breeatlarge-blog · 7 years
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As a former IB-centric studyblr (see Exhibit A here), I think that it is fair to say that I am a pretty strong IB advocate. There was nothing I loved more than pushing drafts of my Extended Essay at my mentor, complaining about CAS reflections and pretending to understand the complexities of TOK. But as May rolled around and my confidence in my abilities began to roll into July, I was in for the shocked of my life: instead of passing the program with my predicted academic achievement of 34/45, I just passed the program entirely, finishing with a score of 28/45. I was pretty shocked to say the least. As a toast to my astonishing academic feat, fake philosophy TOK and CAS social statuses on ManageBac: here’s 6 things I learned from almost failing IB, one point for every one that I lost in final exams.
Your grades do not define who you are: 80% exams and 20% moderated internal assessments? Where is the value in that classwork, discussion and studying? Is it all down the drain from here? Chemistry maybe. (Just a joking art-business student here.) Something that I really learned to appreciate is the versatility and application of studies that IB ingrains in their students. A combination of luck and talented teachers, my love for economics and business stems almost entirely from classroom discussions and case studies in Economics HL. I knew that business studies were for me as soon as I finished my first commentary.
Measure your pride not in how others judge your success, but in how you feel you have progressed: I think over the course of my two years in this program, I submitted over 4 drafts of my work to my Extended Essay mentor. While most students groan at the thought of a credit-less assignment, I could not be more excited to explore something I was interested in academically, not to mention having the motivation and opportunity to share it with others. At my graduation ceremony when I was asked to share the thing I was most proud of, I did not hesitate to say my Extended Essay. Does it suck to go from a B to a D? Absolutely. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I worked my ass off on that paper and I know that my mentor loved what I wrote. I gained a greater appreciate for literature and anthropology and honestly right now: that’s all I really need.
Don’t judge the dropouts: I will not be the first to admit that IB students sometimes have an elitist attitude when it comes to academics (especially compared to AP and regular program students). Sure, my program may be internationally-focused, but that’s no more than a few works in translation books in literature class or case studies in economics. At the end of the day, external markers control 100% of your grade (IAs are moderated, do not ever forget it) and if you’re like me, those same AP or regular program students you were putting down probably graduated with a higher average than you.
Your teachers are human too: One of my favorite things about IB is that everyone really is a team working together to have a greater success rate. It’s rarely you versus your teacher. I graduated knowing that my teachers did the best they could possibly do for me and it’s such a toss up what results in the end.
Keep your personal life on hold during the academic season: One of my biggest regrets for several reasons is that right around exams, I had a major falling out with my best friend and confidante of four years. It sucked, as most breakups do, but the worst part is that when I should have been focusing more on studying, I could barely get out of bed. Friendships are forever until nobody talks anymore and those grades that got you into university could have also resulted in making new friends.
Choose your friends diversely: So my strength is in languages and social sciences, but the way I designed my IB program focused heavily on the natural sciences and engineering. My closest friends and I were complete opposites which made up for great conversations and interesting perspectives. Through them, I gained a deep appreciation for science and mathematics. Even though these subjects may not be my favourites, I will always look to them with an open mind.
What advice would you share with high school students about your experience? I know that really hit home for me is the ability to reflect and journal. (Damn CAS for actually teaching me something useful in the end!)
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keepitprostudy · 7 years
92 Statements and Questions
I was tagged by @studeeblurr I never get tagged in anything, so thank you I love these ^_^
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: 7up 2. Phone call: My Mom  3. Text message: Mom 4. Song you listened to: Wild Thoughts (it was on the radio) 5. Time you cried: It's been a week...
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Unfortunately Yes... 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes...I cringe every time I think about it...:p 8. Been cheated on: I don't believe so. It's probably good I don't know. 9. Lost someone special: No that I know of 10. Been depressed: Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I've been drunk, but never thrown up. 
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Blue, Green, and Gray
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: No. 16. Fallen out of love: I don't think it was love 17. Laughed until you cried:  Yes. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Who isn't talking about me, I don't even really care. 19. Met someone who changed you: Probably 20. Found out who your friends are: More like who they aren't. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes...
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All but one. 23. Do you have any pets: No :(
24. Do you want to change your name: NEVER! 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Good, I think I hung out with a guy I was seeing, but nothing special. 26. What time did you wake up: 7:15am   27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching the Leftovers on HBO  28. Name something you can’t wait for: My move to Florida ^_^ 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 5 hours ago...:( 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I'm okay right now, I don't want to think about the things that I don't have when so much is happening right now. 31. What are you listening to right now: Silence...-_- 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, that's my dad's name. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Customers at me job...-_- 34. Most visited websites: My new University website.
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: I have a ton, and more coming out, It runs in my family, but luckily they will be a mix of flat and bumpy 36. Mark/s: I have a birth mark on my left shoulder 37. Childhood dream: Well it depends on the age, I wanted to be so much. 38. Hair color: Black 39. Long or short hair: It's short curly, but when flat ironed it's medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nothing serious I'm not looking for him to notice me, I'm just admiring him. 41. What do you like about yourself: I like that I'm kind 42. Piercings: I have 4 43. Blood type: B + 44. Nickname: Ry-Ry 45. Relationship status: SINGLE!!!! and happy ^_^ 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: Cis Female so I answer to her. 48. Favorite TV Show: Right now GOT
49. Tattoos: None, but I will be getting some soon.
50. Right or left hand: Righty 51. Surgery: None 52. Hair dyed in different color: I've ombred my hair blonde before 53. Sport: I've played basketball, soccer, and golf. I want to play softball really bad. 56. Pair of trainers: I wear nikes.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I had a quesadilla 58. Drinking: 7up 59. I’m about to: Post some checks for work :\ 61. Waiting for: 6pm to come around 62. Want: 80. Had your heart broken: yess 63. Get married: Um...not for a long...long...long time. 64. Career: Dietitian after I've completed my school.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: I like eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Both ^_^ 68. Older or younger: Depends what are pertaining to. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Either o_O 71. Sensitive or loud: Ummm 72. Hook up or relationship: Neither 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Neither
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Lost glasses 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on the first date :  never! 79. Broken someone’s heart: Probably...
80. Had your heart broken: Yup 81. Been arrested: Never 82. Cried when someone died: Yes  83. Fallen for a friend: Everytime
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yes 85. Miracles:  YES 86. Love at first sight: No 87. Santa Claus: No. 88. Kiss on the first date: No.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: My sister Erin 91. Eye color: Dark Brown 92. Favorite movie: The Breakfast Club
Take a break and have a little fun and let us know about you. :)
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studiouscoffee · 8 years
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09•02•2017 first few days back at school and already there is a lot to do and so many things to balance. 1/100 days of productivity, restarted for this year.
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adelinestudiess · 6 years
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Make sure to read the poem at least 3 times over. Skim once, and read twice. Skim and read once each if you don't think you have enough time. Don't let the length of it to intimidate you. Annotate anything that will help you to answer the question. Answering the question, aside from literary devices on their own, is the most important. Be selective about the quotes and literary devices you find, and which ones you can write about more.
How I annotate my textbook by @studentstoolbox
How to annotate by @tbhstudying
How to annotate by @wandering-writing
How to annotate a novel efficiently by @mildstudies
How to read from a textbook by @studyaestheticx
How to read journal articles critically
Annotate and taking notes from lit by @noteology
Annotating effectively by @hideandstudy
How to use sticky notes by @etudiance
Using post-its for notes & annotations by @calcvlus
Annotations and note-taking by @novanovelist
Annotating books/textbooks etc by @freckledstudy
Annotating fiction and non-fiction by @collegerefs
Annotating texts by @delphicoracle
Novel annotation tips and tricks
Annotating literature by @studiesinaonesie
How to approach poetry analysis by @leostudies
Colour coding
How to create an effective colour coding system by @emmastudies
Colour code notes tips and tricks by @kimtented
A guide to colour code by @oreo-studies
Colour code by @3amstudying
Annotation key by @academicmind
How I highlight by @medtrash
Highlight ideas by @study2hard
Literary devices
Literary devices (with printable) by @studie-s
A list of literary techniques
Literary devices by @ap-madness
Reading more
How to read more by @austinkleon
100 books everyone should read before they die
100 books to read before you die by @nicoperseid
French women write classics, too by @antigonick
Free books: 100 legal sites to download literature
Download free books by @wewantbalance
Haruki Murakami by @readthemoon
List of free foreign language books by @polyglot-oneday
The academic zine: issue 1 by @theacademiczine
Poetry recs by @rsiken
A guide to: assigned readings by @stellestudies
Recs list of ten short stories by @sophia-sol
Jane Austen masterpost by @septemberwildflowers
Back to school: how to get an a*/8 or 9 in an english lit essay by @thelawgraduate
Guide to battling essays by @teacomets
Everything you need to know about the MLA format by @studying-and-organzing
How to write comparative essays by @rewritign
Character flashcards for lit texts by @studyblroyalty
Theatre advice for Shakespeare plays
English literature tips by @catestudies
How to ace literature by @riseandstudy
7 key literary time periods and what’s typical by @reviseordie
Analyzing literature a guide by @nimblesnotebook
How to literature by @llterature
How to study literature by @studymelody
Motivational classic quotes by @classicalstudies
Enchanting Bookworm Inspired Digital Illustrations
Quotes that make you shudder by @alonesomes
Crash course
Other masterposts by me
Apps for students
Note taking
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luminous-studiess · 6 years
introductory post!
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hi guys! you can call me sam. welcome to my new studyblr! 
i’ve been lurking on studyblr for ages, and even tried to post several times, but now i’d really like to be more active and meet new people, so i started luminous studies! also, really, this is just a really elaborate way for me to force myself to do my thesis.  i’m 21, in my final year of studying english and american literature at a philippine university. right now i’m taking classes on shakespeare, literary theory, and classics, so hit me up if you wanna talk! my side interests include photography, cooking, learning how to play instruments, and astronomy.  expect many, many pictures and posts of and about books, and tips on how i try (and struggle, but i manage) to maintain honors. i’d also like to talk about mental health and studying, and how i deal with depression and anxiety amidst all the stress and rigor of academia. tiny recipes, things i make, and stories on the side.  i’ve always looked up to @studyblr, @leostudies, @studyign, @studypetals, @studykouffee, @briellestudies, @areistotle, and @emmastudies when i was new to studyblr. thank you for keeping me going, you guys. 
if you’re a studyblr, bookblr, or lawblr (i’m considering law in the near future, eep!), reblog or like this so i can follow you. let’s be friends!  if you’ve gotten this far, thank you. see you around! ♡
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theteadesk · 7 years
can you recommend any study bloggers that are already in college?
of course! 
and more!! 
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academicsapphic · 7 years
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As a thank you for 2,000 followers (about 2700 now), here is the masterpost you all asked for! It’s been hardly over a month since I accidentally deleted my studyblr of almost three years (RIP in pieces), and the fact that I’ve been able to rebuild so much my following so quickly is shocking to me. I mean I was gaining over a hundred followers a day every day for almost all of June. I don't know how that happened, but I just want to thank everyone that helped me when I first remade this blog and everyone who has followed me since! I do have some original content coming up very soon, so keep an eye out for that. 😉 
Studying Tips
How To Study For Final Exams // @avocadocollege
How to Make a Study Schedule // @athenastudying
A Guide to Finals // @emmastudies
How to Study Like a Harvard Student // @yhbgk-blog
study less study smart // @marias-studyblr
How to Make Flashcards // @graphis
how to study maths like a top student // @smartspo
Study Methods // @studyh
excitant-precinct’s study methods + motivation // @extinct-precinct
eintsein’s Guide to Note-Taking
Upgrade Your Notes // @studylou
Note-Taking Masterpost  // @elkstudies
Handwritten Note-Taking Methods // @the-prudent-student
How I Take Notes // @astudyindetermination
How to use Cornell note-taking method on OneNote  // @strive-for-da-best
How to Color Code & Highlight Efficiently // @graphis
Note-Taking Masterpost // @study-well
How to Mind Map // @mindpalacestudy
Taking Notes // @enchantedstudyblr
Taking Lecture Notes // @marcelaadv
Time Management
Maximize your sleeping time // @determinationandcaffeine
Tips for Busy Students // @roeum
15 Ways to Beat Procrastination // @americaninfographic
How to Find More Time for What You Love // @positivity-studies
How to: Approach Poetry Analysis in an Exam  // @leostudies
Rhetorical Analysis Strong & Weak Verbs Masterpost // @gryfhindor
Synonyms for “Very” // @writing-masterlists
Words to Replace “Said” // @msocasey
Descriptive words for book reviews, essays and other things // @somekindofstudent
Grammatical Terms Explained // @amandaonwriting
A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay // @emmastudies
Foreign Languages
Tips for Studying a New Language // @rhubarbstudies
Tips for Learning Languages // @metiku
tips for learning a language (things i wish i knew before i started) // @languagewarrior
Italian Essay Transition Words & Phrases // @langsandlit
Apostrophe at the End of the Line when Writing in Italian // @sayitaliano
Italian Movies & TV Shows // @plurilinguismo
Mi raccomando! // @sayitaliano
Italian Vocabulary - Education // @franlearnslanguages
Italian Vocabulary - Giving Directions // @langsandlit
Italian Vocabulary - Night // @franlearnslanguages
Italian Vocabulary - Stationery // @sciogli-lingua
Prego! // @sayitaliano
Primavera italiana / Italian spring // @nessunuomo
Let’s talk about FRIENDSHIP in Italian // @la-sicilienne
How to talk about LOVE in Italian // @la-sicilienne
How to Guess Italian Genders // @langsandlit
Korean Grammar Masterpost 
Basic Korean Conjugation // @annyeongkoko
Mega Vocabulary List // @bitesizekorean
Time in Korean // @h-eonno
Politics in Korean // @h-eonno
Resources Masterpost // @mingenius
Korean Slang: Texting // @studying-conversation
Survival Expressions in Japanese // @learnjp
Months in Japanese // @poisonrationalitie
Animals in Japanese // @playwithletters
Friendship vocabulary in Japanese // @blackteaandlanguages
Prepositions // @tea-coffee-languages
A Guide on Shopping // @learnjp
A Guide on School Subjects // @learnjp
French Resources Masterpost
LGBT+ Vocab List - Italiano/Français // @fritalianblr
French Vocabulary: Family // @studying-conversation
french nighttime vocab // @studystrivesucceed
small talk in french (for beginners) // @frenchaise
a short french lesson: les negatives // @bonbonlanguage
Adverbs in french  // @allthelovelylanguages
French Summer Vocabulary // @emiria
a big list of french adjectives // @frenchaise
Swear words and insults in French // @polyglottraveler
Studying in French // @lucylangblr
Portuguese Resources Masterpost // @petuliasays​
Greetings and Goodbyes // @seamusstudies​
Catalan Resources Masterpost // @langsandculture​
Productivity Extensions for Google Chrome // @emmastudies​
Apps for Students // @scholarly​
Top 4 Life-Changing Apps You Need as a College Student // @studycrack​
Compilation of Apps and Websites // @thegrangersapprentice​
College Advice Masterpost // @inspirationales​
A (Pretty) Comprehensive College Masterpost // @intellectys​
How to Enjoy Your Required Physics Classes // @studyingthenightanddayaway​
Things I Wish I’d Known in My First Year of University  // @succulentstudy​
Overrated First Year Advice // @universtudy​
Making the Most of Lectures // @justanotherartsstudent​
How to Write an Email to Your Teacher // @kkaebsongstudies​
Some Tips for Lectures  // @justanotherpsychmajor​
Advice for College Labs // @quantumheels​
dorm tips!! // @hufflepuffscholar​
Self Care Cheat Sheet // @jwstudying
Ideas for a Blank Notebook // @pridebulletjournal
Burnout 101: What it is and how to fix it // @polcry
Self-Discipline Tips // @mariasstudyblr
Self-Discipline & Motivation Masterpost // @educatier
How to Stay Awake in Class // @athenastudying
Stationery Masterpost // @aescademic
50 Reasons Why You Should Study // @studymedically
How to Set Goals // @celestudials
Dealing with Failure // @fuckstudy
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Hi Scarlett! Could you please give me some tips on how to structure HL History IB answers please? My teacher isn't very helpful with this. Even though I know the content, I also know that my exam-essay organisation is quite weak, but I truly don't know how to improve it. (If you simply link me somewhere, that will be helpful too) And also, do you have any particular tips of the last question of Paper 1? I always struggle with it. Thank you massively in advance! xx
OKAY here we go: 
1. Don’t info-dump: I mean it. I know you probably know all the dates and all the names, but don’t put in every single fact you know because you’re not going to get more than a 5. A good history essay is one that has an argument, one that flows - not one that tells the examiner a story. And some questions give rise to arguments more easily - for example, questions asking you to assess the relative role of three factors in a dictator’s rise to power are super easy because they give you a clear structure and an easy argument (one is the most important, followed by two, and three wasn’t all that important), whereas others don’t (in general, questions about collective security give rise to info-dumping because there is so much information). 
2. Plan! Okay, yeah, this is a tough one because history exams are majorly short on time. What I found helped me was studying massive essay plans for each topic and then, when I was in the exam, picking an choosing paragraphs that I thought were useful for the essay. That way, all I needed to do was scribble down the ‘titles’ of the paragraphs in order and I’d know exactly what I wanted to write. Planning is quite important - it keeps you on track and reminds you of where you want to take the essay. 
3. Stick to the time limit/practice timed essays. Set yourself time limits for each paragraph - for example, if you’ve got five points that you want to make, you’ve got around 7 mins or so for each paragraph in Paper 2. Keep an eye on the clock, and treat those 7 minutes like a mini-exam – so as soon as they’re up, you HAVE to sum up what you’re saying and move on. It keeps you from rambling - you’ll be super in tune with how much time you have and how much you can realistically say and therefore leave out the unnecessary things. 
4. Always link back to the question. The easiest way to do this is to link back to the question at the end of each paragraph. So if it’s something like ‘Analyse the factors that led to Hitler’s rise to power’ and you’ve just written a paragraph on the Munich Putsch, sum up by saying ‘therefore, the Munic Putsch led to Hitler’s rise to power because of x, y and z,” or something of the sort.
5. Use the PEE method. Seriously, this isn’t just for English. Make your point, give the evidence, and then explain it and how that evidence supports your point in relation to the question. It’ll keep you on track 
For Paper 1, leostudies has an amazing masterpost HERE. Other things I would add: 
1. Write down, in one sentence, what each source is telling you. Use that as a basis for your essay - you need to talk about each source at least once, so knowing what each one is telling you may help you come up with a useful structure for your essay. 
2. Try and combine the sources with your own knowledge in each paragraph. Don’t have a paragraph dedicated specifically to sources and another dedicated only to your own knowledge - combine them, and you’ll find that you come up with a much better argument.
3. LEAVE ENOUGH TIME. This question is worth the most marks, so it’s important that you make the most of it! You should generally have around ~20 minutes to do it. 
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leostudies · 7 years
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hi friends!!!! if you are interested in following my study insta ie studygram it’s called leostudies!! click the link here! <3 
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literastudy · 7 years
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Hello everyone! As a 2nd year B.A. student majoring in literature, I thought I would give some tips to other people about essay writing in a literary context, especially for stuff other than the outlines, as a lot of studyblrs already give very good tips about outlines. I am available to answer any question you may have about this guide, so please don’t hesitate! This guide will be a step-by-step walkthrough on how to prepare and write literary essays. Find the first part on how to prepare essays here.
5. general dos and don’ts in literary essay writing
Don’t summarize or list facts about what happens in your quote. Explain the signification of your excerpt using literary devices and tie it back to your topic or subtopic. Your literary essay aims to interpret the work, not to simply summarize it.
Do introduce your quotes by contextualizing them. Something like “At X point, Y said to Z: ‘[Your quote]’” is sufficient in most cases, anything more is dabbling in summary territory.
Do ALWAYS CITE YOUR SOURCES. If you use external references to guide your reasoning, your teacher wants to know about it. Don’t read things that you’re not allowed to use, because your brain will retain the ideas even if you don’t want to, which might lead to accusations of plagiarizing. Note: This does not apply to a lot of high-school level essays but it often happens in college and university.
Don’t do sweeping generalizations and inaccurate analogies. Phrasings like “Since the dawn of time” or “For as long as man has existed” should be banned from your essay. Generalizations should be avoided as much as possible since you want to produce a nuanced and accurate analysis. Also, avoid cliché phrases as much as possible.
Don’t use the words “prove” or “demonstrate” in your essays. You are the one who is proving and demonstrating stuff, your quotes only show, illustrate, reveal, signify, suggest, etc.
Do use precise literary vocabulary when useful, but never use words you don’t know the exact meaning of — the thesaurus is your friend as long as you know what you’re saying.
Do use linking vocabulary and sentences between your paragraphs and ideas to help your text flow. No need to use them systematically, it feels forced and awkward, but inserting one here and there helps your text feel easier to read.
Don’t use past or future verb tenses in essays, or avoid them as much as possible. The time of a book is totally separate from the time of reality, so you don’t need to talk about it as something that happened in the past, you can present the events in the present tense.
Do follow the formatting conventions specific to your school, faculty, or department, in accordance with the preference of your teacher, especially regarding references. Not all places use MLA references.
6. write
When writing literary essays at home, give yourself plenty of time. Here are some tips to help making intensive writing sessions less tedious:
Drink water, tea, or herbal tea to keep yourself hydrated. Note: Tea won’t actually make you need to pee more often unless you are not used to drinking it.
Use a Pomodoro timer or another kind of study timer to help keep yourself focused, take frequent breaks, stretch, walk around a bit, you can even exercise during longer breaks if you feel like it.
Have healthy snacks if needed. Avoid very sugary and very salty snacks.
Keep a thesaurus and a dictionary close to you so you can easily search keywords and you don’t jam on a word. Physical dictionaries can be better tools than online ones depending on which ones are available in your language. If you don’t own a physical dictionary, you can most likely borrow one in your city or your school’s library.
If you feel like your outline is not as good as you thought it was, it’s normal. You can make small sentence tweaks to make it all hold together better, but don’t start over or you’ll lose precious time on a quest for perfection which has no end. You’ll be fine. You can do this.
Find a comfortable, well-lit corner. If you’re going to spend at least 5 hours sitting at the same spot, you don’t want it to cause you back, neck, or shoulder pain, or headaches and eye strain because of poor lighting.
If you are writing at night on a computer, use a screen blue-light dimmer like f.lux or SunsetScreen to reduce eye strain.
You can do this, I believe in you! 😊 Whether or not you are 100% satisfied of your mark, you’re accomplishing something just by doing this assignment and you deserve a solid pat in the back for doing it.
7. review
I am not the best versed in all languages to recommend you the specific tools and techniques you should use to review your text, but here are some personal tips that might help you:
Make sure that you have written all the parts of your outline and didn’t forget any points. This can easily happen when doing essays with subtopics and it’s a bummer when it happens because you’re losing points on both structure and content.
Scan for repetitive sentences, too long sentences, or confusing sentences. Reword, break into smaller sentences, or replace where necessary. You need to put yourself in the frame of mind of someone who doesn’t know or only vaguely knows the subject of your essay and wonder if that hypothetical person would understand what you mean and would actually believe in your argument.
Review your punctuation, especially around quotes, footnotes and your bibliography.
Use whatever re-reading method works best for you to check for grammar mistakes.
Don’t let doubt set in, especially if you have perfectionist tendencies. No essay is perfect, yours is no exception. Rewriting your entire essay at this point would not only be counter-productive, but would also most likely result in a worst result than what you have now because you’d feel pressured by the lack of time.
8. additional resources
Look up if your university or college’s library offers essay writing classes. A lot of them do.
Most universities and colleges also provide an MLA guide, which they sometimes offer for free online.
Also check if they have a revising or tutoring service if grammar is something you have a lot of struggles with. Most of them are free.
Essay Help Masterpost by @studyblrjess
On how to prepare essays:
How I Write Papers by @astudyindetermination (gives you a good general direction of where to start if you’re feeling lost)
How to Prepare for a Timed Essay by @collegerefs (solid steps you can take when you don’t know your exact subject in advance)
A Guide to Outlining Essays by @intellectus (good alternative tips to give you a starting point)
On how to write essays:
How to Structure Essays by @rewritign (solid basic advice)
A Step-by-step Guide to Writing a Five Paragraph Essay by @emmastudies (a good take on the standard high-school 5-paragraph structure)
Essay Writing Strategy by @artcanary (good for practically any essay type if you’re feeling stuck)
How to Outline a 2k+ Word College Essay by @kineticallyanywhere (AMAZING if you’re feeling lost about non-literary college essays!)
How to Write an Essay by @woman-shaped-battering-ram (catered to history students! @mac-studies is their studyblr)
How to: Write an Essay by @koalastudy (good general structure advice)
Tips for in Class Essays by @universtudy (good complement to the preparation guide above)
Real Essay Tip by @leahrning (tips for writing essays on multiple days)
Tips for Writing an Essay With Executive Dysfunction by @sonicherosfan (also good if you have procrastination problems, short focus time, run low on spoons or have any other type of disability that brings on struggles with essay writing, I do this all the time and it works!)
18 Wonderful Literary Devices to Make Wonderful Essays by @leostudies (USE THIS!!!!!! it makes 0 sense to write about literature without literary concepts!)
English Literature Stylistic Devices by @studyingboookworm (MOAR LITERARY DEVICES!!!!!!)
YOUR BEST RESOURCE IS YOUR OWN SELF because you are amazing and I know you can rock this!
9. reward yourself
Writing an essay is an accomplishment in itself. Don’t wait for your grade to reward yourself for pulling through this, especially considering your grade will not necessarily reflect all the time and effort you put into your essay! Treat yourself to a nice restaurant, do yourself a spa day, take a day off, buy something small that brings you joy, whatever makes you feel nice! It doesn’t have to cost money either, you can just have a friend over and watch nice movies together or whatever you’d like to do. :)
I hope this was useful to you in some way! If you need to go back, the first part is here.
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studiouscoffee · 8 years
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18•01•2017 planning the year ahead and trying really hard to change my life for the better
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studyegn-blog · 8 years
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Hi everyone! A lot of us sometimes don't feel motivated and sometimes looking through tumblr too long doesn't help as well. So I decided to go on youtube and make a list of all the studytubes that motivate me and are helpful. I hope you guys like them, and thank you to anyone on this list and I speak for a lot of people you guys put in a lot of hard work and motivate lots of people. <3 :) 
Posts new videos every Monday and Friday. Simple and calm videos + Amazing Study compilations and good reviews. Grade 9 studytube.
Videos on anything study related:).  Lots of planning and bullet jornaling. Senior/ Grade 12 studytube.  
Mariana's Study Corner
Amazing organization and note-taking videos. College studytube.  
Grade 9 IB studytube.  
Study With Me  
Need a study buddy??  
Unknown Notes  
Stationary hauls and bullet journaling!
TBH Studying
aesthetic  notes and bullet journaling  all in one! Grade 10 studytube.  
Study and Plan with me  
Study to Success
If your doing AP classes check this channel out. Junior/ Grade 11 Studytube  
Myriad Inklings  
Planning and study with me. University studyblr
A little bit of everything all put together.  
Brian. Art, planning and bullet journaling. 16 year old studytube.
Just like the name different ways to study! + study vlogs. University studyblr.  
Study With Jess  
A studytube what more can I say :)  
Vivian's aesthetic
Study with me. Senior/ Grade 12 studytube.  
TheStrive Studies  
Main channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqpdayJIwI_yts1uITarNOw  
Medical school student + lots of study with me and tips.  
Planning recipes, studyblr and IB.  
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teachandstudy-blog · 8 years
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hello everyone! i’m teachandstudy.
i’m a uni student from canada and my major is teaching french as a second language. please feel free to ask me questions, i’d be happy to help you with your french studies or homework, as french is my first language!
my main interests in terms of subjects are: languages (french, english, spanish, german, japanese, russian, etc.), didactics, teaching and literature.
i also enjoy reading about health and science.
why i created this blog
i first encountered the studyblr community a year ago, when i created teachandstudyy as a side blog. after some time, i realized that having a main account for my study blog would be much easier for interacting with people! that’s why i created teachandstudy a few days ago.
with this blog, i want to inspire myself to study, but also to form good habits. i am a big procrastinator, so i hope to change that in the future! i want to take part in this community, make friends and help people as much as i can :)
what you will find on teachandstudy
pictures that i find inspiring (notes, books, bullet journals, study spaces), tips, french vocabulary, french resources, lists of my favourite study-related things (music, youtubers, blogs, stationery, snacks, etc.), self care tips, and more.
some of my favourite study blogs
@annoinglittlegirl - @smolstudyingkid - @academla - @leostudies - @studyign - @nehrdist - @milkystudies - @elkstudies - @dangostudy - @hayley-studies - @areistotle - @elienstudies - @studyquill - @studyrose - @studypetals - @myriadinklings - @katsdesk - and a special shoutout to @studyingchicago who actually got me into the studyblr community; i come from the hockey side of tumblr!
thanks to all of you for inspiring me! 🌺
feel free to like/reblog/message me if you’re a studyblr so i can check out your blog :)
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bulletjouhrnal · 8 years
Good studytubers? :-)
hey, sorry that this took so long!! I’ll divide this into, like… specifically studytubers, then lifestyle gurus that I also kind of link to studying and productivity (but these are just my subscriptions)
Leo Studies @leostudiesstudyign @studyignstudywithinspo @studywithinspoZOË KEZIA @nehrdistzvoehi (kind of both)
muchelleb @muchellebpalestblue yesreneau
again, these are just people I’m subscribed too, I’m sure there are plenty more!!
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Hello, everyone! My name is Alex (or Lady Moon) and I’m new to the studyblr community! I decided to make this blog to motivate myself for my last semester of high school (and first year of university??
I’m a 17-year-old Canadian high school student (Ontario curriculum) going into her last semester of high school! Though I’ve already finished university applications I’m sure I’ll be reblogging appblr stuff! I’m also fluent in french and english (just Canadian things lol) and I’m currently learning spanishFor more info about me visit my about page
@tbhstudying @emmastudies @elkstudies @studyquill @studyblr @studyign @milkstudy @leostudies @studypetals 
I’m looking for more blogs to follow so like and reblog this if you’re a studyblr so I can follow you!
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So I've been on studyblr for a day, thanks, @studytable. And I have never felt more motivated. Ever. So thank you, studyblr community. @studyblr, @studytable, @nehrdist, @leostudies, @studyign and countless others who have inspired me, thank you. Trust me, I am never a sappy as this, but I truly have never been more motivated to work hard and get that 4.0.
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