#arthur dee
choppedmint · 5 months
If I commit to talking about Morganville Vampires, I need to share a list of OCs before I start claiming someone exists when they don't. If you see any of the below names (baring certain Goldmans mentioned to be canonical) than they are fictious. I love them, but I made them the heck up. XD
Samuel Salinas: A really new vampire. Like really new. Worryingly new. Part of a plot new. And he's also 12. And also heck it, toss him at Myrnin, because having him deal with a child in mental distress was apparently a good idea to younger me and I'm loath to change my post canon plots nooooow. At any rate, I love him dearly, little sunshine boy. Uses he/him.
Pax Salinas: We repeat, worryingly new vampire. Sam's brother. Uses he/him.
Worrying large amount of Goldman vampires. Why? Because RPs. Do I remember which are my OCs anymore? Nooope. Theo and Patience and Patience Jr, and Jakob are the only four I know I didn't make up out of my head, but if the others are appear in the books, I'm assuming I just gave them names? If there are no mention of them (I think for example I gave Theo another kid in Marcel) than they're just made up.
Anyway. Marcel Goldman: Son of Theo Goldman. He's dead by the time my post-canon stories usually take place. Whoops. I ... really wish I'd fleshed him out more, but we're making up for lost time. We'll get there. he/him
Aaron Goldman: Grandson of Theo Goldman. He's an ass. I love him. Another of Bishop's little messed up 'let's change the children' ideas, along with his cousins Jakob and Patience Jr. So fun times there! He's less of an ass than Aurelia. Will protect his family with his life, thank you very much. he/him
Aurelia Goldman: Granddaughter of Theo Goldman. Also a really angry person. But we love her anyway. she/her
Julius Goldman: Human. Married Marcel and into the family. he/him
Penny Goldman: adopted by Julius and Marcel Goldman. she/her
Bella: She sucks. All you need to know. Sam and Pax's mom and a piece of work. she/her
Harquin Day: Not actually a member of Day family, but sort of adopted on somewhere down the line. Their Protector and occassionally will use their roof for star-gazing. General opinion of him is iffy in recent generations, just as a general reaction to all vampires, but he's slowly improving in their books. Not particularly scary on first look, tends to give off cool uncle vibes. But he can stand up for himself in a way that proves how he's managed to survive in this life. Rather impressive scowl. More 'distant' than anything and totally started using the 'Day' last name without permission, but no body remembers a time he didn't, so there's no one around to fight him on it anymore. He's a therapist, usually reserved for vampires, but has been known to take in the occassional other.
Uses they/he pronouns. Not old-old, but certainly has been around several centuries.
Janus: Officer in the police force. Vampire. Shane partners with her sometimes when he needs vampiric backup. I've only used her once, we'll see if I use her again. she/her Arthur Dee:
Historical figure, so technically exists, so heh? Anyway, was a brief fling of Myrnin's back in the early 16th century. I refuse to believe Myrnin is not queer shaped in some way, so I poked around for an old alchemist and found this man and now I've adopted him and writing a book about him. Please ask me about Arthur Dee, I can tell you how he accidently maybe on purpose murdered his in-law, it's great. ANYWAY he's not a vampire. 100% human and died in the mid 16th century. Myrnin does not like mentioning him. It ended very poorly. he/him John Smith:
Not that John Smith. I just lifted him from another story to briefly use as Amelie's bodyguard. I use him for the same purpose now and again. he/him
One would think I'd have more human characters, but noooo, not me. Though Julius is one of my favs, so like, maybe he makes up for it.
I have ART. These characters live on Art Fight, 'cause of course they do. I don't have anything for Harquin, Pax, Aaron, or Aurelia, despite having pages and pages of writing about all of them. Whoopsy. One would think the length of description equated to how much I liked them, but if anything it's the reverse. Don't get me wrong, love Harquin, but I've used them as a character (RP or stories) all of ... three times give or take. While the others are, like, practically main characters. But whatever.
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humming-fly · 3 months
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I know I've thought of a good shitpost when the premise is only funny to me and maybe three other people
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Happy Father's Day~ (for the Dads of KBASW)
Did you think I would be late for Father's Day (like last year)? Hahaha yes!
King Dedede & Banadana Dee:
I've kept King Dedede's Arc pretty hush (since it does dive into pretty dark territory) and Bandee is extremely integral to his change. And you can understand why Dedede's incredibly attached to Bandee (vice-versa).
Bandee is one of the only ones who believed in the king and stayed by his side. And King Dedede growing a drive to change... wanting to become someone worthy of Bandee's trust and loyalty.
After Escargoon quits on him (which affects & hurts him greatly), he promises to do everything he can to "treat dis boy right!"Which results in King Dedede treating him more like a son than his right-hand man.
King Fisher, Prince Fluff & Falspar:
As I've said before Fisher King adored his son to bits and pieces ... and gave his life just for the chance to be a father. And never regretted having Fluff... if his accident is what leads him to have his son then he doesn't regret that either.
(Basically, a near-death experience was what led him & his wife to be unable to have children... an accident that Falspar was blamed for by Uther & the Ancients to save face...)
After the whole debacle with the Grail & Faspar wants to make it up to Fluff, (even though Fluff has already forgiven him). However, that's not good enough for Falspar so what does he do...
This is basically Falspar's walk of penance (similar to his counterpart Sir Percival)... And he does this by finding out what happened to Fluff's mom for him. They were both able to give each other the closure they needed: Falspar with the King Fisher incident with the Grail & Fluff with the disappearance of his mom...
Falspar becomes a second father to Fluff he's affectionately called Uncle Parry by him (Fluff). Falspar's laid-back nature was just what Fluff needed in his life. Being there for Fluff gave Falspar this unspeakable sense of fulfillment... finally understanding what the Grail meant... and King Fisher's attitude of gratitude for him.
Fisher was always thankful to Falspar for his accident because it's what led him to have a son... and Falspar in turn becomes grateful to Fisher because of his son (Fluff).
(Gah~ still weeping)
Sir Arthur & Meta Knight:
As I've said before, when Meta Knight was born he was sent through the dream fountain as a living bomb by Nightmare. He (MK) would not obey him and saw him as a failed experiment so he expelled him hoping he could do a little damage... believing he would die on arrival.
He was wrong... Meta Knight's creation was blasphemy and the fact he didn't have a warpstar was proof of that. He was an astral that was born out of the creation of Void.
And of course, Sir Uther tried to execute him immediately... but Sir Arthur wasn't having it. Everyone saw a monster, but all Sir Arthur could see was a frightened little boy begging for someone to save him... (it was a feeling all too familiar when he dealt with Sir Uther's cruelty).
Not only that he couldn't bear to see another innocent being accused of treason *cough* Celestine.
Using all the knowledge & the lessons he's had (with Celestine/ Merlyn) he manages to convince the Ancients to spare Meta's life and allow him to take the baby in. And his new status as "holy knight" protected him so Uther couldn't do anything to override his decision.
However, the old toad had one last (pathetic) try and exclaimed, "IF YOU KEEP THAT SPAWN OF NIGHTMARE YOU WILL NO LONGER BE MY RIGHT HAND AND I WILL DISSOWN YOU!"
Uther had assumed he'd come crawling back believing he still had Arthur under his thumb. (Little did he know Arthur had changed a long time ago.) Instead, he turns to his old mentor "Then I would formally like to abdicate my position as your right-hand man."
Arthur turns back to Meta and scoops him in his arms wrapping him in his cape (the red cape). "And besides I'll have my hands and won't be able to properly take care of this one."
He walked away from his cruel master and never looked back. Meta Knight always saw Arthur as his savior, but in reality, it was Meta Knight who saved him.
After Celestine's death (or that's what he thought), Arthur was really struggling, and even more so after she was erased.
Being one of the only people who remembered her, apart of him thought she might have been a figment of his imagination. But he didn't care "Even if she was just a dream... then she was a beautiful dream..." and as long as Merlyn existed... so did she.
He held on to the memory of her for dear life... "that there was always something to live for... "Meta Knight was that something to him.
Kirby & Meta Knight:
Guys, I don't think I need to explain the last one that much cause... come on it's "Meta Dad."
(I'd expand on this more but then we'd be here for hours/ also that would be spoilers to KBASW: The Knightmare's End... I really got to finish the next chapter)
Basically Sunshine heals old lonely war veteran~
The whole father-son relationship between Kirby & Meta Knight is two outsiders finding this family within each other... and then in turn being able to make a safe space for everyone and each other.
Their Father-Son relationship ultimately made each other grow closer to their respective destinies. With Kirby becoming a Star Warrior and Meta Knight becoming the leader of the GSA,
So anyways I hope you enjoyed the dads of KBASW!
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underscorede · 2 months
There are two wolves inside me,one reads fanfic the other writes fanfic.
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ally0fc · 8 days
I am crankin' 'em out today !!!!!!!
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From: @ceoofmetagala (Twitter)
To: @cali-kabi
Message from Santa: "Hey, when I saw I was you're santa I got very excited and could not believe it, I looked up to you a bit before! When I was a younger kirby artist I always really liked you're style, very glad to have been you're santa, I had a ton of drawing these! Heck even got to experiment a bit ! I hope you enjoy all my gifts!!!"
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nookisms · 2 months
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"Ali where is The Masquerade" don't worry about it take this as a peace offering
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art-o-gant · 2 months
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the once and future king
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metagalacafe · 6 months
My gifts for the @hoshinokaabi-secretsanta gift exchange for @ cali-kabi !! I had a ton of fun drawing for her !!
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
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Arthur, Charles, and Lorenzo Leclerc (and a dissociating Andrea Ferrari) in Monaco for @sebsrainbowbicycle's birthday 💖
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cali-kabi · 1 year
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~ Happy 2nd Anniversary Heart & Soul <3💖💫🌙
wanted to make something for the second anniversary of @post-it-notes7 ‘s Meta Knight and Galacta Knight fanfic :D their friendship is so cute and the way you write their interactions is so amazing and good I love reading your writing so much <3 I can’t believe it’s been two years already ;w;💕I was also playing Kirby Star Allies for the first time ever and I got inspired to draw Dedede’s castle as the background, I had bit of trouble drawing it before but after playing Star Allies I got an idea of how to draw the interior <3 oh yeah there was three pillars in this but one of them got destroyed by Galacta haha xD anyways I hope you like this ^^✨
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choppedmint · 8 months
Arthur Dee (re: his marriage to Isabella Prestwich and horoscopes)
Gotta talk about my brainrot historical character eventually.
One of the neat things I love learning about is just finding a useless little piece of the puzzle of a timeline.
Like I wanted to have a better idea of when he met his wife. Like, there's documents about roughly when they married, but when did he meet her?
More amused then finding out around when was the fact he apparently asked someone (wasn't his father, I'm honestly a touch surprised he didn't ask John Dee ... wonder why) to do an horoscope reading about their compatibility.
Like ... my dude. How often did Arthur do one before he asked a different dude?
I don't even know who Napier is yet!
Megan Piorko, Sarah Lang & Richard Bean (2023) Deciphering the Hermeticae Philosophiae Medulla: Textual Cultures of Alchemical Secrecy, Ambix, 70:2, 150-183, DOI: 10.1080/00026980.2023.2201744 )
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lyrker · 1 year
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he’s a little silly looking but i’m very proud of him (: his clothes are also interchangeable and i want to make him a coat later
I uh !! did not write a pattern for how to do him entirely. i have a pattern for the body base, but the clothes and hair, i have nothing . I could post the body pattern if anyone would like it (‘:
anyway, get marketable plushie’d idiot
might get more photos later this week bc i’m going to cut off johns head and restitch it. i’m making him a new cape.
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Prince Fluff's Father
Okay, so you guys can keep reading if you want spoilers, but.. if you guys wanna put in any, guess feel free.
But believe it or not, I have mentioned Prince Fluff's father 2 or 3 times before... you guys just didn't know it.
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I may not have the event play out exactly like this (have Falspare less angry), but... Prince Fluff... is the son of the FISHER KING! Believe it or not, I planned this plotline ever since I introduced the Fisher King into the story.
Kirby and the gang aren't going to see Fluff any differently but Falspar...
Ya'know like Fishnet (cloth)- Fisher...
Yeah, I know far far-fetched connection but bear with me! This is just my way of connecting the game lore is to mix it with Arthurian lore, there are a few more surprises but the ones I have on the list.
Ribbon & Ripple Star's connection (Morgan Le Fay/ Dame Morgan)
Epic Yarn/ Prince Fluff's Connection (the Fisher King/ Fluff's father)
Planet Robobot Susie Haltman (Sir Icarus)
Moving on...
And a quick poll and more info on Fluff's father. (keep reading)
You know just enough to spook Falspar and make him wince and make him think it's the Fisher king at first glance.
After the whole incident (also mentioned here)... this was awake up call to the Fisher King. (I don't know whether to change his name to something else or keep him with a name.)
He magically isolated his planet, locking away Patchland and separating it from the galaxy & the war. (Also, so he can escape Uther's wrath for pulling away his support; so yeah all of that blame and anger went to Falspar.)
Basically, the land that suffered was not Patchland but the galaxy... Being cut off from the biggest source of good, destroying the galaxy's economy.
The Fisher King did do the work and eventually did become a better person... In a sense, the Pathland, (while still wealthy & stable in his rule) still suffered deeply inside. Tolling away regretting his actions...
A part of him does want to rejoin the galaxy, but he's too afraid that people will still see him as the man he was... the fear and shame kept him away from it all... Everyone!
He put the well-being of his kingdom and his people first... they loved their king. Patchland was prosperous and thriving while their king suffered in silence. He'd put on a smile and watched on in the shadows... Denying himself the love of his people and the fruits of his labor... (Basically, he was punishing himself for years...)
Until a certain, (Fluff's mom) had broken through the barrier by mistake... I have a cute love story planned out for them, but yeah, she was the only one who saw the king's hidden sadden.
Fluff's mom: Why do you suffer?
FK: Because I was a terrible man... I deserve to suffer.
Fluff's mom: Are you the man you were before.
FK:No... I uh-
Fluff's mom: Then why should you suffer?
Basically she's the one who "freed the Fisher King"
Yeah, long story short they fell in love, got married, and had Fluff... You're probably asking "Wait, hold on a minute didn't the Fisher King receive an injury that left him impotent." (unable to have children)
Yes, that is true... which is why he sought out a certain Yarn Wizard: *cough* Yin-Yarn! Who was able to magically create a son for him that was biologically his & his wife's. Giving her the child she's always wanted...
And the Fisher King... WAS THE BEST FATHER TO FLUFF! And loved him so much... He prepared him for the outside world. And told him of the man he was, before... regardless Fluff loved, respected, and adored his father dearly and never saw him differently.
Having a family gave him a newfound purpose in life... and gave him the confidence to return to the outside- Oh no, tragedy sets in... he falls ill (and slowly starts to lose his mind... the only thing he could remember was his wife & son.)- the price he had to pay for Fluff's birth... but he did not regret it at all.
Resulting in his wife & son having to see him lose his mind and his life fade away... bedridden. But all his plans to rejoin the galaxy and the GSA remain untouched... ready to be used.
Basically, the Fisher King's death plays out like this...
However, even though he passes on these plans to his son he gives him the option to never use them as well... knowing how difficult it would be for Fluff... being his son.
Even telling him, "Should anyone who has any grievance with me... accept it, don't deny it, and apologize to them, alright."
The Fisher King started off as an arrogant two-faced King but died a kind and loving man... he considers Fluff his greatest achievement... and his greatest regret is not being able to see the fantastic ruler he knew he would become.
He dies leaving his wife & son to grieve... two years later Prince Fluff's mother disappears... I know it's sad.
Prince Fluff looks over these plans but isn't sure if he can do it... though after meeting Kirby the gang he feels confident enough to do it... He's just going to need their support.
I'm not gonna reveal how this goes down just yet but... Flaspar was never able to find closure with the Fisher King incident... but perhaps he can find closer with his son. (>:3)
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 5 months
Arthur didn’t miss the militarisation; he chose to omit that information : a word salad
I don’t think there’s a single mistake in movie history that has riled up this many people as arthur darling missing militarisation of Fischer. It’s (beautifully, always) taken as the moment eames shows arthur “it’s okay bb I love you” in all the fics ever (keep doing that please it’s my jam) and over the past 13 years people have been toying different ideas trying to figure out the reason for the best point man in the industry to miss such important detail of the job.
nobody asked, but here’s my two cents on it.
But first, lemme briefly mention the theories I have seen so far in the fandom regarding this
1. Arthur missed it. Just as it’s portrayed in the movie. He’s just human and humans are bound to make mistakes. There’s no mystery/backstory/explanation; he just missed it. cause even tho he strives to be, he isn’t 100% perfect.
(it’s very possible, but where’s the fun in this explanation cmon)
2. Arthur missed it cause he was too burned out by the long two years of babysitting cobb and he was too busy in inception job itself playing mentor to Ariadne while doing his point man duties
(I agree. totally. He needed to be wrapped in a blanket and fed cookies 30 seconds in to the damn movie)
3. Arthur didn’t miss it. He hid the fact intentionally to con the team. He was double crossing cobb/Eames and was actually helping cobol/CIA so he made the job difficult by keeping it a secret
(I’m not overly fond of this explanation, and it’s doesn’t ring true with the canon, but I see the appeal. The whole eames/arthur enemies to lovers extravaganza *chefs kiss*)
4. Arthur didn’t miss anything. Fischer wasn’t militarised. The projections were cobbs, including that giant ass train.
(Im not smart enough to completely understand this explanation but it’s a big brain idea *applause*)
so.. now onto the silly little idea I had.
(this could very well be an already discussed idea, I’m waaaaay late to the party, but I just haven’t come across it so far. Please bear with me if you’ve mentioned/seen someone mention it anywhere)
What if..what if it was arthur himself who militarised Fischer. What if it’s a job he did while running around the world with cobb and he did it from everyone?
in actual, real world, country hopping, funding lawyers, paying for law suits and funding for two kids actually need a truckload of money. While the Miles couple must’ve helped with some of those expenses, there must’ve been a huge amount of balance for cobb to cover, and despite being a runaway dad, cobb must’ve tried his best to make things at home were going smooth at home, taking as much jobs he could get, even the riskier and shadier ones.
however, with his mind falling apart and mal being not so lovely, there must’ve been a moment the efforts just weren’t enough. Cobb wouldn’t have mentioned it or more likely, wouldn’t have even noticed it, cause if the movie is any indication, the tabs must’ve been kept by a certain very meticulous point man.
arthur ,more than anyone else, knew how much cobb wanted to see his children and how hard he was trying to get his name cleared and get back to them. so, letting cobb know that he wasn’t dong enough as a father and a protector was definitely out in arthurs book.
so what if, while pretending for both his and cobbs sake that everything was just fine, arthur started taking up extra work to fill out those gaps? certainly not heavy inception-level work, but the ones which would only require a point man or just an architect. jobs without too much trouble, almost legal and which could be done in between jobs.
and arthur wouldn’t have minded missing a few nights sleep here and there, if it meant the lawyers keeping the feds off cobbs back were paid and happy. he knew his best friend was already beating himself up for mal, both the real life person and the projection and leaving such young kids alone, so even when cobb grumbled about research being completed late, arthur never let cobb know it’s cause he’s also handling another jobs research and add to the staggering weight of guilt his friend carried.
so what if, militarisation of Fisher was one such run-in-the-mill job that was done in super secrecy? Arthur was consulted when fishcer senior fell ill, arthur flew in (stateside), met Robert barely once, did the job and flew back.
when inception came along, arthur was obviously in a nice little pickle and he knew he had to talk cobb out of it (in the movie, we could see arthur being wary of inception from the get go, and while the extreme chance of utter failure could’ve been the reason, this could also be the reason why he didn’t wanna go through with it *cue stabby salad scene*) there was no way arthur could tell this to cobb without hurting him as then he would’ve had to explain all the rest to him as well.
being the point does mean he has to know it all, but it never says the others also have to know as much he does. so arthur keeps it hidden, but takes all the precautions; he makes sure everything is planned well and that everyone is trained in gun combat ( even the first class flight attendant specially the first class flight attendant ), knowing that worse that could happen would be dying in a dream, which for arthur, only meant waking up at that point. arthur was sure they could go thru with it cause as he says in the movie “it’s nothing they haven’t dealt with before”.
I love the level of calmness arthur was exuding when cobb tears him a new one and while it could be simply because arthurs life long experience of dealing with cranky cobb, there was also this hint of resigned “I’ve been expecting this” nature to his demeanour that was too calm, even for arthur. He tries to calm cobb down in the most placating manner cause Arthur must’ve decided that he deserves whatever that’s coming along his way and has been ready to take the blame since day one and tries his damndest to make sure everyone makes it out alive cause he was prepared and was sure. arthur didn’t mind playing the betrayer so that cobb could walk away guilt free out of inception.
however, what arthur never, ever expected was the person he has considered as his closest friend, to betray him and everyone else in the worst possible manner.
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idothingsandstuffs · 7 months
I've talk about the Kirby right back at ya reboot I've made in my head, that was inconsistent af.
Here are some more things that I've created in my head that happened in it.
(And if a reboot or a new anime happens and some of this happens, that is not a coincidence I have future vision that is just pretty inconsistent\jk)
•It is called "Kirby right back at ya:deluxe"
•Everyone is a like 5-7 years older compare to the original.
•All the waddle dees were raised by dedede and escargoon therefore bandee start off as a jerk but gets character development.
•One of the waddle dees fakes their own death to join meta's crew as sailor dee.
•Meta knight is a wanted criminal.
•Kirby was raised by sir Arthur before he was send to popstar.
•Kirby is also fullent in Spanish but doesn't have an accent.
•Kirby can talk but still says poyo as a tick.
•Adeline is Ado's younger sister.
•Adeline and Ado live in the castle because Dedede declared both of them royal painters because he doesn't wanna admit he adopted two children.
•Giving children a job in the castle is Dedede's way of adoption.
•That one "how can I help you king Dedede" part from the intro would be change every episode to fit what is going to happen in the episode.
•Marx was also raised by sir Arthur with Kirby and Kirby saw him as a big brother, and milky way wishes messed Kirby up.
•Marx and meta knight are demon beasts.
•The reason sir Arthur raised Marx and Kirby was to keep a close eye on them.
•The reason why Arthur wanted to keep a close eye on them is because the last demon beast that they trusted became a war criminal and Kirby has has the potential to become full on void or zero if they felt a lot of negative feelings.
•Oh and also Kirby is the positive reancarnetion of void.
•If Ado tries draws a copy of someone the copy becomes how that person should be like, while when Adeline Tris to do it, it becomes how she sees this person.
•Adeline tries to turn a blind eye to dedede's bad action while Ado tries to justify them until a point where they can't keep doing it because he started to use them in his plans.
•It is a musical.
•King dedede would have a whole song about how great he is.
•Gooey feels weird around Kirby because he senses an energy that is so unfamiliar and familiar at the same time.
•Gooey is tramutized from zero.
•A song that dark matter sing that happens in dedede's head when he possessed him. In the song he shape shift into everyone who dedede cared about and hurt and sings about how much he sucks, and the worst part is king dedede can't deny any of them because he knows all of them is true.
•A scene where king dedede losses everyone who respected him (waddle dees, Ado and Adeline stopped flowing his orders and escargoon left) and he realizes there is no one to blame but himself.
•Romk arc takes place after the dm arc and is the first time Kirby meets meta knight
•Sailor dee drowns and dies. This event traumitizes meta knight.
•A scene where king Dedede has a mental breakdown because he can't understand why Kirby is so kind to him and doesn't hate his guts like everyone else in the kingdom because he should hate him the most and even begs Kirby to just hate him. Kirby refuses and gives him a hug.
•Meta knight, after trying to take king dedede's throne, goes to king dedede's castle (dedede doesn't know yet) the only people who know what meta tried to do is his crew, Kirby, knuckle Joe (he was helping Kirby) and that girl with a gun that I can't remember the name of.
•Meta and Dedede were friends before dedede became king and he didn't know he was dethrone an old friend.
•The kids were going to tell dedede but when Kirby realized how happy he was to found an old friend. That leaved Kirby in a deilema state where he could tell dedede the truth and ruin his happiness and confirm his belief that everyone hates him in kings eyes or let them play pretend until somebody losses their head.
•When dedede founds out about what meta tried to did he takes him to the forest and fights him. They still hang out after it but they are pretty cold to eachother.
•Susie sounds like a vocaloid.
•Susie talks in a different language but has an auto translator that most of the time doesn't work probably
•A detective arc about what happened to the former ruler of dreamland and if dedede killed them or not.
•Don't worry everyone gets along in the end.
(I can add more by rebloging)
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