#I did tell “rude John” when he said a swear tho. I was a little high
scary-ivy · 1 year
I should have yelled "you look like Buddy Holly" at John Flansburgh, I fully had the opportunity too but I was too infatuated to be mean to him
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dbtrilogy2 · 7 years
The Game(15)
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Well the day is here. Our first away game. Unlike how things use to be from what I'm told when games are on Friday's they moved to Saturday. It's not a big change but we get a little relaxing time before games instead of going from school straight to practice and then the game.
Since it's the weekend I'm at work. I've been a junior mechanic for a couple years but my dad just started paying me. He's taught me everything I know. My first car actually was one out of a junk yard that we put back together ourselves. It was good bonding for us and I learned a lot of what I know now.
I enjoy it nice pay plus I spend most weekends with my dad his girl and my sister. She's the sweetest little thing. I call her cupcake just cause she's small and cute.
"Miss your car is ready." I drop the tip half of my jumpsuit over my waist. "Everything should be moving nice and smooth now if not blame my dad he taught me this stuff."
"You are so handsome and look so much like your father." She winked punching my cheek. "Can you take tips?"
"I'm sure I can." I smirk.
She nods slipping something on my hand kissing my cheek. I pass her the keys and open her door.
"You mackin on the job son?" My dad grabbed my shoulders. "Cougars huh?"
"Nah just being nice." A hundred dollar tip...I'll be nice more often. "That was my last one I think."
"Yeah go ahead and head home I should be there soon."
"Ok you need me to pick up cupcake?" On the weekends she goes to some camp thing. It's just somewhere for parents who work on weekends to leave their kids.
"If you can Beth should be home by now."
The day no one saw my dad moved on. It took him so time to finally see mom was through with him. He use to constantly ask me about her shit got on my last nerves.
By the time I got to the school they weren't out yet but it was almost time. I killed it by being on my Snap. Everyone I follow username goes by their name in my phone outside some ppl from Instagram or celebrities.
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Looks like some got their hair done for the game. I swear she makes my heart skip a beat. That smile just....uh!
"Joan hey." I've seen her around school a lot we have a few classes together. "You picking up a sibling?"
"No I work here everyday after school and a few weekends. What are you doing here?"
"Picking up my sister."
"Cool you look nice."
I had on my oily jumpsuit. "Uh thanks you to."
"So are you ready for the game tonight first of the season and it's away."  She sat next to me smiling wide.
"Yeah way ready we gonna bring home a big win. You coming to the game?"
"Of course I'm gonna be the loudest one there cheering for you I mean the team."
"Julian!" My sister came running over.
I scoop her up spinning. "Hey cupcake." She kissed my cheek hugging me but pushed off me.
"Who are you and why are you talking to my brother?"
Joan gasp looking at me. "Um hi I'm Joan a friend of your brother."
"Oh well ok just don't be so close to him he already has a girlfriend. Right Julian?"
"Um who you talking about?"
"Stanley duh!" She hopped out my arms.
"Your cousin?"
"She's not my cousin but that is who she's talking about."
She looked at me for a second with this look. Yeah I know she got some crush or whatever on me but I'm taken. Stanley may not be my girl officially yet but we're taking things slow which doesn't mean I can go entertaining other girls just because. My feelings for Stanley are beyond real so the day she says she's ready I'm going all out.
We gonna go on a bomb ass mind blowing first date imma spoil her rotten she'll never question my feelings for her. Is the feeling love? I don't think it is but I just know that will come soon.
After that awkward encounter I walked off. "Julian isn't Stanley your girlfriend?"
"Not yet but she's very special to me."
"Well why isn't she yet what are you waiting for!?"
"She wants to take things slow because I would be her first boyfriend."
Me and my sister are really close as you can see. I tell her everything and treat her like a princess. She already knows how a guy should and should treat her when he likes her. It's a instant thing to be super protective over any woman in a mans life from family to friends.
Before heading home I got us some slurpee's.
"Hey Beth."
She's nice pretty good in a kitchen. "Hey Julian thanks for picking her up. Dinner should be ready for you leave for the game."
"Cool you coming?"
"Yeah...you think your mom will be ok with this I just don't want any drama." She placed a plate in front of me. Meat loaf mashed potatoes and greens.
"Trust me my mom is not worried." ******** "Let's go cobras lets go! Let's go cobras let's go!"
The team walked off the bus into the graffiti covered school. The cheer leads wave the pompoms as we enter the gym. Both sides covered in students from each school.
I love this the big hype before the game. After setting my things down I started shooting around with the other players.
"Man I am so ready for this game to start!" Mike my best friend said shaking me around. "We gonna stomp these niggas to the ground."
Laughing I shoot still hearing the sweet swish even with all the other noise.
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I know I should’nt be as nervous as I am since I'm just a cheerleader. All we do is keep our side hyped up and try to throw off the other side. This is my first time cheering in front of more than the girls and a few students. I can just feel my nerves getting to me...I need a breather.
"Stanley ah this is it!" Mona jumped shaking her pompoms in my face.
"Girls smile!" Mom called out blinding us really quick. "Ah you two look so cute!"
"I don't remember those skirts being that small." Dad came up behind her.
"Oh please Chris like you cared how short my skirt was back then."
"Yeah you right...see if you can barrow one we can do somethings." He kisses her neck and walks off.
"He's so gross. I'm gonna go get some air really quick." Mona nods going back to the rest of the cheer team.
After standing outside for a while I went back in and to the water fountain. While drinking someone laughed.
"Mighty thirsty huh?"
Blushing I step away from the fountain. "Just some nerve drinking. Shouldn't you be on the court?"
"Yeah but I saw you come out here and wanted to make sure you were ok." He walked up taking my hands.
"Oh I-I'm fine just a little nervous...kind of silly huh?"
"No I'm nervous to buy I have you here cheering me on there no way I'll lose tonight."
My face had to be cherry red by now. "I guess so but we should probably get out there the game is starting soon."
"Ok but first...good luck kiss?"
One kiss wouldn't hurt right? But is this really the perfect place for a first kiss? Smiling I moved a little closer his hands moving to my waist. Before we could even try it that girl from the hall came out the gym doors.
"There you are look I made this shirt." She ran up pulling him from me. Turning her little fake jersey had his number hand written on both sides with "#1 Fan" on the back. "Cute right!?"
"Uh yeah. Joan this is Stanley...pookie this is Joan she's new to the school."
"Hi." I waved.
She nods chuckling. "Cheerleader huh? You know I thought about joining the team."
"Oh you should it's really fun."
"I heard big I'm not sure if I'm ready for what comes with the name." She shrugged.
"What you mean?" Julian came back next to me. I noticed her tense up but I don't think he did.
"Well for one the uniforms always so small and tight plus the whole purpose of them is to entertain...it's like the beginners for a life as a stripper." She laughed. "And then you know it's the whole thing that most cheerleaders are sluts who sleep with anything wearing a varsity jacket."
"I think that's more of a stereotype planted by tv shows. We simply just keep everyone pumped there's nothing wrong with putting a smiles on people faces. Only a simple minded person would actually believe everything they hear or see especially if it's something you personally know nothing about. But then again cheerleading isn't for everyone. Only so many have the spirt, personality, and overall it factor to be a cheerleader."
She looked me up and down sly but quick. "Very true I just have to much self respect to down myself as something so degrading to young woman."
"Clearly not to much since you considered it." Julian chuckled beside me. "I think we should head in it was nice meeting you."
"Yeah you to. Win big Julian see you on the side line Steve." She smirked.
"As well John remember go cobras!"
After she was out I look at Julian. "Baby that was dope as hell you really took her down a level." He squeezed me kissing my cheek.
"Why did she come at me like that? I don't even know that girl."
I hate when people are just rude for no reason. All that dumb stuff she said about cheerleaders like for what!?
"I don't know I think she got a crush on me or something. Who cares tho cause I got my girl already. You coming out with us after the win tonight?"
His arms wrap around my waist pulling me in closer than before. "I might."
Chuckling he cups my face. "I want you to be there ok?"
I nod not being able to form any real words right now. Leaning down he kisses my cheek inches from my lips.
Eventually we go back into the gym just before they started the national anthem. While standing I look just randomly around the gym and happen to unfortunate see that Joan chick. She was already looking at me but rolled her eyes.
"Who the hell is that?" Moan whispered.
"Joan some new girl."
"Well why is she looking over here rolling her eyes and shit. Does she not know I beat ass?"
Chuckling I turn away. "She likes Julian or something and makes it so obvious. She made a shirt with his jersey number and #1 fan on the back."
"Really well you need to tell her to take her thirsty ass back wherever she came from. She know about y'all?"
"She does now...she caught us in the halls talking. Turns out she a petty little thing just talked about cheerleaders saying we're beginner strippers then had the nerve to call me Steve."
"You wanna jump her after the game!"
"No Mona I'm just gonna leave her to be jealous and petty. Julian doesn't want her so I haven nothing to worry about."
I look back over she she's whispering and laughing to some other girls pointing our way.
"And if she continues to try at Julian?"
"I'll just politely ask her to back off. Not everything has to end in violence Mona." She put her hands up shrugging.
The game was about to start with the tip off. Julian went to center court. Looking my way he points then makes a heart with his hands. Blushing I blow him a kiss. I haven nothing to worry about.
"Go Julian!!"
"Damn could she be any louder. I say you do something to just show her that she needs to back off."
Through out the game I just cheered on for our team. One of the guys from our side just made a shot and everyone erupts in loud screams. The other team got fouled and went up to the free throw line. We shake around our pompoms to distract him making him miss.
By the end our school won. Everyone ran to the center crowding the team. Someone grabbed me from behind. "My good luck charm." Julian kissed my cheek before letting go.
"My boy!" His dad came putting him in a head lock.
The rest of the family came over praising him.
"Y'all see those shots man took me back to my high school days." Dad sighed.
Some lady and a little girl came over hugging him. "Guys this is my dad girlfriend Beth and my sister as you all know." They both waved. "This is my aunt Camila uncle Chris cousins Mona Maurice Maliki Morgan Mylan, this is Stanley their adopted daughter, my mom Isabel future step dad Max brother Chase, my other aunt Rebecca and my fake cousins Elias and Amanda."
"Wow big family. It's nice to meet you all."
"So are you her mom." Mona asked her.
"No but I love her and Julian like my own."
Everyone left out the gym ready to head to the celebration party. Julian said it's at some pizza place. Mona said she's gonna call it a night.
"Please come you know I'm gonna be the outsider." I begged trying to pull her out the car.
"Julian will be there relax and have fun."
"But not to much fun and be home by 11." Dad said turning me to him. "If I don't see you by 11:02 I'm hunting somebody down."
"Ok ok got it."
"Pookie come on girl everybody leaving!"
I slowly walk over getting in his car. We drove not to long before getting to the pizza place. I didn't see any of the others cars actually it wasn't many cars at all around here.
"Where is everyone?" I asked when he came opening my door.
Ignoring my question he lead the way into the restaurant. "Hi welcome how many?" The host greets us.
"Two please."
Two? She took us to a table leaving menus.
"Uh Julian what's going on?"
"This isn't where the party is I told you a little fib." He smiled taking me hand.
"Then why are we here?"
"I wanted to just spend time with you. Now this isn't a date per say but I see it as like a pre first date."
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