#I dedcided to post this even though I know people are going to take it out of context. it’s kind of meta really
taylorrepdetective · 1 year
As a gaylor, I always felt Sweet Nothing was a sad song because the line “all that you ever wanted from me…” is past tense. I found it really interesting that she said publicly that she wrote it with Joe as if to make it sound so romantic when I’ve always viewed it as pretty melancholy. She’s a master with words and getting across the stories that she wants to, and it would have been so easy to write “all that you’ve ever wanted” and make it present tense, but she didn’t. I don’t have any strong opinions about behind the scenes things but I just wanted to say that I can see why hetlors are saying it’s actually sad when no longer believing T & J are in love, I guess
Yes! You can believe this. It’s fine to have this sort of interpretation of any Taylor song. Take one word or tone or twist (in this case it feels past tense) and adjust its meaning away from the most obvious. She does this and we shouldn’t ignore it. So I am fully supportive of you having this interpretation. It’s not my interpretation. But that’s fine!
But more of what I’ve been talking about (and have talked about for years):
She writes songs that almost always have some sort of sad, “haunting” quality about them. But you also have to look at it in complete context. You can’t see evermore as the saddest breakup album of all time and just ignore the existence of Long Story Short and the last verse of Evermore. You can’t only see Maroon and ignore Mastermind and Paris. You shouldn’t ignore all the other context clues we get from her in her performances and videos, interviews, dates she does things, and merch etc… It’s hard to figure her out because she makes it hard. But she does seem to like to give clues that can be obvious but also gives her plausible deniability.
But it’s specifically the blanket retconning that gets me. One day an album comes out and people who believe she’s in a happy long term relationship interpret songs as straightforward happy songs (Lover, Peace, there are so many), while ignoring a song that is devastating like DBATC, Exile or Hoax, or Happiness, and just attribute them to fiction or about a friend or about the distant past or about her masters, but then later when they decide that she wasn’t in such a happy long term relationship like they thought, then they take that inherent sadness and haunting quality and turn it the whole thing into a breakup album, ignoring the fact that she can be singing about fiction or about a friend or about the distant past or about her masters.
The songs haven’t changed, only their perspective changed. I see it over and over and over again. And when this happens over and over and over again, maybe people should take a step back and think A) well maybe all of her love songs have this haunting quality because of a deep basic reason about the situation she finds herself in that no matter how solid a relationship might be, there’s always this THING hanging over it that won’t allow her to just be happy. That thing might be crippling depression, it might be trauma, being in an incredibly complicated situation, it might be fame, she might be gay, or you know ALL OF THE ABOVE. But it doesn’t mean that she’s not basically happy with the muse of that song. Especially in private like described in Sweet Nothing. B) sometimes she writes a song about a devastating moment but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of a relationship moment. C) sometimes she makes a song that’s about something completely unrelatable to a normal person, and she changes it to be about something that is relatable because her job is to sell records. And D) maybe we don’t know everything about her private life and aren’t good at figuring it out through her lyrics because she doesn’t want us to know everything, and so we should approach things using words like “maybe, I think, I could be wrong, here are a few possibilities, who knows?” Etc etc etc instead making our account’s entire personality about being an expert on Taylor swift’s life like you have been there in the room with her during it all.
When I say this I am thinking of a few different specific blogs and TikToks, mostly on the Toe side of the spectrum, but we see it on the gaylor side just as much. I am guilty of it sometimes too (more so in the past I think, but you know I do have strong opinions too and sometimes I unequivocally state them.)
All that being said, I have chosen to take the most straightforward interpretation of Sweet Nothing. It’s about her private home life being an oasis from the craziness of her life outside and one of the best things about her lover is that they don’t want anything from her other than her. It’s “you like me for me” expanded out. I interpret it as she just really really values this “normalness” she gets at home, and that normalness really is something only the muse of this song has been able to give her. And as always, home doesn’t have to be a physical place. And, luckily for us, because it’s from the album midnights that she said is about different midnights throughout life, you can choose to make this scene be happening at any time when she was happy with her lover. It doesn’t need to be the way things were at the moment she sat down to write it. It doesn’t have to be turned into some sort of sad song about the process of breaking up because you believe she broke up with the subject. This is why her writing ever since she sat down to write DBATC, and explained it to us,is so much more interesting to me. She very specifically told us with that song (the last known song written for lover) that she was going to be writing things that can be seen as hypotheticals in the future so we’d better get used to it! Folklore!!! That’s why it’s my pinned post.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[FN] to my wonderful wife
Wrote this based on a writing promt from a some time ago here on reddit. just never posted it because reasons.
The promt was "summon the humans"
i'm not a native english speaker, so my spelling and grammar sucks.
"To my wonderful wife.
"summon the humans!" the lord shouted. All the servants shiverd at the command. "The humans". The most destructive force to ever set foot in the galaxy, and the lord decided to summon them. Times would have to be truly bad for the lord to issue a order that sever, but we did as we were told to. we obeyed and fetched all the ingridents for the ritual. I could see the fear in the eyes of the others. I could see the contempt they held for the lord that said the words that would bring us the end, even though they were aware it was simply a quicker end. The end was near even before the plauge if I had my say. The dapravity that held our country, our entire world, was so close, so real, so...immenent. I knew that neither me, the lord, or anybody elses actions would make a difference. We were all doomed, no matter what we did, no matter how hard we tried to avoid the ineviteble, the end was here. And I could not help to smile at the thought.
A fitting end to the missery, the corruption, and ungodly behavior the entier plantet, heck, the entier world had partaken in. The uncanny participation of gluttony, fear and dishonesty had driven us to the edge. The gods had spoken true thru the profet about the king, and his road to the end, but everyone had twisted their words, warped thier thoughts, and pissed on thier message. Now everyone paid the price. Now everyone would end up in the court of the gods. I dedcided to do my best to be able to stand before the gods honestly, and with pride be able to explain my choices and actions.
The lord shouted yet again "how goes the ritual!?" to his priests and wizards. They all looked with dismay at eachother, and then looked at thier leader and shock their heads. The ritual did not seem to work as intented. Nothing happened, no humans appeard in the circel, no two legged creatures at all for that matter came out of the demonic conjuration signs that the zealots had drawn on the floor at the hall of the castle.
Those damn fools were too stupid to realise that they had be tricked, that it was me that had started the plauge, that it was me, the lowestet of the servants whom had tricked them. They were too thick to see the difference beetween a rats tail and a mouse tail. All the time in thier towers and tempels had made them to comfterble, too laid back, made them feel too powerful. They never even considerd the fact that power laid in the hands they put it in, and this time it was my hands. They had put both their power and faith in my hands in the smallest of ways."go fetch". Those words were the mistake they had made. As time would tell, It was their biggest and last mistake. Now I was in control, now it was me who decided the future for all of our people. I can't say i've would have put this power in my hands if i've been in anyone elses seat, but now i'm not. I was given the chance to take control, and I took it. Power is not given, Power is not taken. Power is a product of opportunity.
The lord shouted yet again, but this time the fear in him reflected in his voice, and his question instiled more uncerntenty then courage. "What's the problem!?" he shouted with a shivering voice. "We aren't sure, sir" said the charlatans quivering. The lord Leand back in his throne uneasily. I couldn't help to smile yet again at this sight. The lord in this train of thought. "What am I too do?" I bet he thought. Time was short, and his choices were none. He was in my grip.
My head would have rolled if anyone would have had the time to figure out what I had done. It would not have rolled qiuckly however. Months in the dungeons with the dungeonkeeper and his hot pokers, his screws, and his knifes, would have passed the time as slowly as possible. But as lucky, or as blessed as I were, I had found the solution to my wishes in a rather fortune event.
A farmer with an unknown illness according to the fucking schollars, Was a obvious example of the plauge if I've ever had seen one. But the the selfproclaimed educated priests and templars could not agree on what the illness was, and how to treat it, and somewhere in there along disscussions, the poor farmer died, and I was tasked with burying the body of this unfortunate soul. I Knew the exact results of giving this poor farmer a watery grave in the river, the one river giving water to the whole country.
Now we are at the point of a city of boils, despair, and suffering. And it was all my doing, my work, my creation, and I can't deny I'm enjoying it. The lords sweaty forehead, his shaking hands, his obvious fear of loosing all he held dear...power. I truly enjoyed seeing the fucker in this state. This tyrannt deserved every last second of it. My only regret is that I could not drag it on longer for him
The lords response to the sickness had not come before his own wife, daugter and himself had became sick. Not before then had he cared. Not before then had he blincked an eye for the suffering of thousands in the streets of his kingdom. The first and only thing he did when he heard of the outbreak of the plauge in his realm was to order that all the water for the royal family to be boiled. I was the one tasked with boiling the water, and the water they got was just as boiled as the river the water came from. The lord did not even care to make a public declaration of the source of the plauge. He did not care about the people he was chosen by the gods to protect. It would have taken three words from him to save the world, but he did not do it. he couldn't even utter the words "tell the people". Instead he summoned his wizards,witches,priests and warlocks to summon the humans to find a cure for him and his family. The people of the realm didn't even get a hint of his attention at the time. That was when I saw what a sad, sorry, selfish state of mind the world was in.
I did what i did not because i'm evil, nor am I sadistic. I didn't do it to hurt or harm anyone. My interest was never to cause pain and suffering, nor to cause chaos or catashrope, Only too prove a point. My point was to prove that a leaders task is not to wield power, but to use power to protect and guide his people, and most important, to provide justice. His choice to summon the humans were right, but too little to late. If he could not make that choice before thousands had died, but only when the ones closest to his heart was dying. he was no leader. he was a coward. And a coward is not what the gods intended when they gave him the privilage to rule, to guide, to lead our people, my people, my kin.
When I draged the corpse of the farmer to the river I thought both once and twice about what the results of my actions would be. What would happen? Would The world become a better place? The questions bounced in my mind as I draged the body over the farmers fields and thru the forest. The answers I got, resulted in the events of today. Wheter I was wrong or not does not matter. It does not matter if the death of the royal family and the thousands of citezens of the kingdom did any differense to the world. All I could think of was you. I did it for you. I told you I would avenge you. I told you I would make the king suffer to his last breath, and I did, let the gods know I did. And let them know I'm proud of it. I did it all for you my love, for what the king did to you, for what the people allowed the king do to you. We might not meet in the halls of the gods. It's up to the gods to decide wheter what I did was just or not. They can either welcome me as a hero, or send me to hell as a disgrace. But I promise you, That wherever I end up, I'll bear my actions like a badge of pride.
But I must admit, I cried as I threw the corpse of the farmer in the river."
With everlasting love, Your husband."
submitted by /u/Consideringwhy [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3878NZe
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