#I could just have 10 season of them doing random shite
nahoney22 · 5 months
Well now what do we do 🥴🥴
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
Define promoting darklina a lot because I can’t seem to recall him doing that outside of liking fanart and an occasional repost of Netflix geeked. And about Ben and jessie letting “people post pictures” it’s ONE picture. The comparison to last season is so stupid I’m sorry. First of all most of those pictures were in costume while this one is clearly candid. Second of all, no one even thinks they were dating back then so what’s the point here? Third of all, you keep talking about JH as though
Okie hun, I had hard time putting it together in right order but I think I made it? I will start and if someone has more to add dooo doo doo xddd ALSO hun, ye mistaking dates, events and ye have completely wrong idea as to what we think bulianne ever was. The fairytale bullshit is actually courtesy of stan twitter/bessies and not what we think bulianne was... But we doing the encyclopedia work here so alright xd ALSO in advance excuse ma joke about ‘no one even thinks they were dating back then’ but I could not have stop myself 🙊🙊❤
Okie so there are posts from Benny's ig but that’s his job alright. And this does not account for the random fan edits and reports ye mentioned cuz no one keeps track of that. BUT PRIMARLY the darklina promo we mention was Benny doing liking sprees in their circles whenever fans were mad cuz 11:11 turned out to be bulianne love anthem, and he had the stupid EP to promote. Go look through his twitter likes from september/october lol ALSO darklinas keep documenting Benny’s likes on all darklina related posts, most of them untagged btw, and he was not sleeping in Toronto at all x.x like it’s more common that the exact period but that was when ye could see it way too much
About letting peeps post photos. Actually it's three pics just now. They noticed the ugly coat of his in different photo from that night and we also got the daisy whatsherface table photo. And again this does not account the random stalkie stalkie pics from earlier in January or the con lol
As I said, there were some photos from set (I don’t count the promo pictures, these were done in/out of costumes but for the press purposes), others are  candids as ye call them but clearly ye can tell they are NOT in the majority here (do i have to add /s or it’s obvious?) - October ‘19, “candid” by Jessie also in October, dunno how to call this shite, here, here, here, here, here, here, and the previous cast dinner! All linked here for the comfort of one click only. There is probably more but I don’t wanna look. We don’t need another 10 here’s. Also, most of them were posted by other parties than bessie lol Benny always happily acknowledges tho
And my honest question to ye is - why would ye say comparison between now and then is stupid? And why ye say no one thought they were dating back then?
Like the whole point is that the Bessie shit is so strong right now because peeps were waiting for it, brewing and believing for a long time? And it’s all based off the circumstances from the first season and then cross Atlantic promo? If no one thought they were together back then, then why all the fantabulous and detailed insights of fans come from for MONTHS if not almost two years now? From the two pics we got since January whenever?
There is like zero proof they seen each other in person since wrapping the show (early 2020) up till fall 2021. There is actually more against it lol And boy was also with someone at the time. So it makes zero sense to say that S1 happenings matter not
How about the investigations into Bessie going far far back? The follows, the sweater bullshit and all the sunshine shite Benny was APPARENTLY planting here and there for his beloved miss sunshine. The dates are old.
How about the EP that apparently is for Jessie and about Jessie, yet Benny made it mostly in 2020? When no one thought they were together?
So no one thinks they were dating back then but they started dating some time in between then and now or what? BUT after the fans investigated the shite since day one?
I don't think what ye said so far is making the slightest sense lol
I keep talking about twin flame cuz she is big part of Benny's everything the past two years and she opened the doors into the real Benny too. 
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Soooo Benny WAS in the UK all of August 2021. He made the lil birthday card for fairy queen at the end of July after a whole summer of back and forth bullshit. Then the art piece she made for his birthday that ruffled feathers of even the biggest and most loyal of his fans, Jules also basically claims the EP with her pout and locket but Benny does not care UNTIL his fans realized what kind of bullshit this all is. Then the cries intensified the more of the EP we gotten and the more Jules was claiming it. But ye know, there were no signs of established bessie then, no one thought they are together before this year of our lord 2022, so honestly idk what they were so mad about right? They fucking left him for a while at that point or were like I don't support the EP anymore. Then boy travels to Toronto to do some actual work. Jules is in the US the whole time I think, after months of yachting in Europe. Boy is loyal as fuck still. Then we get the EP interviews and the house of cards start crumbling. There was more in between but it's so so so much detail. The activist was somewhere there too right? Another self inflicted kick in the sack for our boy x.x liking spree followed
Your dates are wrong. The Benny escaped London saga was not in August. It was in October, the week before Halloween. He WENT for the London con over weekend and then back to LA, cuz as we found out recently he was doing the 1883 mag shite just days after and then was recording with scary pockets. We still don’t know the reason behind twin flame’s London pit stop. She went to Qatar right after and she was doing ‘work’ there... 
But yeee we (or I for sure) decided they, it is bulianne, were not together together anymore at that time. I held the bulianne funeral and like less than two weeks later we got the pap pics of twin flame and the energy healing owl guy (sorry, the name I forgotten).
Idk anything about Jessie and the mysterious partner. I've been getting all the info about them from muffins here. Most info comes from stan twitter tho and they always up to something or as we already noticed too many times - they are omitting the truth, believe in what suits them or outright lie. Jessie and the partner is no more is their invention. Pretty sure its exactly how the break-up debate started.... So idk. But that August Benny was probably mostly with his family? There is the Baths trip with papa? Don't remember the whole story but he was not even able to meet with his Narnia folks much like his actual years long friends? And this is weird and I need to check it. But Anna had a bebe some time around/before then right? And he could not meet them or something? And then during the German con boy said he's the bebe godfather? I might imagine stuff now but I just remembered the shite and might also mixt stuff lol don't remember much details anymore ;c 
Soo. Jessie seen her costars over summer and then spend her birthday with other costars, photos shared by others and her as well me thinks. It was couple of days after Benny's right? She posted cute videos of our boy for his big THIS IS 40 but Benny posted the customary happy birthday and darklina photo. Fans were pissed yet again, but ye know no one thought they were ever an item so idk why. Then she was doing some film or doing some other work in between and after. Benny nowhere to be seen.
Yet again, I don't think they seen each other that summer at all.
And going back to the con and the oscar worthy performance, I personally find it highly uncomfortable and feel like so did Jessie. It was Benny who initiated it all, not her. But this is my absolutely subjective opinion. There were also talks as to the con being the first time they seen each other since forever so that's why they were so handsy. Another one for when do the love blossomed? Then boy yet again went back to California. Jessie stayed behind with some other show frens.
Then till December boy is in Cali and Jessie was still doing some film in the UK right? So another time they see each other is the January 2022.
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Okie so following from the end of the second message. The covers over 2020/2021 were a mix and the what is what and about who depends on opinions as well. The only sure thing is that all his covers were inspiration for the EP.
Now the covers ye mean are the newish scary pockets/weekday something ones right? So the longer he works with them, more songs we get and lookin at other artists who work with them... I think the song choices for the newest covers are collaboration between Benny and the producer guy of scary pockets but they are mostly the studio choices so they would go well with other artists on the playlists they are making. So I think these covers are for no one in particular, just popular songs.
The sun and moon? It's the one he posted only to his stories? Well that one was baiting on boy's side. The timing, use of the fucking kissy kissy sticker and the whole song lyrics are just too coincidental. And guess what? He was promoting his dream music career just after that, when eyes of hungry for content bessies were on him. Still have no idea why they were so inclined that there might have been something between them? But ye said no one thought about any connections between them before the song, especially back during the first season and the two years gap when they were in no contact... Lost opportunity ngl x.x beautiful story, exceptional writing, THE SYMBOLISM 
Soooo I don't think the forbidden love is the thing. Like cheating is more about two pieces of shit being two pieces of shite. The whole Songs For You schtick is that he lost the girl right? To quote misquote Nadia - what were ye expecting from relationship that started with extramarital infidelity..... Like clearly he tried (see the pap walks, the lil callbacks), he tested the waters, was good loyal puppy and well... It did not turn out as expected, part of it was because Jules is just herself and Benny was always playing good boy. Some of it came from his precious fans who were mad it's Jules and not someone else. Which is weird cuz back in 2020 and 2021, as ye said yourself, no one thought that something was happening between Benny and certain someone else. Cuz except fan made scenarios based on them being together during season 1, there was nothing new on Bessie front for two years. All else was the dreadful in constumes photos and zoom interviews lol
Annnnd twin flames?? Well no one gave them any chances ever. Benny is not what she was lookin for clearly. They tried but boy's immaculate image, fans praises and obsessive privacy were more important. As the celebrity ways were more important to Jules.
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Rise up started as a poem for fren that Benny then turned into a song. Here comes the sun and sunset lovers? It's bulianne summer thing hun. 11:11 title has almost nothing to do with the song itself, it's also claptrap boy does not believe in (his own words btw) and it happened to be one of Jules favorite things in the world.
And I'm gonna do ye a solid and repeat what I typed above. Ye know what the EP is about? Heartbreak! Like ye don't even have to listen to the lyrics, have ye seen the videos? The story is that he ain't getting the girl in the end and that's why he's so sad :c
But if the EP is about Jessie? It ain't mathing again. Also the timing. Boy wrote the songs in his lil diary mostly in 2020, the second half. And we know, from yer message, that nothing happened during S1 production. Then he recorded in early 2021 cuz by May he was sharing that he's ready to drop the music any day but no label wants him. So he wrote, produced and recorded the music at the heights of bulianne time and not right before she got the new man. During their weird things in late 2020, some reconciliations, the whole Montana ordeal and that possible first break up in march 2021. That’s when he created it all, not two weeks before he released the songs for god’s sake x.x 
Like their whole relationship was weird as fuck but what can ye expect when it MIGHT HAVE started with a fucking affair... OH!!!!! I might be misunderstanding ye here but who the fuck calls an affair with married friend a fucking forbidden love narrative? Me thinks the lines between reality and fan fictions are blurring big times right in front of me eyes x.x 
No one here provides interesting opinions, well what are the interesting opinions? the bessie kind? By some miracle a new answer to every question ye asked? Well we already been through each of the answers I gave ye, long time ago, many different viewpoints too and we even returned to some of these when we were bored or some lil news suddenly appeared. The are all old news or very old news. 
We ain’t talking about it cuz no one cares anymore and its boring. There is only as many times ye can repeat something like. We been through all ye asked for before and we moved on. The problem is that there is no new happenings now soooo no interesting opinions I guess ;c 
Honestly, just scroll down x.x we got many different opinions about the covers, the weird bulianne bullshite, Benny’s ways with baiting the fans (very well documented as well!!) all kinds of shite and crazy characters. It’s all down the blog ;c ye just really fucking late to the party xd 
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roses-foxes · 5 years
Please fellow Jaime stans don’t hurt me but maybe... he alive?
I may be starting to spiral a bit. I’m living on weed and lavender essential oil as we speak and I only slept like 4 hours so don’t mind me
I’m completely in the denial stage of Jaime’s character assassination and I’ll spend the entire week mourning him and believing with my whole heart that he’s dead. I’m don’t want to get my hopes up and I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up either.
That being said, Jaime’s death REALLY makes no sense, to a point where it’s fucking ridiculous. It’s clear even to people who don’t like him that much. Even for D&D, it’s too stupid. Dying now, like this, makes his entire character arc useless. It makes his entire relationship with Brienne, which is a huge part of his character arc, completely useless. It makes Brienne’s character useless, meeting her useless, giving her oathkeeper useless... It makes the loss of his hand useless. It makes him leaving Cersei at the end of season 7 useless. It makes the first 4 ep of season 8 useless. It’s ridiculous how much this doesn’t serve his arc AT ALL to die right now. 
What does make sense, to me at least, is Jaime thinking he deserves to die with Cersei and their baby, or at least thinking he should be with them (like in Essos like Tyrion says). Basically yes, he slipped all the way back to his past self, which explain the “Ugh I don’t care about the innocent” bullshit. He’s at his lowest this episode because he’s back to square one. Now, why would that be? 
Any Jaime stan knows there are 2 Jaimes: Cersei’s and Brienne’s. Cersei’s Jaime is the golden lion, who will do the most terrible things for his family. Brienne’s Jaime is 8x02 Jaime, a vulnerable man who cares about honour and doing the right thing. Now, in the show so far, until 8x05, we only saw Brienne’s Jaime. When he left WF, he didn’t seem happy to leave. He didn’t seem to not care about Brienne. Instead he was self loathing and all signs pointed to him spiralling back to Cersei’s Jaime. Those two versions of him cannot coexist. One of them HAS to die for him to have even a shred of a character arc. And everything in the show points to Cersei’s Jaime being the one that needs to die. This Jaime, whether in a romantic way or not, believes his place is with Cersei. In 8x04 Jaime is burying Brienne’s Jaime deep inside because he’s full of self loathing and has some sort of imposter syndrome “That’s not me, I’m not the good man she sees in me. She doesn’t know the things I’ve done” --> he doesn’t believe he deserves a redemption!!. That’s why he leaves: not because he wants to kill Cersei or stop her, but because he thinks he’s not worthy of being Brienne’s Jaime. 
In 8x05 they showed us a Jaime that was the same one we met 10 years ago. And it’s THAT one who wanted to die next to Cersei (not romantically, but still out of love). And if THAT version of Jaime is dead, that would finally leave room for the other Jaime to come out fully, for the very first time, without this other Jaime weighing him down. Cersei’s Jaime HAD to die with her. And he did. 
Now, a lot of little things make me believe he might not be truly dead: 
Some wounds and a building collapsing... I wouldn’t put it past D&D to have a character live through that. 
It wouldn’t kill literally 8 season of character development and put him back to square one for no fucking reason
It wouldn’t disrespect Jaime and Brienne’s relationship the way 8x05 did, after so many years of build up and history 
Nik saying that Jaime’s end “may be a new beginning, who knows” in an interview. It’s a VERY weird thing to say if you know your character dies like that… he could have said nothing in that interview. Instead he said that. 
Nik saying the last scene he filmed was beautiful and in a great location, with someone he never worked with before. Now, there are a lot of things that are strange here if we all agree that the last scene he filmed was probably the Jaime/Euron fight: 1) Nik has good taste, and that scene wasn’t beautiful in any way. It was pure shite. Everything about it was bad 2) We know the last place he filmed was in Ballycastle, in Ireland. They film the KL scenes in Spain, I believe. Don’t you find it a bit weird that they would go to the KL set and then haul ass to Ireland just to get that one fight scene in a creek? They could have filmed the fight anywhere else in the KL set, there was no fundamental need for it to be on a beach. So maybe they didn’t film it in Ballycastle, or maybe it’s not the only scene they filmed there. 3) Nik definitely filmed with Pilou before. Now, maybe he meant just one on one, but there’s also the possibility that Pilou isn’t the last person he filmed with. 4) Wasn’t Liam, who plays Davos, also in Ballycastle at the time…? And i don’t think we’ve seen Jaime and Davos interract before…
The goodbye with Tyrion + Euron looking right in the camera when he said he was the man that killed Jaime Lannister.... why put so much sugar on the fact that he dies? Or maybe... he doesn’t and those were red herrings 
Nik liking two tweets last week: the last one of a thread saying that Jaime wasn’t truly going back to Cersei, and one telling him to like the tweet if there was any point in watching the last two eps (coming from a Braime account). Now, Nik isn’t the type to like random tweets, he usually sticks to football. He could have stayed completely quiet. Instead he decided to like THOSE specific tweets. It feels like a really weird thing to do, especially if this specific death is probably the scenario you hated the most.
Nik being generally very happy with his ending and sending D&D a thank you note. Of course he could have been SUPER sarcastic when he said those things, but I don’t think it’s necessarily his style...? Again, he could have been like all the other actors and stay pretty vague about whether he liked the ending or not. Instead he was always very chatty and smiley about it. 
It’s been quite some time since the episode aired and he STILL hasn’t acknowledged that it was his last scene on the show. All the actors who died so far did. That could mean absolutely nothing, maybe he’s just pissed as hell or waiting for the outcry to calm down, but it could also mean it’s not actually the end of Jaime 
This thing about him and Gwen having matching knee injuries is still pretty inch resting 
In conclusion, Jaime either survived and I’m a genius, or he died, D&D really make no sense at all and Nik is a troll. For what I know episode 6 might begin with a close up of Jaime’s corpse, and we will all know. I’m for sure choosing the latest option right now because I don’t want to spend my week hoping just for my dreams to collapse, but I needed to get all of this out of my chest.
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