you reached your hands underneath him as best you could, trying to find another source of damage. The wound on his stomach was bad but the bleeding was being stopped the best it could and the medicine should’ve helped with that, there had to be another injury, he had to be bleeding from somewhere else.
“Oh Stars.” You cursed as you found a damp patch of uniform coating the back side of his thigh, your gloved hand returning completely stained with blood.
“I didn’t even see that—“
You didn’t have time to comfort Snap, your hands moving too fast for the belt on your uniform, ripping it out of the loops and quickly wrapping it around his upper thigh. He was losing too much blood and he was losing it too fast for a bacta patch to clear things up immediately.
Returning to the kit at your side, you pulled out the longest tube you could find, almost ancient technology now that bacta tanks were so easy to find, and started a line from the bag your pulled out.
“Whoa, hey, doc—“ Snap saw you moving but his hands stayed tight to Poe so even he couldn’t stop you before you threw your coat off, rolled up your sleeve, tied a tight band around your upper arm, and plunged the needle into your own skin. “What the kriff are you—“
“We have the same blood type.” You ripped a piece of tap off the spool, now working with only one hand and your teeth to do it, taping the needle in your arm down before moving for another tube, connecting the bag to Poe. Liquid crimson flowing straight from you to the bag in the middle to Poe’s arm.
“Can you even—“
“Yes, I’ve done it before.”
There was no time for the memories of the Bracca scrapper you barely saved from a dangerous fall, there was only time for Poe your mind decided, pushing the violent memory back down with all the rest of the emotions you were suppressing to keep him alive. You could deal with it later, right now you needed a body—
“Body board coming in!” Someone shouted from behind you, and you considered a sigh of relief but couldn’t even manage that much, not until you and Snap had him loaded on the board, the doctor who came with it forcing you to sit in the end by his feet to keep the two of you connected.
He kept talking, the doctor who wheeled you and Poe back to medical, but you either couldn’t hear him or weren’t listening, your hand still desperately pressed to the side of his neck in search of a pulse, one you found that was growing slightly stronger every second that passed.
“Doctor!” He finally shouted as Snap helped him around a corner in the hall, “I need to know that you can hear me—“
“I can hear you.”
“Are you out of your mind, a transfusion like that could kill you—“
You went back to ignoring him, the doors of the medical bay finally coming up, prompting you to jump off the bed as they slowed to a stop. A nurse pointed you in the right direction and you helped the other doctor continue to move the bed into the trauma bay before two other doctors stepped up to take Poe from you.
“We have to get you disconnected—“ he argued, holding you in place as you moved to help move Poe onto the bed, you fought him as best you could, but as they hooked Poe up to the machines and bacta infusion rigs, you realized there was nothing else you could do. “Please, let me—“
But you still fought anyways, “I need to—“
“I’m taking this out.” He was talking to you like you were some lost child, you weren’t some lost child. Your blood covered gloves reached up to shove him away from you, they needed to be focusing on Poe...
His hands kept you steady as you began to sway, either the emotional tsunami you suppressed to do you work was catching up to you or your own donated blood loss was, either way, you grew weaker in your futile attempts to protest and he eventually got you disconnected from Poe.
“He needs—“
“They’ve got him, you did all that you could, now let surgery do their job—“ he pleaded, bandaging your arm that was already beginning to bruise from your crude field IV start.
“I need to—“
“You’ve got to calm down,” he tried to soothe but comfort was the last thing you needed right now.
You needed to hit a wall, you needed to scream or tear your hair out and you couldn’t do any of it, frozen in place and feeling nothing at all. Nothing but a need to do something, anything...
His fingers were on your pulse now, like you were the one who had gotten blown up or shot or whatever had happened to Poe, you hadn’t even considered asking, so focused on keeping him alive that you lost all matter of perception...
He had been lead on the mission, the whole crew had come in tattered and destroyed, Finn was hurt, your second had collapsed and that should have been you...
“Oh stars, the others—“ he couldn’t even keep your weakened form at bay as you pressed past him, slightly light headed but fighting through it even against your better judgment or the calls from him behind you, begging you to stop.
The entire medical bay was in disarray, patients being treated in the entrance and trauma stations, every nurse and doctor with their hands full and you were selfish enough to practically take yourself out of commission... you were supposed to be on the mission. You had begged and pleaded and argued until your throat hurt about how stupid an idea it was to risk everything and now your hands were covered with blood and Poe was in surgery and you had blown him off when he came to say goodbye...
You had been in surgery, it hadn’t even been five hours since then...
You blew him off when he came to say goodbye because you were mad about the mission. And you had been right. You had been right and now the already dwindled forces of the resistance were beaten beyond recognition as the powerful unit they used to be, the doctors overwhelmed, and hope basically banished from your heart the second you saw the man you loved bleeding out in your hands.
“I’m sorry about this.” He had said as you peeked your head out of the surgical center, “I don’t like you being mad at me—“
“I think I’m right, you think you’re right, I don’t know what to tell you...” you had shrugged. Neither of you were going to apologize, your respected your own opinions too much to do it or expect the other to, it was a standstill and neither of you were going to cave and you both knew it.
You lost, you were mad and he knew it and wasn’t going to apologize.
It was a standstill, a cold and heartbreaking standstill that the two of you were too stubborn to let yourselves out of.
“Listen I...” he didn’t even have a way to finish the sentence, and if you were being honest, you didn’t want him to anyways. He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and sighed against them, refusing to pull away. “I love you.”
“I know.” You sighed back, pulling away from his lips. “I’ve got to get back in here.”
That was the last thing you said to him... you didn’t even say you loved him back, it was pathetic. There was nothing mature about the fight, you lost the debate, the decision was made and you should’ve gotten over it and you should’ve told him you loved him too.
You ripped the gloves off your hand, tossing them aside and tried to search the crowd for Finn’s instead you found Leia making a beeline to you.
“Did I hear you did a person to person transfusion by yourself? Are you out of your mind? What were you thinking, you could’ve killed yourself—“
All of her anger was well placed, she made perfect sense, she always did. You almost wanted her to slap you, you deserved it at this point. This was all your fault. You could hear screaming and shouting and your medical bay was about to turn into a graveyard and you couldn’t do anything about it—
“Doctor?” Her voice softened, her hands reaching out for your elbows, stopping you from a sway you didn’t even realize you were doing as tears fought their way down your face. “Are you—“
This was all your fault. You should have never let them go, you knew better and this was all your fault...
“I need help!”
They all needed help, all of your staff was scrambling and it was you who put them in this position. You were responsible for every single one of them and you were the one causing problems now, not even the First Order, this was all your—
“Please—“ was Leia pleading to you now? She was supposed to be mad, to be furious with you—
Your feet went out for under you and you collapsed to the floor, Leia’s grip nowhere near enough to keep you upright as the weight of everything you suppressed upon seeing Finn’s desperation came crashing down all at once.
There was more shouting, you couldn’t hear any of it.
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freelancearsonist · 4 years
"Born for This" by The Score and Poe Dameron 😍
(UPDATED) 400 Follower Celebration
Thank you for this request! I’d never heard this song before but I loved it. I’m not sure why this is the vibe I got from it but I regret nothing :)
You can’t help staring as he makes his way around the small clearing, exchanging greetings with anyone and everyone he crosses paths with.
“Oh, (Y/N),” Jess laughs softly from beside you. “You’re so smitten it’s making me sick.”
You don’t even try to deny it anymore. You did at first, but Jess can read you like a book.
She’s right. You’re so in love with Poe Dameron that it hurts, and he looks right through you like you’re not even there.
Okay, maybe not through you. He sees you, all right. The two of you are friends—he can’t exactly ignore you. But knowing that he doesn’t return your feelings just makes being near him that much worse.
It weighs on you like a ton of bricks, and you’ve gotten used to carrying that load. You hope that someday the weight will go away, but you’re smart enough to know that it won’t be any time soon. Not when a brick gets added to the pile every time you see Poe Dameron.
You’re too far inside your own head to realize that Jess has walked away and Poe is getting dangerously close. You don’t snap out of your thoughts until he’s right in front of you, extending his hand to help you stand up.
You know that touching him will hurt too much, so you push yourself to your feet on your own. You miss the flash of hurt in his gorgeous eyes because you’re avoiding looking at his face.
He doesn’t ask if you’re okay, because he can tell you’re not. How could you be? The Resistance had taken substantial losses. No one was okay.
Instead, he asks if you want to go for a walk.
You don’t want to be anywhere near him. Why, out of everyone that had survived Crait, did he want to take a walk with you? Did he derive some sort of sick satisfaction from toying with you?
You can’t bring yourself to deny his request, though. You’re putty in his hands–you have been for longer than you care to admit. You just nod, head hanging low as you will back your tears. You won’t let yourself cry over Poe Dameron. Not right in front of him. You won’t.
“I haven’t seen much of you lately,” he says quietly, hands tucked into his pockets as he leads the way through the unfamiliar jungle. “I’ve missed you.”
You whimper deep in your throat, quiet enough that he doesn’t hear it over the sound of his heavy boots against the leaves and roots and twigs. He’s breaking your heart, and he has no clue that he’s doing it.
“We’ve gotta rebuild the Resistance now,” he sighs, perfectly content to fill the silence with the sound of his own voice. “Leia… she’s getting weaker. I feel like a lot more of this is on us now, even though she says she’s fine.”
You don’t know what you’ve done to deserve his friendship, but you seriously doubt if you can go much longer without sobbing.
“If I’m being honest, there’s no one I’d rather fight alongside. This war… it sucks, and it’s far from over, but together, we’ll get through it.”
He sits down on a fallen tree trunk, leaving plenty of space for you to join him. You don’t–you can’t. You opt to lean against a nearby tree, and you finally look at him.
You wish you hadn’t. His hair is mussed up slightly, curls untamed and denser than normal. His tan skin is covered with a slight sheen of sweat due to the humidity of whatever planet you’re on, mouth open just the slightest bit. His chest rises and falls steadily, brown eyes staring at you like you’re his moon. You suppose you must be, because you gravitate around him.
“The thing I love the most about the Resistance is the people,” he continues, and you feel tears welling in your eyes. “I love that a bunch of us got together, from all over the galaxy, and we all fight with the same symbol on our arms.”
He smiles fondly as his fingers trace over the patch on his upper arm. You like this jacket–the one that replaced the one he gave to his friend Finn. You think it might’ve belonged to his father, once upon a time.
He stands up and takes a step closer, and you automatically bow your head.
“I know it looks really bad right now, and I’m gonna be honest, I lost my hope for a second there, when we were in that cave and nobody showed,” he tells you quietly, like it’s a secret. It’s not. You watched the hope leave his eyes. “But there’s no one I’d rather build a rebellion with. We were born for this.”
He’s standing too close now, and when his hand traces up your cheek and tucks your hair behind your ear your wall comes crumbling down. You flinch away from his touch, tears streaming down your face.
He recoils in an instant, concern flashing through his eyes. He’s scared he’s somehow hurt you even though he knows he hasn’t–physically, at least. He doesn’t know that he’s settled a dull ache deep within your chest.
“(Y/N), I-”
“I can’t do this,” you whimper, trying desperately not to let your voice break. “Why are you playing with me?”
“What?” His mouth hangs open slightly, and he has no clue how to respond because he has no clue what you’re talking about.
“I can’t… I can’t…” But you can’t even put to words what, exactly, you can’t. It just hurts. It hurts to be around him when you know there’s no chance that he could ever love someone like you.
He pulls you into his arms, letting you bury your face in his chest. He smooths a hand through your hair as you sob against him, fists clutched tightly in his shirt.
When you’ve calmed down to the point that your body isn’t shaking anymore, he cups your face in his hands so you’re forced to look at him, and you try desperately to escape but he won’t let you. Not until he’s told you the truth.
“I love you.”
“No you don’t,” you dispute before you can stop yourself.
His eyebrows furrow and his jaw sets in the most confused look he’s ever given anyone. “What the hell do you mean?”
“You can’t love me. I’m not… I’m not that lucky,” you whisper, and for a moment you almost think you see affection in his eyes. Almost.
“Wait, so you’ve seriously tricked yourself into believing that I could never fall for you?” He asks, completely flabbergasted. “Why would you do that?”
You just shrug. “You’ve only ever treated me like a friend.”
“Because we’ve only ever been friends.”
Oh. Oh. That makes sense. Holy shit, how did you miss that? How could you be so irrational?
“For better or for worse, I fell in love with you. Hard,” he smiles slightly, bottom lip pulled between his teeth as he stares adoringly at you. “And I’m kind of hoping you feel the same way, because you’re my best friend and I really don’t want to lose you. Not after everything else I’ve lost today.”
“I do,” you say through tears, except this time they’re good tears. Happy tears. “I love you.”
He smiles like he’s just won the galactic lottery. “Can I kiss you?”
You pull his face to yours without giving yourself time to answer.
Song Fic Masterlist
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soldierstark · 7 years
Description: Peter Parker is the star quarterback on his school's varsity football team and has everything figured out. He has good grades, athletic ability, and plenty of college scholarships to choose from. But no matter how hard he tries the one thing he can't seem to get is the girl.
Author's Note: I made post earlier today asking if ya'll'd (sorry I'm from Texas)be interested in a football player Peter Parker AU and a lot of you wanted it so yea here it is. This can definitely become a multi-part fic so if you want more let me know and as always let me know what you think about it! I'd love to hear from you and I originally got this AU idea from another fandom but thought it fit well here too.
Word Count: 1663
A stream of sweaty boys all high on adrenaline from their first win of the season poured into the locker room with high spirits. Slaps on the back and congratulatory yells were exchanged as Peter Parker jogged into the locker room with a smile on his face.
“Parker, dude. How the hell did you pull off that last play? The only Quarterback to run that one successfully was Stark in 96,” his friend Ned said with admiration, opening up his locker which was next to his.
“Yea man you were on fire tonight. And it’s only the first game! Playoffs this year are gonna be a breeze I can tell,” Harrison exclaimed as he walked up to Peter, patting him on the back quite hard.
Peter took off his jersey and shoulder pads leaving him in his white sweaty tank. “What can I say guys, I’m just that good,” he joked before putting his jersey and shoulder pads in his locker along with his scratched up helmet.
“I just hope you can pull that off again at the Homecoming game next month because you’ll be the talk of the school man,” Harrison added closing his locker.
Homecoming week. The week of what was arguably to most important game of the season for them. They always played against the schools biggest rival and the turnout at the game was always the largest then. Every student from both schools would be there.
To the left of them, the 2 boys heard a scoff and turned to see Flash Thompson rolling his eyes.
“What Flash, mad because he made the famous play tonight and you didn’t,” Harrison teased his best friend.
Peter discreetly rolled his deep brown eyes and pushed a sweaty tuft of curly hair out of his face. Flash Thompson and Peter Parker, rivals on and off the football field, and everyone knew it too. Flash was the star player on varsity his sophomore year until Peter decided to join, taking Flash’s spot as Quarterback which lead to him being moved to Defensive Line.
“Shut the hell up Harrison,” Flash grumbled as he shoved the last of his things into his locker and started dressing into his normal clothes. “We going for a bite to eat?”
“There’s a new place in the Queens we can try out,” Ned claimed form his spot on the wooden bench next to Peter, tying his shoe laces.
The four boys nodded their head in agreement and grabbed their gym bags before exiting the locker room. Despite Flash and Peter’s rivalry, they stayed relatively civil with each other most of the time.
Walking down the track, weaving through the left over people from the game, Ned noticed a certain person walking towards them. “Uh oh Parker, crush alert,” he teased causing Peter to look up from his phone and make eye contact with the familiar silhouette that was approaching them along with her friend.
Peter’s eyes skimmed over the (Y/H/C) haired girl who was wearing a tight cheerleader uniform that fit her perfectly. Her long smooth legs moved at a decent place causing her skirt to sweep with the natural sway of her hips.
She was digging around in her duffel bag, probably looking for something as she nodded her head every few seconds to assure her friend Michelle that she was listening. Her perfectly (Y/H/C) locks were up in a high ponytail, bouncing with each movement of her head.
(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N).  The captain of the cheerleading team and valedictorian of her class, currently a junior in high school and has been Peter’s crush since his sophomore year when he saw her cheering on the squad as a freshman.
They made casual conversation sometimes and had some classes together, but not many considering that Peter was a year older.
“Oooh, Parker’s got a crush,” Harrison joked, raising his voice and octave and nudging Peter’s shoulder playfully. The other three boys laughed as Peter rolled his eyes, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
“Shut it Osterfield,” he grumbled, not amused.
“Look he’s blushing!” Ned cooed with a shit eating grin. “You’ve got it soooo bad,” he added with laughter evident in his voice which lead to the boys snickering.
Peter turned and glanced at all them but stopped when he caught Flash with a smirk on his lips, his eyes scanning the girl of Peter’s affections.
Oh hell no…
Peter couldn’t help but glare at the football player. Flash must’ve felt his eyes on him because he looked over at Peter and smiled deviously when he caught his expression before turning back to (Y/N).
“Nice legs,” Flash commented with a wink, though he was ignored.  Peter opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he heard (Y/N)’s voice.
“Great game Peter,” she said, stopping in front of the four football players and giving Peter a smile. “In my 3 years of watching varsity football games I’ve never once seen that play work. I must say I’m very impressed.”
Peter grinned and flicked his sweaty curls out of his eyes before responding. “Thanks. Great half time performance by the way.”
“Well I’m glad you liked it because it took forever to learn,” she replied with a slight laugh.
Peter smiled before he felt eyes on him. He turned his head and saw Flash staring at the two of them intently with an odd expression. “So (Y/N), we were going to grab a bite to eat, you girls wanna come?” Peter asked looking back at the girls in front of him.
(Y/N) sighed and looked at him apologetically. “I’d love too but I can’t. I have book report over Huckleberry Finn due Monday and haven’t started a word,” she stated sadly trying to adjust her duffle bag whilst carrying her water, keys, and phone.
Peter reached forward and grabbed her bag from her placing it on her shoulder. (Y/N) blushed and look down at her dirty white cheers shoes which contrasted greatly with the black track before giving him heart-stopping grateful smile.
“(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) a procrastinator? I can’t believe what I’m hearing, if you didn’t want to hang out with me you should’ve just said so,” Peter teased causing her to laugh.
“Man I thought my excuse would work,” she joked faking a distressed look.
Peter turned to look at his three friends. “Hey I’ll catch up with you guys. I’m gonna take this to her car for her,” he said grabbing (Y/N)’s bag because she was obviously struggling to carry all her stuff. They all nodded their heads and wiggled their eyebrows suggestively as they walked off.
“Oh you really don’t have to do that,” (Y/N) said shaking her head slightly.
“My Uncle Ben always taught me to be a gentlemen and I don’t plan on letting him down,” Peter replied adjusting his grip on her bag. She giggled and nodded her head in agreement before saying goodbye to Michelle.
Peter and (Y/N) made the trek to the almost empty parking lot and stopped at her car. (Y/N) popped the trunk and Peter placed the bag inside before walking back over to the driver’s side to say goodbye.
“Thanks again Peter, you really didn’t have to do that,” she said leaning her back against the car.
“No it’s cool. Are you sure you can’t come eat with us?” he asked once more with hopeful eyes.
(Y/N)’s face softened as she sigh. “I really would if I could,” she replied giving him a small apologetic smile.
Peter took a step backwards. “Alright, well I’ll see you Monday then. Yeah?”
“Definitely,” (Y/N) responded unlocking the door to her car. “Bye Peter.”
Turning around, Peter went to walk over to his friends when he froze. It was now or never. Mustering up all the courage he had, Peter turned back around. “Hey (Y/N),” he called out.
She had her car door open and was about to get in but stopped. “Yeah?”
Peter lifted a hand and began to rub the back of his neck nervously. “Um, I was just wondering if y-“
A car from behind the duo made them jump at the sudden loud noise. “Parker! Come on man they’re closing soon,” The voice of Flash yelled causing Peter to roll his eyes. He turned around to see all of his friends in Flash’s Audi.
“One second,” he said to them with a glare. Peter turned back around to face (Y/N) who had her phone in her hand up next to her ear.
“Yea dad I’m leaving right now. No I am starting when I get home. Promise. Okay. Bye, love you too,” she spoke into the phone before hanging up and looking back at Peter. “I’m sorry Peter my dad is getting onto me about that book report. I really need to go but, uh you wanted to ask me something?”
Peter nodded and opened his mouth to ask her again but Flash honked the car horn yet again. “Parker let’s go!” he yelled impatiently.
“I need to go too apparently but uh, I’ll ask you Monday,” Peter said walking backwards towards the car. (Y/N) nodded her head and waved goodbye before jumping into her car.
Peter turned sharply and glared at the driver of the Audi. He walked over to it and hopped into the back with Ned. “What the hell man? What time do they freaking close? He asked directing the last question to Ned.
“At 11:30,” was his answer. Peter looked at the time on the dashboard and saw that it was 9:38.
“Seriously?” he exclaimed, glaring at Flash through the rear view mirror.
Flash shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Sorry bro I thought it closed at 10. My bad,” he said feigning innocence.
All Peter could do was lean back into the cool leather seats and dream about the day when he’d finally ask (Y/N) out. He didn’t care how long it took or how many times Flash sabotaged his chances. One day he’d get the girl.
@jesterrose1213 @lamia-maizat @lostqueen1613
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allonsysilvertongue · 6 years
Wiping History
“What will happen when we get to your arena?” she demanded. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.“ 75 arenas and one colossal task for Effie Trinket. Hayffie. Post-MJ. Previously.
12. Johanna’s Troubles
The door was unlocked which made Effie pursed her lips in annoyance. Anyone could have walked in here and while she did not have that many valuable things to be worth any thieving, she still wished Johanna was more careful.
"You think they're still in there?"
"I hope he is not," Effie muttered as she led Haymitch in.
She had been adamant about returning home to have a change of clothes. She refused to go through a day at work in yesterday's clothes and she was not about to wear any of Haymitch's clothes to office either. Times might have changed but she still considered dressing to perfection a priority.
Since he happened to already be awake, they decided to leave together, making a pit stop at her apartment before heading off.
Effie eyed the floor in disdain, picking up Johanna's bra and left boot before setting it down on a chair, all the while shaking her head as Haymitch watched on in amusement.
"Think you missed out her panties," he chuckled.
She wrinkled her nose but since it was partially hidden – likely, kicked away during their tryst – Effie made a mental note to inform Johanna to take care of it. She turned and yelped, feeling rough hands holding her upright.
It was only then that she began to feel the warmth of naked skin on her and something unpleasant poking her in the stomach. She shuddered, refusing to let her mind think about what it was. Effie looked up, staring straight at a pair of brown eyes.
They're the wrong colour, she thought briefly, before she felt herself ripped away from the stranger.
"Don't fuckin' touch her," Haymitch growled, pushing her protectively behind him.
"Sorry, man," the stranger put both hands up in an amicable gesture.
The man, Effie noticed once she managed to get Haymitch from blocking her view, was stark naked and he was standing there in her living room. Her gaze strayed downwards unwittingly. Haymitch, who was looking at her, noticed it too and he scowled.
"Put on some fucking clothes," he snarled. "There's a lady here, have some respect."
She really couldn't help the small chuckles that escaped. Here he was, Haymitch Abernathy, constantly trying to protect her honour even when she didn't ask him to, even when she was capable of handling the situation herself. She wondered if Haymitch realised that in a way, he was selfish. He had no problem walking around naked when it was only them in the Penthouse during the Games but when another man did it, it made him see red.
"Uh, I was just... gonna get my clothes when I bumped into you. Sorry, miss, didn't mean to scare you.  I'll be out of your hair," he explained, grabbing his boxer tossed on the armchair in a hurry. "She's still sleeping but she said something about - "
The man turned just then and Effie saw the scratch marks on his back. Naturally, her mind wandered to the things Johanna had done with him and she wished she could reel back her thoughts.
" - going for drinks tonight? I didn't get her number.... or her name but I recognised her, the infamous Johanna Mason."
Haymitch raised a dubious eyebrow, looking at him from head to toe. Effie laid a hand on his arm to stay him. She had no idea what was going on with Johanna but Effie doubted she really planned for drinks with this stranger and she particularly did not like the way he referred to her as the infamous Johanna Mason.
"I think it will be best if you leave now," Effie told him. Turning towards Haymitch, she lowered her voice and asked, "Will you make sure he leaves? I should wake Johanna up before we all run late."
Johanna was sleeping on her stomach, naked in all her glory. Her eyes roamed the younger woman's body, noting the numerous scars, knowing very well that she could recount how Johanna sustained that scar running from her shoulder blade to her left rib or that jagged scar near her hip bone or the one at the base of her neck from when they shaved her hair and nicked her skin.
Effie called her name softly, repeatedly, until her voice broke into the haze of her dream. The young woman jolted into a sitting position, her eyes darting wildly until it stopped on Effie. She visibly relaxed.
"Not late," she mumbled, pointing to the clock.
"That is because I am here to ensure that you are not," Effie plastered a smile, trying not to cringe at the state of her guestroom. "Now, big, big day today, so please, do get ready. Haymitch is taking care of your... other problem."
Johanna made no mention of the man nor did she show any interest in him so Effie supposed, they made the right call to send him off despite his claim of further dates tonight.
They made it to the Parliament in good time, no thanks to Johanna who clearly took her time until Effie's continuous sighs irritated her. Once Effie gave her a map of Finnick's arena, Johanna was much more subdued than her normal self, only breaking her silence once they were in the hovercraft.
"He was my best friend – didn't get it through his thick head that I didn't want his friendship but I'm glad he was stubborn," she spoke so quietly Effie had to strain her ears to pick it up against the roar of the hovercraft's engine as it took off. "Haymitch had Chaff, I had him. I didn't need it but he shielded me whenever he could. Take on anyone who's interested in me even after Snow's got no one left I love to hurt me with."
Johanna was completely oblivious to the look Effie exchanged with Haymitch over her head. Finnick's calm had always been a gracious complement to Johanna's temper. That was not something Effie was oblivious to but there were certain aspect of their friendship that she was not aware of, and clearly, neither did Haymitch.
"Should have been there," she crossed her arms and stared out of the window. "Would have protected his fuckin' ass if Thirteen had cleared me for the damn star squad. It might have turned out differently for him and Annie."
"We don't know that," Haymitch objected, sitting across from her. "It is the way it is, kid. We gotta live with it. You think I don't want Chaff here? Or Mags? They deserve to be in this world – they fought for it just as much."
Like Haymitch had done with Mags' arena, Johanna torched Finnick's. She took the trident he used to win his Games with her but let everything in there burn to the ground. Neither Effie nor Haymitch asked what she planned to do with that trident Mags had the sponsors gifted him with but Effie hoped Johanna wasn't planning on giving it to little Finn when he grew up. It felt wrong somehow.
Since Johanna was there, Effie moved Annie's and Johanna's arena forward in her schedule so there would be no need for her to make multiple trips to the Capitol.
Annie's arena took quite longer than normal. A portion of the place had been turned into a water park from the earthquake that broke the damn which meant that the water had to be vacuumed out before the explosives could be put in place.
Effie watched Johanna and Haymitch as they took in the sight of the three colourful looping giant slides, the huge bucket that would collect water and upend at a specific time on joyous Capitol children, and the long stream of lazy river where people would float on their buoy as it took them downstream.
There was also a 'hot spring' at the base of the volcano. Since nothing in here was natural, it was simply a gigantic jacuzzi but Capitols were very good at playing pretend as it happened. A large pool had been carved out just south of the lazy river, something Effie thought Finnick would have appreciate if it wasn't actually in Annie's arena.
Haymitch had somehow resigned himself to the oddity that the arenas had been turned to and had nothing to say. Johanna peered over the edge into the river and wondered, "so if someone pees in there, it means you Capitols will be swimming around in it."
"Who is doing the honour?" Baron asked, saving Effie from delving further into that horrific thought.
He approached the trio, detonator in hand. The arena was ready to be demolished.
By then, it was already late in the afternoon and the sun was setting across the horizon. Johanna stepped up, taking the remote from him. Speaking into her communication piece, Effie alerted the Command Centre to bring up the force field once they were all standing outside of it. Johanna took great pleasure in pressing the button that eventually rocketed the arena in a contained demolition.
"Mine's tomorrow, yeah?"
"It is," Effie nodded as they descended down the stairs of the Parliament to head home. "Yours is scheduled for 10.00 am and - where are you going?"
"Don't wait up," she waved and disappeared down one of the alleys.
Effie turned towards Haymitch, biting her lower lip as she did so. "I hope she is not planning on repeating what happened yesterday."
"The way I see it you can head home right now and lock the door before she comes home or you can come over my place," Haymitch shrugged, giving her the option.
She thought it through but eventually made up her mind. "I will head home. It is my house and I will not hide away from it."
"Alright. Call if you need anything, yeah?"
At two in the morning, Effie was startled awake by the ringing of her phone. The voice of a clearly annoyed Haymitch greeted her.
"I'm coming over," he said without preamble but Effie could guess from the loud music in the background that Johanna had clearly invaded his space.
"I can't believe you locked me out of your house, Trinket!"
Effie winced. She was perfectly fine with letting Johanna in but the thought of having a stranger in a place she had learnt to feel safe in was not something she could deal with lately. She should have made it clear with Johanna from the start. It was her fault.
"She's got the same guy from yesterday," Haymitch sighed. "I'm gonna let them have this place. I'll go to yours. You're okay with that?"
Better Haymitch than a stranger.
"Absolutely. I'm terribly sorry you're in this position."
"Ain't your fault. Don't fucking touch my booze," she heard Haymitch yell over the music before he hung up.
He was there ten minutes later. Effie led him to the guest bedroom except he looked appalled at the mere thought.
"I ain't sleeping on that – imagine what went on there yesterday night," he grumbled. "I'm fine with the couch, sweetheart."
“You can sleep with me, Haymitch,” she offered.
“You sure?”
“Yes, of course,” she nodded with a smile. “The bed is much more comfortable than the couch.”
When she woke up to find herself cocooned in his embrace, Effie couldn’t say she was surprised. They had a way of unconsciously gravitating towards one another especially so in their sleep when their guards were down.
Effie blinked, looking at him, making no move to extricate herself from the situation. She missed this. She missed having the heavy weight of his arm thrown carelessly around her waist. She missed waking up with her face pressed against his chest. She missed the warmth that only he could give her.
Alright, you know the drill, let me have your reviews! Tell me your thoughts on this chapter :)
Also, just a quick announcement, there will not be an update next week as I'll be sitting for my exam paper & then flying off after. So see you in 2 weeks!
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