#I cannot stop thinking about this show
English translation of the maxton hall book series when
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soup-sponge · 1 year
i have Thoughts on the l&co ghosts.
we know that sources are places where the veil between life and death is thin enough for ghosts to pass through, right? we know that the most surefire way to create a source is through Large Amounts of Trauma™, right? we know that causes them to be imbued with really bad psychic energy, right? most sources/relics we see follow those rules, right?
but consider: lockwood's uncle's hunting knife. it's mentioned in both the book and the show that the knife has really positive psychic energy, and we see lucy smile (for the first time since norrie's death, might i add) while she's holding it, which is making me Think.
is it possible for visitors to be tethered to earth for positive reasons rather than negative ones? what if someone's unfinished business was, rather than hunting down the person who killed them, something nicer? what if someone had died in the middle of a passion project they never got to finish? would their love for that thing be enough to let them stay in the land of the living for just a little bit longer?
i hope it would, because just imagine how sweet some ghost interactions could be! imagine an old woman who never got to harvest the seasons vegetables the year she died, so she reappears every harvest season and helps out the new farmhands with little harvest tasks. imagine the young artist who had such love for their craft that they return to their easel abandoned in the attic of their old house and paint masterpieces of their favourite memories from when they were alive. ghosts who are still able to leave a legacy, say i lived and i loved and it was beautiful, even after they're gone.
i get that this is a lot to take from literally One Scene, but i love the idea of the world being kinder than just the Horrors that we're shown.
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peachieharlan · 2 years
I need more.
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zephsthings · 2 years
Head full, only thoughts of Heartstopper
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mousetaur · 3 years
I want to believe in happy reconnection but the more I think about it, the more Rider's story about getting to the portal just doesn't add up. I don't believe she's lying, but maybe her escape was allowed to happen, for nefarious reasons
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citadelofswords · 3 years
the end of word of honor just lives in my brain rent fucking free now i guess
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Rise like a dark river in my throat, Trawler-man. And my drowning lungs will sing of Tides and Flesh.
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kaz-and-friends · 3 years
If we get the “and for that moment kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world” scene this season I will literally combust
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erlkoenige · 4 years
Mi fa male, Albè
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in-amorem-cadete · 4 years
me: ok let’s do work now
my last braincell: adora is a subversion of the chosen one hero trope. her story aligns almost perfectly with the hero’s journey and yet it has a crucial emphasis on the notion that her power, her strength, has never come from being the chosen one, but rather from her love for others. furthermore, she-ra deconstructs imperialist narratives and shows how deep into the collective memory colonialist propaganda can be written--
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natureivy · 5 years
okay here’s how richard madden can still win the emmy...
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mattatouile · 7 years
I DON’T CARE IF THIS SHOW IS YEARS OLD AND EVERYTHING WAS TALKED ABOUT ALREADY here’s a thing about hannibal that i just need to get outside of my brain and it is this:
since i was a teenager and i was super into spuffy and super into guy/marian and had a very confusing childhood crush on alan rickman as the sheriff of nottingham, there’s this theme that i’ve been drawn to which is: i love unhealthy, unconventional love stories.
and importantly i like to avoid calling them romances. because love and romance don’t always go hand in hand. and today i was rambling to a friend about hannibal and i was like IT IS THE GREATEST LOVE STORY THAT IS NO WAY A ROMANCE I HAVE EVER LOVED. 
and it all boils down to that fucking scene with bedelia where will asks if hannibal is in love with  him and she gives the best line in the history of my fiction loving life. 
but more importantly, it underscores my favourite thing about hannibal and will, which is that ... it’s not nearly as simple as just being in love with someone or something as easily understood as a romance. hannibal may not even be capable of a love that someone that isn’t a sociopath can understand. but that doesn’t mean that whatever he does feel for will, a craving that cannot be satiated by any of his usual means, is any less powerful and transformative than a typical romance. 
and though we never really get will graham stating something as baldly or even really answering. there is the scene where hannibal then asks will if it was good to see him and will says, ‘good? no.’ because, again, the bond is about so much more than fluffy warm and happy feelings. it’s about more than a face value, typical, straightforward love story. 
it’s a consuming, dark, twisted, encompassing, soaking, drowning, tangle of need and want and desire and hunger. and it is my favorite thing MAYBE EVER.
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