#I’m just so done
labyrinthhofmymind · 4 months
“the marauders aren’t real”, “jegulus doesn’t make sense”, “wolfstar aren’t actually cannon”, “writing fanfic isn’t a real passion/hobby”
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piya-re · 1 month
imo there’s no greater divide (culturally, mentally, socially, etc) than the one between desi women and desi men, and sometimes i feel like we’re delusional bc of it. we love our heritage, our scriptures, our worship of shakti, and our tales of brave warriors and gods protecting women (and punishing those that hurt us), and hope that our men are the same. we hope that at least some of them share the same values as us. desi women are being taught to strive for education and a good career and that we’re our families’ lakshmi’s. meanwhile, what the hell are the men being taught???? that they can brutalize us, put us “back in our places,” and that we’re all just objects they have free reign over? it’s ridiculous, and honestly at times it feels like we aren’t even from the same planet. when we were told about draupadi’s disrobing and sita’s abduction, the moral was that any person who aids or abets in the violation of women deserves to be destroyed. what morals did the men take away from these stories? what did they hear instead??
while we women are looking towards a better future and shedding our shackles, we honestly hoped that the men will do the same. we hoped that they’ll wake up and realize what we already learned: women are to be respected, and any society that cannot do that is doomed. unfortunately, they haven’t and may never will bc they simply want to regress! i’ve always personally set the bar higher for desi men bc of our upbringing but, GOD, they have made it their life’s mission to lower it. i cannot handle another brutal rape case from india, especially from the supposed devbhumi or stronghold of shaktism.
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castiel · 2 months
i’ve had a covid headache literally all day and nothing has helped (advil, cold packs, sleep, food, water, etc) and i’m in so much pain and nauseous so i went to eat some crackers from the cupboard but they’ve been in there too long and tasted and smelled like plastic and it’s been such a long day i just burst into tears and then felt stupid crying over crackers
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fireflychaosdemon · 3 months
my mom: what’s that name of the guy I like who calls out all the “woke gay shit”
me: *trying to hide my uncomfortableness*
anyway how are y’all doing
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tellthatbrokebitch · 7 months
anyone got $200 just lying around? no? yeah me neither goodbye credit score
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ohgaylor · 8 months
oh my gosh I am dealing with the. worst. client on earth. uuuugggghhh 😤
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He texted me this morning about some donations to my job from his volunteer group, I didn’t answer for a few hours so he called my work landline. My extension is obviously not for donations. Once I realized it was him, I shut down. This was during our staff meeting. Everybody saw me just run crying to the restroom immediately after the call. But at least I’m sticking to this boundary. I will not engage. And now everybody there is aware to keep an eye out if he comes in.
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 2 years
I hate door dash. The dasher took my food and never delivered it. Got on the highway and never looked back ☹️ I had to cancel it. The customer service agent gave me a refund and said I could re-order. So I did. Only…
The new dasher delivered it to the wrong house ☹️☹️☹️
That’s it. I’m going to do what I should have done in the first place.
Cook my own food
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bloomshroomgrog · 1 year
(TW being a female and all that come with it,TW dying)
I saw a Q&A video and they asked “what is it to be a women?”
To be a women is to die
You don’t die all at once however
Pieces of you are pulled off to rot
When you bite your tongue because everyone taught you to
The first time you realize that your body will always be scene first
When you body is heathy and naturally does what it’s supposed to do and everyone can tell especially “them”
To have your humanity stripped away to be seen as cattle
Walking to the playground and being grabbed because it’s funny
To be a vessel for a fetus when you start growing up
To be told that they mature faster than boys not because of there brains but because of what happens to them that makes them grow up faster
To be a women is to die by those who cover their eyes and ears
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stvharrngton · 2 years
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I’m so tired
I was going to elaborate further like “I’m so tired of [insert thing],” but no. That pretty much sums it up.
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magicsuga · 1 year
The eternal disappointment of chasing the approval of a parent is really just not worth it
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bass-alien · 2 years
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f1uckinghell · 2 years
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mavbear · 2 years
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idkijustlovebts · 2 years
Someone just smack me upside my head please. Like just slap me when I try to talk to my family about BTS. There’s no point. I always end up sad.
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