#I copied and pasted those names idk what is standard for tumblr tags
wuxian-vs-wangji · 5 months
Alright, it's been a week... What was going on in this show again...
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oh yeah, that
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bruisedfuse · 3 years
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(WHITMORE BELONGS TO SOCK.CLIP) I'm just a little fan, with little needs. with that out of the way, this is an ask/rp blog thing dedicated to the whitty FNF mod, with a pinch of "canon". i am bad at this.
no carrds here, no google drives here, no icons here. we're making this one the good old way.
welcome to this..! thing! of a blog! lol this blog was established a while ago. don't remember when. don't care too.
nothing crazy to be found in this pinned post, I'm just laying down some basics.
I wanted to bring back this blog cause it kinda... okay I can't explain it, but it means a lot to me. also real missing whitty hours. I've been busy on other blogs, and that's mainly how I noticed just how... empty the tumblr fnf rpc feels as of lately.
Nobody came to hear me mope, let's get to the good shit.
13+ ONLY! Blog will feature potentially serious or even dark themes, swearing, potential violence, psychological and/ or even generally physical struggles
(OC, canon, crossover, AU, etc friendly)
TRIGGER WARNINGS (TW) FOR: harsh language, poverty, anxiety, rage issues, existentialism, implications of physical abuse. I can tag anything if needed too.
If I haven't replied to your reply on one of my posts, it's nothing personal! It's just that I literally can't do that lol. Use them reblogs if ya wanna chat please.
Don't rush me for a roleplay thread if it ever comes to us doing one! I have my own set of problems offline, and if you can't respect that then please leave lol.
The verse of Whitty Whitmore that I will be portraying here goes as follows: He's a rapper with talent, who just didn't get lucky. Multiple organizations are after bass now, and they travel a lot as he is constantly busy fleeing from them all. Standard stuff. Also has been attacked by a robot dragon at some point. Weird old threads will be weird and held dear.
NAME: Whitty (Whitmore)
HEIGHT: cmon. yall know this one. (8ft)
AGE: 20 something? They don't count.
GENDER: Funky. Likes nonbinary label.
PRONOUNS: He/They/It/Bass/Smoke
SEXUALITY: None with left nope. (Ace)
PERSONALITY SUMMARY: They are... Honestly just a guy. Stressed out, sure, anxious, definitely, a lil' bit too easy to agitate, but mostly! Mostly, Bass does manage to remain invitingly timid. Still a 'bit' funked. Raised on the streets, he can and absolutely does swear without filter. It's how they remain calm usually. Can't socialize for shit otherwise, lmao.
All is welcome! I only ask there be no content that, y'know, violates tumblr TOS lmao (Includes potentially dirty jokes or implications- Thank you in advance)
You can send M!As, random questions, bug Whitty, bug me, starters, anything. (It is preferred that we consult in some way before we jump straight to sending roleplay starters though!)
ABOUT ME: Just.. call me mod or mun tbh. Do not worry much about gender talk, though I hold a funny preference for terms like bro, dude, etc. Maybe if I establish some mutuals on here then I might come up with some silly name y'all can address me by? Idk. Maybe. lol.
I don't see a point to adding the same exact copy paste DNI section, since, as everybody here already knows: Those cannot stop the exact people they are supposed to be stopping 'cause those people incredibly likely can't even read. I still hate them, and I still will be more than thrilled to get to block them. Try me terfs lol, see what ya can get lmao.
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taelights · 7 years
i was tagged by @minhyukwithagun & @jinjinskitten (although that tag i think had a few differences but it’s mostly the same questions i believe??) so do this tag, so thank you!!
tbh i’m not going to tag anyone cause i’m too lazy at the moment to go looking for mutuals to tag so just if you want to do this tag and see this just say i tagged you.
drink: i’m boring so it was just water.... some good ol’ h2o
phone call: i honestly don’t remember being on the phone recently outside of work so like yesterday i had to answer the phone to talk to some customer who wanted to know if we had a tablecloth in stock. but other than that i can’t remember any other calls cause i hate talking on the phone. 
text message: it was really long so i’m not going to copy and paste it but it was to my friend jackson on twitter. the only people i actually text and don’t use a messaging app (or twitter) for is my family so my last actual text was to my mom and it said ‘on my way home’
song you listened to: thanks by seventeen 
time you cried: lmao it’s embarrassing but last night while reading a fanfic that wasn’t even sad i just easily get overly emotional about many things
have you ever:
dated someone twice: nope
been cheated on: no, not that i know of at least. 
kissed someone and regretted it: yes lmao
lost someone special: um not really
been depressed: lol yeah every single day although some days are worse than others but it’s okay 
been drunk and thrown up: no luckily i haven’t 
in the past year have you:
made a new friend: yeah a few but i would like to make more!!
fallen out of love: i don’t think i’ve even been in love within the past year. infatuation maybe but i’ve moved on from both those people 
laughed until you cried: i do that a lot even if something isn’t even overly funny so yes
met someone who changed you: not within the last year no
found out who your true friends are: sadly yeah
found out someone was talking about you: lol no
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: zero. i used to follow a real life friend a few years ago but i don’t even know if they still have a tumblr because i unfollowed them awhile ago and i’m no longer friends with them anymore
do you have any pets?: i have two dogs!
do you want to change your name?: yeah i’ve thought about it cause i want something more unique and maybe a bit more gender neutral but i can never decide on one so i’m okay staying sarah
what time did you wake up this morning: 6:15am cause i have classes monday and wednesday so i need to leave for campus by 7:30 to be there for my 8:30 class
what were you doing last night: i tried catching up on reading a few fanfics and worked on my own a bit
name something you cannot wait for: hmm i’m not sure. i have nothing i’m really looking forward to at the moment
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: not that i know of
what’s getting on your nerves right now: right now? probably just me being an idiot trying to watch something with subtitles at the same time i try filling this out
blood type: i honestly have no idea
nickname: i don’t have one
relationship status: single and bitter 
zodiac sign: cancer sun & gemini moon
pronouns: she/her but i don’t mind they/them
favorite show: ummm i don’t watch many shows anymore.... let's see.... black mirror, brooklyn 99, mr robot, asdsfdgfgk idk does buzzfeed unsolved count??? .... for ended shows i used to love hannibal and eyewitness 
college: 1st year but i keep changing my major so idk what my major is going to be. right now i’m officially enrolled as criminal justice but i might change it again
hair color: dark brown
do you have a crush on someone: i did but i’m pretty sure i’ve gotten over it
what do you like about yourself: i have pretty eyes??
first surgery: none
first piercing: standard in each ear
first sport you joined: does horseback riding count? if not archery 
first vacation: i think cape cod??? it was only a state over from where i live and my grandparents had a friend who had a vacation home there so i remember going there a few times as a child
first pair of sneakers: idk some type of shoes in some colour??? 
right now:
eating: ashkjlhgfddfgfgh cornbread 
drinking: water
i’m about to: read an astro fanfic
listening to: i am finishing the newest episode of idol producer 
want kids: nah i like other people’s kids and i’m really soft when i take care of them but i would hate to have my own. but playing and cuddling with them for like an afternoon is always fun
get married: depends 
career: well idk what i want to do in the future but right now i have a part-time job as a retail worker
which is better:
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: both are amazing but hugs if i had to choose
shorter or taller: i don’t care either way
older or younger: either is fine but most of my significant others and crushes have been same age or a year or two younger 
romantic or spontaneous: romantic but spontaneous can be okay
sensitive or loud: sensitive 
hookup or relationship: relationship of course
troublemaker or hesitant: a mixture of both
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yeah and i enjoyed most of them 
lost contacts/glasses: i lost my glasses once and i’ve had a contact fall out once 
sex on first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: maybe?? i think i did but idk
been arrested: nah but i don’t really break the law unless you count going over the speed limit and underage drinking 
turned someone down: no like i haven’t been asked out by many people and the few i’ve been asked by i liked
fallen for a friend: yeah all the time
do you believe:
in yourself: depends sometimes i do with certain things and sometimes i don’t
miracles: kind of
love at first sight: no. like attraction and some sort of connection yes, but love takes time
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