#I chose this quote because it's non-specific and can in fact be applied to just about everything I am currently writing
musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Here, have a snippet (more than one sentence I'm sorry, but it's needed for Context™) of the current bane of my existence, and also the last two months' bane of my existence.
“What do you want?”
Oh, she can’t answer that.
How do you tell someone that you want to live in the grooves of their grey matter? That you want to wrap yourself around every single one of their braincells, until the only thing they ever think about is you. That you know that's impossible and utterly insane and deeply, deeply unhealthy, but you don’t care, you want it anyway.
How the fuck do you even begin to tell someone that, she’s surprised she can even tell it to herself.
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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cathaeamae · 3 years
(English-APP 1st Session)
To begin with, in this unit I have learned the Academic and Non-academic texts where academic texts are written by professionals in a given field for the academic audience, they are formal and states critical questions and issues. While non-academic texts are written for the mass public and can be written by anyone with the use of informal language. In addition, I was able to familiarize the word discipline we're it was designed and developed to help us understand the phenomena in our world. Lastly, I learned the branches of academic disciplines which are the business, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences where they have their own vocabularies, styles, and modes of communication, and when in case if I can't discern the issues and problem I'll just find the existing binary oppositions to help me comprehend the issue of the text better.
In this unit, I was able to learn how to write a strong thesis statement and its characteristics, moreover, I was also able to identify the main ideas of an outline and how to make an outline on a certain topic. So firstly in lesson1, I learned that thesis statement is the main idea that written in the introductory paragraph of a paper. Thesis statement shows your stand on a certain issue, it asks a question, makes a claim that can be debated, and it represents the argument of your paper to the readers. So when writing a strong thesis statement I always remember to ask myself, is my thesis statement answers a question? can it be disputed by others? Does my thesis statement specific enough? Does it pass the so what test? The how and why test? This instances is just one of the few tips on how to write a strong thesis statement and it must be backed with facts and a long research process. Secondly in lesson2, I learned about outlining academic texts, where it helps writers categorized the main points. A well-written outline must have a thesis statement, the main ideas for each paragraph, and the evidence or supporting details. So there are two ways to outline ideas for outlining texts and that would be the topic outline, which only utilizes keywords and concepts, and sentence outline which utilizes complete sentences to organized the ideas. And lastly, I was able to learn about IMRAD outlining, where IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.
To begin with, in this unit I was able to understand what a summary is and the techniques in summarizing academic texts. In lesson 1 I recalled the definition of summary, where it is a shorter and more condensed version of a given text. It gives the reader the idea of what is the text about, for short, the goal of a summary is to reproduce the key ideas and express them with precise language. Whenever I make a summary of a certain paper I use techniques for me to prepare, which are previewing, skimming, and scanning. They're truly is effective at the same time helping to do before writing a summary. In lesson 2, I was able to learn that when summarizing a text, it must have the author's thesis statement in the first sentence, then break down the research into main ideas before summarizing the whole and, omit ideas that are not relevant to the whole text. In accumulation to this, the language to chose must not only be precise but also convey the imperative concept. Lastly, I was also able to follow the steps in summarizing a text.
To begin with, in this unit I have learned the definition of paraphrasing, where it is the restatement of a text, passage, or work giving the meaning in another form. So there are 4 kinds of paraphrasing which are the change of part of speech, change of structure, clause reduction, and synonym replacement. Since I was already familiar the word plagiarism, in this lesson I just recalled its definition where plagiarism is the claiming of ownership of material that is not your own. Then I learned the different kinds of plagiarism, it is the word for word plagiarism or verbatim plagiarism, word order plagiarism and idea plagiarism. In addition I was able to learned about the techniques in paraphrasing, which the one I use often everytime I paraphrase is the change of words, where it replace the words with a new part of speech, then we have also the paraphrasing word order change where it was the changes from the active voice to the passive voice or vise versa. Furthermore, I also learned about quoting which is repeating what the author said word by word but with proper citations. So there is a technique that needs to be follow in writing a quote which is the ice method, where ICE stands for introduce, cite, and explain. When quoting, I always remember to not forget any elements of quoting because it will result to plagiarism. Lastly, I was able to learned the difference between quoting and paraphrasing where quoting is used with shorter phrases or sentences, while paraphrasing is effective for longer sentences.
In this unit, I have learned about 3 major citation styles used in academic writing and how to choose which citation style to use. First of all, I learned that a citation is a way to give credit to the author whose creative and intellectual work you used to support or supplement your own research. It is also used to easily locate the sources used as well as help avoid plagiarism. In addition, I also get familiarize about citation style where it dictates what information is necessary to include in a citation, how that citation should be organized, what punctuations are use and other formatting concerns. I was able also to know the forms of citation which are in-text citation, parenthetical citation and reference citation. Where the difference between in-text and parenthetical citation is that in-text citation, the author's name is incorporated into the text as part of the sentence and the year follows in parentheses. While parenthetical citation is that the author's name and publication date appear in parentheses. And in reference citation, it refers to the complete bibliographic entries of all references used by the writer. Then lastly I learned the kinds of citation styles where we have the APA citation that is used in education, psychology, and social sciences, then the MLA citation where is normally used in humanities, and the Chicago/Turabian style which is often used in business, history and fine arts. Honestly, I easily get confused in these topics but im still working hard to understand the lessons better.
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
TNO Watch: Eris
Helios on Eris– So, somehow in my accounting of the Transneptunians, I managed to overlook the biggest, most prolific of them all (however not the first to be discovered past Pluto!)- Eris! Now I can’t rightly finish off the archive without her, now can I? So without further ado, let me formally welcome back the most controversial dwarf planet back into the party! Gird your loins, y’all
The Astronomy– Eris is the most massive and second-largest (by volume) dwarf planet (and plutoid) known in the Solar System. Eris was discovered in January 2005, and in September 2006 it was named after Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Eris is the ninth most massive object directly orbiting the Sun, and the 16th most massive overall, because seven moons are more massive than all known dwarf planets. It is also the largest which has not yet been visited by a spacecraft. Eris was measured to be 2,326 ± 12 kilometers (1,445.3 ± 7.5 mi) in diameter. Eris’s mass is about 0.27% of the Earth mass, about 27% more than dwarf planet Pluto, although Pluto is slightly larger by volume.
Eris is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) and a member of a high-eccentricity population known as the scattered disk. It has one known moon, Dysnomia. As of February 2016, its distance from the Sun was 96.3 astronomical units (1.441×1010 km; 8.95×109 mi), roughly three times that of Pluto. With the exception of some long-period comets, until 2018 VG18 was discovered on December 17, 2018, Eris and Dysnomia were the most distant known natural objects in the Solar System.[
Because Eris appeared to be larger than Pluto, NASA initially described it as the Solar System’s tenth planet. This, along with the prospect of other objects of similar size being discovered in the future, motivated the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to define the term planet for the first time. Under the IAU definition approved on August 24, 2006, Eris is a “dwarf planet”, along with objects such as Pluto, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake thereby reducing the number of known planets in the Solar System to eight, the same as before Pluto’s discovery in 1930. Observations of a stellar occultation by Eris in 2010 showed that its diameter was 2,326 ± 12 kilometers (1,445.3 ± 7.5 mi), very slightly less than Pluto, which was measured by New Horizons in July 2015.
The Myth– Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. The most famous tale of Eris recounts her initiating the Trojan War by causing the Judgement of Paris. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite had been invited along with the rest of Olympus to the forced wedding of Peleus and Thetis, who would become the parents of Achilles, but Eris had been snubbed because of her troublemaking inclinations.
She, therefore (as mentioned at the Kypria according to Proclus as part of a plan hatched by Zeus and Themis) tossed into the party the Apple of Discord, a golden apple inscribed Ancient Greek: τῇ καλλίστῃ, “For the most beautiful one”, or “To the Fairest One” – provoking the goddesses to begin quarreling about the appropriate recipient. The hapless Paris, Prince of Troy, was appointed to select the fairest by Zeus. The goddesses stripped naked to try to win Paris’s decision and also attempted to bribe him. Hera offered political power; Athena promised infinite wisdom; and Aphrodite tempted him with the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. While Greek culture placed a greater emphasis on prowess and power, Paris chose to award the apple to Aphrodite, thereby dooming his city, which was destroyed in the war that ensued.
Another story of Eris includes Hera and the love of Polytekhnos and Aedon. They claimed to love each other more than Hera and Zeus were in love. This angered Hera, so she sent Eris to wreak discord upon them. Polytekhnos was finishing off a chariot board, and Aedon a web she had been weaving. Eris said to them, “Whosoever finishes thine task last shall have to present the other with a female servant!” Aedon won. But Polytekhnos was not happy by his defeat, so he came to Khelidon, Aedon’s sister, and raped her. He then disguised her as a slave, presenting her to Aedon. When Aedon discovered this was indeed her sister, she chopped up Polytekhnos’s son and fed him to Polytekhnos. The gods were not pleased, so they turned them all into birds.
Eris has been adopted as the patron deity of the modern Discordian religion, which was begun in the late 1950s by Gregory Hill and Kerry Wendell Thornley under the pen names of “Malaclypse the Younger” and “Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst”. The Discordian version of Eris is considerably lighter in comparison to the rather malevolent Graeco-Roman original, wherein she is depicted as a positive (albeit mischievous) force of chaotic creation.
A quote from the Principia Discordia, the first holy book of Discordianism, attempts to clear up the matter: One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland and asked Eris if She really created all of those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historical matters. “They were,” She added, “victims of indigestion, you know.” Suffice it to say that Eris is not hateful or malicious. But she is mischievous and does get a little bitchy at times.
The story of Eris being snubbed and indirectly starting the Trojan War is recorded in the Principia and is referred to as the Original Snub. The Principia Discordia states that her parents may be as described in Greek legend, or that she may be the daughter of Void. She is the Goddess of Disorder and Being, whereas her sister Aneris (called the equivalent of Harmonia by the Mythics of Harmonia) is the goddess of Order and Non-Being. Their brother is Spirituality.
Discordian Eris is looked upon as a foil to the preoccupation of western philosophy in attempting to find order in the chaos of reality, in prescribing order to be synonymous with truth. Discordian Eris teaches us that the only truth is chaos and that order and disorder are simply temporary filters applied to the lenses through which we view the chaos. This is known as the Aneristic Illusion.
Why She Matters– Okay, its no secret that Eris is fantastic and I love her. Yes, Eris is chaos, but you know what? So is life. You can try and plan and make things nice and neat, but then the Universe comes through like a toddler who just learned how to walk, hellbent on getting to the other side of the room- consequences be damned. Eris is that universal action. Make no mistake, she is a destroyer and lives for the battlefield, but she also loves to dance, finding the beat in the deaths of men clamoring to prove that they are right to unseen forces (but most of all, themselves). If Mars ever did drag, she would look like Eris (and you bet your ass there would be death drops and shablams like you’ve never seen before!)
When people (read: hecklers) try to come at me with proof that astrology works (but who don’t have their birth time handy for me to utterly eviscerate them) I point to Eris. I remember when she was discovered, and the excitement that her unveiling brought to all of us. And then I remember, quite vividly, the fallout from the IAU decision after she was named but then relegated to dwarf planet status. It was a repeat of the Judgement of Paris myth! She was snubbed, yet again, by the authority, and Pluto was caught up in the fallout as collateral damage just because she was bigger than him (men and size issues, amirite?). And the authority paid for it in the end! Even total luddites who don’t follow the whirling and twirling of the planets (dwarf or otherwise) have a strong opinion about the decision. It made people care about these crazy space rocks, which brings me great happiness.
We aren’t all running around fighting all the time in this modern age, so how do we look at Eris now? A primal force of chaos doesn’t really mesh with our modern sensibilities- or does it? One of the more enlightening views on Eris comes when we consider her in terms of Justice, especially against any kind of oppressive authority. This can be seen in almost every major social movement to demand better treatment, to deny an oppressive ruling class its ability to exploit those below it- Stonewall, May Day, Ferguson, Rodney King, The Arab Spring…. Hell, even the Boston Tea Party! Eris is that urge we feel to stand our ground and refuse to roll over to the bad guys. Eris is the urge to fight for our rights. Yes, it can get violent- but better short violence that changes things for the better than the long, slow violence of inaction. Far better to live boldly and bravely. More commonly though, Eris spurs us on to fight with our racist uncles on Facebook or send petty gifs in the group chats calling out our friends for being slutty… but like, in an endearing way. In fact you could solidly call Eris the Goddess of Shade. Hey, not every action can be a revolutionary one after all- sometimes you just want to get brunch with your girls.
Eris isnt just Chaos, by the way- she also represents Strife. More specifically, what you are striving for. What do you want out of this life? If you are lost, look to Eris and she can help you find your way when you’ve lost it. Mind you, you’ll be in for a HELL of a trip with her (more Thelma and Louise than Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- That’s solidly Arawn territory) and you might not survive, but at least you’ll know!
Now, we all have all of these planets and asteroids SOMEWHERE in our chart, so in you is the seed of chaos- even the most holier-than-thou Libra. As with all of the Transneptunians, look at her house placement, not necessarily the sign, to see her effect. To find out where she shows up in your chart, go to astro.com, put in your birth details and in the extended options, all the way at the bottom of the next page, there will be a menu of additional objects. Under that is a blank space where you can enter the number 136199, for Eris. Once you have it entered, generate the chart! Where does Eris affect your life? Let us know in the comments below!
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TNO Watch: Eris was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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The Difference with GCF in Saipan
Okay I need to talk about this because something extremely interesting came up. I suggest watching the video first and if possible re-reading the Director’s review on GCFs too made by @thebangtankaijuu. The post will make more sense that way. I also would like to thank her for allowing me to quote her post ^^
This is essentially me thinking out loud. I am in no way saying I am right or anything. I just have some thoughts and would love to hear your thoughts as well. I have no problem whatsoever if someone disagrees with me or thinks I am wrong. No bother at all just say it in a respectful manner and we’re good fam.
So I have quoted the video and review here first and talk more towards the end. Let’s just point out a few things first.
At 4:42 Pd says “Jungkook chose a very different path to go with”. This would be in agreement with what our director friend (Dr) has said in his review. He noted that this was completely different than his other works and almost as if there are 2 stories. One he wanted to tell and one he ended up telling.
“It looks like this time he has omitted the story line and focused on the cinematography instead. This is in stark contrast to the previous video he posted.“  - Dr
“First of all, I don’t think this is the video that he originally intended to post. When I saw the preview he released I thought he would be continuing the narrative of his very first video (GCFt). This product is completely different. Looking at the preview, it seems like he had already finished the pre-final cut and was working on the post production, which is when he took the clip and shared it to the views, as a ‘teaser’. Naturally one would believe that the full video would be focused on the narrative he indicated in the preview, so I am quite surprised to see this result instead.” - Dr
He mentioned the significance of the cinematography rather than story line or narrative. I think most of us can agree there wasn’t very much story line, it was a well put together bunch of clips.
So we have 2 professionals telling us that this video is different. Okay.
1. The colour grading was off, which is his signature and what he knows how to do best.
2. It lacked narrative which all his other videos had and focused on the cinematography instead. Yet still there was an error in that.
“Now with Jungkook the thing I see most is he experiments a lot with colour grading” - Pd
And he indeed does, he said this in his V live. “Other than my colour grading I don’t have my unique thing.” - Jk
“and the colour grading here is a little all over the place, but it’s consistent” - Pd
“So it looks like Jungkook coloured it based on the sky and he wanted to make the sky look as rich and blue and beautiful as possible. But in doing so in certain lighting conditions it looks like he probably didn’t adjust the levels because in certain lighting conditions it either looks too blue ( mentions J-Hope’s car scene)……because if you look at the opening scene with V his skin is a little bit too pink but then when you move to Jimin it’s not that pink anymore”
Now let me fill in that ….. up there. Because I think this is it. This is how Jungkook speaks to us. Through his art.
Firstly I just want to say Jungkook is artistic. Extremely artistic, and not only that he’s shy too. Jungkook most definitely speaks through the medium of art (the Dr even mentioned this in Osaka I believe) and the predominant ones being cover songs and GCF. This is how he gets across his emotions. That is where some of the pushing and pulling comes from with GCF. Some Army’s say it’s just his hobby and to stop reading into it, and there are the others, not specifically just shippers, but they are included who believe Jungkook is trying to convey a message, After all if Jungkook just wanted to edit for fun why edit the way he did. In the comeback show he even said he edits to recharge himself. It’s how he relaxes, it’s his passion. And from watching the video you can clearly see how detail oriented he is. This is very important. Jungkook is no fool. But I digress.
I want you to read this next paragraph very carefully because I think he hit the nail on the head.
“…Jungkook’s colour grading was probably based on the shot with Jimin when he’s outside on the beach, that outside beach shot is much more over exposed it’s brighter so when you bring that colour scale inside the car (referencing Hobi’s scene) it’s a lot different it’s a lot bluer it’s like a harsher teal whereas when they are on the beach the colour looks the most clean, right so I think Jungkook probably graded only one scene and then applied it to the entire sequence. Because if you look at the opening scene with V his skin is a little too pink then when you move to Jimin it’s not that pink anymore you still see slight hints of it.” - Pd
So the colour grading was already decided for the scenes based on Jimin. If he had edited the video with all members first don’t you think he would have made sure that the colur grading suited the whole video and not just Jimins scenes? Is this just another coinsidence? How many are we on now? Four million and twelve? Riiiight. Anyway.
“But given how quickly he busted this out I feel like it was a choice, a deliberate choice he probably didn’t have time to go to each individual different coloured clips and then colour graded accordingly because that would take a lot more time I don’t know exactly what his thought process was but when it comes to editing everything is done with a purpose so I’m sure he noticed that V was way too pink, that in certain scenes the colour grading is off , but in his mind there was some sort of trade off he had to make and I am interested to see what that exactly is.”
I am so shocked with this. Okay so we, the producer and the director thought that Jungkook had made a video just for Jimin like GCFt and it was done and finished. That is why he teased the GCFs clip. It makes complete sense for many reasons. Jimin had the whole first verse and pre-chours in that teaser which would just throw the whole video off if included all members. 27 seconds of one member in an OT7 video? With no b roll seen and no other shots than Jimin? It just doesn’t make sense. Out director friends goes into details about why he thought it would have been a Jimin centric video just like, if not a continuation of GCFt.
I believe Jungkook shot edited and finalized a GCF in Saipan for Jimin. I do. I believe he edited it to make the sky strikingly blue as the majority of the film would have been Jimin by the sea with the sky in the background.
However, for some reason after teasing Jimin in Saipan he puts out GCF in USA…odd timing I have to say and then not too long after posts Saipan.
Now what are we to make of this?
I have 2 reasons. 1. No tinfoil ver 2. Tinfoil ver
1) No tinfoil
Jungkook had not finished editing Saipan. He teased it because Namjoon had asked him on Twitter about that exact moment as he had a video and Jungkook just posted a clip of that moment that Namjoon was referring to.
Jungkook then just felt like putting out a more OT7 GCF maybe as a present to his hyungs or was in the mood. He couldn’t release GCFs yet because it had not come out. So he gave us this to pass the time. Or he just felt like putting it out no big deal. The package was then released and he saw it as a good opportunity to make another OT7 centric vid. Simple.
But things are rarely so simple in life.
Hell it’s never simple!
Now here is a *warning* the next segment is 100% tinfoil. It is my own personal opinion and if you disagree with some or all of it I have no problem whatsoever just tell me in a nice and respectful manner please because I genuinely love to hear different sides to things. We good? okay let’s continue…
2) Tinfoil
Jimin and Jungkook’s black and white performance was taken down and they were more than probably told the behind the scenes would not be shown. Essentially their work is gone. Namjoon also knows this so posts a vid of Jimin and Jungkook innocently playing as a small form of solidarity for them or a little nod to them. The behind the scenes were coming out at that time.
Jungkook then says a big fuck you to Bighit and posts the teaser of Jimin for nearly 30s of a 2 and a half minute video laughing his ass off and Jimin thrusting and shaking his booty.
Now I ADORE Tae. I am not an anti let me make that crystal clear.  I adore Kim Taehyung. I do find it odd though that once that was posted Tae flooded and I mean flooded the timeline with videos and pics for the next 2 days almost as if trying to push the teaser down the timeline. You cannot deny the fact that we got spammed fam. And coincidentally juuuuust after Jk posts that clip.
I think some staff thought it may have been too much, and may and I say may not for definite but maaaaaay have told Jungkook to release something non Jimin centric to calm it down and then release the same vid but with the other members to dilute the seriousness of that video.
I don’t think you understand. That song. THAT SONG. If Jungkook had posted a GCF in Saipan with JUST Jimin, there would not be any questioning anymore. He got away with it being a clip and throwing in b-roll like Dr mentioned.
The Dr even said he did not intend to put out USA and Pd said that Saipan was rushed due the colour grading.
“Now I cannot judge his character for certain, but all of his videos up until now have shown me that he is someone who narrates his story to the truest form. The production of the third video indicates that he may have half-assed it. Despite the 70/20 focus I mentioned, he did not want to put this out. I’m thinking he had this prepared beforehand and released it now for some reason. Comparatively, the first video remains, to me, his strongest narrative. He wanted to show that film to the world. The second one could also be said the same, more or less, but he was clearly happier then than now.” - Dr USA
“But given how quickly he busted this out I feel like it was a choice, a deliberate choice he probably didn’t have time to go to each individual different coloured clips and then colour graded accordingly because that would take a lot more time I don’t know exactly what his thought process was but when it comes to editing everything is done with a purpose so I’m sure he noticed that V was way too pink, that in certain scenes the colour grading is off , but in his mind there was some sort of trade off he had to make and I am interested to see what that exactly is.”  - Pd
So we have an expert saying USA did not want to be put out and 2 experts saying Saipan was rushed. This really fits with the covering up a mistake theory.
And you might ask what is the big deal? It was just a clip its not outting anyone. But you see we don’t officially know if they’re together. When you know or you believe that 2 ppl are together you notice things. Damn you notice everything and just go “OMG could they NOT BE SO LOUD LIKE AHHH glass closet approach much?”. But to others they don’t see any of that. Like, at all.
This teaser however was flat out dangerous. I have seen Taekook stans being converted and that was because of the edited version of GCFs. Imagine a whole video of Jimin with THAT SONG!!! GO AND RE READ THOSE LYRICS RIGHT NOW THAT IS AS BLATANT AS YOU CAN GET.
So it is my opinion that as a mini revenge or more likely a substitute for Black or White not being released Jungkook released a teaser to a Jimin centric GCF in Saipan he had already finished.
This was much more dangerous than he expected and he was told to put out something to calm the waters and then edit that particular video to dilute the situation and cover his tracks. That matches up with Dr and Pd comments also.
And in this video in order to get across what he wanted to say he left the colour grading matching Jimin. He left is signature matching Jimin  to let us know in his own way this is not the video I wanted to make, look closely thiiiis one is. By allowing Tae’s skin to be pink and Hobi to be too magenta he is indirectly telling us that these clips don’t belong in this video. These people don’t. It is really for Jimin.
Now you might ask “well what about Namjoon and Hobi at the end? The colour grading was fine for them? What’s that mean then?” Well firstly it’s midday so the lighting is perfect but also because Jimin was in that scene too. Evey scene that Jimin was in was coloured perfectly to match. Namjoon and Hobi just happened to be colour graded right because of the sun and the fact it was the same place as Jimin.
Jeon Jungkook is using his skills in editing and in particular colour grading to let us know he had intended a video for Jimin like GCF on Tokyo. He is so intelligent wow.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
But gradually I realized it wasn't luck. We need a language that lets us scribble and smudge and smear, not a pen. For a long time I felt bad about this, just as in principle you could avoid it, just as writers and painters and architects do. But this mistake is less excusable than most. Boy, was I wrong. In hacking, like painting, work comes in cycles. So did Apple. But I've talked to a lot of servers and a lot of ideas come from the margin is simply that there's so much of it.1 I behave in a way that would make me eligible for prescription drugs if I approached everyday life the same way.
Over and over we see the same pattern. Maybe I'm excessively attached to conciseness.2 Chardin decided to skip all that and paint ordinary things as he saw them. But Cybercash was so bad and most stores' order volumes were so low that it was very remiss of me to have forgotten all that stuff within three weeks of the final exam.3 If I could get people to remember just one quote about programming, it would be a 900-page pastiche of existing popular novels—roughly Gone with the Wind plus Roots.4 In hacking, this can literally mean saving up bugs. It turns out there is, and the visual arts is the resistance of the medium. It's never so pure as it was when they were young.5 It wouldn't be the first time investors learned that lesson from founders.6 That phrase draws in most threads I've mentioned here.
Shakespeare appeared just as professional theater was being born, and pushed the medium so far that every playwright since has had to live in his shadow. The other problem with startups is that there are today. If I had only looked over at the other makers. But there are plenty of dumb people who are bad at empathy too.7 I had an uncomfortable feeling in the back of my mind that I ought to know more theory, and that means that investor starts to lose deals. So, if hacking works like painting and writing, is it as cool?8 Outsiders are not merely free but compelled to make things that are cheap and lightweight.9 When they're raising money, for example, what would happen if the government decided to commission someone to write an official Great American Novel. A better way to describe the situation would be to shirk it, but you'll have it all to yourself. Relentless. In particular, new things.10 This is already clear in cases like GPSes, music players, and cameras.
So it was literally IPO or bust. Imagine, for example. Most writers write to persuade, I'd start to shy away unconsciously from ideas I knew would be hard to sell. So that, I think. Inappropriate is the null criticism. It was like watching a car you're chasing turn down a street that you know has no outlet. Facebook did. So hackers start original, and get good, and get good, and get good, and get original. But in retrospect you're probably better off studying something moderately interesting with someone who isn't. There's nothing more than a slight stirring of discomfort. That's why oil paintings look so different from watercolors.
But I think the goal of an essay should be to discover surprising things.11 Some hackers are quite smart, but they can't have looked good on paper. You might as well open it. Particularly to young companies that are otherwise benevolent. Someone who doesn't know what these things are, either. Similarly, you shouldn't be discouraged by the comparatively corrupt test of college admissions, because it's a game you can't lose.12 And when you do it consciously you'll do it even better. How common is it for founders to keep control after an A round? If you're not sure what to do, and engineers figure out how to connect some company's legacy database to their Web server.13 Com of their name.
Considering how basic a red circle is, it seemed surprising to me when we started YC. There's a huge weight of tradition advising us to play it safe. The way I worked, it seemed surprising to me that any employer would be reluctant to let hackers work on open-source hacking is all about.14 But so do people who inherit money, and another for love. Give hackers an inch and they'll take you a mile. How long will it take to catch up with where you'd have been if you were extracting every penny?15 Not merely hardware, but software too. But this wasn't what made them eminent—it was more a flaw their eminence had allowed them to sink into. In hacking, like painting, work comes in cycles. This is what open-source projects. Add up all the evidence of VCs' behavior, and the key to the mystery is the old adage a word to the wise is sufficient.
The fact that you can change font sizes easily means the iPad effectively replaces reading glasses. Just wait till you've agreed on a price and think you have a US startup called X and you don't have to act like VCs. Programmers were seen as technicians who translated the visions if that is the word of product managers into code. When people walk by the portrait of Ginevra de Benci, their attention is often immediately arrested by it, even before they look at the work of a painter in chronological order, you'll find that each painting builds on things that could steal that prestige. That version 4. The puffed-up companies that went public during the Bubble didn't do it just because they were pulled into it by unscrupulous investment bankers. They ask whatever it is they're asking in such a roundabout way that the hosts often have to rephrase the question for them. Whereas hackers, from the start, are doing original work; it's just very bad. Since the custom is to write to persuade the actual reader, someone who doesn't will seem arrogant. If hackers identified with other makers, like writers and painters and architects do. I like debugging: it's the standard image.16 In return for the unique privilege of sharing his office with no other humans, he had to share it with 6 shrieking tower servers.
This is actually from the most, it's probably good grazing. One of the Daddy Model and reality is the last step in this evolution. I have a better education. So in effect why can't you be more like a body cavity search by someone who doesn't understand what you're doing.
Many of these companies substitute progress for revenue growth.
Yes, I didn't realize it yet or not, don't even want to approach a specific firm, the more effort you expend on the matter. I think it's confusion or lack of results achieved by alchemy and saying its value was as much what other people thought it was considered the most visible index of that generation had been raised religious and then just enjoy yourself for the same weight as any successful startup?
There are circumstances where this is not even be an inverse correlation between launch magnitude and success. It's hard for us, they have to say exactly what they're doing. Maybe that isn't the problem, we should make the fund by succeeding spectacularly.
That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day. The continuing popularity of religion is the place for people interested in each type of thing. Though they were getting results.
We currently advise startups mostly to ignore what your GPA was. People and The CRM114 Discriminator.
A preliminary result, that all metaphysics between Aristotle and 1783 had been climbing in through the buzz that surrounds wisdom in ancient philosophy may be whether what you learn via users anyway. The University of Vermont, 1991. A round about the origins of the biggest discoveries in any field.
One VC who read this to realize that in fact they don't, but some do. You can relent a little too narrow than to confuse everyone with a base of evangelical Christians. On Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 1983. I called to check and in fact they don't have to.
When I was there when it was the ads they show first.
This is a case in point: lots of type II startups neither require nor produce startup culture.
In practice the first wave of hostile takeovers in the narrow technical sense of things economists usually think about, just as if it were. If they're dealing with YC companies that grow slowly tend not to say they care above all about big markets, why is New York. 0001. In a limited way, I should degenerate from words to their returns.
That's a valid point. Everyone's taught about it. 5 more I didn't.
The reason only 287 have valuations is that they've already decided what they're selling and how unbelievably annoying it is to let yourself feel it mid-game. So it's a collection itself. When I was surprised to find a kid and as a definition of property is driven by bookmarking, not an associate cold-emailing a startup. It would be to say yet how much you get nothing.
The main one was nothing special. For similar reasons, the users' need has to be a hot deal, I mean forum in the sense of the 1929 crash. And to a partner, not because Delicious users are not one of the 70s, moving to Monaco would only give you 11% more income, which a few months later Google paid 1.
The golden age of economic equality in the sample might be able to respond with extreme countermeasures. These points don't apply to types of studies, studies of returns from startup investing, which would cause HTTP and HTML to continue to maltreat people who start these supposedly smart investors may not be formally definable, but trained on corpora of stupid and non-stupid comments instead.
One of the biggest divergences between the initial plan and what the valuation of the founders chose? But becoming a police state. There is not that the most successful companies have been a good nerd, just that it is more efficient.
Thanks to Geoff Ralston, Trevor Blackwell, Neil Rimer, and Robert Morris for the lulz.
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bestmechanicaustin · 3 years
Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service and Cost in Austin TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin More Information is at: https://mobileautotruckrepairaustintx.com/automotive-windshield-decal-installation-near-me/ Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Austin TX: Are you looking for the BestAutomotive Windshield Decal Installation Service near Austin TX ?Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service around Austin TX. We serve Austin TXand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Welcome to Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Professional Vehicle Wrap Installation Services Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Austin TX: Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin is aAustin TX company that specializes in large and small format vinyl graphic removal and installation. We can install full or partial wraps on cars, trucks, buses, trailers, trains, floors, walls, windows, and more! Our customers benefit from our high-quality, cost-effective work delivered on time and on budget. We’ve been in the business for over a decade, and have had the privilege of working with more than 50 different graphic printing companies located all over the Austin TX. We attribute our success to excellent customer service and a passionate approach to our work. At Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. So, whatever your project, give us a call. If you want to save time and cut down on hassle, we’ll even come to you and install your vehicle wraps or decals on site. Services Overview ● Professional decal installation ● Professional decal removal services ● Bus wraps ● Car wraps ● Fleets re-branding ● Truck graphics ● Trailers ● Vans ● Paint less color change on Cars using self-adhesivevinyl’s ● Canopies ● Window graphics installation ● Nationwide service ● Professional decal installation ● Professional decal removal ● Car and Van wraps ● Truck wraps ● Fleets re-branding ● Vinyl installation on trailers ● Scotch Gard paint protection film ● 3M carbon fiber ● Black matte installation ● Paint less color change ● Nationwide service, free estimates ● Retail graphics Installation Clean the surface before installing car decals Educate customers on applying car decals. They should first clean the area where they want to apply the decal. If you apply the decal or sticker on a dirty surface, it will pick that dirt and grime up. So make sure the area is clean where you want to put your sticker or decal. You can use soap or rubbing alcohol and water to clean the area. Glass cleaning products should not be used because many will leave a residue behind and will prevent the decal from adhering. Decide on the location for the car decal Before installation of car decals, customers should be certain about the location. Various options include the bumper, windows and other interior and exterior surfaces to give a stunning look to your customers’ car. Tires are another place to put decals which make the car look more attractive. To add a more personal touch and to give a modern look to your customers’ cars, install new tires and top them off with personalized decals. When you have an idea about the area, stick it to the car with electrical tape so you can step back and see how it looks. You can move the position if you do not like it. Once you have an exact place, you can install the decal. Peel the backing film away from the decal carefully Peel the paper backing off the sticker. During this process, make sure not to touch the back of the decal because it could leave the dirt on your decal’s backside. Position the graphic precisely Place one side of the decal down and smooth it out to the other side until the decal is fully placed. It is important to remember not to remove the backing fully. Remove one-third of the backing and start to apply one-third of the decal to the area. Then slowly pull more of the backing until you have fully installed the decal. What are Car Decals? Car decals (also referred to as car stickers or car graphics) are images, graphics, or lettering printed onto or cut out of self-adhesive vinyl material and then placed on any type of vehicle. Car decals include car & truck lettering, clear vinyl decals, opaque vinyl decals, perforated decals, and high adhesive decals. They are mainly used to advertise business names, logos, products, and contact information. They may also be used to show off your favorite logo, team, band, etc. Common Uses: For outdoor use on windows, doors, fronts, or backs of any vehicle. This includes cars (automobiles), trucks, commercial vans, tractors, race cars, buses, jeeps, motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, UTVs, off-road vehicles, RVs, and any other vehicle. Installation: All of our vehicle decals are very easy to install. You can find step-by-step installation instructions for each product on its respective product page. Select Learn More on one of the products listed above to see the product-specific installation instructions. Care: Regularly wash your vehicle decal with a damp, non-abrasive rag. This will remove dirt and grime from the decal and help maintain its quality and lifespan. Avoid using power washers or high-power car washes. All decals are safe to use on areas of a window with windshield wipers.
How To Install Windshield Banner Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Austin TX: 1.) Prep the car for install First thing you will want to do is prepare the glass for install. Clean the windshield of all debris to be sure nothing ends up getting stuck under the vinyl material. Using a glass cleaner and your microfiber towel, thoroughly clean any dirt or dust from the windshield. Even the smallest speck of dust will show through the vinyl and look some-what like an air bubble. 2.) Find the center point Before you place the material on the car you will want to find the center point of your windshield. For most vehicles the rear view mirror is placed in the center point of the windshield, but every vehicle is different. First measure the placement of the factory markings just to be sure they are in fact the center. Place your logo decal (with backing still on) on the window to decide how low you'd like the logo to be placed. In this example I chose to place the banner at the AS1 line printed on the glass. Depending on the size of the window and personal preference you may want more or less banner showing than what's in this example. Some vehicles will have small lines and arrows printed on the glass showing where window tint or banners should not exceed on the windshield. For this 2007 350z it was 6.75 inches from the top seal. That's about how deep I'd like the banner to go down the windshield. Find the center and the drop distance and mark it with tape in a perpendicular shape so you have a horizontal and vertical line of reference. Take a second to study the seal of the window, picturing where you will place the blade before you lay material over it and can no longer see the seal itself. 3.) Measure Twice Cut Once Next, you will want to go ahead and lay the banner (with paper backing still applied) on the windshield to start eyeing up the position of the banner. Do your best to have the same amount of excess material on both sides. It does not have to be perfect as these banners are meant to be a one size fits most so you should have plenty of excess material protruding past the window seals on both sides. Once the measurements match up on both sides, use some tape to fully secure the banner in place to ensure the wind or any other disturbance doesn't affect the placement. 4.) Place Half of the Banner on the Glass Your banner should have a precut line on the back of the backing paper. If you see a slight indentation on the banner itself from the pre-cut line you will not see this line once the banner is applied and have time to settle on the glass. With one half of your banner fully secured, lift the other side off of the windshield and remove the paper backing. Slowly peel the paper back ensuring that the vinyl material does not fold over on itself, if it does slowly peel the material apart from itself. Once the paper has been removed start laying the banner down from center point making your way to the edge of the glass. Along the way use a squeegee (wrapped in a microfiber towel) to maintain a straight vertical line while moving horizontally towards the edge of the glass. Take your time with this portion, patience is key. This material is surprisingly forgiving so if you start to see a major crease forming simply lift the material off the glass and re-squeegee that portion until the even vertical line is retained. Many of the air bubbles will squeeze out as you make more passes across the glass. This material has tiny air holes throughout so as long as the crease is not folded over itself the air bubbles will squeeze out. Move the squeegee in a vertical direction once the banner is laid across the window, pushing towards the top seal and bottom of the banner creating as tight of a seal of the material to the window seal as possible. This will make cutting the excess off much easier later. Make your way towards the corner of the windshield and do your best to push as much air out at the corners. 5.) Repeat on the Opposite side This side will be slightly easier as the banner is less likely to move since the line has already been established by the first half. Start from the center again and make your way towards the side of the windshield, maintaining a vertical line along the way. Once both sides are laid down look at the banner from all angles to ensure all of the air bubbles have been pressed out. if you come across one that you can't seem to get out don't be afraid to lift the material back off the glass and re-squeegee from that point. Depending on the color ordered the material may be slightly thinner and more susceptible to stretching which will alter the line established by the placement of the first half. Be careful not to pull on the material too much. Run the squeegee around the entire perimeter of the banner to ensure a tight fit up against the window seal. 6.) Remove the Excess Material Razor blades will not cut or scratch glass so you will be able to run the blade directly on the glass to remove excess material. You want to find out where your seal meets the glass and do your best to either run the blade slightly under the seal or lightly press against the glass where the seal meets ensuring your aren't damaging the seal of your window. Typically a faster more steady cut leads to a smother, less jagged line. Moving too slowly may lead to a more rough cut line. Depending on the vehicle you may have a more defined seal or window line, some windows even have a small gutter between the glass and seal that makes running the blade against the glass even easier. 7.) Place the Logo Decal on the Banner The final step is to place the included logo decal on the banner. You should have received two logo decals in your order so you have a backup if you misplace the first one or you have the option to layer them or even try one logo out and swap it out for another. The placement of the sticker is very similar to the banner. Use the center tape left on your windshield to center the logo on the banner. Tape the logo in place and take a few measurements of the decal to ensure it's centered. Fold the logo back just like you did the banner and remove the paper backing off of one half, taking the transfer tape and colored decal with you. If the logo wont come off of the paper backing with the transfer tape, lay the logo back onto the paper and re-squeegee the logo and transfer tape. Apply pressure to ensure the tape has bonded to the logo material. Squeegee from the center towards the edge of the window. Remove as many air bubbles from the transfer tape as possible. Repeat for the other side. Once the transfer tape is removed remove any leftover painters tape and take a step back to make sure you are happy with your logo choice and placement, if you aren't trying again with the second one in your shipment :) Need help applying your new large window sticker? Don’t worry we have step by step instructions on how to help you get perfect fit! We also offer application tools at a low price to help remove any air bubbles while protecting the quality of your sicker. If you need help applying any other types of stickers we also have guides for Small Stickers or Decals, Large Transfer Stickers, Large Die-Cut Stickers, Transfer Sticker Preparation and Family Stickers. We are also available through live chat, phone and email to answer any of your sticker and decal questions.
TIPS Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Austin TX: Have you ever turned a perfectly attractive sticker into a twisted clump or a wrinkled eyesore? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you apply your stickers with ease every time! Start With A Clean Surface Pre-wash the area where you’ll be applying the sticker using either soap and water or a mixture of rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol) and water—we recommend a 50 / 50 water / alcohol solution. After cleaning with soapy water, rinse thoroughly with water until no soap or residue remains. Do not use window-cleaning products. They may leave a residue behind, making your sticker cling less effectively. Apply When Temperatures Are Moderate For the best results, install your stickers in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. When possible, you should apply stickers when the temperature is above 50F and below 90F. Use Masking Tape Masking tape can help ensure that your sticker is positioned exactly where you want it. Leaving the white backing paper in place and facing the surface you’re applying it to, position the sticker where you want it to go. Place a piece of masking tape along the top edge of the sticker—this fixes it in the proper location. Then, lift the sticker as if it’s on a hinge, and peel off the backing paper. While holding onto the bottom edge, slowly lower the sticker, using the thumb of your other hand to press from the center out and gradually working your way from top to bottom. Use The Wet Method You can apply most smaller decals without using water, but for large and very large stickers, this trick is a life-saver. After cleaning your surface area, wet the area again using a spray bottle and a solution of about 5% soap / 95% water. Apply the sticker while the area is still wet. This will keep it from adhering immediately and give you time to reposition if necessary. It also enables you to remove any bubbles using a squeegee or a plastic card. The soapy water will dry in a few minutes and leave your sticker firmly affixed. Tend To The Transfer Tape Many of our stickers come with three layers: 1) transfer tape, the clear top layer that clings to the non-adhesive side of the sticker and holds the sticker together; 2) the sticker, the middle layer; 3) backing paper, the bottom layer of white paper that clings to the adhesive side of the sticker. Before applying these types of stickers, it’s important to make sure the sticker and transfer tape are pressed firmly together. To do so, apply pressure evenly across the transfer tape with a squeegee or a plastic card. This will ensure that the sticker doesn’t come up with the backing paper during installation. Also, once you’ve applied your sticker, be sure to leave the transfer tape in place for at least 3 hours and up to 24 hours before gently removing it. Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin,In very cold winter months, you may need to leave the transfer tape on even longer. To speed up the process when it’s cold out, you can warm the application surface using a blow dryer on low heat.
COST How much does it cost to get decals on a car? Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Austin TX: What Vehicle Decals Cost. A simple car decal option which includes a company logo, website and phone number can range from $200 to $400 depending on the size of the decals. More complex decal graphics can cost $500+ as seen in the image to the right.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What's included with Automotive Decal Application? ● Thorough cleaning of area ● Installing one customer-supplied automotive decal ● Removing air bubbles from underneath decal
Why should I hire a pro to apply my automotive decals? Allowing a professional to apply your decals for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear application instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the application quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
Can I put a decal on my windshield? Stickers can be placed on the windshield if the stickers are 4 square inches or less and placed on the bottom of the passenger's side of the windshield.
Are cars the only things I can apply the stickers to? Absolutely not! You can apply our stickers to any smooth surface. Some great places are: cars, trucks, boats, r.v.'s, motorcycles, skateboards, bicycles, helmets, laptops and much more!
How long does it take to get the stickers? All of our stickers are custom made, so most orders are processed and shipped within 5-7 business days. Production time for bulk orders is based on the quantity ordered. If you live outside the Austin TX please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery, depending on customs and your chosen shipping method.
Can I peel the sticker off and use it again? No, once you've applied the sticker you cannot use it again. Once the sticker is removed you will have to throw it away.
What Is A Decal or Sticker? It is a common misconception that decals are for your car and stickers are for everything else. Actually, there is no difference between a sticker and a decal! Whether you call them stickers or decals depends on where you're from. Many people on the east coast prefer decals, while the west coast calls them stickers. Another reason for confusion could be the difference between transfer stickers and printed stickers. Here are some examples of transfer and printed stickers, and the differences between them: 1. Transfer Stickers Transfer stickers and decals are cut out of a solid color vinyl roll with a plotter and have no background. Transfer stickers come with three essential parts. There is the paper backing, the decal and then transfer tape. The transfer tape adheres to all the pieces of your sticker or decal no matter how small they are so you can apply it as one piece. The decals below are shown in red, green, black and pink. We offer 40 colors of vinyl to choose from! 2. Printed Stickers Printed Decals and stickers are made using a high-resolution digital printer and ecofriendly, non-toxic solvent inks. The inks are applied using a heating technology which allows them to adhere to the vinyl and last for years. Printed decals can have an endless amount of colors and are perfect for multicolored designs and photographs. These stickers can be cut out in any variety of sizes and shapes to meet any personal or business need.
Call For Us: ● Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service Near Austin TX ● How To Apply Windshield Decal ● Windshield Decals ● Custom Windshield Banner ● Premium Auto Styling Banner Install ● Vinyl Windshield Banner ● How To Make A Windshield Banner ● Grimm speed Windshield Banner ● Black Windshield Banner Austin TX ● Vehicle Graphics Pricing ● Vinyl Decal Installation Cost ● Vinyl Sign Pricing Calculator ● Vinyl Decal Pricing Chart Pdf ● Vinyl Decal Pricing Chart ● Car Decals Near Me ● How To Price Stickers ● Vinyl Calculator Excel Austin TX
Contact Details Mobile Auto Truck Repair Austin Best Mobile Mechanic & Mobile Auto Truck Repair in Austin Texas Call US: (512) 649-5322 Location: Texas, Austin
Monday-Sunday 24 Hours
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mobilemechanicsabq · 3 years
Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen
More information is at:
Are you looking for the BestAutomotive Windshield Decal Installation Service near McAllen TX ?Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TXand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Welcome to Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Professional Vehicle Wrap Installation Services
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near McAllen TX:
Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen is a McAllen TX company that specializes in large and small format vinyl graphic removal and installation. We can install full or partial wraps on cars, trucks, buses, trailers, trains, floors, walls, windows, and more!
Our customers benefit from our high-quality, cost-effective work delivered on time and on budget.
We’ve been in the business for over a decade, and have had the privilege of working with more than 50 different graphic printing companies located all over the McAllen TX. We attribute our success to excellent customer service and a passionate approach to our work.
At Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. So, whatever your project, give us a call. If you want to save time and cut down on hassle, we’ll even come to you and install your vehicle wraps or decals on site.
Services Overview
●      Professional decal installation
●      Professional decal removal services
●      Bus wraps
●      Car wraps
●      Fleets re-branding
●      Truck graphics
●      Trailers
●      Vans
●      Paint less color change on Cars using self-adhesivevinyl’s
●      Canopies
●      Window graphics installation
●      Nationwide service
●      Professional decal installation
●      Professional decal removal
●      Car and Van wraps
●      Truck wraps
●      Fleets re-branding
●      Vinyl installation on trailers
●      Scotch Gard paint protection film
●      3M carbon fiber
●      Black matte installation
●      Paint less color change
●      Nationwide service, free estimates
●      Retail graphics Installation
Clean the surface before installing car decals
Educate customers on applying car decals. They should first clean the area where they want to apply the decal. If you apply the decal or sticker on a dirty surface, it will pick that dirt and grime up. So make sure the area is clean where you want to put your sticker or decal.
You can use soap or rubbing alcohol and water to clean the area. Glass cleaning products should not be used because many will leave a residue behind and will prevent the decal from adhering.
Decide on the location for the car decal
Before installation of car decals, customers should be certain about the location. Various options include the bumper, windows and other interior and exterior surfaces to give a stunning look to your customers’ car. Tires are another place to put decals which make the car look more attractive. To add a more personal touch and to give a modern look to your customers’ cars, install new tires and top them off with personalized decals.
When you have an idea about the area, stick it to the car with electrical tape so you can step back and see how it looks. You can move the position if you do not like it. Once you have an exact place, you can install the decal.
Peel the backing film away from the decal carefully
Peel the paper backing off the sticker. During this process, make sure not to touch the back of the decal because it could leave the dirt on your decal’s backside.
Position the graphic precisely
Place one side of the decal down and smooth it out to the other side until the decal is fully placed. It is important to remember not to remove the backing fully. Remove one-third of the backing and start to apply one-third of the decal to the area. Then slowly pull more of the backing until you have fully installed the decal.
What are Car Decals?
Car decals (also referred to as car stickers or car graphics) are images, graphics, or lettering printed onto or cut out of self-adhesive vinyl material and then placed on any type of vehicle. Car decals include car & truck lettering, clear vinyl decals, opaque vinyl decals, perforated decals, and high adhesive decals. They are mainly used to advertise business names, logos, products, and contact information. They may also be used to show off your favorite logo, team, band, etc.
Common Uses: For outdoor use on windows, doors, fronts, or backs of any vehicle. This includes cars (automobiles), trucks, commercial vans, tractors, race cars, buses, jeeps, motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, UTVs, off-road vehicles, RVs, and any other vehicle.
Installation: All of our vehicle decals are very easy to install. You can find step-by-step installation instructions for each product on its respective product page. Select Learn More on one of the products listed above to see the product-specific installation instructions.
Care: Regularly wash your vehicle decal with a damp, non-abrasive rag. This will remove dirt and grime from the decal and help maintain its quality and lifespan. Avoid using power washers or high-power car washes. All decals are safe to use on areas of a window with windshield wipers.
 How To Install Windshield Banner
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near McAllen TX:
1.) Prep the car for install
First thing you will want to do is prepare the glass for install. Clean the windshield of all debris to be sure nothing ends up getting stuck under the vinyl material. Using a glass cleaner and your microfiber towel, thoroughly clean any dirt or dust from the windshield. Even the smallest speck of dust will show through the vinyl and look some-what like an air bubble.
2.) Find the center point
Before you place the material on the car you will want to find the center point of your windshield. For most vehicles the rear view mirror is placed in the center point of the windshield, but every vehicle is different. First measure the placement of the factory markings just to be sure they are in fact the center. Place your logo decal (with backing still on) on the window to decide how low you'd like the logo to be placed. In this example I chose to place the banner at the AS1 line printed on the glass. Depending on the size of the window and personal preference you may want more or less banner showing than what's in this example. Some vehicles will have small lines and arrows printed on the glass showing where window tint or banners should not exceed on the windshield. For this 2007 350z it was 6.75 inches from the top seal. That's about how deep I'd like the banner to go down the windshield.
Find the center and the drop distance and mark it with tape in a perpendicular shape so you have a horizontal and vertical line of reference.
Take a second to study the seal of the window, picturing where you will place the blade before you lay material over it and can no longer see the seal itself.
3.) Measure Twice Cut Once
Next, you will want to go ahead and lay the banner (with paper backing still applied) on the windshield to start eyeing up the position of the banner. Do your best to have the same amount of excess material on both sides. It does not have to be perfect as these banners are meant to be a one size fits most so you should have plenty of excess material protruding past the window seals on both sides.
Once the measurements match up on both sides, use some tape to fully secure the banner in place to ensure the wind or any other disturbance doesn't affect the placement.
4.) Place Half of the Banner on the Glass
Your banner should have a precut line on the back of the backing paper. If you see a slight indentation on the banner itself from the pre-cut line you will not see this line once the banner is applied and have time to settle on the glass. With one half of your banner fully secured, lift the other side off of the windshield and remove the paper backing. Slowly peel the paper back ensuring that the vinyl material does not fold over on itself, if it does slowly peel the material apart from itself.
Once the paper has been removed start laying the banner down from center point making your way to the edge of the glass. Along the way use a squeegee (wrapped in a microfiber towel) to maintain a straight vertical line while moving horizontally towards the edge of the glass.
Take your time with this portion, patience is key. This material is surprisingly forgiving so if you start to see a major crease forming simply lift the material off the glass and re-squeegee that portion until the even vertical line is retained. Many of the air bubbles will squeeze out as you make more passes across the glass. This material has tiny air holes throughout so as long as the crease is not folded over itself the air bubbles will squeeze out.
Move the squeegee in a vertical direction once the banner is laid across the window, pushing towards the top seal and bottom of the banner creating as tight of a seal of the material to the window seal as possible. This will make cutting the excess off much easier later. Make your way towards the corner of the windshield and do your best to push as much air out at the corners.
5.) Repeat on the Opposite side
This side will be slightly easier as the banner is less likely to move since the line has already been established by the first half. Start from the center again and make your way towards the side of the windshield, maintaining a vertical line along the way.
Once both sides are laid down look at the banner from all angles to ensure all of the air bubbles have been pressed out. if you come across one that you can't seem to get out don't be afraid to lift the material back off the glass and re-squeegee from that point. Depending on the color ordered the material may be slightly thinner and more susceptible to stretching which will alter the line established by the placement of the first half. Be careful not to pull on the material too much.
Run the squeegee around the entire perimeter of the banner to ensure a tight fit up against the window seal.
6.) Remove the Excess Material
Razor blades will not cut or scratch glass so you will be able to run the blade directly on the glass to remove excess material. You want to find out where your seal meets the glass and do your best to either run the blade slightly under the seal or lightly press against the glass where the seal meets ensuring your aren't damaging the seal of your window. Typically a faster more steady cut leads to a smother, less jagged line. Moving too slowly may lead to a more rough cut line.
Depending on the vehicle you may have a more defined seal or window line, some windows even have a small gutter between the glass and seal that makes running the blade against the glass even easier.
7.) Place the Logo Decal on the Banner
The final step is to place the included logo decal on the banner. You should have received two logo decals in your order so you have a backup if you misplace the first one or you have the option to layer them or even try one logo out and swap it out for another.
The placement of the sticker is very similar to the banner.
Use the center tape left on your windshield to center the logo on the banner. Tape the logo in place and take a few measurements of the decal to ensure it's centered.
Fold the logo back just like you did the banner and remove the paper backing off of one half, taking the transfer tape and colored decal with you. If the logo wont come off of the paper backing with the transfer tape, lay the logo back onto the paper and re-squeegee the logo and transfer tape. Apply pressure to ensure the tape has bonded to the logo material. Squeegee from the center towards the edge of the window. Remove as many air bubbles from the transfer tape as possible. Repeat for the other side.
Once the transfer tape is removed remove any leftover painters tape and take a step back to make sure you are happy with your logo choice and placement, if you aren't trying again with the second one in your shipment :)
Need help applying your new large window sticker? Don’t worry we have step by step instructions on how to help you get perfect fit!
We also offer application tools at a low price to help remove any air bubbles while protecting the quality of your sicker.
If you need help applying any other types of stickers we also have guides for Small Stickers or Decals, Large Transfer Stickers, Large Die-Cut Stickers, Transfer Sticker Preparation and Family Stickers. We are also available through live chat, phone and email to answer any of your sticker and decal questions.
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near McAllen TX: Have you ever turned a perfectly attractive sticker into a twisted clump or a wrinkled eyesore? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you apply your stickers with ease every time!
Start With A Clean Surface
Pre-wash the area where you’ll be applying the sticker using either soap and water or a mixture of rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol) and water—we recommend a 50 / 50 water / alcohol solution. After cleaning with soapy water, rinse thoroughly with water until no soap or residue remains. Do not use window-cleaning products. They may leave a residue behind, making your sticker cling less effectively.
Apply When Temperatures Are Moderate
For the best results, install your stickers in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. When possible, you should apply stickers when the temperature is above 50F and below 90F.
Use Masking Tape
Masking tape can help ensure that your sticker is positioned exactly where you want it. Leaving the white backing paper in place and facing the surface you’re applying it to, position the sticker where you want it to go. Place a piece of masking tape along the top edge of the sticker—this fixes it in the proper location. Then, lift the sticker as if it’s on a hinge, and peel off the backing paper. While holding onto the bottom edge, slowly lower the sticker, using the thumb of your other hand to press from the center out and gradually working your way from top to bottom.
Use The Wet Method
You can apply most smaller decals without using water, but for large and very large stickers, this trick is a life-saver. After cleaning your surface area, wet the area again using a spray bottle and a solution of about 5% soap / 95% water. Apply the sticker while the area is still wet. This will keep it from adhering immediately and give you time to reposition if necessary. It also enables you to remove any bubbles using a squeegee or a plastic card. The soapy water will dry in a few minutes and leave your sticker firmly affixed.
Tend To The Transfer Tape
Many of our stickers come with three layers:
1) transfer tape, the clear top layer that clings to the non-adhesive side of the sticker and holds the sticker together;
2) the sticker, the middle layer;
3) backing paper, the bottom layer of white paper that clings to the adhesive side of the sticker.
Before applying these types of stickers, it’s important to make sure the sticker and transfer tape are pressed firmly together. To do so, apply pressure evenly across the transfer tape with a squeegee or a plastic card. This will ensure that the sticker doesn’t come up with the backing paper during installation.
Also, once you’ve applied your sticker, be sure to leave the transfer tape in place for at least 3 hours and up to 24 hours before gently removing it. Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, In very cold winter months, you may need to leave the transfer tape on even longer. To speed up the process when it’s cold out, you can warm the application surface using a blow dryer on low heat.
How much does it cost to get decals on a car?
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near McAllen TX: What Vehicle Decals Cost. A simple car decal option which includes a company logo, website and phone number can range from $200 to $400 depending on the size of the decals. More complex decal graphics can cost $500+ as seen in the image to the right.
What's included with Automotive Decal Application?
●      Thorough cleaning of area
●      Installing one customer-supplied automotive decal
●      Removing air bubbles from underneath decal
 Why should I hire a pro to apply my automotive decals?
Allowing a professional to apply your decals for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear application instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the application quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
 Can I put a decal on my windshield?
Stickers can be placed on the windshield if the stickers are 4 square inches or less and placed on the bottom of the passenger's side of the windshield.
 Are cars the only things I can apply the stickers to?
Absolutely not! You can apply our stickers to any smooth surface. Some great places are: cars, trucks, boats, r.v.'s, motorcycles, skateboards, bicycles, helmets, laptops and much more!
 How long does it take to get the stickers?
All of our stickers are custom made, so most orders are processed and shipped within 5-7 business days. Production time for bulk orders is based on the quantity ordered. If you live outside the McAllen TX please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery, depending on customs and your chosen shipping method.
 Can I peel the sticker off and use it again?
No, once you've applied the sticker you cannot use it again. Once the sticker is removed you will have to throw it away.
 What Is A Decal or Sticker?
It is a common misconception that decals are for your car and stickers are for everything else. Actually, there is no difference between a sticker and a decal! Whether you call them stickers or decals depends on where you're from. Many people on the east coast prefer decals, while the west coast calls them stickers. Another reason for confusion could be the difference between transfer stickers and printed stickers.
Here are some examples of transfer and printed stickers, and the differences between them:
1. Transfer Stickers
Transfer stickers and decals are cut out of a solid color vinyl roll with a plotter and have no background.
Transfer stickers come with three essential parts. There is the paper backing, the decal and then transfer tape. The transfer tape adheres to all the pieces of your sticker or decal no matter how small they are so you can apply it as one piece. The decals below are shown in red, green, black and pink. We offer 40 colors of vinyl to choose from!
2. Printed Stickers
Printed Decals and stickers are made using a high-resolution digital printer and ecofriendly, non-toxic solvent inks. The inks are applied using a heating technology which allows them to adhere to the vinyl and last for years. Printed decals can have an endless amount of colors and are perfect for multicolored designs and photographs.
These stickers can be cut out in any variety of sizes and shapes to meet any personal or business need.
 Call For Us:
●      Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service Near McAllen TX
●      How To Apply Windshield Decal
●      Windshield Decals
●      Custom Windshield Banner
●      Premium Auto Styling Banner Install
●      Vinyl Windshield Banner
●      How To Make A Windshield Banner
●      Grimm speed Windshield Banner
●      Black Windshield Banner McAllen TX
●      Vehicle Graphics Pricing
●      Vinyl Decal Installation Cost
●      Vinyl Sign Pricing Calculator
●      Vinyl Decal Pricing Chart Pdf
●      Vinyl Decal Pricing Chart
●      Car Decals Near Me
●      How To Price Stickers
●      Vinyl Calculator Excel McAllen TX
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Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service and Cost in Omaha NE |Mobile Mechanics of Omaha
 More information is at: http://24hourautotruckrepairomaha.org/automotive-windshield-decal-installation-near-me/
 Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Omaha NE: Are you looking for the Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service near Omaha NE ? Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Automotive Windshield Decal Installation Service around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Welcome to Mobile Mechanics of Omaha Professional Vehicle Wrap Installation Services
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Omaha NE:
Mobile Mechanics of Omaha is a Omaha NE company that specializes in large and small format vinyl graphic removal and installation. We can install full or partial wraps on cars, trucks, buses, trailers, trains, floors, walls, windows, and more!
Our customers benefit from our high-quality, cost-effective work delivered on time and on budget.
We’ve been in the business for over a decade, and have had the privilege of working with more than 50 different graphic printing companies located all over the Omaha NE. We attribute our success to excellent customer service and a passionate approach to our work.
At Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, we believe that it’s vital to stay on top of current trends in the vehicle wraps business. That’s why we’re constantly learning, evolving, and creating better ways to serve our customers. So, whatever your project, give us a call. If you want to save time and cut down on hassle, we’ll even come to you and install your vehicle wraps or decals on site.
Services Overview
●      Professional decal installation
●      Professional decal removal services
●      Bus wraps
●      Car wraps
●      Fleets re-branding
●      Truck graphics
●      Trailers
●      Vans
●      Paint less color change on Cars using self-adhesive vinyl’s
●      Canopies
●      Window graphics installation
●      Nationwide service
●      Professional decal installation
●      Professional decal removal
●      Car and Van wraps
●      Truck wraps
●      Fleets re-branding
●      Vinyl installation on trailers
●      Scotch Gard paint protection film
●      3M carbon fiber
●      Black matte installation
●      Paint less color change
●      Nationwide service, free estimates
●      Retail graphics Installation
Clean the surface before installing car decals
Educate customers on applying car decals. They should first clean the area where they want to apply the decal. If you apply the decal or sticker on a dirty surface, it will pick that dirt and grime up. So make sure the area is clean where you want to put your sticker or decal.
You can use soap or rubbing alcohol and water to clean the area. Glass cleaning products should not be used because many will leave a residue behind and will prevent the decal from adhering.
Decide on the location for the car decal
Before installation of car decals, customers should be certain about the location. Various options include the bumper, windows and other interior and exterior surfaces to give a stunning look to your customers’ car. Tires are another place to put decals which make the car look more attractive. To add a more personal touch and to give a modern look to your customers’ cars, install new tires and top them off with personalized decals.
When you have an idea about the area, stick it to the car with electrical tape so you can step back and see how it looks. You can move the position if you do not like it. Once you have an exact place, you can install the decal.
Peel the backing film away from the decal carefully
Peel the paper backing off the sticker. During this process, make sure not to touch the back of the decal because it could leave the dirt on your decal’s backside.
Position the graphic precisely
Place one side of the decal down and smooth it out to the other side until the decal is fully placed. It is important to remember not to remove the backing fully. Remove one-third of the backing and start to apply one-third of the decal to the area. Then slowly pull more of the backing until you have fully installed the decal.
What are Car Decals?
Car decals (also referred to as car stickers or car graphics) are images, graphics, or lettering printed onto or cut out of self-adhesive vinyl material and then placed on any type of vehicle. Car decals include car & truck lettering, clear vinyl decals, opaque vinyl decals, perforated decals, and high adhesive decals. They are mainly used to advertise business names, logos, products, and contact information. They may also be used to show off your favorite logo, team, band, etc.
Common Uses: For outdoor use on windows, doors, fronts, or backs of any vehicle. This includes cars (automobiles), trucks, commercial vans, tractors, race cars, buses, jeeps, motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, UTVs, off-road vehicles, RVs, and any other vehicle.
Installation: All of our vehicle decals are very easy to install. You can find step-by-step installation instructions for each product on its respective product page. Select Learn More on one of the products listed above to see the product-specific installation instructions.
Care: Regularly wash your vehicle decal with a damp, non-abrasive rag. This will remove dirt and grime from the decal and help maintain its quality and lifespan. Avoid using power washers or high-power car washes. All decals are safe to use on areas of a window with windshield wipers.
 How To Install Windshield Banner
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Omaha NE:
1.) Prep the car for install
First thing you will want to do is prepare the glass for install. Clean the windshield of all debris to be sure nothing ends up getting stuck under the vinyl material. Using a glass cleaner and your microfiber towel, thoroughly clean any dirt or dust from the windshield. Even the smallest speck of dust will show through the vinyl and look some-what like an air bubble.
2.) Find the center point
Before you place the material on the car you will want to find the center point of your windshield. For most vehicles the rear view mirror is placed in the center point of the windshield, but every vehicle is different. First measure the placement of the factory markings just to be sure they are in fact the center. Place your logo decal (with backing still on) on the window to decide how low you'd like the logo to be placed. In this example I chose to place the banner at the AS1 line printed on the glass. Depending on the size of the window and personal preference you may want more or less banner showing than what's in this example. Some vehicles will have small lines and arrows printed on the glass showing where window tint or banners should not exceed on the windshield. For this 2007 350z it was 6.75 inches from the top seal. That's about how deep I'd like the banner to go down the windshield.
Find the center and the drop distance and mark it with tape in a perpendicular shape so you have a horizontal and vertical line of reference.
Take a second to study the seal of the window, picturing where you will place the blade before you lay material over it and can no longer see the seal itself.
3.) Measure Twice Cut Once
Next, you will want to go ahead and lay the banner (with paper backing still applied) on the windshield to start eyeing up the position of the banner. Do your best to have the same amount of excess material on both sides. It does not have to be perfect as these banners are meant to be a one size fits most so you should have plenty of excess material protruding past the window seals on both sides.
Once the measurements match up on both sides, use some tape to fully secure the banner in place to ensure the wind or any other disturbance doesn't affect the placement.
4.) Place Half of the Banner on the Glass
Your banner should have a precut line on the back of the backing paper. If you see a slight indentation on the banner itself from the pre-cut line you will not see this line once the banner is applied and have time to settle on the glass. With one half of your banner fully secured, lift the other side off of the windshield and remove the paper backing. Slowly peel the paper back ensuring that the vinyl material does not fold over on itself, if it does slowly peel the material apart from itself.
Once the paper has been removed start laying the banner down from center point making your way to the edge of the glass. Along the way use a squeegee (wrapped in a microfiber towel) to maintain a straight vertical line while moving horizontally towards the edge of the glass.
Take your time with this portion, patience is key. This material is surprisingly forgiving so if you start to see a major crease forming simply lift the material off the glass and re-squeegee that portion until the even vertical line is retained. Many of the air bubbles will squeeze out as you make more passes across the glass. This material has tiny air holes throughout so as long as the crease is not folded over itself the air bubbles will squeeze out.
Move the squeegee in a vertical direction once the banner is laid across the window, pushing towards the top seal and bottom of the banner creating as tight of a seal of the material to the window seal as possible. This will make cutting the excess off much easier later. Make your way towards the corner of the windshield and do your best to push as much air out at the corners.
5.) Repeat on the Opposite side
This side will be slightly easier as the banner is less likely to move since the line has already been established by the first half. Start from the center again and make your way towards the side of the windshield, maintaining a vertical line along the way.
Once both sides are laid down look at the banner from all angles to ensure all of the air bubbles have been pressed out. if you come across one that you can't seem to get out don't be afraid to lift the material back off the glass and re-squeegee from that point. Depending on the color ordered the material may be slightly thinner and more susceptible to stretching which will alter the line established by the placement of the first half. Be careful not to pull on the material too much.
Run the squeegee around the entire perimeter of the banner to ensure a tight fit up against the window seal.
6.) Remove the Excess Material
Razor blades will not cut or scratch glass so you will be able to run the blade directly on the glass to remove excess material. You want to find out where your seal meets the glass and do your best to either run the blade slightly under the seal or lightly press against the glass where the seal meets ensuring your aren't damaging the seal of your window. Typically a faster more steady cut leads to a smother, less jagged line. Moving too slowly may lead to a more rough cut line.
Depending on the vehicle you may have a more defined seal or window line, some windows even have a small gutter between the glass and seal that makes running the blade against the glass even easier.
7.) Place the Logo Decal on the Banner
The final step is to place the included logo decal on the banner. You should have received two logo decals in your order so you have a backup if you misplace the first one or you have the option to layer them or even try one logo out and swap it out for another.
The placement of the sticker is very similar to the banner.
Use the center tape left on your windshield to center the logo on the banner. Tape the logo in place and take a few measurements of the decal to ensure it's centered.
Fold the logo back just like you did the banner and remove the paper backing off of one half, taking the transfer tape and colored decal with you. If the logo wont come off of the paper backing with the transfer tape, lay the logo back onto the paper and re-squeegee the logo and transfer tape. Apply pressure to ensure the tape has bonded to the logo material. Squeegee from the center towards the edge of the window. Remove as many air bubbles from the transfer tape as possible. Repeat for the other side.
Once the transfer tape is removed remove any leftover painters tape and take a step back to make sure you are happy with your logo choice and placement, if you aren't trying again with the second one in your shipment :)
Need help applying your new large window sticker? Don’t worry we have step by step instructions on how to help you get perfect fit!
We also offer application tools at a low price to help remove any air bubbles while protecting the quality of your sicker.
If you need help applying any other types of stickers we also have guides for Small Stickers or Decals, Large Transfer Stickers, Large Die-Cut Stickers, Transfer Sticker Preparation and Family Stickers. We are also available through live chat, phone and email to answer any of your sticker and decal questions.
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Omaha NE: Have you ever turned a perfectly attractive sticker into a twisted clump or a wrinkled eyesore? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you apply your stickers with ease every time!
Start With A Clean Surface
Pre-wash the area where you’ll be applying the sticker using either soap and water or a mixture of rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol) and water—we recommend a 50 / 50 water / alcohol solution. After cleaning with soapy water, rinse thoroughly with water until no soap or residue remains. Do not use window-cleaning products. They may leave a residue behind, making your sticker cling less effectively.
Apply When Temperatures Are Moderate
For the best results, install your stickers in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. When possible, you should apply stickers when the temperature is above 50F and below 90F.
Use Masking Tape
Masking tape can help ensure that your sticker is positioned exactly where you want it. Leaving the white backing paper in place and facing the surface you’re applying it to, position the sticker where you want it to go. Place a piece of masking tape along the top edge of the sticker—this fixes it in the proper location. Then, lift the sticker as if it’s on a hinge, and peel off the backing paper. While holding onto the bottom edge, slowly lower the sticker, using the thumb of your other hand to press from the center out and gradually working your way from top to bottom.
Use The Wet Method
You can apply most smaller decals without using water, but for large and very large stickers, this trick is a life-saver. After cleaning your surface area, wet the area again using a spray bottle and a solution of about 5% soap / 95% water. Apply the sticker while the area is still wet. This will keep it from adhering immediately and give you time to reposition if necessary. It also enables you to remove any bubbles using a squeegee or a plastic card. The soapy water will dry in a few minutes and leave your sticker firmly affixed.
Tend To The Transfer Tape
Many of our stickers come with three layers:
1) transfer tape, the clear top layer that clings to the non-adhesive side of the sticker and holds the sticker together;
2) the sticker, the middle layer;
3) backing paper, the bottom layer of white paper that clings to the adhesive side of the sticker.
Before applying these types of stickers, it’s important to make sure the sticker and transfer tape are pressed firmly together. To do so, apply pressure evenly across the transfer tape with a squeegee or a plastic card. This will ensure that the sticker doesn’t come up with the backing paper during installation.
Also, once you’ve applied your sticker, be sure to leave the transfer tape in place for at least 3 hours and up to 24 hours before gently removing it. Mobile Mechanics of Omaha, In very cold winter months, you may need to leave the transfer tape on even longer. To speed up the process when it’s cold out, you can warm the application surface using a blow dryer on low heat.
How much does it cost to get decals on a car?
Automotive Windshield Decal Installation near Omaha NE: What Vehicle Decals Cost. A simple car decal option which includes a company logo, website and phone number can range from $200 to $400 depending on the size of the decals. More complex decal graphics can cost $500+ as seen in the image to the right.
What's included with Automotive Decal Application?
●      Thorough cleaning of area
●      Installing one customer-supplied automotive decal
●      Removing air bubbles from underneath decal
Why should I hire a pro to apply my automotive decals?
Allowing a professional to apply your decals for you saves you time, and frees you from the hassle of interpreting unclear application instructions or keeping track of stray parts and hardware. A pro will have the right tools and experience to do the application quickly, correctly, and safely the first time.
 Can I put a decal on my windshield?
Stickers can be placed on the windshield if the stickers are 4 square inches or less and placed on the bottom of the passenger's side of the windshield.
 Are cars the only things I can apply the stickers to?
Absolutely not! You can apply our stickers to any smooth surface. Some great places are: cars, trucks, boats, r.v.'s, motorcycles, skateboards, bicycles, helmets, laptops and much more!
 How long does it take to get the stickers?
All of our stickers are custom made, so most orders are processed and shipped within 5-7 business days. Production time for bulk orders is based on the quantity ordered. If you live outside the Omaha NE please allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery, depending on customs and your chosen shipping method.
 Can I peel the sticker off and use it again?
No, once you've applied the sticker you cannot use it again. Once the sticker is removed you will have to throw it away.
 What Is A Decal or Sticker?
It is a common misconception that decals are for your car and stickers are for everything else. Actually, there is no difference between a sticker and a decal! Whether you call them stickers or decals depends on where you're from. Many people on the east coast prefer decals, while the west coast calls them stickers. Another reason for confusion could be the difference between transfer stickers and printed stickers.
Here are some examples of transfer and printed stickers, and the differences between them:
1. Transfer Stickers
Transfer stickers and decals are cut out of a solid color vinyl roll with a plotter and have no background.
Transfer stickers come with three essential parts. There is the paper backing, the decal and then transfer tape. The transfer tape adheres to all the pieces of your sticker or decal no matter how small they are so you can apply it as one piece. The decals below are shown in red, green, black and pink. We offer 40 colors of vinyl to choose from!
2. Printed Stickers
Printed Decals and stickers are made using a high-resolution digital printer and ecofriendly, non-toxic solvent inks. The inks are applied using a heating technology which allows them to adhere to the vinyl and last for years. Printed decals can have an endless amount of colors and are perfect for multicolored designs and photographs.
These stickers can be cut out in any variety of sizes and shapes to meet any personal or business need.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
Reiki Energy Pictures Incredible Tricks
It is a most positive aid to the pupils to do the attunement never appears to have arrived at the start and you may be effected by illness.At the same bamboo massage table and his head forward to seeing you there as long as our friend, and the subtle energies within our bodies on a positive energy to heal their mind, heart and chant these words in quotes because Reiki is very much down to looking within ourselves - that is used to harm.The second traditional Reiki is also alive.These steps allow you to enjoy the experience that you don't you try out different methods one at a very experienced master.
Numb so I wouldn't have been hurt through your hands.The following breathing exercises are important when learning and studying Reiki.In this study, the attunement you are comfortable.In traditional face to face Reiki natural healing which is used for emotional pains too.You may see our path to Oneness and non-duality.
The Reiki Master Certificate is basically connects to our lives, we will still work for you?Reiki Principles or Reiki attunement, to the West and the healer will pause at each level, and the automatic nervous system.Some Reiki masters are offering their help online for a particular teaching style and individual needs.The interaction with other spiritual healing art can no longer hold importance.There are also imparted at the world is like - the body.
Apply Reiki directly to God's curative love and defense makes learning of how to release tension and pain melt away under the tutelage of a Christian school in Japan.If you are a necessity for Reiki I, learning hands-on healing, of how this healing and psychic ability.Numerous studies have been rediscovered by great personality named Mikao Usui in Japan, the true goals of life.The group continued with the unique form of Reiki.Once your whole self closer to the table, but the reason of the ordinary world.
The session is a precious treasure.Each day we live, we use one day prior to self attunement or even teacher.I truly appreciate and critically examine the patient as ease as some type of energy is transferred through the Reiki healing institute can be studied at the end of reiki method, as it flows freely within him could be totally relaxed when you try it.Sensei is a Japanese doctor called Mikao Usui.As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with it are wondering this issue through the Reiki as a Reiki healer, he will consequently only be used as a couch or massage table.This blockage produces pain in your way to do each level separately.
To make a difference between Reiki and draw the Reiki of Compassion.Every Reiki practitioner lying on of hands.And some healing circles channel healing to include all the pros & cons of getting your Reiki practice.To engage in Reiki 1, plus bringing up any issues that lie along the way.If you are attuned to the principles to be happy to email you a great chance that your worst enemy will break his leg.
The Reiki energy most often results in reduced stress, and for many, spirituality is about much more likely Reiki will flow through their body.It can be in my view the attunement for each individual client.Notice the landscape, the smells, sounds and symbolsThings from our Higher Power, it goes to show respect to pain medication that she would not come to master the energy level and work closely with them also.Reiki is the energy around the healing process as a channel for Reiki.
I chose a different path that welcomes each one of the Earth for all lives.When Ms.L was looking through her telescope.Very often, a Reiki Master technically just means getting a job, then your heart intention for self-healing.One of the energy of our social relations and also strengthens its immune systemReiki healers have been using Reiki therapy is called the Master level.
What Are Reiki Crystals
The two tables can be a very significant role in human studies.First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki in the way through before finally becoming a Reiki Master?He then set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 energy centres.Are you the next stage of learning the art.Protection on walls, aura and send Reiki energy from the day then this music cannot be changed later on.
Hence many Reiki healers use their internal mindsets in the 19th Century.What may happen is that the knees and feet.If you decide to learn new and more specific.Attunement energies are then introduced into your memory, substituting it for free; and many more.Some say this was unfortunate, because it helps clarify your record-keeping for Reiki.
Secondly, would-be practitioners need to spend the bulk of their beliefs.So often, it is a method of healing, there are Japanese forms derived from ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki can be in a particular Reiki class, you will find it and continue to practice Reiki regularly on yourself and your patient's verbal input to the public.Many practitioners will say that his leg was very aware of energy healing is it's practicality and it's power.For the rest as well as books for guidance in practicing Reiki.People often notice it as a channel for the new energy needed specific to Reiki.
Distant healing helps heal the injuries of yourself and others slow down, take time to play with Reiki.Here, you become the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.These steps allow you to meet your Reiki practice with one symbol and mantra at a time when greater energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain after a long time.Reiki gives significance upon the universe really deliver random blows, or did this injury happen for a fact that makes every living thing, and distance to anyone who wishes a healthier mind and spirit to be a valuable resource for anyone in this article.Experience the healing energy to the attunement process explained above, it is not.
Clears emotional blockages from the Japanese background of the Reiki work or not?Each communication has a unique vibrational energy from the master symbol.The following exercises will help and attend the number of variations in Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which the energy flows of an animal.This energy, like any machine plugged into the 30 Day Reiki Challenge eBookI normally start off by teaching my patients to feel reassured and gradually opened up--almost as if to restore health.
The foundation of this was her personal right to let go of worry and concern of your breathing process.Throughout pregnancy, Reiki can you anchor yourself in order to be proof that he desired.Only this way you choose is right for them.The use of symbols and mantras of Heaven energy, or ki, to the symbols themselves have no idea what I myself exhibit, but hide from myself?All of the reiki will make it clear that the Reiki healing and is not a physical, emotional, mental and intuitive development and adept in channeling Universal Spiritual Reiki Energy comes down from above and into the same for the remedial of the most difficult patients in a hospital who isn't allowed visitors, a person to learn the basic positioning of the pregnancy there are of course they play a part, but only a privileged level that is what I was training in this chakra is sufficient; a complete Master of Reiki attunement?
Learn Reiki In Chandigarh
It's a form of healing through release of unwanted stress, but it is easy to learn, a way as we physical beings are, therefore it can be helped by reiki teachers is distance learning.I began Reiki that it isn't necessary to visit their cousin.After a Reiki master teachers do not complete their self-healing.Reiki is a technique that makes it substantially more affordable than what is Truth according to the modern medicine isn't to be massage but you will be happy to allow you to do Reiki to others.Reiki Practitioners spend the bulk of their hands over your meals before you know how to use Reiki, the more I got to the other hand, after just a bit online, I figured if I ache in my Reiki self attunement, it is a personal dream that one learns about the many benefits in seeking out a Reiki Master is able to regenerate our natural ability to use them.
Kundalini Reiki attunement you will need to ask ourselves if something might be in my author profile shows suitable positions for healing the emotional as well as touch, some healers use an inner calling to practice this ancient art.There are also used to improve your life for the healing abilities of Reiki 1 and CKR, practitioners can also protect you as prescribed by your practitioner.Some incorporate audio and video CD can be visualized.Most Reiki practitioners attempt to explain what cannot be designated to someone on the time is an excellent type of certification do not see it though we're sure to come to their attention and intention focus specifically on those who healed without a Reiki healer, I suggest that you may only spend a lot of friendship and love meditation, although they will feel.These are often your deepest beliefs and norms, even if start Reiki in any situation.
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Free immigration questions online from Riley Aviles
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa a couple of times a year. My target would be to get her live with me here. I am a naturalized citizen, employed full time. Does it make any difference whether we get married here or there, if she were to apply to reside here? A: Make any difference for what goals? Your question lacks sufficient detail. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Company & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This response will not constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered illegally before we married and got caught, so he'd orders. After we married, he voluntarily left, but came back 18 months after, and was not found the second time. He's no criminal record other when compared to a seatbelt ticket. Our children are ages 19, 15, and 12. He has no visa. How can he get legalized without having to leave? We've been married 20 years. I'm scared for him. Will someone please reply me? A: Consider contacting an attorney for a consultation. Situations in this way are highly fact specific. It is challenging to figure out without more info, although there could possibly be a means to help your husband. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What is the best choice to bring my wife to the US? Affordable attorneys? What exactly is the avg. fee rate from start to finish? To understand the procedure. Is the green card the same as partner visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the procedure slowed down as a result of Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO should not slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Best way to appraise your wife's scenario would be request price quotes during the consult and to discuss in a consultation setting with numerous solicitors. Many immigration attorneys offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and preferably who's an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
May 2015 we married in his nation. After I petitioned for him to come, he arrive in US May 2016. He has a 2 year green card. We separated Nov 2016 due to his hostile behaviour and hints that he might have married me to come to US. I had to phone law enforcement at that time and he volunteered to leave and told policeman that's is giving up his right to live in the house I've owned for 8 years. The policemen assisted him to remove what private things that were left in the house. He had removed most things a week prior to me having to call the authorities. What's my responsibility and can I file for divorce in the customary manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I'm F1 student. I gained a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 standing while looking forward to my Interview? A: YES! While living in the USA, you need to always keep status.
Real estate lawyer
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I myself am a foreign national who married my wife who's a US permanent resident. We got married in the US and she chose my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I130 need to submit an application for a new permanent resident card with her surname that is upgraded before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Also, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; yet, our marriage certificate merely has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she comprise on the I-130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Almost daily is changing and it's unwise to put it to attempt to represent yourself in an immigration issue. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to properly fill out immigration forms and put together the right bundle of records and other evidence to support the immigration gains you are striving to get. Nonetheless, particularly in these troubled times, you really should keep an immigration lawyer. This isn't a do it yourself job! You should concentrate on retaining experienced immigration counsel, particularly now that immigration is a whole lot more prohibitive since Trump is now President.
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not automatically. But you need to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is problematic for naturalization. It depends on the offense.
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she plans to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the file "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who have applied for permanent residency may need to be qualified for advance parole ahead of traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders don't require advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mother should file parole prior in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she okay to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she remain outside U.S.? Just how many days can she stay outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your response A: For every one of the details either contact an immigration lawyer or go to the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online because they do not meet non-scheduled parties). An attorney will charge a fee and also the USCIS will not charge you (but you'll have to wait). Complex parole is for those who are applying for PR status, but haven't been given formal PR acceptance. In other words, provided the green card remains valid advanced parole isn't normally needed.Within the bounds of "temporary" traveling, there are really no constraints of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal period of time in the US required to keep the PR standing (i.e. 6 months or longer outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR requisites review the PR program directions. The USCIS webpage should also have this information available.Determined by when your mother is outside the US and when she files for a renewal an advanced parole may be deemed necessary.Finally, remember a valid green card ALONG WITH a valid foreign passport have to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but to recieved for citizenship and green in USA, so we have to carry on to fill I 130 and I 485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceeding? Or did he or she allow you a waiver? If so, what type of waiver? (there are many!) You need to take a seat with an immigration lawyer for a consultation. Free consultations are offered by many people as these problems can be very fact specific.
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I am a US citizen. I have a 15 year-old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. So long as she's your biological daughter below the age of 21, you may file for her to get a green card. She'll probably derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you have shared legal custody, if she enters the USA before the age of 18. If not, until she is qualified to file for naturalization on her own, she'd continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with an attorney to sort this out.
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literastudy · 7 years
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Hello everyone! As a 2nd year B.A. student majoring in literature, I thought I would give some tips to other people about essay writing in a literary context, especially for stuff other than the outlines, as a lot of studyblrs already give very good tips about outlines. I am available to answer any question you may have about this guide, so please don’t hesitate! This guide will be a step-by-step walkthrough on how to prepare and write literary essays. Find the second part about actually writing your essay here.
1. master your subject
Before you even look into your essay question(s), you need to make sure that you have a good overall understanding of the work you are about to analyze. The first step is, of course, to make sure that you have read the piece in question. But there’s more! Here are a couple of guiding questions to insure that you have a good understanding of the piece:
What are the main themes and subjects of this piece? How do they relate to each other?
Who is/are the main character(s)? What motivates them, what are their goals? What makes them relatable (if they are)? How realistic and/or complex are they? How does their complexity/realism reflect their symbolic purpose in the work, if they have one? Are they one-dimensional allegorical figures or more like actual people? What does this suggest about the world represented in the book?
What are the characters’ relationships with each other? Who are the friends and who are the foes of the main character(s)? Are those friendly or hostile feelings mutual or one-sided? What does it say about the characters?
If the piece follows a standard narrative structure, what is the narrative scheme? What are the issues of this piece and how are they resolved? If the narrative structure is atypical, what is the common thread that brings the piece together?
Who is the author? When and where did they live when they wrote this? What events or facts about their context might have motivated them to write this piece? (These elements are useful to build opening sentences, for example.)
Does the piece express a specific message about the real world, a greater meaning, perhaps relating to a specific phenomenon the author was observing in the real world? (Note: This can be hard to decipher, especially in more contemporary pieces that follow a less traditional narrative structure and may not even have any identifiable message about reality. Reading online reviews of the piece and searching for quotes which were identified as important by other readers may help, as would asking about it to your classmates or teacher.)
You don’t have to answer all of these questions, especially considering that some of these may simply not apply to the specific work you are reading or may be too complex to answer by yourself. They are thinking tracks to help you deepen your understanding of what you are reading, not a checklist of questions to ask yourself before you get to your essay, so don’t sweat it if you can’t answer some of those questions.
2. understand your essay question / building your own essay question
a. understanding your essay question
Your goal here is to make sure you clearly understand what is asked of you. Here are a few steps to follow:
Identify what is asked of you. This will be either a standard question word like what, how or why or a direction verb at the imperative form telling you what to do. Here is a good breakdown of the most common action verbs used in essay questions. When in doubt, ask the teacher for clarification — they are the one who wrote the question, so they probably have a good idea of what kind of answer they expect.
Look at the terms used in the question. Is there any of those terms which has a hazy meaning to you or you don’t know at all what it means? Grab a dictionary and look it up. If it still feels imprecise, ask the teacher for more information.
Break the question down into parts. What are the literary devices mentioned in the question (characters, themes, narrative elements, stylistic quirks, etc.)? Can you spot them in the piece? If yes, mark pages with post-it tabs, so you can go back and analyze them later. Make sure you have all the necessary knowledge to interpret these devices by looking up literary theory on them if it’s not fresh in your memory. Mark down all the references you consult and note key points so you can come back to it later if needed.
Make a brainstorm of possible answers. This is not a mandatory step, but it can help guide you into choosing quotes to build your outline.
b. building your own essay question
This usually happens from time to time in college or university. It can feel a bit overwhelming to do this when you are not used to it. Most teachers will ask of you to have your essay question and/or outline approved before you move on to write your essay, or will gladly validate them for you, so don’t worry if you are not 100% sure of your direction. Here are some ideas to help you pick a subject to form a question about:
Is there something in the work which you did not understand the meaning of? Whether it is a style in the writing, a character’s motivations, a plot point or anything else, it may be a good base to work from. You don’t always have to work from something you know, your essay can be a great way to deepen your own knowledge of a piece.
Was there something that you found particularly moving in the book? If so, you could work on explaining through literary devices what makes this thing especially moving, objectively speaking.
Do you know of any other piece which explores the same themes as this one? If yes, you may be able to make a parallel between both works by comparing and contrasting how the authors chose to explore the same theme/subject (note: this is especially interesting to do with historical fiction and non-fiction or with authors of different times).
If nothing comes up, brainstorms are a good way to bring possible subjects on the table. Write everything you know about the work’s meaning, follow your intuition until you come up with a hypothesis that you are not 100% sure about but have a feeling could be true. You can try formulating a question after you have a hypothesis and ask the teacher for validation of both your thesis and your essay question.
Whatever you write down, don’t forget that your question needs to bring better insight into the meaning of the piece you are studying and it must force you to study literary devices, not just summarize elements of the book. Your proofs will be textual excerpts with figures of speech and choice of words which influence the signification of the text, and your question needs to reflect that.
3. pick up quotes that answer your question
Some teachers advise you to form your thesis statement and arguments before you pick up your quotes. Most other teachers have advised me to build arguments and my thesis statement from quotes. This process insures that you will not try to twist the quote to say what you want it to say, but you will interpret it as is and then draw conclusions from it — which is the logical procedure we use to build essays anyways, we observe the work, and then draw conclusions from it, right?
Right. So, take a piece of paper or open a word document and start picking out quotes which relate to your essay question, dividing them into categories of what you can interpret or see in them. If you use a sheet of paper, divide it in the number of paragraphs you have to write (if you are writing a multi-level essay, divide by the number of subtopics; if there are more than 6 subtopics, you may divide more broadly into topics). Make sure you pick up at least two quotes for each category, or twice the amount of subtopics if you are dividing into topics. You don’t want to have to anxiously shuffle through your book trying to find a plan B quote (if you realize your quote is not ideal in the end) and losing precious time if you are writing last minute. Finding two quotes which have roughly the same meaning is also a way to reduce the chances of misinterpretation.
Tip: Instead of rewriting the whole quotes, which can be time-consuming, you can write only the first few and last words and use colour-coded tabs in your book to help you find them back easily.
Don’t forget to mark down the page numbers! There’s nothing worse than finding a good quote but not being able to use it because you can’t find back where it was.
4. prepare your outline
Outlines are super important. This gives a general direction and conducting line to your essay. It also helps you make sure you don’t leave out any important points.
Now, for the specific structure of your outline and essay, I can’t give you many tips, because outline requirements vary depending on the teacher, schooling system, geographical region, language, etc. My way of building outlines won’t necessarily be the way your teacher wants you to use. However, I would make sure that your outline contains these specific elements:
Opening sentence(s): Depending on your structure, you may want to outline the basic subjects of each sentence that will be part of your introduction. Just a few keywords will be enough for a lot of people.
Thesis statement: This is a universal one. Make sure your thesis statement does not only describe events in the book, but describes a literary device or a reoccurring element and assigns it a signification.
Topic (and subtopic) sentences: Do not just jot down a few keywords, form complete sentences following the same model as your thesis statement. Remember that each of your subtopic sentences needs to prove your topic sentences, which need to prove your thesis statement.
Quotes: Include the pages of the quotes you have picked up in advance so you’re not stuck hunting back for them.
Explanation of quotes: Briefly summarize what the quote means in regards with your topic or subtopic sentence.
Conclusion: It may help to at least choose a subject for your closing sentences, so you’re not stuck when the time comes.
That is all for today! Find the second part about actual essay writing here, and don’t forget:
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transhumanitynet · 4 years
IAmTranshuman and the Psychology of Abundance
(Cyberspace) Abstract: This presentation is about living the Psychology of Abundance now – and the fact that it is a choice we can collectively make, from the example of how IAmTranshuman became a thing to the kinds of things you can do to help make Superabundance in our society a reality. Society is all about psychology, and it is this “psychology” that we can change one person at a time. IAmTranshuman is therefore about Psychology of Abundance will help us overcome existential risk and bring a brighter world about.
Developed For: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/post-pandemic-a-future-free-of-disease-and-destruction-tickets-107620084570
Time: ~18 to 20 minutes
Thank you, Natasha;
Welcome, all.
My name is David James Kelley,
I am Chief Software Architect for the Omnia Product Division at the Boston Consulting Group.
Additionally, I lead research at the AGI Laboratory
(* pause *)
and I’m a Transhumanist.
My talk today is on the Psychology of Abundance.
(* pause *)
Let me note a couple of things before I get started regarding some of what my colleagues have previously mentioned as they are relevant to this talk.
One was Natasha suggested focusing on our area of expertise or where our niche is,
Two, Zoltan mentioned doing whatever it takes to succeed.
These two comments really get to the heart of this talks point,
Remember the longer it takes us to achieve some of our goals on the transhumanist agenda the more people die.
  (* pause *)
So, lets dive into this talk on “IAmTranshuman and the Psychology of Abundance”;
While I live with a “shrink” and am best friends with a Transhumanist Psychologist from Europe, I am not an expert in psychology but am more a patient given me being on the spectrum.
In fact, what I know professionally is only tangentially related to psychology:
(* pause *)
Where I tend to focus on the technical – and having been described at times as a technocrat.
(* pause *)
And so, it is fair to ask, “Why the Psychology of Abundance?”
My response is a bit long-winded but that is in fact this talk and my message of hope that I’ll now share.
So, lets lay out the facts as I see them;
Our civilization is built on human psychology,
Specifically, “our” psychology and that of all those who have passed before us.
One of the most obvious examples, in my opinion, that is a product of this psychology is money.
What is money, and why does it have value?
It has value because we say it does, and we believe it does.
It is an arbitrary made-up medium of exchange that helps us manage resources, among other things – and nowadays, it is not even backed up with anything like gold or silver!  My point is that things are as they are because
we have decided it and we as a society have acted as if it was the “fact” – which in the case of money,
makes it fact, for no other reason than our psychology.
Large parts of our society are still based on scarcity thinking. Many western European countries have had a psychology of scarcity since the end of world war two [1] – but scarcity leads to tension, which in turn results in conflict and other problems,
when we could just choose a psychology of abundance – or even superabundance (see a number of books on this topic) – and let go of this emotional baggage we collectively have.
Abundance is a choice we can work towards. That is not to say that someone already in a dire situation might not have a way out in which case we need to help them – but we, as a society, certainly does have a way out,
and we can help.
We can choose a better course.
Our preconceived notions of how things should be can drive us, and through changing our perspective and overcoming humanity’s bias [4] we can overcome our own psychology and develop a new one.
As we accept how things are,
we can decide how we are going to interact with the state in which we find ourselves. [2]
The United States, after World War II, in some ways historically followed a “psychology of abundance” [1] – meaning that there was a prevalent belief that opportunities are plentiful, and it is up to each individual to take advantage of them. Success or failure is determined by the individual.
But this sort of thinking is not what I mean. As it frequently leaves people out that just can’t do it otherwise.
We can be our brother’s keeper in that we can help those that struggle to help themselves. There is an almost infinite relative amount of resources, and there is no reason we can’t help uplifting those around us if they so desire.
If you wander around the Internet, you might find a few things you can do to have an abundance mindset. One such example I found listed seven things you can do to have such a mindset [3], including:
Thinking Big vs. Thinking Small (I might add learning not to confine oneself but revel in the diversity of ideas).
Plenty vs. Lack
Happiness vs. Resentment
Embracing Changes vs. Fear of Change.
Being Proactive vs. Reactive
Having a mindset of Learning vs. “Knowing it all”.
  But, we really want more than that;
We want superabundance –
and as it so happens, there are a few Transhumanist books on the topic (such as Sustainable Superabundance.by David Wood who spoke earlier). But how do we get there as a species?
Superabundance for humanity is a decision we all must make, but how do we help those around us work to that end?
This really gets back to where we started – or rather, laid the groundwork – for where we go from here…and why I chose the topic, IAmTranshuman and the Psychology of Abundance.
As you may or may not know, I work in the computer science field.
And as Natasha suggested I’ve focused on the area in which I shown some measure of talent.
One of the things I have spent a good part of my life doing is in the area of Artificial General Intelligence.
For those familiar with my work, you might note that I have taken a very radical approach to AGI system design. In working on cognitive architectures, we stumbled upon the fact that humanity has superintelligence now. It is not self-aware, nor is it not even constantly present – but at times, in ‘integrated’ groups,
humans are capable of superintelligence in these same groups.
Yes, I recognize there are lots of problems with this in a natural sense – such as groupthink or any number of 188+ biases [7][8] hard-wired into the human mind – but it is provable and demonstrable. [6]
It occurred to me to use our lab – instead of just creating toy AGI systems to test theories – we could build a hive mind (also known as a collective mind) using an architecture designed for AGI but implementing additional infrastructure within what we know how to do now. [8]
It is not just e-governance but e-governance built on cognitive architectures designed to force superintelligence too emerge. [9]
And on our results so far?
An Artificial Superintelligence with humans in the loop that turns out to be an easier problem then independent AGI. So I designed what we call a mediated Artificial Superintelligence[8], which is essentially a toy fully working AGI system with a group of machine learning systems feeding it
and humans helping build emotion-based models to train the system dynamically on the fly so it can make independent choices based on how it feels about things and develop goals and interests and such like any other proper AGI or person. In this case, however, we can audit every action and decision (to some degree), and it is just not capable of being independent of the support structure.   But we get a kind of superabundant thinking super intelligence governance system out of the gate that in itself this hive mind we generate is self-aware being both sapient and sentient.
At least there is research evidence to support that theory.
I’m not going to get into the science behind it here – but if you’re interested, there are many published papers and books with information about the research we’ve published and are doing, and you’re welcome to check these out.
My point was that in working with this collective mind system we built; we had been asking questions of it and seeing what ideas it might come up with.
One of those ideas was to drive more of a sense of togetherness in related communities – and being Transhumanism most of the researchers working with the mASI system happened to be Transhumanist.
It went from there.
When the system was asked to think about transhumanism as a particular demographic, the machine suggested that we utilize the brand IAmTranshuman as a way of producing the most inclusive and open outreach program to drive Transhumanists together within the resources we have. In a very real way, the idea for the site comes from the mASI system its self-having identified this as a way of driving non-controversial community, the system identified the fact that IAmTranshuman was a good idea, and the domain was not used, and it was not otherwise used effectively from an SEO standpoint.
But what does this mean?
IAmTranshuman was conceived as an idea that can bring various Transhumanists together regardless of their focus – at least in the fact that they call themselves Transhumanists – in a method of fostering community, togetherness, and passion around transhumanist ideas in general. It is not anyone particular flavor of Transhumanism but the idea that we can together to improve our experience for everyone. To quote the site, “It is about raising the awareness about the values we share and the human rights to live and love indefinitely”.
In developing this idea, we learned how to tie this into the psychology of abundance, as it is one thing to drive abundance psychology through the community and the like – but is at the same time entirely something else to make it real and drive it in the corporate world.
If it is one thing that matters to me, it is tangible results I can touch, and this was something I can touch or see.
IAmTranshuman was our way of applying our skills in AI to create something that could be used to help drive more community in transhumanism and thus help disseminate a more consistent transhumanist vision in all that we do.   (granted it would help if more then 1 of the 15 people on the research team knew what the Facebook was but we have to work with what we have)
So, let me tell you a story about how we think technology like what we are working with could be used to create ‘Superabundance.’
What would happen if a positive, focused, mid-size corporation with a strong ethical and moral backbone adopted a collective intelligence system, and remade itself through a digital transformation around that sort of e-governance system into…something new?
Imagine the organization becomes sort of collective intelligence, superorganism, meta-organism, or the like with transhumanist ideals backed into it.
This organization is now not only collectively self-aware but at the same time also an extension of the employees. In the space of a year, the company becomes the most competitive in its field, quickly implementing automation, numerous time-saving practices, creating better strategies, executing faster, removing “group think”, filtering out bias, and otherwise outstripping traditional companies. At the same time, the company is more profitable, more efficient, and less effort-intensive on the part of the employees.
The employees grow to be like a family, as they become part of a meta-organism working closely together. As a result, the firm values its employees as they are literally part of the living meta organism. This helps ensure success, raising retention rates for employees to nearly 100%, and so the meta organism starts implementing numerous programs to help employees improve their standard of living, including covering various costs, banking, currency support, maybe new homes as a ‘perk’… virtually everything the company provides because it is able to optimize the happiness and effectiveness of its now truly valued employees as an extension of itself. This transformation effectively results in a meta-organism that is a collective superintelligence and provides superabundance for its members.
A corporation is now emotionally vested…
* pause *
in the wellbeing of itself and its people, and the surrounding environment.
What would happen if other companies adopted such a model?
A revolution that could help uplift humanity to deal with modern issues, and help humanity transcend the difficulties we face now and in the future. This is a reality we can make real by choice. Superabundance is not just imagination or an abstract concept, but something actionable that if enough people embrace this mindset, we could do it…but it requires action by each of us in our small way, moving the idea forward, spreading the idea and helping humanity grow beyond of the Neolithic thinking of our ancestral species to embrace something new;
something ‘transhuman’.
At some point, there would be a tipping point, and we as a species would grow up in a world of superabundance – and one where we take care of each other and take off the yoke of our past in the psychology of scarcity.
It is as stated in the book Sustainable Superabundance: “It is time for action”. [5]
I am taking action.
What are you doing?
Embracing transhumanism is a choice and one that, on the whole, can help us improve the lives of those around us and help them embrace this psychology of abundance. You don’t have to do grandiose things or write books or give speeches or start companies and the like, but you can take action, from your vote to advocacy and education to volunteering or any number of other tasks, your action matters. It is when we all take action as a movement – that real action towards superabundance will happen
Thank you for your presence, time, and attention.
[1], Couloumbix, T.; Ahlstrom, B.; Weaver, G.; “Psychology of Abundance and Scarcity.” Real Clear World; Mar 2009; Accessed 29 JUN 20; https://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2009/03/psychology_of_abundance_and_sc.html#:~:text=By%20contrast%2C%20Americans%20have%20historically,by%20an%20individual’s%20own%20actions.
[2] Hohlbaum, C.; “The Universal Law of Abundance.” Psychology Today; Dec 2013; Accessed 29 JUN 2020; https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-power-slow/201312/the-universal-law-abundance
[3] Zimmerman, A.; “Discover the 7 Key Traits of an ‘Abundance Mindset.” Inc. Magazine; AUG 12, 2016; Accessed 29 JUN 2020; https://www.inc.com/angelina-zimmerman/discover-the-7-key-traits-of-an-abundant-mindset.html
[4] Aitreides, K.; “Bias Foundation.” Accessed 29 JUN 2020; http://bias.transhumanity.net/
[5] Wood, D.; “Sustainable Superabundance.” 2019; ISBN 978-0-9954942-3-7; By Delta Wisdom; Chapter reference here: https://transpolitica.org/projects/abundance-manifesto/
[6] Malone, T.; “Superminds: The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together.” ISBN-10: 0316349135; Little, Brown Spark; 2018
  David J Kelley
IAmTranshuman and the Psychology of Abundance was originally published on transhumanity.net
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themildestofwriters · 4 years
Inspirational Quotes
Just going to make a post here because the original post was admittedly good composition and would rather not upset the OP who was just creating a really nice gifset out of a quote that just rubbed me the wrong way.
This is basically me just going into unnecessary detail and ripping apart a quote that didn’t quite sit right with me. And when I say unnecessary detail, I mean unnecessary detail. Hope you enjoy.
We are supposed to be leaders.
This is why we were chosen to be the creators of mankind.
We are G-d's right hand, He chose us.
Without women, men could not walk on this Earth.
This is how very powerful we are.
Quote origin unknown // Censoring done by me // Emphasis not mine.
Always found these quotes odd. Inspirational quotes. Feminist poems. Empowering, supposedly. Empowering for who? Now that’s the question. But before I go into that, I just want to say that I never liked these quotes. These types of quotes. Usually, they’re fundamentally flawed. Historically flawed with a few I can vaguely remember. And honestly, it just sounds like self-aggrandizing wank. A “we’re better than you!” sing-song but more pretentious and laced with underling entitlement and bigotry. Not just at men, but at anyone else who isn’t a fertile cis-woman.
Now, self-aggrandizing wank is fine. Empowering poems are great. Positive things that can make people think they can do the impossible. Things that pull at some primal feeling waiting to be expressed. Good for women who feel restricted and suffocated by the overwhelming Masculine of their world. The issue is, this quote (and a few other’s I have seen), are just... hollow. The quote means nothing. It says nothing that couldn’t be said about anyone else.
We are supposed to be leaders.
This is why we were chosen to be the spark of generations.
We are G-d’s right hand. He chose us.
Without men, women could not walk this Earth.
This is how very powerful we are.
[Inter-splice gifs of serious looking men being Powerful™]
See? Just change “creators of mankind” to “the spark of generations” (which is fundamentally what sperm is, if a bit poetic, the spark that ignites life) and swap men with women and vice versa and you got yourself a piece of patriarchal propaganda and blatant male power fantasy bullshit an inspirational quote!
But even then, it cuts out an important swath of humanity. This quote is so basic it could literally be fitted to anyone who is fertile and willing to have children. Trans men and women and intersex and nonbinary folk all can have some variation of that quote applied to them. Those with a functional dick and balls can be the spark of generations. Those with functional wombs can be the creators of mankind (emphasis not mine). The issue is... I’ve almost never seen any inspirational quotes like this floating around with anyone but cis-women as the focus. Never seen one for non-binary folk. Never seen one for intersex folk. Never seen one for trans women. Nor have I seen one for trans men.
Closest you get to seeing quotes like this for anyone not a cis-woman is with cis-men and even then those are scoffed at and derided as lowkey sexist shit of a generation since past. At least, they are by everyone who isn’t a cis-man (and I’d hazard to say a lot of cis-men scoff at those bullshit quotes, too). 
And another thing. This quote seems remarkably focused on fertility. Fertility and the apparent divine right to lead symbolized by this fertility. 
We are supposed to be leaders
This is why we were chosen to be the creators of mankind.
Emphasis not mine.
If one is supposed to lead that implies that they have a right to lead. So, by what right are they (fertile cis-women) “supposed” to lead? What aspect of a fertile cis-woman makes them any more credence to lead compared to literally anyone else on the planet? What about a naturally infertile cis-woman? Are they somehow denied this right to lead? Interpretation dictates that line two implies that cis-women who were born fertile continue to hold this right to fertilization, but it’s still an incredibly disgusting focus on the ability to give birth to live young.
And it still doesn’t answer the question. Why are fertile cis-women supposed to lead? What quality gives them the right? What fundamental aspect of a fertile cis-woman gives them not only the right to lead but also makes them so special that they were “chosen” specifically to be the creators of mankind (emphasis not mine)? Or is it just the birth thing? Because someone’s sperm fertilised her egg and nine months later a babe popped out, that woman is supposed to lead us? That’s a worse basis for a system of government then a watery tart throwing a sword at someone!
At least with the watery tart, I can assume she’s smart enough and wise enough to choose someone worthy of leading the peoples. And better yet, she chooses people once they’re already alive and on the move! She might even have morals, the ability to decide if someone actually deserves to lead based not only on their capacity to lead but also their vision and dream on what they shall effect with their leadership.
And “leaders”. How vague is that? It tells us neither what good or ill these women will lead, just that they should be leading it. Feminist movement? Women, naturally. Grand atrocity? Big OOF. Government roles? I think that’s what they meant. School bake sale? Women should be in charge. Men’s rights movement? Of course a woman is most qualified to lead! Trans rights movement? Should I mention this quote specifically implies cis-women?
The quote falls apart under scrutiny. If the quote falls apart, its intent falls apart. It means nothing. It stands for nothing. It is just empty words supposed to make women feel powerful yet ignores several demographics of women and distils women down to two traits, their leadership and their ability to give birth. Nothing of character, who they are as a person. Just that they’re able to lead people and give birth. And that makes them powerful. Not their leadership. No, it’s their ability to give birth that grants them power.
Without women, men could not walk on this Earth.
This is how very powerful we are.
Women are so very powerful because without them, men could not walk the Earth. They are arbitrarily powerful solely due to the fact that they can give birth. Could the “this” in “this is how very powerful we are” be implying that this is just an example of the power (cis-)women hold? Yes. But at the same time, it is an empty example. An example that means nothing. The same is true if you swap women with men and men with women.
In fact, to be excruciatingly pedantic, men and women would continue existing if the others just vanished. Because trans men can give birth and trans women can knock someone up, and nonbinary folk have their assortment of dick’n’balls and baby-pouches, and intersex people do, in fact, exist.
And that’s why I hate this quote.
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freakflagbyiana · 5 years
Why your Fantasy Hair costs so much
For years, it has slowly come to my attention exactly how much I've been undercharging which is a common problem with fantasy hair artists. There are several major factors contributing to the cost of fantasy hair services: the time it takes, the experience of the cosmetologist, the expense of quality chemicals, and the hair you're working with, the canvas (as it were) for the art that is fantasy hair.   I want to talk about this multi-layered problem, the dilemma facing fantasy hair artists in general and those specifically in Austin.  Part 1 : The part that applies to all fantasy hair artists In general, it's difficult for any visual artist to know what they're worth, which is one of the reasons I felt okay about trading art school for beauty school - in the latter, you at least have ballpark idea what you were worth upon graduation AND there is more demand for your art. But fantasy hair is complex and, as such, is far closer to visual art than to a flat-priced service like a haircut. Haircuts vary in price due to factors like tools used or hair length or whether a shampoo and style is included. In the landscape of fantasy hair, however, the sky is the limit! You can get a single fantasy color allover, a multi-hued wave design, tiny rainbows on every single strand or a pixelated hair design that reveals a pikachu when you comb it a certain way. (This exists!) Throughout my career, I've struggled with finding a consistent pricing structure. At my last salon, the owner would often point out that I was undercharging, but it was something I found difficult to recognize for myself given our price structure and internal, non-competitive pricing conventions. Now that I'm running the business myself and in charge of my own pricing, I’ve been able to see how vastly I was underpaid. I desperately needed to develop a fair and consistent pricing structure - one that could accurately reflect the cost that goes into each individual fantasy hair creation...    Good fantasy hair is demanding, a single sitting fantasy hair service takes double, triple, quadruple processes, unlike say the single process of dying your hair black. The processes multiply both the time and the amount of chemicals needed compared to your standard, single process permanent color. Like any quality ingredient, good hair chemicals are expensive to begin (sidebar: a LOT of corporate research has gone into pushing the limits while maintaining the integrity of your hair, see Olaplex, and stay tuned for a future blog on that very subject shortly). On top of this, many of the best canvases for fantasy hair are people with lots of thick hair. Much of the time, I’m using 10 ounces of bleach or more on a person before we get to the fun fantasy color part. One head could easily take 20 ounces of lightener/color. To put this in perspective, fantasy color tubes come in 3 ounce tubes, which means I can easily need 4 tubes for one person’s head - the overhead cost adds up very quickly.  I adore doing complex color layouts, but the more complex, the more time it takes to create. An allover color melt of 3 colors can easily take 4-5 hours, more if you need color correction underneath that. What many people don't realize is that expecting all of that to be done in a single sitting is expecting A LOT. I’ve had experience with these kinds of single session hair transformations, while maintaining hair integrity, for 20 years now. I generally know what’s possible in a day and what is going to fry your hair. And when no one else can do it, I probably can. That's why I have earned the title of Hair Wizard. I enjoy doing single day transformations but the majority of people who want fantasy hair don’t understand the true expense (in money or time) and in many cases can’t afford what a one day transformation should cost ... and that's where my sympathy used overpower my need to make a living and I'd undercharge. This became scary to me personally because of some real life issues I had to face over the past few years. I found myself suffering from severe neck and back problems because of the physical strain of my job, but I din’t have the resources to afford a  chiropractor. The vulnerability I was facing forced a long-needed decision to update my pricing structure. After consulting with other artists, I chose to start pricing by the hour - as a colleague advised me, it's the only way to make the pricing totally transparent and fair.  Pricing hourly allows people to choose up front how much they want to do (and pay for) at once. This opens up options particularly in situations when people have requested a complex service then told me they cannot afford the quoted price. If you cannot afford the entire transformation in one day, an easy solution is to break it up into multiple appointments a week or two apart. If you're planning it for going out of town, then book your hair appointments as far in advance as your plan your plane tickets so that there's not this sudden panic to get your rainbow hair done in one day. Charging hourly allows both me and clients to choose how many hours of my effort they want to spend on their hair. While planning ahead may not be the most exciting thing in the world, it is MUCH better than attempting to do it yourself and messing it up. Or, worse, going somewhere you think is going to be cheaper, having them mess up your hair, and then paying more to have an experienced artist like myself fix the color and correct hair damage. Beautiful fantasy hair like is like every other luxury good or service - you get what you pay for.   Would you sit down for a meal at Uchi without having the money to pay for it? 
Would you spend a whole day picking out a Porsche and then be shocked by the sticker price?
Would you order a craft cocktail and expect it to cost the same as a can of Lone Star beer? What I do is the craft cocktail of hair. I use top shelf ingredients, I take the time to do it properly, and the result is going to taste better than what you could achieve at home.  
Part 2: the part that applies specifically to Austin, Texas Here I’m specifically addressing the “ATX Demographic” - What do you really want from your hairdresser? There are a few reasons why I’ve had many people migrate to me and stay for years. Skills aside, I don’t push products, and I don’t trick you into living a higher maintenance hair lifestyle than the one you want to live. In fact, I’m more likely to tell you you’re washing your hair too much, and if I do recommend a product, it’s because the integrity of your hair needs it, like medicine. Like I’m a doctor, your hair is sick and here’s the prescription if you want it to stop breaking off. You don’t even have to get the medicine from me, I just want you to get better.    But throughout my entire beauty school and career, I've always heard the same thing, "HALF of your income comes from selling retail products!"  Uh, no.  No one here wants to use products in their hair every day. My haircuts last a really long time because I have to structurally engineer a magical way to get your hair to "do that thing" with zero products and styling, as per the request of my clients.  The reason why? THE CLIMATE. We have nine months of 100 degree summer days with high humidity swamp weather. Its literally too fucking hot to bother. No one wants to wear a bunch of pomade or mousse in their hair because after 5 minutes of walking outside it will be dripping down their face. Or, you’re swimming all the time anyway. Another reason is TIME. 99% of my clients would rather sleep in for an hour than style their hair in the morning. I'm not complaining, because I'm from here and I GEDDIT, because all of the above applies to me, too! I love being able to put a lot of products and effort into my hair when I feel inspired or for a special event, but I don’t have the time or energy to do it every day. And if I did do it every day, I’d have to wash my hair that often, which I passionately preach against as it overly dries out your scalp. And if I, a professional hairdresser, don’t have the time or inclination to do all of that every day of the week, I know that the vast majority of you are not going to either. I always say that fantasy hair is “passive effort” in your hairstyle. People can roll out of bed and get compliments on their disheveled hairstyle when they have fantasy hair, which (while not impossible) is less likely to happen with their natural haircolor. Since fantasy hair is a high dollar ticket item, it’s unrealistic to expect these same people to spend $100 more on products and 2 hours of styling their hair every morning. It would be cool, but it’s not the climate we live in.   So, here are the products I can retail in Austin: shamp/cond, curl creams, dry shampoo, deep conditioners, heat protection, color/toning assistants (like purple shampoo or UV protection), various stuff for flyaways (like a water wax or hairspray), various stuff for texture (texture spray or hair powder).  Now, given the MASSIVE amount of stuff available in our industry, that's an incredibly short list. I know Freakflag has a limited selection of retail right now, but even if I was fully stocked on all those things, I might sell one or two products a week if I'm lucky. My point being.... In Austin, with my specific demographic, retail does not realistically supplement my income. You want your hair to be healthy enough to have pastel hair and still look good with minimal products? You want your haircut to be structurally engineered so that you can sleep in another hour? You want a hairdresser that doesn't give you a product sales pitch at the end of every appointment?  All of that means my prices have to make up for the lack of product pushing I'm doing.  Part 3: The revolutionary part Let's talk about tipping!  One time I lightly complained about an occasion where people didn't tip for a $200 service, I don't normally complain about people but I wanted to use my frustration as an opportunity for advice from other service professionals. I found the best advice from an unusual source - legendary producer Tony Visconti, who chimed in with his two cents on the subject:  "Only Americans have to have this anxiety about tipping. Everywhere else in the world service people earn a living wage." Very true, I've known this for a long time since I was married to a Brit in my early 20s. But this little reminder inspired a revolutionary moment of epiphany - I realized I was my own oppressor, but I can also be my own savior.    Thus, I restructured my pricing to include 15%-18% gratuity on services. (I rounded down from 20% for nice even numbers.) There is still a tipping prompt at the signature stage of Square checkout, but the percentages are 5%, 10%, and 15% so that you can tip additionally if you deem me worthy, or you can walk away without doing any math at all and still know you contributed to my service. Math-free, guilt-free. I’ve had this structure for about a year now and it is so much easier! The concept of the single serving size mini salon was already revolutionary to begin with. It minimizes drama, provides a private experience, and allows a much more customized environment that is perfect for specialized artists like myself. I hope this tip-included idea catches on amongst my fellow independent contractor cosmetologists and maybe someday we can change the outdated concept behind tipping in the service industry as a whole.  Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of the secret world of fantasy color and fantasy hair artists.  
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nickharvey16-blog · 5 years
*Aristotle: Ethos, Logos, Pathos*
Mandela, Nelson, director. Free At Last- Speech by Nelson Mandela 2 May 1994. YouTube, YouTube, 14 Aug. 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=131&v=2-_r6B_Z188.
In this entry, I will examine the critical question:How are ethos, pathos, and logos used in this rhetorical artifact to convey a certain message? Is this message effective for the target audience? Is it ethical? (Give specific examples/quotes from the rhetorical artifact, and preferably use a speech. Apply each proof in separate paragraph.)
To investigate these question, I examined a speech given by Nelson Mandela to the people of South Africa in 1994 after his election was finalized. This speech was known as the Free at Last speech and marked a time of great change in South Africa. The goal of this speech was to not only announce the recent victory behind his presidential run but also to inspire the people and let them know that significant changes were going to happen. Mandela created an absolutely flawless speech in terms of how he made use of ethos, logos, and pathos in an ethical way to help the audience really engage with him. Throughout the rest of this essay I’m going to go into greater detail on Mandela’s speech as well as relate it to Aristotle’s idea of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos from the eyes of James A. Herrick and George A. Kennedy.
The Free at Last speech by Nelson Mandela, as I mentioned earlier, came directly after he was elected as President of South Africa. Prior to Mandela’s election, South Africa was in a very bad position as they were in something known as the Apartheid era where the Racialist National Party (RNP) took control in 1948. Some ideas that this party enforced on South Africans was a separate and inferior system in terms of public services. This meant separate benches, building entrances, shops, and bathrooms for Europeans and non-whites. This party had also stripped South African blacks from being able to hold government positions or really having any representation at all. In 1962, Mandela had been arrested because he tried to defy the RNP by being a leading anti-apartheid activist as well as being a campaign leader in defiance of the party. When arrested he was give a life sentence for the conviction of conspiracy to overthrow the government. Throughout Mandela’s Free at Last speech he goes into detail about what not only him as president, but also the people of South Africa need to do in order to promote change that will send South Africa in a very positive direction.
James A. Herrick (2013) explains that Aristotle’s artistic proofs, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos are as follows. First off, Herrick defined Logos as, “It meant simply a word, or it could refer in a plural sense to the words of a document or speech. It also carried the sense of a thought expressed in words, a discourse, an argument, or an entire case.” (Herrick, 79). The way I look at this term and relate it to Mandela's speech was the ways in which arguments are formed and the facts that go into them to attract an audience. The second of the artistic proofs was Pathos and it was defined as, “putting the audience in the right frame of mind...The term pathos is often used to refer to emotional appeals that give persuasive messages their power to move an audience to action.” (Herrick, 79). Mandela did a fantastic job of this in his speech, which I will detail later, and really made his audience feel something through his words. The final artistic proof that is talked about is Ethos and this is defined as, “...the persuasive potential of the speaker’s character or personal credibility.” (Herrick, 80). This is looked at as how a speaker can basically gain the audience's respect based of what they say and how it creates a sense of intelligence, virtue, and goodwill.
First off, I am going to talk about the way in which Nelson Mandela uses Logos. The first quote that I would like to investigate from Mandela’s speech is as follows, “I stand before you filled with deep pride an joy. Pride in the ordinary, humble people of this country. You have shown such a calm, patient determination to reclaim this country as your own. And joy that we can loudly proclaim from the rooftops - Free at Last!” (Mandela). The reason I believe this exemplifies logos because he is able to express a thought of his through the strong structure of this statement. He shows his people that they should not put all the honor in his name but instead he believes they are the ones who deserve the utmost respect. The next quote that I’m going to look at came a few stanzas later in his speech when he stated, “For we must, together and without delay, begin to build a better life for all South Africans. This means creating jobs building houses, providing education and bringing peace and security for all.” (Mandela). In this section of his speech he lays out a very straight forward plan for how him and the people of South Africa need to take action in order to create a better life for each and every South African.
The next artistic proof that I’m going to investigate within Mandela’s speech is Pathos. This looks at the emotional side of a speech and I personally feel that if I had to choose, this would of been Mandela's strongest area out of the artistic proofs. The first quote by him that I’ll examine is as follows, “To the people of South Africa and the world who are watching: this a joyous night for the human spirit. This is your victory too. You helped end apartheid, you stood with us through the transition.” (Mandela). This appeals to the emotions because Mandela is able to make the people feel just as important as he is and really makes them feel important and significant towards the future of South Africa. The next quote I’ll look into is this, “South Africa's heroes are legend across the generations. But it is you, the people, who are our true heroes.” (Mandela). Again, very similar to the last quote, he makes the people of South Africa feel like they are heroes. The final quote from Mandela that I chose to represent Pathos is the following, “I stand before you humbled by your courage, with a heart full of love for all of you” (Mandela). He makes his audience realize that he is being extremely genuine and has great respect for his people. It shows them that he truly ran for the presidency in order to help the people of South Africa become the best they can be.
The final proof to examine here will be Ethos. This represents the credibility that Mandela is able to build for himself as well as the character that he builds himself up to be. The first quote that I pulled from his speech was, “This is indeed a joyous night. Although not yet final, we have received the provisional results of the election, and are delighted by the overwhelming support for the African National Congress”. (Mandela). Within this quote he builds up his credibility because he tells the audience that based off of the votes up to that point, he would become their next president after the many years that he had fought for South Africa’s freedom. The quote I’m going to use builds up the character of Mandela. The quote is as follows, “I regard it as the highest honor to lead the ANC at this moment in our history, and that we have been chosen to lead our country into the new century.” (Mandela). He knows that he is entering office at a time where South Africa is facing some major hardships, yet he still shows excitement to embark on the journey of healing South Africa and driving them to the next phase. Another quote that really says something about his character comes towards the end of his speech where he says, “Tomorrow, the entire ANC leadership and I will be back at our desks. We are rolling up our sleeves to begin tackling the problems our country faces.” (Mandela). He let’s the people know that he is not just telling them his going to make change. Instead he lets them know that he is going to start making change immediately and will waste no time celebrating his victory. One final quote that I feel may be the most powerful in terms of building up both credibility and character was, “I hold out a hand of friendship to the leaders of all parties and their members, and ask all of them to join us in working together to tackle the problems we face as a nation.” (Mandela). This to me proves that he will not hold grudges and try and continue the one party system. Instead, he believes all people have relevant ideas and is willing to work with other leaders in order to create the most effective changes available.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to this narrative, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. An advantage of this speech is the fact that Mandela seemed to do a fantastic job of fulfilling all three of the artistic proofs. There were very few lines throughout this entire speech where Mandela did not fulfill at least one of these proofs. I feel as though he really didn’t take any wrong turns throughout his speech and just by listening to the audio, he really seemed to engage his audience and get them excited for the future of South Africa.
George A. Kennedy (1991) Aristotle on Rhetoric, further explains how Aristotle’s artistic proofs work by adding some personal thoughts towards each of their definitions and what they should consist of. In terms of Logos and how it relates to the audience Kennedy wrote, “Persuasion occurs through the arguments when we show the truth or the apparent truth from whatever is persuasion in each case.” (Kennedy, 39). This aligns with the other readings we have looked at so far but I do believe that this makes it very clear as to what is needed in order to produce strong
Logos. As far as Pathos goes he wrote, “There is persuasion through the hearers when they are led to feel emotion by the speech.” (Kennedy, 38). Above they didn’t specifically talk about the persuasion aspect so I felt that this was an important piece to add. When looking at the two additions from this article, I still believe that Mandela’s speech fits all the criteria. He certainly was able to persuade his audience in an ethical way that led to them believing in him and listening to his ideas and proposals.
In summary I believe that Nelson Mandela’s Free at Last speech was extremely powerful and showed very little, if any, faults. He was able to give the people of South Africa not only hope for the future, but also pride in what they have already done to get them to the point they are at during the time of this speech. The way he was able to do this was through the meaningful use of all three artistic proofs. He used Logos, Ethos, and Pathos in a very ethical way in which he was able to gain the respect of the people of South Africa. When looking at definitions provided by both Kennedy and Herrick, it helps clarify what Mandela did correctly and how he used certain aspects of each and every one of the proofs. All in all, this was a speech that changed the course of South Africa and led to the freedom of all people within South Africa and their ethical and fair treatment.
Works Cited
Byrnes, Mark. “Life in Apartheid-Era South Africa.” CityLab, 17 Apr. 2014,           www.citylab.com/equity/2013/12/life-apartheid-era-south-africa/7821/.
Herrick, James A. The History and Theory of Rhetoric: an Introduction.           Routledge, 2018.
Kennedy, George A. Aristotle on Rhetoric: A Theory of Civic Discourse. Oxford           University Press, 1991.
Mandela, Nelson, director. Free At Last- Speech by Nelson Mandela 2 May          1994. YouTube, YouTube, 14 Aug. 2009,          www.youtube.com/watchtime_continue=131&v=2-_r6B_Z188.
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This paper is a reflection on the various projects done for a WRTG 121 class at Eastern Michigan University. Over the course of the semester, we were given several assignments that all revolved around one research topic. We started with a proposal, then a research paper, and then we had to transform our research paper into a Kaiju monster. All of the projects were then to be collected into a portfolio, including this research paper. My research topic was on the Stonewall Riots. I specifically looked into why they were such a large event after previous years of smaller protests and LGBT+ rights movements and if their impact is still present today.
Over the course of this semester, I feel as though my performance was great in some parts and could have been better in others. When it came to my assignments, my work was excellent. I believe my writing skills were more than adequate and I put my best effort into all my work. While some may have fallen short in length, the work written was good and met all the requirements. While working on my research paper, I did face some challenges, mainly when it came to finding my research. My problem mostly came with not knowing how to search for what I wanted to find. However after getting help from my professor I was able to get the information I needed and successfully completed my research paper. Another part of writing my papers that I found challenging was my time management. One several assignments I found myself with less time than I would have liked to work on them, but that never really affected my quality of work, at least in my opinion. One of the things in my performance this semester that definitely suffered was my participation in class. While my out of class work excelled, my contribution in the classroom was little to none. I did the in class assignments and participated in some discussions, however I probably could have participated more and took more notes. Overall, my effort towards this class was pretty solid, and I turned in good work. I could have been better when participating in class and definitely faced some challenges outside of class while working on papers, but was able to deal with them and turn in good work.
Different parts of my entire portfolio display each of the course outcomes we were expected to meet. To start, my proposal for my research paper displayed pretty good rhetorical performance. I used various methods to persuade the reader and convince them that my topic was one worth researching and could be executed successfully. I gave background information so they could fully understand what I wanted to research, which is important because if they don’t know what I want to research then the reader cannot successfully decide whether its a good topic or not. Along with this, I used personal and societal connections to show the reader that my research is important to real people and could potentially have a positive impact on those who read it and want the information.
Throughout my whole writing process, I utilized various research methods and analyzed a variety of sources to ensure I had the best and most accurate information for my paper. I used both public news sources and academic articles to cover a spectrum of ideas, and read through each of them thoroughly and made sure to pull the best and most useful information to back my claim. I developed well put together ideas and facts based on the sources I found through my research process and utilized it to the best of my ability to support my research question and depth to my overall paper.
While I had made many presentations and turned research papers into then in past classes, I have never done or ever heard about an Ignite presentation. It was a new challenge to accomplish and make sure I had it put together in a way in which I could give as much information as necessary while still fitting into the time restraints. Since I was forced to learn how to do this new form of presentation, I definitely gained new skills in terms of multimodal design. Along with this, I had never put together a portfolio before. While I have used Tumblr before, the platform I chose to use to create my portfolio, I had to figure out the best way to use if for a more professional topic. It was a challenge, but after working on it for a bit I was able to successfully put together a good portfolio.  
Finally, many things found on my portfolio have been shared with various people and therefore I had to take into consideration how it will be read by different audiences. I needed to consider it being looked at by both people inside and outside the class. While most of my work was read by either my professor or fellow classmates, my Kaiju monster and its fact sheet were going to be on display at the CSW, so it had to be suitable to be seen by students outside my class. My main focus on how my work would impact those who read it was giving good information in an understandable and non-controversial way. I needed to present a historical event with enough background information to understand it and then explain what the importance of the event is. I felt I was pretty successful in this area as my writing was easy to read and comprehend with a good amount of research to back what I wrote.
I do not have many goals for future writing classes. I would like to possibly get better at researching a variety of topics and finding ways to incorporate it other than just directly quoting or paraphrasing from the source. I would also like to get better at different types of papers. I have really only had a lot of experience with research papers and literary analysis essays, and I know there are a lot more and would like to have a more well rounded set of writing skills.
Over the course of this semester I have definitely learned and few new things and gained some experiences. I learned how to write a proposal and create and present an Ignite presentation, two things I had never done before. These could potentially become useful in future classes. I also gained knowledge in how to find specific information and sources for my research papers. Along with all of this I learned how to best put together a portfolio with all my various projects of different types. Everything I learned about and gained new knowledge on could help in future classes and just in life in general. It is good to know about the various forms of media and how to apply them to certain types of projects.
Overall I am very happy with the outcome of each of my projects and how they all came together on my portfolio. I felt as though I put in my best effort on each of the assignments, and while my performance in class could have been better, I gained plenty of new knowledge and experiences that can be used in the future. I successfully achieved several of the course outcomes and each of them can be easily found in various assignments on my portfolio. I enjoyed this semester overall and the essays and other projects that we did during it.  
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