#I counted and admittedly I take smaller sizes of pills for Not Taking Horse Pill reasons
hag-o-hags · 9 months
hold the fuckin phone here lads
i had a consult with rheumatology/immunology re: long tall short fat covid, and i went to a PA who was .... let's call it distracted? by the fact that I have prediabetes markers
which, frankly, duh, my mom's entire family are diabetic or prediabetic, my father's (v small) family was Skinny Diabetics -- my genes mean it's a matter of if not when (ETA: "not if BUT when" and/or "when not if". cripes. it took three goes to get this right. see below re: 65% rate of braining good.)
(and like sidebar if everyone in my family got breast cancer nobody would be sitting there like ooooooohhh make sure you're getting enough CARDIO whilst RECOVERING FROM A LIFE ALTERING FATIGUE DISORDER)
anyway there were a couple ..... blood orange flags? things that I wouldn't appreciate from my PCP, but from a specialist? sure whatever, maybe you have really solid evidence that this particular supplement is worth a try. I was coping with Robitussin for a while there.
she also gave me some studies to look through, which, hah, thank you, my brain works 65% of the time, but hey, sure, the musculoskeletal effects of diabetes mellitus might be helpful.
Bitch it's chiropractic!!!!!
the principle author is from the TEXAS CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE
putting aside the teeny tiny minor issue that I do not at present actually have diabetes mellitus whY are you giving me chiropractic advice
when I took some of what she said back to my pcp (who remains, as ever, the fucking best), she was like "Um. No. No that doesn't track." At the time I was willing to accept that okay, we've taken a rheum/immun tactic off our list, we can go back to Neuro. But now I'm sort of thinking that hi. Hello. Maybe we really didn't spend enough time on the Immediate Family History of Bonkers Rheumatological Issues.
I'm tired. And my hands won't stop being tingly.
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