#I did have Emotions about that scene with Data where he's a hallucination or a dream or whatever
Have you watched any of the new Picard show? If so, what did you think of the most recent season? I had heard it was more popular with TNG fans than the first two, but I'm very curious about what you think.
I haven't. I didn't like some of what was said about the thesis of the series during promotion and then I hated what it felt like they did to Seven (one of my all-time favourite characters) judging by clips and trailers. And then I felt like everything I heard after it aired confirmed I would not like it.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
Re: point 3, I worry that w/o sources from production supporting your hypothesis, it may be a leap too far to assign such specific intent to production’s actions (or lack thereof) in response to fandom’s biases. I agree that at least some portion of those biases were & are fueled by racism & that production fed into those biases in different ways. I find it much harder to extrapolate that minority actors (esp the show’s lead) were cast in order to provoke fandom outrage for publicity. 2/4
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While it will take some serious work to get production information, I know that it exists, primarily because I already have some data that shows me that it has to exist.
But I want to correct something I might have caused from miscommunication. I don't think the production was trying to 'provoke fandom outrage for publicity' by casting actors of color. I think the production relied on what I consider racist considerations to shortcut character and plot development. There is an article about actor Tyler Posey in which he talks about how Jeff Davis saw his race as an advantage, and there is also an interview Jeff did between Seasons 5 and 6, where he talked about how the writer's room decided that Mason wouldn't have any long-term effects from being the host for The Beast because he was "too good."
I think that the production recognized that the audience would care less about characters of color, and that would allow them to skip over certain beats that would otherwise be necessary. There's a reason that we heard about Stiles's anxiety and his dead mother every single season, but how most of us spent the first 30 seconds of the Roxy hallucination wondering who the hell she was. There's a reason for the difference in the amount of screen time spent in flashbacks about Derek and Stiles then about the main character. There's a reason that Rafael's first three scenes were with Stiles; why the discussion between Melissa and Scott happened off-screen between seasons 2 and 3 and the reveal to Rafael about the supernatural also happened off-screen. There's a reason we didn't learn about Alicia until the episode before Boyd's death; why Mason's family was never seen or even mentioned; why, for the four episodes between Ouroboros and Codominance, no one acted as if Kira was important or even existed; and why Noshiko had the most awkward walk-off in the history of television in order to bring back Theo.
I like to think the reason is because characters of color, as Jeff invoked, were uniformly -- and you have to imagine me saying this with as much sarcasm as I can possibly muster -- "gooooood." What I mean by this that the emotional pay-offs for characters of color were ignored because the production suspected the audience wasn't interested and they could get away with skipping them by making the absence a sign of virtue for the characters. Mason didn't talk about his family because he was too busy taking care of Liam; Scott didn't have a single scene which focused on Kira's absence because he was too busy fighting the Doctors and getting abandoned by his "friends"; Noshiko was there to give Liam his charge, etc. Why would the audience want to see Scott and Melissa mend their relationship? Or Rafael get angry and try to go after Peter?
Nothing, nothing, gives me more evidence for this than Boyd's death, which in the end, wasn't even about Boyd. Did you ever wonder in 3A why we never had a single scene where Boyd and Derek talk about Boyd's leaving in Season 2? Cora got to express rage and disappointment over being imprisoned for three months, but Boyd was just ... there. Why Derek drove Isaac away but not Boyd? Why Boyd was so angry with Ethan over Derek that Scott had to stop him from attacking an alpha in a stalled school bus? And then, at his end, a seventeen-year old boy spent his last moments on earth lying to comfort the useless manbaby who had led him to his death, and the final framing shot was to show how badly all of this had hurt Derek. This isn't a single scene that came off badly; it's an entire season.
I will argue it's because -- like Scott and Mason and Kira -- his primary characteristic was his "goodness," by which I mean his willingness to take care of white characters. I'm not the first person to notice how Hollywood loves to place characters of color into caretaker roles. There's a reason that Boyd died the way he did, the same reason the production insisted that Scott had to "get Stiles back" while simultaneously defeating steam-punk mad scientists and their resurrected murder machine but no character even hints that Stiles has the slightest responsibility to do the same. Why Mason doesn't simply tie Liam up with duct tape and torture him with lacrosse balls to demonstrate his displeasure at being abandoned at the library to get attacked by Theo. Why Noshiko, a nine-hundred year old kitsune, doesn't destroy the Sheriff for unfairly attacking her daughter. Because part of what makes a character of color a protagonist is how much benevolence they show white characters who are allowed to treat them in return as badly as they want to.
The most egregious fact is that none of this behavior was explored in a scene. The seasons were written with the assumption that the characters of color who aren't outright villains will be "good." It's certainly a pattern with this show, and I feel it was reinforced by fandom behavior and reinforced that same behavior.
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dianaburnwood · 4 years
HITMAN 3: First Impressions
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This post is full of SPOILERS. Also, it is LONG, so.... yeah. Be prepared lol 
HITMAN 3. Also known as: Diana’s Game. 
Dear GOD I am in love. 
I’m going to do my best to make this coherent. But. I am still freaking out. And I have SO much more to explore!!!! This won’t be very in-depth because I played each map exactly once so far. There’s so much left to see, conversations to overhear, opportunities to exploit - but, I DO have some first impressions, oh hell yes. 
That menu music!!! I was not expecting that at all. It was a mix of choral and classical with previous themes intertwined, and it reminded me of Blood Money. Speaking of Blood Money, this game is Blood Money. 
Very, very beautiful. Kinda thought Grey made it all about himself lol of course he wanted to say “in your face” to the partners, but it was like 47 was just there to pull the trigger, like he’d not been hurt by them too. But, I really liked it. Trapping them in a room and watching them freak while Grey watched me kill them?? Helloo??? Popping off HARD from the start and I love it.
So - here’s the thing. I don’t get the timing. Diana tells them then that Edwards escaped. Did he escape just before the boys got to Dubai? Or were they unavailable to reach until then? It seems that the message Grey got at the end of HAVEN was after Olivia hacked the HAVEN servers, and then the boys were out of reach so after Diana discovered Edwards was gone, she couldn’t tell them until Dubai? And it was shown to us in a different order to leave us hanging? I dunno. Maybe? It seems weird. 
THE CUTSCENE here omg - once again establishing that 47 and Diana are ride or die. “Diana will make it right, she always does” - BABE. BABE. SWEET BOY. His little face when Grey doesn’t trust Diana. OMGGG.
I went the murder mystery route, of course. I figured it was Emma from her conversation with her husband, but I got all the clues after just to be sure. Can’t believe Carlisle just handed 47 the file on Edwards and then went out alone on the balcony like I wasn’t gonna kill her??? Bitch????? do you forget who i am?????? Anyway, the murder mystery was SO much fun, but I can’t wait to infiltrate this manor in other ways. Lots of Beldingford vibes here.
THE CUTSCENE bdsfgafhlsjfah WAHT????? Ok so HOW did Edwards know where they were? And - ok, so it made for an amazing scene, but Grey is a badass. He is a mercenary genius that duped the ICA and brought Providence to its knees. How did he get himself surrounded in the woods by CICADA? But he did, and it was beautiful, and he literally only shot himself to save 47, and the LOOK in 47′s eyes on his balaclava face - I just bfjKSFasad. I can’t believe he died so early tho. I was very sure he’d die somehow, but SO early. WOW. 
fucking hell. Berlin. fuck. fucckkkk. 
I wanna shout out to Mini (not gonna tag you in case you’re avoiding spoilers) but hot damn girl if you’re reading you were BANG ON about 47 wearing Grey’s coat. I really didn’t think it was his. It was. It is such a beautiful way for 47 to express his emotions about this death without actually saying anything. Omg. It was perfection. I’m crying thinking about it.
BERLIN was where this game really upped its... game. Like WOW. 5 targets, and it’s the ICA. Clearly Edwards went to the ICA board at this stage and was like uhhhh so you need to take these ppl out. HOWEVER I am amazed that the ICA is like “oh, ok”. DO you not remember what happened in SOUTH DAKOTA. 
But going after the ICA is a fucking trip and I love it. I love how 47 says each agent’s name to himself. I love how he listens in and the team handler realises it. I love how she pulls the rest of her team out once you get 5. I love that the ICA agents use disguises too!!! This is truly APEX PREDATOR and I love that they named it that. Y’all think you have the balls to go up against 47??? bitch?????
But the fact that you have to find the targets and none of them are marked is so fantastic. I found 6, but I have no idea how many are actually available - but I’m gonna find out!!! The club is HUGE as well, and lots of throwbacks to Contracts, especially with the biker gang. Amazing. Amazing level. I’m so excited to replay it. 
Also they really addressed the elephant in the room with the ICA agents describing 47 as a caucasian male, bald, average height and ppl being like uh that’s every man here, and then he said yeah but he’s got this big tattoo lmao 
ok this is where I started to think this game was my fanfiction. Inside the ICA? Showing off how truly international it is, and high tech. Hidden in plain sight. Ready to dismantle in 12 hours if needed. SO perfect. This lore builds on Absolution and Blood Money ICA lore in wonderful ways. 
Also, I don’t know why the IOI and DK of the logo looked different in the trailer, they must have been just hard to make out. Cos in the game, the ICA logo is the same as all previous games. 
Also, analysts do client vetting? Intrigue. Always assumed that was part of the handlers’ job. I take it all back Diana, you have never done anything wrong in your life, ever 
I killed Royce by firing the ppl she recommended so she’d get trapped in the data core cleaning. I killed Hush (what a name I love it) as his patient. 
Working with Olivia is really fun. I missed Diana, but Olivia brought a whole fresh perspective. I also really like how neither Grey nor Olivia are as good as Diana - they both fucked up while guiding 47 at least once. 
47 saying “...I will leave you to prepare” to Olivia, I yelled fdagsfa
Also I love how 47 decided to expose the ICA exactly like Diana did in Absolution. Those two. One of a kind. My heart. And his desire to protect her. I love that the files showed their start together. Olivia saying “I can see why you...” and then she stopped herself. We all KNOW what she was gonna say. 
the cutscene - I screamed
“47 has one weakness. Me.” 
I swear to fucking GOD, IO has seen into my soul. I’ve said all along that Diana is 47′s weakness, and he is hers. But to hear it said, aloud, by my girl? WHAT???!!!!!
Ok. OK. OKKKKKK. OK. I can’t even write about this one. This was where I was pretty sure I was hallucinating the entire level. This is my Diana and 47 dreams come true. This is insane. This is EVERYTHING.
So we have OUR MOMENT IN THE SUN. She puts her HAND on HIS HAND and he looks in fucking wonderment at it. ahugarhiewEG;FEJGHEFlejlhsgfes;gjrsgt. I can’t. I can barely get through writing about this. 
Diana - the dress, the Jolie thigh slit, the jewellery, the hair (they finally fixed her fucking hair), SASS. “I have tango fever” omg. 
How do these ppl not have a pic of 47 by now lol 
I followed Diana and Vidal around cos I was entranced by my girl. Diana was fucking amazing each time. So much sass. Little did I know I interrupted them enough times for Vidal to say “ok son let’s talk”. I saw the tango and I was like omg imagine if I could dance with Diana. 
Anyway, got to kill Vidal via her own setup for me, and that was amazing. I wasn’t expecting it at all. I snuck into the house to kill Yates, and overheard him calling Edwards’ voicemail. Also, it is April 2021?? So, yeah. My previous dates were way wrong lol. 
And then, ALL MY DREAMS CAME TRUE. Diana and 47 fucking dancing the tango? I was pissed that I was in a security guard outfit, next time I play he will be in his tuxedo baby. 
Diana’s comments to 47 when he’s in disguise tho, I was freaking. As security “you look like a true professional. I feel so much safer with you gentlemen around” aaahhhh
I am so glad I was right about my baby girl tho. She even told him “you didn’t have a choice” about her parents. Good. I’m so glad I was right about that. But omg it broke my heart to have 47 so, SO, SOOO sure of Diana all along, defending her to Grey and Olivia, knowing, KNOWING that she was on his side, and then, he eventually started to doubt it. 
I was screaming at my screen - this is BLOOD MONEY! SHe is doing what she did in BLOOD MONEY!!!!
But, for a second, 47 wasn’t sure anymore. And Diana played her part well. 
Carpathian Mountains
Ok, what I love most about Contracts was how it gave us an insight into 47′s psyche, and this game upped that tenfold. Him seeing all his targets surround him? Him imagining Diana and the Constant dancing together? Him imagining her say terrible things about him, things he’s thought about himself deep down, always, omg, but he finally snapped out of it. Ironic that thinking about Grey snapped him out of it, when in life Grey had not trusted Diana. But 47 came to the realisation on his own. Diana would never betray him. 
opening that door and finding out you’re on a fucking train?????? I screamed. 
I am a bit disappointed that it turned out Romania wasn’t significant, they just happened to be passing through. But omg the fact that you are “subject 47″ again. I freaked. This is 47′s worst nightmare. 
I love that you have a free pass to kill everyone in this level. I did it in stealth anyway, cos it felt wonderfully tense to sneak through that train. But wow. This is another BIG risk that IO took. The train was straight out of Uncharted, and crafting a silencer for your pistol??? Hello The Last of Us????? But I don’t care. They used those elements super well. 
I think some people will be angry at this game because parts of it (especially the last level) were a departure from how HITMAN and HITMAN 2 worked. But I love it. I love that they took risks to tell the story they wanted to tell, and those risks paid off. 
47′s undying loyalty to Diana, omg. Telling Edwards bye bitch, I’ll never forget who I am again, and Diana thinks you suck. <3<3<3<3<3
OH MY GOD. ONE YEAR LATER????? 47 obviously took some time off cos he fucking needed a break. But he’s back, baby. Ending on “it’s good to be back” was wonderful. The game ended where the 2015 trailer for HITMAN started, and I’m crying. He’s ready to continue with Diana, and not because it’s what he was made to do, not because he doesn’t know what else to do, but finally, because he CHOOSES to do that. 
But one year later? What does that mean? Has Diana rebuilt the ICA like in Blood Money, or will she and 47 work together without anyone else? They’ll need the infrastructure that an organisation like the ICA has though. Diana said she would dismantle Providence from the top down once Edwards was gone, but how? Does that mean dismantling what’s left of the ICA? They were one and the same by the end of the game. All that didn’t just disappear. I’m left with so many questions. 
I was disappointed Diana wasn’t in the cabin when 47 got there. And I wonder why she wasn’t. She knew he was coming, but they are clearly still on good terms. Maybe she wasn’t sure what to expect. But does that mean they hadn’t spoken in a year since??? But she didn’t sound surprised to hear him, and he had coordinates that he was following, so I think they arranged to meet. But her phone was in there when he arrived, and she wasn’t. Maybe he was tracking her phone? Did she come back there to him after????? 
the game 
with 47
And for that I will be forever grateful. 
Ok bye, I need to play it again. RIP work tomorrow lol 
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S4 Watchthrough Episodes 14-17
Clues: As the title hints, we have a mystery episode. The crew gets knocked out for thirty seconds… or so they think. Things are clearly not adding up like one of Crusher’s experiments having advanced a full day despite having just set it up before the knock out. The only one who can explain is Data, the only one who wasn’t knocked out… but he won’t. Why? Well… I won’t spoil it. Let’s just say that it’s pretty wild. Since I won’t spoil it, I can’t really say a lot about it. But it was an interesting episode as the crew puts together the pieces and them trying to get Data to talk. Data’s not one to lie without a good reason for it, so there has to be a mass reason as to why. And ho boy, did he have a reason alright. Pretty good all in all. 3/5.
First Contact: No, not the movie. So here we have the Enterprise making first contact with a society preparing to go into warp for the first time. Riker went undercover among them… but he got injured and found out as human. Whoops. Seems business as usual, right? Well… we have a bit of a twist. All of this is from the perspective of the Pre-Warp society. We see what the Enterprise’s encounter is like from the POV of the aliens, and it makes this a lot more interesting. Now we know that the crew is good guys and Picard is very much a stickler for the Prime Directive so he won’t allow any interference of the society’s progress… but they don’t. There’s a sense of wonder as well as fear. I mean if what to you is a bunch of futuristic aliens show up out of nowhere, one of them had integrated into your society, they are clearly more highly advanced than you, and start going on about a Federation of planets and the like, how would you react? Some of us may be all for it, others of us would be terrified/paranoid, and some may fall anywhere else in between. Malcor III seems to be on par with regular Earth at the time, maybe a bit more advanced, but ultimateley the events in the episode has them decide not to go forward with space exploraiton and turn down the Federation’s help. At least until they’re more prepared, which they currently aren’t. They do get Riker back, so that’s good~! The different perspective really made this one stand out, the Malcorians coming off as properly concerned about all of this, but overall reasonable about it. Well aside form one guy who is too paranoid over it, but it feels like we got a decent balance of ‘paranoid asshole’, ‘awed by the possibilities’, and ‘concerned but willing to listen’ with the three we see the most. The only issue I have is Riker more or less was potentially ugh… treated inapproprotiatley by an alien-obsessed woman… and it’s treated as a joke. Umm… WTF?! Other than that, good episode~ 4/5.
Galaxy’s Child: Of all the episodes that they decided to follow up on… they picked Boody Trap. Y’know, the one where Geordi made the hologram of one of the Enterprise designers to help solve the Problem of the Week. Now I tried to be nice when I went over that episode since I assumed that it would be a one-off…. but this one has caused me to no longer be able to brush off the episode as such. Look, I love Geordi and I don’t think he means to be this was intentional and the hologram thing was genuinely for work… but this episode portrays him as an utter creep using the Nice Guy card to justify himself. He fell for the hologram of Dr. Brahms and when she arrives on the Enterprise and turns out to be nothing like the hologram, he’s not too happy. But he tries to push it anyways and it’s just…. no. It gets worst when Brahms sees the hologram and I am fair, she had every right to be angered and disturbed by it and Geordi trying to force something between them. It was one thing when it happened as it did during Boody Trap, at least he remained focused on the task there, but here? I just… I know this was the 90’s but… ugh. It just looks utterly horrible now. I guess the point of the episode was that when you fantasize about someone and they don’t match that fantasy, you need to accept it and see them as they are. I don’t feel like Geordi is being necessarily presented as in the right… but it IDT they really saw how the execution makes it ook really wrong and especially now in the wake of the MeToo movement… yeah. It’s not as horrid as certain events in TOS’ The Enemy Within was by any means and it has a relevant message about not expecting your fantasies to be the reality, but other shows have done that much better. So unless there’s another follow-up that I’m unaware of, I have zero interest in revisiting this or Boody Trap ever again and I hope that if they have to give Geordi a failed romance plot (wasn’t he over that by Transfiguration though?), they portray him a Hell of a lot better than here. 2/5.
Night Terrors: So in this episode, the crew finds themselves unable to fall asleep. Specifically, they can’t achieve REM sleep. Aside from Data, who as an android doesn’t need sleep, the only one who can is Troi… but she has nightmares that involve flying and strange messages. Due to the lack of sleep, everyone’s losing it. Emotions are high, several hallucinate, memory lapses, and they are unable to properly do to their jobs. Which gets really bad when the engines won’t work. As someone who has constant insomnia, they all have my sympathy. So I looked it up and apparently lack of REM sleep can indeed cause issues as we saw here. Crazy, huh? Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Yes, the Flying Troi bits were pretty silly. Aside from that… it was fine. For an episode called Night Terrors, it… didn’t really have a lot of terror. The only scenes that legit freaked me out was the covered corpses rising when Crusher was in the morgue and Worf almost killing himself. Even Troi’s nightmares were more silly than scary as previously noted. The rampant paranoia and everyone just… losing the ability to function is legit freaky though. Seriously Worf’s meltdown and Troi having to talk him down… that was heavy. Otherwise, it’s gone. Could have been better, could have been worst. A fine watch all in all. Also Guinan with the Big Laser Gun? Amazing. Honestly, it was pretty much the female characters solving all th problems in this episode and not losing their minds like pretty much all the male characters (that aren’t Data) did, so good job ladies~! 3.5/5.
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maxortecho · 5 years
Confessions - 1x01
For today’s Echo appreciation, I thought I’d use the theme of confessions and kick off a meta series following Liz’s S1 journey towards Max. 
Liz has been closed off and emotionally drifting for the past 10 years. She doesn’t connect. Once she hits Roswell though, she’s met with a shock to the system in the shape of Max Evans. Max emotionally blindsides Liz throughout S1. She likes to see herself as a rational person separate from her emotions, but she struggles to rationalise Max. Bit by bit, Liz finds herself becoming tethered to a connection and to her feelings again. Ultimately, Liz’s S1 romantic arc builds to her confessing these feelings to herself, to Max, and to Rosa. 
So let’s start with episode 1!
The Crashdown
The first episode opens with Liz spitting fire at an unknown cop for pulling her over at an ICE checkpoint. Except, well—turns out it’s Max Evans. Her anger subsides, her voice softens, and she’s suddenly remembering him smiling at her in high school. The thing is, Max is still the cop who pulled her over. Liz is shocked to see him, sure, but I think it’s her automatic association of goodness and safety with her memory of Max that has her combativeness and suspicion evaporating on the spot.
Then Sheriff Valenti comes over. Liz’s walls immediately go back up.
Liz: “Are you going to breathalyze me, or?”
Later, at the diner, Max causes the same shocked and breathless reaction.
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I still find it cute that Liz spends a good thirty seconds speechless and staring at Max wide-eyed while he’s talking to her. She seems more stunned than she was the first time--he was in full uniform and a strange context there; here, he’s lost the hat and the jacket, and he’s in familiar territory at the diner and her family home. 
Max is only dropping in to let Liz know her left front running light is broken, and then he promptly turns to leave in the middle of her staring. Liz flounders and mirrors his spin, walking in the other direction--
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(to where, honey? the window? lmao)
--before making a split-second decision to dive headfirst into that familiarity sparking between them.
Liz: “You want a milkshake?”
Liz doesn’t get time to rationalise in these initial moments. She stays in that vulnerable space during their diner discussion, tries drawing Max there with her (”You wanted to be a writer. So why did you join the force?”). Max references Rosa’s death and Liz visibly closes herself off. This is the first time she does so in reaction to Max--which is fitting, considering what happens next.
In the OG Roswell, Liz actually gets shot in the stomach. But Liz gets shot in the heart in RNM. I definitely think RNM upped the drama and the symbolism here. Max and his family’s betrayal has lead to Liz dying by the heart. It’s time for him to start fixing his mistakes or Liz is gone forever. Eight minutes into the series, Max literally and symbolically restarts Liz’s heart.
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Big Sisters
After Liz is shot and Max tells her it didn’t happen, Liz decides she’s going to confront him. But directly before she does, Liz visits Rosa’s roadside grave. Liz doesn’t have a memory here that is specifically about Rosa. Instead, she has a memory where she talks to Rosa about Max. When I first watched this, I found it a strange choice for introducing Rosa. But!
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I now view this Liz/Rosa conversation as representing Liz’s conflicting perspectives about Max. Flashback Liz is all heart and driven by emotions: “Maybe I don’t want to miss Max Evans”. 
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Flashback Rosa is arguing to think with her head and not her emotions, and pushing the ‘cage around your heart’ narrative that Liz adopts after Rosa’s death: “He’s already in the rearview mirror, trust me”.
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Liz’s memory at Rosa’s roadside grave feels like she’s seeking out her big sister’s advice. What’s interesting is that Liz already knows Max is lying to her and she has suspicions he’s hiding something bigger—and yet an emotional plea is her first plan of action. The rational, scientific plan (what we are consistently told is characteristic of Liz) is her back-up plan when it comes to Max. 
So Liz finds Max and gives him a milkshake. She reveals some personal information in an attempt to appeal to his goodness and sense of right. She can trust Max to tell her the truth. All he needs is a push. A secret for a secret, right?
Liz: “Can you keep a secret? My mother is mentally ill. My sister Rosa too. I was always afraid I’d end up like them. Hallucinating. You know I thought I was shot?”
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Except Max doesn’t meet her halfway. He denies she was shot. Max changes his mind when Liz becomes more upset, but he gets interrupted by Michael exploding a car’s windows. Liz leaves the conversation without answers. She takes Max’s straw instead.
Even though Liz has fallen onto her rational plan, how does she follow up the Max interaction? With another big sister. She seeks out Maria and The Wild Pony. The next step of Liz’s rational plan should be checking out Max’s DNA. But Liz doesn’t do that yet. Instead, Liz actually follows the next step of her emotional plan failing: girl’s gotta eat her proverbial bucket of ice cream before she can move on. Liz tells Maria that she thought she felt a spark with Max, but now she just feels like an idiot after getting the cold shoulder from him. 
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Liz finds that switching off her emotional reaction towards Max--and transitioning into a rational scientist about him--isn’t coming easily to her for some reason. Strange. That usually works. I don’t think this is an influence of the psychic bond either; Liz has the same problem in the beginning of 1x03. She’s there to gather data about Max but has to visibly shake off her emotional reaction and the pull towards him. 
By the time the handprint turns up and Liz checks his DNA, Liz is ready to confront Max again. Except Max has already decided he’s ready to share his secret. Like their first scene at the ICE checkpoint, all of Liz’s fire evaporates on the spot.
The Desert
This whole episode, Liz has been trying to get some vulnerability and honesty out of Max. And boy does she get it. Max flays himself open in the desert for Liz—his identity, his feelings, his memories—and the amount he’s giving her blows Liz and her reservations away. HER FACE JOURNEY, Y’ALL.
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Liz: “Max... Why me?”
Max: “Do you remember the first time we met?”
Liz: “I feel like I’ve just always known you.”
I ache at this line. This idea of Max embedded in Liz’s history and a piece of her identity. Max associated with familiarity and home, despite him literally being an extra-terrestrial figure. She isn’t bothered nor put off him by him being an alien. He’s still just Max Evans to her. (And, okay, for Max who simply wants to be the guy from Roswell, who feels scared of being extraordinary, I find this really sweet.) Max can show her his memories and how he feels about her (why her), but he’ll have to touch her.
Liz: “Okay. Do um… do whatever you want.”
Which is essentially the point of this meta where I descend into incoherent yelling. Liz will say in 1x04 that she keeps a cage around her heart. But here, Liz doesn’t even hesitate to give him full access to it. Max made himself vulnerable for her, so she’s comfortable fully reciprocating. Liz entered Roswell wary and closed off, but a few days later she’s 100% on board for weird, unknown, psychic alien bonding with Max. Damn. Over and over, we are shown that Max Evans is an exception to Liz’s rules.
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Max refuses to kiss Liz after, thinking he’s interacting with a Liz mirroring his own feelings back at him. Liz doesn’t seem to agree. Instead of arguing the point though, she leaves it at “Fine. I’ll kiss you [when the handprint fades].”  (His delightfully scandalised reaction? Chef kiss!) She can prove him wrong later, if he won’t believe her right now. I do think Liz reflects Max here in some kind of feelings loop--but at the same time, she knows she’s also experiencing this purely, as her own source of feelings.  
While I’m here, if Max believes Liz is reflecting his feelings, then what does Max believe he’s feeling because of Liz? Does he consider that possibility? Is he feeling any doubt or fear? And if he is, is that Liz or him?
The Reunion
Hmm, reunion indeed.
Liz says she can’t connect. But she does.
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Liz says she doesn’t dance in Roswell anymore. But she does. And she drags Max along with her.
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Oh, I’m sensing a theme for Liz here.  
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douxreviews · 5 years
Star Trek: The Next Generation - ‘Interface’ Review
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Geordi: "Until I see some hard evidence, I'm not going to give up hope."
By nature I love brevity: A rather decent emotional story that was undercut by the final act. Strong performances, though, and some good material earlier on.
The first thing you notice about 'Interface' is its odd sci-fi premise: Geordi hooks himself up to a probe that feeds him sensory information so that he can perform missions too dangerous to risk an away team. This is somewhat interesting, sure, and the fact that it allows Geordi to receive visual information makes those sequences entertaining enough to keep me watching for the first few minutes. But it's not even close to some of the interesting premises that TNG comes up with, and it only really serves as a vehicle to present the emotion and character in the story.
The central premise of this half of 'Interface' revolves around the disappearance of the ship Geordi's mother captains. Everyone, including Geordi's other family members, has given up hope and has begun to mourn, but Geordi refuses to accept it without hard evidence. Unless he can see the wreckage, he will continue to believe his mother is still alive.
This is where 'Interface' begins to deliver its best work. Some well-acted scenes between Geordi and Riker, along with a touching effort by Data to comfort his friend, give it weight and impact with the audience. It becomes very clear very quickly that Geordi is just in denial, and that his friends need to help him accept that his mother is gone. That's when he encounters her on one of his trips with the probe.
The resulting sequences are heartbreaking to watch, as Geordi goes from denial to outright fantasy as his crewmates frantically try to keep him from hurting himself even more. He pushes the probe to its limits trying to save his mother, injuring himself over and over again. I think the episode could've used a little bit more variety here; it gets a little old seeing Geordi get injured in a very similar way, and then watching him get examined in the same corner of sickbay, as Doctor Crusher explains similar information to Captain Picard. Still, it does serve to show us Geordi's journey towards false hope. It helps as well that the episode makes it clear Geordi's theory is theoretically possible. As a result, we don't know when Geordi returns to the crashed ship whether his hopes will be vindicated or dashed.
This is where the episode takes a sudden turn, copping out and doing neither of those things. Geordi's vision of his mother turns out to be neither real nor a hallucination. It's an out-of-left-field alien species that's trying to manipulate him. Not only did I see this coming from the very beginning, I actively hoped the episode wouldn't use that twist. It dodges the consequences of the story and lets the writers have their cake and eat it too; now Geordi can be wrong about his mother but also not crazy for hallucinating her presence on the ship. To make matters worse, the reveal that she is an alien comes as a result of an action she takes that is completely inconsistent with her goals. Her plan was to lure Geordi into bringing the ship down to the surface of the planet so that she could get her people off of it. But instead of continuing the ruse, which was working, she puts her hands beside his head and does something to his brain. This immediately tells him that she isn't who she says she is, and also simultaneously prevents him from doing what she wanted him to do. The twist isn't even a unique one - TNG has done this reveal in other stories countless times before – and it's a shame it had to mess up the good story they had going for the first four acts.
Strange New Worlds:
The planet featured in this episode, Marijne VII, is a neptune-like gas giant whose unusual atmosphere causes subspace distortions.
New Life and New Civilizations:
The species of noncorporeal beings that imitated Geordi's mother are the latest in a long line of noncorporeal aliens in TNG. Their communication methods killed any humans that experienced them.
-What is the probe doing when Geordi bends down and checks people's pulses? Is it scanning them for life signs? How does it know what sensory information to give him?
-On the same note, how does moving his foot have anything to do with his height on the ladder? The probe seems to float in midair. For that matter, how is it ascending or descending with the ladder in the first place?
-Data is such a good friend. He knew Geordi needed this in order to have his closure, and he knew if he didn't help, Geordi would be in more danger. It both makes logical sense and is touching, just like Data's actions should be.
-Great performance by Jonathan Frakes when he told Geordi about his own mother.
-Robert Wiemer's direction is dynamic or subdued at the appropriate times. I appreciate it.
-It was during the production of this episode that Producer Ron Moore realized that TNG was running out of ideas and needed to end.
-Ben Vereen, who played Doctor LaForge in this episode, played the grandson of LeVar Burton's character in the show Roots. Madge Sinclair, who played Captain LaForge, was also on the show as the wife of the older version of LeVar Burton's character.
Data: "The ancient Doosadarians. Much of their poetry contained such 'lacunae' or empty spaces. Often these pauses measured several days in length, during which poet and audience were encouraged to fully acknowledge the emptiness of the experience." Geordi: "I can remember a few lectures from Starfleet Academy that seemed that way."
Data: "You may experience the emptiness with me if you wish."
Riker: "They told me it was important to accept the fact that my mother was dead and that she wasn't coming back and all the hoping in the world wouldn't make it so. In my mind, that was the day my mother actually died."
Geordi: "You know, we could both get in a lot of trouble for this." Data: "There is a high degree of probability that you are correct."
3 out of 6 lacunae.
CoramDeo doesn't mind; the thing that bothers him is that someone keeps moving his chair.
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crimsonwritesstony · 6 years
Selfless Pie: Chapter Four
And here is the final piece of this story! I'm so happy that people seem to be enjoying it, so I won't take too long here. <3
Chapter Three link here
“Ten years and they still haven’t changed this wobbly deathtrap. Lord knows I’ve given them plenty to update it. I blame Fury.” Steve didn’t move from his spot on the path just outside of the bleachers, his eyes quietly tracking Tony’s fingers dipping along the rusted metal of the structure. “Based on the current level of erosion and decay, I can’t expect these things to last another two years. I’ll have to talk to Bruce about setting up a plan to work it into the funds and get new bleachers for all the fields before next summer.”
“Tony, why are we here?” He hadn’t meant to sound so strained, but the sharp pains echoing in his chest with each heartbeat were making it hard to push out his words. He hated this memory and had tried to wash it away any way he could throughout the years. The feel of Tony’s cheek in his hand stained his skin like ink that couldn’t be scrubbed off. His show of vulnerability burned against the back of the soldier’s eyelids for months, and silently Steve would beg that something would show him mercy when he’d sleep. He couldn’t stop the younger man’s wounded face from running through his brain any time he went to bed, and distortions of the night would manifest into nightmares. The only time he’d been able to truly forget about Tony’s pain was when he went to war, knowing it was too selfish to let lingering regrets cloud his mind.
“This is the place your punch knocked Brock into.” Two fingers tapped a specific beam on the bleachers, his smile genuine when he glanced back to Steve. “I thought you killed him for a second. His little cronies nearly wet themselves in fear. I think there’s still a dent here from Rumlow’s thick skull.”
“Not one of my best moments,” Steve admitted with a roll of his eyes, glancing back out at the field he’d called a second home in high school.
Despite the bitter flashback lingering in his mind, he knew there was more to remember. He’d met Sam here, and he could recall how impressed he was with the freshman’s agility on the bases during tryouts. Even as a freshman, his friend refused to be treated with kiddie gloves, and rose to every expectation Mr. Fury had given him without a protest. And he’d never hesitated to give Steve advice, whether it was about baseball or adolescent hangups, making the man a truly trustworthy friend.
A glance to the right field made him think of Clint. Cheerful and optimistic despite some of the surlier friends of their group, Clint was compassionate and always there to give a unique take on any situation. Many times he’d stay late to catch fly balls that seemed impossible to track down for anyone but the nimble outfielder. The jokester had always tricked one of his friends into staying with him, not that any of them minded. It took until the middle the Sophomore season to realize their friend was scared to go home while his alcoholic father was still awake.
It was a year later Natasha learned she was adopted. In the middle of practice, the redhead walked onto the field, eyes distant and movements coiled tight as a new guitar string. She made it until Clint’s hand touched her shoulder, the girl collapsing into her best friend’s arms. Steve hadn’t hesitated to tell Mr. Fury they had to go, knowing it could jeopardize his chances of getting captain senior year. He and Bucky scrambled to grab their stuff, Clint’s steady arms carrying her to his car without a second thought. Mr. Fury later told Steve that his dedication to supporting his fellow teammates, no matter the consequences to himself, was just what he needed in a future captain.
That very field was where Bucky met his soulmate, though that hadn’t been an easy road. Sam and Bucky clashed the first year, unaware the tension between them wasn’t hatred. Junior year had seen the two learn each other, and connect in ways they’d never done before with another male. It had scared Bucky enough to make him avoid Sam for the last month of school. A summer night of the original four hanging out at the baseball field ended with Steve confronting his friend with the truth; he liked Sam. He’d gotten a left hook to the face in reply. They’d only stopped when Clint and Nat forced them apart, and for three weeks there had been radio silence between the two. It’d been the longest time he’d gone without talking to Bucky. They even made up on the field, tricked by Sam to meet while being unaware he’d been the reason they fought to begin with. Senior year, the dirt diamond had been witness to Steve helping Bucky accept that it was okay to fall for a goofy smile, even if it was connected to a boy.
He was just as surprised to realize that he’d held many memories with Tony there, as well. The earlier memories were mundane, strictly studying on the bleachers. The two argued through their sessions and stomped away childishly at the end, frustrated and sure the other would quit their arrangement. But animosity and hatred ebbed away, replaced with subtler feelings. There was an afternoon where Tony asked about Steve’s curveball, and the pitcher had left their science books on the dilapidated metal to drag Tony onto the mound. Or when it had started raining on them, and for the first time, Tony had offered his house as an alternative to the field.
Then the genius randomly started popping by during practice with excuses too elaborate to be real. Tony made a new signs system for Nat to use with the team when their old set had been leaked online. He’d helped Sam fix his swing with data collection and bought Clint a better glove when seeing how worn out his old one was. Tony would be at as many games as he could get to with his hectic schedule, even though he made sure to remind the snickering Bucky how much he hated the sport. He learned baseball slang to harass Steve with in the hallway and recited pointless sports trivia during late night phone calls. When Jarvis was hospitalized for pneumonia, Tony had asked Steve to show him how to ‘hit something hard’. Steve pitched for hours to the emotional genius until Tony’s knees gave out, and didn’t hesitate to hold the brunet while he cried into Steve’s chest.
It was where he realized he was in love with Tony Stark, even if he was too much of a coward to say it out loud. Good or bad, mundane of life-changing, Steve owed the place for the memories it kept for him. All he needed to do was return, and like the ocean against the sand, waves of memories would drag him back to a time where he’d felt the most alive. He loved his life, was proud of the man that he had become. But there was something about the time captured in the grass and dirt of the baseball field that he knew would never be replaced. Taking a slow breath of the chilled air, Steve closed his eyes and let go of the final traces of anxiety that had clung to him throughout the night.
“Tony,” he started, but his words were halted when the quiet voice of his companion piped in.
“Can I ask you something?” Brown eyes didn’t lift from the metal in front of him, Steve slow to step closer to prove his attention was focused on the brunet. “That last night we were here, after you went super Saiyan on Brock’s face...was I the only one who felt something there?”
“I think about it, probably more than I should. And I just...I question if it’s an error in my programming. Question where I went so wrong that I thought that someone like Steve Rogers would ever wanna be with me. But then I think about that night, and I’m sure that I saw...something. Don’t ask me what exactly because I was hopped up on coffee and awake for almost two days, so maybe I was just drugged from the caffeine ingestion and hallucinating, but I thought...were you gonna kiss me?”
“You’re rambling.” It was the first thought that came to Steve’s mind, knowing it was a clear indicator that Tony was nervous when they were younger. Tony’s hand tightened on the metal in his grasp before he winced, the reaction sending up red flags in Steve’s mind.
“People always want to kiss me now, you know. And why wouldn’t they? I’m smart, made of money and have been voted the sexiest man under thirty for three straight years. But back when I went here, we both know that wasn’t the case. I was still smart and my dad was the one with the money, but I was crazy to think I’d attract anyone. Pretty sure the only person who thought I was cute was the cafeteria lady with the mole on her nose. Why I got it in my head that you would be...this is stupid.”
Tony’s head shook slowly, as if the movement would dismiss whatever was filling his complex brain. Something welled up in Steve’s chest at the scene unfolding in front of him. Tony was closing himself off, just as he’d done the night Steve had chosen Tony’s future over his own feelings. For the second time in his life, he was watching a glimmering moment dim with doubt and rejection.
“You’re asking-”
“Nothing, I’m not-I just brought you out here to check out Stark field; thought you’d get a kick out of it being named after me when you practically lived on it. But we should’ve went back by now; Jan’s wanted to climb you since junior year and I probably just ruined her plan-”
“I did want to kiss you.” The truth was easy this time around. Tony’s head lifted from the slumped pose it had dropped to during his berating, staring at Steve with eyes a little wider than normal. Steve’s hands shoved themselves into his pockets and he nodded, refusing to hide his face while he confessed. “The truth is, I had a crush on you. Probably from the moment I saw you, but I didn’t really admit it until Senior year. So that night, I was sure someone out there was giving me a shot to finally tell you how I felt. But...when I realized that you were this young prodigy about to change the world and I was going off to be some army brat...I knew you were too good to keep on hold. Why would someone like you wait for me?”
“Because you’re Steve Rogers? You’re hot and kind and way more talented with a cherry stem than I could ever dream of and...you were Mr. Perfect. Seriously, is this a real question?”
“You were never swept up in any of the hype when it came to me. You saw past all that and treated me like the awkward teenage student I was. And it was...nice,” Steve admitted, feeling a bit of a grin grab at his face when noticing how thrown off Tony had become. “Nice to have someone call me out when I made a mistake. Infuriating at times, but nice. You treated me normal. Teased me when others were too nervous to smudge my ‘perfect’ legacy or something. But it was different than Bucky or Sam. Felt different, at least. Was kind of endearing, when you weren’t being a sarcastic pain.”
“This is...not really happening right now. Really, I don’t need you to lie to me about this. My pride will totally shake off your rejection after a bottle of whiskey and a Grey’s Anatomy marathon.” The skepticism that trickled through Tony’s voice was broken up with moments of hope, as if he wasn’t sure which emotion to truly believe in. “I know what I was in high school; you don’t need to keep trying to save me.”
“That’s not all I do, you know.”
“It’s sort of your calling card, Cap. Though the fake pining story must be clashing with your honor code.” Stubbornness started to flare its head in the genius, and Steve’s need to shake the other was almost too tempting to ignore. Instead, he took a slow breath, glancing around the area while trying to think of a new approach to the discussion. It was only natural that the field came back into vision, Steve’s mind flickering with an idea.
“Did you watch the baseball game?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You told me that you were going to try and get my game on the plane. Did you end up watching it? Specifically the fourth inning?” Tony’s eyes searched Steve’s expression as if waiting for the other man to flash a grin and take back the random questioning. The blond kept his face as serious as he could, feeling his shoulders tense up until Tony gave a nod.
“Yeah, I watched it. Almost didn’t, cause of...but I did. Nothing else really to do on the plane.” Tony glanced to his fingers picking at the rust on the bleachers, another attempt at casual despite the tension in the air.
“There was a clip that they cut out of the reruns of the game later, but during the live broadcasting, Clint did something.” That was putting it mildly. The outfielder had started to scream bloody murder in the mid-inning, going as far as tossing his glove and kicking at the dirt on his way to the outfield. The loud cries of ‘why didn’t you do it?!’ had been recorded for the millions of people to see, but the only person Steve was currently focused on was now snorting.
“Clint throwing a temper tantrum and rolling around in the grass on live television was the highlight of the game. I thought Fury was going to get arrested for killing him!”
“He got close,” Steve admitted, remembering the look of death that crawled over Mr. Fury’s face when they came off the field. The only thing that had saved Clint was the amazing catch he’d made later on in the game after getting his emotions in check.
“So, besides reminding me of something I need to tease Legolas about when we get back to the reunion, why are you bringing it up?” Some of the strain that had been holding Tony hostage looked to be disappearing from the younger man’s body, using the bleacher’s beam to support his weight.
“I was the reason he had his meltdown.” The intrigued look Tony gave Steve urged him to explain, the blond clearing his throat before talking through the blush. “I guess before the inning started, Bucky let it slip that I didn’t kiss you the night before. And Clint...well, he was sorta positive that we were gonna fall in love in high school. Even went as far as to bet some pretty decent money on it with Sam, so when he heard about what happened, and that you had left for MIT without us kissing he...lost it.”
“That beautiful bastard.” Tony let out a small chuckle at Steve’s awkward explanation, his eyes shining with mirth as he tilted his head in a way that flipped the blonde’s stomach. “I thought you looked pretty flushed on the mound that inning, but I attributed it to your Irish skin being in the sun too long.”
“No, I knew exactly what he was yelling about, and unlike Clint, I remembered it was national television. Something you’d said you were going to watch. After that, there was no way I could talk to you.” For the first time since his admission, Steve glanced away from Tony, staring at his shoes toeing the dirt of the pathway. “Every time I even looked at my phone, I was scared you’d seen it and would ask. We’d never really...talked anything out, and doing it on the phone felt cheap. I tried to save up the money to come see you at MIT, but by the time I got it, I was shipping off for basic training.”
“Did you forget I was rich back then, too? I could have bought you a plane ticket first class with just my allowance alone. Like seriously, wouldn’t have even put a dent in my wallet. I was going to do that anyways until that almost-not-really-probably-hallucinating kiss we didn’t have.”
“I couldn’t use you for your money, Tony. That’d be selfish.” Tony stared in pure shock at Steve’s explanation before his arms shot into the air in obvious frustration, though Steve couldn’t understand the anger.
“I was in love with you, Rogers! I watched baseball for you. Baseball. You could have asked me to buy the moon and I would have done it without question! NASA would have fought with me about it, but honestly I could have swayed them with ideas to improve their equipment and we’re on a speed dial relationship at the moment so it would have worked out-” the second round of rambling was cut off by Tony himself, seeming to realize mid-sentence what he had said. Before the genius could lapse into his fight or flight response, Steve stepped forward, rushing his answer out.
“Me too! I mean, I loved you, too.” They stared at each other for a moment, letting the shared confessions sink in. A warmth settled in Steve’s chest that he didn’t want to lose. Tony had loved him. It felt like he’d known the information already, but hearing it was a different sensation. He was sure he was blushing, but the embarrassment over that simmered away when realizing Tony was quite pink himself. Tony Stark never blushed, and this was the second time Steve had gotten the opportunity to see it. Rushing to seize the opportunity presented to him, Steve didn’t hesitate to reach forward and grasp Tony’s hand. “And even now, I…”
Except, for just a moment, the soldier wondered if anything had changed. Tony was still a star thousands of miles out of Steve’s reach. For ten years, the older man had dedicated his life to protecting the weak, just as he’d always done. But the man in front of him had changed the world with his technology. He’d given Bucky his arm back and helped Sam’s organization flourish. He donated money to charities, fundraisers, and a school that had rarely shown him kindness or sympathy. Tony Stark wasn’t just on a different level than Steve; he was in his own galaxy. Ten years ago, he’d let the charming young man slip through his fingers to keep from tying him down. He’d already given up their moment so Tony could shine brighter. But could he walk away again, knowing the first time was one of the biggest sacrifices of his life, without saying something?
Who says he wants you to walk away? The small voice of hope questioned, and Steve knew he didn’t have an answer for that.
But there was only one way to know the truth.
“Even now, you what?” Tony didn’t seem willing to let the conversation die either, fingers quick to sneak between the space of Steve’s. He hooked them as if afraid the blond would pull away, just like he’d done the last time. And God, Steve knew in that moment he never wanted to hurt this man again.
“I still-” The loud blare of a ringtone interrupted Steve’s confession, the brunet vocalizing Steve’s frustration with a growl that boarded feral. Snatching the device from his pocket, Tony didn’t release Steve’s hand, using his other one to turn on the speakerphone.
“Bruce, normally I’d be tickled pink to provide you phone sex, but you’re totally interrupting something that I’m 92.5% sure is important and/or life-changing.” A quick glance at Steve’s face had the genius recalculating, pressing the phone closer to his mouth. “Make that 96%.”
“Sorry, Tony, but Jan is 100% ready to hunt you down if you don’t return to the reunion with Steve in the next five seconds. She’s been waiting for twenty minutes to get this class photo done, but since you two missed the last reunion, she refuses to do it without you. We’ve been trying to stall for you two, but she’s a hard woman to deter when she’s on a mission.” Bruce did sound apologetic for the interruption, but he didn’t seem to be in a position to try and buy the pair any more time.
“Tell her we died. Tragic...bear accident. Cap fought till the bloody end to protect me and it was magical. She can send flowers to my house in Malibu, I prefer yellow daffodils-”
“Tony, no.” Steve scolded, having to bit back his smile when the brunet glanced up at him and rolled his eyes.
“Well I doubt a rabid raccoon digging through the school’s dumpster is gonna take you out, so Yogi’s the way to go.” The atmosphere from before was broken when Steve laughed, the blond pulling the scowling genius closer to speak into the phone.
“We’re on our way, Dr. Banner. Please extend our apologies to Miss Van Dyne.”
“Thank you, Captain.” Steve ended the call with the teacher before he pushed the phone back to Tony, whose face showed his obvious displeasure in the decision.
“You are literally trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
“Says the one debating which animal should maul me to death.”
“For good reason!”
“It’s just a picture,” Steve replied, shaking his head before he pulled the stubborn man back toward the school building. “We’ll take the shot and then we’ll find a place to continue this conversation.”
“You do realize we have the worst timing in the history of the world? I think we give Titanic a run for its money.”
“Picture, then talk. It’ll be fine.”
Except, like most situations, Tony was right. The picture took forever, as managing to get that many people in the shot without one of them sneezing, blinking, or getting threatened by Logan was a tedious endeavor. As soon as the photo was taken, the genius got yanked into a conversation with Reed Richards and his wife, Sue, regarding thermonuclear chemistry. Steve’s attention was pulled to helping Scott Lang find his missing watch and then tossed into a tense debate between Jean Grey and Emma Frost about the definition of cheating. He’d only escaped that by offering to help Jan clean-up the buffet table, followed by a few dances with many girls he faintly remembered from high school. He’d looked for Tony while using the excuse of needing to use the restroom, but he couldn’t catch sight of him. Right when he spotted the man of the hour flailing his arms at a song Peter Quill had convinced the DJ to play, Carol Danvers was yanking on his sleeve to play ‘would you rather’ (“Aren’t we a little too old for high school games, Danvers?” “Aren’t you a little too old to be staring at Tony like a lost puppy, Rogers?”), leaving the blond no time to seek out his moment.
And then, in a blink of an eye, the reunion was over.
“That was way better than last year!” Clint’s loud proclamation proved that he’d had his fair share of drinks, and Steve gave a concerned glance to the redhead keeping Clint from stumbling through the parking lot. Her fingers lifted high enough to show the keys of the truck, the soldier releasing the breath he’d been holding.
“I had a lot of fun,” Bruce added, giving a full smile toward Natasha before glancing to his right. “What about you, Tony? You happy we convinced you to come?”
“When has a Stark ever regretted going to a party?” Tony’s smile was large, mischievous, and completely fake. Steve could tell how hard he was forcing himself to play the part he’d been cast in for years, but it was phony. Fingers twitched by his side, wanting to reach over and grab the man. Though their group was walking out together, it meant the chance of finishing what they had started a decade ago was rapidly closing.
“Well, I’m just happy that we all got through it with no broken bones or wardrobe malfunctions.” Pepper’s head was resting on her husband’s shoulder as he led her along the pavement, and Steve wondered if the flush on her face was from the heat of the gymnasium, the cold outside, or the wine she’d been drinking throughout the night.
“The night’s still young, and Lang was starting to unbutton his shirt. Wonder if he was a stripper in a past life.” Bucky grinned at the slight buzz he had, linking his fingers between Sam’s as he swayed.
“It’s like I said before; just like old times.” Clint’s declaration was met with a hum of disagreement from Nat, who gave a casual glance toward her boyfriend.
“Some things have changed.”
“But the basics are the same. Like...like...oh!” Clint sharply turned to face the large group, holding his hand out to count down the fingers while he spoke. “Brock’s still the biggest asshole I know.”
“Okay, one point for Clint,” Pepper teased, though the blond didn’t seem to care as he continued.
“Stephen Strange still wears a cape around.”
“To be fair, it’s made of much better material than before.” Tony’s words were mumbled as he clicked away at something on his phone, which he’d had glued to his face since Clint had started his rant. The observation was surprising, considering the two men never got along in high school. Strange and Tony were similar in the worst ways, and their differences only increased the tension. But there was no bitterness or annoyance in the brunet’s comment, and Steve wondered if they’d mended bridges throughout the years.
“Then there’s the fact that I’m still the best dancer of the group-”
“You are milky white and have no rhythm.” Sam’s deadpan reply was waved off by Clint despite the snickers from the group.
“And the biggest thing that hasn’t changed is that Tony and Steve.” Like a vacuum sucked the good mood from the air, all signs of laughter evaporated. The only man who was still smiling was Clint, too drunk and proud of himself to read the scene. “They are going to hopelessly pine for each other for another decade, and we’ll have to listen to them be miserable but be too chicken to do shit about it until the next reunion.”
Steve’s stomach flipped as he glanced at Tony, who continued to stare at his screen despite no longer moving his fingers. It was obvious he was tense, proving he’d been paying more attention than he let on. The fingers on the back of the phone were tapping, and Steve knew the sign. It’d always been a tic of his, and Steve realized that even after a decade, he hadn’t forgotten the small nuances of the genius. Just like Tony remembered his favorite flavor of sour patch and knew the exact spot Steve had punched Brock’s head into. If Steve was being completely honest with himself, he was sure he’d never forget the things he’d memorized about Tony in their youth, no matter how long they went without talking. And it didn’t take much introspection to realize why.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Steve’s bold proclamation dragged Tony’s attention up from his phone, the tall blond taking the few steps across the parking lot to stop in front of him. He didn’t look away or flinch at the murmurs behind them, instead keeping his focus on the way Tony worried his bottom lip with his teeth.
“You a fortune teller now?” It was tossed out as a joke, but Steve wasn’t willing to take the easy way out. Instead, he reached forward, grabbing Tony’s free hand in his own and linking their fingers together again.
“I owe you a talk.”
“You think this is the best place for that?”
“No, which is why I’m gonna ask you out on a date now.” The wince that had started in the brown stare in front of Steve quickly turned to surprise by the end of the bold statement. Refusing to back down from the fight, Steve took a slow breath and continued. “ Let me take you out for dinner, and we can talk about what I was gonna say behind the bleachers. Um, if you’re still interested.”
“If I’m still interested,” Tony parroted back, and for a split second, Steve wondered if he’d read the entire night wrong. The genius had admitted how he felt when they were kids, but what about now? Had Steve been too late, and asking for a second chance made the situation awkward? The need to backtrack rushed through him, Steve’s eyes dropped to his feet while he stepped back.
“But you’re busy with running your business and helping Sam’s foundation so I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“No no, you don’t get to pull that selfless pie crap right now.” Tony’s phone was shoved into his pocket before Steve could blink, the newly free hand grabbing Steve’s tie and yanking him forwards.
“Woah, Tony-” But the words he meant to say lodged in his throat when getting a good glance at his counterpart’s face. Anger and desire bloomed in the glare sent his way, the grip around his tie only tightening while Tony spoke.
“If you want something with me, you take it right now or you walk away again and we spend another ten years...whatever the hell Drunk Arrow called it.”
“Sure, that. Did he tell you I made him his own archery playground? Honestly, I don’t listen to him most days, but I like looking at his arms when he strings a bow. I mean, they’re nothing compared to your gorgeous body- okay, delicious thought, but not where I meant to go with this.” Tony’s eyes flickered across Steve’s face, as if making sure he still had his undivided attention. “Here’s our options, man with a plan. You can try to make up another pathetic excuse for why we can’t have this and take back your offer to wine and dine me. Then I can go to my lab with Platypus on speaker phone, moaning about the Meredith-Derek relationship we got going on. That’s a choice; terrible one in my opinion, but still a technical, sex-less choice.”
“I don’t-” But the genius seemed quite done listening to Steve’s excuses, steamrolling over whatever he planned to say next with a raised voice.
“Or, you could man up and for once in your life be selfish. Cause I’ve got NASA on speed dial, and I’m still willing to make that call for you. You want the moon, you got it. And that’s not going to change, no matter how many ways you slice your stupid pastry. But another ten years is too long to be left in limbo if we’re both feeling the same thing. And I want this. I really want this. ” A hiccup of softness rounded the expression on Tony’s face, and Steve’s heart skipped when the once bold voice lowered in a quieter confession. Then, as if the change never occurred, Tony’s bravado was back in full force. “ So what’s it going to be, Rogers? Am I going to be stuck growing old and watching baseball forever with you or not?”
It was the worst love confession Steve had ever heard, full of rambling and half-baked thoughts that didn’t show a hint of the genius IQ Tony was known for. In fact, part of the time he was blatantly hitting on one of Steve’s close friends. He insulted the best sport known to man, had implied the two-time receiver of a medal of honor was a coward, and somehow brought NASA into it. Why was he so set on giving Steve the moon? All in all, Tony’s speech was a train wreck of a statement, filled with far more glares than Steve had envisioned on nights he wanted to torture himself over thoughts of ‘what if’. The whole thing should have had Steve running for the hills.
But the blond didn’t hesitate to smile at the man watching him, leaning down to steal the kiss that was ten years overdue. The warmth pressed against his mouth felt charged with electricity, and Steve’s hand leaned up to cup Tony’s face while he deepened the connection. The tie was left dangling between them when slender fingers slid into Steve’s hair, angling his mouth lower for the genius to deepen the kiss. In what felt like the far distance, the sound of cheers and hollers pricked the back of the soldier’s ears, but he ignored it to run his tongue against the parting lips under his mouth. Everything felt right, like a piece of a puzzle Steve hadn’t known he was missing found its place in his heart. Tony moved as if he was on the same page, hand clinging tightly to Steve’s while their mouths became fully acquainted. Feeling the lean curves pressed against his body made the taller man shiver before pulling away, panting from the kiss. His forehead easily dropped down onto Tony’s, closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of holding the other man in his arms.
“About fuckin time, punk!” Bucky’s loud call made Steve glare over to him, though another tug on his tie brought his attention back to Tony.
“Focus, hot stuff.” The hand that slipped into his back pocket made his eyes widen, though Tony’s fingers seemed more interested in snagging the cell phone than mapping the curve of the captain’s ass. A look of irritation crossed his face when staring at the flip phone, and Steve had to hold himself back from leaning down to taste Tony’s pout. “This is just an insult. It’s sacrilegious that I’m even touching this piece of junk.”
“What’s wrong with prepaid?” His tease actually got a shiver from Tony, who finished typing something in before pushing the phone into Steve’s chest.
“Pick me up at Stark Tower tomorrow. Eight sound good? Oh, and I’m giving you a new phone because I refused to be in love with a Motorola caveman.”
“You still love me?” Steve asked, hoping the tremble at the end of his question was covered by his sheepish smile. Tony’s smirk was instant, rising to his toes like a sleek panther. A final, sultry kiss was stolen by the genius, and Steve’s hands twitched with the need to yank the warm body hard against his own. But before he could give in to temptation, Tony pushed away, his eyes smoothing over Steve once more before turning.
“Guess you’ll have to stick around and find out.” The blond knew the sway in Tony’s hips was purposeful, yet the man couldn’t keep his eyes off the motion. Pepper and Happy exchanged their quick goodbyes with the group before they scurried after the man, leaving Bruce behind with his thoroughly amused girlfriend. Steve was instantly weighed down by Bucky and Sam’s arms, which each took a post on a shoulder. The couple took their turns ruffling the blonde’s hair, wearing matching grins.
“I’m proud of you, man.”
“Yeah, looks like little Stevie finally got his fella.”
“You two are too much,” Steve muttered, hating how warm his ears were feeling despite his smile.
“Boys,” Natasha sighed, rolling her eyes while leaning closer to Bruce. The expected reaction had the soldier laughing, but the sudden wail of their final companion turned the group’s attention to Clint.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“What’s wrong with you?” Sam asked, crooking an eyebrow at the distressed friend.
“If I knew it was that easy to hook you two up, I would have won the bet in high school!” The cry of unfairness set the friends into a loud roar of laughter, Clint’s drunken scowl only increasing the craziness of the night. Steve’s smile softened as he glanced across the parking lot, eyes lingering on the baseball field.
And he knew out of all the memories he’d had of this place, this one would always be his favorite.
And that's it! Poor Clint, just wanted to make some money. But at least our boys are happy! Thank you all for taking the time to read my first Stony story, I have a BINGO card I'm working on currently as well as two stories my Discord friends helped convince me to write, so you'll be seeing those pop up here soon. Until then, reblogs and comments are always good ways to let me know if I'm doing something right! thanks again <3
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anonymous-human · 7 years
Ah, sure! Sorry about that. How about... Rung, Ratchet, Rodimus, Megatron, Swerve, First Aid, and Ultra Magnus?
(I’m like 80% sure they spoke English on the LL, but I could be wrong. I mean, the con’s would not have spoken English on Earth in the old cartoon if they didn’t. Usually, in 80’s cartoons, Aliens would be speaking a different language if they didn’t know English. But I’m just theorizing! I’m not good at First Aid since i don’t know his character, so sorry about that! Also, sorry for the lateness! this goes for everyone’s requests! it might take a day or two but I promise I’m working on them! I’ve just gotten busy all of a sudden. it’s alright, though.)
When he catches you singing alone, he just staying outside the door and smiles to himself. He loves your voice! He’ll leave early, but on nights where he can’t sleep, he’ll ask if you can sing. He’s embarrassed about it, but he sucks up his pride just to hear your hidden talent.
Red alert. He told him. He tells him everything. But when Rung was first told, he didn’t entirely believe it. He found it kinda silly, but still listen to what red had to say.
So he asked if you wanted to have a small date in his office, of course, you accepted, but when rung told had Red was talking about you, you felt your sweat drop. Looks like you disabled the camera too late. When he was done explaining the whole human thing, you put your hands up and admitted. It was going to have to be said sometime, right?
He asked if he could see you- the real you, in which you obliged. When you crawled out in your shorts and tank top, he seemed emotionless behind his glasses, but really he was just shocked and a little excited.
You looked kinda really cute. Having you been one of the first humans he has met, at least.
He’s not mad, actually, it’s kinda like holomatter and cybertronians, except you have a metal suite. He’s an accepting person, so yeah, he’ll date a cybertronian who is just a human in a suit. :)
It’s weird and exciting! He’s really excited to see how it pulls through for both of you.
Like Rung, when he catches you singing alone, he just staying outside the door and smiles to himself. He will leave early though, he has work to do.
When you scratch your armor, he just guessed you had been hiding on earth for much too long, giving you human habits.
He didn’t guess you were actually a full blown human in a metal suit.
When he found out, you must’ve lost power after a few too many days without refueling. The thing is you were stuck in the doorway of the med bay, and you couldn’t move. And the backup open in this situation was dumbly put on the outside of the suite.
“Ratchet!” you called out. The microphone wasn’t working, so you needed to practically scream if he was going to hear you through the metal. You leaned up against the front side of the suit. It was nighttime for them, so First Aid and Ambulon were most likely asleep. Ratchet as well. Lucky for you, he had some data pads to go through, so when he heard you, he finally decided to persist on what the hell you needed at this time.
“Do you need me right this second?! Y/n, I’m-” he was cut off by the scene in front of him. When he saw the cold dark eye’s in the suit were off, he became horrified and confused. Your cybertronian body was offline, yet he still heard you calling his name.
You told him there was a panel he needed to open on the front, and a big, red, flashy button he needed to push. When he found the button.
He must have found the button, because the front of the cockpit quickly popped outward, kinda like a sideways parachute, you along with it.
You hit the floor with a grunt and gasped as the cold air hit your arms and legs.
“Primus, do you guys have a built-in heat system?” you complained as you rubbed your arms. It had been the first time out of your suit while not in your hab.
When you finally looked up at the medic, his emotions were mixed. He was angry because he was courting a fragging human, he was freaked out because his s/o was a fragging human, and yet he was emotionless. He quickly came to the assumption he was dreaming or hallucinating from his old age or lack of sleep and Energon.
He just looked down at you, then he looked at the suite, then back at you.
“You’re… you’re human?” he was definitely shocked.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Ratch.”
After this whole scenario, he left to think through his actions, rethink his life. I mean, yeah, it made total sense now but… why?
He needs a drink for this.
After some time with you, he warmed up to the fact your human, he keeps it a secret too, if that’s your plan.
He’s okay with it actually. It just means he can hold you in his hand and he can hold your giant cyber hand.
When he caught you singing he listened for a bit. If it was a song he knew he’s gonna sing with you.
He found out you were human when he ‘flamed out’, burning your metal suit so it metal was really hot from the flames and heated up on the inside, long longer suitable for a human such as yourself to wear.
You dashed back to your hab to get out until the heat chilled. They didn’t need you right this second, did they?
The thing is your pants got caught on the hot metal and you were stuck as you struggled for freedom of the burning metal.
Rodimus happened to walk in as you were hanging from your pant leg.
He froze.
Of course, you hadn’t told him you were human! You had the idea in your head Rodimus would tell the crew your secret.
The SECOND thing I should mention is that he came in with Drift behind him. And now you were haNGING FROM THE END OF ONE OF HIS SWORDS. DRIFT, BUDD, IT’S ME HOLY SHI-
Anyway, Rodimus initially thought you had killed his conjunx, but when he noticed the cockpit in your giant cybertronian suit, it all made sense to him.
How you knew so much about the earth, the references, your habits!
They were all human! But why would you hide in a metal suit?
You told him you did it because that way you could eat the rohot pussy ((shaddup anon)) you could blend in easier. You weren’t some sort of assassin, just didn’t think cybertronians liked humans.
And what were you supposed to do? You were already in too deep in. “I’m sorry for not telling you.” you apologized. You told him you’d be cool if he wanted to break up with you.
Are you fragging serious?! No way! This is too cool!
He says you look cute as a human, and shouldn’t wear the metal suit all the time!
When he catches you singing, he doesn’t know the song (he likes old-before-the-war songs), but he likes your voice.
In his writings, he writes about how he regrets killing the thousands of millions of human lives he destroyed. He tells you how he wishes he could apologize to them or go back in time and stop himself.
“I forgive you,” you said as you were with him alone together in his quarters. You mentally smacked yourself upside the head. When you said that. Well, you obviously did forgive him. You were in a red relationship with the ex-tyrant.
He was confused by what you meant then, but when he found out, he looked horrified. (I don’t know how you tell him, use the imagination i don’t have!). You. a human being. From earth. Who survived his destruction. Who watched as he killed many of your own kind. Forgave him.
He broke down if and when you two were in private. He would completely lose posture he would lift you up in shaking servos. He would apologize over and over.
“It’s alright.” you would tell him as you rubbed his helm. “It’s all over now.” but it wasn’t. He was still feared everywhere he went.
He vowed to himself he would love a protect you for the rest of your short, sad life.
If you tell the crew, he lets you sit on his shoulder or hands for mobility. Big-bucket-head-bodyguard-boyfriend. It’s awesome.
Can i just say right now, since you don’t actually drink the Energon you have your suit drink, SO, you can win a drinking contest?
If your suit makes you look like a bigger bot like Skids or Rodimus, which I imagine you would, he’s all about that life™.
When he catches you singing, like Rodimus, if he knows the song, he’ll join you. It’s all fun.
Whether you tell him you’ve ‘visited’ earth or not is up to you though.  
If you do tell him, he would be ecstatic! He’s never been there before! What was it like?  The next time you plan on going, can you bring me with? please?!
He’s really excited.
Instead of catching you out of your suite, the walking talking about how cool it would be too. So, despite it being the dumbest idea that could destroy your relationship, you took a chance. you would have to tell him someday, anyway.
You planned to tell him on his creation day and to lead him to your hab and get out of the cockpit when he was ready.
It went smoothly. You lead him there, letting him in first and walking in with him, locking the door so there would be no interruptions.
“Are you ready? This… this may be a shock to you.” you said, nervously rubbing your servos together. He nodded, Yeah! Yeah! Show me already!”
You, not ready yourself took a deep inhale and a long exhale. You flip some switches in order to power down the suit and the engine stops. You take off your gloves and helmet. You push some cords back and you pop open the front of the cockpit. You climb down and look up at the red and white mech before you.
Swerve is speechless. Well, not entirely. In the first 5 seconds, he was quiet. Then he tried to put together words as he spoke, but they came out and gibberish. He looked like he was about to faint.
“H-hey- hey, hey. Calm down,” you said, putting your hands up, trying to keep his attention so he literally wouldn’t faint. Can cybertronians faint?
“… but! asd-HOW?!” he tried to ask. He was going through shock city and was slowly coming back. You explained to him cybertronians were so advanced, you were curious HOW advanced, so you disguised yourself in a giant metal suit to blend in.
“If you want to break off the relationship, I’m chill with it.” you said, you avoided eye contact as you said that.
“Are you serious?” he said, a grin spreading across his faceplate. “This is awesome!your awesome! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
He’s really happy actually! Well, for one thing, he isn’t the smallest anymore. And Another thing is HE’S EARTH DATING A HUMAN. He’s the happiest camper.
Once you’re ready to tell the rest of your friends, you’ll let him tell, he’s lit.
Ultra Magnus
He loves music, and he’s no stranger to human music. So when he catches you singing, he stops and stares, not wanting to disturb you. It was obviously an earth song, not recognizable to him, but he was enjoying your voice anyway.
When you finally see him, you gasp! He quickly gets embarrassed and apologized, turning around out of your hab, down the hall… out the airlock, he goes. Not really, but when he’s embarrassed he regrets like no tomorrow.
You had thought he was going to pull another all-nighter, so you got out of your metal armor to stretch after a long, long day.
Yet, you miss judged the timing, and you fell asleep on your berth.
You woke up to Magnus just looking between you and your suite.
He doesn’t understand what he’s witnessing until you explain, and in the end, he reveals to you his own secret to you as well.
Your giant metal suit buddies.
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hawksmoor17 · 8 years
Physically Impossible Scenes in S4: Flashbacks + POV Changes
Guess who’s ascended to a whole new layer of confusion? It’s me.
At first I was absolutely convinced of EMP due to the fact that most of season four appears to be partially/wholly constructed. However, some scenes are impossible. Which makes me wonder if we are witnessing a collaborative retelling of events the perspectives of Sherlock, John, and Mycroft. An alibi. Or perhaps a version of John’s blog. Also, maybe there are drugs involved. It’s all very strange.
NOTE: I try to provide explanations for these scenes, however, the main thing is having them all laid out in a list. Whenever I’m coming up with theories these are always the moments I end up coming back to.
Additionally, an incredible amount of of dialogue, settings, characters, and plot lines within season four are all recycled from previous series. To keep track, downloadable PDF flowcharts with these interconnected memories can be found here along with an editable file to add relevant missing parallels.
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1) Sherlock has a flashback in TST ...
... to John throwing the AGRA data stick in the fire at Christmas — an event he was never present for because he wasn’t even in the room; he was outside eating mince pies with Wiggins (or something.)
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(Left: HLV. Right: Sherlock’s TST flashback).
Explanation 1: Sherlock constructed the Holmes family Christmas scene where John forgives Mary in his mind palace as an alternate reality/test scenario. Explanation 2: John and Sherlock have constructed this memory together as part of an alibi. Explanation 3: Although The Six Thatchers seems deeply rooted in Sherlock’s POV, it’s actually filtered through John’s. Explanation 4: Mary plants this scene in Sherlock’s memory through use of HOUND/TD-12. Explanation 5: ???
Considering the other weird POV scenes in S4/HLV I’m still not sure where I stand on this. But within TST when Sherlock has this flashback the lighting flickers exactly like it does when Mary is in Sherlock’s hospital room and says:
“You don’t tell John. Look at me and tell me you’re not going to tell him.”
Which leads me to believe that Explanation 4 may be correct and Mary has convinced Sherlock that John forgives her through drugging him with "TD-12″/a derivative of HOUND that renders the recipient extremely suggestible.
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2) Sherlock has a flashback in TLD ...
... after seeing Faith!Eurus, to John walking off into the night with his cane — an event he was never present for because he was off dumpster diving for the pink suitcase. This scene is odd because John is seen from behind, from an outsider’s POV. In the next shot John gets the phone-booth call from Mycroft, who has been watching him through security cameras.
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(Left: Mycroft watching John in ASiP. Right: Sherlock’s TLD flashback)
Explanation 1: This scene is from John’s POV and he’s imagining how he used to be before Sherlock from an outside perspective. In a flashback from Sherlock’s perspective. (?) Explanation 2: TLD has been filtered through Mycroft’s perspective as well and he’s working collaboratively to devise an alibi for John and Sherlock. Explanation 3: Sherlock had a flashback to something he didn’t see because it represent’s John in ASiP generally and it isn’t supposed to matter about where the shot is from itself. Explanation 4: Sherlock was secretly watching John leave somehow, hiding in an alleyway. Explanation 5: Season 4 is John’s blog/Sherlock collaborating with John in writing the blog. Explanation 6: ???
At the moment I’m quite interested in Explanation 2, just because it has relevant metaphorical implications considering how Mycroft represents the writers/writers of Holmes adaptations in general.
But to be honest, at this point I’m not sure how lenient this show is with it’s logic/suspension of belief. Explanation 3 does seem possible. It could be that the more simple answer is correct and that this really is Sherlock’s flashback.
Especially considering the fact that there aren’t that many good shots of John walking alone with the cane in ASiP that would fit the tone of this scene. This is a moment in which John feels isolated/alone, so it could just be representational.
Explanation 5 is also pretty interesting, considering how we haven’t seen the blog updating this season while it’s had a lot of attention drawn to it. It could be that the show has become the blog or some other variation of this.
3) “He’s better than a great man ...”
In one of the final scenes of TFP Lestrade says that Sherlock isn’t merely a great man, “he’s a good one”, which references what Lestrade told John in ASiP when they first met. A conversation Sherlock wasn’t present for. He was in the cab with Jefferson Hope.
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(Left: ASiP scene with only John present. Right: TFP scene)
Explanation 1: TFP is Sherlock’s recurring dream from TST and/or he is unconscious/in a coma after overdosing. Lestrade/John says this at his bedside, the real-world dialogue bleeding into his dream. Explanation 2: Sherlock and John are collaborating by formulating an alibi which involves explaining Sherlock’s dream and they add this line in. (?) Explanation 3: TFP is from John’s perspective and Sherlock explained to him that Moriarty’s “final problem” was to kill him. Also the TAB waterfall scene was beamed into his brain somehow. (?) Explanation 4: It’s in-universe fanfiction/a movie/a TV series about Sherlock and John’s lives. Explanation 5: Sherlock’s dream is being recounted on the blog for whatever reason. Explanation 6: Sherlock and John are coming up with a ridiculous explanation of events on the blog as part of an alibi, because they think the mainstream audience will think it’s the truth. Explanation 7: ???
4) “That wasn’t the final problem.”
In TFP Moriarty introduces the episode with: “Hi! I’m Jim Moriarty. Welcome to the Final Problem!” John has never heard Moriarty say the phrase “the final problem” before. Only Sherlock hears this multiple times during Reichenbach — once at 221B over tea, again in the story of Sir Boast-A-Lot, and again on the rooftop of St Bart’s.
Considering TFP as primarily existing rooted within Sherlock’s POV, the whole episode seems very much like a lead in to the “Inmost Cave” portion of Archplot Story Structure in which the protagonist goes through the most emotional growth/has revelations about who they and how their flaws are influencing their choices.
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(Left: TRF with only Sherlock present. Right: TFP)
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“Deep water, Sherlock, all your life, in your dreams. Deep waters ...”
While Sherlock has flashbacks to his “past” we get a shot of the waterfall scene from TAB. If TFP were John’s dream, he would be unable to form a perfect visual recreation of a scene that occurred within Sherlock’s mind palace.
However, within TFP we also get these:
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(Left: MHR, only John and Lestrade present. Right: TFP)
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(Left: ASiP, only Sherlock. Right: ASiP, only John) (Both are shown during Mary’s final TFP speech)
(See #3) and additionally: Explanation 1: TFP is from Sherlock’s perspective and the ending references to ASiP and MHR are metaphorical/parallels. Explanation 2: TFP is from Sherlock’s perspective and he is telling it to John / it is being retold by John somewhere like the blog. Explanation 3: TFP is a fan-theory. Like Anderson’s in TEH or a movie/tv series/book/fanfic.
5) TAB is definitely from Sherlock’s POV ...
... because, again, narratively it wouldn’t make much sense any other way. A concrete link is that Moriarty tells Sherlock “Because it's not the fall that kills you, Sherlock. Of all people, you should know that. It's not the fall. It's never the fall. It's the landing” in reference to "I want to solve problems... our problem. The Final Problem. It's gonna start very soon, Sherlock... the Fall. But don't worry: falling's just like flying, except there's a more permanent destination” from TRF as well as “I-O-U a fall” — conversations John was not present for.
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(Left: TRF. Right: TAB)
6) Gunshot flashbacks.
Within TLD both Sherlock and John have flashbacks to gunshots that look exactly the same. Which makes me wonder what the exact logic of this show is. Can two characters have the same memory of a gun going off? We already know that within this episode Sherlock has a flashback to something it’s likely that only Mycroft has seen — so perhaps these gunshots are also metaphorical, or part of a retelling of events by Mycroft/John/Sherlock?
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Gun #1: Norbury’s gun. (Or Mary’s. They’re the same model.) Gun #2: Likely John’s gun. Appears after “Taking your own life” speech to Faith!Eurus.
The fact that when Sherlock is on the bridge with hallucination!Faith!Eurus, the shot of the smoking gun is superimposed over him means that Sherlock is the one who got shot at in this memory.
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This matches up with the flashback. Ungloved, right handed, with a Walther PPK without a silencer. (As opposed to gloved, left handed, with a silenced Walther PPK like Mary in CAM tower.)
But TST is presented so it seems like John did not see Norbury’s gun go off at the aquarium.
Therefore, either: a) John was there to see the gun go off and he, Mycroft, and possibly Sherlock are crafting an alibi. b) The whole of TLD is from Sherlock’s perspective, including John thinking about the smoking gun, and he subconsciously knows that John was present to see it be fired in TST but his memory manipulated through drugs. c) The whole of TLD is from Sherlock’s perspective, and he imagines John dreaming about the gun going off metaphorically. d) John’s dreaming of the smoking gun is from his POV and the shot is completely metaphorical.
Summary of Main Points:
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- Sherlock has a flashback in TST to Christmas HLV. Therefore the burning AGRA data stick scene is fabricated, the flashback is metaphorical, or TST has been filtered through John’s POV.
- The lighting in Sherock’s TST flashback matches the lighting when Mary snuck into Sherlock’s hospital room in HLV. (Possibly indicating that Mary has drugged Sherlock with HOUND/TD-12 at least once to manipulate his memories.)
- Sherlock has a flashback in TLD to John with his cane. This could be metaphorical, an indicator that TLD is filtered through Mycroft’s POV as part of an alibi, or an indicator that TLD is filtered through John’s POV.
- John and Sherlock both have the same flashbacks to gunshots. This could be metaphorical, or an indicator that TLD is filtered through multiple POVs. - TAB is definitely from Sherlock’s POV. (Thank God for this one concrete episode.)
- TFP has reference to TAB, meaning it has to be primarily based in Sherlock’s POV. There are dialogue references back to ASiP, meaning that either Sherlock is unconscious and in a coma with Lestrade’s words filtering in, or that TFP is breaking the fourth wall and is an in-universe fanfic/book/movie that Sherlock has somehow influenced along with John — or TFP is a collaboration between Sherlock and John on the blog.
@worriesconstantly @jenna221b @my-relaxation @drugsbust @the-7-percent-solution @inevitably-johnlocked  @ti-ori-se @toxicsemicolon @teapotsubtext @misanthropic-acedia 
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mild-lunacy · 8 years
Sherlock Is Not in Unrequited Love with John
It seems that after Series 4, an increasing number of people think BBC Sherlock is TPLoSH come again. Sherlock is therefore in unrequited love with John (ala Molly, seen as Sherlock's own mirror). Whether it's because they cannot unsee the gay pining in TSoT or because a loving John wouldn't have beat up Sherlock or blamed him for Mary's death, it is what it is. And either that's okay, or (more commonly) it's the reason people leave fandom or simply reject BBC John as hateful and Johnlock more broadly, or at least shipping it in canon. The way I see it, however, BBC Sherlock only makes sense and works for Mofftiss' stated purposes in showing how Sherlock became a 'good man' and John and Sherlock became the legendary Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in two ways.
Version One: it was always just really intense devotion, true platonic love at first sight. John is 'not gay' as in he's heterosexual, and Sherlock made the choice to be pure mind, as Moffat has said. So basically, he's not gay or straight because he's not anything, as I discussed in my post-S4 reading of ASiB and Sherlock's sexuality. Sherlock genuinely angsted over losing his life with John in TSoT, as I've said post-S4, but it doesn't mean that he's in love. It certainly could be but doesn't have to be read romantically to make sense. Given we're interested in making the show work as a narrative, I think TSoT works best as a tribute, a high point before John and Sherlock's slide into prolonged suffering, and a narrative demonstration of the parallels between John and Sherlock and John with Mary.
This reading of the show is internally consistent both with the text and with what Mofftiss have said. Basically, this would mean we read into the text, and have been wrong (and this absolutely includes people who simply saw romantic feelings without expecting canon Johnlock to happen). I absolutely think it's possible and important to learn how to be wrong, and that one can and should simply reevaluate the data at hand when that happens. I admit I personally still can't read ASiB platonically, and then there's stuff like Sherlock bringing himself back to life for John, relapsing into drugs at least partly 'cause he lost John (three times!) and all the subtext and actual text where we're prodded by other characters to consider the queer reading, like TAB's waterfall scene. The feelings between John and Sherlock are epic and intense, and once you see it romantically, it's a lot to unsee. Plus, I recognize that we're in Sherlock's head a lot more than John's, so we witness how he cares about John Watson again and again, and it's explicitly lampshaded by Magnussen and Moriarty, etc. With John, there only that one time with Irene, and perhaps Mary's innuendos in TEH or TFP... and that's it. No one seriously and explicitly explains to us how John cares about Sherlock to nearly the same degree. There's him rescuing Sherlock in ASiP and TGG, and even the third time in TLD is compromised 'cause it's hallucinated Mary's doing (though, of course, Mary's just a part of John in TLD).
I get it. I know where it comes from. My point is, the show doesn't really work with this reading only going in one direction, full stop. BBC Sherlock is not literally TPLoSH. It has many inspirations, and draws on many other adaptations, but this show is doing its own arc in its own way. Sherlock being in unrequited love doesn't work if they're trying to show how Sherlock used to be messed up and immature, hurting John and manipulating him without realizing that he was even his best friend, and then finally accepting his own emotions and those of others. Unrequited love makes the arc less positive and mutual. It's not that Sherlock and John resolve their issues in TLD, in that case, and grow to a full, more mature understanding of who they are and their humanity, their vulnerability. If Sherlock is in love and never tells John, he's always going to be in pain, keeping it from John. Their partnership in TFP is therefore no longer full and absolute. TRF hasn't been resolved because they're both still keeping back those words on the tip of Sherlock's tongue at the tarmac in HLV, and that John told Ella he could not say in TRF. And so, if Sherlock is in unrequited love with John, his whole arc in BBC Sherlock essentially fails to resolve.
I know that it's a whole lot to dismiss, and requires some significant mental gymnastics. There are certainly difficulties due to issues with some of the writing, such as the extensiveness of the queer coding and subtext, not to mention the fact that Mary wasn't really integrated properly and her use as a conduit for John and Sherlock confuses the issue, as I said yesterday. In case it isn't clear, I'm not really a fan of the heteronormative reading. I just think it's more suitable for understanding the text than the idea that Sherlock is in unrequited love. However, the fact is that there is an alternative canon-consistent reading that I personally prefer. Needless to say, that is version two.
Version Two: the full implicitly canon queer reading of BBC Sherlock. It's actually a lot like version one in that this reading only functions consistently with canon if you accept that both John and Sherlock love each other, and neither is supposed to be the only one suffering or feeling more pining or pain on behalf of the other. John did plenty of painful pining during the two years that Sherlock was 'dead' (and before, when Sherlock wasn't really giving him a lot to work with in terms of showing feelings or communication in general). In fact, the only major difference is that you take the show's queer subtext as seriously as the text. This means Sholto is a romantic parallel to Sherlock, and Mary meant it that way when she said 'neither of us were the first'. You also get to pay a lot more attention to the fact that Irene said 'look at us both' and Sherlock had that dazed eureka face afterwards. You'd still have to accept that both John and Sherlock loved Mary, but that marriage wasn't exactly ideal, and John felt trapped with Mary and with a 'normal life'. With this reading, it's just that he accepted what he really wanted sometime after TLD, when they finally started talking honestly to each other. And of course, after we see that the sociopath persona and presumably the 'pure mind' stuff was an artificial product of Sherlock's trauma with Eurus rather than his natural predilection, the embodiment arc can only be implicitly resolved by Johnlock. John's frequent words about 'romantic entanglement' are also directly relevant to Sherlock's growth, and in fact we can surmise that this must have been addressed between John and Sherlock further as well. As Ivy said, what else could they say to one another now? The possibilities are amazing. This is the reading I support, and I absolutely do see it.
Of course, this takes a certain amount of acceptance and understanding of both John and Sherlock's issues, including their unforgivable behavior (such as John's beating Sherlock or Sherlock faking his suicide), but the end of TLD explicitly supports that sort of reconciliation. It also requires the viewer to be able to see John's feelings as being deep and real in Series 4, as much as ever. Just as we had to look deeper to see Sherlock's feelings in Series 1-2, we'd have to do that work with John in order for the queer reading of BBC Sherlock to work. However, as Ivy demonstrates, it's certainly possible to do so. And, I believe, it makes the end of the show more rewarding and the entire arc more satisfying. Now as always, I believe in canon Johnlock, but I'm just as absolutely certain that Johnlock requires John.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG S6 Watchthrough Episodes 2-5
Realm of Fear: Barclay’s back! So this time, our favorite anxious officer is dealing with a fear of transporters. Oh good, it’s not just a trait unique to the CMO’s! But seriously, I fully understand Barclay’s (and by proxy McCoy and Pulaski’s) fear of the things though especially with all the incidents we’ve seen with transporters in both series. I mean just a few episodes ago Geordi and Ro essentially became ghosts! But hey Barclay can eventually go through with it… but during the beam back, he sees some kind of lifeform within it. The poor man just cannot catch a break in any of these episodes! He’s convinced that he’s losing it and may have transporter psychosis, a condition that essentially causes hallucinations. Which him asking the computer about it… wow THAT scene aged incredibly well cause let’s face it, we’ve ALL read medical descriptions online and jumped to the conclusion that we had a serious illness without any actual professional conformation. It honestly makes the episode insanely relatable with Barclay’s anxiety, fearing that he has some kind of serious condition, trying to deal with the issue without seeking help which just makes it worst, and just being a walking bundle of nerves… well, more than usual. I… was actually in such a state not too long ago and am lucky to have a therapist mother who calmed me down, so needless to say he hit me like a lead balloon. I do like that once Barclay does come forward about it, the others take it seriously. Picard even notes that considering everything else, a lifeform in the transporter beam is very much a plausible problem that should be looked into. So I guess the lesson here is that if you’re concerned about something or fear that something is wrong with you, get help. But yeah, good episode! I think it’s my favorite Barclay episode~! Plus he got to save the day in the end, good job buddy~! 3.5/5.
Man of the People: Troi is in love… again. Okay, not that I’m against romance, but do we have to do this as frequently as ST does it when we know it’s not gonna last?! Anyways, we have a negotiator, Alkar, and his elderly, very overprotective mother. Troi and Alkar start flirting… but then the mother dies, and Troi begins undergoing some changes. Not only is she becoming more rapidly negative, possessive and clingy towards Alkar, and outright violent, but she starts aging rapidly. It’s pretty much the aging disease from Unnatural Selection combined with the plot of Violations. So yeah, it’s another ’victimize Troi’ plot because we were just dying for more of that! Seriously, can the show just be nice to her already?! But yeah, Alkar is horrible. The reason Troi is acting this way is because he transmitted his negative emotions into her just like he did his ‘mother’ (who is actually a woman he previously did this to) and comes off just as horrid as the bad guy in Violations. While I hate how they keep doing crap like this to Troi, it is disturbing to see her act so completely unlike herself. She’s usually such a nice, comforting, cheerful person and to see her so spiteful, mean-spirited, and vicious even towards her patients is just… so wrong. Fortunately, Alkar got what was coming to him and Crusher manages to save Troi, which thank goodness that they allowed Crusher to be awesome at least. The episode is overall fine. It certainly freaked me out and there’s a message in there about monsters like Alkar who seem all nice but is actually a terrible person who has killed multiple women. That’s certainly still relevant and Picard calling Alkar out is very satisfying especially when he tries using the greater good as an excuse. It’s what helps me not rate this lower than I do… I just wish that they’d quit using Troi as the designated victim and just treat her better whenever she’s in focus. She deserves better. 3/5.
Relics: IT’S SCOTTY! OH MY GOD!!! So Scotty ended up stuck in a transport beam for 75 years... yes, really. But yeah, the TNG crew bring him out of it so he gets to see the Enterprise-D. It’s actually kinda nice since Spock’s guest appearance keeps him on Romulus and while McCoy did go onto the ship (or at least to Sickbay) in his cameo, that was off-screen... kinda sucks that he only got two minutes while Scotty got a full episode and Spock a two-parter tbh. Ah well. There’s also a continuity error cause Scotty assumed that Kirk sent the Enterprise after him... even though he knows that Kirk ‘died’ cause he was there when it happened in Generations. I guess tbf that hadn’t been planned yet and we can just say his brain is scrambled from being in a transporter beam for 70+ years, but still. Because of those said 70+ years, Scotty is completely out of touch with the changed times, and his engineering expertise and knowledge are decades out of date. It’s really just… sad. He wants to help and tries to get used to the way things are, but you can tell that he’s having a hard time with it. He feels like… well, a relic of the past. Especially when he goes into the Holodeck and brings up the image of the TOS Bridge and they used the TOS score, that was just… damn. Seeing it but it being utterly empty as Scotty wanders around and toasts to his old friends, just perfect execution. Heck seeing Picard on the TOS bridge was such a nice image~! This was such a joy to watch. I know that James Doohan had probably just come off The Undiscovered Country so getting back into Scotty likely wasn't hard, but still. He got much, much more than he ever did in either the show or the films tbh and he did an excellent job and I just feel so bad for Scotty throughout. Thankfully he got to prove that he’s very much still got it and a renewed sense of worth, free to explore the galaxy. His interaxtions with geordi were also good and truly feels like a nice, long overdue pasisng the torch moment that Geordi deserved. It was such a great episode and f was so respectful towards TOS as well, showing that despite its age, it is very much still valuable. That is the kind of respect that I appreciate in reboots/spin-offs so thank you TNG. 5/5.
Schisms: Riker is having sleep problems. He can’t fall asleep at night, falls asleep at impromptu times, and still feels tired afterward. It’s okay buddy, I go through that constantly. But more strangeness happens as incidents like Geordi’s VISOR shorting out occurs and many of the crew find that they have an hour gap in their memories, including Data. So what’s going on? As it turns out… alien abduction. Yes, really. Various crew members have been captured/tested by aliens and poofed back as though nothing happened, but with repressed memories such as laying on a surgical table. It kind of reminds me of Conspiracy where we have an alien race plotting who knows what and we get no real resolution concerning them in the end, though like with that one I think that the ambiguousness actually makes the whole thing scarier. Oh and we also don’t have the possession plot and the graphic bits. So it was overall good. Freaky for sure especially with reveals like Riker’s arm got amputated then reattached and he can’t remember any of it. Not much else to say tbh other than that it’s solid. Also loved Data’s poetry, you keep expressing yourself and your love for your cat buddy~! 3/5.
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