#I could potentially get a pic of gen 1 I think I saw her once in my gallery
simsinfinitylt · 2 years
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Whimsy Legacy Challenge Heirs (that I have pictures of)
Gen 3 - Isabella Gen 5 - Hope
Gen 6 - London Gen 7 - Wendy
Gen 8- Zoe Gen 9 - Grace
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Wanna hear a secret? Those last screenshots of gen 6 are from March and I haven’t opened the save since. *le gasp* But I figured, since it’s officially over now on the blog too, I should go on with gen 6, at least a little bit. So today, I guess, I will spend the evening by moving everyone to a new save and setting things up. Partially why I decided to make it that Regan should move away from Sunset Valley was because this save is awful. It takes over an hour to load, it’s slow and it crashes way more than any other of my saves. Besides, I think I’m over this Sunset Valley nostalgia. Before I had a simblr, I always played either in Sunset Valley or Moonlight Falls, and I wanted to remember those times. But now I’m tired of SV again. Any guesses where we’ll be going? I won’t confirm or deny anything, also it might not be as exciting as you might think. And no, it’s not Moonlight Falls.
So yeah, Roses will go on a break now. Tomorrow, I have something that you’ve been waiting for planned. Keep your eyes on my blog. And then...
This summer belongs to BPR. Finally! I’ve been playing that save for almost a year now and you haven’t seen anything. Well, to be fair, saying I’ve been playing it for a year is a lie - I played it last summer, then stopped in September and picked it up again this March. I didn’t touch it for months. But I gave it a chance again and decided to continue. Gen 1 is kinda meh but I love my gen 2 heir. She’s a mess. (which is what I say about all my favourite sims because guess what, I have a type or something)
I don’t know how long that will run, it’ll be interrupted a few times by the thing that I’ll officially start tomorrow, but when gen 1 of BPR is posted, I’ll switch back to TS4 again. It’s been a while since you’ve last seen Sunset and Dawn, huh? And Ross and Caleb...though they’re not around as much anymore because it’s not their generation, but they’re still really fun when they appear. Ross almost made my cry the last time I played. No spoilers or anything.
TL;DR: Haven’t played Roses for months, will fix that. Keep your eyes on my blog tomorrow. BPR will start posting after that. Then I’ll post NSB. Happy summer y’all. <3
Oh, and I almost forgot: I didn’t include the “congrats” comments in this post but you guys, I want you to know that I saw them and honestly, thank you very much. I’m panicking a little when I realize that in a few months, I’ll be living in Prague. Crazy.
And yeah, once again, I know for a fact my activity feed isn’t showing me all the replies. *sigh*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “No way, simmeronnie is doing replies again? :o It’s been a month, I...”
Yeah, I should have thought that something was off when you answered with "you know nothing" gif to one of my comments�� but I was clueless to that point ��
And I thought it gave away too much haha 😅 I couldn’t resist using it though!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Hey babe! Guess what, my dad is doing fine. I spoke to mum.”...”
Oh-oh the guys seem to be right in time before it's too late
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Regan: “Hey babe! Guess what, my dad is doing fine. I spoke to mum.”...”
Will better hurry or they'll never see her again!
Now that I think about it, wouldn’t it be fun if I let things get even worse?
I’m kidding, it wouldn’t be fun. But we’d get to see Regan as a mermaid.
Jk, I’ve never understood the mermaid hype 🤷‍♀️ I've always been more into vampires...which shows, I guess. *points at my gen 2 of nsb*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Regan Rose, I’ve never met a woman as wonderful as you. Will...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Regan Rose, I’ve never met a woman as wonderful as you. Will...”
Oh yikes ��
cloudberry-sims replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Regan Rose, I’ve never met a woman as wonderful as you. Will...”
Regan wake up! Don't let this yandere fish win!
fishingforsims replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Regan Rose, I’ve never met a woman as wonderful as you. Will...”
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Nerine: “Regan Rose, I’ve never met a woman as wonderful as you. Will...”
ohhhhhhh no
Idk what to say here other than I imagined that if this was a movie with a really cool soundtrack, I would love the music part of this scene. Just imagine.
I’m a sucker for a good soundtrack.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Yes! Yes, of course I love you! I will be your wife. Geez, I’m...”
F.... Damn it, faster, guys, rescue her!
alexander-goth-official replied to your photoset “Regan: “Yes! Yes, of course I love you! I will be your wife. Geez, I’m...”
i am way too invested in this, please someone save regan!
She almost broke free on her own three seconds ago, have you noticed? Just before Nerine convinced her that it’s not too soon to get married, we got a glimpse of “hold on, what the heck are we doing, this isn’t right??!”
The magic was too strong, though. So yeah, faster guys. Faster.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset
I wish this was actually true love. She looks so happy!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
But this Pic is beautiful if one doesn't know the context��
I knoooow ;-; She’ll get her happy ending, I promise. It’ll be a bumpy ride though.
Because when have I ever made things easy for my sims, right?
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Regan: “Will?” Nerine: “What do you think you’re doing here? Get out...”
Give it to her, Will!
A moment of appreciation for Will: He went from being my least favourite spare to a spare with huge potential to a spare who saved the entire legacy. We want this generation to end on a happy note, right? And having the heir enslaved by a mermaid doesn’t sound like a happy note to me.
cloudberry-sims replied to your photoset “Nerine: “She’s my fiancée now! Of course she’s staying here. She loves...”
Yandere fish fiancee
I refuse to call Nerine anything that is not “yandere fish fiancée”. That is her name now.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Nerine: “She’s my fiancée now! Of course she’s staying here. She loves...”
Oh God at the first Pic she's so creepy like she's pointing finger at us, readers, who also want her to end her magic tricks ��
Sometimes...I actually take good pictures which have exactly the vibe I want them to have 😂
pxelatedtrash replied to your photoset
Shits about to get real!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
Yeah, show that psycho!
Okay, well, when I said it was Will who saved the legacy, I wasn’t 100% right. He wouldn’t do it without Roan at his side. Let’s have a moment of appreciation for Roan too!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “The voices…they’re so loud…my head…my head is going to explode…I can’t...”
Voices of consciousness?
Yeah, she was waking up from the illusion here. She wanted to say her opinion, but the spell was still there, forcing her to say the exact opposite, also Roan was doing Weird Magic Stuff™ in her mind...it was a lot for this poor head.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “I’d never been more happy to hug him. I didn’t dare to say any of the...”
AU where Nerine won
Alrighty! *takes notes* When I’m in the mood for breaking my followers’ hearts...this will come in handy for sure!
swagmaster-camilla replied to your post “regan is my favourite of yours, purple hair is my favourite thing ever”
i had purple hair in real life for ageeees! only dyed it back to blonde for modelling jobs
Ahh, I wish I could go back to purple! Blonde sounds fun too (especially for me because I have the most boring brown hair in the world), but after I had awful blonde streaks when I was fifteen, I’m scared to give that colour one more try haha. Then again, maybe if I went fully blonde, it would be better than just streaks.
Nah, I’m scared.
melien replied to your photoset “Regan: “Mum -” Miracle: “Shhh. I know. I do. It wasn’t the real you. I...”
Aww Regan it wasn't your fault! To think of it, the only mistake she made was trusting Nerine too much...
Exactly. And even when she saw Nerine wasn’t perfect and had some bad personality traits, she still ignored that because she loved her that much. On another hand, are we really surprised Regan let that all happen? It was her first love that worked out somehow.
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