#I cooooould have RPed with the Glass House characters
choppedmint · 9 months
If I commit to talking about Morganville Vampires, I need to share a list of OCs before I start claiming someone exists when they don't. If you see any of the below names (baring certain Goldmans mentioned to be canonical) than they are fictious. I love them, but I made them the heck up. XD
Samuel Salinas: A really new vampire. Like really new. Worryingly new. Part of a plot new. And he's also 12. And also heck it, toss him at Myrnin, because having him deal with a child in mental distress was apparently a good idea to younger me and I'm loath to change my post canon plots nooooow. At any rate, I love him dearly, little sunshine boy. Uses he/him.
Pax Salinas: We repeat, worryingly new vampire. Sam's brother. Uses he/him.
Worrying large amount of Goldman vampires. Why? Because RPs. Do I remember which are my OCs anymore? Nooope. Theo and Patience and Patience Jr, and Jakob are the only four I know I didn't make up out of my head, but if the others are appear in the books, I'm assuming I just gave them names? If there are no mention of them (I think for example I gave Theo another kid in Marcel) than they're just made up.
Anyway. Marcel Goldman: Son of Theo Goldman. He's dead by the time my post-canon stories usually take place. Whoops. I ... really wish I'd fleshed him out more, but we're making up for lost time. We'll get there. he/him
Aaron Goldman: Grandson of Theo Goldman. He's an ass. I love him. Another of Bishop's little messed up 'let's change the children' ideas, along with his cousins Jakob and Patience Jr. So fun times there! He's less of an ass than Aurelia. Will protect his family with his life, thank you very much. he/him
Aurelia Goldman: Granddaughter of Theo Goldman. Also a really angry person. But we love her anyway. she/her
Julius Goldman: Human. Married Marcel and into the family. he/him
Penny Goldman: adopted by Julius and Marcel Goldman. she/her
Bella: She sucks. All you need to know. Sam and Pax's mom and a piece of work. she/her
Harquin Day: Not actually a member of Day family, but sort of adopted on somewhere down the line. Their Protector and occassionally will use their roof for star-gazing. General opinion of him is iffy in recent generations, just as a general reaction to all vampires, but he's slowly improving in their books. Not particularly scary on first look, tends to give off cool uncle vibes. But he can stand up for himself in a way that proves how he's managed to survive in this life. Rather impressive scowl. More 'distant' than anything and totally started using the 'Day' last name without permission, but no body remembers a time he didn't, so there's no one around to fight him on it anymore. He's a therapist, usually reserved for vampires, but has been known to take in the occassional other.
Uses they/he pronouns. Not old-old, but certainly has been around several centuries.
Janus: Officer in the police force. Vampire. Shane partners with her sometimes when he needs vampiric backup. I've only used her once, we'll see if I use her again. she/her Arthur Dee:
Historical figure, so technically exists, so heh? Anyway, was a brief fling of Myrnin's back in the early 16th century. I refuse to believe Myrnin is not queer shaped in some way, so I poked around for an old alchemist and found this man and now I've adopted him and writing a book about him. Please ask me about Arthur Dee, I can tell you how he accidently maybe on purpose murdered his in-law, it's great. ANYWAY he's not a vampire. 100% human and died in the mid 16th century. Myrnin does not like mentioning him. It ended very poorly. he/him John Smith:
Not that John Smith. I just lifted him from another story to briefly use as Amelie's bodyguard. I use him for the same purpose now and again. he/him
One would think I'd have more human characters, but noooo, not me. Though Julius is one of my favs, so like, maybe he makes up for it.
I have ART. These characters live on Art Fight, 'cause of course they do. I don't have anything for Harquin, Pax, Aaron, or Aurelia, despite having pages and pages of writing about all of them. Whoopsy. One would think the length of description equated to how much I liked them, but if anything it's the reverse. Don't get me wrong, love Harquin, but I've used them as a character (RP or stories) all of ... three times give or take. While the others are, like, practically main characters. But whatever.
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