#I didn't really need to include the bts paragraph bc it's not what you asked
gimmethatagustd · 6 months
Just read Sunday Smut Bookclub! I loved it so much!! As someone who is still a virgin at almost 30 and is trying to parse out whether that’s due to being asexual or demisexual or something like that or if it’s the body insecurity and anxiety, I literally cried. Like if I could trust someone to treat me like Namjoon treats Yoongi to help me figure that all out ????? Or if I felt confident enough to just ask for what I want and need straight out like Yoongi did in this???
The line “Yoongi loves fics like those. They feel how Namjoon’s hands feel when he holds the small of Yoongi’s back and cradles the side of his face when he pulls him into a kiss” took me all the way out!!! Really the whole paragraph before about the way reading fic can make you feel comforted in general I related to and then that transfer of that comfort to this sexual situation!!!! Yo, like… 🥹🥹🥹🥹
But this fic definitely made me laugh too! Literally laughed out loud reading “Can I eat you out” “Oh, uh, ya.”
And the meta-ness was really fun! I didn’t read the authors note going in so I was surprised at BTS showing up and vocal line being members. I also write fic (though I haven’t published anything yet, I might sometime, but right now it’s just getting my thoughts and ideas out and most of my stories don’t have endings lol), and also (like Yoongj described) kind if stop at that moment before smut happens or gloss over it. Like I have one really great Namjoon reader insert scene that I love but that’s the only one I’ve been able to do with any sort of satisfaction and idk how I got in the mindspace to do it lol. So I related so hard in so many ways!!!
Bc I didn’t read the author’s note I dove into it thinking it’d be a nice lunch break smut reading sesh but was pleasantly surprised with how else it impacted me! Thanks so much for writing and sharing this!!!!
hi friend, sorry it has taken me a while to respond to your ask. i read it and immediately gushed to my partner about it (i talked to them about that fic cuz it holds a lot of my personal feelings about physical intimacy in it), and i wanted to kind of sit with it until i felt like i could give you a proper response and not just the unhinged shit i normally respond to feedback with
i'm so happy that it left an impact on you! normally i write fics just cuz i love writing silly little stories (i'm sure you understand since you said you write too!) BUT with this fic i genuinely thought as i was writing, "i really hope people appreciate this" - not because i wanted praise or anything, but an appreciation for being able to either 1) relate to the content or 2) open their eyes to a new way of looking at smut in fanfic and also just simply a sexual orientation that we honestly ignore in the fanfic community imo. i rarely see asexual representation, and so much of fanfic is about smut
like no shade !! most of my fics include smut, and pretty graphic smut, but it's exhausting to write as someone on the ace spectrum, and i think a lot of readers don't realize that. it genuinely takes a lot of effort, and not just cuz we want to write it well, but just... the whole thing is not what we're used to (and also as a virgin i'm sure it's an even more complicated thing to work through). add in some good ole gender dysphoria and YIKES what an experience
like, i haven't had sex with a cis man since 2019 kshdfkjs and yet here i am, dick-in-pussy'ing all over tumblr.com
ANYWAY thank you for sharing this. i hope you're able to work through how you feel with your sexuality. it's def a journey. and also it's important to know that 1) sexuality is a spectrum and 2) if you never have sex or have sex but are never truly into it like most people are, that's ok too! i wrote namjoon as this soft, accepting guy cuz i didn't want yoongi to suddenly like sex just cuz he hooked up with a hot guy. he walked away still unwilling to have sex in the future, and namjoon is cool with that. no one should ever make you feel bad for not wanting to have sex
but also, i would do anything kim taehyung asked me to do, so, sometimes there can be exceptions jdhfkjs 🤪
if you ever post your fic, i'd love to read it! and if you ever need help writing smut, i'm happy to talk to you about it 💜
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mizugucci · 2 years
hiii you seem like a pretty chill and unproblematic person, so I wanted to ask (since you stan svt but I'm not sure about bts): how you deal with fandom toxicity? as a multi, I'm really tired of seeing fandoms I'm in bashing each other and it makes me feel like dropping everything and never listen to kpop ever again...
hey there! first, thank you for the compliment lol but to tell you the truth I'm not entirely the best person to ask advice for this? and what I mean by that is I have entirely cultivated my online experience, and I only see what I want to see. I'm aware of a lot of toxicity in fandoms, especially bigger ones, but I rarely personally see it on my dash, so it's hard to give you advice on how to deal with actually seeing the toxicity and/or interacting with it.
really, the only thing I can say is to pick your battles and if ignoring or blocking the main culprits can help, then so be it. I've found it's quite easy to be oblivious to (most) toxicity if the only people I'm interacting with are the ones I trust not to participate in such things, especially if I'm only on tumblr. twitter is a different story, but if you're able to curate who you follow and you avoid searching in tags, that should be relatively okay as well.
I also want to mention that these fights have nothing to do with you, or even the majority of fans. if you're able to grow thick skin or acknowledge that those fights are not your fights, and that most likely they don't represent all fans, I think it'll be a bit easier to withstand such things. of course it's harder than it sounds, but to see such awful things and think, "hey, that's their problem. this toxicity is on them" would lessen the burden, I'm sure.
by the way, it's totally okay if you do feel tired and want to quit listening to kpop... this is a fun hobby, it's not a job and it's not required for you to give your time to it. if it's exhausting, then take a break -- it shouldn't be like that. the same goes for multis! if you find yourself liking a group less, don't feel bad. you only have so much time and energy to go around, so you should spend it with who you want without any guilt.
you should also not feel any guilt about liking a group less because of their fans. it's human nature to dislike something because of other people, whether it be because of toxicity or because of the "i liked them before they were popular" mindset. it just... happens. I can attest to that personally, as I used to be a huge army in 2015-2018ish until other fans drove me from stanning bts. sometimes you just gotta acknowledge how you feel and move on, because it's never going to feel the same. people are always going to be nostalgic for the good ole days and that includes kpop, but it's best to stay in the present.
I hope at least some of that makes sense, lol. my main point for you is to curate your time online to your benefit, acknowledge that other fans are not you, and to understand that liking kpop is purely a hobby.
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