#I debated putting this in the freehoun tag so readers will see it
angels-heap · 4 years
*long sigh*
As I wake up to yet another wave of nonsense Half Life shipping discourse, I find myself deeply regretting that I started writing for Freehoun when I did. I was really excited about finishing my current WIP, and I know lots of people are excited to keep reading it, but it’s so hard to find the motivation to keep writing something that is, at best, going to entertain a bunch of people who have been sending me anti-Freemance hate mail, and at worst will be used as an argument to illustrate why Freehoun is “better.”
I might finish chapter 3 this weekend, but I probably won’t. And I might publish it on AO3, but I probably won’t. If you see this and you’d like me to share it via some other format if I can’t bring myself to post it, message me. Clowns who think Freemance is “pedophilia” need not apply.
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