#I didn't like Dona but I miss her
psi-spectacular · 12 days
I absolutely fucking LOVE your king of delugion au, I don't know if you've said anything about it before but how are people like Milla, Sasha and the Aquatos reacting to Raz being missing if you don't mind me asking?
Oh it's absolute madness in the psychonauts. I mean, It would be when one of their youngest agents goes missing and no one has seen him. Thing is, Nobody realized he was missing for a good while, since Raz tends to just. Run off and spend the night wherever. Everyone kinda assumed he was just with someone else. The agents assumed he was with his family, the family assumed he heading towards Green Needle Gulch, and so on and so forth. But once everyone realizes no one has seen him in about a week, EVERYONE panics. He's not answering his phone, it's difficult to track him down, and all they find scouring the woods he was last seen in is his bag, a broken phone, and some faded footprints. It's all hands on deck trying to track him down.
Milla felt some distress in the woods around the time he disappeared, but she didn't even realize it was him and brushed it off, so you know she feels GUILTY. She's been stuck in her meditation chamber trying to track him down and did manage to pinpoint a general area, but not without some abandonment of needs. Sasha seems more detached from the situation, but he's mostly immersed himself in the technical side to try and save him. He looks stoic but he's mostly just doing his best to separate his emotions from his work, as usual.
The Aquatos on the other hand are absolutely distressed. Dona is in a worse state than she was when Raz ran away, because this time she knows, despite trying to react how she did when Raz ran away, she can't bring herself to. She knows its not his fault, but she is PISSED at the psychonauts for losing track of her baby. Augustus is trying his best to keep everyone together, he initially was part of the search and rescue efforts in the forgetful forest, But he has started to lose a bit of hope. Dion's been insisting he doesn't care ("He'll just come back like he always does, the little jerk.") But he's been staying out late into the night searching for him so... I'll let you make your conclusions on that. Frazie's been trying her best to wrangle Tala and Queepie, who are ten now and don't seem to fully understand what's going on. They keep asking when Raz is coming back and she just... doesn't have an answer.
Lili's been doing the worst I feel. They had a fight before he disappeared, which is what lead him to cool off by taking a walk in the woods. She was texting him for days, angrily thinking he was doing the silent treatment. She was so upset she didn't even notice the commotion until her father pulled her aside to ask when was the last time she saw him. She was so distressed they stopped letting her into meetings about him, but she managed to use Harold to watch from the wayside.
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john-ts-sh-ai · 10 months
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I missed the sims 2, so here is a small snippet of events in my game ⭐ I play for different families, one of the Goth families. Cassandra Goth of the divorce realized that she was pregnant from Dona Lotario, but she did not want to return to the man who cheated on her. In order not to get depressed and move on, she opens her own Got-Shop. There she meets Malcolm Landgraab, he helps with the business and they start a relationship, they soon get married. Malcolm adopted Inflammation, replacing his father. Cassandra took a short leave of absence from the store to take care of Joseph's upbringing. On Joseph's birthday, Malcolm hosted a party attended by Cassandra's mother, Bella. Cassandra talks sweetly to her mother and tells everyone that she is pregnant, which she only recently found out about. the lot has matured and it is interesting for him to communicate with his grandmother Bella, I think they will be good friends. Unfortunately, Mortimer didn't come to the birthday party. Mortimer stopped participating in his children, most likely Dina was against their life. Anyway, Joseph was glad to see his grandmother. Birthday went well ⭐
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Can we have Pepa and Felix in their early twenty going on a super romantic date, not really smuty but really cute.
I do appreciate smut, but lately I've been wanting more fluffy and romance shit. So let's go!
"Pepi, I have a question."
"How much does a polar bear weigh?"
Pepa couldn't understand this man. You try to hang up laundry, and here this man was, giving you some kind of riddle. She chuckled as she hung up her brother's ruana. Least she didn't have to do the actual washing part, that was agony on her nails.
"I don't know, how much?"
"Enough to break the ice-let me take you on a date tomorrow."
Pepa didn't want to laugh. Really she didn't. She felt her eyes tear up a bit, and feeling sprinkles of rain against her skin. Sure, there was sun, but if he brought her to tears, that didn't matter in the slightest.
"Hey, no! I'm trying to dry my clothes, estúpido!"
She tried to ignore him as he hung up her sister's dress, but of course, he was relentless. He poked his head past the hanging laundry, giving her just the biggest smile.
"Please don't tell me that 'no' isn't towards the date, I can't take that heartbreak."
She couldn't help but feel her heart swell at him. He had a smile like the sun, the small bit of rain that tickled the baby hairs on his face, the rainbow that shone over his stupid head. She sighed, as if she was sick of him.
"Fine, fine. Only because you're kinda cute. Where are we going?"
"That's a surprise. BUT I'll give you a hint. You need to wear something you can run or climb stuff in."
"If you're telling me you're taking me on a jogging date, they'll never find your body."
Félix snorted, taking the empty basket from her, like a real gentleman.
"It's not jogging, I promise. You'll like it though, I swear."
"Like it as much as I like you?"
"Maybe. Can't say for certain, unless you tell me just how much you like me~"
He was baiting her, clearly wanting a compliment or some type of affection. And boy was he gonna get it. She hooked a finger into his shirt, and gently pulled him down to her level to kiss him. He was always so sweet, she couldn't get enough of him. He was about to try to put his fingers in her hair (Pepa liked his chest hair, he liked her braid), when they both jumped at the sound of Alma above them, on the second floor.
"Careful, you two aren't married YET!"
Félix chuckled sheepishly, giving her a bit of a wave. Pepa was SO lucky he was so charming, Alma LOVED him.
"Hola, dona Alma. You look lovely today! Como un rosa!"
Alma chuckled, making an 'oh stop it' hand motion at him.
"Thank you, Félix! Are you staying for dinner?"
"And miss a chance to look at some of the prettiest women I know? Never! Count me in!"
Pepa nudged his gut with her elbow as Alma walked away, probably getting Julieta to make more food for their extra guest.
"Oye, stop hitting on my mom!"
"What, you already call me papi, it'll be an easy transition!"
Pepa tried yet again not to laugh, even though he clearly wanted to hear it. He was ridiculous. She wrapped an arm around him, rubbing the tear from her eye with her free hand.
"You're awful. I love you."
"I love you too, Pepi. Who's cooking tonight by the way?"
"Oh I am! Julieta said she could use a break."
Félix looked scattered for a moment, before chuckling awkwardly.
"I uhm. Just remembered I need to uhm. Go...feed Julio's fish. Yep."
"Your brother doesn't have a fish."
"Uh...shit, Casita, help a guy out."
Casita took the hint, using the floor tile to push Félix towards the front of the Casita. Thunder crackled over her head as she yelled after him.
Pepa huffed as Félix made his way home. She looked towards the tile below her feet, tapping her foot angrily.
"Casita, my food isn't that bad, is it?"
Casita's tiles trembled, as if in fear, before Pepa scoffed.
"You're a house, what do YOU know?"
She held grudges more than any woman he's ever met. He arrived at the Casita, dressed and ready to go, as was Pepa, but thunder crackled over her head, and her arms folded over her chest. She looked pretty, at least, trying out a new dress with him. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, her thunder earrings jangled. Honestly, if she didn't look pissed as all hell, he'd scoop her up and tell her just how pretty she looked. Bruno piped up behind her, giving him a bit of a wave.
"Hey Félix. Pepa is mad."
"I see that. Is it about dinner?"
Pepa practically snarled at him, looking ready to throw his ass out the window.
"It's about how ungrateful your ass is. A man who doesn't want a woman to cook for him-I'm insulted!"
"Pepa, I think he's just practicing safety, you literally burnt-okay I'm sorry!"
Pepa's thunder damn near hit him, making him yelp as he jumped away from her fury. So she was mad, he could fix this. He offered a hand to her, and she stared at it in judgement, before giving it to him. He brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.
"I'm sorry I upset you. I am grateful to you. It's why I'd still want to take you out. Please?"
She wanted to keep being angry, but Pepa's face erupted in mist, showing him it worked. She, albiet with a sour look on her face, clung to his arm.
"Take me out before I change my mind."
"Of course. See you, hermano, we'll be back by tonight!"
Bruno gave a bit of a wave, looking relieved that he hadn't died, and Félix fully understood that feeling. Pepa was pretty, and she could get pretty fucking pissed at times.
"Have fun! Bring me something from the panadería!"
Félix waved him off as he walked away with Pepa, who still looked a bit irked. He nudged her a bit, making her look up at him.
"You can be mad at me if that's what you feel like. But I can promise you, this'll make you feel better."
"It better. Your cute face only gets you so far."
Félix chuckled. Call her moody, unpredictable, but boy did she look pretty at his arm like this. The clouds eventually settled as they walked on, ending with the sky being a dull, silent gray. He turned the corner, right to the orchard. The farmer there, an old family friend, nodded at him.
"Félix, Pepa! Glad you could make it. Here, take a basket, have at it."
"Gracias, really, appreciate it!"
Pepa looked confused as he handed her a basket, and walked right on in.
"Mango trees?"
"Yeah! I know you talk a lot about how your gift makes you feel. So I thought we'd take you somewhere to see just how your gift is important. Reap the fruits of your labor, so to speak."
Pepa looked at the fruits littered all over the trees, before looking at him. She didn't look angry anymore, but rather, incredibly flattered.
"That's...kinda sweet. You better not be buttering me up just to get free work out of me."
"No no! He said we can keep as much as we can fit in the baskets. We're taking it home. And at first, I was just gonna cut them up, but I thought maybe we could make something out of these. We have recipes at home, and I thought I could teach you some things. I know it's hard, I just wanna help you."
She looked conflicted, before lightly smacking his side with the basket.
"Shut up. Let's get started."
Yep, he was forgiven. He grinned as he was about to offer to help Pepa up the tree, only to look up and see she was already up there, sitting on the branch.
"How did you get UP there so fast?!"
"Bruno would get stuck in trees a LOT, SOMEONE had to get him down. Hold your basket up!"
Félix did as she said, letting her drop mango after mango into his basket. It was funny, Pepa couldn't cook, but she sure as hell knew her fruits. Only ripe ones made their way to his basket. Beautiful blends of orange and red, not a fleck of green to be seen. He looked up at her as she kept going, and she looked to be so comfortable, so in her element. Félix had been with loads of women, but none surprised him as often as she did.
"Pepa, do you need to switch?"
"Can you even climb up here, gordito?"
"Gordito-woman, say that again, I dare you!"
She looked down at him with a smirk, mango in her hands.
"Gordito. I could write it down for you, if you can't hear."
Oh that was it, she wanted to challenge him, challenge she'd get. He tossed the basket at her, and started to climb the tree. He could climb a tree no problem, but certainly not as fast as his girlfriend, she was built like a cat.
"Just you wait! When I get up there, imma kiss you! Then we'll see who-hey! How'd you do that?"
Pepa was now a couple of branches ahead of him, chuckling in clear amusement. Here she was, comfortable as hell in the tree, while he was here like a mountain man trying to catch up to her.
"Uh huh. You were saying, hombrecito?"
She was looking at him like he was a sad little puppy. So condescending, so high and mighty. He loved it, he was crazy about it even.
"I was saying, I'm gonna kiss you, and you're gonna look so dumb when you see how right I am!"
"Uh huh. Sure. The day YOU catch up to me is the day I-"
She was so busy bragging, him catching up to her and finally kissing her cheek shook her enough to make her have just the cutest squeak. He chuckled as he watched her shocked little eyes.
"A man in love does incredible things. In my case, surprising you."
She chuckled, and looked as if she was about to kiss him, before whispering against his lips.
"Bet I can beat you to the bottom."
"W-hey! No fair, you got a head start!"
He watched as Pepa practically jumped down the branches before inevitably making it back to the ground. He caught up eventually, but of course, that was enough for her to feel triumphant.
"Ah winning. It feels nice."
"You're lucky you're cute when you gloat, Pepi."
They held their respective baskets of mangos, and started to leave the orchard. He would've offered to carry it for her, but he knew she liked to pull her own weight.
"So, we're really gonna be cooking with these?"
"Yeah, mami said we could use her recipes. Feel flattered, she won't even share them with Alma. And, because I know you get kinda self concious about it,"
He spoke as he opened the door to his empty house, beaming in pride.
"I talked everyone into being out of the house for today. So it's just for us."
"Wait...you made the house empty, to cook with me? You don't want to like, have sex?"
"I love you, and I'm attracted to you. This doesn't ALWAYS mean I'll want to have sex. Sometimes showing my attraction to you is just. Being with you. Getting to admire you. If it happens, I sure as hell won't fight it, but I'm doing all of this JUST to get under your dress. I know skirts that take a LOT less work."
He heard her swear at him as he dipped into the kitchen, and god did he love her for it. She followed him, dropping the basket on the counter. She took one of them, smelling it.
"You know mami taught me how to tell they're ripe, just by smell?"
"Really? Thought you had to feel them."
"Not all the time. Here, smell. See how it smells kinda like citrus, but creamy too?"
He smelled the fruit in her hands, and nodded. He knew mangos smelled good, but didn't know you could get that specific from it.
"Huh, you're right. Alright, you know about mangos, but can you cut them?"
Pepa loved any excuse to help in the kitchen. That wasn't dishes, she hated dishes (claimed it made her nails too much of a mess), at least. She was good at cutting at least, not wasting too much of the flesh. She was good with a knife, and that information was a BIT scary.
"So I take it Julieta asks you to help her prep?"
"Oh all the time. She says I'm good with a knife. I WANT to cook, but she says I'm impatient. Which I'm not."
"You SAYING that, or you waiting for me to deny that?"
Pepa glared at him, flicking a mango skin at him. He already got mango juice all over his hands and arms, what was the difference if he got it on his shirt?
"I'm saying shut up and tell me what we're making."
He snorted, taking a second to clean his hands, before opening the recipe book his mom left at the table. He was genuinely surprised when his mom offered to use her recipes, she once punched a man who tried to touch this book.
"Let's see, let's see...we could do cobblers, pound cakes...oh! Upside down cake is my favorite one-"
"Then that one! Let's do that one!"
"You sure? It's a challenge."
The one thing this woman loved, was a challenge. He could practically see it in her eyes.
"I wanna do it! If it's something you like, I wanna do it!"
"Alright then, let's do it! First, we gotta get all the ingredients. You keep cutting, I'll get everything."
Félix dug into the cabinets and shelves for everything they'd need. Flour, baking powder, sugar, butter, and even the bourbon that the recipe called for. He brought over two skillets, and she scowled.
"Is this in case mine sucks?"
"No because we have our weight in mangos, Pepa. Now, this usually uses peaches, but mangos will have to do. So first, we need to let the mangos sit with the fruit for ten minutes, to let it soak. Let me get the measuring cups and set the ov-oh my god."
He watched as his girlfriend dumped the whole fucking bottle into the bowl, alongside WAY more mangos than what they needed. He should've stopped her, but she looked so determined and cute with her concentrated scowl, he just couldn't.
"Okay, what next?"
Oh his dad JUST bought that bottle, he was gonna kill his ass. Worth it, just to see her as excited as she was. He took a deep breath. First time cooking WITH her, and he could see why her food ended how it did. She had NO patience. But hey, she has passion! And that was important.
"Ay, alright. Okay, we need to melt some butter on the pan, on the stove. I'll do it right next to you, try to follow me, alright?"
Pepa nodded. She was doing her best, following how much butter he was using, but cranking the heat way too high. He lowered it right after she cranked it, and she scowled at him.
"Wouldn't it make it go faster?"
"It'd burn it, Pepa. You can't rush it. Good things take time. You taste more love in it that way."
Pepa pouted at him, impatient as ever.
"Sounds like you just want me to wait."
"I just want you to be patient. Trust me. It'll turn out so beautiful. It'll be worthy enough to made by hands like yours. Hands that you seriously need to wash, you're still covered in mango."
She was messy too, apparently. Not that he minded. If anything, it was precious, watching her get so excited to remember to do something so simple. He continued on, showing her how to layer the fruit, then sprinkle the brown sugar over the fruit. The fruit bubbled and cooker with the butter and the sugar and the alcohol. It smelled perfect.
"So what next?"
"Next, we do the mix. We gotta mix the butter and sugar till it's creamy. Which uh. Might take five whole minutes."
"Five whole-are you serious?!"
"I know your hands, they can manage."
Did that get him the side eye? Absolutely. But worth it, because damn was he funny. He mixed alongside her, and he could absolutely tell she was done with this already.
"You like putting me to work, that's what this is."
"Pepi, I PROMISE you, it's gonna be worth it! It's delicious, and mami makes it for Mateo every year on his birthday. It's a rarity in this house, and you'll see why."
When the mixture was FINALLY just right, he added the already mixed egg, vanilla, flour, baking powder, and a bit of salt. With some milk, the mixture was perfect. They both poured it over their buttered skillets, and added their mangos.
"It actually looks...nice."
"Wait till it's cooked. We just have to put it in, for about forty minutes."
"Jeez, why does your poor mother go through all of that? And for Mateo, he sucks."
Félix chuckled as he started to clean, letting Pepa sit there and complain. He didn't mind cleaning, so long as he got to look at her.
"Because she loves us. You should see her, she even makes her own ice cream to go with it. Patience is a beautiful thing."
"...hey Félix?"
"Does your mom hate that I can't cook?"
Félix's mother LOVED Pepa. Seriously, she was constantly hounding him to marry her already. But she didn't exactly fit in with his side of the family, just like he didn't exactly fit into hers. She was impatient, she could be super self conscious, and she couldn't make a proper meal to save her life, let alone clean or do laundry. He could understand the question, he just wished she knew exactly how much she was loved in this house.
"Not at all. If anything, she loves it, so she doesn't have to worry about you feeding me before dinner. Literally she told me the other day 'don't you pick Julieta, I don't wanna compete with her meals'. And that's just one of the many reasons why she's nuts about you."
That made her snort into her hand. He was glad that brought a smile to her face, if only for a second.
"Dios, I LOVE your mami."
"Don't tell her that to her face, it's all I'll hear for weeks."
"Like you don't already talk about me all the time."
"Hey. Don't be right in my own house."
She couldn't stop grinning, especially as he kissed her forehead, just to show he was serious. By the time he finished cleaning, the timer went off. He pulled them both out, and they looked ready. He set them on the counter, waving off some of the steam with his oven mit. Pepa looked excited, even clapping her little hands together.
"I made it! And it's not burnt! Not that I burn my food."
"Let's just agree that I'm proud of you. You did good. And we couldn't have made this without your gift. You make many beautiful things Pepa. And I know with all the rain and snow and thunder, it's hard to see it. But this? Is all you."
"Aw, Félix...well, I can only take some credit. Without you around, those damn trees wouldn't have survived."
He pulled her close to his side, just to hold her.
"It's a duel effort then. We make a good team, you and I. And damn we look good doing it."
"We REALLY do. Seriously, we're hot."
He was about to agree with her, when they both turned to the front door. His mother and father, as well as older brother, just walked in. His mother saw them in the kitchen, and immediately walked in, only to gasp at the desserts in front of them.
"Oh! Look at you two! Cooking in the kitchen! These look LOVELY! Honey, you better not be trying to replace me here."
Pepa chuckled, nudging Félix with a bit of mist against her cheeks.
"You can blame him, he made it with me. After we picked the mangos."
"Aw, well ain't that just the cutest little date! Is she staying over?"
"No, I promised Bruno I'd have her back by tonight. Sun is setting-can Pepa just take the skillet?"
His mother was on it, getting a large towel for her to carry the skillet without hurting her poor hands.
"Course she can! Do bring it back though, sweetpea, I use these damn near every day."
"Si, Señora Castillo-"
"Ah ah ah. Try that again."
"Si, mama."
"There we go!"
Félix traded the skillets while no one was looking, so she would be taking his home. He just wanted to be sure she'd have something to be proud of.
"I'll walk you home-"
His father grunted dismissively, gently shaking his head.
"I'll walk the girl home. You gotta help your mama with dinner."
"If you don't mind, Señor."
He put his hand on the small of Pepa's back, shaking his head.
"Not at all mija, I need to stretch these legs. I'll be back."
Pepa blew him a kiss as his dad took her outside, and Félix sighed.
"I feel. So guilty."
"What for, baby?"
"I swapped the cakes before she took it. This one is hers. I was just worried hers wouldn't be good. It kinda feels like I'm lying."
His mami chuckled as she patted his cheek affectionately.
"Aw honey. That's sweet of you. Don't worry, you're just being sweet. Why don't we try hers, since its here?"
Félix nodded. He gave a slice to his mother, his brother, then himself. He took a bite, and gagged. His mother coughed, taking a step back as if you told her this was from the trash. Félix winced, setting the plate down.
"Dios what IS that? It's all alcohol and...fish?"
His mom went into the fridge for some milk, to soothe her pour mouth, before chuckling.
"Oh. Honey, I think she was trying to put in vanilla, and put in fish sauce."
"When did she do that? I didn't even notice! Ugh, feels like a waste of mangos, it's inedible!"
Julio shrugged, amazingly still eating.
"I like it."
He shared a look with his mother, who just sighed.
"Julio, mijo, you can eat it if you want. I uh, don't think anyone else is going to."
"Can I take it to my room?"
"God yes, get it out of my kitchen."
Julio muttered a goodnight before grabbing the skillet, and walking away with it. His mom shook her head, chuckling softly.
"Oh that girl. You need to marry her, honeypie. She's a delight."
"...you know. I think you're right, actually."
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jayjayghost3 · 1 year
Make Your Move PT2 (Kinda) FLUFFY
Jenna Ortega x Black! Fem! Reader
Plot: (Y/N is still the same) A Few months later Jenna and Y/N are together but its private. Y/N had to wake up at night to dona music video but didn't tell Jenna, but she saw her outside when going to the store.
Song: Goosebumps ft Y/N👀
"I hate this fucking alarm" I groaned as I got up. I remembered that I had to do a music video with Travis Scott,(he's your friend btw) and I didn't mind, but I was still pissed. I got up to shower because I knew I had to move around a lot. *40 minutes later* I got out and did my hair a little before putting on these clothes and this bunny headband before leaving. I kinda liked it to be honest.
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As I was walking to the door I saw Jenna sitting on the couch. ( its 6pm) "Bye babe I gotta go" I kissed her forehead. "wait where are you going?" She asked. " I have to shoot a music video. Remember?" I said, one eyebrow up. "Oh yeah! Well bye love you!" She smiled. "Love you too." I said before leaving.
*an hour later*
Jenna P.O.V
Y/N still wasn't here and I was getting hungry and there was nothing really here. I decided to go to the store because Im hungry and bored. I went to the bathroom to shower.*30 minutes later* after I came out I fixed my hair and changed.
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i put on sunglasses and a mask because I didn't want to be surrounded by fans at the store.* 10 minutes later* after shopping I was starting to miss Y/N, as soon as I thought that I saw Y/N singing and skipping backwards. I also saw cameras so I assumed she was doing the video. I blushed at the fact that she was wearing a bunny suit but I kinda liked it too. She also had a chain holding a dog and I was scared of big dogs(aww Jenna😭) so I got in the car and drove home.
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*another hour later* I was on the couch again until I heard keys and y/n opened the door,but I blushed because she was wearing a suit and she looked so hot.
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When she opened her arms I ran to her and hugged her. "I missed you so much" I said with puppy eyes. "Don't give me those eyes,I missed you too" she said with a small chuckle before she kissed me, and I kissed her back. "Also I saw you in the street while I was walking out the store. Why were you in a bunny suit?" She looked away for a moment before answering "well that's my singer outfit. I forgot to tell you" I hummed before asking " also whats with the suit, I kinda like it" I said with a smirk"
I blushed slightly before talking. "I had an interview with travis. Now can I take this off please" I asked because she didn't let go of me. "OK but hurry because I want cuddles" she said before letting me go and I went shower. *40 minutes later* I came out the shower and changed and put my hair up.
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"OK babe come on" and said and she pulled me to the bed
"I love you"
"Love you too"
This took forever to think of. Pls give me requests besties😭
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starvingtongue · 10 months
i miss them. i miss them so much. [ for dona! ]
they had never really spoken about it. for all their conversations since Sin's defeat, for all their talk of spheres and the youth league, even with fiends spilling out of the temples and the dark aeons threatening the townsfolk, not a word was said between them about the hole they had left behind.
why would they?
both of them knew the feeling the Aeons had left behind. the hole they left behind in their souls, the very fibre of their beings. their souls once connected with the fayth now left scars across their souls. ones that would never truly heal and every summoner would continue to feel until the day they died.
it was something they never spoke about. any of them. there had been times when she had run into Isaaru. pleasantries had been exchanged, maybe a light hearted joke from his end to ease the awkwardness, he had always had an annoying sense of light-heartedness about him, and they had quickly parted ways. neither of them spoke about the tear the Fayth had left behind. there was an unspoken agreement amongst them. they would not speak of these scars that had ravaged them so deeply that Dona had barely looked towards Kilika temple without feeling a pain deep within her soul.
she wondered if that's why Isaaru went all the way to Zanarkand. while there was a constant reminder of the Final Aeon and what their pilgrimages led up to, there were no temples. there were no clergymen, no priestesses, no members of New Yevon, reminding them that their home housed a Fayth. maybe that's why she'd heard rumours of him turning Zanarkand into a tourist trap, maybe it was his way to try and plaster over the wounds the Fayth left behind. everyone had their coping mechanisms. a way for them not to speak about it.
why would they want speak about it?
some things were too painful to voice. some scars ran too deep that words weren't enough. no amount of words could convey the sheer pain of having the connection to the Fayth one second and then another not. the sheer confusion she had felt, after experiencing pain that had wracked through her body like never before, only to come to moments later to find her connection to the beings she had merged with gone. the first thing she had felt when she realised Yuna had defeated Sin was not happiness, no, it was an overwhelming sense of cold and panic. Dona couldn't put her finger on why, but the very absence of the Aeons had caused her to panic. she had managed to hide it well, feign happiness in the moment, but it had felt like someone had scooped out parts of her soul with a spoon.
she had spent days, no weeks, in an almost depression like haze after Sin's defeat. Barthello had tried to drag her out of their house in Kilika to celebrate with the rest of the village, but she had only managed a couple short hours before retreating back into their hut. sure, there was an ebb of happiness at the fringe of this, a feeling that she should be happy that Sin was gone, she should be relieved that it hadn't been her that had to do what Yuna had done, but she wasn't. she'd be a food to try and convince herself otherwise. in truth, she missed the Aeons. she missed the bond they'd shared, the power that had flowed through her veins when she summoned them. she missed bonding with them like she had never bonded with another human being. they had understood her better than anyone ever would. she had prayed and prayed and prayed at their temples to obtain their power in an effort to defeat Sin and bring peace to Spira for at least a few months. and within the span of a couple hours, with little warning, they had gone. and they had left a deep chasm in her soul that she still didn't think had closed all the way.
no amount of words could convey that to another human, Guado, or Ronso. she could count on one hand the amount of people that understood that feeling and one of them was sitting on the edge of dock in front of her.
without so much as a word or a snarky remark, Dona gently sat herself down next to Yuna. they sat so close that the fabrics of their clothes nearly touched. she could smell the traces of Yuna's shampoo, the perfume she would've put on this morning. in an uncharacteristically kind, almost soft, move on Dona's part, dark brown eyes tracing the rise and fall of the waves coming towards them, Dona put an arm around Yuna's shoulders. she wouldn't admit to anyone, not even Barthello, that her eyes had began to water moments prior. if anyone asked, she would claim it was the strong wind coming off of the ocean that was making them water. she didn't trust her own voice to get any more than the next two words out of her lips. she worried that in doing so, the tears that were building up were going to spill from her eyes.
"Me too."
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[ Formal ] - Dona
It felt really weird to think of his little sister getting married. Like, why? Why marriage?She was almost two years younger than him, and as much as he thought Lee was a nice dude, she hadn't known him long. No one had. All the culty weird shit happening and finally getting her back, and then suddenly arranging a wedding? Well, arranging moss, thanks to Shosh.
He didn't know how he was expected to curate a Southern style environment for her wedding, and he hadn't been given enough time to create a proper ecosystem. What would six more months do? But Shosh was scary when she was mad. Well, she was always a bit scary. Whenever he alluded to how fast everything was happening it seemed like the brunette nearly hexed him through the damn phone.
He knew not everyone was in love with the first girl to talk to them, practically ever, but it all seemed a little bit like a trauma response. For both of them. Since 11, he'd been raised as her big brother, and it was only right that he worry. He knew all about trauma responses. Loxley had been non-verbal for years, and Dona was getting married.
In the end there was nothing he could do. He wasn't going to exclude himself, hurting her further. She had supported him in his quiet trauma. Getting married to a great guy wasn't the worst way this could go.
He kicked off his uncomfortable vegan leather shoes as soon as the ceremony was over. Shosh shot him a fierce look, and instead of shying away like before, Loxley stuck out his tongue. She couldn't do anything to him now, and besides, how was he meant to dance if his feet hurt?
He cried loud and freely at their first dance. A married woman, but Loxley could only see Dona as a girl dressing up and playing pretend. He rubbed his face on his sleeve hastily and pulled Piper out onto the dance floor as soon as he was allowed, followed by Nate, Catelyn, Shosh, and then suddenly everyone.
Soon the dance floor was full and the formal dancing was a little less formal. Everyone clamoured to dance with Dona, but he knew he'd get a chance. He took Catelyn and dipped her, making her laugh and slap him playfully on the chest for daring. "You're behaving! Mostly." She noted his bare feet and he pretended not to notice. "It - it's fun! I'm having fun. He's a great guy." They both looked over at Lee, with his little shy smile. Dona could have done a lot worse.
He danced with Sol next, and then with Nate for a little bit. He actually missed his shoes then, the added height against him felt pretty nice. He finally got around to Lee and gave him a tight hug.
"Are you gunna threaten me... again?" He asked with a guilty look in his eyes. Loxley snorted and squeezed his brother-in-law's cheeks. "Nah. Twenty other people in this room have probably all warned you. I like you Lee! Really! You're my brother now too, and my other brother is that moron over there," He pointed at Jeremy, who was showing a giggling Sonder how to do the chicken dance. "And I'd murder anyone who fucked with that dickhead. You're on the team, bud. Loosen up!" He gave Lee a quick kiss on the cheek and laughed himself stupid at the look he was given in response. Getting to know that kid was gunna be a hoot.
He swept Piper up around her waist and pulled her into a quick but passionate kiss. She looked almost as surprised as Lee had looked a moment ago. "Oh shit! I'm glad that was you! The champagne is making people awfully kissy." She laughed, and he joined her, his lips shadowing hers until their laughing bubbled between kisses.
He felt Dona wander up behind him, and he leaned to the side to listen to what she had to say. "I'm about to throw the bouquet at her, Loxley Blair Lockhart. Seriously!" Loxley made a high pitched whining to try and drown her out and Dona matched his pitch in a playful teasing-my-sibling harmony.
He turned back to Piper giggling and her cheeks red with more than drunken blushing, so she had definitely heard. He took a hold of her cheeks in his hands and started apologise over and over but stopped in his tracks to give a wild look. "This is like, really fun though, and not as scary as I expected..." Piper had always been the girl he'd been scared to ask too much of in case he scared her off, but she returned his gaze with an equally excited one. "Shhhhhhhh!! We'll talk about it later... but yeah, it is!"
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
EoA characters + S3 Crazy Ex Girlfriend Songs
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Buzzing in the bathroom (because I already did an edit of Esteban to this over dramatic ballad)
The End of the Movie (hard life lessons and a ballad)
This session is going to be different (to Elena when he first wanted her to do all the royal duties his way. Or just have her listen to his advice)
Face your fears reprise (I just feel like this could be running through his head in King of the Carnaval)
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Buttload of Cats
He's the new guy reprise (to the Delgados in Lightning Warrior)
A diagnosis (Not so much the lyrics themselves but the whole bright leading lady 11 o'clock number reminds me a bit of Happy to be alive)
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Strip away my conscience (This probably how she seduced Victor if we're being honest. Also pre redemption Carla)
Scary Sexy Lady
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This isn't about me (monotone girl forced to sing. Yep)
The moment is me (her when she realizes they are not speaking literally and are on a whole different topic)
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Get your ass out of my house (While Luisa is very caring, we also saw how she treated Esteban. I think she'd deliver tough love like this)
Miracle of Birth
Gabe and Guards and Alonso
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Fit hot guys have problems too
Naomi and Vee
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Back in action
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I've got my head in the clouds (I finally got a song for him!)
Doña Paloma
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This is my movement (again I made an edit to this so it's the only way I can think of it now. Also it's all comically missing the point like dona herself)
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Maybe she's not a heinous bitch after all
Victor: After everything you made me do (that you didn't ask for) (to his wife)
Alonso: I go the zoo
All women: Lets generalize about men (if you’re female, you get get this song)
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Frank's Child Chapter 15 Back to Leoch
It was a strange journey back to Leoch. Frank walked alongside of Donas. Claire can tell he is exhausted. But she will not ask Jamie to let him ride in his place and for the same reason. She needs this time snuggled in her husband’s arms. What awaits them at the castle is a mystery. She will need to find time to talk to Frank. To tell him what she can't decide. The truth is she is deeply in love with Jamie. But Frank is owed her loyalty also. Her hand comes out to touch the place her child lays. Jamie's hand covers it. He whispers something in Ghaildhig to her. She doesn’t ask him to translate. He then says something she understands.
“Tha ort agam mo bhean.”
“I love you too my husband.” She whispers.
He kisses her head before sighing and turning to Frank. “We will make Leoch in an hour. Let's stop and rest. We also need to discuss what to say to Colum about you.” Frank gratefully sits down a rock. Jamie dismounts and helps Claire down. He hands Frank the flask. He nods thanks and takes a big swig before coughing hard until tears fill his eyes.
“Not water.” He gets out after a moment.
“Nae,” Jamie can’t help his smile. “Whisky. Uncut.” He takes a sip himself. He hands Claire a different flask. “Now that is water. Claire tells me it is dangerous for pregnant woman to drink spirits.” She smiles gratefully at him before drinking deeply. She then hands it to Frank. He gratefully washes down his throat.
“Claire will you let me hold you? I've missed you terribly.” She closes the distance between them but keeps ahold of Jamie's hand, offering him only a partial hug. He holds her until Jamie gently moves her back to his side.
“We need to discuss what to tell Himself. You, Frank, are the spit of Black Jack except for your short hair. We can't pretend you are not related. A brother will be believable.”
“A long lost brother who just found out how evil he is.” Claire offers.
“Brilliant mo ghaol. A poor relation who can’t and won't follow his evil ways and is seeking work until he can make his way home. Frank, do you have any skills?” His look makes it obvious he can’t see it.
“I am a scholar, a teacher.” He haughty replies.
“He is. A good one.”
“Could work. I ken Colum is looking for a tutor for Hamish. It may work.”
“Who is Hamish?”
“His son. He is seven. Have you taught children?”
“No but I am sure I can.”
“Hope so or you may find yourself shoveling out stalls in the barn.”
“I am sure he can. What about us Janie?”
“We tell him the truth. That we ken you had to be married because of the bairn. That you didn't wished joined to a old widower. That we love each other. He may be, nae, will be mad but it is done consummated,” he meets Frank's eyes, “ So he will accept it.”
“Several time.” Jamie tells him. “We will be living as a married couple at Leoch. In all ways. What Claire ultimately decides I will honor. But until the bairn comes, until the spring, to protect her, she is my wife, in fact and practice. You are a brother of Jonathan Randall. Understand?”
“To protect her. But Jamie, she will choice me and our time. It is our child.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Let's off.” He helps her back up and they start back off.
As they approach Leoch, Murtagh meets them. “Jamie, where in heaven have you been? Your uncle is furious. And, holy God, why is..?”
“It isn’t him. A long lost brother who is naught like him. Seeking employment. He hoped to get help from his brother but.. Franklin Randall meet my Godfather Murtagh. As for your other question, Claire and I went and eloped. Meet Claire Fraser.”
“Eloped! Have you lost your mind lad!”
“No. Just my heart.”
“Well she is who you need but.. Congratulations Lady Broch Tarach. Let's go face Himself.” The four of them next meet Mrs. Fritz. She is equally shocked but pleased by their marriage. When it is explained who Franklin is and what he can do, she hurries him off to get cleaned up and changed before meeting Himself. Claire is able to draw the first deep breath since she saw him.
“You two need to head directly to Himself.” She instructs. Jamie takes tight hold of her hand and leads her to Colum.
“What have done nephew!” he thunders when he sees their clasped hands.
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
Have you ever heard of Dark Water? A thriller and horror film released in July 2005 by Buena Vista that was a real box office failure, grossing just under $50 million. If it were just that, it wouldn't be worth talking much about Dark Water, but something that happened 8 years later ended up changing the situation a little. Making the movie a little more…bizarre? Or could we say that reality has become frightening? We are talking about a crime that occurred in February 2013 that resulted in the death of a young Canadian girl in mysterious circumstances similar to what was shown in Dark Water.
But let's start there in 2005, with the movie. What it is? Dark Water is a remake of a Japanese horror film called Honogurai mizu no soko kara (2002). Dahlia has just split from her ex-husband and, amid all the bureaucracy and confusion over the divorce process, custody of her only child, Ceci, comes into play. Trying to live life as best as possible and not involve the child too much in the whole story, Dahlia decides to move into a small and humble apartment with the girl, who immediately seems to love the place, although it has some precarious conditions. The first strange thing that happens to Ceci is that she finds a lost doll in the middle of the hotel. Like most children, she tries to convince her mother to keep the doll, however, she forces the girl to deliver the toy to the person in charge of the building, who says he will keep the object to give it to its owner.
Well, so far, no biggie, Dahlia and Ceci start their new life, tidy up the house, try to live as if the outside world isn't trying to separate them, but things start to get bizarre when Dahlia notices a strange black liquid falling from the roof of your home, like gutters. Since, even after complaining so much about maintenance, the young mother can't get any help, she decides to investigate for herself. Dahlia goes upstairs to her apartment and sees that an entire house is flooded with strange black water. All the faucets and showers in the residence are completely open, even though no one seems to live there. Well, the janitor promises he'll take care of everything and doesn't give much explanation, which leaves the protagonist with a flea behind her ear. But things don't stop there, the phenomenon happens again and again, until once, Ceci asks her mother for a glass of water, and when Dahlia turns on the faucet, a tuft of hair enters the glass. Angry, the woman tries to get explanations, but lame excuses reappear, making the young woman even more restless and keep trying to find out what happens in that place.
Well, remember the little doll Ceci found? This is where she becomes special in the plot. Ceci manages to rescue the so dreamed little doll from her captivity before her mother decides to leave for good and the thing takes her to the roof of the building. When they notice the girl's absence, Dahlia and the caretaker begin a frantic search for the girl, since that doll will belong to a child who had also disappeared in that building. They find Ceci at the foot of a huge water tank, saying that the doll's owner is inside. Yes, my dears, after Dahlia goes upstairs to see what her daughter was talking about, she finds the decomposing body of the little girl who was missing, the owner of the toy. Not only that, it is discovered that the caretaker knew about the young woman's death and was covering up the facts.
I was about 10 years old when I first saw Dark Water. I confess that I was always a child in love with horror and thriller shows, however, I could never imagine what would happen a few years later. As mentioned before, a sinister event happened 8 years after the release of this film, a crime that, to this day, has no convincing explanation. Many believe that the possible perpetrator of the crime was inspired by the story of the movie Dark Water to commit this horrible crime. Others claim it was just a coincidence. And there are still those who dedicate the credits for the feat to a supernatural entity. Well, all we know is that the case was closed as “accidental drowning”, which is, in fact, quite doubtful. Is this a case where fiction inspired reality? I'll tell the story below and draw your own conclusions.
Elisa Lam was a young Canadian university student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She was just 22 years old when she decided to go on vacation to Los Angeles at the bizarre Cecil Hotel. The coincidences already start there, since the name of the little girl from Dark Water is Ceci. As if that wasn't enough, the Cecil Hotel is known for having been the scene of crimes and inhabited by serial killers. Not very good fame, right? An extra curiosity is that he was the inspiration for the fifth season of American Horror Story. But, let's get back to the story. On February 19th, something really strange was captured by the security cameras in the place. You can see Elisa hurrying into an elevator and pressing a few buttons on the dashboard. She looks out carefully, as if something or someone is chasing her, then goes back inside the elevator. She spent some time doing this, checking outside, going back into hiding, until she just walked out, kind of scared. This is the last record of the young woman and it greatly intrigued the authorities. Is Elisa being chased
The truth is that nobody knows, as there were no cameras that showed all the corridors. The young woman disappeared and was never seen again, which caused a great stir in the US and Canadian media. A real effort was made in hopes of finding the girl, who, unfortunately, was already dead since the day she disappeared. But… what about the body? How was it found? It turns out that, a while later, some guests started complaining about the water that was coming out of their taps. She looked a bit cloudy, with an inexplicable stench, something was just wrong. After a while (and piles of complaints), those responsible for maintaining the building went to the water tank, which was on the terrace, to see what was going on. They opened the heavy lid and there they found the young woman's body, which was already entering a state of decomposition. Yes, for a few days, the water with Elisa's remains was being channeled to all the apartments in the place.
The question that remained in the air was: What happened? The video released in the media drew a lot of attention. Elisa was behaving strangely inside an elevator also behaving strangely (since it didn't close while the young woman was inside). This could have been caused by a strong bipolar crisis, an illness from which Elisa suffered. This disorder can indeed cause hallucinations in severe cases, however, the young woman seemed to be in good health and had not had a crisis for months. Another thing that raises questions about the final report, “accidental drowning”, is the way in which the body was found. She was completely naked, with her belongings and clothes floating next to her in the water tank. The box had an extremely heavy lid, which made it almost impossible for her to have, by herself, opened, entered and closed the place. If she threw herself, how did she close? Another thing that caught our attention was that the doors to the terrace were always closed, as a security measure.
Well, the truth is that there are many theories that try to explain what happened to the young Elisa Lam, but the only thing that is certain is that this strange and bizarre coincidence with the movie Dark Water exists. You may not be aware of this, but in some parts of the world there are sects that desperately try to commit crimes inspired by other crimes or movies. Something really sick and macabre.
This story is the first of several that should appear during Halloween month. So if you like horror movies and series, keep an eye out. Many curiosities are to come! Você já ouviu falar em Dark Water? Um filme de suspense e horror lançado em julho de 2005 pela Buena Vista e que foi um verdadeiro fracasso de bilheteria, arrecadando pouco menos de 50 milhões de dólares. Se fosse só por isso, nem valeria a pena falar muito de Dark Water, mas algo que aconteceu 8 anos depois acabou mudando um pouco a situação. Deixando o filme um pouco mais… bizarro? Ou poderíamos dizer que a realidade ficou assustadora? Estamos falando de um crime ocorrido em fevereiro de 2013 que resultou na morte de uma jovem canadense em circunstâncias misteriosas e similares ao que foi mostrado em Dark Water.
Mas vamos começar lááá no ano de 2005, com o filme. Do que se trata? Dark Water é um remake de um filme de terror japonês chamado Honogurai mizu no soko kara (2002). Dahlia acabou de se separar de seu ex-marido e, em meio a toda a burocracia e confusão por causa do processo de divórcio, a guarda de sua única filha, Ceci, entra em jogo. Tentando levar a vida da melhor forma possível e não envolver muito a criança na história toda, Dahlia decide se mudar para um pequeno e humilde apartamento com a menina, que logo de cara parece adorar o local, embora ele tenha certas condições precárias. A primeira coisa estranha que acontece a Ceci, é ela encontrar uma boneca perdida no meio do hotel. Como boa parte das crianças, ela tenta convencer sua mãe a ficar com a boneca, no entanto, ela força a menina a entregar o brinquedo para o responsável pelo prédio, que diz que guardará o objeto para entrega-lo a sua dona.
Bom, até ai, nada demais, Dahlia e Ceci começam sua nova vida, arrumam a casa, tentam viver como se o mundo lá fora não estivesse tentando separa-las, mas as coisas começam a ficar bizarras quando Dahlia repara um estranho liquido negro caindo do teto de sua residência, como goteiras. Como, mesmo depois de tanto reclamar a manutenção, a jovem mãe não consegue ajuda, ela decide investigar por si mesma. Dahlia sobe até o andar superior ao seu apartamento e vê que uma casa inteira está inundada com uma estranha água negra. Todas as torneiras e chuveiros da residência estão completamente abertos, mesmo que ninguém pareça morar ali. Bom, o zelador promete que vai cuidar de tudo e não dá muitas explicações, o que deixa a protagonista com uma pulga atrás da orelha. Mas as coisas não param por ai, o fenômeno volta a acontecer repetidas vezes, até que, certa vez, Ceci pede para a mãe um copo de água e, quando Dahlia abre a torneira, um tufo de cabelo entra no copo. Revoltada a mulher tenta conseguir explicações, mas desculpas esfarrapadas voltam aparecer, fazendo com que a jovem fique ainda mais inquieta e continue tentando descobrir o que acontece naquele lugar.
Bom, se lembra da bonequinha que Ceci encontrou? É aqui que ela se torna especial na trama. Ceci consegue resgatar a tão sonhada bonequinha de seu cativeiro antes que sua mãe decida ir embora de vez e a coisa a leva até o terraço do prédio. Quando notam a ausência da pequena, Dahlia e o zelador começam uma busca frenética pela menina, uma vez que aquela boneca pertencerá a uma criança que também havia desaparecido naquele prédio. Eles encontram Ceci aos pés de uma enorme caixa d’água, dizendo que a dona da boneca está lá dentro. Pois é, meus caros, depois que Dahlia sobe para ver do que a filha estava falando, ela encontra o corpo em decomposição da menininha que estava desaparecida, dona do brinquedo. Não só isso, é descoberto que o zelador sabia sobre a morte da jovem e estava acobertando os fatos.
Eu tinha cerca de 10 anos quando vi Dark Water pela primeira vez. Confesso que sempre fui uma criança apaixonada pelos programas de terror e suspense, no entanto, eu nunca poderia imaginar o que aconteceria alguns anos após. Como já dito anteriormente, um fato sinistro aconteceu 8 anos depois do lançamento desse filme, um crime que, até hoje, não tem uma explicação convincente. Muitos acreditam que o possível autor do delito tenha se inspirado na história do filme Dark Water para cometer esse crime horrível. Outros alegam que foi apenas uma coincidência. E tem ainda quem dedique os créditos do feito a uma entidade sobrenatural. Bom, tudo que sabemos é que o caso foi encerrado como “afogamento acidental”, o que é, de fato, bem duvidoso. Seria esse um caso em que a ficção inspirou a realidade? Contarei a história a seguir e tirem suas conclusões vocês mesmos.
Elisa Lam era uma jovem universitária canadense, estudante da Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica, em Vancouver. Ela tinha apenas 22 anos quando decidiu ir passar as férias em Los Angeles, no bizarro Cecil Hotel. As coincidências já começam aí, uma vez que o nome da menininha de Dark Water é Ceci. Como se não bastasse, o Cecil Hotel é conhecido por já ter sido palco de crimes e habitado por assassinos em série. Uma fama não muito boa, né? Uma curiosidade extra é que ele foi a inspiração para a quinta temporada de American Horror Story. Mas, voltemos para a história. No dia 19 de fevereiro, uma coisa realmente estranha foi captada pelas câmeras de segurança do local. É possível ver Elisa entrando apressada em um elevador e apertando alguns botões no painel. Ela olha para fora cuidadosamente, como se algo ou alguém estivesse a perseguindo, logo depois, volta para dentro do elevador. Ela passa algum tempo fazendo isso, verificando do lado de fora, voltando a se esconder, até que simplesmente saí, meio assustada. Esse é o último registro que se tem da jovem e intrigou bastante as autoridades. Estaria Elisa sendo perseguida?
A verdade é que ninguém sabe, pois não haviam câmeras que mostrassem todos os corredores. A jovem desapareceu e nunca mais foi vista, o que causou uma grande comoção na mídia estadunidense e canadense. Um verdadeiro mutirão foi feito na esperança de encontrar a menina, que, infelizmente, já estava morta desde o dia de seu desaparecimento. Mas… e o corpo? Como foi encontrado? Acontece que, um tempo depois, alguns hospedes começaram a reclamar sobre a água que estava saindo de suas torneiras. Ela parecia meio turva, com um mal cheiro inexplicável, algo simplesmente estava errado. Depois de um tempo (e pilhas de reclamações), os responsáveis pela manutenção do prédio foram até a caixa d’água, que ficava no terraço, para verificar o que estava acontecendo. Eles abriram a pesada tampa e lá encontraram o corpo da jovem que, que já estava entrando em estado de decomposição. Sim, durante alguns dias, a água com os restos mortais de Elisa estava sendo canalizada para todos os apartamentos do local.
A pergunta que ficou no ar foi: O que aconteceu? O vídeo divulgado na mídia chamava muito a atenção. Elisa estava com um comportamento estranho dentro de um elevador também com um comportamento estranho (já que ele não se fechava enquanto a jovem estava lá dentro). Isso poderia ter sido causado por uma forte crise de bipolaridade, doença da qual Elisa sofria. Esse transtorno pode sim causar alucinações em casos graves, no entanto, a jovem parecia bem de saúde e não tinha uma crise havia meses. Outra coisa que levanta questionamentos sobre o laudo final, “afogamento acidental”, é a forma como o corpo foi encontrado. Ela estava completamente nua, com seus pertences e roupas flutuando junto a ela na caixa d’água. A caixa tinha uma tampa extremamente pesada, o que tornava quase impossível ela ter, sozinha, aberto, entrado e fechado o local. Se ela se jogou, como fechou? Outra coisa que chamou a atenção foi que as portas de acesso ao terraço ficavam sempre fechadas, como medida de segurança.
Bom, a verdade é que existem muitas teorias que tentam explicar o que aconteceu com a jovem Elisa Lam, mas a única coisa que se tem certeza é que essa estranha e bizarra coincidência com o filme Dark Water existe. Talvez você não tenha conhecimento disso, mas em alguns lugares do mundo existem seitas que tentam, desesperadamente, cometer crimes inspirados em outros crimes ou em filmes. Algo realmente doentio e macabro.
Essa matéria é a primeira de várias que devem aparecer durante o mês do Halloween. Por isso, se você gosta de filmes e séries de terror, fique de olho. Muitas curiosidades estão por vir! RIP Elisa Lam. A memory for eternity.
We will never forget you. RIP Elisa Lam. Uma memória para a eternidade.
Jamais iremos te esquecer.
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[ Brush ] - Catelyn
"M' dad used to braid my hair." Loxley mumbled quietly. The two of them stopped what they were doing to stare at him. Loxley only talked in his sleep, and it was normally not very clear or very nice. Catelyn composed herself long before Dona, who sat at the stool next to the kitchen bench, half her hair in puffs of coarse, curly hair, and half of it braided neatly. He sat with them most of the time, taking everything in with dark, sad eyes, but he perked up at braiding time. He liked the smells of the little pots of various potions to help with their hair. Hair seemed like an important ritual to them and he never wanted to intrude, but he couldn't help being curious. Cat never pushed him to participate in anything they did, but she always encouraged his curiosity.
"Do you want to go next?" She asked casually, trying not to make it seem like the big deal that it was. Loxley nodded eagerly. Dona made a small excited squeak before Cat could click her tongue at her. It was best not to make a big deal, or he might get scared off.
Like a wounded animal, Loxley bristled when Cat first brushed her fingers through his hair. He felt a pang of guilt, of shame, of mourning. He missed his dad. Not his mum. More guilt. She still shouldn't have had to die like that... maybe. He felt a bit sick, but Dona pulled a chair right up next to him and sat with her knees touching his. "Can we match?" She asked her mother. The hair at the front of her head ran in rows to meet with two perfect puffballs in the back. Cat laughed before she could catch herself.
"Uh, no. Loxley's hair won't do that, sadly. He has a little curl, but nothing like that." Dona's shoulders sagged, but Loxley was undeterred. His braids had never looked like Dona's anyway. Cat played with Loxley's hair for a couple of minutes, brushed a few different things into it, and gave a small frustrated sigh. He looked back at her with a curious frown, and both Dona and Cat knew how to read his expressions by then.
"Oh, I've only ever braided black women's hair before honey, I'm just not sure what to do." She explained to him slowly, choosing her words carefully so he wouldn't scurry away. But by then, his trust was built. He snapped his fingers in the direction of Cat's phone, and Dona retrieved it faithfully. He started typing, "how to do a crown braid on straight hair." A video came up. Dona had shown him YouTube tutorials for months by then. Cat beamed. "Of course!"
He beamed with pride, his shoulders back, and stayed very still while they learned a new way to show love. He even wore a bonnet like Dona and Cat did, but it still didn't last very long. Loxley came to Cat in the morning of the third day, his blonde curls falling around his face. He was pulled into a tight hug while his foster mum tried not to cry with him. "It's okay! It's okay, I promise. It just means we can do it again! It's okay." She brushed tears from his eyes and Loxley felt little arms grab him around the waist, her head tucked against his back. "Can I have a turn braiding?" Dona piped up.
It was one of his fondest memories, and one of the first times he felt true peace after the trauma of losing everything he ever knew.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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A Strange New World Chapter 18 Battling Demons
“Mary, we know I have scars, deep inside, from the war. Ma and da, Jamie and Claire, are trying to help me with them and they are. But it is only when I am with you that I feel whole. You bring light Mary.”
“I feel the same Willie. To be comfortable with someone after Robert. But I know he was battling his own demons.”
“Aye. It is tough. I will ne' hurt you or Rabbie, I swear it..” They kiss again, slow and deep. “Mary, it is getting late. You and the lad are welcome to stay, of you wish. Join my family and I for church.”
“I will stay but not in your room.”
“Nae,” he seems shocked she was suggesting it.”I would ne' suggest such. Your reputation will be protected. I must warn you, Claire and I may bave nightmares.”
“Why Claire?” They have started walking back..
“She was married to a evil man. My family took her in and she and Jamie fell in love. They will marry in time. But her demons still haunt her.”
“Poor lass.”
She leaves the following afternoon. She has to get ready for work and Rabbie needs his own bed. She is surprised at her reluctance to leave Willie. He comes up to his brother, working with their new filly, Brimstone.”
“Are you and Claire going to the movies Friday?”
“Aye, Claire likes them after her first shocked reaction.”
“Good. Is it alright if Mary and I come along?”
“Of course.it is going well then?”
“Aye. Verra. Better then it is with Donas and..”
“Every other filly bare Brimstone here. But she is nae for mating. Da brought her for Claire.”
“Did I hear my name. I brought sandwiches. I fear you two will waste away out here, least I feed you.”
“Like manna from heaven love.” He takes a sandwich. Willi does to before slipping out.
“I have to go to the doctor today. Have to be checked for the..”
“You know that is not your fault, right. That it is only the fault of the Randalls.” She nods. “It will be okay love. I know having a doctor look well, canna be comfortable but ye had tears from..He needs to see they are healed.”
It is easier then before. She knew what to expect, which helps. “Miss Beauchamp,” Dr. Abernathy asks. “You said you had three miscarriages?”
“Yes. One a few months after the wedding, one six months later, and one right before I left.”
“Okay, any headaches, vomiting, dizziness, swelling, or fever?”
“All okay doctor?” a concerned Ellen asks.
“I just want to do a through exam. Take blood and do an ultrasound. I want to make sure the syphilis didn’t affect her fertility.”
“It is okay Claire.” She trusts her and nods.
The nurse comes in to draw blood. She holds tight to her ma's hand and let's her. Then she brings a machine in. Claire moves away. “It looks inside you. Sees your internal organs.” It doesn't sooth her but ma says it is okay so..
They lay her down and push her shirt up under her breast and pulls her pants part way down. She places a strange gel on her belly and places a wand over her, running it around. “Miss Beauchamp, have you missed any periods?” she looks blankly at her.
“Your cycle.” Ma explains.
“Oh. It has been strange since my last miscarriage. Why?”
“Well, you will be having a son in the spring.”
“What! I can not! I haven’t ma, I promise!”
“Go get the doctor, please.” She hurries off to do it. He returns and looks at the picture on the ultrasound machine.
“As I suspected. There were changes to her cervix.”
“I haven’t been with a man in five months. How can I..”
“You are four months along. The miscarriage must have been twins. You lost one and keep his brother. A strong healthy boy.” He turns the monitor around so she can see.
“I didn't know.” She is crying and he thinls it tears of joy.
“We missed it at the hospital too. Mrs. Fraser you didn't notice the weight gain?”
“She was malnourished when she came to us. I put it down as her just regaining the weight she should have had.”
“Ah. Well we will put you on pre natal supplements and see you back in a month. Congratulations Miss Beauchamp.” She is to shocked to thank him. She cries all the way home and then goes to her room to weep on the bed. She passes Jamie without a word. He goes to find his ma.
“What is wrong with Claire? Bad news from the doctor ?”
“Go and fetch your da. I will tell you together.” He runs to do it. When they are gathered she says. “Claire is pregnant.”
“Pregnant! I swear da on the Holy book and through all the saints we have done not but kiss.”
“She is four months. She has only been here three.” Ellen quickly says.
“It is Randalls!” he feels his heartbreak for her. “Christ! What can we do to help?” he already knows what he will do.
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