#I can't believe I wrote small holiday song just for a bit
yesyourstalker · 9 months
Part two.... Damn this shit. Long as fuck not even done
Warabi: it's the coldest time of yeeeaarrr! But cod damn I'm so warm in siiioode! When you're close to me and you smile at me! My excitement has no place to hide!
Neta: Warabi
Warabi: while the kids are laughing and screaming and grandma starts to siiing! I pull you aside. A nice place to hide and I pulled out that. Platinum. diamond. ring!
Neta: Warabi please
Warabi: you quickly tried to denyyyy it and that smile. I see you hide it! I give you the best ooooon Frosty Fest cuz our love.is.stronger. than. allllll the rest!
Neta: I'm trying to drive
Warabi: baby take my hand and make me your man- Why'd you turn the radio off?
Neta:........... We're sitting in silence
Warabi: but....it's but it's frosty-
Neta: shut up! [Eating]
Warabi: Don't eat all of the salmon bites. Those are for the guests!!
Mahi: holy shit. This place is huge.....it's bigger than the original store.
Baja: look he has two stories! Wow! I wonder what he's going to put up there!
Mahi: He said he wanted some sort of cafe lounge or something? This place is really fancy
Baja: Neta really went all out for this- *gasp* it's.. it's
Mahi: calm down. Take some breaths. Don't be fucking weird..... Hey ikkan you bought some wine I didn't know if it was a white wine or a red wine kind of party so I bought both..... Also this is Baja
Ikkan: thanks. You can just set them on the table over there. You must be Warabi's boyfriend he told me about you It's nice to see you.
Baja: Yes I've heard a lot about you. Not just like from TV and social media and the news. I mean but so has everyone else because you're very successful and famous. I'm sorry I'm rambling but Neta told me a lot about you and it's really nice to see you in person.
Ikkan: It's nice to see you too.... What model saxophone is that?
Baja: ... It's a shanty 44 model it's an Alto. Neta wanted me to bring it to play heheh.... It's the same model as your bassoon. It's a shanty 43 model you played it at the hard shell banquet hall at memorial service If your old high school band director 3 years back.
Ikkan: uh.... Yeah... That's.... Yeah that's correct. Wow ......how did he know that? That's very impressive you know a lot about music
Baja: Yeah it's mostly just history stuff.
Ikkan: That's really cool..... What do you usually play?
Baja: I was in jazz band and I also played an orchestra for the last two years of school
Ikkan: do you know how to play Funtime Frost?
Baja: yes
Ikkan: I'll be right back. I'm going to my car.
Baja: I think we're friends!
Mahi: you two are dorks. I'm going to set up the drinks
Carrie: *gasp* Baja!! I knew you'd come! What do you think of my dress. Pretty isn't it? I usually don't wear light colors like cream or white, but it kind of felt special. I also bought my cello I was going to play it for you remember? but I was rudely interrupted by -... Oh It's just you.
Mahi: Yeah, it's good to see you too you little brat. Get on my way, Baja's over there. Also when Mizole shows up don't try anything. This is a big deal for your dad. I don't ruin it.
Cirrina: as if I would talk to him willingly.... Why is he even showing up? This party is supposed to be for important people. Not has beens like your boyfriend
Mahi: you know what!?!
Neta: Mahi do not fight with my daughter unless you want to be fired! Cirrina crab cakes please don't start fights with the adults. Okay? Show everyone at the party. What a sweet, pretty girl you are.
Cirrina: ok daddy.. ..Oh Bajaaaa! [Flips off mahi]
Neta: monster
Neta: awwww my baby's first crush... She's growing so fast they really do slip through your fingers......*sigh* anyway, everything is set up. Decorations are good... Drinks are all set... The waiters are setting up their trays...... Now we just need to wait for the people..... Baja?
Baja: I've already set up! ikkan's getting his bassoon right now! I can't believe I'm going to be playing with the Ikkan Kane! think I'm going to faint
Warabi: hey Mahi
Mahi: ooh those look good!
Warabi: No, you can't have any of these All right. I made 80 of these and Neta already ate five of them!
Neta: They're good!
Warabi: huff I made 40 cooked ones and 40 raw ones so we have options. DON'T eat all of the raw ones mahi! Save some for the actual guests and that goes for you too babe!
_____________________hour in the part____________
[live music playing over a crowd of people talking]
Pearl: you know when you said Frosty fast party. I thought you meant the ones you used to have at the boathouse.
Neta: Oh you mean the one when l passed on the floor in my own barf?
Pearl: Yeah those parties were fun hehehehe
Neta: getting too old for that now can't handle my liquor like I used to
Pearl: you couldn't hold your liquor back then either Jackass hahahahaahaha remember you get your hands stuck in the toilet hahahah we had to call the fire department hahahaha
Neta:heheheheh It was the party where you flashed the cops
Pearl: Yeah! I got one of the lady cops' numbers and after hehehe *sigh* good times..... Oh this is the Marina. She's my fiance
Marina: Hi, I've heard so much about you. I also saw you once in concert with squid squad! You're so talented! It's been honor to meet you actually
Neta: ahhh finally meeting you in person. I'm a big fan of you as well. I love the dress by the way you look great. Hope you're enjoying the party
Marina: I definitely am. This is such a gorgeous place and this is going to be your store?
Neta: Yes! We usually just sell music, merchandise, instruments.........concert tickets.
Marina: well That's interesting. Dance socks is actually starting another tour next year... Here is the number to our vendor they make most of our merchandise and I can see if I can contact 'ticket stand' and provide you access to our supply.
Neta:oh thanks!
Marina : We're going to refresh on some drinks and we'll catch up with you and talk about this little business later.......What is this about you flashing cops?
Baja: Yeah so father was actually an apprentice of ikkan's old band director he spent one year in Krillarney. He had to leave when you was born.
Zuzu: wow! That's true he lived in Krillarney for 5 years! How do you know that ?
Baja: It was in an old interview on subshellet I read. I think it was 7 years ago
Zuzu: hehehe I should hire you to write my memoir you seem to know a lot more about me than I do heheheh...... Hmmm
Mahi: *sigh*.....*sip*.... Mizole!! Hey over here! Hi babe. [Kiss]
Mizole: hey babe.. [ kiss] I got you a gift..... But it's in my freezer at home. You can't have until tomorrow Mahi I want you to meet wet floor. Guys, this is my partner Mahi.
Mahi: hay guys. Nice to meet you finally...
Wf Candi: He didn't cheat on you yet did he?
Mizole: Candi!!
Mahi: hahaha no!!!..... I hope not
Raley: Oh then he's probably loyal......probably cuz you would definitely know if he was cheating. He's a terrible liar
Mizole: what the hell!! I have never cheated on anyone!!!
Keaton: Yeah I have to back him up on that. He doesn't really cheat. He has ghosted people and never told them that he broke up with them before dating someone else
Mizole: but this time it's fucking different!!. I actually like this one! Mahi makes me happy and I want to see them happy!
Mahi: oh.... mizole.
Mizole: and you know what?? for our one year anniversary that's in a couple months I'm going allllll out! Take them on a trip or some shit! That's how much I care for my partner.
Neil: well I for one am happy you actually found someone that you like.
Mizole: thank you Neil
Neil: I'm more surprised they like you back
Mahi: hehehe .. I'm going to go get some food. You hang out with your friends and be nice to each other and I'll be right back and -oh shit. Sorry man I wasn't looking where I was.......... Why the fuck are you here?
Mahi and Baja ate all of the raw salmon bites before anyone else could get them and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort Saw the whole thing and didn't say anything
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
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Part 9
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena Gilbert
AU TVD/TO story a/n: Thanks for reading. I posted it without adding tags. Sorry. 😓 And now I can't do it on phone here for some reason - 😫
Weeks after
In California
"To lose oneself is a state that I don’t  know how to describe. You feel like nothing is there anymore. You are there, but you are not really, You feel like you are caught up in the riptide and  it's pulling you down and you can't do anything to break free. And you just sink. Forever sink. And you wish to swim, to move, to do something, to stop from drowning, but for some reason your legs, your arms are not moving. You hear voices calling you to do so. But you don't. You don't care what they are saying. And then there is nothing. Just nothing"- 
Y/N/E wrote in her diary. She put the pen down and looked out to the ocean. 
At the same time in New York, Elijah put his suit on, adjusting his tie as he looked then at his watch. It had plenty of time to meet his sister for breakfast before work. His phone rang and he answered.
"I will meet you there"- Rebekah said-"sorry, but I will be late a bit"
"Fine"- Elijah replied. Put his phone inside his jacket pocket.
He looked at himself in the mirror and straightened his sleeves.
The first phone call after Y/N/E left for California, as soon as she walked in Vicky's holiday home
"Y/N/E-"- Elijah said as he picked up the call.
"Elijah-"- she said and then there was silence. Long silence. And Y/N/E then breaking it with-"I got here ok. I love you."
"I love you, too."
And silence again.
In his therapy session with Camille he voiced their inability to talk.
"We used to talk about everything. And I can feel that something is keeping her locked away. It's like she fell in a coma yet again. But this time I can't do anything. And I saw in her eyes that she was feeling that she was letting me down and I could not persuade her that it wasn't so"
"She had a break down. A silent one. It's not always the case that people scream or get hysterical. Many things happened at once. The loss of a child - even when it is due to a miscarriage can cause a tremendous pain. In her case it is so much worse. We all react differently to loss. Everyone grieves differently. She could feel she had let you down because she had lost the child and she blames herself connecting it to her brother"- Camille said.
"Through her brother?"- Elijah didn't quite understand how.
"The loss happened at the violent attack on her which was connected to her brother- she is transfering it - all the troubles she had with her brother are the cause of her shut down"- Camille continued.
"But she is not to blame for any of it"- Elijah uttered.
"But she unfortunately doesn't see it that way. I do hope she is still seeing a therapist."- Camille concluded-
"She is"- Elijah said.
He opened the conacts icon on his phone and looked at Y/N/E's name on his favourite list. But he didn't make the call.
But then  the alert buzz popped out and it was an e-mail from her. It was a video she sent. He clicked the play button and now listened to the song and the messages Y/N/E put inbetween pictures of them-
But you are always here with me Oh inside me❤️ I find my way❤️ Back to you❤️
Calling your name in the midnight hour
Reaching for you from the endless dream
So many miles between us now
But you are always here with me
Two words
In your hands
In your heart❤️
It's whole universe
You are always here with me
Elijah watched it and his heart fluttered, the words filling it with hope and love. ****
Days after
The Mikaelsons felt shattered, but they carried on. The most dangerous currents never could break them, not entirely.
"We don't give up! Remember what father taught us"- Rebekah said to Klaus-"never give up hope!"
"Where is this coming from?"-Klaus wondered-"Oh- is this the wisdom of Dr Salvatore- are you sure dating him is sane?"
"Please- you've all give up on Kol and done everything to ostracized him. It's not right. We have to pull him out of this shit and help Sophie get him back!"
"I have not ostracized him- he has done it. He left his wife, he turned his back on all of us. You've been there, you heard him how he spat on us and said he doesn't want anything to do with us and that is his life! After everything we've done for him- I just haven't got the strength for him anymore"
"Right. Is this your final?"- Rebekah asked.
"It is. I am sorry sister, but he made his choice"- Klaus said-"got to go. See you later"
Klaus hanged up leaving Rebekah fuming. She had always fought for them to stay one united pack of siblings. This time she felt she lost her powers to keep them together.
Elijah now called her.
"I am sorry I have to cancel breakfast. Father needs me in the office asap"- he said.
"What is this today- ditch Rebekah day?"- she said disappointed.
"Rain-check. Sorry got to rush"- Elijah said and hung up.
"Great. When I find the person who put a curse on us- I will not take any hostages"- she thought miffed entering their favourite artisan bakery.
**** The day went on and everyone was wrapped in their work.
Later in the evening, as Caroline finished for the day, she checked her phone smiling at Klaus' message.
"This is the first piece of the map that will lead you to the hidden treasure." - it said.
"Hidden treasure?! Right"- Caroline raised an eyebrow and now pressed the speed-dial.
A second later Klaus picked up saying-"Yes, love-"
-"Do you ever work?"- Caroline said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.
"All the time. So- watched the news. The interview was - well- you slayed him."- he replied.
"Well- they hired me to ask tough questions and keep it real. But now I have a meeting, so the treasure hunt will have to wait till tonight"
"Sounds perfect"- Klaus said smirking happily to himself.
In California, Vicky waited for Elena outside a doctor's practise.
As she saw her she asked immediately how the check up went.
Elena passed her the paper with the blood results.
"What?"- Vicky read and looked at Elena in disbelief.
"Yeah. I had to read it like there times."- Elena said tearing up-"I couldn't believe it. I  am pregnant!!"
"Oh, Elena- that is so great!"- Vicky exclaimed.
"I know!"- Elena said smiling-" I don't know why I am crying - it's wonderful, isn'it?"
"It's amazing! I am so happy for you"- Vicky said hugging her friend.
"I can't believe it"- Elena muttered.
Vicky now looked at her friend in tears as well saying-"It's like a double surprise for Elijah."
"I have to change the flight. I need to fligh back asap."- Elena said.
"Yeah- come on. Don't need to pack. I am driving you to the airport now. I'll sed you your stuff on."-Vicky said.
"Yeah, thanks"- Y/NE smiled happily. ****
In New York, Kol drove to the place where the exchange of a large drug shipment was to happen. 
"It's now or never"- he thought as he got out of his car.
After the Ball, after his cover got nearly blown, he met by an Agent as he went to his home.
"You will have turn away completely from your family and cut ties with them. Find whatever excuse you can. You have to be believable. We can't afford any mess like it happened tonight. The other guy needs to be sure he has got you in his pocket. Tell me if you can do it now. If not, you have to tell us now"
"I can. I have messed up so many times with my family that they would kick me to the curb."- Kol said.
"Good"- the Agents said-"you're a born trixter. Later"
But was he  really a born trixter?
Caroline stood in front of the beautiful sailing boat where Klaus was holding his hand out to get on board smiling charmingly at her.
"You could have just sent me the address and the invite- it would have been just as right"- Caroline said still standing on the dock"
"It would not have been half the fun. And I know how you revel in the investigation- I hope you like sailing?"
"Well, I grew up in New Orleans. We have sailing boats down there. My ex was -"- and she stopped there.
"But I doubt he had taken you out in such beauty?"- Klaus said.
"Your confidence has no limits?!"- Caroline remarked.
"None"- Klaus confirmed smirking a bit.
From the first day they met - it was like they entered a dance of Paso Doble. Always so close and always one step away. Klaus figured out immediately that her heart was trempled on, but it didn't discourage him. And he did not push her, not in a way someone else thought and he had told her at the Ball-
"You are not ready to date. I see that. But please allow me to be there. Let's dance. And see where we get at the end of it"
And she went for the dance, then and everytime he had asked her out since. To a gallery opening, to dinner, to one event or the other. And behaved as a perfect gentleman. She was enchanted by him, but still kept her guard.
"So, are you coming on board? Or I should I leave the supper for the fish? I doubt they love cajun"
"No. I am coming on board."- Caroline said taking his hand now.
**** Elijah finished work and looked at the clock. It was nearly ten. He got up and put the tablet aside on the side table. Then walked out to the kitchen and got a beer out. The defeaning silence of the penthouse was nothing new. It was like a normal thing- or? No. This is not the normality he wanted. Not the normality he deserved. Why did the things turn out the way they did? Why him? He had done nothing but be there? Done everything in his manly power to make things better. Why? But there was no answer. Only complicated explications.
He took a swag of the beer and looked out through the window into the night. His thoughts wondered from one moment to the next - and strangely he felt a chill struck his whole body.
Wedding night, Mystic Falls
"I want us to promise something here"- Elena said.
"I promise everything!"- Elijah smiled giving her a small kiss as his hands roamed up and down her back.
"Elijah, I am serious"- Elena put both her hands on his head making him look at her.
"Promise, that if any of us stumble along the way for whatever reason- we would be honest about it. If you stop loving me or feel like this is not it- you will tell me and be fair about it- no matter how hard it is"
"What are you talking about? We've been married for about five minutes and you already have worst case scenario that we won't make it?"
"Promise you will always be open about how you feel. Always!"- Elena said.
Elena had her quirky moments, he knew and loved her for it- so he said-
"I promise. Always! I love you. And it will be forever!"- Elijah said-"didn't you hear my heart?"
"Oh, I heard your heart. I am hearing it now, too. It will be forever!"- Elena gazed in his eyes as he swept her up taking her over to bed, both  kissing wildly now.
The incisive ringing of his phone brought him back and he went back to the room to answer it.
"What are you doing?"- Rebekah asked.
"Just finished the budget for the new project for father. Having a beer. Drowning my sorrows. Thinking of flying over to California"-Elijah replied.
"No. Let it be. I know you love her like crazy, but no."- Rebekah said-"she wanted time and space. She can have time and space"
"Why did it get so fucked up?"- Elijah muttered.
"I don't know. But I know things will be good again. Right. Stefan and I are in this swanky new restaurant and you should come"
"Thanks, I know you mean well, but I am no third wheel"- Elijah said-"I am going to bed. I had a long day. You know how demanding father can be"
"Yes. That is why I would never work for him. Right. Talk to you tomorrow"
"Yeah, tomorrow"- Elijah said hanging up and went to have a shower. **** At the marina, Klaus and Caroline finished with the very late supper, and commenting about the news of the day.
Caroline swayed up to look at the moon in its round glory.
"I've calculated out for this to be the perfect romantic setting and listened carefully to your forecast guy-"- Klaus remarked having noticed how her eyes twinkled away in the moonlight as he poured them some more champagne.
She turned thr gaze away to Klaus-"How many times have you produced this line?"
"Never. Didn't ever dated a news anchor before"- Klaus said.
"You said you never dated before"- Caroline caught him.
"True. Dating was never my strong point. Elijah did this. I never saw the appeal of it. Until now"- Klaus said.
"Oh, yeah. Now you will tell me that I am very special"
Klaus sighed a little as he took a sip of the champagne-"what did he do to have put you off men in such a manner?"
She looked at Klaus seriously putting the glass on the table-"Thank you for the food"- she stood up and now walked towards the exit part.
Klaus cursed himself for having asked the damned question and hurried after her apologizing for being tactless.
"Please don't leave"- he asked with a regretfully.
Caroline turned around just before the exit and faced him blazing at him-"Your charming moonlight suppers and your-"-she couldn't think what to add as anger and hurt blocked her linguistical skills-"flowers and those blue eyes - can just leave me alone!"
"I really apologize.This was out of order. Please- can we rewind and - Caroline, please- I am in love with you. Don't you see-?"
Caroline stood still. No one had declared it to her like that. So dramatically, so wholeheartedly. And she didn't want to think anymore - be hot and cold. He neared her now and their eyes met not being able to hide what was in their hearts. And they both disappeared in the kiss.
**** Elsewhere, Stefan and Rebekah got out of the taxi.
"Thank you for a nice time"- Rebekah said.
"My pleasure"- Stefan retorted as they walked towards her building.
"Really- I haven't had so much fun since- I din't even remember. And I feel sort if bad as my best friends and my brothers are going through a neverending tough time"-Rebekah babbled.
"I had a great time, too."- Stefan said-" life unfortunately is a labirynth of twists and turns"
And now they stood in front of her building and he took her by the hand and she felt like she was twelve- all the butterlfies inside her stomach flew up as he neared her and kissed her. And if she could fly she would have taken off at that moment. And then her phone crash-landed her back because it wouldn't stop even though she ignored it twice.
"It must be important"- Stefan said-"answer it.
It rang again and Rebekah got it out - seeing it was Sophie she first blurted out that she would call her back but then Sophie's sobbing voice saying Kol was shot made her freeze for a second replying-"How- When-What?"
The next thing she knew was that Stefan put her in a taxi and she was on the phone to Elijah and then trying to get to Klaus, who wasn't answering. **** Y/N/E arrived somewhere around midnight. She got into the taxi. All the way in the car she felt uneasy and was impatient to get home. It seemed like the trip took twice as long. Her emotions were running high and she knew she had to balance them out. So, she focused on a mental game Bonnie taught her when she started feeling anxious. **
Meanwhile, at the hospital, Kol was still undergoing surgery. The FBI Agents who worked with Kol now took the siblings aside explaining them what went off that evening.
"So- you are telling us that Kol- our brother was working for you all this time?"- Rebekah was stunned at the revelation.
Elijah was quiet but tried to get his head round it.
"I sincerely hope he pulls through, He did a great job"- the Agent said before he left them.
Sophie could now tell them that she knew about it all along. But she had to keep it to herself.
"He just had to do it"-  Sophie said-"the whole thing with Jeremy was not letting him be."
Both Rebekah and Elijah just comforted Sophie now as she could not calm down, but refused to be given a sedative. Mikael and Esther arrived completely devestated at the news. **** Elena finally arrived to the building. She was home and it felt good even though a strange kind of uneasiness was not letting her go. She got into the elevator and pressed PH.
"Why is everything so slow tonight"- she thought as the elevator seemed to take forever to get up.
As she got out of it eventually, she remembered that she had no keys on her. She was miffed that she had to wake Elijah up as she wanted to surprise him. She rang the doorbell but there was no answer. She rang again and there was nothing.
She thought of calling the doorman for the spare key but she opted to give Elijah a call.
In the hospital, Elijah took his phone and simply answered it without looking who it was-"Yeah?"
"Elijah?"- he could hear Y/N/E's voice that threw him a bit and he authomatically said-"Y/N/E?"
"It's me. Sorry to wake you up, but I don't have my keys on me and can't get in"
"Can't get in?"- he repeated like shell- shocked.
"Yes. I am outside the door. I am here. I've just arrived"- she said.
"Y/N/E- huh, I am not at home. I am at the hospital."
"Hospital?"- she said worryingly.
"Yes. Kol's been shot"- Elijah then said.
"What?"- and the same how- when- what questions followed.
As he briefly explained she made her way to the hospital.
"Did you just talk to Y/N/E?"- Rebekah said having overheard his conversation.
"Yes. She's back-" 'Elijah said.
"Really? Just like that?"- Rebekah looked a bit gone out at Elijah.
Klaus and Caroline then appeared not long after together.
Elijah now went to get some refreshments for everyone as Y/N/E arrived.
It was somewhat surreal seeing her there. This was not something he expected.
They stood for a second as if they had been apart for a thousand years and yet at the same time not even a nanosecond. They went into a hug. Firm, warm, healing.
"I am so sorry"- Y/N/E whispered holding her husband tightly. "He is tough. He will pull through." "He will"- Y/N/E said as she now moved a little out of the hug.
They moved out of the hug slightly. Y/N/E put her palm on his cheek saying-"I missed you- so much"
He embraced her again, more warmly than before.
The moment broke as Rebekah came up to them announcing that Kol is out of the OR. He was still critical, though.
They suggested then to all of them to go home and rest.  Esther and Rebekah stayed on. Rooms were arranged for them to sleep if they needed some rest as this was a private hospital, for which the Mikaelsons regularily donated. **** After the night they had, both Y/N/E and Elijah just dropped into the bed. Whatever talk and all that needed to resurface had to wait as they needed to refresh.
Their phones woke them up at some time in the morning. Elijah had Rebekah on the phone and Y/N/E Vicky.
Elijah stayed on in the room, but Y/N/E ventured out to the kitchen. As she informed her friend about Kol, she started the coffee and put the bagels into the toaster.
"I don't know yet. He is on the phone to Rebekah. Yeah- we're hoping for the best. No. How could I tell him? How could I burst out in the middle of everything that I'm pregnant- "
Elijah now stood at the door and said astonished- 
“You’re pregnant?!”
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